How to change jet rods on a VAZ 2107 with your own hands

The use of reaction rods in the car suspension improves the stability and controllability of the car when driving, especially on uneven roads. While driving, the rear axle experiences heavy loads with different directional vectors. Without reaction rods or with damaged rods, a car begins to behave dangerously under heavy loads on the suspension. It is the reaction rods that prevent the car from swaying and prevent it from tipping over during a sharp maneuver. Their condition critically affects driving safety.
Therefore, you should periodically monitor the condition of the jet rods and carry out timely repairs or replacement of these parts.

Purpose of thrust rods on the VAZ 2107

Tie rods provide protection against swaying and loss of control on the road, during sharp turns and obstacles. Even earlier versions of the car had similar problems. But inside the cars there were only ordinary springs; no one knew anything about the system with rods.

It is for this reason that the vehicle caused many problems when driving. Only over time the suspension was modified. A system was installed with several long rods. This part carried the main load.

Classic VAZ 2107 cars and other models contain the following version of the torque rod kit:

  1. Long.
  2. Short.
  3. A large transverse one, which also serves as the basis for the entire system.

Installation location - near the car axle located at the rear. The system is visible only from the inspection hole, where repair work is usually carried out if the reaction rods are replaced.

Features of use

The described parts are constantly exposed to severe loads. The vehicle's reaction bars experience loads in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. However, since these knots are part of the undercut, they also work to twist.

Jet thrust is made mainly from steel of more elastic grades. This is necessary to be able to work in very harsh conditions for quite a long time.

The lugs are not part of the design. They are welded separately onto the rod. Welding seams often have a short service life and over time, and even under loads, can collapse. If the seam breaks, they must be replaced. Such spare parts for cars are inexpensive, you can buy them almost anywhere.

Jet thrust malfunctions and possible consequences

If the load causes the axle to sway or shift, the impact will be taken by the jet thrust. The appearance of defects in parts leads to a deterioration in the overall behavior of transport. Damaged parts need to be replaced as quickly as possible.

The following factors often cause breakdowns:

  • Exposure to chemicals from road compounds in winter;
  • Impact of torsional loads. Occurs more often when colliding with obstacles. Only reducing the speed before these elements reduces the risks;
  • Static loads. This factor is only reduced by the absence of overloads; it is impossible to completely get rid of it when operating rods on a VAZ 2107.

It is important to detect deformation, chips and cracks in a timely manner, for which periodic inspection of the entire system is organized. Welding seams and silent blocks are weak points that receive the most attention during inspections.

Silent blocks of any type are rubber, so they wear out faster than metal parts. Due to their wear, backlashes appear, becoming an obstacle to the stabilizing function. Welded joints, when they break, also lead to unpleasant consequences. It is recommended to remove them as quickly as possible.

With broken parts, driving is worse. Added to this is the unstable behavior of the body when defects appear in the jet rods.

Silent block - the weakest link

This is one of the weakest elements in the described part. But he is simply irreplaceable. There are several reasons for this. The condition of silent blocks also needs to be closely monitored. These parts can crack under the influence of severe loads from the bottom of them.

The silent block of the jet thrust will crack, then the rubber will tear, and as a result the thrust will lose the ability to move relative to its base. It is recommended to replace before cracks appear. Otherwise, you risk your own safety.

These units are located under the bottom of the machine. It is in such places that the metal of the car is very vulnerable. Corrosion has a very strong effect on many structural elements. If the car has non-tubular type mechanisms, then there is no danger. But in the case of a welded system, you need to monitor it as carefully as possible, and if possible, treat the part with Movil.

Checking the condition of the jet rods on the VAZ 2107

100 thousand kilometers - new parts from the car are enough for this period, according to existing instructions. But the actual service life rarely exceeds 80 thousand kilometers, given real conditions.

The same instructions say that it is recommended to organize checks every 20 thousand kilometers. And here the experts recommend reducing the period by 5-10 thousand km to make it easier to avoid unpleasant surprises. You can’t do without an inspection hole and a mounting blade; this is the only way the jet thrust can be opened for viewing and other actions.

Test sequence

The steps are not that complicated:

  1. Installation of transport on a viewing hole or on an overpass;
  2. Mounting blades are inserted behind the traction eyes;
  3. The spatula rests against the jet thrust bracket. An attempt is made to shift the part, together with the silent block. If the action is successful, it means the part is worn out and needs to be replaced;
  4. Repeating a similar procedure with each silent block. If it moves sideways by a few mm, the need for replacement is obvious.

The rods themselves, along with the eyes, are also checked for wear. If any defects are detected, in this case the bushings and other parts are replaced.

Video checking jet rods on a VAZ 2107


What may indicate the need to replace this element? If you do not take into account external inspection, a traction fault can be determined by the nature of the car’s behavior. Over time, the bushings become loose and the rod no longer performs its function.

The car rolls more when cornering, and dull knocks are also heard in the cabin. This indicates failed silent blocks. Well, if the rod is rusty and broken, part of it will simply drag along the ground. It is hardly possible not to notice such a malfunction. But how can you get home if your traction breaks on the way? You can hang part of it on some element under the bottom (for example, a muffler) using a wire and carefully move to the parking area and repair.

Selection of thrust rods

The parts come from different manufacturers, the prices of which often differ several times. Production involves the use of spring steel as a base. Even when purchasing, it is easy to identify the presence of a defect in one case or another. It is necessary to inspect the part, especially in the welding areas. If there are chips and cracks, it is recommended to refuse the purchase. The fastening must not be damaged.

It is better to contact representatives of trusted stores. The main thing is not to forget to take a receipt, which simplifies the procedure for processing a return if necessary.

We install a new one

We install the reaction rod. We first mount it on the bracket in front. We treat the bolt with transmission oil. To align the hole in the mechanism, we rest the blade against the bracket, unscrewing the bridge. The openings will be level, fix the knot. It happens that when installing a rod, a bent part or a defect in the eye are noted. You will have to install “fresh” bushings.

Using a tool, we knock out the element from the eye, and use a screwdriver to pry out the rubber part. We clean the eyelet and lubricate the joint with soapy water. Using special tools and a vice, we place the metal sleeve. If the silent block wears out significantly, you will lose control of the car at speed.

Replacing jet rods on a VAZ 2107

It is necessary to prepare a kit with tools and consumables in advance. Their main list is as follows:

  • Hammer;
  • Set with open-end wrenches. The reinforced double type parts are sometimes difficult to remove without additional tools;
  • Blades for installation;
  • WD-40 – this composition removes rust;
  • A set with new reaction rods, including a transverse one.

When everything is ready, they begin the work itself.

Removing jet rods

Removing old parts is the first step where work begins.

The process involves the following sequence:

  1. A wire brush is used to remove rust and dirt from threaded connections. Then WD-40 is used for processing. You will need to wait some time before the work can continue. The instructions are also relevant for the classic model.
  2. Completely unscrew the nut, due to which the washer is held on the free side. This process is difficult, it is better to take a long wrench and, if necessary, re-treat the surface with WD-40.
  3. Dismantling the bolt and nut, moving to the other side. The rear parts are dismantled in almost the same way.
  4. Unscrewing the nut from the lower shock absorber mounting. The bolt with the spacer sleeve is also removed.
  5. Shift towards the shock absorber itself. Otherwise you won't be able to access the second bolt.
  6. Clean the bolt threads with a wire brush, then apply WD-40 again.
  7. Unscrew the nut and pull out the bolt. The elastic band also changes if necessary.

The bolt is simply cut off if the nut cannot be unscrewed. Removing the reaction rods involves using a spatula for installation. Remains of the fastening must be removed if the bolt had to be cut off.

Reverse welding of cracks will not help when they appear on the surface. The seam then still cannot withstand the load. Such parts can only be replaced in full.

Repair and installation of jet rods

Reuse is permissible only if the metal part remains intact. Rubber silent blocks must be replaced in any case. The old parts are removed from the lugs and then new ones are installed. Treating the surface with dishwashing detergent simplifies this process.

New rods are installed in the following order:

  • The traction eye is mounted in the front bracket;
  • The securing bolt is lubricated with nigrol, lithol. Everything is inserted into the bracket and tightened with a nut;
  • The tie rod eye is inserted into the rear tie rod bracket;
  • Insert the bolt with lubricant, then secure with a nut.

A situation is acceptable when the holes at the traction eye and the bracket do not coincide with each other. Then take a mounting blade and, if possible, correct the current position.

The lower part of the shock absorber at the rear is secured when the bulk of the work is completed.

Video of changing jet engines on a VAZ 2107

Seven rear suspension design

The rear suspension design of the VAZ 2107 is quite simple, which is required by the presence of a rear axle. It is due to the presence of the rear axle that the rear wheels are rigidly connected to each other. The rear axle beam is suspended from the body using reaction rods, of which there are only 5 in the design - four longitudinal rods and one transverse rod.

The main purpose of the longitudinal rods is to prevent and prevent the beam from moving in two directions - forward and backward. Transverse traction is needed in order to prevent the beam from moving when lateral loads occur. You need to know all the suspension parts in order to identify faults and make correct repairs.

This is interesting! To combine the rods with the body part and the beam, special hinges are used, which are made of rubber material and are called silent blocks.

We continue to study the structure of the rear suspension of the seven, and it is worth highlighting another important element - the springs. The lower part of the springs is in contact with the bowl on the bridge beam. To soften contact and prevent squeaks, a thick rubber gasket is placed between the spring and the bowl. The upper part of the springs also rests against the body bowls through an insulating gasket.

Replacing bushings and silent blocks on VAZ 2107 rods

Silent blocks with bushings are disposable parts that need to be replaced immediately. In a garage, restoring parts becomes impossible. To replace you will need to acquire the following things:

  1. The beard is 10 mm in diameter.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Press-fitting device. It may also be needed when the rear axle is being repaired.


Follow the above instructions when removing the traction. Parts must be pre-treated with WD-40. A wire brush helps remove dirt and dust. Further actions are performed according to the specified algorithm:

  • After removing the rod, the bushing should be removed without problems;

But this behavior is typical for parts without serious rust, with severe wear. Otherwise, you will have to use a hammer to knock the structure out of its place. The beard is inserted inside first.

  • They get rid of the silent block if the rubber part is damaged too much. Use a screwdriver or a mounting shovel to pry up parts that prevent everything from being freed;
  • Using a sharp knife or sandpaper, carefully clean the surface of the eyelet inside. Remains of rubber and rust should then disappear completely;
  • A new bushing is placed in the eye and pressing is carried out using new equipment;
  • The beard helps to cope with this part of the work. The main thing is to act carefully to avoid damage.


So, to replace it, we need to prepare a standard set of tools (heads, wrenches), a hammer, a mounting blade, as well as universal grease VD-40. In the absence of one, you can use any analogue from, “Mannol” and “Laurel”.

These products cope no worse with soured bolts. We will also need a metal brush. We will use it to clean the head of the bolts from accumulated dirt.

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