How to turn off the Tomahawk 9030 alarm without a key fob

Tomahawk brand alarms have one feature - if the PIN code is not configured, you can easily disarm the car. To do this, find the Override button and press it a certain number of times, turning on the ignition first. Then the ignition is turned off and security is deactivated. This rule is met even for such a model as the Tomahawk tz 9030. The above also applies to signaling devices of earlier families. Next we look at how to protect yourself from theft to the maximum. Enjoy reading.

Disabling Features

If the device is faulty, then it is imperative to turn it off. In order to perform this action, you need to become familiar with the car alarm device. It includes the following parts:

  • Main unit;
  • Led indicator;
  • Antenna;
  • Keychain;
  • Service button;
  • Shock sensor.

Absolutely all tomahawk alarm models are characterized by the presence of instructions that tell how the device is disarmed if it does not work.

If it is missing, you must press the second button on the key fob. This device is equipped with an LED indicator and two buttons, so finding one of them will be quite easy.

The button must be pressed once. After this, the siren will give two signals, during which the side lights will flash. The vehicle doors will then open on their own. The car's headlights will also go out.

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Classic connection diagram

  1. Before installation, it is necessary to de-energize the vehicle (remove the battery terminal). Make sure there are no sources of heat or moisture nearby. Standard electronics should not affect the anti-theft system units in any way throughout the entire installation process.
  2. The main electronic unit will be located inside the car. The antenna is mounted without contact with electrical wiring or metal. The siren (signal unit) is installed under the hood in an inaccessible and protected place. For safety and durability of use, the main wire connections are made inside the cabin.
  3. The main power supply and central locking are protected by special fuses. The trunk and hood sensors must be lubricated and protected from possible moisture. The shock sensor is attached to the body with self-tapping screws, inside the vehicle interior.


Standard option

To arm the car, you need to take the remote control key fob and press button No. 5 “Lock”. The alarm will emit one short trill, the lights will flash on and off, and the central locking will be locked. In this case, the LED indicator will blink evenly.

IMPORTANT: If at the time of standard arming any of the triggers is active (for example, the door is open in the car), the system will notify you of this with 4 flashes of dimensions and 4 short trills of the alarm.

Night option (no sound)

At night, you can arm your car in silent mode. To do this, click on button No. 2 “Silent security”. The system will lock the central locking and the lights will flash once. The LED will blink evenly.

ATTENTION! In silent mode, the siren is disabled, but all current information is displayed on the LCD screen of the key fob.

Arming with the engine running

To activate the mode, perform the following steps:

  • We start the car engine.
  • We get out of the car, close the doors, hood and trunk.
  • Press button No. 5 “Lock” - the door locks are blocked.
  • Immediately (within 3 seconds) press button No. 5 “Lock” again - the dimensions flash and go out, the alarm emits one short trill.

Automatic arming

Press button No. 4 “Key” and hold it until the key fob beeps. After that, click on button No. 2 “Silent security”.

Activate basic functions/reset all settings

Perhaps one of the most popular and frequently used functions is autorun. Since it brings a great deal of comfort, let’s look at its installation in a little more detail.

To activate automatic start you must:

Activating the remote start option for vehicles with manual transmission:

  • with the engine running, raise the handbrake all the way;
  • press the “key” button and wait for the signal on the key fob;
  • turn off the ignition, remove the key (the engine does not stall);
  • leave the cabin and close the door - the system will stop the engine and activate the option (actions 3 and 4 must be completed within thirty seconds).

Engine starting

Remote engine start (silence)

Press button No. 4 “Key” until the key fob emits a melodic trill (the LED on the additional key fob turns green). Immediately (within 3 seconds) press button No. 4 “Key” again. The system will close the doors and start the engine. The LED will remain on continuously and the parking lights will flash (if programmed to do so when installing the alarm). We perform remote engine shutdown in the same sequence.

Automatic hourly engine start

Press and hold button No. 4 “Key” until the key fob emits a melodic trill (the LED on the additional key fob lights up green). Immediately after this, press button No. 5 “Lock”. The system will notify you that the mode is turned on with two LED flashes, and the inscription “2-1 DAILY” will appear on the LCD display. Once the function is activated, the system will start the engine every 1/2/4/24 hours. The autostart interval is programmed when the alarm is installed.

Automatic engine start at a given temperature

Press button No. 5 “Lock” until the sound signal (the LED on the additional key fob lights up green). Immediately press button No. 4 “Key” - the inscription “1-2 TEMP START” will appear on the key fob display and the temperature value at which the engine will start (programmable parameter) will be displayed. As soon as the temperature reaches the set point, the system will start the engine to warm up. The engine warm-up time is additionally programmed.

Activation Features

Car alarms Starline, Sherkhan, Pandora and systems of other brands may have their own algorithm and features for enabling the service mode.

Once again, the first place to start is to look at the instruction manual.

In most cases, the mode is activated via a special button or using a key fob. I suggest briefly studying both options.

Let's start with the push-button switch. The following is usually done:

  • the driver gets into the car;
  • the key is inserted into the ignition switch;
  • The ignition is turned on and off;
  • wait 10 seconds;
  • the button responsible for Valet is switched to active mode (On);
  • if a button is used and not a switch, press it for 2 seconds;
  • a sound signal appears;
  • The indicator shows information that the mode is turned on.

There is usually nothing complicated here.

An alternative option could be a control panel. It is also a key fob, which is used to control the signaling system, including GSM alarm systems, on the car.

It is first recommended to check the current state of the key fob and the information displayed on it. Sometimes it happens that the alarm, security or anti-robbery mode is active. In this situation, it will not be possible to switch to Valet.

As a result, the following is done:

See alsoHow a rain sensor works on a car: how to check and adjust

  • the alarm status is checked;
  • the ignition is turned on;
  • after 3-5 seconds it turns off;
  • expected10 seconds;
  • two buttons are pressed on the remote control;
  • These are the open lock and speaker buttons;
  • the buttons are held down for 10 seconds;
  • the buttons are released;
  • a sound and light signal appears;
  • mode activated.

By the way, if you insert the key into the ignition when Valet is active, the alarm will probably start beeping. They say that the security is disabled.

Quiet Shutdown Features

Many users do not want to make a lot of noise when they need to turn off the device in an emergency. For this purpose, you can silently turn off the car alarm. To disarm the vehicle, you must press the first button on the key fob once.

After this, its second button is immediately pressed. The car's lights will turn on twice. In this case, disarming will be done completely silently.

In most cases, a person cannot disarm the car alarm using a key fob, since it does not work. This is due to a dead battery of the device. In this case, the device is turned off in emergency mode.

To do this, the car owner needs to get behind the wheel of the vehicle. After this, the ignition is turned on and off. This procedure is repeated as many times as the PIN code set on the device. If the device is faulty, then turn the ignition on and off at intervals of less than one second.

After this, you must wait for thirty seconds. The system will automatically disable the security mode during this period of time. Using this method, you can disable an old-style car alarm. This disabling method does not work for new devices.

Documented security mode capabilities

The Tomahawk tz 9030 system is configured by default so that you can disarm the car without a key fob:

  1. Open the door to trigger the sensor and turn on the ignition;
  2. The Override button is pressed 3 times;
  3. Then the ignition is immediately turned off (security is deactivated).

Let's try to rectify the situation. When programming, it is enough to assign option 5 any new value.

Security options table

"Step 2" will then be replaced by entering the first digit of the code. And the second digit contained in the PIN code is reported to the system in the same way: turn on the ignition, carry out “step 2”, etc.

Programming mode

The reader probably realized that you need to gain access to programmable options. We will proceed like this:

  1. Check that the security is not active and the ignition is turned off;
  2. Press the Override button 5 times;
  3. The ignition is turned on;
  4. 5 beeps should sound;
  5. Single presses of the button select the option number.

Next, according to the instructions, set the value. To do this, press one of the keys on the key fob (see table).

Let's say in "step 5" you pressed the button 5 times and then selected the value "greater than 1". The alarm will no longer disable security if you follow the basic algorithm (three clicks of Override).

Service button for Tomahawks

During operation you will have to use a PIN code:

  1. You need to open the door and turn on the ignition;
  2. The Override button is pressed a number of times equal to the first digit of the code;
  3. The ignition is turned off, then turned on again;
  4. Enter the second digit and turn off the ignition.

The standard instructions contain the same sequence, and the note says that if the PIN code is not specified, the following numbers will do: 1 and 1.

As you can see, it has not yet been possible to increase the resistance to hacking. The instructions mentioned above may fall into the hands of an attacker; moreover, its text is available on websites. There is only one thing left to do - change the code.

Setting new code digits

Let's again open the instructions included with the Tomahawk tz 9030 signaling system. It says the following about setting the PIN code:

  1. Disarm the car, turn off the ignition;
  2. Press the Override button 4 times;
  3. The ignition is turned on, 4 beeps sound;
  4. Press the Override button, select the value of the first digit;
  5. Press the button again and set the second value.

The selection of values ​​must be carried out according to the figure:

Key rings from the set “9030”

A number greater than “4” cannot be set in principle. But this makes a certain sense: during operation, the service button does not have to be pressed many times.

Here we looked at how to set up an alarm system for one model. Other systems can be configured without any differences. Among them, for example, will be the Tomahawk tw 9030 car alarm, which was produced before the tz family. We wish you success in setting up.

Reasons for disabling the security system

It is necessary to completely reboot or unlock the “alarm” of a Tomahawk car if it is impossible to get into the vehicle interior. Sometimes the car engine does not start or the system does not respond to commands sent from the communicator.

Reasons why the user needs to reboot or urgently disable the security mode:

  • The appearance of interference in the area. This problem is typical for large cities. Industrial enterprises, transformer substations, and large concentrations of mobile devices and radio equipment can jam the signal sent from the key fob. If the 434 MHz radio channel is busy, then the commands will be executed every other time or the alarm will stop responding to them altogether.
  • The locking system is malfunctioning. Such a malfunction may be caused by a mechanical shock, a low car battery, exposure to moisture on the electrical circuit of the control unit, or a short circuit.
  • Communicator failure. The user has to press the buttons several times to program functions or to disarm the car. If the alarm cannot be unlocked, this is due to either a mechanical or software malfunction of the key fob. The battery installed in the device may also be discharged.

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Features of operation and troubleshooting of the Tomahawk security system

The product line is developed taking into account the requirements of international standards. The standard security systems include:

New technologies allow us to avoid old mistakes, high-performance boards allow us to accommodate additional functionality, which does not prevent the consumer from encountering the problem of the car’s reluctance to start at some point, and the tomahawk protection system is to blame for this.

Let's understand the nature of the occurrence of such failures a little later, and now let's move on to a short description and characteristics of the product line in question.

In what cases is it necessary to turn off the alarm?

An emergency shutdown, reboot of the alarm or its complete shutdown is carried out when faced with the impossibility of getting into the car. The car does not start or does not respond to the owner’s commands due to a malfunction of the key fob or a malfunction of the alarm system itself.

The main situations that can lead to malfunctions of the security system:

  • The presence of a large amount of radio interference. This situation is typical of cities and noisy metropolises. Radio signals sent by a large number of mobile phones, Wi-Fi wireless networks and the presence of a large number of radio electronics negatively affect the operation of the device.
  • The locking system is malfunctioning. This is a fairly rare type of failure, but it cannot be ruled out. Failure of the locking unit can be caused by a mechanical shock, a dead battery, moisture on the electrical circuits, or a short circuit on the board.

Factory reset

To return to factory settings, you need to:

  • turn off the ignition;
  • press the Override button 9 times in a row;
  • turn on the ignition - the alarm will emit 9 short trills;
  • press the Override button again - the alarm will emit one trill;
  • press button No. 5 “Lock” on the key fob.

Reset previous settings:

When a used car is purchased complete with a security system, it is quite possible that many unnecessary settings will be retained from the old owner, moreover, this may be the reason why the car does not start, so it is necessary to “reset” it.

To do this, press the OVERRIDE button nine times with the ignition off. Then turn the key and press the indicated button. At the first signal, place your finger on the image of the lock. Turn off the ignition again, after which all settings will return to their original (factory) state.

When installing a protective system in a car (service) center, the OVERRIDE button is placed under the steering wheel, and it is through it that all basic functions are programmed.

Additional functions

Search for a car

To find your car in a crowded parking lot or in the dark, you need to press button No. 1 “Trunk” twice within one second. At the same time, the parking lights will flash six times and a short trill of the alarm will sound the same number of times.

Panic function

You can use this feature to attract the attention of others. The ignition must be turned off. Simultaneously press buttons No. 4 “Key” and No. 5 “Lock” and hold them. The siren will emit three long beeps, the lights will flash three times, the doors will be locked, and the security mode will be activated.

Remote activation of Anti-Hijack mode

This mode allows you to return the car in case of violent seizure. To activate it, with the ignition on, simultaneously press buttons No. 4 “Key” and No. 5 “Lock”. At the same time, the LED begins to blink, the dimensions flash once. What happens next is:

  • 30-60 seconds after activating the mode, the siren emits warning signals and the parking lights on the car flash;
  • a minute after activation, the engine is blocked and the siren turns on.

Disabling Anti-Hijack mode

To disable Anti-Hijack mode, turn on the ignition and press the Override button for 3 seconds. The siren emits three short trills. Turn off the ignition. Anti-Hijack mode is disabled, but the car remains in security mode. If a PIN code is programmed, the Anti-Hijack mode can only be disabled after entering this code.

Valet mode, protection against false alarms, Remote status polling

Vaiet mode, False alarm suppression, Tomahawk tw-9030

  • Image
  • Text


22. Valet mode.

Valet mode is used by the car owner if the car

transferred to third parties, for example, for maintenance. After

By activating this mode, the system can only perform service functions

such as controlling an additional channel or central locking.

Valet mode is turned on and off when the

protection by holding the book. until the key fob-pager beeps

(or changing the color of the LED on the additional key fob to green) and then pressing the button.



, or by holding the book. "OVERRIDE" for

3 seconds, with the ignition on. The activation of Valet mode will be confirmed

4 flashes of parking lights and 4 “CHIRPS” of the siren, the LED will

constantly burn.

LCD display indication:

23.3 protection against false alarms.

The Tomahawk TW-9030 security system is a high-intelligence system

to modern car security devices, so the system uses

complex, multi-level algorithm for protecting against delays.

First level.

When the security mode is turned on, the main unit tests all zones

protection, if any sensor is found defective, then the system

automatically turns it off and notifies you about it using 4 “CHIRPS” of the siren.

LCD display indication: icon of the corresponding trigger.

Second level.

During the security mode, the system analyzes the operation of the sensors if

If the shock sensor is triggered 8 times in a row, it will be disabled.

24. Remote status polling

To perform a remote poll of the vehicle’s status, press button 1^B.

The parking lights will flash 3 times, the key fob pager will display the vehicle status,

including the temperature inside the vehicle’s cabin.


If after pressing the button. !^B (or any other button) for 3

seconds there is no confirmation that the command has been completed and the key fob

the pager emits 1 “Beep”, which means the vehicle is outside the range of the key fob-pager transmitter.


Alarm Features

The equipment has the most correct integration, which ensures an organic increase in anti-theft potential. If there is a threat of burglary or car theft, then the corresponding notifications are sent to the alarm key fob.

If this does not happen, then this means that the system is buggy. In this case, it is necessary to turn off and turn on the equipment. If after this the system does not work, then you need to use the services of a specialist.

Thanks to the use of modern technologies in the production of equipment, its noise efficiency is ensured as low as possible. The instructions contain detailed information. The security system is characterized by the presence of a mini-USB port, which is used to update the software.

The key fob has backlit pictogram buttons, which ensures maximum convenient use at any time of the day. The device uses LED indicators, which provides a high level of backlight brightness. Convenience during the use of key fobs is provided due to the coincidence of the functional purpose of their buttons.

Why is the mode needed?

Before turning off the Valet mode on the Tomahawk alarm, make sure that this option is no longer necessary. The function is used to activate a special mode. Its peculiarity is to turn off the security functions of the system. This option may come in handy when you take your car to a service station or car service center. At the same time, you don’t have to worry that the alarm will accidentally go off when you open the doors, hood or luggage compartment.

When Valet is turned on, the main functions of the security complex are blocked, and only service options are available to the owner, for example, remote opening / closing of doors, use of an additional channel, etc. If you disable Valet on the Tomahawk key fob or using the service button, previously deactivated functions become available again available and can be used normally.

Note that in older models of security systems, the Valet mode is used not only to disable the main alarm options, but also to configure the system. As for the new Tomahawk device models, this work is done using Override.

Experts recommend that you always switch the security system to service mode when handing over the car to unauthorized persons during repair, washing or servicing of the vehicle. After this, you need to disable the Valet mode, because otherwise the Tomahawk alarm will not work.

There are a number of other situations where it may be necessary to turn on Valet on the Tomahawk alarm:

  1. The car is located in a known safe place where there is no need for the alarm to operate.
  2. The vehicle is transferred for temporary use to another person.
  3. The security system needs to be diagnosed or repaired.

Now you know what Valet is and how to disable it on the Tomahawk alarm system. This can be done using the buttons on the key fob or using a special service button. In the comments, share how the option is turned off on your security system, what difficulties you encountered, and how you managed to solve them.

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The Valet mode on the Tomahawk is a service option designed to disable the main alarm functions, and the Valet (Override) button itself is necessary for programming the complex, linking the key fob, enabling/disabling functions and solving other problems. Below we will look at the features of the option, how to enable and disable it if necessary.

How to turn it off if you have a key fob

There are two options for disabling the security mode using the remote control - standard and silent.

Standard method

You can turn off the Tomahawk alarm on your car using the remote control like this:

  • The second button on the key fob is pressed; number 2 indicates controls with an indicator in the form of an open lock.
  • The siren will emit a short beep and the emergency lights will go off.
  • The door locks will be unlocked. External lights should turn off. The key fob may emit a confirmation beep and a symbol in the form of an open lock will appear on its screen.

Silent shutdown

The security system will be turned off in silent mode without confirmation sounds. Only external lighting devices connected to the anti-theft system are activated.

To disarm a car, you need to do the following:

  • On the key fob, first press button 1, and then immediately control element 2. The vehicle's headlights will blink twice, the siren will not work.
  • The car doors are unlocked. An icon in the form of an open lock will appear on the remote control screen.

Disabling the autostart system

If you need to disable this option, do the following:

  • On the communicator, press a key with an indicator in the form of an open lock and key. This control must be held for two seconds until a melodic signal appears.
  • The key with the locked lock “clicks” briefly.

Features of turning off a remotely started engine on X5 alarms:

  • A key in the form of an open lock is pressed on the remote control. The button is held for several seconds until the communicator beeps.
  • Within 3 seconds after the device is triggered, the button with the open lock “clicks” briefly, without being held down. The power unit should shut down and the alarm status will appear on the pager display.

Video: disabling the autostart system

User Ivan Vasilyevich in his video explained in detail how to set up the automatic engine start system and what you need to know about turning it off.

How to turn off the alarm

It is advisable to turn on the alarm when the engine starts automatically, but if you want to disable the option, perform the following steps:

  • On the communicator, press the button with the “F” indicator. This key must be held down for five seconds. The device will play a sound pulse and the clock indicator will begin to blink on its screen.
  • The "F" button is pressed four times.
  • Then the key in the form of a crossed out speaker is “clicked”. An icon with the word “Off” should appear on the key fob screen.
  • The “F” button is pressed for five seconds. This will deactivate the alarm.

Photo gallery: buttons on key fobs

Designation of control elements on communicators of different Tomahawk models.

Tomahawk CL-350

Follow these steps:

1. Get into the car and close the doors.

2. Turn on/off the ignition number of times

equal to your PIN code. (The interval between cycles

on off. no more than 1 sec.)

appeared on the market at the beginning of the two thousandth. This brand produces reliable and user-tested alarm systems designed for a wide range of consumers: from budget options (simple one-way) to luxury (two-way).

It should be noted that many models have been discontinued; they have been replaced by updated systems with increased protection, expanded options, as well as new problems relating not only to the products of this company, but this article will focus specifically on it, and frequent security malfunctions systems that cause the car to stall.

The line of these products has expanded significantly due to competitive advantages: professional fast service and high-quality warranty repairs. This also includes technical support, which is provided around the clock.

When should you turn off the alarm?

If you cannot get into the car (Tomahawk 9030 does not respond to commands given by the remote control, the engine does not start), then you should turn off the alarm in emergency mode. This occurs due to a breakdown of the key fob or in the event of a malfunction of the control unit of the security complex. The main reasons that caused a failure in the anti-theft system:

  • radio interference interfering with communication between the switch and the alarm control unit. Often occurs in large cities, with tall buildings, large concentrations of mobile phones and other electronics;
  • failure of the system control unit due to mechanical shock, short circuit on the board, or water entering the electronic circuit.

Description and characteristics

Quite high-quality products from this manufacturer are entering the market, which are distinguished by reasonable prices, including when it comes to “top” models with a range of 434 and 868 MHz and built-in memory.

Here are just a few of their inherent features:

A large number of options certainly makes operating the car easier and more comfortable. For example, the remote start system allows you to automatically start the engine at a great distance in cold weather and get into an already warm interior when the car is warmed up, or in hot weather you can turn on the air conditioning in the same way.

The Tomahawk anti-theft system is designed to protect your vehicle from theft. If a thief gets into the car, the system will notify the owner with an alarm, block the engine, and the car will not move.

In addition, such protective systems have volatile memory: if the power is turned off, the system will remember all previously set parameters. The range of such devices is an impressive 1300 meters.

Download operating instructions for Tomahawk 9010, 9020, 9030, 7010, pdf format

You can download service documentation for managing Tomahawk security systems using the following links:

Manuals in Russian for operation and installation of alarm systems
Operating instructions Tomahawk 9010
Operating instructions Tomahawk 9020
Operating instructions Tomahawk 9030
Operating instructions for Tomahawk X5
Operating instructions Tomahawk TW 7010

Using the remote control

To turn off the alarm from the key fob, follow the steps below.

  • Get as close to the car as possible.
  • Press the "Open/Close" button on the key fob. An open lock symbol will appear on the screen.
  • The siren will sound twice and the lights will flash.
  • The car doors are unlocked.

The quiet way

Quiet mode eliminates sound signals when arming and disarming the car. To enable it you need to follow a few simple steps.

  • On the alarm remote control, press the first and second keys. The lights will light up twice.
  • Tomahawk 9030 entered silent mode.

Find out how to attach the Tomahawk 9030 keychain.

What is Valet mode and how to get out of it

“Valet” is used when the vehicle is transferred to third parties (repair, maintenance). After turning on the mode, the anti-theft system performs only service functions - controlling the central locking. How to turn off jack remotely.

  • Turn off security mode.
  • Hold down the "Lock/zZ" key. The siren will sound four times and the parking lights will blink once.

Emergency deactivation of the alarm can be performed using the Valet button.

  • Twenty seconds are allotted for all actions.
  • Open the car with the key.
  • Without starting the engine, turn on the ignition.
  • Press "Jack" four times.
  • Turn off the ignition system. The siren will sound twice and the turn lights will light up twice. The security mode has been removed.

Find out what the Override button on the Tomahawk alarm does.

Instructions for completely disabling the Tomahawk alarm with and without a key fob

Reading time: 5 minute(s)

A car alarm is a universal security system that allows you to adjust the sensitivity of sensors and protect your car from theft. If necessary, deactivation occurs using the alarm key fob, special keys, software via a mobile application or manually.

To understand how to turn off the Tomahawk alarm, the first question arises: what are the options? If the device starts to malfunction, certain techniques and methods are used. At the most unexpected moment, the need arises to quickly understand and accurately apply knowledge in practice.

Reasons why you may need to disable the security system

Before turning it off, you need to understand why the alarm did not work correctly.

The security system is turned off if it is impossible to completely unlock it. The machine does not respond to automation.

If you try to open the car with the key, the alarm will block the engine.

Malfunctions can be caused by several reasons:

  • Lost key fob;
  • Various system problems;
  • Attackers test the nerves of the car owner;
  • The vehicle is in an area of ​​radio interference, which can be caused by damage to the vehicle module or being in a parking lot with a lot of other vehicles.
  • Tow the car 200-300 meters, where there will be less radio interference.

  • The batteries ran out or moved away from their regular places. They should be replaced or try to insert them better.

If there is no possibility of replacement, you need to remove the battery from the alarm and try to knock on it, deform it a little and insert it back. The battery will work a little more.

There is no single answer why the alarm goes off spontaneously.

It is often necessary to disable the security system in damp, rainy weather. Moisture penetrates into an incorrectly installed alarm unit and short-circuits the contacts.

Either the insertion points into the standard wiring were poorly insulated and oxidized over time.

A car diagnostics is carried out at the service station.

False alarms may be caused by a tilt, motion or volume sensor. Another common cause lies in the door or hood switches.

Which one has worked is determined on the display or by the alarm LED.

Over time, dirt accumulates in the limit switch mechanism, which interferes with normal operation or was initially installed incorrectly.

You need to try pressing the limit switch with your finger to restore its normal movement. If this does not help, it is better to disable the limit switch.

How to turn off the Tomahawk alarm if you have a key fob?

Standard method

There is an “Open/Closed” icon on the key fob. To remove the lock, when you press the icon once, the alarm goes into unprotect mode.

  • Bring the key fob closer to the alarm location;
  • Press the key;
  • A double beep will sound;
  • Flashing lights indicate that the alarm is disabled;
  • The headlights turn off and the doors automatically unlock.

Auto-rearrangement is activated when no door in the car is opened for half a minute after the security function has been removed. The system starts automatically.

Silent shutdown

The function of silent mode is to eliminate noise signals. When triggered, the alarm will not make any sounds. The car's emergency lights will turn on and the battery will gradually begin to discharge.

What should be done:

  1. On the key fob, press the first and then the second key. A silent light signal sounds twice;
  2. The security device will enter silent mode.

How to turn off a Tomahawk alarm without a key fob?

If the key fob does not work, is lost or is not at hand, the door will not open. You can completely disable the Tomahawk alarm without a key fob manually.


  • Find the glitchy sensor;
  • Turn the regulator and reduce the sensitivity;
  • If this does not help, disconnect the sensor from the main unit;
  • Or turn off the system using a special service key.

Emergency shutdown via Override button

To deactivate the alarm and go into emergency mode, use Override. Control and settings are carried out depending on the model.

Precise information for each specific device is contained in the operating instructions.

  • Tomahawk 9010
      The shutdown occurs with the doors closed. You should get into the car and close all the doors;
  • Turn on the ignition without starting the car engine;
  • By briefly pressing Override four times, the alarm system is rebooted;
  • The ignition turns off.
  • The headlights will flash twice and the siren will sound twice, which is a sign of an emergency shutdown.

  • Tomahawk 9020
      Open the car door;
  • Insert the ignition key into the lock and turn;
  • Press Override three times in a short period of time;
  • The ignition is turned off;
  • The siren will sound twice on the alarm;
  • The side lights will flash twice and turn off.
  • Tomahawk 9030
      The door opens, the ignition starts without turning on the engine;
  • Briefly press Override three times;
  • After pressing, the ignition is turned off;
  • In the next twenty seconds, light and noise signals will pass twice to activate the siren and side lights;
  • The alarm on the car is turned off and you can start it.

Emergency removal of the alarm can be done through the Valet mode.

The operation is performed within 20 seconds:

  1. Open the door with the key;
  2. Turn on the ignition, but do not start the engine;
  3. Press “Valet” four times;
  4. Turn off the ignition.

The parking lights will flash twice and the siren will sound twice, confirming that the security mode has been disarmed.

If twenty seconds were not enough, after the alarm has calmed down, you must repeat it all over again.

System de-energized

If no method is effective, de-energize the system.

This is not a completely desirable option and must be done very carefully.

One wrong move will lead to a disruption of the entire electrical network of the signaling system. As a result, further operation will become impossible.

This method is used more effectively in older models.

In new versions, you cannot enter the car when the entire system is powered down.

The car alarm is built into electrical circuits without the possibility of access from the outside.

  • The hood opens, the battery is turned off and the terminal is removed.
  • The system briefly became silent and without power.
  • Sometimes the driver looks for the relay and fuse that powers the electrical supply.
  • They turn it off by removing the fuse, which is located near the alarm unit.

But it is better to entrust this matter to a service center mechanic.

Preventing auto-start (auto-warm-up)

Auto start refers to special settings in the alarm system. The time after which the engine starts is programmed.

To disable auto-warming on the tomahawk alarm and prevent starting, use the key fob::

  1. Press the “Open Lock/Key” option twice;
  2. The “Closed lock / Zz” key is clicked once.

The car lights up or the engine starts.

Signals may vary depending on firmware and vehicle model.

The hourly warm-up function is determined by the readings of the temperature sensor in the transmitting-receiving antenna.

How to turn off the alarm using the Tomahawk 9010 as an example

Automatic shutdown of the function is carried out in stages:

  1. For five seconds, press and hold the “F” button on the key fob;
  2. A sound appears and the clock starts flashing on the display;
  3. Dial the symbol “F” four times;
  4. The key with the speaker crossed out is pressed;
  5. “OFF” will appear;
  6. “F” is held for five seconds and the function is disabled.

How to disable the turbo timer?

If the turbo timer is activated, the engine, after turning off the ignition, runs for 1.3 or 6 minutes. By default, the timer is turned off; to activate it, you need to turn it on and program the required operating time:

  • With the engine running, the car is put on the handbrake;
  • The car alarm starts counting down the time;
  • The key is removed from the ignition switch;
  • If necessary, the “Security” option is enabled.

The timing begins after the handbrake is applied to the PARK mark. For vehicles with "Start/Stop" function:

  • The handbrake is engaged;
  • The engine runs for one minute;
  • Next, you should get out of the car and close the doors;
  • Enable the security function.

The engine will stop after the last action is completed. The function is deactivated by holding down the ^ key until a sound appears or the LED changes to green, then pressing the ((|к .

You can unlock or disable the alarm yourself in different ways. If the basic techniques do not help, it is better to take the car to a service center, where they will reinstall the operating system, fix the problems and restore the alarm system.

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Where is the Override button on the Tomahawk 9030

The Override service key (red button, see photo above) is located in a secluded place of the car: under the instrument panel, behind the plastic pillar, in the glove compartment. Sometimes it is disguised as the standard wiring of the car. To turn off the alarm using the “Override” button, follow the instructions.

  • Open the car with the key.
  • Activate the ignition.
  • Click Override three times.
  • Turn off the ignition.
  • The siren and turning lights will sound twice.
  • The car alarm is disabled.

Using a PIN code

The Secret PIN code has two meanings (factory setting 11). To turn off the Tomahawk 9030, do the following.

  • Use the key to open the door. The alarm will sound and the lights will blink.
  • Activate the ignition.
  • Enter the PIN code by clicking “Override”. The number of clicks is the first value of the password.
  • Turn the ignition on and off immediately.
  • Enter the second digit of the code in the same way.
  • Deactivate the ignition.
  • The siren will sound and the exterior lights will flash.

Find out why the Tomahawk alarm does not close the doors.

Disconnect power from Tomahawk 9030

This is an extreme way to disable the alarm when all of the above methods have not produced any results. Follow the suggested steps sequentially. Incorrect actions will lead to disruption of the electrical circuit of the security system and damage to the control unit. Shutdown instructions.

  • Open the hood of the car.
  • Disconnect the battery terminal.
  • The anti-theft system will be de-energized.

Linking another pager

If you lose the remote control, immediately register a new switch in the security system’s memory. The process of programming a new key fob will erase all old codes, preventing your vehicle from being stolen. To record the remote control.

  • Deactivate the ignition system.
  • Press "Override" seven times.
  • Turn on the ignition system. The siren will sound seven times. Recording mode has been entered.
  • Simultaneously press “Trunk Opener” and “Speaker” on the remote control. The siren will sound once for the first pager, two signals for the second remote control, and three signals for the third.
  • Do nothing for six seconds and the system will exit setup mode.

Operating principle of VALET mode, programming

A useful “VALET” mode, which is used when it is necessary to repair basic vehicle systems. This mode involves disabling all main functions.

Deactivating the mode

  • turn on the ignition;
  • press the ll button for 2 seconds;
  • 10 “CHIRPS” notify about exiting the mode, the LED goes out.

Key fob programming

It’s better to play it safe in advance and write several key fobs into the system’s memory; this is done as follows:

  • disable the “security” mode;
  • open and close the driver's door;
  • turn on/off the ignition corresponding to the PIN code the number of times;
  • Once the procedure is completed, the parking lights will light up five times, after which you can program the key fobs;
  • press the l button of the key fob, the system should beep once, which will mean confirmation of memorization. Once programming is complete, the system will exit the mode automatically and the machine will be ready for use.

Each instruction manual contains a detailed description; we will not dwell on this point in more detail. Touching only on the basics, it should be noted that an important step is adjusting the sensitivity of the sensors.

They are regulated as follows:

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