Valet service mode: what is it, how easy it is to enable and disable

Good day to all! Modern car alarms provide a fairly extensive range of functions. The motorist may not even be aware of some of them, while many do not use the capabilities of others. And this is not entirely correct from the position of maximum vehicle protection. Many people have heard about the Valet mode, but not everyone knows what it is and why it is needed in an alarm system.

This mode is popularly known as service mode. I suggest you understand its features, understand what it is used for, how to enable and disable it.

Interestingly, there are usually many more difficulties with disabling Jack than with activating it. But it’s still easier than turning off the alarm without a key fob, as we recently talked about.

What it is

Valet mode or simply service mode is widely used in car alarms of various configuration levels and budgets. When this mode is activated, key functions that perform vehicle protection tasks are deactivated. That is, in fact, the car is not protected. This mode is used in situations where the car is safe; it is impossible to disarm it completely, but it is also not worth turning off the system entirely. A striking example is the transfer of a car to a car service center. By turning on the Valet, the alarm will not go off and the technician will have access to the interior, trunk or engine compartment without any problems. In this case, the keychain remains with you.

Valet mode what is it Auto-master

Valet mode is a special safe alarm operating mode in which external interference with the operation of the security device is impossible. When the alarm is switched to service mode, it disables radio tags, secret keys and other alarm control functions.

The Valet service mode is necessary, first of all, when transferring the car to a service center to carry out any technical work. You will also need it in the event of loss or breakdown of the alarm control key fob to emergency disable the security mode, as well as to configure individual functions of the security device.


Be sure to put your security system into service mode every time you transfer your car to third parties, during repairs, washing or service.

What is Valet mode and how to use it? We consider and describe

Many car enthusiasts are interested in knowing what Valet mode is among the many functions of modern alarm systems. It is quite difficult to understand absolutely all the options for car safety systems that have been released recently. First of all, when choosing an alarm, you should pay attention to a number of basic functions:

  • The level of protection of the car, that is, the availability of options responsible for the safety of the vehicle;
  • The number of locks and the presence of additional anti-theft capabilities;
  • Possibility of additionally equipping the security system with an immobilizer, GPS and other modernized devices.

How to disable Valet mode on Tomahawk alarm system

Standard disabling of the Valet Tomahawk mode is performed in the same way using the key fob or service key. When asked how to remove the Zz indication from the remote control screen, there are two ways to proceed.

Through a keychain.

To deactivate the mode, you need to simultaneously press the buttons where the icons are shown:

  • key;
  • crossed out speaker;
  • trunk lid.

If the sequence of actions is performed correctly, the car will chirp and blink its dimensions once and the corresponding symbol will disappear on the pager screen.

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Via the Override key.

You can similarly disable the option using the service button. Standard sequence of actions:

  • open the car with the key and sit in the driver's seat;
  • press the service key three times in a row;
  • insert the key into the ignition cylinder and turn it to the “preparing to start” position;
  • in this case, the security complex will produce 3 chirps and headlight flashes;
  • if you need to disable the option, after confirmation you should click on override one more time;
  • when turned off, the car will blink its lights twice and chirp;
  • turn off the ignition and remove the key from the lock.

If the sequence of actions is correct, after exiting the service mode, the car will blink 5 times and “squeak.” After this, the Valet option will be disabled.

How the button works

The button is used when the alarm is enabled or disabled. When you press a key, a command signal is generated that triggers certain functions. This switches the software into a special operating mode, disabling some of the security options. The algorithm is laid down at the stage of writing programs, and the owner cannot change it. Pressing again returns the security system to standard operating mode.

When using the button while the alarm is on, it is possible to temporarily deactivate the alarms. According to the developers, during this time the owner should calmly enter an individual code and unlock the system. If it does not fit within the allotted time interval, the alarm sounds.

Activating Valet mode

To clarify the procedure for managing the service mode, it is recommended to refer to the operating instructions. Alarms of the same model have been produced for a long time and have different software options, so the activation of Valet mode may vary.

When the service mode is activated, information icons may appear on the key fob displays. For example, the Sheriff ZX-940 system uses an icon in the form of the letter V in a rectangle, which is active while the security complex is in this mode. The Starline alarm uses an icon in the shape of a wrench for indication.

To enable the service mode in car alarms, you need to press the push-button switch or activate the option remotely using a combination of buttons on the key fob. Below are the procedures for turning on and off modes on some common brands of alarms.

Activating Jack mode on Alligator

Enabling the service mode on the Alligator security system:

  1. Disable security and get behind the wheel.
  2. Turn the key to the On position, and then return it to the Off mark.
  3. Then the owner has 15 seconds, during which he must press the button and hold it pressed for two seconds. It is possible to turn on the mode remotely by long-term (three seconds) simultaneous pressing of two keys on the key fob.
  4. The system will turn on a single short siren signal. It is then activated by a constant diode indicating the alarm status.

When the ignition is turned off and the Valet service mode is turned on, the Alligator system sounds a double warning beep. The manufacturer does not recommend operating the alarm with the Valet mode activated.

Activating Jack mode on Sheriff

Enabling the mode in modern Sheriff systems is done as follows:

  1. Press the button with the letter F on the key fob twice. In this case, the system should be in the disarmed mode. After this, the icon on the screen will be activated and blink.
  2. Press the F key again to display the status menu, which defaults to Off.
  3. Select the On position in the menu and confirm turning on the mode by pressing the F button.
  4. You can verify that the mode is activated by the icon on the display and the constantly lit status indicator.

Disabling Valet mode

Disabling the service on the Alligator L430 “signaling” is performed as follows:

  1. Turn the ignition system on and off.
  2. Press the button and hold for two seconds (pressing must be done no later than 15 seconds after turning off the ignition). To turn off remotely, press two buttons on the control panel simultaneously for three seconds.
  3. Wait for two short beeps from the siren and the control diode turns off.

Disabling the service mode on Sheriff systems is performed using a procedure similar to activation. You need to switch the parameter in the state selection menu to Off and confirm the selection by pressing the F button.

Video: how to fix the autorun problem?

The Arman Ormanuly channel made a video in which it explained what to do if the car engine does not start in autostart mode

  • Enabling and disabling Valet mode on Sherkhan alarm systems 5, 6, 7, 9 series

The content of the article

Good day to all! Modern car alarms provide a fairly extensive range of functions. The motorist may not even be aware of some of them, while many do not use the capabilities of others. And this is not entirely correct from the position of maximum vehicle protection. Many people have heard about the Valet mode, but not everyone knows what it is and why it is needed in an alarm system.

This mode is popularly known as service mode. I suggest you understand its features, understand what it is used for, how to enable and disable it.

Interestingly, there are usually many more difficulties with disabling Jack than with activating it. But it’s still easier than turning off the alarm without a key fob, as we recently talked about.

Error codes on the alarm key fob

The main Starline alarm key fob may produce certain errors indicating a system malfunction. Some of them are directly connected to the service key. In particular:

  1. OS7;
  2. SIA.

If the first of them may indicate a general malfunction of the key, then the second indicates that the system is in Super Slave mode, which requires shutdown. To do this, you need:

  • turn off the power;
  • hold down Valet and apply power;
  • after the siren ends, release the key;
  • press it four times;
  • after the beep, press again;
  • press Jack again;
  • turn on the ignition.

You can easily find out about other errors that may be associated with the device from the table in the manufacturer’s instructions.

How to enable and disable Valet mode

Valet mode is one of the service modes of car alarms. Using this button you can quickly disable all alarm functions. For example, it can be used when repairing a car in a car service.

Activation methods

There are actually not very many methods for activating the mode - only two, in particular, you can enable it in the following ways:

  • Push-button option. In this case, you need to sit in the driver's seat, start and stop the engine. Then, after waiting about 10 seconds, you should turn on the Valet button by pressing it and holding it in this position for several seconds. As a rule, the alarm emits a corresponding sound signal, which confirms activation, and the indicator light lights up.
  • Activation by standard car alarm remote control. In this case, you must first make sure that the security system is disabled and disarmed. Then the procedure is similar to point 1, with the only difference that you need to press not the Valet button itself, installed in the cabin, but the button on the car alarm key fob.

Note. In different types of car alarms, different symbols may be used on the key fob screen to confirm the activation of the service mode. And also, when you try to turn on the ignition, the system will give a corresponding signal when the Valet mode is on, notifying you that the alarm in the car is disabled.

It is also worth keeping in mind that when Valet mode is activated, not all functions of the security system are disabled. The main emergency modes are usually not disabled. This primarily applies to the “Panic” mode, when you need to activate the alarm in the car immediately.

Deactivation methods

Exiting the service mode is basically the same for security systems of different brands. There are several stages of deactivation:

  • You need to get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
  • Start and stop the engine.
  • After 10 seconds, you need to press and hold the button for a few more seconds, then select the “Off” position.
  • When using the remote method, you need to simultaneously press the lock and speaker buttons on the key fob for about 4 seconds.

If everything is done correctly, the car alarm will give a corresponding signal to disable the service mode - this can be either an audio alert or a graphic display on the key fob.

Disabling valet mode

If the machine shows signs that the Valet mode is active, or the corresponding indicator is displayed on the control panel, it will need to be turned off.

In fact, in almost all cases, an identical method is used to deactivate the service mode. But it is still better to clarify this in the instructions.

Functions of the jack button and how to use the button mechanism

A modern car alarm without a jack button is like a car without a steering mechanism. This miniature device will allow the driver to solve the following tasks:

  • emergency shutdown of the car alarm - if it cannot be turned off in the usual way;
  • car alarm programming;
  • turning off the siren in case of discharge or breakage of the key fob.

To quickly find a button in a car dealership and turn off a screaming siren, you need to know its precise location

location. The jack button, which has the indispensable override function, is connected to a thick, orange wire. Depending on the alarm model, it may be darker or lighter, and also have brown stripes.

In order to use the push-button mechanism as intended and use the jack switch as intended, you need to go through a few simple steps. If the car alarm works for no reason, the siren breaks, and you can’t use the key fob, you should do the following:

  • open the car door and get to the place where the push-button mechanism is located;
  • make the required number of presses on the button while maintaining a certain interval - for each car alarm it is indicated in the instructions;
  • enter a special code for the system - it can be two-digit or three-digit, most often it is 11, 111, 123.

After these steps, the siren signal will be completely turned off and using the jack you can reprogram the car alarm in a new way. The override system always works properly and efficiently.

To avoid searching for the layout of wires and the location of the button in extreme situations, the driver must know exactly where the jack is and how to use the button.


Let's look at the three main VALET options.

Security activation

  • Make a quick press and then release the button;
  • Press again and hold for a few seconds. You need to wait for the sound notification. As soon as it sounds, it means the security system is activated;
  • You should carefully observe the functioning of the diode indicator. It should flash quickly. If all doors are closed before the key is interacted with, the system waits for the doors to unlock and lock. If the door was opened during work, then it should be closed;
  • The final step is to get out of the car and close the doors. After this, full security is activated.

Deactivation of security

  • Open the driver's door, wait for the alarm mode to start;
  • Turn the ignition alternately to the ON/OFF position. The alarm mode will temporarily stop functioning. But, on some devices the siren sound will not stop;
  • The program gives you a few seconds to find the key and enter the first digit of the code;
  • Repeat the steps with the ignition switch and enter the second digit;
  • Enter the following values ​​in a similar way;
  • After entering the full code, repeat turning the ignition on/off;
  • Wait until the siren turns off;
  • Start the engine.

The car alarm model is programmed for three attempts to enter the code. If the owner enters the wrong number three times, the device will be locked automatically for half an hour. A new attempt will be available immediately after the block is removed.

Other functions

The key allows you to register anti-robbery transponders in the device’s memory. This will be needed to record new control panels. You can also add an auxiliary GSM module or connect a crawler.

What does the Valet button look like and where is it located?

Installers hide the Valet button from prying eyes, so when returning the car to a service center, they are required to inform the owner about the presence of such a button and its location.

Unfortunately, if, for example, you bought a used car, then you will have to solve the difficult puzzle of finding the sensor yourself.

How to find the treasured button? A car is not a three-room apartment, but there is actually plenty of room for a button in the cabin.

Since the Valet button itself on the alarm systems Starline, Sheriff, Alligator, Pandora, Pantera, Scher-Khan and other popular models is miniature in size, it can be installed in the most secret place: under the fuse box cover, under the steering wheel, behind the glove compartment, behind the instrument panel, behind the radio, etc.

If a visual search around the cabin does not produce results, then it is better to take a simpler route - you need to find the central alarm unit and look in which direction the thin two-wire wire leads.

The button itself in most cases is a small barrel with a diameter of one and a half centimeters, in the center of which there is a slightly recessed (protection against accidental pressing) mini-key.

What does the button look like?

Important to know
To determine as accurately as possible what the Valet service key looks like, you need to look at the operating instructions.

The manual for any security system, including Alligator and Sheriff, contains images of all components included in the delivery kit. Depending on the manufacturer, this element may have a different shape and color of the insulating layer of the cable that powers it.

Description of the main appearance features that allow the consumer to recognize and detect the Jack key:

  1. The button is small in size, as a rule, no more than 1.2-1.5 cm.
  2. There are two wires connected to the key - power and ground. The color of the conductors may match the color of the standard cables. Experienced installers of anti-theft systems specifically change the wire in order to ensure hidden installation of the part.
  3. On Sheriff alarms and other models, the button itself is located in the center of the black plastic case. It can be made in the form of a circle or square with rounded ends.

Video: description of the Jack key

The channel “sigmax69” in its video showed what the Valet service button looks like and talked about its features.

Purpose and activation of the Valet option

What is Valet mode and how to use it, we will consider further. At its core, this function is a service option for the car alarm system. It allows you to temporarily disable all security alarm capabilities. Its activation is appropriate if the car is sent to a service station or car service.

Starting the mode consists of the following operations:

  • You should get into the car, turn the ignition on and off, spending a few seconds on this;
  • In the cabin, you need to press the Valet button switch for 2 seconds;
  • The above action is performed 10 seconds after the ignition is turned off;
  • The security alarm will respond with one short squeak, the LED (signal indicator) will light up, confirming that the alarm has been switched to the selected mode;
  • When the car security device is stable in the “Valet” mode, using the ignition switch, you will hear 2 reminder signals.

Most models of modern alarm systems provide for activation of the function in question remotely. To do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Make sure that the system is not switched to security, alarm or anti-robbery mode;
  • Next, after getting into the car, you need to briefly activate and turn off the ignition;
  • After 10 seconds, you must simultaneously hold down the buttons on the remote control indicating the open lock and the speaker (10 seconds);
  • The security system will respond with a short siren, the LED will light up (the system has switched to Valet mode).

The placement of the car alarm Valet button is thought out in advance, before installation. The owner of the car is determined with a convenient, secret place. Above we discussed the main positions for installing Valet buttons when installing an alarm system on a car. There are, of course, more supposedly secluded places in the vehicle interior. Let’s briefly try to figure out where to install, unnoticed by strangers, the Valet button when installing a car alarm:

  1. A secluded place for the key and Valet switch are niches behind the glove box. To do this, you will have to locate the alarm unit nearby;
  2. Often, in order to hide the button, a transition part between the instrument panel and the center console is used;
  3. Many consider the interior fuse box to be the most vulnerable location for the Valet button. Indeed, it is not difficult to gain access to the Valet key, and subsequently to the car alarm system;
  4. To quickly deactivate the alarm, the emergency button is placed near the instrument panel covers on the side of the steering columns;
  5. The hard-to-reach places for the Valet buttons are the decorative sill plates under which they are installed. Note that this is not the best place for buttons to disable car alarms, with inconvenient access;
  6. Some drivers place Valet buttons, to disable alarm options, under the removable housings of ashtrays and cup holders.
  7. A simple, affordable way is to attach standard wiring harnesses to the harnesses;
  8. An accessible, secluded location for the Valet button, which turns off the car alarm, is in the front seats of the cabin. Common locations for installing Valet buttons are in carpet slots. In this case, the car alarm turns off quickly;
  9. Car owners regularly use the free space behind the dashboard frames to attach Valet buttons, which turn off alarms;
  10. Good places to place Valet buttons are removable control panels and lighting adjustments. In practice, the ability to disable the alarm is at hand;
  11. The placement of emergency buttons under the end covers (on the left and on the right) also provides convenient access to them for car owners.

Given the certain length of the wires connecting the Valet buttons, to activate and deactivate car alarms, they are connected to security systems at a limited distance. Lengthening the wiring of Valet buttons is not practiced, as the resistance increases and the power of the signal supplied to the alarm decreases.

From the information discussed above, we conclude that Valet emergency buttons are a necessary attribute of car alarms. Inside the car you can find many secluded and accessible places for attaching Valet buttons, allowing you to comfortably communicate with alarms. The methods for activating and deactivating emergency modes in car alarms from different manufacturers may differ. We advise you to thoroughly study the operating instructions for security systems.

Disabling Valet

The mode is deactivated in the following sequence:

  • You need to get into the car, turn the key in the ignition on and off;
  • After 10 seconds, you need to press and release the Valet button;
  • The security system will respond with two short beeps, and the LED will blink several times simultaneously with the side lights and go out;
  • The alarm is functioning normally.
  • To disable the option at a distance, you should briefly turn on and off the ignition in the car, after 10 seconds, press the icon of the speaker and the open lock on the remote control, and hold for 3 seconds. After two signals and deactivation of the LED, the car security system entered normal mode.

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Step-by-step guide to disabling Valet mode

In Starline alarms, you can disable the Valet mode using the key fob, provided that the remote control is equipped with a display.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • You enter the security system setup menu. To do this, you need to hold down one of the keys to activate the cursor selection of functional options. The button number depends on the model of the anti-theft complex.
  • The cursor then moves on the screen to the position of the indicator with a wrench and the inscription “Valet”. The user presses the button on the communicator with the open lock icon once. The security system siren will sound three times, and the external lighting devices will blink three times. This refers to hazard warning lights or side lights, depending on which optical elements the anti-theft complex is connected to. The communicator should emit a melodic signal.
  • The indicator with the letter Z should disappear on the key fob display. Often, after disabling the service mode, the turbo timer and immobilizer settings are lost, so they need to be restored.

Deactivation of the service mode using the example of the Alligator L430 alarm system:

  • The ignition system in the car is turned on and off.
  • The user presses a key and holds it for two seconds. This must be done within fifteen seconds after the ignition is turned off. If deactivation is performed using the remote control, the locked and unlocked keys are held for three seconds.
  • If the service mode is successfully deactivated, the alarm siren will sound twice. The system status LED should turn off.

On the Alligator C250, disabling the service mode is done as follows:

  • The driver gets into the car, activates and turns off the ignition system.
  • Within ten seconds after the last shutdown, the Valet button is pressed once.
  • The siren should beep twice and the LED indicator will stop blinking.

If you have a remote control, then deactivating the mode on the Alligator C250 is done as follows:

  • The driver gets into the car, the key in the lock is turned to the “ACC” position, and then immediately to “OFF” or “LOCK”.
  • Over the next ten seconds, the controls on the communicator are pressed with the lock open and the loudspeaker crossed out. These buttons must be held for 3 seconds.
  • To confirm, the siren will sound twice and the LED light will stop blinking.

In Sheriff ZX 750 systems, the mode is deactivated as follows:

  • The driver activates and deactivates the ignition.
  • Over the next five seconds, the Jack button is briefly pressed and released. There is no need to hold this element.
  • If the alarm status diode goes out, this indicates a transition to the service maintenance mode.

Video: disabling service mode

The channel “SDD and everything about JLR”, using the example of a 2010 Range Rover, talked about the procedure for disabling the Valet service mode.

Disabling the security mode using the Valet button

The process of deactivating the security function using the Starline A96 alarm system as an example looks like this:

  • The car door is opened and the ignition is turned on; the key is turned to the “ACC” position. This will activate the alarm and siren mode.
  • At the next stage, the user needs to press the Valet button several times in accordance with the number of the personal password. Unlocking can only be done using a code. The number of “clicks” must correspond to the first character of the password.
  • The ignition is turned off, the key is pressed once. Then the key is scrolled to the “ACC” position, and the second digit of the code is entered.
  • The third and fourth characters of the password are specified in the same way. If the code is entered correctly, the siren will sound twice and the LED will blink twice.

If the car is equipped with a Start/Stop button, then the security function is deactivated as follows:

  • When the ignition is turned off, the first digit of the code is entered.
  • After five seconds, the diode light should blink several times. The number of flashes corresponds to the code symbol.
  • Similar steps are repeated to enter the remaining characters of the password.

What is this little happiness that is rarely remembered?

In the life of every person there are always moments of small happiness. This is when a minor event gives immediate great pleasure. This could be some street find, a glass of water on a hot afternoon, or a randomly vacated parking lot in front of your own entrance. The jack button is just such a gift of fate:

  • While fishing, the key fob fell into the water, became unusable and was impossible to get into the car. The alarm system, which had served faithfully for many years, suddenly became its worst enemy. The car alarm continues to protect the interests of its owner and does not suspect that interests have changed;
  • The car must be left at the service center for preventative maintenance. I don't want to leave the keychain with the key. And in this case, the valet button or mode will come in handy;
  • Valet mode can be used when you need to turn off the car alarm as unnecessary.

The valet button in not all alarms is located in hidden places and has a familiar appearance. In some car alarm models, its role is successfully played by the driver call sensor. Located openly on the windshield of the car, unlike the valet button, it will never let you forget about it. Typing a secret code on such a sensor will turn off the alarm in the same way as when using the jack button.

Important: the valet button can be partially replaced by turning on a similar mode using the car alarm key fob, where you must press a certain combination of buttons.

Disarming a vehicle using a PIN code

The secret PIN code consists of two digits (factory value 11). Complete the following steps.

  1. Open the driver's door with the key. The siren will scream, the lighting equipment will start blinking.
  2. Turn on the ignition.
  3. Enter the first value of the PIN code by pressing the service key (the number of presses corresponds to the first value of the secret password).
  4. Deactivate and activate the ignition.
  5. Enter the second number of the PIN code using the method described above.
  6. Turn off the ignition system.
  7. A siren will sound and external lighting devices will flash.

Features of Valet mode

Switching the car alarm to the mode in question means that all security functions of the system are temporarily disabled, except for the “Panic” option. This feature allows you to prevent your car from being stolen, provided that you always take the ignition key when leaving it. When you see that someone is trying to escape in your car, just activate the “panic” button on the key fob. After some time, all security and locking systems will work.

There is also an alternative to the panic mode under consideration. Its name is Antihijack

. If the owner of the car falls into a stupor after the theft and does not immediately press the right button, which is not uncommon, and the car manages to drive away with the criminal for a considerable distance, turning on the mode will activate the security system when the door is opened or after the car is turned off.

If the alarm system does not respond to deactivating the “Jack” option from the remote control, you need to remove the batteries for 2-3 minutes and insert them back. If there is a connection between the key fob and the main unit, all the required symbols should appear on the display.

For a certain period, the Valet function was intended for system installation settings. But, the manufacturers of most security systems have recognized the integrated use of the mode as inappropriate. Currently, it is intended for leaving the car at a service station not with the key fob.

It is better to disable the option in question without prying eyes. This is quite logical, since strangers should not know where the key is located, which makes your machine defenseless. Many people know what Valet mode is, including malicious hijackers. But not always, they manage to find the activation button, which, as a rule, is mounted in a secret place in the car interior. The “Valet” button mode in some systems can be used to disable security if the remote control is lost or broken.

Description of the Valet mode in the alarm

The Valet mode available in alarms represents a temporary limitation of the security functions of the system. The service mode, which turns on, allows you to set system operating parameters or ensure the safety of the car when transferred to a car service or car wash along with the ignition key.

Using a service center is important when servicing a car, as it provides a number of positive aspects:

  • car service employees do not receive information about the type and model of the installed system;
  • the serial number of the security system is not determined, which can be used by an attacker to select the code;
  • the algorithm for disarming the security mode is not communicated to outsiders (especially important when using a programmable PIN access code);
  • there is no need to hand over tags and key fobs to service employees.

The mode is used to program a number of alarms, such as Sheriff or Panther. Modern security systems Starline or Pandora are configured via a computer. The ability to program through the service mode is retained, but is used very rarely.

When the configuration mode is activated, it is possible to save some of the security functions. For example, the owner can enable anti-robbery or panic options. In this case, the door lock control on the vehicle remains active.

What does the button look like?

The service activation button for car alarms from different manufacturers may have a different shape and a different color of wire insulation. A common feature of all keys is their small size (up to 12-15 mm) and two wires for connection. Experienced installers replace standard cables with products with insulation similar to standard electrical wiring. This makes it difficult for an attacker to find the button.

Below are photographs of buttons from several manufacturers of security systems.

APS service mode button

Starline service mode button

Pandora Service Mode Button

Where is

The car owner must have information about the location of the Valet service button, as it will help turn off the alarm if the control key fob is lost or broken.

When installing the security system, the user is informed about the location of the service button. When purchasing a used car, the new owner almost always forgets to find out the location of this key and is forced to search on his own.

To find the button you will need:

  1. Locate the main unit of the system, which is located deep in the instrument panel. To search, you can use the positive power wires that come from the ignition switch or battery terminal. You can search by the negative terminal, which is connected to the battery or to the ground nut on the body.
  2. Examine the connectors of the unit and determine the color of the wires going to the setting button.
  3. Try pulling the wires with a little force. If you installed the alarm yourself, the button cables often run separately from the main harness. Otherwise, it is necessary to determine the direction of installation of the key and locate it by gradually removing the covers from the instrument panel.

To search for the main unit on Starline A91 systems or other models, you can try the method of listening to the operation of the relay:

  1. Sit behind the wheel of the car and close the door behind you. It is recommended to park the car in a place away from city noise.
  2. Activate and deactivate the system several times, listening to the source of repeated relay clicks in the alarm processor unit.
  3. After locating the block, it is necessary to study the direction of wiring harnesses.

If the Starline alarm system is programmed for silent operation, then the relay clicks will not be heard. In this case, you will have to search for the block manually.

In Pandora systems, an additional button for settings is located on the antenna module located on the windshield. There is also a standard hidden Valet key. Starline alarms have a similar button, but it is used to call the driver from the car.

How to activate Valet mode

Valet mode can be activated on modern alarm systems through a push-button switch installed in the cabin, or using the alarm key fob. Let's consider both options.

Using a push button switch

You need to get into the car and insert the key into the ignition, then turn the ignition on and off;

  • Next, you will need to wait 10 seconds, then turn the Valet switch to “On” mode. If the cabin has a button to activate the Valet mode, and not a switch, it must be pressed for 2 seconds;
  • In response to the driver’s actions, the security system will emit one beep and the control signal indicator will be activated, which informs that the security system has switched to Valet mode;
  1. You need to get into the car and make sure that the security system is not in the “alarm”, “anti-robbery” or “security” modes;
  2. After this, turn the ignition on and off;
  3. When 10 seconds have passed, press two buttons on the remote control - “speaker” and “open lock” (depending on the alarm manufacturer, the icons may vary). You need to hold the buttons for 10 seconds;
  • We release the buttons, and the alarm will notify with light and sound indication that the Valet mode is turned on.
  • Important: When using the ignition switch with Valet mode enabled, the driver will be notified by sound signals that the security system is disabled.

One-way traffic sign: what is prohibited, the coverage area also allows

  • the alarm status is checked;
  • the ignition is turned on;
  • after 3-5 seconds it turns off;
  • expected10 seconds;
  • two buttons are pressed on the remote control;
  • These are the open lock and speaker buttons;
  • the buttons are held down for 10 seconds;
  • the buttons are released;
  • a sound and light signal appears;
  • mode activated.

By the way, if you insert the key into the ignition when Valet is active, the alarm will probably start beeping. They say that the security is disabled.

Installing a service alarm button

When choosing a location to install the button, consider the following conditions:

  • Concealment - it should not be obvious during a quick inspection of the external panels and typical installation locations. If it is relatively easy to access the mounting block on your machine, then you should not stick the button on its outer side - it is better to fasten it on the back side. But secure it so that it can be felt.
  • No nearby heating or moving elements. You should not glue the button onto the body of the stove or near its pipes, as the double-sided tape will come off. On pedals, you can accidentally hit it with your foot and tear it off or break it.
  • The presence of other wiring harnesses nearby: when installing an alarm system, you need to pass a maximum of the wiring harnesses through the standard ones, which makes it difficult to find the central unit.
  • Length reserve: if you glue the button inside the steering column casing behind the cutout of the height adjustment lever, then make sure that in all positions of the column the wire is not stretched, bent or pinched.
  • You can find out how to install a car alarm by reading the complete installation instructions for Starline A93.

    Transfer to service mode

    How to switch the alarm system to service mode without the Valet button? To do this, use the on-screen menu of the main key fob:

    • Briefly pressing button 4 of the main key fob, move the cursor to the “Wrench” icon.
    • Briefly press button 3 - the alarm control LED will start to light constantly, the “Wrench” icon on the screen will do the same.

    The service mode is turned off in the same way - move the cursor to the icon, but press button 2 to clear the icon.

    If your StarLine alarm system has telematic capabilities, then everything is even simpler. With standard control icon settings, slide your finger to the left the main set (engine start/security status/car search) to see the second set: anti-robbery/service mode/call. By pressing and holding the central icon, you activate the service mode, which will be reflected both in the application and on the screen of the main key fob.

    On older alarm models, where the main key fob has three buttons, entering the on-screen menu of the key fob is done in a different way:

    • Long press button 3 until you hear two beeps (first long, then short).
    • By pressing button 3 briefly, move the flashing cursor to the “Wrench” icon.
    • Activate the service mode by pressing 1.

    It turns off the same way - by pressing 1 when the cursor is hovering over the icon of the active service mode, you will turn it off.

    Something else useful for you:

    • How to register the Starline A93 key fob
    • Why is a CAN module needed in a car alarm?
    • How to enable and disable the turbo timer on StarLine?

    Where is the Valet button?

    The Valet button is designed to control the operating mode of the Starline car alarm of the same name. If you activate this service, it is possible to disable the security and siren in the event of an emergency or the absence of a key fob and reprogram the system. This mode is available in almost all models - both old (for example, Starline A61, A63, etc.) and new (Starline A 91, A 93, etc.).

    The switch is installed when installing the alarm system. In this case, the owner of the car decides where the button should be installed. The selected location should be close to the driver and provide quick and convenient access to the device. But at the same time, the switch must be located in a place hidden from prying eyes so that fraudsters cannot find the Valet button.

    Do not place the key near heating parts of the machine. During operation, the adhesive-based mount will heat up, which will lead to the button coming off. In this case, it may knock, break or get lost.

    Sometimes service technicians themselves choose the location for attaching the Valet button to the Starline alarm system. When installing security systems, the key is most often mounted under the dashboard or under the hatch of the safety unit. The device is also hidden under the steering wheel, next to the mounting block or gearbox, in the glove compartment, on the floor next to the pedals or under the passenger seat.

    When the owner of the car was not present when the alarm was installed or bought a used model, it is necessary to check with the service technicians or the former owner where the Starline service button is located. If it is not found in a timely manner, if the key fob breaks, you will have to spend additional time searching.

    Car security, Valet button - why car alarm manufacturers developed it

    Considering the topic that concerns the statistics of vehicle theft, everyone can say that the situation is very sad. Domestic cars often remain untouched, but foreign cars are stolen right from under the owner’s nose. This situation forces car owners to think about installing a car alarm - the sooner they do it, the better. Motorists are well familiar with many of the devices that are included in standard sets of security systems, but many find it difficult to answer what the Valet button is and what it is intended for. Each driver can easily figure this out on their own using the instructions, but a few more recommendations will not be superfluous.

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