We change the thermostat on a VAZ-2110 with our own hands (+ articles)

I think any classic driver sooner or later encounters a problem - the engine does not warm up to operating temperature, or, on the contrary, the engine overheats, there is nothing good about this, as we understand, and in most cases it is the culprit thermostat. So in this article I will tell you about my experience. replacing the thermostat on a VAZ-2107. In fact, there is nothing super complicated in this procedure, The thermostat is changing in about one hour with smoke breaks, but if you still have the original factory pipes, be patient, because they are tightened with factory clamps, and I would advise, after removing them for the first time, to send them to the trash, and install normal alternative clamps, and also use a little sealant. All in all thermostat replacement process:

So, an audit of the engine compartment was carried out and a decision was made to purchase - Thermostat 1 pc. Clamp – 1 pc. (just in case) Antifreeze - 3 l. (although 1 liter is possible), sealant and middle pipe because mine was in terrible condition, you can see in the photo below:

So, hands in feet and off to the market to do some shopping! Everything that was planned was purchased, the thermostat was purchased from Thomson - the issue price was about 18 USD. Here are photos of the acquisitions:

And Felix antifreeze 3 liters

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