Which fuse is responsible for the fuel pump on the VAZ-2110

On any passenger car with a gasoline engine, the gas pump serves to supply fuel under pressure from the fuel tank to the metering device - depending on the modification of the engine on VAZ cars, the fuel system can be carburetor or injection.

The VAZ 2110 fuel pump can be mechanical or electric, its type depends on the type of fuel system installed on the engine.

The fuel pump (BN) on carburetor internal combustion engines of the 2110 car is located behind the valve cover, next to the distributor-distributor; on a car with an injection engine, it is located in the fuel tank (submersible type). If the BN begins to malfunction, the engine does not pull or develop speed, and in many cases the engine cannot be started at all.

Fuel pump circuit (electric)

The design of the electric fuel pump 2110 itself is quite simple - the unit is an electric motor, which is supplied with 12 Volt power. The BN is mounted in a housing, and a mesh is installed at its inlet - a coarse filter. The filter element prevents dirt particles from penetrating into the pump housing, thereby protecting the device from clogging and possible breakdown.

The electrical circuit of the VAZ fuel pump contains the following elements:

  • ignition;
  • fuse;
  • relay;
  • wiring;
  • the engine control unit.

When you turn the ignition key, power is supplied through the relay to the BN terminals, and the pump begins to pump gasoline. After the input line of the fuel line is filled with gasoline, the ECU (control unit) through a relay gives a command to turn off the voltage - the fuel system is ready to start the engine, all that remains is to crank the engine with the starter.

Design features of fuel pumps for carburetor and injection fuel injection systems

Mechanical fuel pumps, which were installed on the first modifications of the VAZ 2110/2112, have a simple design. It is based on a set of membranes made of special rubberized fabric that is resistant to the chemical action of gasoline. The pump body has two valves: inlet and outlet. The membranes are driven by a rod (pusher). It is driven by a cam mechanism rotated by a camshaft.

Such a mechanical fuel pump can serve for decades until the drive rod wears out or one of the membranes breaks. And even then, if this happens, you can replace these elements in half an hour.

The first modifications of the VAZ 2110 with a carburetor injection system were equipped with mechanical fuel pumps

With an electric fuel pump, things are much more complicated. Its design is based on a small electric motor. It is no different from a regular one, although it works completely immersed in gasoline. The pressure in the system here is created not by a membrane (although there are such pumps), but by a specially shaped impeller mounted on the electric motor shaft.

The service life of the electric fuel pump is 150–200 thousand km. But it can fail much earlier. The main cause of breakdowns when the resource is not used up is additives added to gasoline, as well as various kinds of mechanical impurities. The former destroy the brushes and commutator, while the latter clog the valve mechanisms.

In the injection VAZ 2110/2112, the fuel pump has an electrical design and is part of the submersible fuel module

Fuel pump relay VAZ 2110

A relay in any electrical circuit is designed to close and open a circuit; its main role is to protect the elements of the electrical circuit from high inrush current. When starting an internal combustion engine, the current required to crank the starter reaches 80-300 Amps, and if the relay is not installed, any element of the electrical circuit may be damaged.

The VAZ 2110 fuel pump relay is a standard type; inside the plastic case there is an electromagnetic coil with a core; when voltage is applied, the contacts are closed due to the electromagnetic field. Relay 2110 is a four-pin relay, rated for a current of 30 Amps.

What is an ECU?

The first thing that catches your eye is the electronic control unit (abbr. ECU). It is installed in the cabin, under the dashboard. Its function is to monitor the operation of all sensors and actuators of the car. He also controls the operation of the VAZ 2110 fuel pump switching relay. Let's understand this issue, how does the control happen? An ECU is an electronic device; it is based on a modern (or not so modern) microcontroller. Depending on what functions the control system should have, various microcontrollers are used.

The microcontroller has input/output ports, as well as legs for connecting power, a master oscillator on a quartz resonator, etc. We are interested in the input and output ports. They are necessary for the microcontroller to receive and send signals. This, however, is clear from the name itself. In datasheets, these ports are designated by letters A, B, C, etc. In other words, they can both send a signal and remove them. But it all depends on one small detail.

The firmware (a program that runs according to a specific algorithm) determines which port is incoming and which is outgoing. In addition, it is the built-in program that allows you to determine all the operating parameters of the injection system, depending on incoming signals from the sensors. But this story is long, it won’t fit into ten articles. Let's return to the relay that turns on the fuel pump on a VAZ 2110 and similar cars.

Where is the fuel pump relay for VAZ 2110 injector?

Often, due to a relay failure, the engine stops starting; to fix the problem, it is necessary to replace the faulty part. The fuel pump relay (RB) of the VAZ 2110 injector is located in the car interior, under the instrument panel, next to the center console. To get to the pump, you need to unscrew the two screws of the protective plastic casing and dismantle it - of the three elements located here, the “relay” responsible for the operation of the pump will be located in the center (in the figure below, number 5).

Performance check

Checking its performance will help make sure that the fuel pump has failed. For this you will need:

  • screwdriver with Phillips bit;
  • a piece of gas-resistant hose (50–80 cm) with a clamp;
  • key to 17;
  • empty 2 liter plastic bottle;
  • a piece of insulated wire;
  • stopwatch.

Performance testing is carried out as follows:

  1. We remove the back seat. We lift the carpet and find the gas tank hatch under it. Unscrew the two screws (diagonally).
  2. Once you remove the hatch, you will see the top of the fuel module. Using a 17 wrench, unscrew the nut of the outlet fitting. We put a hose on it and secure the connection with a clamp. We lower the other end of the hose into an empty bottle.
  3. Disconnect the pump power connector. Using a piece of wire, we supply power to the positive contact of the device from the corresponding battery terminal. We connect the negative one to ground.
  4. We begin counting the time from the moment the pump starts.

A working fuel injection pump for a VAZ 2110/2112 should pump 1.5 liters of fuel in one minute. If this indicator is lower, the pump must be replaced.

Gasoline pump VAZ 2110 injector price

Electric fuel pumps 2110 are produced by various manufacturers; they can be sold either assembled with a housing, or the electric motors themselves can be sold separately. It makes sense to change the BN assembly only when the bulb (body) of the device is damaged; more often than not, only the fuel pump motor itself requires replacement, since it basically stops working.

Main manufacturers of fuel pumps 2110-2112:

  • Weber;
  • HOFER (Germany);
  • Bosch;
  • SEPO (Saratov);
  • Pekar (Russia).

For VAZ 2110 injector fuel pumps, the cost may vary; on average, BN can be purchased at a price from 700 to 4500 rubles. The most inexpensive products are produced by Hofer and Pekar; the average price of an electric fuel pump (motor) complete with a Pekar mesh filter is about 800 rubles. The most expensive are Bosch BNs; the cost of the assembled device is 4300-4600 rubles.

Replacing the fuel pump mesh for VAZ 2110 injector

Russian fuel does not always meet quality requirements, and over time, due to poor gasoline, dirt accumulates in the gas tank in the form of sediment. The debris also clogs the filter screen of the electric fuel pump; due to the accumulated dirt, the fuel does not fully enter the fuel line, causing interruptions in the operation of the internal combustion engine. To eliminate the malfunction, it is necessary to clean or replace the coarse filter, but to get to the mesh, you need to remove the BN.

Before starting disassembly, you should reduce the pressure in the fuel system, otherwise, when unscrewing the fuel line fittings, gasoline may escape in a stream and flood the entire interior of the car. To relieve the pressure, remove the fuse responsible for the operation of the BN, start the engine and wait until it stalls. We replace the VAZ 2110 injector fuel pump mesh as follows:

Types of mounting blocks

VAZ 2110 has 2 types of mounting blocks:

  1. basic;
  2. additional.

The first contains most of the fuses and relays in the vehicle's power supply circuit. The second one houses the devices responsible for the motor power supply circuits. Over time, the main block experienced a number of transformations and modernizations - there were three in total. The main difference between them is the number of relays. From the first models to today, it has grown from six to eight.

New mounting block

The area required updating with each modification of the VAZ 2110. It was necessary to correct some design flaws that were noticeable from the very beginning. The fog lamp fuse did not have a circuit board and was hanging on a bundle of cables next to the mounting block itself.

The first change in the layout of the main mounting block occurred precisely in connection with the placement of a fog lamp fuse in it, as well as an increase in the number of relays. In the updated modification of the latter there are not 6 or 7, but 8.

Particular variability in new block modifications is associated with the presence or absence of the K1 front light relay: some models have only legs and jumpers that require cutting when installing K1 yourself, or just the legs, without jumpers. In other modern units they also install the relay itself.

Old style mounting block

There are six relays and 20 fuses. Its location is the same as that of modern models. Over time, another relay was added, responsible for the front light. Otherwise, its design is no fundamentally different from subsequent ones.

Malfunctions of the electric fuel pump 2110

If the pump stops working, there may be several reasons for the malfunction:

  • electrical wiring is damaged;
  • fuse burned out;
  • the relay stopped working;
  • BN motor burned out;
  • The engine control unit has failed.

When a driver in a car with a VAZ 2110-12 injection engine turns on the ignition, the electric motor starts working - a characteristic buzzing sound is heard. If no sounds are noted, it means that the BN is not pumping fuel.

The easiest way is to check the electric fuel pump fuse, which is located almost in the same place as the relay, located to the left of the RB.

If the fuse is blown, it must be replaced. It often happens that when replacing a fuse, it immediately blows. The main reasons for the malfunction of this phenomenon:

  • the fuel pump itself “shorts”;
  • There is a short circuit in the electrical wiring.

Another characteristic malfunction of the electric fuel pump is that fuel is pumped, but the operation is accompanied by loud noise. A noisy fuel pump is a sure sign that this device will not “live” for long and will soon fail.

Location and principle of operation

ATTENTION! A completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption has been found! Don't believe me? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience also didn’t believe it until he tried it. And now he saves 35,000 rubles a year on gasoline! Read more". The location of the relay cannot be the same for all car models

This is directly related to the design of the machine, its make and model. However, in most cases, this is the area near the ICU (injection control unit) or under the dashboard, near the mounting block. On injection cars, the relay is usually installed in the driver’s left foot area, under the dashboard

The location of the relay cannot be the same for all car models. This is directly related to the design of the machine, its make and model. However, in most cases, this is the area near the ICU (injection control unit) or under the dashboard, near the mounting block. On injection cars, the relay is usually installed in the driver’s left foot area, under the dashboard.

The relay, despite the structurally successful circuit, can deteriorate and fail. Signs of a defect in this case are actions that are unusual for work or their complete absence. Here, for example, is how the pump is controlled according to the diagram.

  1. After the ignition is triggered, the PTH sends a signal to the fuel pump, which is activated for two seconds. This time is enough to build pressure in the rail (direct fuel injection).
  2. The relay will then start clicking, turning off the fuel pump.
  3. The next phase of work is associated with two conditions: rotation of the starting device and autonomous operation of the power plant. The PTH sends a shutdown signal to the pump as soon as the engine stops.

On certain brands of cars, the relay also solves the problem of the crankshaft speed limiter. For example, if the engine voltage is too high, approaching the maximum line, the electric pump is turned off. The signal is sent by the relay, indicating that the fuel supply to the engine has stopped. Accordingly, the amplitude of shaft rotation decreases, and the fuel pump turns on again.

There are also cars in which the relay is not activated after the ignition is turned on. Once you open the driver's side door, it starts working. This solution is effective as it allows for quick start of the power unit. Pressure is created much earlier. The fuel pump already pumps fuel into the system in advance.

In fact, the relay is a small black box that resembles a US plug. Each of the device pins has its own marking.

As mentioned above, on some cars the relay can perform other functions.

  1. Lambda probe heating. It turns on differently on all relays. For example, on one it can be used together with a fuel pump, and on the other it can be connected via a separate transistor. On older versions of the car there was no lambda probe, but when the pump was running, the current could be wasted.
  2. For turning on the starting nozzle. This happens when the engine is started cold. The PF operates for the same amount of time as the starting device, and also directly depends on the temperature of the internal combustion engine. The specific operating time of the PF is determined by the relay that receives information data from the control unit. For example, if the temperature of the power plant reaches 60 degrees Celsius, the PF is activated for only 1 second or even less, and if the engine is cold - up to 10 seconds.
30+12V constant (regardless of ignition)
15+12 with ignition on
50+12 when the starter is working
T.D.signal from the ignition system
TFengine temperature signal from the injection control unit KE
87power supply to the fuel pump
87Hoxygen sensor heating
87Vturning on the starting injector

How to test a relay

If the electric fuel pump does not show any signs of life when the ignition is turned on, this does not mean that it has burned out. The cause of the malfunction may also be a relay. The easiest way to check the RB by ear is that when you turn on the ignition, the relay should click. If you don’t hear a click, there is a high probability that the “relay” is faulty.

But not everything is so simple - the problem can be “tricky”, for example, the car does not start the first time. The cause of the malfunction may be hidden in burnt relay contacts. It’s quite simple to check the functionality of the pump itself; proceed as follows:

  • remove the protective casing, under which there is a block with relays and fuses;
  • we unscrew the fastenings of the block, remove it, it remains attached to the wires;

  • we pull the RB out of the block, place a jumper between two opposite contacts, thus directly supplying power to the BN;

  • If, with such a connection, the electric motor of the pump begins to make noise, it means that the BN itself is working, most likely, the malfunction is hidden in the relay.

If there is no voltage on any of the contacts on the RB block, you should look for a break in the wiring; there may also be poor contact at the place where the wire is attached to the terminal.


A malfunction of the VAZ 2114/2115 fuel pump can be caused by:

  • malfunctions in the device’s power supply circuit;
  • failure of starting and protection elements (relay and fuse);
  • wear of electric motor parts.

Checking the electrical circuit

At the beginning of the diagnosis, you should check the electrical circuit of the fuel pump. To do this you will need:

  • car tester (multimeter);
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • two pieces of wire about 2 m long.

Checking the electrical circuit is carried out in the following order:

  1. Turn on the ignition without starting the engine. When the key is in the first position, a click should be heard, characteristic of turning on the relay, followed by a slight whirring of the pump electric motor. If there is no click, the relay is faulty or is not receiving power. If there is a click, but no buzzing, the wiring coming from the relay or the pump motor itself is faulty.
  2. Under the glove compartment, find an additional mounting block consisting of three relays and three fuses. The pump relay is located in the middle, and the fuse is located to the left of it. Remove the fuse from its socket, test it with a multimeter, and if the result is negative, replace it. When replacing the fuse, please note that it is rated for a maximum of 15 A.

The relay and fuse for the fuel pump on the VAZ 2114/2115 are located in the mounting block under the glove compartment.

Set your multimeter to voltmeter mode. Connect one probe of the device to the relay terminal to which the pink wire fits, and the second to the car body. Turn on the ignition. The device should show the on-board network voltage in the range of 11.7–12.4 V. If there is no voltage, the problem may be a broken wiring or a malfunction of the ignition contact group. In this case, it is better to contact an auto electrician. If power is supplied, check that the relay is working. With the ignition on, use a screwdriver or a piece of wire to close the contacts to which the pink and gray wires go. This closes the circuit bypassing the relay. If the fuel pump works, replace the relay.

The ground wires of the fuel pump are attached to the body with a self-tapping screw

Pressure check

If the pump is working properly, but the engine begins to operate intermittently, you should check the fuel pressure in the system. For this you will need:

  • pressure gauge (can be a tire gauge with a measurement limit of 5–7 kPa);
  • petrol-resistant hose with a diameter of 10–12 mm and a length of 50–80 cm;
  • two clamps for a hose of the appropriate diameter;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • nipple cap;
  • dry rag.

In addition, the presence of an assistant is desirable.

The verification procedure is as follows:

  1. In the engine compartment on the engine fuel rail, locate the pressure measuring fitting (on the right side).
  2. Remove the plastic cap (plug) from the fitting.

Find the pressure fitting and remove the cap from it

When unscrewing the spool valve, fuel may spray out of the fitting.

Connect the pressure gauge to the fitting using a hose and clamps

Fuel check valve

The electric fuel pump of the VAZ “Ten” has good performance, but it creates too much pressure in the fuel system. In order to bring the pressure back to normal, a VAZ 2110 fuel pump valve is built into the fuel line; it is located in the “outlet” fitting of the BN housing. On the “tens”, a pressure regulator is also installed, which is located behind the fuel rail.

A valve malfunction involves a ball sticking in the open position, and the fuel pressure in the system may drop to zero. If such a problem occurs, the car is very difficult to start, since all the gasoline from the fuel lines goes back into the gas tank when the ignition is turned off. Is it possible to somehow repair the valve?

Drivers of 2110 cars claim that you can try knocking on the fitting in the BN flask so that the shut-off ball falls into place. If the malfunction cannot be eliminated in this way, the electric fuel pump bulb must be replaced, since this housing itself is non-separable.


Electric fuel pump VAZ 2110

The principle operation of an electric fuel pump is based on pushing fuel under pressure into the engine. Conventional VAZ fuel pumps suck gasoline from the gas tank; a small gap from the pump to the carburetor allows it to operate at low pressure. Electric fuel pumps of the first VAZ cars worked at the same speed. The industry has launched the production of pumps that meet the growing requirements of the automotive industry; now their operation is completely dependent on the speed of the engine.

Note. The vehicle's electronic system controls the operation of the fuel pump. It corresponds to several factors: ambient temperature, what position the throttle is in, and the composition of the exhaust gases.

Electric fuel pumps operate under pressure, resulting in increased noise and rapid heating. For these reasons, they are installed in the gas tank. Gasoline cools and muffles the sound of the running pump.

Mechanical fuel pump "tens" VAZ

The VAZ 2110 (Lada-110) car has been produced at AvtoVAZ since 1995, and the first engines on this model came with carburetors. Eight-valve VAZ 2110 engines with a power of 72 hp. With. were set to “tens” until 2000, and the fuel pumps on these internal combustion engines, accordingly, were mechanical.

The 2110 mechanical fuel pump consists of parts:

  • metal case (two halves);
  • top cover;
  • pusher with diaphragm;
  • two valves;
  • return spring.

Gasoline is pumped from the fuel tank by oscillating the diaphragm and opening and closing valves. The diaphragm with a pusher is driven by the camshaft eccentric; on the lower BN housing there is a manual pumping lever for gasoline.

Basic principles

Regardless of the type of engine used, the basis of the wiring used in the VAZ 2110 car is the same. It's easy to find a diagram, but not so easy to understand.

Let's look at the basic principles of wiring.

  1. All equipment and devices powered by electricity in the VAZ 2110 are based on a single-wire connection. VAZ designers specially provided for wires of certain colors to each be responsible for their own functions. Therefore, certain equipment is connected using wires of their own color. This allows you to independently understand the wiring, make it easier to carry out repair work and not spend money on car repair services.
  2. The downside to the VAZ 2110 is that the mass is the car body itself.
  3. The positive wire of the batteries on the top ten always comes only in red. Therefore, when making repairs, try not to change the color of the wire, so as not to confuse yourself.
  4. For each system that is connected to the electrical system, it is equipped with its own separate wiring harness.
  5. The VAZ 2110 is designed in such a way that when the battery is turned on, all electrics and electrical equipment are energized. This is related to the most common recommendation, which you have seen more than once in our materials, where we described the repair or replacement of certain components - disconnecting the negative terminal from the battery.
  6. Do not forget about the existence of the so-called contactless system. This system is required to create a high-quality spark, which is simply necessary to ensure combustion of the air-fuel mixture. In order for a contactless system to function, high voltages are indispensable.

Mechanical fuel pump malfunctions

All parts of a car engine are subject to wear and aging, and the life of a mechanical fuel pump also depletes over time. Main malfunctions of the mechanical device:

  • warping of hulls;
  • cracking of the diaphragm;
  • valve failures.

If the diaphragm allows air to pass through, the pump may stop pumping gasoline into the carburetor; through the torn diaphragm, fuel enters the crankcase and mixes with the engine oil. When gasoline gets into the oil, fuel consumption increases sharply, and the engine itself starts poorly, especially when warm. Checking the presence of gasoline in the crankcase is quite simple - if you light the oil dipstick with a lighter, a fire will occur, and a gasoline smell will come from the oil crankcase.

A common defect that occurs in mechanical gasoline pumps is warping of the surface at the point where the pump is attached to the body of the auxiliary units. If the surface is deformed, engine oil begins to leak at the joint between the planes.

Fuel pump VAZ 2110 carburetor price

Unlike electric fuel pumps, mechanical fuel pumps are generally cheaper; the price largely depends on the manufacturer. The most famous companies producing gasoline pumps:

  • BAKER;
  • DAAZ.

The cost of the device ranges from 350 to 850 rubles; repair kits are also sold for used mechanical pumps; the kit contains a diaphragm, rod, and valves. The repair kit is quite cheap - from 70 to 200 rubles, but it does not always make sense to carry out repairs, since the pump assembly itself is inexpensive.

An interesting fact is that the fuel pump for carburetor engines for the VAZ “ten” is suitable for the VAZ 2108-09-099 models, as well as for the Zhiguli VAZ-classic 2101-07. The “Classic” BN differs only in a slightly different arrangement of fuel fittings, and in order to install the pump from the “Classic” on a car 2110, it is necessary to use longer fuel hoses.

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Advantages of injection models

The main function of the pump is to supply fuel to the combustion chamber. It must meet certain requirements. The main criterion is pressure.

The pumps for injection and carburetor engines are different. Thanks to the engine with direct fuel injection, there is no need for preliminary preparation of the combustible mixture. As you know, the carburetor is the weak link. Difficult adjustments, clogged jets, difficult starting in cold weather create inconvenience for owners of classic VAZ brands.

Tens and VAZ-2112 internal combustion engines have significant advantages. Let us note the advantages of injection units:

  • support for environmental standards;
  • direct injection into the combustion chamber;
  • fuel economy;
  • system reliability;
  • increased engine power;
  • starting a cold unit without warming up;
  • dispensing a portion of the mixture;
  • The fuel module is controlled electronically.

Unfortunately, the injector has a number of disadvantages. Maintenance and repairs have to be carried out at a service station. It also requires qualified personnel and a computer to determine the malfunction of electronic components. Let us point out other disadvantages:

  • design complexity;
  • high requirements for the octane number of gasoline;
  • complex diagnostics and repairs;
  • expensive spare parts and equipment.
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