How to correctly replace the tension roller of the timing belt VAZ 2114

The timing belt in any car acts as a connecting link, synchronizing the operation of the camshaft and crankshaft, and the VAZ 2114 is no exception. In most cases, replacing timing belts on 2114 and other cars is strictly regulated in the car’s operating manual, especially on 8 valve ones. engines. However, not many car enthusiasts know what this part is and where to look for it.

Where is the timing belt located?

Finding this important detail is not at all difficult, because when you open the hood of the car, it immediately catches your eye. This belt differs from others in its toothed inner surface, and also passes not only through the camshaft and crankshaft, but also connects several auxiliary parts, due to which it is subject to increased wear, so its replacement must be carried out in a timely manner. Sooner or later, the timing belt may begin to “eat up”, slip or begin to tear. It often happens that this link connecting two shafts breaks directly during movement. In such cases, the car stalls and does not start, and in the injection versions 2114, the “phase sensor error” light comes on on the dashboard.

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The timing drive of the popular five-door hatchback in the Russian Federation from the Volga Automobile Plant - VAZ-2114, is carried out using a flexible belt, both on 8 and 16 valve units, only in the latter the timing belt is slightly longer and the mechanism uses two roller (tension and bypass).

Replacing the timing belt drive for the VAZ 2114 is provided by the manufacturer every 60-70 thousand kilometers. However, taking into account numerous reviews from experienced motorists, as well as the quality of spare parts, it is recommended to replace the timing belt after half the mileage.

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A visual inspection of the belt drive for mechanical damage should be carried out much more often than scheduled maintenance, at least once a month. If the slightest sign is detected that the belt is already worn out, is being eaten, or has any damage, it must be replaced immediately.

If you don’t do this, then at the most unexpected moment you can get a lot of troubles and, at best, this will be a breakdown of the tension roller, failure of the water pump, or blocking of the generator shaft.

In the case of VAZ 2114 cars with 8-valve internal combustion engines with volumes of 1.5 and 1.6 liters, there is good news - a broken belt drive on these units does not threaten bending of the valves and damage to the cylinder head, which cannot be said about 16-valve units, where major repairs after a break The timing belt should be worn in 90% of cases.

How to change it yourself?

You can replace the belt on an 8-valve VAZ 2114 with an injector engine yourself or by ordering the appropriate service at a service station. During the shift process, there are nuances that must be taken into account when performing the task. If you make mistakes and do not change the strap correctly, this can lead to rapid wear and breakage. Below are instructions for replacing the belt in a VAZ 2114 8 valve.


If you change the belt yourself, prepare the following:

  • a set of open-end wrenches, you will need tools for 13 and 17;
  • long flat blade screwdriver;
  • 10mm ring wrench, you can use a ratchet head;
  • key for installing the tension roller;
  • wheel wrench;
  • jack.

User Pro Remont shared a video that describes in detail the procedure for replacing the timing belt pulley and timing belt in a VAZ 2114 car.

Algorithm of actions

How to change a belt correctly:

  1. Drive the car into a garage with a pit. The surface on which work is performed must be level. Switch the gear selector to neutral position.
  2. Loosen the bolts on the front right wheel. Place this part of the car on a jack so that the wheel can be rotated.
  3. Open the hood of the car. Using a 10mm wrench, remove the three screws that secure the plastic strap protector.
  4. Using a 13mm wrench, you need to loosen the bolt that secures the tension roller. Remove the device.
  5. You can see a mark on the camshaft gear; it is made in the form of a rectangular protrusion on the edge. When performing work, it is necessary that this mark coincides with the protrusion located on the fastening of the strap casing. If these marks do not match, you need to turn the wheel until they match.
  6. Then find the rubberized plug installed on the top of the clutch housing; it is located to the right of the power unit’s BC. The part is carefully pryed off with a screwdriver and removed from the seat. Under the plug you can see the flywheel crown; there is a mark on this device. It should be opposite the triangular protrusion located on the left. If the marks do not match, then take a 17mm wrench and loosen the tensioner. Using a pulley removal wrench, turn the device counterclockwise to loosen the timing belt.
  7. When the upper part of the belt is removed from the gear assembly, take a 17mm wrench and turn the crankshaft until the flywheel marks are opposite each other. The flywheel itself must be secured in this position; to secure it, use a screwdriver and install it between the teeth. If you have an assistant, ask him to hold the tool to prevent it from turning.
  8. Now you can remove the right wheel. Unscrew the screws that secure the arch protection and dismantle it.
  9. Using a 17 mm wrench, unscrew the nut securing the generator set pulley. When unscrewing, make sure that the flywheel does not turn.
  10. Dismantle the generator pulley and remove it from its seat.
  11. Remove the timing belt from the crankshaft disc.
  12. Using a 17mm wrench, completely unscrew the tensioner pulley lock and remove it from its seat. If you loosen the fastening, the belt can be removed.
  13. Install the new product onto the crankshaft disc. When installing, make sure that the marks are not broken. Install the generator set drive pulley by first placing a strap on it.
  14. Place the product on the gear of the mechanism. Install the tension roller.
  15. The strap is being installed. During installation, the tension roller must be turned with a special tool purchased in advance at the store. If you don't have one, you can use two self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. Self-tapping screws are installed in the grooves, and a screwdriver secures them. Turning is done counterclockwise. Tension the belt using the tension roller and tighten the screw that secures the roller.
  16. It is necessary to set marks if they are lost during the work process. The installation procedure for all components is performed in reverse order.

Preparatory work

You can change the timing belt on model 2114 yourself. Before starting repair work, you need to do the following:

  • so that during repair work the car does not roll back (when lifting the front end with a jack), it is necessary to place stops under the rear wheels;
  • then you can begin to loosen the bolts on the right front wheel hub;
  • Remove the wheel completely.

That's all, now the car is ready to replace the worn timing belt. This should be done on a VAZ-2114 (8 valves, injector) in the same way as on 16-valve power units. The only difference is that on recent installations the belt is longer, so it is installed one more notch.

Adjusting the tension of the generator belt

The belt is installed, but the work is not finished yet. It needs to be tightened and adjusted correctly. In this case, they make two common mistakes - either they tighten the belt until it turns blue, or they don’t tighten it enough. Both one and the other are bad for the engine:

  • if the belt is not tightened enough, it will slip on the generator pulley, and the latter, in turn, will not give the required charge to the battery, as a result of which the battery will discharge and quickly fail;
  • if the belt is overtightened, the load on the bearings of the VAZ-2114 generator will be too high, which will lead to their premature wear or destruction.

This is why it is very important to correctly adjust the belt tension immediately after installation. Initially, we tighten the belt as required by the instructions, after which we start the engine, turn on the maximum electricity consumers on board and listen to the generator (see

“selecting a generator”) - it should not emit an unnecessary hum or squeak, and with a sharp change in engine speed, the belt should not slip on the pulley with a whistle.

If everything is normal, turn off the engine and collect the fender liners and mudguards. The new belt may stretch slightly, so after a few kilometers it is worth checking the belt tension again.

Checking the generator belt tension There is another way to calculate the correct belt tension. It is more accurate in terms of generator output. The method is simple and easy to check, and then anyone who has ever used a multimeter can tighten or loosen the belt.

In this way, you can quickly and without unnecessary hassle replace the generator on a VAZ-2114 and similar VAZ models. Stable tension and good travels to everyone!

Removing the belt

To dismantle a worn-out timing belt, reliable fixation of the crankshaft is required to prevent it from accidentally turning. To do this, you need to unscrew the crankshaft pulley bolt.

  • This can be done without removing the wheels, having previously set the handbrake to the working position.
  • Next, already under the car, you can begin to tear off the bolt with a head on “19”.
  • After removing the wheel, with the participation of an assistant who will squeeze the brake, you can begin to lock the crankshaft.
  • After unscrewing the bolt on the crankshaft, you need to remove the generator drive pulley.
  • Then, using the key set to “17”, you can begin to unscrew the nut from the roller and completely remove the timing belt itself.

In general, experienced car enthusiasts change the timing belt on brand 2114 literally in a matter of minutes, but beginners in this matter should not rush, and it is better to check everything at least twice.

Stages of work

Replacement is quite simple, you just need to remove the installed part and put a new one in its place, making sure that there are no defects on it that could interfere with normal operation. But both dismantling and replacing the strap with a new one must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions.


Before the replacement procedure itself is carried out in the VAZ-2114, you need to turn on the handbrake and also set the lever to fourth gear. This is done in order to ensure not only safe, but also convenient performance of all work, since otherwise carrying out all work will be quite difficult.

Removing the old timing belt

  1. Remove the cover, which protects the parts from external factors, and then remove the drive belt.
  2. Next, you should carefully remove the crankshaft drive pulley, without touching the mounting bolt, and then switch the lever to neutral gear.
  3. Carefully rotate the crankshaft clockwise, constantly paying attention to the current condition of the flywheel and the marks, which can be seen through the special hole in the clutch housing. You need to move the crankshaft until the mark is in line with the middle strip of the scale.
  4. Once the mark is exactly parallel to the one at the back, you should unscrew the tension roller mounting nut in order to later remove the used belt.

Installing a new timing belt

To install a new timing belt, you must follow the steps below.

  • First, we install the camshaft pulleys according to the marks, after which we securely fix them from accidental rotation.
  • To align the crankshaft to the mark, you need to open the inspection window in the clutch housing. Only if all marks match is the correct installation of the new belt drive guaranteed.
  • After aligning the timing components according to the marks, we install new rollers (tension and bypass).
  • The belt itself is threaded through the pump and is first located on the crankshaft pulley.
  • Installing the belt on the camshaft pulleys occurs last.
  • The position of the tensioner, pre-lubricated on both sides with machine oil, is adjusted using a special key and counterclockwise*.
  • Further installation is carried out in reverse disassembly sequence. If the marks are accidentally lost, they must be set again.
  • At the end of the work, you should start the engine and listen for any extraneous noise. If there is any rustling or humming coming from the timing belt, this most likely means that the belt is too tight and needs to be loosened a little.

*For proper tension of the timing belt drive, it is necessary that the part of the belt between the shaft pulleys rotates 90° without applying any serious force. If this is done with little to no force, then greater belt tension is required. If the belt cannot be turned at all, then the tension should be loosened.

All the steps to replacing the timing belt “from start to finish”

Before replacing, you need to make sure that: neutral gear is engaged, the car is stopped, the minus terminal is removed from the battery (key “10”). The plastic cover is removed from engine 11183 and the part is carefully pulled up. Then remove the drive casing:

    Unscrew the three fastening screws and remove the plastic part (see photo).

Timing casing on motor 2111 and 11183

Marks on the pulley and flywheel

An alternative way to “break” the timing belt

How to move the generator to the engine

Generator pulley on engine

The final step for dismantling

When installing a new belt, the upper pulley is once again aligned according to the marks (see above). The locking screwdriver is removed after installation.

New timing belt installed

How to adjust tension?

If everything was done correctly, it means that the belt can be turned half a turn with two fingers, but no more (as in the photo).

Correct tension setting

A fork wrench is used to make adjustments. If you don't have such a wrench, circlip pliers will do. Hold the roller with a wrench and tighten the nut.

The holes for the key should be located under the nut from below. This is the correct position of the roller.


  • Before installing a new belt, wipe all pulleys, that is, the teeth on them, with white spirit. And the adjusting screw can be treated with a rust solvent.
  • There is no point in protecting a new belt with silicone lubricant. By the way, according to the regulations provided for the VAZ-2114, the timing belt must be replaced every 60,000 km or if necessary. And the need can even be caused by oil products getting on the rubber.

Prices for timing belts, their articles, originals and analogues, replacement cost

Today, a timing belt for any VAZ-2114 engine can be purchased without any problems at any auto store. Price tags for these parts vary depending on the manufacturer and on average range from 500 to 1000 rubles. However, when replacing a belt drive, it is better to immediately change the rollers, the price tags for which start at 400 rubles apiece.

The approximate cost of replacing a timing belt complete with rollers is from 1000 rubles at service stations. However, this repair can be done with your own hands. Of course, first you need to buy a new timing belt and pulley, and it is better to do this in a kit, the price of which also varies in the range of 1000 rubles.

Considering possible malfunctions caused by a broken timing belt, as well as the complexity of subsequent repairs, you should purchase products from even well-known companies with extreme caution so as not to fall for a fake.

The original spare parts used for the 2114 are unified with many other VAZ cars, mainly with the “ninth” and partly with the “tenth” models. A branded timing belt for the VAZ-2114 complete with a roller will cost an average of 1,300 rubles.

  • The cost of analogues is also not high. For example, a timing belt kit with a pulley from Gates (article - K015521XS) for a VAZ 2114 (1.5-1.6 l., 8 valves) costs 1,200 rubles.
  • The timing belt kit from Contitech - CT527K1, will cost more, from 2000 rubles, however, like products from the brands BOSCH (art. 1987949095), DAYCO (art. 94738) and GOODYEAR (art. G1474).

Replacing the alternator belt

If, after checking and inspecting the belt, it turns out that it is cracked or crumbled, then it should be replaced with a new one, which is extremely important - a similar one. So, the size of the VAZ 2114 8 valve alternator belt is individual

It differs from the size of the belts of other VAZ cars, and therefore you should purchase a belt for the 14th model at a car store. Its standard length is 698 mm (if power steering is installed on the car, the belt length will be longer).

Replacing the VAZ 2114 alternator belt The replacement itself is performed in the following sequence:

  • loosen the belt tension adjustment nut and the lower mounting nut of the generator;
  • loosen the tension on the alternator belt;
  • move the generator towards the engine - this will loosen the belt as much as possible;
  • remove the belt from both pulleys - the generator and the crankshaft;
  • put a new belt on the drive pulley (on the crankshaft axis);
  • put the belt on the driven pulley (on the generator axis);
  • tension the new belt according to the scheme described above.

Thus, replacing the drive belt is quite simple, and the procedure itself will take very little time.

VAZ 2115 timing belt which is better

Dear visitors of the site “Everything about cars”! We will be very grateful for your comments on the video clip “Which VAZ 2115 timing belt is better”, registration is not required for this. We also ask you to let us know if you have any problems playing the video.

Thanks bro very helpful advice

25.11.2017 — 11:27 Andrey Koshtakov

In engines that use a timing belt. The camshafts have toothed pulleys. Not sprockets, not gears, but pulleys. Gentlemen, you need to use technically literate language.

10/26/2017 — 03:14 Andrey Zavgorodniy

Zheka help me with advice. The belt broke on a VAZ 2108 1. 3. I changed the belt, I put it on the marks, it started but it doesn’t work confidently and at high speeds it shoots into the silencer and dips when you press the gas. I did the ignition earlier and it didn't help. when I move the camshaft gear onto the tooth clockwise everything is normal and it works and is in motion. but this is no longer according to the marks. how to cure

kindly, I just ate the 13th belt, and I didn’t know what it was. and it turned out to be a pump

06.10.2017 — 10:04 Vasily Mineev

Often people over-tighten the roller and the pin bends. the video will be skewed.

09.26.2017 — 01:12 Alexander Nazarov

Only a dumb idiot can not remove the old stuck gasket when replacing the pump, it's just fucked up

10.09.2017 — 09:16 Zohrab Eliyev

I have a 96 Opel Vectra. I bought a Gets belt and how do I know if it’s original or not? And how do I know if I need to change the pump or not? Do Gates timing belts work or not? Please tell me

08/30/2017 — 21:33 Zohrab Eliyev

Please tell me if a little bit of oil from the shaft gets onto the timing belt and the shaft has a balance, the shaft plays, then the timing belt breaks these things.? I have an Opel Vectra installed with a belt, but I haven’t changed the tensioner rollers. and after 25 thousand the belt broke and bent all the valves. changed the valve. I told the mechanic to open the crankcase and wash it. he opened it and said that your shaft is running and leaking oil from the front oil seal. It just so happens that it can affect the mileage of the belt? For example, it was supposed to be 40 thousand, but it was 25 thousand.

05.08.2017 — 03:12 Zohrab Eliyev

I ask you for an answer. Evgeni.

07/28/2017 — 20:36 Zohrab Eliyev

Now I have changed the shaft, the valve ring, all the seals, all the gaskets. and washed the block and crankcase. How correct did I make it? I did not change the pump, the pump is in good condition.

06/30/2017 — 00:58 Zohrab Eliyev

If you change the belt and do not change the tensioner rollers, do they affect the mileage of the belt? The rollers made noise and when the belt broke, but the rollers did not spin, they did not jam. Is everything working on the timing belt?

06.06.2017 — 02:15 Dmitry Ivanov

Evgeniy, according to manufacturers, which pumps are currently best for the 126 engine, and do you even need to lubricate the timing rollers before purchasing?

It is better to place the pump on a sealant or gasket on a VAZ engine

04/27/2017 — 16:23 Leha Lehin

There are many reasons and the pump is not the only one. I know from my own rich experience.

04/20/2017 — 01:23 Gudriy Mudvin

The pump ate up 4 belts.. Damn, couldn’t it be replaced right away?

03/24/2017 — 06:13 Arti Doberman

Thank you very much Zhen, I was already thinking about changing the roller and all the pulleys on the spot, but it turns out it’s all so simple

03/07/2017 — 19:22 Aleksei Tamlyuk

thank you very much for the advice. Maybe for some it’s a small thing, but for me it’s a small victory. I changed the timing belt with the pump myself. and everything is in order. The belt is in place, does not chew, does not eat or bite.

02.22.2017 — 10:00 Igor Bogdanov

But the right topic is right.

What is timing belt?

The timing belt, also known as the gas distribution mechanism, is a part responsible for synchronizing the injection and gas distribution phases in the power unit of the machine. In order for the entire system to work as a single whole, it is necessary to align special marks, which are the point of manual synchronization of the gas distribution.

Most often they go astray when the timing belt is replaced or it breaks while the engine is running. If you do not double-check that the marks match, the engine will not operate correctly, which means you will have to remove the belt again and set everything up.

TAKE INTO ACCOUNT! The timing belt has two pairs of marks, one of which is located on the pulleys, and the second near the block. They must coincide at the highest position of the first or fourth cylinder.

Timing belt for VAZ 2114 8 valves which is better

Dear visitors of the site “Everything about cars”! We will be very grateful for your comments on the video clip “Which timing belt for VAZ 2114 8 valves is better”, registration is not required for this. We also ask you to let us know if you have any problems playing the video.

on Nexia 16 cl all rollers without side limiters

24.11.2017 — 01:39 Arthur Muslimov

Lucas for the information. explained everything clearly

10/27/2017 — 08:34 Olzhas Mukhametkali

Thanks bro very helpful advice

04.10.2017 — 22:03 Andrey Koshtakov

In engines that use a timing belt. The camshafts have toothed pulleys. Not sprockets, not gears, but pulleys. Gentlemen, you need to use technically literate language.

Zheka help me with advice. The belt broke on a VAZ 2108 1. 3. I changed the belt, I put it on the marks, it started but it doesn’t work confidently and at high speeds it shoots into the silencer and dips when you press the gas. I did the ignition earlier and it didn't help. when I move the camshaft gear onto the tooth clockwise everything is normal and it works and is in motion. but this is no longer according to the marks. how to cure

09/06/2017 — 16:00 Rusa Channel

kindly, I just ate the 13th belt, and I didn’t know what it was. and it turned out to be a pump

08/21/2017 — 18:10 Vasily Mineev

Often people over-tighten the roller and the pin bends. the video will be skewed.

05.08.2017 — 12:48 Alexander Nazarov

Only a dumb idiot can not remove the old stuck gasket when replacing the pump, it's just fucked up

07/08/2017 — 23:55 Zohrab Eliyev

I have a 96 Opel Vectra. I bought a Gets belt and how do I know if it’s original or not? And how do I know if I need to change the pump or not? Do Gates timing belts work or not? Please tell me

06/30/2017 — 18:25 Zohrab Eliyev

Please tell me if a little bit of oil from the shaft gets onto the timing belt and the shaft has a balance, the shaft plays, then the timing belt breaks these things.? I have an Opel Vectra installed with a belt, but I haven’t changed the tensioner rollers. and after 25 thousand the belt broke and bent all the valves. changed the valve. I told the mechanic to open the crankcase and wash it. he opened it and said that your shaft is running and leaking oil from the front oil seal. It just so happens that it can affect the mileage of the belt? For example, it was supposed to be 40 thousand, but it was 25 thousand.

06/15/2017 — 19:20 Zohrab Eliyev

I ask you for an answer. Evgeni.

05.24.2017 — 23:20 Zohrab Eliyev

Now I have changed the shaft, the valve ring, all the seals, all the gaskets. and washed the block and crankcase. How correct did I make it? I did not change the pump, the pump is in good condition.

05/18/2017 — 21:17 Zohrab Eliyev

04/30/2017 — 01:50 Dmitry Ivanov

Evgeniy, according to manufacturers, which pumps are currently best for the 126 engine, and do you even need to lubricate the timing rollers before purchasing?

04/19/2017 — 13:53 Dmitry Ivanov

It is better to place the pump on a sealant or gasket on a VAZ engine

03/25/2017 — 05:47 Leha Lehin

There are many reasons and the pump is not the only one. I know from my own rich experience.

02/27/2017 — 00:16 Gudriy Mudvin

The pump ate up 4 belts.. Damn, couldn’t it be replaced right away?

02/17/2017 — 03:12 Arti Doberman

Thank you very much Zhen, I was already thinking about changing the roller and all the pulleys on the spot, but it turns out it’s all so simple

01.02.2017 — 04:18 Aleksei Tamlyuk

thank you very much for the advice. Maybe for some it’s a small thing, but for me it’s a small victory. I changed the timing belt with the pump myself. and everything is in order. The belt is in place, does not chew, does not eat or bite.

01/14/2017 — 18:18 Igor Bogdanov

But the right topic is right.

How often to change the roller and belt

The recommended replacement rates for VAZ 2114 cars, determined by the manufacturer, define the replacement period as 60 thousand km, but this statement is only true for vehicles under five years old, otherwise this figure should be reduced by approximately 15 thousand km.

The replacement period is also affected by the performance of the liquid pump, with a maximum service life of 90 thousand km. You should not take the original pump under any circumstances, because it will quickly break on its own or “eat” the belt from the outside.

Also, do not forget about the need to replace the crankshaft seals, which also have similar wear measured at 40 thousand.

How to change the timing belt on a VAZ 2109 2114 8 valves

In this article I will tell you in detail how to change the timing belt on a VAZ 2108 2109 2113 and 2114 with an eight-valve engine. Whether it is injection or carburetor does not matter. You will also learn about the reasons why the timing belt breaks and about little tricks that make replacing it easier.

On eight-valve VAZ 2109 1.5-liter engines, if the timing belt breaks, nothing bad will happen to the engine except replacing this belt. The valve doesn't bend!

Why does the timing belt break on a VAZ 2109?

Many people wonder why the timing belt breaks only after it has happened. You will be lucky if such a breakdown occurs, for example, somewhere in the yards while the engine is warming up, and not on the highway between cities. Therefore, so that you do not find yourself in such situations, you need to know why this happens. There are several reasons for belt breaks:

  1. Natural wear of the part.
  2. Buying a defective belt.
  3. Contact with technical fluids on the belt.
  4. Malfunction of timing drive parts.

Let's discuss each point in more detail.

Natural wear of the part.

During operation, the belt not only wears out, but also bends, resulting in microcracks that subsequently grow and lead to belt breakage.

Each node has its own service life. The timing belt of the eight-valve VAZ engine operates for 60 thousand kilometers.

Buying a defective belt.

Don't skimp on critical spare parts. By saving 100-200 rubles you can be stuck on the road for a long time.

Contact with technical fluids on the belt.

Oil or coolant can easily get on the timing belt. Oil gets in due to wear on the camshaft and crankshaft seals, and antifreeze can leak out when the pump wears out.

Malfunction of timing drive parts.

Timing drive parts include:

  • Camshaft and crankshaft gears.
  • Tension roller
  • Pump drive gear

Over many thousands of kilometers, the timing gears wear out and the possibility of the belt jumping over a gear tooth increases.

Due to a poor-quality belt tension roller or due to its long use, it may jam. Also, do not overtighten the belt. A belt that is too tight begins to whistle and can break very quickly.

During operation, the pump bearings wear out and play appears at the pump shaft, as a result of which the pump drive gear is crooked and the timing belt begins to slip and rub against the protective casing or the block.

How to remove the timing belt on a VAZ 2109.

First of all, we engage fifth gear (this is done to make it easier to crank the engine when we align the marks), loosen the nuts on the front left wheel and jack it up. Open the hood, remove the protective cover and look at the position of the mark on the gear.

If you change the belt on a VAZ before it breaks.

Rotate the wheel until the marks on the gear and on the plate match.

After the marks coincide in this place, open the inspection hole plug in the clutch housing and check whether the slot on the housing coincides with the mark on the flywheel.

Timing belt tension VAZ 2110, 2111 (8 cl.)

To adjust the belt tension, turn the crankshaft counterclockwise so that the mark on the camshaft pulley moves down from the rear cover antenna by two teeth.

The timing belt is a rubber belt, with notches on the inside, designed to synchronize the crankshaft and camshaft of the engine. It is important that it is not only installed correctly, but also tensioned. Do you know how to properly tension the timing belt with your own hands?

Checking the timing belt tension means that the front branch of the belt is twisted 90° with the thumb and forefinger of the hand with a slight force of 15–20 N (1.5–2.0 kgf). Here questions arise: how to calculate the force? Everyone’s finger strength is different, how do you determine the required strength? You need to tension the timing belt so that in the longest section you try to turn it 90 degrees with 2 fingers, and if this is almost possible, then the belt is tensioned normally.

Try tightening the timing belt and keep in mind that

VAZ 2115 and VAZ 2114: differences in replacing timing rollers

The design of the timing system is identical on all cars of the Lada Samara family. This applies to both models of the first (VAZ 2108 - VAZ 21099) and second generation (VAZ 2113 - VAZ 2115). The only relevant difference is the width of the crankshaft pulley and the timing belt itself. On second generation models, they are much narrower than on older ones. Because of this, separated timing parts are not interchangeable for different generations of cars. Therefore, before purchasing parts, make sure that they will fit your specific car model.


Ignition system sensors and marks

For the ignition system to operate correctly, the computer needs to read the correct information from the sensors. Subsequently, this information will be processed in accordance with the fuel maps hardwired into the injector.

The main signal comes from the crankshaft sensor. This sensor shows what position the crankshaft is in at a given time and, based on it, calculates at what moment it is necessary to inject fuel, and at what moment this same fuel should be ignited, depending on the engine speed, which is also determined by this sensor.

1 – crankshaft drive disc; 2 – crankshaft position sensor; 3 – angle of rotation of the crankshaft; 4 – output signal of the crankshaft position sensor And this is what a typical signal received by the computer from the crankshaft sensor looks like

Pay attention to 270° - this is like the zero point, showing the computer that the engine has completed a revolution and a new cycle begins. This is achieved due to the absence of a tooth on the crankshaft drive sprocket.

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