Replacing the drive belt tensioner roller VAZ 2110 8 valves

Replacing the tension roller VAZ 2110 8 valves

When is it necessary to replace the camshaft drive belt, how to remove it, as well as removing and replacing the tension roller on a VAZ 2110. When is it necessary to replace the camshaft drive belt?
This procedure must be carried out without fail if you find: Clear signs of wear on the inner surface of the drive belt: tears of fabric or rubber, or their separation from each other, cracks and other fold defects. The outer side of the camshaft drive belt also succumbed to operational defects in the form of cracks or bulges inward or outward. Oil stains or other undesirable weather defects have appeared on the belt (vehicle operation in harsh weather conditions). The end (side) part of the belt has obvious visual defects: cuts, separation of rubber from the fabric, etc.

Replacing the alternator belt on a VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112

Welcome! Alternator belt - on cars of the tenth family it goes to only two pulleys, namely the generator pulley and the crankshaft pulley, thanks to it torque is transferred from the crankshaft to the generator, thanks to which when the car is running (When the crankshaft is spinning), the car is charged, the battery is charged, and also the current is supplied to the on-board network of the car (This is a tape recorder, windshield cleaning brushes, etc.), therefore, when the engine is started, the battery no longer makes sense to supply current to the on-board network (It makes sense when the generator can handle it won’t, that is, music plays loudly when the subbuffer is on and similar situations), thanks to which the battery does not run out and the voltage in the network is kept at one constant level.
Note! To replace the alternator belt, you will need a minimum of time and a minimum set of tools, which includes: Wrenches or, even better, if you have ring wrenches, then stock up on them, because they are much easier to use and the likelihood of breaking the nuts will be much less!


Where is the alternator belt located? As we have already said, it is placed on two pulleys, one pulley rotates (This is the crankshaft pulley) and due to this, the belt is also set in motion, thereby the second pulley also begins to rotate (Both pulleys, by the way, are indicated by arrows, the same crankshaft pulley is shown in red, and blue generator pulley), in general, for clarity, in the bottom photo the belt itself can be clearly seen, as well as the generator and the place where it is installed.

When should you change the alternator belt? From time to time it needs to be checked, to do this, of course, you will have to remove it, but it can be removed very easily and you will spend more than 5 minutes on the entire check, so when the belt is removed, begin the inspection, there should be no cracks or marks on it ruptures, in addition, the material of the generator belt itself should be rubber, and not rough (That is, there should be no signs of hardening of the rubber), and if you have a toothed one, then make sure that the teeth are not worn out and are in normal condition.

Self-replacement of the VAZ 2110 timing belt - theory

Under the camshaft pulleys there are two rollers: support “9” (on the right side) and tension “4” (on the left). There is a special hole in the support roller, thanks to which it is attached; the naked eye can see that the hole is not located in the center, but with some offset. This feature is needed to adjust the timing belt tension by turning the roller on the axis of the mounting bolt.

The camshaft pulleys differ from each other: a synchronizing disk “8” is attached to the pulley “7” of the intake camshaft, which ensures the operation of the phase sensor; the drive is covered with a plastic cover at the front and rear.

To set the valve timing, the manufacturer provides special marks marked in the figure with the letters “A”, “D”, “E”; they can be seen on:

  • On the oil pump cover;
  • Pulleys (B);
  • On the rear cover of the drive belt there are marks “C” and “F”.

The correctness of the phase adjustment is checked by the coincidence of mark “A” with mark “B”, and, accordingly, “D” with “E”, “C” with mark “F”.

Car alternator belt device

The simplicity of the design lies in the fact that rotation is transmitted from one shaft to another using this part. Each type of engine has its own design features, which is why the belts are produced differently. Their differences are assessed according to the following parameters:

  • length;
  • width;
  • thickness;
  • profile.

Note. The part experiences heavy loads, so it must be strong, elastic, and provide good interaction with the pulleys and rollers. The main material for manufacturing is rubber, which has a fabric base on the inside. The shape of the inner surface can be varied to maintain high friction.

How do you know that the VAZ 2110 timing belt needs to be replaced?

In order to detect the need to replace the timing belt in time, it is necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the engine and pay attention to certain points. Replacing the timing belt is necessary if:

  1. Oil leaks are visible on the belt;
  2. There are numerous cracks or signs of increased wear on the surface;
  3. Damage to timing belt teeth;
  4. Belt delamination or cuts, bulges or folds;
  5. The appearance of threads on the surface.

More information in this video: TOP 6 signs of timing belt wear!

Timing belt - what is it?

The timing belt is a rubber-metal belt with teeth or a metal chain. In the first case, the belt is equipped with teeth on the inside, which mesh tightly with the camshaft and crankshaft gears, ensuring their synchronous operation for the full operation of the car engine.

How to Install a Timing Belt - Step by Step Guide

Everything is done in reverse disassembly sequence.

1. It is almost impossible to install the generator drive pulley incorrectly; it has a special recess, if it does not match, it simply will not fit into place.

2. When installing the belt, carefully monitor the tension of the drive branch.

3. After the belt is installed, tension it using the special wrench prepared earlier with two protrusions at the ends.

5. Having installed the key in the holes on the outside of the tension roller, turn it counterclockwise until the cutout on the outer disk aligns with the rectangular protrusion on the inner sleeve of the tension roller.

6. Using a wrench set to “15”, tighten the tension roller mounting bolt.

7. If, after installing the timing belt, belt noise is heard while the engine is running, then the tension roller bearing may be faulty or gradually failing.

8. To check this, dismantle the rollers, then slowly, rotating them, check for any play or jamming.

9. If you find that the tension roller has abnormalities in operation (play, jamming, creaking during rotation, traces of oil on the surface, replace the tension roller.

Types of alternator belts

As for the types of belts, they are as follows:

  • wedge;
  • polycline;
  • serrated.

The V-belt cut has the shape of a trapezoid. Such a part is capable of transmitting great forces and withstands significant loads. Transmits rotation from the crankshaft to no more than two devices, because cannot bend in the opposite direction. Serpentine belts are much wider, similar to rubber belts that are somewhat glued together. They have longitudinal grooves on the inside. There are transverse grooves on the inner surface of the timing belt that help transmit rotation most accurately.

Note. In modern engines, the belt can provide the functions of many components: generator, compressor, power steering, pump, etc. Connecting them can be quite difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to have a diagram on hand that will make the replacement easier.

In addition, replacing the VAZ 2110 generator belt, a video of the process of which can be viewed by following the link, is always carried out according to the instructions.

Replacing the tension roller is done as follows:

1. Remove the faulty roller, then install a new roller in its place and tighten using a special wrench according to the instructions described above.

2. Adjustment of the timing belt tension using a tension roller is carried out according to the instruction manual.

Replacing the VAZ 2110 timing belt has been successfully completed, start the engine and make sure that everything is in order. There is nothing complicated about how to replace a timing belt, so there is no need to pay for something that you can easily do yourself, so you can save money while gaining valuable experience.


What bearings are needed?

Before starting work, you need to buy new bearings. In general, the manufacturer recommends replacing the front bearing (the one on the pulley side) along with the cover. But in this case, the cost of repairs will increase, and significantly.

It will be cheaper to simply replace the components without a cover. When going to a car dealership, you need to remember or write down the dimensions of the elements that you will need.

It is important to note that on earlier VAZ-2110 models, bearings with numbers were installed in the generator: front - 6302, rear - 6202.

On more modern VAZ-2110 bearings were already used in the generator: front - 6303, rear - 3203.

Front bearing.

Set: front and rear bearings.

Why replacement is needed and signs of malfunction

Before you understand what needs to be done to replace the belt, you need to determine when it needs to be done. The following signs may suggest this:

  • the appearance of whistling sounds when the engine starts running or after the speed increases;
  • decrease in generator performance (clear from the sensor signal);
  • part rupture.

The whistle occurs as a result of the operation of a simple device: a belt placed on the crankshaft (specifically, on the pulleys) transmits rotation to the generator. Pulleys and belts may have different designs, but the principle of their operation is the same. Squeaking or squeaking may occur when parts rub against each other. There are several reasons:

  • belt wear when further tension is impossible;
  • the part is made of low quality material;
  • contact with technical liquids or gasoline on the surface.

What to do in this situation? It is not necessary to change the device to a new one. Before doing this, you need to check and determine the cause of the whistle or squeak. Please note the following:

  • if the belt is damaged, it requires replacement;
  • check the degree of tension;
  • the belt must be dry and clean;
  • whether the line on which the pulleys are located has shifted.

In some cases, transmission of rotation is impossible due to the rigidity of the belt. This usually happens in cold weather; after the engine warms up, the squeak disappears. If the design has a tension roller, the whistle may be a result of its wear. Replacing the part completely solves the problem.

Note. If the cause cannot be determined, the belt should be replaced with a part from another manufacturer.

Often the belt breaks. It is important to understand what the reasons are, because a similar situation can happen again. The following factors can cause rupture:

  • natural wear and tear (operation was carried out beyond the established period);
  • the part was initially defective;
  • malfunction of pulleys, shafts, tensioners;
  • excessive or insufficient belt tension.

Alternator belt tensioner

The tensioner is very simple and can be repaired even by an inexperienced driver. Most car manufacturers make tensioners consisting of the following parts:

  • bracket with which it is attached to the engine;
  • roller with bearing;
  • roller bolt.

The bearing is the most vulnerable part and often fails. Once the belt is removed, it is easy to diagnose bearing failure. The bracket may also cause a malfunction. It tends to bend, the roller moves from the place where the belt is located. The consequences of such a defect are as follows:

  • the belt is tensioned unevenly: the side with greater tension wears out faster;
  • if the curvature is severe, the belt may fly off.

Note. It is important to monitor the condition of the generator belt tensioner roller. A car engine performs more than just a driving function. There are still many different important devices in the engine compartment. The internal combustion engine transmits forces to the wheels of the car and also contributes to the operation of all systems.

The motor crankshaft has a pulley connected to the following parts:

  • generator;
  • cooling system pump;
  • gas distribution mechanism;
  • air conditioning;
  • VAZ power steering.
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