Polyurethane silent block: all the pros and cons, is it worth installing

Hi all! The operation of a car is closely related to the need to periodically change consumables. One of them could be a polyurethane silent block. This is an analogue of rubber silent, which can often be found on VAZ, Gazelle and many foreign cars.

The only question is whether it is worth installing such parts, or whether it is better to give preference to rubber analogues. To do this, you need to look at their pros and cons, study design features, and key characteristics.

Motorists, especially beginners, are often interested in what is better to take, a polyurethane or rubber version of the silent seal.

Of course, manufacturers are interested in selling their goods. Therefore, they will praise his strengths, but at the same time keep silent about his shortcomings. Let's try to be objective.

What it is

The silent block or silent block is an important component of the vehicle suspension. Its task is to reduce noise levels and ensure smooth movement. This element is the connecting link between the components of the chassis. Due to its properties, it reduces vibrations and helps reduce the level of shock load on the body.

Externally, it is a fairly light and small element, which is held in place by two metal bushings. But it is this rubber or polyurethane component that allows you to soften the shock of the suspension.

The development of technology has led to the emergence of a new type of silents, which previously were exclusively rubber.

Conditions for long-term use of silent blocks

Parts made of polyurethane will last a long time, provided that certain requirements are met:

  • Purchasing high quality products only from reliable manufacturers.
  • Carrying out a major overhaul of the suspension simultaneously with the replacement of silent blocks.
  • Installation of new parts using special equipment.
  • The polyurethane support is treated with silicone grease or lithol.
  • Regular check of the suspension and its parts.
  • Operate the car at an ambient temperature of at least -20 degrees.

Application area

If we talk about the design of a vehicle, then silencers can be found in the composition:

  • lower arm;
  • front suspension arms;
  • rods;
  • rear suspension;
  • subframe;
  • jet thrust;
  • stabilizer, etc.

Depending on what load is applied to a particular unit, the silent tape gradually wears out and requires mandatory replacement.

Ignoring the fact of wear of the silent block leads to even more serious consequences, including breakdown of suspension elements.

It is before replacement that a logical question arises about which parts to use, when rubber and polyurethane options are offered to choose from.

What is the difference between polyurethane and rubber?

Many car enthusiasts install bushings, stabilizer supports and silent blocks made of rubber on their cars. This is explained by the low price of such products and an acceptable service life, provided that all requirements are met. Rubber parts can last about 50-100 thousand kilometers if the car does not participate in racing and is not used for driving on dirt roads or off-road.

Polyurethane silent blocks, the pros and cons of which are known to many car enthusiasts, are able to withstand more severe operating conditions. For this reason, they are often used in cars participating in racing, when ride comfort is relegated to last place for the sake of car handling. The service life of such parts is several times longer, since the polymer is less susceptible to wear and abrasion, unlike rubber.

Polyurethane silent blocks do not always receive positive reviews - you can meet car owners who are dissatisfied with the installation of such parts. As a rule, the cause of possible problems is the purchase of a low-quality product in an attempt to save money. In addition, spare parts may be installed incorrectly without contacting a service center.

As a result of improper installation, polyurethane parts require replacement after 20-50 thousand kilometers, while their average service life is 80-100 thousand.

Polyurethane suspension also has its weak points. The density of the polymer increases when the ambient temperature drops below 20 degrees, which leads to its deformation with increasing loads. Silent blocks and stabilizer bushings will work properly only if the entire suspension is in good working order. If there are any malfunctions, the service life of the parts is reduced several times.

Installation of polyurethane parts is much more difficult than rubber ones, which is due to their increased strength. In addition, their price is slightly higher than those made from rubber.

Characteristics of polyurethane products

Currently, buying a set of polyurethane-based silents is not a problem. They are even produced by domestic companies, such as Tochka Opory. Reviews about them are pretty good, to be honest.

Polyurethane itself is a colorless material. But the parts are painted, which is done to indicate the degree of their hardness.

In the case of the automotive industry, polyurethane with hardness values ​​in the range of 65-70 units is used.

It is worth highlighting the floating variety of silents. But domestic craftsmen agree that they are not suitable for use in cities such as Irkutsk, St. Petersburg, Samara and many others. Such parts are not intended for our roads, and wear out too quickly.


It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb: “How many people, so many opinions.” Drivers do not adhere to any specific opinion. Positive feedback about polyurethane can only be given by those drivers who have personally experienced this type for their car. But you can also find negative reviews on car forums.

The fact is that many manufacturers equip cars with rubber parts. Considering this fact, many drivers do not even worry about replacement, as they are of the opinion that the car is more familiar with the elements and components with which the car was equipped during assembly.

Before changing silent blocks, you need to decide how much you need them. The decision must be considered. Good luck.

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To determine which silent seals are best to purchase for your car, it is worth highlighting the main strengths and weaknesses of polyurethane products.

As a result, the polyurethane silent block boasts the following advantages:

  • Long service life
    . If we talk about average indicators, then such silents last approximately 3-4 times longer than their rubber counterparts;
  • High degree of efficiency
    . Such parts are quite rigid, which has a positive effect on the car’s handling. The car becomes more obedient and stable on the road surface;
  • Reliability
    . Compared to rubber, polyurethane retains its original elasticity better and longer. At the same time, this increases the level of protection of body and suspension elements, extending their life;
  • Durability
    . The connection between polyurethane and metal is much better than between metal and rubber. Because of this, the likelihood of detachment is minimal;
  • Resistance to chemical influences
    . This is a fair statement in which the material is superior to its rubber competitor;
  • Resistance to temperature changes
    . In its operating temperature range, polyurethane does not deform or crumble due to an increase or decrease in temperature in the external environment.

But these are only advantages.

But there is also a downside, which clearly shows us that polyurethane is not as good as some manufacturers and sellers are trying to sell it to customers.

How to check silent blocks?

The average service life of silent blocks is 100,000 kilometers. However, taking into account Russian roads and conditions, it is advisable to carry out their diagnostics twice as often - every 50 thousand kilometers. Determining whether the silent block has worn out or not is quite simple - you need to listen to the car. Deterioration in response to control, too heavy travel, delay in turning the steering wheel are clear signs that the hinges will have to be changed. To make sure that replacement is necessary, it is advisable to carry out diagnostics at a car service center.

A visual inspection is carried out in the inspection pit by checking the silent block that has been cleared of dirt. Rubber or polyurethane bushings must not have any damage or ruptures. Indirect evidence of a malfunction of such a part is a change in wheel alignment, if it was previously correct. If there are ruptures in the silent blocks, the levers may move slightly to the sides.

It is also advisable to check the play and, if the parameter is excessive, replace the parts.

Failure to promptly replace faulty silent blocks can cause the vehicle to pull to the side at high speed. Uneven tire wear can also be a sign of a problem. They can cause destruction of the joint mounting points, which may lead to the need to replace the front suspension arm.

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Now to the question of the disadvantages of polyurethane silent blocks. There are also quite a lot of them, and for a number of motorists they may be more significant than the presented advantages.

The obvious disadvantages include the following:

  • Increased suspension stiffness
    . Yes, due to the hardness of the material, handling improves. But at the same time, rigidity also increases. Irregularities on the roads become noticeably noticeable for passengers. If increased comfort is valued in a car, switching to polyurethane will partially and noticeably deprive it;
  • The material breaks down when twisted
    . During operation, the silent takes on different loads. There are no problems with compression and stretching. But twisting leads to total destruction;
  • Price
    . The prices for polyurethane and rubber are really different. They can differ by 3-5 times, and sometimes even more. Yes, the cost can be justified by the increased service life. But in our conditions, the material does not last as long as you expect from it. The actual service life is 1.5-2 times less;
  • Low resistance to frost
    . Although manufacturers say that the operating temperature range is from -40 to 70 degrees, in fact, in most cases, already at -20 degrees Celsius, the material hardens and becomes more brittle;
  • Difficulty in installation
    . To press in such a silent seal with your own hands, you will need not only a press-in kit, but also a certain skill. Rubber is much easier to deal with.

As you can see, this polyurethane is not as good as some people claim it to be.

Let's sum it up

My personal opinion is that polyurethane has a right to life and may indeed be more durable compared to rubber, but this does not mean that you urgently need to give up everything today and replace the rubber bushings with polyurethane ones. No! Personally, I would recommend installing alternative silents for those who live in areas with very bad roads, far from big cities where these roads are somehow patched. Also in the question: “Which is better: polyurethane or rubber silent blocks,” the former can be recommended to those whose car boasts a soft suspension and in some places too soft, which will not be spoiled by stiffer substitutes.

If your car is not particularly comfortable and has a soft ride, and there is no extra money in the family budget, I would not recommend you polyurethane silent blocks. When installing them, the ride may become unbearable, a load may be placed on other chassis components, and the cost of spare parts will increase significantly. And this despite the fact that, I repeat once again, it is not a fact that these tougher analogues will last longer than the original silent blocks.


TOP 10 Lithuanian automotive sites for searching cars and spare parts

Buying cars in Europe is much more profitable than on the domestic Russian market, even taking into account all the fabulous fees and taxes. For comparison, a BMW 5 Series produced in 2004-2006 can be purchased in Lithuania for 6-8 thousand euros. In Russia, such a copy will cost 23-25 ​​thousand, and even the condition of the Russian car will be much worse.

Bad roads, low-quality fuel, savings on maintenance – there are many factors that lead cars in Russia to a ruined state. Therefore, many are looking towards the Baltic states in order to purchase a higher quality and reliable car, while spending much less money.

The most popular Lithuanian sites for searching cars

Almost all Lithuanian car websites have versions in Russian, which makes it much easier to search for cars and compare different options. We present to your attention the TOP 10 most popular and extensive Lithuanian portals with the ability to search for cars:

  • Autobonus.lt is a large portal with an extensive database of used vehicles. Allows you to use convenient filters to search for the desired car, and also lists all prices in euros and litas.
  • Autogidas.lt is one of the largest portals in Lithuania. Here you can not only buy a used car, but also communicate with Lithuanian entrepreneurs who, for a reasonable fee, will transport the car to Russia and help with the documents. The portal has a large forum where you can ask all your questions.
  • Auto.plius.lt is the largest and most popular portal about cars, which contains advertisements from all over the Baltics. You can look at prices for new vehicles, as well as buy used cars from their owners.
  • Autotaurage.lt – the portal is aimed at Russian buyers who want to buy a car in Latvia and Lithuania. There is information on how to get to the desired city, where to inexpensively spend the night and have lunch. Large database of advertisements, since the portal is completely free.
  • Skelbiu.lt is one of the young, but very interesting Internet projects that offers users a convenient search through a database of used cars in Lithuania. There is also a lot of other interesting information about the features of purchasing transport in the Baltics.
  • Alio.lt is a Lithuanian bulletin board where you can search not only for cars, but also related products, components and body parts. There is a convenient form for searching for spare parts for any equipment.
  • Autoaiksteles.lt is a portal for those who want to travel to Lithuania on their own and choose a car on the car market. Here is a map of automobile markets with all the necessary information for visitors.
  • Egzotika.lt is a professional website for searching car tires and wheels. Much more attractive prices for tires than in Russia. There is a convenient search form for tire manufacturers, sizes and properties.
  • Autozebra.lt is a new used car search site. Few advertisements, but quite detailed information about each vehicle. Lots of photos and other useful data.
  • Balsana.lt is another specialized portal for tires and wheels. A large selection of manufacturers, types and sizes of tires, as well as original wheels for almost any European car.
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