How to disable ZZZ on Sherkhan and is it necessary to do it?

When handing over a car to a service station, it is not recommended to leave the communicator far from the employee’s security system due to the risk of copying the device for subsequent theft. The special “Jack” mode of Sherkhan 5 allows you to temporarily exclude the security system from the vehicle’s electrical circuits, allowing for maintenance.

How to turn on the sound on the Magikar alarm?

Press buttons 1 and 2 simultaneously (short or long press - depends on the model). This key combination is used to turn the siren on or off. If after these steps the sound does not appear, then most likely the siren speaker has failed. It is located under the hood, near the radiator grille.

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How to disable ZZZ on the key fob screen

Many car owners cannot figure out how to remove ZZZ from the Sherkhan alarm system, and whether this can be done. The appearance of such an inscription indicates that the Valet service mode is enabled.

To disable the caption, follow these steps:

  • Take the main security system key fob.
  • Press buttons I and III simultaneously on the key fob screen.

  • Hold them for two seconds.

If you managed to disable ZZZ mode on Shere Khan, the following events occur:

  1. The letters ZZZZ disappear from the screen. They are located under the turbo timer icon.
  2. The siren emits two characteristic signals. Unless, of course, you turn off the sound earlier.
  3. The hazard alarm sounds twice.
  4. The LED indicator does not give any signals.
  5. The headlights and the lock symbol flash five times in the display.
  6. Tags that were active before turning on the ZZZ icon on Sherkhan appear.
  7. The security system remote control emits two beeps.

Knowing how to remove the ZZZ mode on the Sherkhan 5 key fob, you can return the alarm to its previous mode. It is important to understand what this option is, why it is turned on, and what functions it performs on the machine.

Scher-Khan Magicar: how to turn off without remote control

The Sherkhan Magikar line includes models A, B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 S, 8 S, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 6 mini, 10 mini. The anti-theft system on this example can be disabled using the factory pin code.

  1. Use the key to open the car door. The alarm mode will be activated. To turn it off, turn the key in the lock three times from the "Off" position. To the "On" position.
  2. Within four seconds, turn the contact on and off, enter the first PIN value.
  3. Turn off the ignition.
  4. After four seconds, the lights will flash once, indicating that the next code digit can be entered.
  5. Enter the remaining numbers in the same way.
  6. A correctly entered password will activate the “Jack” mode of the system. The starter is unlocked.

Emergency shutdown of the alarm system Sherkhan Logicar

Procedure for disarming Logicar A, B, 1, 2, 3i, 4i, 5i, 6 i, 5 iS, 6iS without remote control and without PIN code. This is possible if function 1-8 is installed at the factory.

  1. Open the car with the key. “Signal” will go into alarm mode.
  2. Turn on the ignition without starting the engine.
  3. Locate the Jack button (under the steering wheel, under the A-pillar panel, in the glove box) and hold it for two seconds. The headlights will flash once. The system will exit the alarm mode.
  4. Within five seconds, press "Jack". The light will turn on twice and you will hear two beeps. Security is disabled.

Opening a car without a Mobicar key fob

If the Mobicar A, B, 1, 2 alarm key fails, the system can be unlocked using a PIN code. Because of this.

  1. Tap the glass where the call sensor is located ten times. The LED should turn red.
  2. The LED began to blink blue frequently, which means you did everything correctly.
  3. Touch the glass to enter the initial secret code number.
  4. Enter the remaining PIN code values ​​in the same way.
  5. When the above steps are performed correctly, the car doors are unlocked and the security mode is deactivated.

Instructions for Univers models

If there is no Universe 1, 2, 3 alarm panel, follow this diagram.

  1. Open the car door. Security mode activated.
  2. Insert the key into the ignition and turn it three times from the "Off" to the "On" position. In four seconds.
  3. Turn off the ignition. If done correctly, the siren should sound.
  4. After four seconds, the starter lock is released. The “Jack” mode of the Universal Security System is turned on. The LED will remain on continuously.

What does ZZZ mean?

The owner of the car must understand what ZZZ means on the Sherkhan 5 alarm key fob and how to turn it off. The appearance of the inscription indicates that the Valet function is enabled on the car. As a rule, it is turned on when the vehicle is transferred to a service station for repair or restoration of previous functions. After receiving the car back, you need to know how to remove the Scher Khan Magicar 5 ZZZ on the key fob to return the car to its usual service.

The VALET option itself limits the capabilities of the security system. By activating it, it is possible to disable the main alarm functions. At the same time, it remains possible to control the locks by pressing buttons I and II. It is very easy to diagnose whether the function is enabled. It is turned on if ZZZ is lit on Sherkhan 5.

When transferring a vehicle to a service station, it is prohibited to transfer the alarm key fobs. This precaution will help protect your car from theft in the future. It’s better to disable the Sherkhan functionality and pick up the remote control.

Requirement of a PIN code

The “Valet” mode is not the only thing the service button controls. It is also used to disable security without a key fob: just open the door with the key, turn on the ignition and hold down the Valet button for two seconds. If the PIN code is not set by the owner, the car will be disarmed.

Now imagine how much time a car thief will spend pulling out the door rod and turning the ignition lock cylinder. Without a given pin code, Sherkhan is not able to protect against even the most primitive hacking, and this must be remembered.

Valet on telematic alarms and mobile applications

The first family of Scher-Khan alarms with telematic capabilities was Universe - controversial and at the time of its debut, which caused not the most flattering reviews, since Universe 1 worked in pure Slave mode, without additional authorization mechanisms - wearable tags appeared only in Universe 2.

However, this is not relevant to the topic of the article. As for the service mode, its management has been changed. The “Sherkhan” alarm system, which does not have its own key fob, can turn on the “Valet” function (renamed here to the “Car Service” mode) through a mobile application, the “Commander” interior unit or via a GSM channel (by call or SMS).

On the mobile app, drag the screen to the left to display the side menu. In it, select the appropriate item (we will leave the phrase “Enable car service” to the conscience of the authors). After this, all that remains is to confirm your choice.

Without a mobile application, you can simply call the SIM card number installed in the central alarm unit and dial the appropriate command. The system is put into the “Car Service” mode with the command *6#, and removed using *3#. We type the same commands on the Commander interior module, which has built-in alarm control LEDs. Please note that in both cases the alarm will ask you to enter a secret PIN code. Unlike other Scher-Khan systems, here the PIN code is initially set at the factory and is indicated on the plastic card included with the security system.

Control of Universe systems is also possible through the manufacturer’s Internet portal, but it does not provide a function for switching to service mode, unlike portals from other companies.

For Mobicar alarms, the mobile application connects to the alarm not via the Internet, but via Bluetooth. Therefore, the company has released its own application for them, which differs in interface from the one made for Universe.

And control of the service mode is placed in a separate menu item.

Here, fortunately, the menu is written out more clearly, and after selecting the “Enable Auto Service mode” item, no confirmation is needed. The color of the machine icon changes, indicating that the service mode is activated, and the window title also indicates this.

In service mode, the alarm retains all the capabilities of monitoring the status through a mobile application, and the functionality of the driver call button in the cabin is also maintained.

Something else useful for you:

Features of disarming Sherkhan Magikar 6

Operation of the Sherkhan Magikar 6 system allows you to disable the alarm without a key fob using a personal PIN code. To do this, you must follow the sequence:

  • Open the door of the iron horse with the key. The security system will go into alarm mode. To deactivate it, change the position of the key in the ignition switch three times.
  • Changing the position from OFF to ON, enter the first digit of the personal PIN code. Four seconds are allotted for this action.
  • Turn off the ignition.
  • After 4 seconds, the auto alarm will flash once. This will indicate that the system is ready to enter the second digit of the PIN code.
  • Enter all required secret code values ​​in the same way.
  • A correctly entered PIN activates the VALET mode of the Sherkhan Magikar auto alarm system. The starter will be unlocked.

Where is the Valet button?

Scher-Khan security systems do not have a separate Valet button, which puts the equipment into programming mode. On equipment from other manufacturers there is a special switch, which is located under the instrument panel or on the processor unit. To enable the service function on the Sherkhan 5, 7, 10 alarm system, you need to disarm the car, and then briefly press keys 1 and 3 located on the end of the communicator.

After pressing the keys, the car emits a short siren signal, which is accompanied by a flash of external lights. On all car alarms, the control diode located in the signal sensor to the owner lights up continuously. A light signal notifies the driver and service station personnel that the security system is in sleep mode. The icon for the headlights and the security mode status flashes 5 times on the communicator; an additional short signal is given by the buzzer.

It is possible to activate the function on the Magicar 7 product without using a communicator:

  1. After the security mode is released, press the call sensor multi-function switch for 2 seconds.
  2. You should wait for the lights to flash.
  3. After the light signal, a 5-second timer is activated; the owner needs to briefly press the toggle switch. An impulse is given by external lamps, and the control diode goes into rapid flashing mode.
  4. Enter 1 digit of the password into the memory of the central unit. Programming is carried out in short pulses, the interval between impacts does not exceed 1.5 seconds. 4 seconds are allotted to enter the number; if the driver does not fit within the time limit, the procedure begins again.
  5. Wait for the control diode to blink rapidly, and then program the second register.
  6. Using a similar scheme, enter the 3rd and 4th password fields.
  7. After entering the last digit, a 5-second timer is activated, the driver briefly presses the sensor button. You can pause for 5 seconds, then the Valet mode will be automatically activated.
  8. Wait for the siren to sound, confirming that the Valet function has been activated. Simultaneously with the sound signal, the vehicle's external light alarm is activated.

On the Magicar 5 system, it is possible to enable the Valet parameter during an emergency disarming of the security mode. The driver opens the door and the alarm mode starts at the same time. The key is turned three times in the lock from one extreme position to the other, then the ignition circuit is deactivated. Turning off the alarm is accompanied by the start of a 4-second starter lock disabling timer, then the equipment goes into the “Jack” state.

The additional Valet mode used during the programming process is set by a long complex press on buttons 1 and 4 or 2 and 4. The car will sound a single beep with a siren and flash the hazard lights; the communicator display does not show any additional symbols. Then the car owner makes the necessary adjustments in accordance with the tables and recommendations given in the operating instructions.

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