How to reprogram and link a new key fob to a car alarm

To make it easier to control the car alarm, drivers use a command key fob. This radio transmitter encodes information. The received code is perceived by the control unit. Often, drivers have to change the type of radio transmission. This requires key fob programming. It is important to remember that each system has its own reprogramming technology.

In this article you will learn how to reprogram the key fob

The need for reprogramming

There are various reasons when key fob programming is required. For example, when a user bought a new car with an already installed alarm system. In this case , it is better to reprogram the key fob so that unauthorized persons cannot disable the security.

Of course, you can do without flashing it, but if you buy an expensive car, such a procedure will not be superfluous. This procedure is also a solution if the owner loses the alarm key fob. The question of how to program a key fob also becomes relevant in the event of software failures. For example, when the device issues commands incorrectly.

In this video you will learn how to reflash the key fob:

The price for such a service depends on the complexity of the system. The average cost of reprogramming is 500 rubles. However, such work is simple, and, following the instructions, the user can do it himself.

Is it possible to replace the old key fob with a new one?

The short answer is yes, you can change the remote control, but it’s not easy.

Previously, alarm systems were based on a permanent, static code that was easily picked up by attackers. Modern systems use dynamic code, and they work on a dialog principle, which looks like this:

  • after pressing the button from the key fob, the ID number is sent to the base alarm unit;
  • this number is checked by a system that “knows” the pattern on the basis of which it was generated;
  • if the check is successful, the base unit generates its own response number, which it sends to the key fob, after which the car owner gets access to the main alarm unit and can turn it off.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that after purchasing a new key fob, you will have to “register” it in the existing alarm system, i.e., make sure that the system begins to consider the new device “its own.” How to do this depends on the alarm model. In most cases, when replacing a key fob, it is necessary to completely reflash the software in the base unit, and this can only be done by a qualified specialist.

It’s not difficult to purchase a new key fob, but only a specialist can “link” it to an existing car alarm.

Preparation for the procedure

For those who are wondering how to reprogram a key fob, it is important to remember that preparation for such a procedure is necessary. To do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. If you lose your key fob, you need to purchase a new device only of the model that was included with the installed alarm system.
  2. If several radio transmitters are used to control the system, they must be reprogrammed at the same time so that they can be assigned to the new control unit.

Many suppliers include instructions in the kit. In this case, the user may have difficulties when there are no tabs with a translation of the instructions into Russian or they are written with errors (if the device was manufactured in Korea).

The motorist must first read the attached instructions. This document should show the design of the remote control. If there is no manual, the user should follow the generally accepted instructions.

In what case may it be necessary to reprogram the alarm key fob?

None of us are immune from loss. This also applies to the car alarm key fob, which is also called an interactive pager. Most often, it is attached to a key ring, so the risk of forgetting it somewhere is reduced. However, if this does happen, you will have to think about purchasing a new device.

Using this remote control you can remotely control your car alarm.

Don't be alarmed; if you lose your key fob, you don't have to change the entire alarm system. The only exceptions can be if the alarm is quite rare, recently released or, conversely, outdated. It happens that the desired model cannot be found either in your city or in online stores. In such a situation, it makes sense to contact a car service: they can suggest a solution to the problem and point you to the sellers of the system you need. If after this you were unable to purchase the required model of key fob, you will have to completely change the alarm system.

Please note that the new control panel must be selected not only in accordance with the brand of the security system, but also taking into account its type and model. Thus, the starline b6 keychain cannot be replaced with starline b6 dialog.

New car alarms are usually programmed by system installers. In this case, you have nothing to worry about. The required code will be installed on all key fobs and linked to the system. But if you buy a car on the secondary market with an already installed car alarm, it makes sense to take care of reprogramming the device.

The fact is that unscrupulous owners can give you an incomplete set of control panels, which means they can easily disable the security system and steal your car. Unfortunately, some scammers are already doing business this way. To avoid this problem, reset the code immediately after purchasing the machine.

Sometimes it happens that the key fob gets untied from the alarm for no reason. Many factors can cause such a failure. Sometimes this happens due to randomly pressing different buttons. If this happens to you, don't worry. In most cases, the problem is solved by reprogramming the key fob.

Typically the kit includes up to 4 alarm control panels. If you decide to reprogram them, do it in a row with all the key fobs.

Core Technology

The key fob reprogramming technology is simple. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. By installing the key in the lock, the user must activate the ignition. There is no need to start the power unit.
  2. Next, you need to simultaneously press with one hand the button with the loudspeaker and the button with the image of the luggage compartment. With your second hand, press the “service mode” button.
  3. When the speaker beeps 5 times, you can release the pressed button.

Having correctly completed the proposed actions, the motorist must again press the button with the image of a loudspeaker and the button that opens the luggage compartment. As a result, the turn lights should flash several times.

It often happens that as a result of these actions the key fob is still not programmed. In this case, you can repeat the reprogramming along with recording the key fob. Another way is to reprogram the key fob without a code . To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Within a few seconds, you need to connect and turn off the ignition system 3 times by turning the key.
  2. If the motorist has done everything correctly, he will see a single flash.
  3. After the flash is fired, the owner will have 4 seconds to press the communicator registered in the memory.
  4. After recording on the first electronic remote control, the user can press a key on another key fob.
  5. Information from the third key fob must be entered into memory in the same way. When recording the last remote control, information from the first device will be deleted automatically.

After the last remote control has been reprogrammed, you need to wait a few seconds. This is necessary to exit the recording.

How to reprogram and link a key fob to an alarm system

Today it is simply impossible to imagine a modern passenger car without an alarm system. Car security systems are constantly being improved, making it increasingly difficult to steal a car. But the attackers are not sitting still either. In addition, any, even the most advanced alarm system can fail, after which the intervention of the car owner will be required. Today we will talk about how to attach a new key fob or reprogram an “unstuck” device on your own.

Setting up the Sherkhan alarm

Before working with the Sherkhan alarm system, you need to disarm the system. Next you need to complete the following steps:

  1. First, you need to press the Vallet button so that the alarm lights flash.
  2. Next, you should click Vallet again. As a result, the LED will start blinking.
  3. After this, you need to press Vallet as many times as there are numbers in the PIN code. This step must be repeated for all digits of the PIN code.
  4. 6 seconds after the last digit of the code has been entered, the alarm will flash. Thus, the system will confirm its readiness to enter the code.
  5. Within 4 seconds, you need to briefly press the fourth button on the first key fob 2 times. If the recording is successful, the alarm will automatically flash.
  6. After this, you can enter the codes of the remaining key fobs. If the code is entered successfully, the alarm will flash.

This is interesting: a keychain for opening gates.

To exit reprogramming mode, you do not need to take any action for 5 seconds after the last code was written. As a result, the alarm will flash and the system will exit reprogramming mode.

How to flash an alarm key fob

Most modern cars are equipped with alarms, which not only ensure the safety of the car, but also significantly simplify the operation of the car. To control the alarm, opening and closing doors, a special key fob is used, by pressing the corresponding button on which you can remotely open or close the doors. In some cases, flashing of the key fob control unit is required; such work can be done independently, which allows you to eliminate existing problems in the operation of the security system.

It is necessary to reflash the alarm control unit when you buy a used car and it would be a good idea to change the alarm settings, thereby ensuring the safety of the car. This eliminates those situations where dishonest old car owners kept another set of keys, which allowed them to easily steal such a car. You also have to reflash the alarm control unit in the event that there are malfunctions in the system, the alarm and key fob may become out of sync, after which they need to be reflashed.

Error protection - built-in

Let’s say the service mode was activated, you were convinced of this, but then you couldn’t write anything into the alarm memory. Then, the set of key fobs, the information about which the alarm “remembers,” will remain the same. It will not “reset to zero”, as many people think. Well, otherwise, the inept actions of the operator would lead to the loss of any connection with the car.

The service mode, which is activated by pressing the Valet button 7 times, also allows you to record digital relay codes.

Actually, for the first 5 seconds the signaling “does not know” what exactly will be registered: new key fobs or relays. And the 5-second interval itself is critical - when it expires, the system returns to normal mode. From here, by the way, we can conclude: when repeating step “3” (see “Sequence of actions ...”), you do not need to wait too long.

Starline's error protection is maximum. In addition to the service mode, there is also a programming mode. But you can only use it intentionally: press Valet 5 times and turn on the ignition. The number “5” is different from “7”, so any unforeseen consequences are excluded.

Firmware methods depending on the alarm model

After the service button has been found, the process of recording key fobs into the alarm memory should begin. Depending on the models, one firmware method should be used.

Method 1

  1. Disarm, turn the ignition switch to the (Lock) position.
  2. Press the (VALET) button repeatedly (7 times), each time the button is pressed the LED should blink.
  3. Turn on the ignition, the alarm will notify you of entering the service mode with 7 beeps.
  4. As soon as you enter the service mode, press and hold buttons 1 and 2 on the key fob simultaneously (for B6D, B9D, B61, B91, A61, A91, buttons 2 and 3), the key will be registered in the alarm unit.
  5. When all the key fobs are stitched, you need to turn off the ignition, the alarm will exit the programming mode (the turn signals flash 5 times).

Method 2

  1. Disarm, turn the ignition on, then press and hold the service button for 6 seconds, after which 4 beeps will sound (service mode is on).
  2. Immediately after entering the service mode, press and hold buttons 1 and 2 on the key fob simultaneously, the key will begin to be registered in the alarm unit. If the key fob is registered correctly, 1 beep will sound. If you need to record an additional key fob, then immediately after recording the first one, start recording the second key fob, to do this, press and hold buttons 3 and 4. After recording the next key fob, the alarm will notify you with a signal, the number of signals depends on the order of the key fob for recording.
  3. If the key fob has not been recorded, the alarm will exit the service mode (the turn signals flash 5 times).
  4. After recording the required number of key fobs, turn off the ignition, thereby disabling the alarm from the recording mode (the turn signals blink 5 times).

Method 3

  1. Disarm, turn on the ignition, then turn off, do this 3 times. Then the signaling LED will light up for 3-4 seconds.
  2. Immediately after this, you need to turn on the ignition, then turn it off, do this 5 times and leave the ignition switch in the on position. The alarm will emit 5 beeps and the service mode will be entered.
  3. On the key fob, simultaneously press buttons 1 and 2 on the key fob, the recording process will begin.
  4. Turn off the ignition, the alarm will exit the recording mode and notify (the turn signals flash 3 times).

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The most common reason why car owners are looking for a replacement alarm control panel is its loss. Or another popular option is a broken display. Replacing a car alarm key fob will not take much of your time. But the search for a suitable model may well last a very, very long time. And in this case, it turns out that the more modern and sophisticated your alarm system is, the more difficult it will be to find a replacement. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to buy an entire anti-theft system.

Faulty alarm key fob

And the price ratio will be interesting. It may turn out that purchasing the entire set is much more profitable.

Do-it-yourself alarm replacement

Let's look at the installation of a new anti-theft system using the example of a universal alarm system that does not have a huge number of options. This kit includes:

  • Antenna;
  • Keyrings;
  • Control block;
  • Siren;
  • Wires.

For installation we will need: electrical tape, corrugated tape, double-sided tape, multimeter, screwdrivers.

Important! Before you start working with new wires, disconnect the negative terminal from the battery!

Wiring connection

First of all, we dismantle the steering panel and instrument panel. This is necessary in order to secure the control unit. After we have dealt with this, we move on to the most crucial moment - working with electricians.

Installation of the alarm control unit

When working with wires, it is important not to forget two points: do not leave open sections of the wires, rewind them with electrical tape, and also remember that you must connect to wires with a -12V output. We bring the wires to the dimensions, stop signals and turn signals. We pull another wire under the hood and the last one to the engine operating status indicator.

Installation of siren and antenna

Siren device fastening

To install the siren, choose a dry place, away from heating elements, and also point it down. We connect one wire to what we pulled from the cabin, and connect the second to the battery.

The last point is key chains. As we have already found out, flashing them is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the instructions included in the kit. And also don’t forget to attach the antenna to the windshield. Now you need to check. To do this, we return the battery terminal to its place and try to set the car alarm. If problems arise, first inspect whether the wires are connected correctly. Perhaps the plus and minus were mixed up somewhere.

Car protection against theft

Naturally, the more options your new anti-theft device has, the more painstaking the installation will be. We considered the option of the simplest alarm system without additional protection devices. You can also connect central locking, trunk lock and much more to it.

We restore the signal with our own hands

First of all, you must understand: absolutely any remote control can be released, and the cost of installation does not play any role. The process of linking the key fob to the alarm itself is outrageously simple. It looks like this:

  1. First of all, you need to sit in the cabin and close the doors tightly.
  2. Next, activate the ignition in its first position.
  3. Afterwards, you need to press the “Jack” button three times in a row. The system should beep three times.

Please note: the sound should not come from the key fob, as it usually did, but from the siren.

  1. After 5 seconds, hold down the arming button until the siren beeps again.
  2. Carry out the operation for spare key fobs as well, otherwise they will remain deactivated.
  3. If everything is done correctly, after 5 seconds you will hear another signal, which will mean that the key fob is linked to the alarm!

What kind of Valet button is this?

Absolutely any system, be it an Alligator car alarm or any other model, must come with instructions. In which, in addition to a bunch of unnecessary information, it must necessarily describe how to attach a key fob. I’ll tell you right away, no matter what is drawn there, there won’t be any special differences from the method described above, and everything depends solely on the “Jack” button. No, this is not a playing card at all, but rather a kind of switch or reset, if you like. Finding this button is sometimes very difficult.

The main thing you need to understand is that it is always in the salon! You need to take a closer look under the instrument panel, steering column, near the alarm control unit and even in the glove compartment. It’s also worth inspecting all possible pockets and plugs; I have no doubt you’ll be able to find it! Otherwise, don’t be upset, maybe the button is simply not in your system, then its role is played by the ignition switch.

All types of alarms "B6"

Until December 1, 2007, Starline B6 alarms were produced in a black case. Then, they were replaced with a new version (blue case and key fobs). For each of the two models, the recording procedure will be the same. But with the compatibility of key fobs, everything looks more complicated.

Additional B6 key fobs, regardless of the color of the case, are interchangeable. The main ones are not. You need to remember this when making a choice. Well, key fobs for alarms under the designation Dialog (B6 Dialog) use only two-way communication. They are not compatible with anything other than the Starline A61 model.

It turns out that there are three types of Starline alarms, with the letter “B6” in the name.

Regular “Starline B6” also means “Twage B6”, and we talked about the compatibility of key fobs for them above. Well, the Dialog line is a new solution that uses two-way communication. None of the “old” components are suitable for “Dialogues”. Only key fobs from B6 Dialog and A61 are interchangeable.

Reprogramming devices from popular manufacturers

Before you start studying the issue of flashing the key fob, you should talk about one important general detail: the Valet button (aka Overread).

Each popular manufacturer offers users of their systems detailed instructions with instructions for reprogramming “unstuck” key fobs. But in any instruction it all starts with finding and disabling the above button. If the car is new (Western-made), then finding the button may not be easy. Here's where to look for it first:

  • in the fuse box in the passenger compartment (or behind this box);
  • under a small panel in the interior that says Fuse;
  • under the steering column (or under the panels inside it);
  • on one of the side walls of the glove compartment;
  • under all removable plastic covers on the dashboard;

If the search does not lead to anything, then there are two options left:

  • or the Valet button is located on the control unit of the system itself, and therefore only a specialist can get to it;
  • or in this system the Valet button is not provided at all, and its functions are assigned to the ignition switch.

Most car alarm key fobs from Western manufacturers have a Valet button

Replacing and linking the Sheriff system key fob

The interval between device reprogramming operations should be no more than 5 seconds. Therefore, before you start work, you should select instructions for your car alarm.

If this time is exceeded, the setup mode in the system will automatically turn off. Then everything will have to be done again. The same thing will happen if the ignition is turned off during programming. The successful completion of the reprogramming process in Sheriff systems is indicated by 2 signals: 1 short and 1 long.

If you need to flash a Sheriff brand keychain, don’t worry: you’ll spend 10–15 minutes on this task. A specialist video blog or detailed instructions from the car alarm manufacturer can teach you this procedure. In any case, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • the alarm is turned off, after which the ignition key is turned;
  • The Valet button is pressed three times. After this, a single signal should sound, confirming the readiness of the control unit to reprogram the key fob;
  • The Valet button is pressed again 3 times, after which 3 short beeps will sound, then 1 long beep;
  • button “1” is pressed and held until a long signal sounds, indicating that you need to enter a secret code;
  • a new code is entered using the Valet button;
  • the ignition is turned off and on again, after which the first digit of the secret code is entered using the Valet button;
  • the second digit is entered in the same way;
  • Now the Valet button is pressed 3 times, the alarm switches to the setting mode, after which 4 short and 1 long beeps will sound;
  • button “1” is pressed. It is held until a short signal appears, confirming the successful entry of the code into the system;
  • All of the above operations are repeated in turn with other key fobs that need to be linked.

The new Sheriff car alarm key fob is easily registered in the system

Video: how to set up a Sheriff car alarm

How to program a Tomahawk key fob

“Pairing” a new key fob with an already installed Tomahawk car alarm is a little more difficult. To do this, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • the ignition key is turned (the engine does not start);
  • the Valet button is pressed and held until 4 beeps sound, indicating that you can begin programming the system;
  • The trunk open button is pressed simultaneously with the key fob sound button. The buttons are held until one short beep appears. The system is ready to write code;
  • The ignition is turned off, then the Valet button is pressed seven times;
  • after this the ignition turns on. Seven short beeps sound, confirming entry into the key fob programming unit;
  • The code numbers are set by pressing the “1” button;
  • After this, the ignition is turned off and the parking lights will blink 5 times, confirming exit from the service mode.

The Tomahawk car alarm key fob can only be reprogrammed by someone who has carefully studied the relevant instructions

Video: attaching a key fob to a Tomahawk alarm

How to connect the remote control to the SCHER-KHAN system

This system allows you to bind a key fob in two ways: using a PIN code and without it. The binding sequence without code is:

  • The ignition key is turned three times from the OFF position to the ON position. This should take no more than four seconds. If everything is done correctly, the flickering of the side lights will confirm that the programming block has been entered;
  • Next, the button on the key fob is pressed, and it must be pressed no later than three seconds later. The lights will blink again;
  • if there is a need to attach a couple more key fobs, the sequence of actions is similar, only after binding the second key fob, the dimensions blink 2 times, after the third - 3 times.

And here is the binding sequence with a PIN code:

  • first, all the steps listed above are performed;
  • after this, the ignition key is turned again, and the number of turns must correspond to the first digit of the PIN code. These actions must be completed within four seconds. The side lights will blink once, after which the second digit of the code is entered in the same way;
  • After entering the code, the button on the key fob is pressed, and this must be done no later than five seconds. The lights will blink 1 time to confirm that pairing is complete.

The SCHER-KHAN car alarm key fob can be “linked” to the alarm in two ways

Video: how to attach a Shere Khan keychain: another way

Reprogramming the key fob is quite simple. To do this, you only need a few button presses performed in a certain sequence. However, before starting work, it is recommended to study the instructions for the system in detail in order to understand what exactly you are doing. In addition, we should not forget about time: if the key fob is not touched for 5–10 seconds, it will simply exit the service mode.

How many remote controls can you register?

After purchasing a vehicle, you must install a new alarm system. In this case, the key fob will only need to be reprogrammed in the event of a divorce or any family disagreement.

If you buy a used car that already has a security system installed, the former owner can hide one of the remote controls and use it for illegal activities. In such a situation, the buyer must remember that up to 4 key fobs can be programmed onto one system. This number of remote controls is standard for each model of the security system, except for Scer Khan Magicar 5, and cannot be changed at the request of the car owner.

It is difficult to link a new alarm key fob to a third-party system. Because of this, you should install it on identical models and only after deleting all previously associated remote controls from memory. Otherwise, various difficulties may arise that will lead to malfunctions of the security system.

Reprogramming an alarm key fob is a simple task that anyone can do. To do this, you need to follow the instructions exactly and try to avoid mistakes.

How to program a tomahawk key fob

Fujida neo 9000 owner reviews

Starline 63 instruction manual

Pandora alarm key fob operating instructions

System Features

This system can support up to 4 key fobs maximum.

It is very important to pay attention to the model of both the key fob and the alarm; in some cases, car owners do not pay attention to the additional indices following the model name.

It will not be possible to flash a key fob of the same model, but with a different index; you will need to replace the alarm key fob. You should replace the key fob with the exact same one you have, without any indexes.

The car owner should know that programming a Starline key fob into the alarm unit will not cost only the firmware of an additional key fob; you need to immediately write down the key fobs that you are going to use. Thus, having one working key fob and one unstitched one, when programming it is necessary to bind the key fob (old and new) at the same time.

This point is very important, because Many car owners are faced with a problem when the additional key fob works, but the main key fob does not work.

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