Converting diesel fuel from tons to liters and back

If you ask a car enthusiast in what units diesel fuel is recorded, he will no doubt indicate liters. This is true, because during retail sales at gas stations, this indicator is taken into account. However, for manufacturers and wholesale suppliers, another unit of measurement is relevant - tons. In this regard, at enterprises engaged in wholesale purchases for their own needs or further retail sales, the problem of converting diesel fuel into liters is quite acute. Experts who have been involved in the wholesale sale of fuel for many years will tell you how to deal with it yourself!

Density of diesel fuel

One of the factors that must be taken into account when converting diesel fuel from liters to kg is density. According to data from a physics textbook, it is the ratio of mass to volume and depends on the type of fuel and its temperature. Special formulas for calculating density are used extremely rarely. A hydrometer is used to determine it.

The density of fuel is regulated by GOSTs. Thus, for Arctic fuel the indicators are 0.83 kg/l, winter - 0.84 kg/l, summer - 0.86 kg/l. Do not forget that this density is typical for diesel fuel at a temperature of +20°C. In addition, there are recommendations from the Ministry of Industry and Energy and Rostechnadzor. In the first case, the average indicators are 0.769 kg/l. Rostechnadzor proposes to take the density of 0.84 kg/l as the basis for recalculation. To obtain the most reliable data, you need to remember that as the temperature increases or decreases, the density of the fuel also changes.

Buyers do not need to determine the density themselves. The supplier must indicate it in the diesel fuel passport.

How much does 1 liter of diesel fuel weigh?

How much does 1 liter of diesel fuel weigh (in kg)?

How much does 1 liter of diesel fuel weigh (in kg)?

  • The weight of diesel fuel may vary slightly depending on the specific type. So in general we can say that one liter of diesel fuel will weigh from 0.83 to 0.86 kilograms. Namely, summer diesel fuel will weigh just 0.86 kilograms, and winter diesel fuel will weigh 0.84 kilograms, but Arctic diesel fuel will weigh 0.83 kilograms.
  • In fact, diesel fuel, like gasoline, does not have a specific composition - it depends on the production technology and the raw materials. Therefore, we can only talk about average values ​​- from 830 to 860 g/l. But bio-diesel has a density of 880 g/l.
  • The weight of one liter of diesel fuel (diesel fuel) depends on its type. For example:

    A liter of summer diesel fuel weighs 0.860 kg;

    Winter liter - 0.840 kg;

    And the Arctic one is 0.830 kg.

    Provided that the temperature is +20 degrees Celsius.

  • A liter of diesel fuel weighs 850 grams, which is equal to 0.85 kg.
  • The weight of one liter of diesel fuel may vary slightly depending on the type of diesel fuel itself:
  • So one liter of summer diesel fuel weighs 860 grams;
  • a liter of winter diesel fuel weighs a little less - 840 grams;

  • A liter of Arctic diesel fuel weighs even a little less - 830 grams.

These weights are correct at room temperature (approx. 20C).

Specific gravity of diesel fuel. Weight of diesel fuel in 1 liter

“Diesel”, diesel fuel or “diesel” are common names for the fuel used in diesel internal combustion engines. This petroleum distillation product has been used for decades, mainly as fuel for agricultural and military equipment, railway transport, diesel electric generators and boiler houses, as well as in the processing of metals and leather.

The characteristics of diesel fuel, temperature parameters for use, chemical and physical properties are prescribed in GOSTs. Quality standards developed back in the Soviet Union 1666-42 and 1666-51 determine the quality of low-speed diesel oil, which is unsuitable for modern high-speed engines.

Classification of diesel fuel

Today, each country has its own quality standards for diesel fuel, but there are main classification categories that are common to any type of diesel fuel, prescribed in interstate GOSTs 32511-2013 (EN 590:2009), 305-2013 and 2517-2012.

There are low-viscosity fuels (distillate), used for high-speed engines, and residual, low-viscosity fuels. Unlike hydrotreated kerosene-gas oil fractions of discilate fuel, the residual consists of a mixture of fuel oil and kerosene-gas oil fractions.

The main principle of classification is seasonality.

It can only be used at positive temperatures. The specific gravity of summer diesel is 860 kg/m3 (the theoretical density of any type of diesel fuel is determined at +20ºС). With increasing temperature, the specific gravity decreases by approximately 0.0007 g/cm3, and with decreasing temperature, it increases accordingly.

At a temperature of –5ºС, the paraffins of summer diesel fuel thicken and clog the system. The use of additives helps delay thickening, but they do not change the increased density of summer fuel at subzero temperatures. Flash point 62ºС.

Recommended operating temperature is from –20ºС to –35ºС. The specific gravity of winter diesel fuel is 840 kg/m3. At -35 degrees Celsius it freezes. The outbreak occurs at +40 ºС.

It is recommended to use in the negative temperature range of 45–50ºС. The density of diesel is 830 kg/m3, and the flash point is +35 degrees Celsius. DF A is obtained by dewaxing summer DF or by adding cetane-increasing additives and motor oil to pure kerosene to improve lubricating properties.

The weight of diesel fuel in 1 liter is approximately 850 g or 0.85 kg

Diesel weight table

Type of diesel engineTemperature range (ºС)Density (kg/m3)Specific gravity (g/cm3)
Summer+0 …8600,86
Winter–35… –208400,84

Main characteristics

Cetane is a hydrocarbon contained in diesel fuel, characterized by rapid ignition under the influence of hot compressed air formed in the combustion chamber of a diesel internal combustion engine. The cetane number determines the ignition quality of a diesel engine; it should not be lower than 45 - 50. We can conclude that the higher the cetane number, the faster the fuel will ignite. High-quality diesel fuel has a high paraffin content and a high cetane number.

Oil contains sulfur. The content of sulfur compounds in diesel fuel is strictly regulated. As part of the fight for environmental friendliness of fuel, as well as reducing the wear of internal combustion engine elements, the sulfur content should be reduced to a minimum. However, as the percentage decreases, the lubricating properties of the diesel engine deteriorate, so it is necessary to use special additives. The best performance indicators are considered to be EURO-4 and EURO-5 diesel fuel brands with a sulfur content of up to 0.05%.

Specific gravity of diesel fuel (diesel fuel)

To begin with, I would like to clarify what is meant by specific gravity (hereinafter referred to as SG) in physics and chemistry, and only then move on to the specific gravity of diesel fuel or, as it is also called, the specific gravity of diesel fuel.

Let's go over the theory.

Fuel Specific Gravity

Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight [P] of any substance in question to its volume [V], namely weight, and not mass, as many people think. However, there is no particular difference for us here; these are only distinguishable concepts from a scientific point of view and cannot be confused in any way. It has become so common in everyday life that weight is mass.

The specific gravity of a substance [y] can also be expressed through its density [p]: y=p*g

where g is the acceleration of gravity at a specific point in space, it is usually considered equal to 9.81 m/s*s.

The unit of measurement for hydrocarbons is 1 N/m3 (Newton divided by cubic meter).

Fuel density

The density of a fuel is the amount of its mass in kilograms that fits in one cubic meter. This value is not constant and depends on the temperature of the diesel fuel, which has a bad effect on the operation of the car engine if the diesel fuel is of poor quality in terms of density. The higher the temperature of the liquid, the lower its density and vice versa. It is also a known fact that the higher the density of automobile fuel, the heavier its fractional composition. This leads to the fact that the processes of atomization and evaporation of gasoline or diesel fuel are significantly worsened, therefore, various types of deposits occur more intensively in the combustion chambers of the engine and in the fuel system, which over time increasingly complicates the movement of fuel through the system. This also contributes to the formation of carbon deposits on the engine valves.

Specific gravity of diesel fuel

The density of the fuel and, therefore, its specific gravity is measured with a special device called a hydrometer.

According to the current GOST, the following values ​​are accepted for the specific gravity of diesel fuel (for diesel fuel temperature +20C):

the specific gravity of summer diesel fuel must be within 8440 N/m3; the specific gravity of winter diesel fuel is 8240 N/m3

or in density:

density of summer diesel fuel – 860 kg/m3 density of winter diesel fuel – 840 kg/m3

Arctic diesel fuel density – 830 kg/m3

In practice, if we take into account only high-quality diesel fuel, it turns out that when the temperature of diesel fuel changes by one degree Celsius, its density changes by 0.00075. This coefficient can be used to recalculate the density of diesel fuel under different temperature conditions. But it is worth remembering that at most gas stations the quality of the product leaves much to be desired, and no one knows what impurities are present in it. While the density of pure fuel can be recalculated using this coefficient, the density of impurities in it is not always true.

Weight of 1 liter of diesel fuel (diesel fuel)

Based on the density values ​​of diesel fuel given above, it is easy to calculate the weight of 1 liter of diesel fuel. It will vary from 830 grams to 860 grams, that is, the higher the temperature of the diesel fuel, the lighter 1 liter of it will weigh.

How much does 100 liters of diesel fuel weigh?

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100 liters of diesel fuel weighs 82 kg

For the calculation, we used data on the density of diesel fuel at normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg) and a temperature of 15°C, which is: 820 kg/m³

Physical state of the substance: Liquid

Please note that the weight is calculated based on the volume of the containers and we do not in any way guarantee that they contain the specified volume, however, for approximate measurements in everyday life, the calculated weight is quite applicable.

To determine a more accurate weight, you should use a scale!

Also, keep in mind that some substances can have a destructive effect on the indicated containers and cannot be contained in them in real life.

20000 pcs. 5555.6 pcs. 400 pcs. 100 pieces. 66.7 pcs. 33.3 pcs. 5 pieces.

Diesel fuel calculator

Volume, l = Weight, g

Other meanings

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Converting diesel fuel from liters to tons and back

Despite the fact that the practical conversion of diesel fuel from one unit of measurement to another is quite rare, there is a category of specialists whose work is directly related to this process. When converting from kilograms to liters, it is recommended to use the standard formula:

V = M / ρ, where V is the volume, M is the mass, and ρ is the density of the diesel fuel.

At the same time, do not forget that mass is a constant quantity, and volume and density change depending on the composition of the fuel and temperature.

The reverse conversion from liters to kilograms is carried out similarly. In this case, the formula will look like this:

M = V x ρ.

Fuel Specific Gravity

Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight [P] of any substance in question to its volume [V], namely weight, and not mass, as many people think. However, there is no particular difference for us here; these are only distinguishable concepts from a scientific point of view and cannot be confused in any way. It has become so common in everyday life that weight is mass.

The specific gravity of a substance [y] can also be expressed through its density [p]: y=p*g

where g is the acceleration of gravity at a specific point in space, it is usually considered equal to 9.81 m/s*s.

The unit of measurement for hydrocarbons is 1 N/m3 (Newton divided by cubic meter).

Liters or tons?

After studying the intricacies of converting from one unit to another, the need to move to a unified measurement system may seem quite logical. However, in reality, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The thing is that in retail sales it is more convenient to measure fuel in liters, since the volume can vary. As a result, it will be almost impossible to calculate the mass of fuel for refueling “to a full tank”. When transporting, a more important indicator is the weight of the fuel, since cars have a carrying capacity established by technical characteristics.

Having understood the peculiarities of converting diesel fuel into tons and vice versa, many buyers understand that when making such calculations, the risk of unintentional errors and deliberate fraud on the part of the supplier is quite high. However, in the vast majority of cases, customers have no alternative, and purchasing in liters remains the only available option.

You can eliminate fraud by cooperating with trusted suppliers who indicate reliable information about the mass and density of the fuel in the passport. To check, you just need to convert the actual volume into kilograms and compare it with the weight indicated on the passport. Another option is to contact , whose specialists value their reputation and do not allow violations of the terms of cooperation!

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