We independently change the thermostat on a VAZ 2106 car

Thermostat is an element of the engine cooling system designed to regulate the direction of coolant flow. This mechanical device reacts to coolant temperature and directs it either bypassing the radiator or through the radiator. This is necessary so that a cold engine heats up faster after starting.

If the thermostat malfunctions, the thermal regime of the power unit is disrupted, leading to its overheating or slow warming up. And if in the latter case the malfunction does not promise serious problems, then overheating of the car’s power unit can completely disable it.

In this article we will talk about how to replace a VAZ-2110 thermostat equipped with an injection engine. But before that, let's figure out what this device is, as well as how to determine its malfunction.

Why is a thermostat needed?

Its basis is a heat-sensitive element that is immersed in coolant. Under the influence of temperature, deformation of the bimetallic plate occurs. As a result, the valve opens and the fluid flow in the system changes direction. In fact, a VAZ-2110 thermostat is needed for one purpose - supplying hot liquid to the cooling radiator.

On older cars, the thermostat was connected to the engine block using a short rubber pipe. In newer versions, the device is secured using two studs. Between the engine block and the thermostat there is only a paronite gasket, which can be treated with silicone sealant. But this procedure is not always necessary. The outputs are connected to the pipes going to the stove, expansion tank and radiator.

Installing a thermostat on a VAZ 2109

Installing a thermostat is not a complicated process that even a beginner can do.

But there are some nuances that are important to know

  1. Before installing a working device, you should clean the place where the device will be located from dirt and rust.
  2. A thin, uniform layer of neutral sealant must be applied to the surface that has been degreased. The main condition is that no chemical reaction occurs with the coolant.
  3. After applying the sealant, you must wait a period of time equal to 10 minutes for the sealant to dry.
  4. After this procedure, you can install a new node.
  5. When the thermostat is installed, pour the required amount of coolant into the system, making sure that no air lock occurs.
  6. To check the functioning of the normal mode, start the engine and inspect all places for fluid leaks.
  7. If liquid leaks are detected, liquidation work is carried out by tightening the fastening clamps.
  8. In most situations, after replacing the old thermostat with a new one, all unpleasant symptoms associated with a malfunction of the thermostat unit go away for a short period of time.

How does a thermostat work? VAZ-2110

If we consider all types of devices, we can distinguish two main components - a sealed housing and a valve on a temperature-sensitive element. But there is a slight difference. With a carburetor power system, a non-separable thermostat (VAZ-2110) is used. The injector allows you to disassemble the structure and replace only the failed elements.

Of course, the second option is much better, since the cost of individual elements is much less. But in some cases, the VAZ-2110 thermostat valve (for injection engines) can also have a high cost - everything directly depends on the manufacturer. Preference should be given to companies that supply AvtoVAZ conveyors. Remember one thing: AvtoVAZ produces cars, not spare parts. Therefore, when you see a product on which an automaker is listed as the manufacturer, think about the quality of the product. It's hardly worthy.

Is it possible to install a thermostat designed for another model?

Considering that a lot of time has passed since the production of these vehicles ceased, and the first Eights appeared back in 1984, it is almost impossible to find a car with its original thermostat. Initially, they were equipped with a device developed for classic Zhiguli cars and slightly modified for new engine modes, then a collapsible body appeared. But, regardless of the type of housing and year of manufacture, all thermostats that were installed on the VAZ 2108–2115 are completely interchangeable, the only difference is the presence or absence of a flange, which was originally supplied as a separate part.

Moreover, devices designed for:

  1. "Priors".
  2. "Kalina".
  3. "Grants".

However, such a replacement will require a change in the movement of the coolant in the cooling system, that is, some of the rubber hoses and tubes will have to be replaced. Despite the fact that the thermostat in the VAZ 2112 (as well as any other 2108–2115) works the same way, some changes were made to the cooling system to increase its efficiency.

Some owners of these vehicles try to install such a part from a foreign car, arguing that it is more efficient and reliable, but the problem is that the original thermostat in a VAZ 2115 works exactly the same, so there will be no improvement.

How to remove an old-style thermostat?

In this case, everything is simple, the main thing is to let the engine cool. You will have to drain the liquid from the system, and it is at a very high temperature, so it can cause severe burns. When the temperature drops to 40-50 degrees, you can begin to drain the liquid. For this purpose, there are two holes - in the lower part of the radiator and in the cooling jacket of the internal combustion engine.

There is a plug in the first hole; it must be unscrewed by hand. If that doesn't work, you can use pliers. A bronze plug is screwed into the engine block. It is most convenient to unscrew it with a 13mm socket wrench. After draining the liquid (do not forget to unscrew the cap on the tank), you can remove the thermostat on the VAZ-2110. It is enough to loosen all the clamps that secure the pipes to it.


In addition to the thermostat, you need to purchase a new pipe through which the coolant can return to the pump. Among motorists it is called a “saxophone”. You can find it by number: 2110-1303055-10. The following tools and materials should also be on hand:

  1. Clamps 15-28 mm (it is better to take about 7 pieces).
  2. New gasket.
  3. Replacement hoses.
  4. Screwdriver Set.
  5. Special hose puller (needed for old-style cars).
  6. Rags.
  7. Antifreeze.

There are two installation options: standard and alternative. In the first case, the 6-hole thermostat opens for additional cooling. In other words, it monitors the temperature coming out of the engine, not the temperature of the already cooled antifreeze. An alternative option is to check the temperature lower than the motor reading. The installation proceeds according to the following scheme:

    Part of the coolant must be drained; to do this, you need to unscrew the plug from the drain hole;

Thermostat replacement diagram

  • The negative terminal must be removed from the battery, after which the clamps securing the pipes to the thermostat body should be loosened;
  • By disconnecting them, the device can be removed;
  • The next step is to add a new tube; for this it is best to take the VAZ 2110 operation and maintenance manual;
  • After this, you can install the 6-hole unit and secure it with new clamps;
  • The last step is to add coolant to the expansion tank. Done, replacement complete.

Removing a new sample element

If we draw an analogy with the previous guide, then you will need to perform almost the same steps. Drain all the liquid from the cooling system; for this purpose there are similar plugs in the block and radiator. The only difference is that not only will you have to remove the pipes, but you will also have to unscrew the two nuts that secure the thermostat (VAZ-2110 is the model in question) to the engine block. Just try not to damage the gasket. But if it is still torn (and this happens in almost 90% of cases), then be sure to install a new one during assembly.

Its cost is very low. And if you wish, you can even cut it out from paronite yourself (if you have one). To improve sealing, clean all adjacent surfaces. After this, degrease the metal and apply a thin layer of sealant to the gasket on both sides. When installing, it is necessary not to tighten the nuts to the end; give the sealant a little time to settle, then the connection will be more reliable. After 20-30 minutes you can tighten the nuts. It is recommended to fill the system with liquid after 1-2 hours.

Removal, repair and installation

If there is a suspicion that this part does not work or is not functioning correctly, then remove it and check it “on the table”. The method for removing the device from a carburetor and injection engine is different; this is caused both by the design of the part itself and by additional equipment that makes access to the drain plug difficult.

Removal from a carburetor engine

To remove the thermostat on a 2108–2115 with a carburetor engine, follow these steps:

  1. Drain the coolant from the block and radiator into a container, then, if it is in good condition, the liquid can be filtered and poured into the cooling system.
  2. Unscrew the clamps of all hoses suitable for the thermostat pipes.
  3. Remove all heating hoses from this part.
  4. Pull the thermostat out of the rubber hose through which it is connected to the engine block.
  5. Remove the part from the engine compartment.

This procedure is suitable for all thermostats, except those equipped with a flange for mounting to the engine. To disconnect the device from the motor, unscrew the fixing bolts and remove it.

Removal from injection engine

On cars with an injection engine, proceed as follows:

  1. Disconnect the wiring harness that goes to the mass air flow sensor (MAF).
  2. Loosen the clamps of the air duct connecting the air filter and throttle body, as well as the crankcase ventilation hoses.
  3. Disconnect the throttle cable from the throttle.
  4. Disconnect the air filter mounts.
  5. Pull out the air filter and place it on the engine.
  6. Unscrew and remove the ignition module.
  7. Drain the antifreeze.
  8. Loosen the clamps and remove all hoses from the thermostat.
  9. Disconnect the wire connectors from the sensors installed in this part.
  10. Unscrew the bolts securing the device body to the engine block.
  11. Disconnect the part from the engine block and remove it from the engine compartment.

Injection motor

This procedure applies to all injection VAZ 2108–2115 cars. Some technicians recommend removing the expansion tank; in their opinion, this will improve access to the device. If the thermostat is not equipped with a flange for mounting to the engine, then remove all clamps and hoses from the adapter hose through which it is connected to the flange.


You can only check a part with a collapsible housing; a non-demountable thermostat is replaced in case of any malfunctions, fortunately, this part is inexpensive. Remember: you can check the thermostat without removing the 16-valve injector from the VAZ 2112 car only in terms of its performance and approximate (±10 degrees) response temperature; a more accurate check is only possible with the device removed from the body.

To check the device's response temperature, use:

  • stove with power control mode.
  • a saucepan with water.
  • thermometer with an upper limit of 110–130 degrees.

When working, exercise maximum caution, because water with a temperature of even 80 degrees, if it gets on the body, leads to second-degree burns. Remember, the thermostat in a VAZ 2114 operates at a coolant temperature of 85–105 degrees, so it must be checked under the same conditions.

To check the response temperature, proceed as follows:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and place it on the stove. Inspect the valve to see if the valve is tightly closed; if it is not completely closed, the part is faulty.
  2. Place a thermostat in it. Place the thermometer in the water.
  3. Heat the water to a temperature of 70–80 degrees, then check whether the valve opens (visually assess the position of its parts). If the valve opens, the part is faulty.
  4. Slowly heat the water to a temperature of 95 degrees, the heating rate is no more than 1 degree/min.
  5. Monitor the thermometer and the condition of the valve, as soon as it begins to open, note the readings of the thermometer, this is the opening temperature.
  6. Evaluate how much the valve will open when operating temperature is reached; if not enough, then the part is faulty.

You can check the VAZ 2115 thermostat without removing it from the car, but this method will more accurately show the response temperature, which means you can choose a part that is more suitable for the temperature regime.

Replacing the thermostat thermostat

This operation can only be performed on vehicles equipped with a split-body device. If you want to replace a valve on a carburetor car, do the following:

  • drain the coolant from the block and radiator;
  • unscrew the clamps of the tubes approaching the front (farthest from the cylinder block) part of the device body;
  • remove the corresponding hoses;
  • Unscrew the 2 bolts connecting the parts of the device body to each other;
  • remove the front part of the body (if it is seated on sealant, then pry it off with a knife);
  • remove the old thermostat;
  • clean its seat with a clean, lint-free cloth;
  • remove traces of sealant from the mating areas;
  • install a new gasket or apply sealant;
  • insert a new valve;
  • put on the front part of the housing and secure with bolts;
  • put on the hoses and tighten the clamps;
  • refill with new antifreeze.

Replacing the thermostat thermostat

If you fill in old coolant, filter it through several layers of gauze.

To replace the thermostat on a car with an injector, follow steps 1–7 of the list from the previous section, then follow the algorithm for a carburetor engine, and when assembling, follow the reverse sequence. After installing the new part, do not forget to check the VAZ 2114 thermostat without removing it from the car; if, after reaching the switch-on temperature of the device, both pipes of the main radiator began to heat up, then you did everything correctly.

Signs of a bad thermostat

If the thermostat on a VAZ-2110 is faulty, an increase in engine temperature will be observed. Unfortunately, if the sensing element breaks down, the valve switches to a position that corresponds to a small cooling circle. Consequently, liquid from the engine jacket does not enter the radiator. What to do in this case? Open the stove tap and turn on the fan at the highest speed. Even if it’s hot outside, this method should not be avoided - it will help save the engine from overheating.

Features of the Grants thermostat

The factory installed thermostats on 14-series cars that were more similar in design and operating principle to those used on 9-series and 10-series cars. These are pump thermostats that operate only when the temperature reaches +90..95 degrees.

The main feature of the Granta thermostat is that it can be installed on a VAZ-2114 without major design changes. But engine performance will be much better, cooling efficiency will be higher. The thermostat's response temperature is approximately 60 degrees, which allows for normal movement in any traffic jams. Even standing for many hours in heavy traffic with the engine running will not cause the antifreeze to boil.

Stories from our readers

“Fucking basin. "

Hi all! My name is Mikhail, now I’ll tell you a story about how I managed to exchange my two-wheeler for a 2010 Camry. It all started with the fact that I began to be wildly irritated by the breakdowns of the two-wheeler, it seemed like nothing serious was broken, but damn it, there were so many little things that really started to irritate me. This is where the idea arose that it was time to change the car to a foreign car. The choice fell on the melting Camry of the tenth years.

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They are warmer not because a sixth fitting has appeared there, but because the bypass channel has been reduced. And the new fitting serves to get rid of the constantly leaking stove return tee.

Comparison of bypass channels of a 6-hole thermostat - 11mm (left) and 5-hole - 16mm (right)

What does bypass affect? Through the bypass channel, the coolant circulates in a small circle. And the smaller the diameter of the bypass channel, the more coolant flows through the heater. Because additional resistance is created when coolant flows in a small circle, bypassing the stove. That is, by reducing the diameter of the bypass you increase the flow through the stove, that is, the car interior will be warmer.

Reducing the bypass channel for a 5-hole thermostat:

I would like to note right away that when the bypass channel in a 5-hole thermostat (TC) is narrowed, problems may arise: Problems associated with washing the thermoelement . That is, if in a 6-hole thermocouple the bypass coolant and coolant of the outlet (cold) pipe of the stove are washed, then in a 5-hole thermocouple only the bypass coolant is washed.

In order to reduce the bypass to the required value, you can cut a plate out of an aluminum plate . The plate should fit exactly inside, as shown in the figure. Next, the plate needs to be secured ; for this you can use cold welding or rivets. Make sure that the rivets do not interfere with the closure of the small circle. Then we drill a new hole in the plate .

Is it worth the bother?

Thermostat 21082 is a one-piece design, securely attached to the cylinder head. Fewer connections on clamps, no intermediate hoses - less chance of leaks.

In the future, replacing the thermoelement will require less manipulation - unscrew 3 bolts and disconnect 2 hoses. You can even get by by disconnecting one hose if you get creative. Replacing the thermoelement becomes much more convenient.

Another advantage is the reduced diameter of the bypass hole, which (as they say) affects the engine warm-up speed and increased flow through the heater, although logically the increase in flow is unlikely to be significant.

Well, the size of the thermostat frees up space in the area above the gearbox.

In addition, in the circuit with thermostat 21082, the expansion tank is included in a small circle, and not in a large one as in circuit 2108.

Thermostat design

Structurally, the “tens” thermostat consists of an aluminum housing with pipes for connecting hoses and a working mechanism (thermoelement) located inside. The latter is a brass or copper cylinder filled with wax with a built-in pusher - a pin, at the end of which there is a valve.

When the coolant is heated to a certain temperature (80-82 o C), the wax melts and expands, pushing this pin, which, in turn, moves the valve, opening it. As the wax cools, it hardens and shrinks in size, and the valve spring forces it back into the closed position.

5 or 6 hole thermostat

#1 SoulBeam


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It is necessary to replace the collapsible thermos assembly (the lid is cracked). Subject: there are 5-hole ones on sale, but in the cold (far out in the cold) or 6-hole ones, but on the counter in front of your nose. Consultants are of no use (beep).

After reading various sources, it turned out that many people plug the heater return into the 6th hole, getting rid of the crosspiece and plugging the hole on the “saxophone”. I'm somehow confused as to how the heater will even work. I have something like this https://www.autoprosp. /ris-09-1-2.jpg, only everything in one case. I found such a diagram from VAZ-21114 and VAZ-21124 https://www.autoprosp. /25-2041-02.jpg here the tank goes into a thermos, but where does the return return go? If it's "saxophone" then it seems true...

Help me, good people, it’s not Webasto, it’s just an ordinary thermos, but I can’t figure out where to plug it in.

#2 Serg_x


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  • 5 hole thermos

    6 hole thermos

    Connection diagram for 5-hole

    Connection diagram for 6-hole

    * It’s hard to see in the diagram - the stove return goes into the fitting on the pump pipe

    Modified connection diagram for 6-hole

    pipes for heating the throttle: In the 5-hole circuit: No. 27, No. 28 In the 6-hole circuit - shown with a dotted line to the throttle. In the modified 6-hole circuit, they are plugged. The throttle is connected to the radiator steam outlet!

    As a result: 89 degrees in winter and summer, with and without a stove, day and night. When the stove is turned on, the opening temperature of the large circle increases, and when it is turned off, it decreases. That is, the engine is automatically colder in summer and hotter in winter. Well, an eternal problem especially for dozens, especially for 16 valve engines - much hotter air from the stove when operating at idle.

    #3 SoulBeam


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    Those. Is it the throttle heating that is suppressed in the modified version? Whose steam outlet do you use, a heater radiator or a large circle radiator?

    The new hole, as I understand it, comes after the bypass? Then it becomes clearer, otherwise I thought that since it’s on the body and not on the lid, it’s up to the bypass and won’t pull))

    Ps what's the best way to mute it? For now, I’m thinking about cutting off the hose, screwing in the bolt and tightening it with a clamp)) In winter it’s Tashkent, but in summer it’s colder - that’s interesting.

    Post edited by SoulBeam: February 10, 2012 - 15:19:04

    #4 Serg_x


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  • SoulBeam (February 10, 2012 - 15:17:17) wrote: SoulBeam (February 10, 2012 - 15:17:17) wrote:
    In principle, I don’t care. It’s more convenient to take it from the heater at stock; for me it’s closer from the radiator.

    SoulBeam (10 February 2012 - 15:17:17) wrote:

    Yes. If you buy a thermostat, you’ll understand everything right away.

    SoulBeam (10 February 2012 - 15:17:17) wrote:

    #5 SoulBeam


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    Oh thank you!! It’s just like they inserted a new brain, all the gears came together and woohoo!!

    Thank you for chewing it, I’ll collect the water supply today.

    Signs of a faulty thermostat

    If your car's engine takes more than seven minutes to warm up to operating temperature, this is a sure sign that the thermostat valve is stuck open. In this case, the coolant will constantly move in a large circle. With such a malfunction in winter, the engine may not warm up even to 80 degrees.

    If, on the contrary, the engine heats up very quickly and there is constant overheating, which can be determined by the readings of the temperature sensor and the frequent turning on of the radiator fan, this is a sure sign that the valve does not open and does not allow coolant into the radiator for cooling.

    Checking the Thermostat

    In order to check the functionality of the Lada Granta part on VAZ 2114, 2109, etc. it is necessary to pour coolant into the system and wait until it warms up to operating temperature - 90 - 95 degrees.

    Make sure there are no coolant leaks

    First of all, pay attention to the thermostat. At the junction of the pipes, there should be no noticeable drips or the appearance of wet spots

    If after 5 minutes of engine operation these symptoms are not detected, then the installation was completed correctly.

    Further, if the stove is VAZ 2114, 2109, etc. turned off, you need to turn it on and wait until the liquid heats up. After this, you should feel a flow of warm air in the cabin, as the Granta thermostat helps the stove work better. If heat does not flow, then the part is defective and the valve inside it does not work.

    How to identify a malfunction

    You can determine whether the VAZ-2110 thermostat needs to be replaced on your own.

    To do this, start and warm up the car engine to operating temperature at idle speed. Next, in the engine compartment, find the radiator pipes. Touch them. If the device is working, they should both be hot. This is evidence that the coolant circulates freely in the system.

    If one of them turns out to be cold, it means that the valve did not open and the thermostat did not work. But this does not mean that it needs to be changed immediately. For the VAZ-2110, replacement of the thermostat will be required only if its entire structure turns out to be unsuitable for further operation. In other cases, you can get by with repairing it.

    Removing the thermostat

    To remove the device, you need to completely or partially drain the coolant. After this, it is necessary to dismantle the air filter housing and disconnect the hoses from the thermostat pipes. Next, you should unscrew the three bolts that secure the device body to the cylinder head.

    When the unit is dismantled, unscrew the screws securing the thermostat cover and remove the thermocouple.

    Installing a thermostat on a VAZ 2109

    Installing a thermostat is not a complicated process that even a beginner can do.

    But there are some nuances that are important to know

    1. Before installing a working device, you should clean the place where the device will be located from dirt and rust.
    2. A thin, uniform layer of neutral sealant must be applied to the surface that has been degreased. The main condition is that no chemical reaction occurs with the coolant.
    3. After applying the sealant, you must wait a period of time equal to 10 minutes for the sealant to dry.
    4. After this procedure, you can install a new node.
    5. When the thermostat is installed, pour the required amount of coolant into the system, making sure that no air lock occurs.
    6. To check the functioning of the normal mode, start the engine and inspect all places for fluid leaks.
    7. If liquid leaks are detected, liquidation work is carried out by tightening the fastening clamps.
    8. In most situations, after replacing the old thermostat with a new one, all unpleasant symptoms associated with a malfunction of the thermostat unit go away for a short period of time.

    Checking the thermoelement

    To check, we need a container of clean water, a liquid thermometer and a gas (electric) stove or boiler. To test the thermocouple for functionality, place it in a container of cold water and start heating it. When the liquid is heated to 80.5-82 o C for a working device, the pusher should move forward. If this does not happen, then replacing the thermostat for your VAZ-2110 is a necessity.

    Additionally, inspect the device body and its pipes. If everything is in order with them, you can only get by by purchasing a thermoelement.

    Check and replacement

    If the thermostat fails, it should be replaced immediately. It is impossible to say that the device has failed only on the basis of an initial check.

    If the engine overheats during operation or does not warm up to operating temperatures quickly enough, the condition of the unit is checked. Based on the results obtained, replacement or repair is carried out.

    The most effective way to check the thermostat is to remove it. The procedure is performed as follows:

    1. Unscrew the crankcase protection mounting bolts, after which the protection must be removed and placed aside for a while.
    2. Remove the cap from the expansion tank where the coolant is located.
    3. Place a clean container under the drain hole (if you plan to pour the same coolant back into the system), unscrew the drain plug from the cylinder block and remove all coolant from the cylinder block.
    4. Place a container under the drain hole of the cooling radiator, unscrew the plug and drain the antifreeze or antifreeze.
    5. Loosen the clamps holding the hoses.
    6. Disconnect the three hoses that are connected to your thermostat housing.
    7. Loosen the tension on the clamps and remove the thermostat along with the hose. The short hose is disconnected from the thermostat.
    8. Place the dismantled device in a container of water, which must be preheated to 78-80 degrees Celsius.
    9. Start heating the water, stirring the liquid occasionally. The water needs to be heated to approximately 87 degrees Celsius.
    10. If the thermostat is working properly, when the temperature reaches 87 degrees with an error of plus or minus 2 degrees, the main valve should open. If this does not happen, the device is faulty and requires replacement.

    Replacement process To replace the thermostat, it is enough to remove the old one in accordance with the specified dismantling instructions, and reassemble the unit with an already working device in the reverse order.

    What to choose?

    Many owners of a VAZ 2109 with a carburetor complain that the factory thermostat is insufficiently efficient. Because of this, especially in winter, you have to suffer from slow heating, when it is difficult to achieve even 60 degrees.

    To solve this problem, it is recommended to install a thermostat from an injection VAZ 2110 with 8 valves for the winter and for the entire period of operation of the nine. This is an improved element that has obvious advantages compared to the original thermostat for the carburetor VAZ 2109.

    1. You should install an injection thermostat starting from tens, taking into account the fact that we are not talking about the first versions of the VAZ 2110, but later, modernized ones.
    2. On 8-valve engines, dozens of thermostats have become dismountable, unlike the 16-valve VAZ 2110 and those devices that were initially installed from the factory on the VAZ 2109. This allows, in the event of a unit breakdown, to disassemble it and partially repair it without completely replacing the device.
    3. To repair a new thermostat, borrowed from a VAZ 2110 with an injector and 8 valves, it is often enough to disassemble the device and replace the thermoelement there.
    4. The new unit turned out to be 50 millimeters shorter, which allows for more free space.
    5. The new element has lost many of the clamps that are relevant for thermostats from the VAZ 2109.
    6. The component has undergone quite a serious modification, which allows it to effectively maintain a stable temperature inside the engine cooling system.

    Device from tens When replacing the thermostat on a VAZ 21099, make sure that you choose the device from the 8-valve “tens”. Cars with 16 valve engines use different devices in which the circulation system does not work the same way. Therefore, the elements will simply be incompatible.

    VAZ-2110: replacing the thermostat

    After purchasing a new element, do not forget to check its serviceability using the method described above. Once you are sure it is working, install it in the housing and screw on the cover. The thermostat assembly can now be reinstalled.

    To do this, secure it with three bolts to the cylinder head. Connect the cooling system pipes and fill the reservoir with antifreeze or antifreeze to the required level.

    Start the engine and warm it up. Check the operation of the thermostat by touching the radiator pipes. If they are both hot, the device is working normally, and our work was not in vain.

    Thermostat models

    For installation on the VAZ 2108–2115, 3 models of these devices with article numbers are suitable:

    1. 2108-1306010 (non-separable).
    2. 21082-1306010 (collapsible).
    3. 111801306010 (collapsible).

    Thermostat 2108-1306010

    Device No. 1 is intended for the Samara-1 family, therefore the configuration of its pipes corresponds to the cooling system of cars 2108–21099. Device No. 2 is intended for the “Tenth” family, therefore it has a slightly different configuration of pipes, because the cooling system of these machines was a little more efficient. Device No. 3 was installed on Kalina and Priora, and their cooling system was further modernized, which required changing the number and location of pipes.

    However, any of these devices is suitable for all 2108–2115 cars, but to install them on a different generation of cars, you have to change the rubber hoses and tubes of the heating system. In addition, a common thermostat with article number 21082-1306100 is suitable for all collapsible devices. The response temperature is indicated both on the body and box of the thermostat, and on the body and box of the thermostat assembly.

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