We change the heater radiator on a Lada Granta car ourselves

Lada Granta is one of the most popular cars in Russia in 2022, along with KIA Rio, VW Polo, Lada Vesta, Hyundai Solaris and Hyundai Creta. This popularity of the car is explained, first of all, by the optimal combination of price and quality: Granta owners note good visibility, an acceptable power unit, ease of maintenance, low cost of spare parts, a spacious trunk, high ground clearance, which is extremely important for Russian realities. Among the components that are indispensable in the cold season is a heater, the main component of which is the radiator. If a situation arises when it is necessary to replace the stove radiator, then in most cases this can be done without outside help. What should the owner of a Lada Granta remember who has decided to replace the heater radiator on his own?

Heater radiator: responsible for heating the interior

It’s hard to imagine a modern car without a standard set of devices and options, thanks to which driving the vehicle becomes as convenient as possible, and staying in the cabin is comfortable and safe. The functions of maintaining a favorable temperature regime in the car are assigned to the heating, air conditioning and ventilation system, which, depending on the situation, can heat, ventilate or cool the air in the cabin. At the same time, one of the key components of the heating system is the stove, which includes a radiator that acts as a heat exchanger. The air entering the car interior is heated by the radiator, and it is heated by the liquid that cools the engine.

"Lada Granta" is equipped with a large number of options, thanks to which driving the vehicle becomes quite convenient

How does the Lada Granta heating system work?

Structurally, the Lada Granta heating system consists of:

  • an air duct directing the flow to the left deflector (deflector is a device for enhancing traction);
  • heat exchanger covers;
  • seal;
  • stove radiator;
  • air duct to glass;
  • stove body;
  • central air duct;
  • an air duct directing the flow to the right deflector;
  • recirculation shutter rods;
  • fan shell;
  • directly from the fan;
  • a resistor that regulates the operation of the fan;
  • main air duct;
  • distribution valve rods;
  • regulating device;
  • a device that directs air to the feet of passengers;
  • thermostat shutter rods.

The structure of the Lada Granta heating system allows you to carry out repairs on your own

How does the heating system work?

The heating and ventilation system in Lada Granta is a supply and exhaust system . What does this mean? Air from outside penetrates into the cabin through a special device in the form of an air intake box placed in front of the windshield. The amount of air coming from outside is regulated by a special recirculation damper. The recirculation system provided in the Lada Grant allows for better heating of the air in the cabin in winter and faster cooling in summer (if air conditioning is available). However, you should not abuse the recirculation mode, since this will introduce stale air into the car. It is convenient to use recirculation to protect against foreign odors from the street entering the cabin, but only for a short time. The principle of recirculation is to block the access of air from outside and repeatedly pass internal air flows through the heating or cooling element.

Next, an air filter 7 appears on the path of air flows, which serves as a barrier for dust and dirt particles. Do not forget to change the filter element in accordance with the schedule recommended by the manufacturer. The air, cleared of mechanical particles, is picked up by fan 11, driven by engine 12, and pumped into the car interior.

After this, the air stream passes through the air conditioner evaporator 13 (if provided in the package), under which there is a drainage hole 14 for draining the condensate. Depending on the position of the damper 15, which regulates the temperature, the air moves to the heater radiator or bypasses the heat exchanger. If the damper directs the jet to the radiator, then heated air enters the cabin, the flows of which can be distributed as necessary onto the windshield and side windows or under the feet of passengers.

Heating and ventilation system "Lada Grants" - supply and exhaust

The exhaust occurs through special openings in the rear of the body, which can be found under the trunk lining. For normal operation of the hood, these openings should not be blocked by cargo carried in the trunk. Among other things, a closed hood can cause windows to fog up.

List of faults in the heating circuit

If the owner of LADA Kalina suspects the presence of any deviations from the normal functioning of the heating system, then the diagnostic procedures below will be required.

  1. The first step is to make sure that there is a sufficient amount of antifreeze in the cooling circuit.
  2. Next, check the integrity of the fuse.
  3. We make sure that the fan speed regulator is working properly.
  4. A weak air flow through the deflectors indicates the need to check the condition of the filter component.
  5. If there is no warm flow into the cabin when the engine is warm, then there may be air pockets in the cooling system or the dampers in the air ducts are jammed.
  6. A faulty temperature sensor will cause only hot or, conversely, cold flow to enter the cabin.
  7. Among the common reasons is depressurization of the LADA Kalina cooling system. Sometimes this may be due to the loss of tightness of the heater radiator itself. At the same time, antifreeze will enter the cabin, giving itself away as a specific smell and wet decorative floor covering. In order to detect a leak in a timely manner, it is necessary to monitor the level in the expansion tank frequently.

Sequence of actions when replacing the Lada Granta heater radiator

Note to the driver!

There are two ways to dismantle the heater radiator on a Lada Grant: according to the instruction manual and the “folk method”. Let's look at each with a specific example.

  1. We place the car within the perimeter of the repair area, turn off the engine, and open the hood. We provide priority safety measures.
  2. After the engine has cooled down, we proceed to dismantling the heating system on the Lada Grant without a condenser.

Common faults

The stove itself on Kalina is well conceived, but due to the poor quality of the elements and parts, various troubles constantly happen to it. Even the latest models with climate control have various “diseases”.

The list of the most common faults looks like this:

  • The heater core is leaking;
  • the heater damper is jammed or does not open completely;
  • failure of the fan or control unit;
  • gear motor failure;
  • the temperature sensor or heater resistor has become unusable;
  • The cabin filter is clogged.

To find out where this or that element of the heating system is located, you should look at the operating instructions; there will definitely be a corresponding diagram there.

The design of the Kalina stove without climate control is such that the air sucked in by the fan passes through the air filter and enters the heater radiator. There it is heated and supplied to different areas of the cabin through adjustable grilles and openings. The dampers are controlled and the fan speeds are switched manually. This heating system is more reliable because it does not contain any electronics.

Replacement process

Sometimes Lada Granta owners have to deal with a situation when a heater radiator leak is detected. In these cases, car owners make different decisions. Some people prefer to purchase a sealant and use it to stop the leak. Indeed, the “magic” sealant very quickly copes with such a problem. However, it should be taken into account that along with the holes that appear, the sealant also clogs the rest of the radiator space, as a result of which it will be useless to count on excellent operation of the stove.

If you find that the stove is blowing cold air or warm air flows into the cabin, but extremely slowly, you should suspect problems with the radiator. In this case, we strongly recommend that you remove it and then conduct a thorough visual inspection. Only after this can a decision be made regarding all subsequent actions. You can thoroughly clean it and blow it out. If it is absolutely clear that it is impossible to return it to its previous state, it will not be possible to clean it, then you have to resort to drastic measures, which include replacing the stove radiator.


If you inspect the removed radiator and are convinced of its integrity, then the problem is only in its excessive contamination; accordingly, this device needs thorough cleaning. Of course, if you are convinced in advance that the radiator is in order, then you can wash it without even resorting to dismantling it.

However, an already removed radiator can be cleaned. We suggest that you acquire special chemicals that will be able to cope with the “age-old” dirt. Experienced car owners can further disassemble the radiator, then continue cleaning it using a kind of brush. We do not recommend that you resort to such actions, so as not to complicate your “life” and not provoke even bigger problems.

You can clean a removed radiator without fear because chemicals may have an aggressive effect on other elements involved in the heating process. Please note that chemicals should not be selected thoughtlessly, not blindly based on the advice of your friends, but based on what material the radiator is made of.

In particular, if you have a copper-brass version, you need to purchase caustic soda and rinse the device with it. If your device is made of aluminum, it is prohibited to use soda; you will need acid. Clean the device by pouring the chemical inside and always watering it from above. It is very important to clean all the pores so that the interior of your Lada Granta subsequently warms up as quickly as possible.

general information

VAZ 2115: when the heater radiator needs to be replaced

Grant's cars are equipped with fairly high-quality stoves; the manufacturer equips them with aluminum radiators. The heating system itself is a single complex; in addition to the already mentioned radiator, which acts as a heat exchanger, it also includes other units and components: in particular, a fan, deflectors and air ducts.

The air ducts are designed to supply air flow from the heater to the windshield vents and to the vents on the dashboard. They also supply air to the air ducts, which ensure its transmission to the feet of the people in the cabin.

While the car is moving, air enters the heater thanks to the holes located in the windshield trim. To increase the power of the air flow entering the cabin, both at the time of movement and during parking, a fan should be used, the rotation speed of which determines the intensity of its supply. Initially, the fan receives street air, after which it supplies it to the heater and to the air conditioner dampers. A recirculation system should speed up the heating of the interior and prevent outside air from entering the car.

The uniform flow of air inside the car is ensured by an air temperature sensor, the inlet of which must be protected from any contamination. Special switches are provided to control the speed and direction of incoming air. In addition, with their help you can determine whether cold or heated air will come out of the heater.

Remember that the stove does not tolerate violations of operating rules, since each of its elements plays its own, very important role in the operation of the entire heating system. That is why the malfunction of any of its components will disrupt the normal functioning of all the others, be it a broken radiator or a failed tube.

Installation of a new Lada Granta radiator

When buying a new radiator, you need to understand that it must be either original or very close to the original in its characteristics.
Car enthusiasts have to console themselves mainly with a radiator heater for the Lada Granta Luzar. In general, he performed well. Especially with the use of special additives that seal the liquid supply channels. The new generation of radiators has features in the fastenings; they consist of two parts and are assembled together with three self-tapping screws.

The new radiator will fall into place correctly if, after purchase, you carefully cover it with foam rubber around the perimeter, after which a small window of the required format is cut, somewhere at the bottom of the stove body. Thanks to these manipulations, the new radiator should fit perfectly into place. Next, the entire assembly proceeds in reverse order.

Review of Manufacturer Prices

Heater parameters: weight 0.5 kg, length 155 x width 167 x height 20 mm.

Name/articlePrice, rub.)
Heater radiator 2190-8101060From 2400
LUZAR aluminum LRh 0190bFrom 2100 – 2200
LUZAR LRaC 0190—/—
LUZAR 482768—/—
LUZAR 353287—/—
AvtoVAZ OJSC 429612From 2300
with air conditioning for automatic transmission LUZAR 367792From 2400
AvtoVAZ OJSC 348402—/—
LUZAR 466443—/—

*prices are current as of November 21, 2018.

Before you start

Before removing and disassembling the stove, you need to purchase new spare parts. The radiator must be from the Lada Granta. You will learn how to disassemble the heater in this article; however, it is advisable to have some experience. It is worth noting that the cost of a radiator for this car is twice as high as a regular one, for example, the one that comes with Kalina. Also, get a canister of antifreeze and a tube of sealant. Naturally, it is better for the replacement to be carried out by professionals in a specialized workshop, but if you decide to work on your own, invite a friend with you. The whole process will take you approximately 3-4 hours.


1.Vasily: for two years of operation there were no breakdowns of the heating system. Several times I noticed an antifreeze leak at the joints of the pipes. After replacing the clamp with a new one, there were no cases of depressurization.
2.Vladlen: Granta is assembled with high quality, the fit of parts is good, there are no comments. Provided regular maintenance, it will last a long time.
3.Gennady: for a year and a half of active use of the machine, I did not make any capital investments, with the exception of the purchase of consumables. I treat equipment with care, I buy only original parts.
4.Ivan: I recently underwent the fifth maintenance, the master assured me that the equipment was in good working order, there were no comments.
5.Dmitry: at 50,000 km, I replaced the return pipe once due to the formation of a crack. The system is operating normally, there are no complaints.
6.Ignat: my machine works like a watch, no complaints. I carry out technical inspections in a timely manner, fill with high-quality oils and high-octane fuel, and strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
7.Victor: It will soon be two years since I bought a Lada, I’m happy with the choice. My friends advised me to buy a Renault Logan, but I chose a domestic one.
1.Ivan: I’m dissatisfied with the purchase of the Lada Grant; in the first winter, the antifreeze supply pipe to the radiator cracked. Fortunately, I noticed it in time and replaced it with a new one, otherwise the consequences could have been different.
2.Sergey: during the year and a half of operation of the car, the car underwent unscheduled repairs twice. I think this is too much for domestic transport.
3.Gennady: Now I regret buying Granta; Renault Logan is better. The car is falling apart every day.

Conclusion There are difficulties when dismantling the stove heater. Many owners are familiar with this. At the same time, the “craftsmen” came up with a way to replace the heat exchanger without actually removing the dashboard, which significantly reduces time, money, and effort.

The final choice is up to the owner of the technical equipment. You should still listen to the recommendations of experts.

Restoring the functionality of the stove radiator on Grant

As you know, in some cases it is not practical to restore the heater; it is easier to replace it with a new product. Therefore, before removing the heater radiator on a grant, it makes sense to resort to some tricks, we will dwell on them in more detail.

For example, if the car's mileage is more than 40 thousand kilometers, there is a high probability of scale and foreign deposits forming in the system on the walls of the channels. To correct this situation, washing with a special product is ideal. There are many flushing methods, both with and without draining the coolant.

In our opinion, the most acceptable way is to add a special product to a system that already contains antifreeze. With this approach, it is possible to achieve the following results: - dissolve scale; — improve heat dissipation and restore the performance of the interior heater. Moreover, the cleaning agent does not corrode materials, gaskets, or sealants. In general, whether to flush or replace the unit depends on the severity of the malfunction and the individual decision of each car owner.

Eliminating air jams

The design of the cooling system in the VAZ-1118 has one unpleasant drawback - the tendency for the circuit to become airy. This can lead to overheating and engine damage. Here we recommend resorting to minor system upgrades. You need to act when the liquid is drained.

  1. First we replace the thermostat. Instead of a standard product with five holes, we install a component with six such holes.
  2. We add a refrigerant filter to the circuit.
  3. We install a shut-off valve on the pipe leading to the stove.

These actions are not capable of radically transforming the system. Experienced owners of LADA Kalina have moved further in this matter. They add steam exhaust pipes, install a forced fan activation button, etc. To install the designated outlet, the diagram looks like this: we cut a tee into the pipe leading to the expansion tank. It is connected through a separate hose to the pipe of the throttle body heating unit. We place the second tee in the return from the radiator of the heating system and connect it with an expansion tank. Now you know how to remove, as well as how to change the radiator, and fix other problems yourself.

Replacing the Lada Granta heater radiator

If it's cold in the cabin when the heater is on, it means it's time to repair or replace the heater. Among the most typical reasons why you have to change the heater radiator on a Grant:

  • clogging of channels due to the formation of scale or dirt;
  • the occurrence of cracks or holes in the heating system.

In some cases, it is possible to get by with repair and restoration measures. For example, before changing the radiator, you can try flushing the system with a special liquid. There are means to get rid of scale inside the heating system, both by draining the antifreeze and the coolant inside. Such products, as a rule, do not harm sealants, gaskets, hoses, etc.

In some cases, it is possible to repair the heater radiator of a Lada Granta car without having to replace it


Antifreeze leaked into the cabin

To prevent problems with the heater core, you need to carefully monitor it. For example, from the first days of buying a car, periodically look under the car to see if there are dark spots there. And in the engine compartment it would be a good idea to observe the condition of the cooling system hoses. If you notice traces of antifreeze in any of these places, you need to immediately seek help, or carry out repairs yourself.

If possible, the hoses for connecting the heater radiator should be replaced with new ones, having coated the connection points with sealant. But some do not agree with this opinion. After all, sealant from the hose can get inside the cooling system and cause damage to the pump. As a result, the timing belt will break and the valves will meet the pistons.

Radiator replacement and stove repair Lada Granta

The engineering staff of AvtoVAZ worked very hard on the heating of the Lada Grant. The interior warms up very quickly and the temperature reaches the desired level. But, despite the high-quality performance of the stove itself, breakdowns sometimes cannot be avoided. For example, the radiator may leak or become clogged. For this reason, you need to understand the causes of the breakdown by dismantling the stove.

This type of repair eliminates the need for a jack, a lift, or even an inspection hole.

All the main work is done in the upper level of the engine compartment or inside the car; the only inconvenience is the difficulty of accessing the engine.

  1. We begin the repair by unscrewing the two clamps that secure the stove pipes to the heater radiator. We remove the pipes completely.
  2. We find a container for draining the coolant in advance and drain it.
  3. At the end of the work in the engine compartment, we move the pipes to the side.
  4. Inside the car, unscrew the self-tapping screw that secures the tunnel near the handbrake, and the other that serves as a clamp for the parking brake housing. We find and unscrew two more screws on the driver and passenger sides.
  5. Using a screwdriver, you very carefully remove the cover of the gear shift knob. And at the same time the tunnel rises slightly, moving it to the left.
  6. Unscrew the nuts securing the gas pedal and the stand under it.
  7. A few more screws securing the casing are unscrewed, and the cover is removed.
  8. Next we do the cutting. And only now the radiator is removed, the brake pedals, which interfere with this process, are clamped.

I would like to remind you that all these manipulations must be performed after first de-energizing the car, that is, you need to remove the terminals from the battery. Otherwise, you can get a short circuit that will damage all elements of the Lada Granta electrical network.

You can replace the radiator of the Lada Granta stove without removing the panel. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the pipes flush, extending beyond the body and interfering with the installation of the radiator. Remove the key from the pedal so that the pedal goes deep and does not interfere with the process. A long pipe with an internal diameter of 16 and an outer diameter of 24 is purchased and installed. Connects to pump and thermostat.

How to remove the dashboard

Before replacing the radiator of the Kalina-2 stove, you need to remove the heater unit. The latter, in turn, is located behind the dashboard. We have already looked at . But in this case this will not be enough. The unit called “dashboard” needs to be dismantled as an assembly, but there are no other options.

The center tunnel cover will get in the way. It is pre-dismantled:

  1. Unscrew the three screws securing the handbrake cover and remove the cover;
  2. Dismantle the manual transmission lever. For a car with an automatic transmission, remove the plastic cover, unscrew the screw securing the handle, and disconnect the contact connector. To bend the rivets, use a flathead screwdriver;
  3. Unscrew the screw securing the tunnel cover, located near the handbrake bracket;
  4. Unscrew the side fastening screws (2 on each side). Now, the cover can be easily removed.

If no difficulties arise, dismantle the bracket (the handbrake microphone is attached to it). Simply, unscrew the screw head with a 13 key. Next we show a photo where all the actions are displayed.

Step by step, do everything as indicated. Then, the dashboard can be “pushed” toward you:

  1. Bolts “2” securing the stand on both sides are unscrewed with a 13mm wrench. Nut “3” securing the ground wire must also be unscrewed;
  2. There is an air duct mounting nut under the front seats. Using a 10mm wrench, unscrew it to remove the air duct;
  3. In fact, there is a separate wiring harness that goes to ground. It is held in place by nut “1”, which is unscrewed (see figure below);
  4. The headlight range control assembly needs to be disconnected. Remove the control knob from the dashboard and unscrew the “black” nut (you need a 21mm
  5. The “dashboard” assembly is attached to the pedal block with screws “1”. Unscrew them.

The dashboard has pads on each side. They are removed to unscrew two mounting screws (a 13mm wrench will do). Then, the assembly is pulled out towards itself, having previously disconnected the connectors with the wires.

Dismantling the stove

Although the heating on Grant is of high quality and does not cause any complaints from users, breakdowns in the system can still occur. If you take into account the radiator, it may leak or clog. In any case, to get to the true breakdown, you need to disassemble the stove, which will allow you to determine whether it requires repair or complete replacement.

Most of the work is done in the engine compartment, the rest is done inside the car. Neither a hole, nor a lift, nor a jack will be useful. It is worth considering that access to the engine compartment will be quite difficult.

  • Initially, you need to unscrew several clamps attaching the pipes to the radiator. This way you can release them and completely remove them.
  • After this, access will open to drain the coolant, which must be removed by first preparing a special container.
  • The pipes must be moved to the side. So, the most difficult stage of work in the engine compartment is coming to an end.
  • Now let's go to the salon. Look for self-tapping screws near the parking brake, one of which secures the tunnel, and the second - the handbrake housing. They need to be completely unscrewed. And also on the passenger side, unscrew the two screws that secure the tunnel.
  • After this, you need to remove the gear change lever cover from the groove and at the same time move the tunnel to the left, lifting it slightly.
  • The gas pedal, as well as its stand, are fixed with certain nuts that need to be unscrewed.
  • The radiator cap casing is secured with two more screws, which also need to be unscrewed. After this, remove the cover. The radiator is now accessible.
  • To remove it, you have to saw it off. In this case, the brake pedal must be pressed (this will require the help of a friend).


  • https://remont-avtovaz.ru/zamena-radiatora-pechki-na-lade-grante/
  • https://ladaservice.info/lada-granta/raznoe-lada-granta/zamena-radiatora-pechki-na-grante/
  • https://autozam.ru/remont-i-obsluzhivanie/zamena-radiatora-pechki-granta.html
  • https://ladaautos.ru/lada-granta/samostoyatelnaya-zamena-radiatora-pechki-lada-granta.html
  • https://autorn.ru/lada/granta/447-zamena-radiatora-pechki-lada-granta.html
  • https://remam.ru/vozdsys/zamena-radiatora-pechki-lada-granta.html
  • https://remam.ru/vozdsys/zamena-pechki-lada-granta.html
  • https://carfrance.ru/menyaem-radiator-pechki-na-lada-granta-svoimi-rukami-video/


To cool the interior air, do the following:

  1. Switch switch 1 (see Fig. 2) of the electric fan operating modes to one of the positions “1”, “2”, “3” or “4”.
  2. Place the regulator handle 4 opposite the pictogram.
  3. In the 3 pushbutton switch block, press the air conditioner switch key. The indicator located on the switch button will light green all the time the air conditioner is operating.

When the air passing through the evaporator cools, the water vapor contained in it condenses. The condensate is drained through a drain pipe under the bottom of the car. If the ambient air humidity is high, a puddle of water may form under the car, which is an indirect sign that the air conditioning system is working properly.

Turning on the air conditioner while the engine is running under difficult conditions (long climbs, heavy city traffic, etc.) can lead to engine overheating. Monitor the coolant temperature gauge: if the temperature exceeds the permissible value, turn off the air conditioner. During long trips in city traffic, the efficiency of the air conditioner may decrease due to the intense thermal conditions of the engine. This is not a sign of malfunction; the air conditioner will operate effectively when driving under normal road conditions.

  • climate block grants
  • air duct grants
  • air conditioning grants
  • stove grants

Lada Granta has become a really popular car. And, in many ways, this happened thanks to the affordable price and good components. For example, the stove installed on the Lada Granta is quite good, as it warms up the interior to the required level very quickly. AvtoVAZ engineers did a very good job on this issue, since for our harsh winters the issue of high-quality heating of the interior is very relevant.

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