Phase sensor for Lada Kalina car with 8 valves

The phase sensor for Kalina with 8 valves is considered one of the many devices that ensures the operation of the propulsion system. It is also called the camshaft sensor. It is not installed in the engine carburetor - it is located on the cylinder head at the left end. In Lada Kalina, the device is installed to the right of the valve cover, near the filler neck. Since it breaks like other parts, you need to know more about the signs of failure, the causes of breakdowns and how to replace the part yourself.

Camshaft sensor Kalina 8 valves

The first injection engines were not equipped with a phase sensor. The ECU received all the necessary signals from the crankshaft position sensor (CPS). When the crankshaft was in the position of injecting fuel into one of the cylinders, the ECU received a signal and opened the injectors. The fuel was injected into the common intake manifold, where it mixed with air and turned into an air-fuel mixture. After which the valves of the corresponding cylinder opened and it drew in the finished mixture. Cars with such a power system turned out to be more economical and more powerful than carburetor ones, due to more accurate dosing of the air-fuel mixture. The introduction of the Euro-0 standard required automakers to radically change the system for preparing and supplying the air-fuel mixture. This was done using split fuel injection.

In order to switch to such an injection, it was necessary not only to monitor the DPKV readings, but also to determine the start of operation of the first cylinder. After all, during four cycles of engine operation, the crankshaft makes two revolutions, so it is impossible to determine which cylinder is currently running without additional sensors. Therefore, a sensor was installed on the camshaft, which is responsible for valve timing and the order of operation of the cylinders, which sent a signal about the start of operation of the first cylinder.


If the electronics are fine, there are still a lot of options why the engine won’t start. A common reason is that the candles are simply flooded.

Most often, candles are flooded in winter. Compression in the cold does not correspond to the parameters, so the engine does not start immediately. Often the spark plugs flood due to a weak battery that does not produce a normal spark, the wiring or the spark plugs themselves.

The easiest way to dry the spark plugs is to simply press the gas all the way to the floor and turn the engine with the starter for a few seconds (10-15). If there is nothing serious, then, as a rule, it will start (it rarely helps in winter), but if not, you will have to dry the spark plugs.

To do this, they need to be pulled out, cleaned of carbon deposits, for example with a toothbrush, the main thing is that the gap remains the same (0.8-1mm), and then dried. You can use a hair dryer or even an oven if you are in a hurry.

Prudent drivers keep a spare set of spark plugs in the car for such cases. In order not to have to go to work in a minibus in the morning and not bother with drying, you can simply screw in spare candles, and in the evening, after work, calmly dry the main ones.

To reduce the risk that the spark plugs will be flooded, you need to constantly monitor the battery so that it is always charged and every two to three days, while driving, load the engine for 10 seconds to 4500-5000 rpm so that it cleans itself of carbon deposits and all sorts of deposits in the chamber.

Phase sensor errors on VAZ 2114: identifying faults, checking and replacing the sensor

The VAZ 2114 FAZ sensor is an integrated device, the main function of which is to receive information about the current operating cycle of the power unit and transmit it to the ECU via pulse signals.

Structurally, the DF consists of two parts - a sensitive element and a pulse signal converter, which in turn consists of an operational amplifier, a bridge circuit and an open collector type output stage.

The DF sensitive element operates according to the Hall principle; it is a microcircuit that responds to fluctuations in the magnetic field, which gains the ability to transmit an electrical signal only when there is a magnetically conductive material next to it, which is the steel head of the valve.

The location of the VAZ 2114 camshaft position sensor is as follows: it is located on the end of the cylinder block, not far from the air filter.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about which phase sensor is best to buy from which manufacturer. We recommend giving preference to devices from the German company Bosch. It is she who has the license to manufacture sensors operating on the Hall principle, so, in essence, you get a reliable and durable device produced by the direct owner of the technology by which it is made.


If the VAZ 2114 is equipped with an on-board computer, if the device malfunctions, it will display one of the errors with code 0340 or 0343. Let’s analyze each of them in more detail.

  • FAZ sensor error 0340 - indicates the absence of a DF signal. The cause of this error can be anything from oxidized contacts to mechanical damage to the device. Solved by replacing the part with a new one.
  • Error 0343 – high signal level of the phase sensor. Its cause, as a rule, is damage to the wiring itself or the terminals in the contact block, or their loose/oxidized connection.

Errors in the VAZ 2115 phase sensor are completely similar to the errors that occur on the fourteenth.

How can you tell if the sensor is faulty?

The following symptoms will help identify device malfunctions:

  1. When you try to start the engine, the starter rotates for 3-4 seconds. Only after this the engine starts, but the error message comes on. The bottom line is that when you try to start the engine, the sensor is polled, but the electronic control unit does not receive the signal and switches to work using only the data received from the reader in the crankshaft.
  2. Fuel consumption increases.
  3. The car's dynamics deteriorate. Be sure to carry out diagnostics, as the fault may also be in the mass air flow sensor.
  4. Failures occur during self-diagnosis of the control system.

Smart choice

The Lada Kalina 8 valve has certain differences from the 16 valve engine. However, automotive specialists sometimes install a mechanism with 8 valves to 16, and the engine works correctly.

The main differences between similar system elements:

  • form;
  • connector size.

The Kalina 8 cl phase sensor may be distinguished by the absence of a special slot required for the signal disk. This product cannot be installed on an engine with sixteen valves. It operates with a pin mounted on the camshaft (at the very end).

To avoid situations of inconsistency, purchase a mechanism according to the characteristics of the engine. No need to pay attention to the manufacturer's markings. The spare part number according to the VAZ catalog (Granta, Largus, Kalina, Priora) will always be the same:

  • engine with eight valves - 21110370604000;
  • 16-valve – 21120370604000.

Definition of failure

The device is located close to the cylinder head, on the power unit. It is easy to understand the first signs of poor functioning of the mechanism, especially for an experienced car enthusiast.

Here are the main criteria for recognizing a breakdown:

  • a light comes on and goes out, designed to constantly monitor the engine while turning the ignition key in the car;
  • “Check engine” lights up on the dashboard after the starter makes three to four revolutions and the engine comes into action. The sensor will be triggered if the electronic control unit does not receive the necessary information and has to use data from the DPKV;
  • engine dynamics become worse - the vehicle slowly picks up speed (this is easy to notice when driving downhill). In this case, there are three reasons for the problem. The first - the camshaft sensor is broken, the second - the mass air flow sensor is broken, the third - the compression is reduced;
  • high fuel consumption - this “symptom” is not very accurate and has a number of possible causes. You shouldn’t take it as a separate criterion for a problem, but you can use it as one of several.

If the mechanism fails, the “Check engine” will light up, and the system will display error “P0340”. Such a moment means a 100% malfunction. If this happens, you need to check the device. After a detailed diagnosis, it is recommended to replace the faulty parts.

Signs of breakdown

The camshaft sensor on the Lada Kalina determines the position of the gas distribution mechanism in a short period of time. This is necessary to issue a command to the engine control unit and for fuel to enter the system. The valve sensor determines how the first cylinder is positioned and synchronizes the ignition. You can understand that it is faulty by the following points:

  • unstable operation of the motor,
  • restarting the engine after stopping,
  • increased fuel consumption,
  • reduction in engine power,
  • inactive acceleration dynamics.

It can be argued that the phase position sensor is broken and the phase sensor needs to be replaced if:

  • the transmission is locked at one speed,
  • indicators on the panel indicate system errors,
  • The car moves jerkily and periodically stalls.

A malfunction is also indicated by the car accelerating to 80 kilometers per hour and the lack of engine starting after stopping.

Let's sum it up

It will take no more than 1 hour to complete the entire complex of manipulations. No need to rush! Plastic clamps break easily, so we avoid strong tugging on their frames.

Note that when a camshaft sensor fails, this is an extremely rare occurrence, but in such an unpleasant circumstance, the owner of a Lada Kalina 8 valve must show all his experience and maximum care, and then the replacement will be successful.



Replacing the phase sensor on a Lada Kalina with your own hands

First of all, a little about the tools that will be needed to perform this type of repair. Fortunately, here you can get by with just a 10mm wrench. But it is best to use a socket with a crank, or even more conveniently, a ratchet. It will just be quite inconvenient to do this with a regular key.

First, it’s worth showing clearly where all this is located:

So, first you will need to disconnect the power plug, after first squeezing the plastic latch and lifting it up a little:

Then use a ratchet to unscrew the bolt securing the Kalina phase sensor:

And now you can freely remove it by pulling it towards the windshield:

And this is what this part looks like when removed from the car:

After this, we replace the camshaft sensor and put the new one in its original place. There are absolutely no difficulties during the work process.

Its retail price ranges from 250 to 300 rubles, depending on where you buy it. Of course, this part fails quite rarely on Kalina, but still, these instructions will not hurt anyone.

Video “Checking DPKV”

In the video below you will learn how to check the performance of the DPKV (the author of the video is IZO)))LENTA).

To identify the car and reliably select the camshaft sensor Lada Kalina 1119 1119 Hatchback, you should carefully select the vehicle modification

To do this, use clarifying information with data containing: power, measured in horsepower (example 103 hp), engine size (example 1.6 liters), type (example gasoline) and model + engine code, as a rule, this parameter rarely used, but you can only find it in the vehicle title, you can also pay attention to the drive axle (there are rear, front or all-wheel drive), and a mandatory parameter is the release date, which divides the vehicle model into restyling, pre-restyling, first and last year production

This data serves to uniquely install spare parts during a certain production period, as manufacturers are constantly upgrading cars off the assembly line.

Crankshaft position sensor

Although this controller rarely fails, its failure can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. You may simply end up in the middle of the road with no way to continue driving.

This element is installed on the oil pump cover. The DPKV transmits information to the ECU so that it can synchronize the fuel supply. Inductive type sensor. As mentioned above, it rarely fails, but this becomes a big problem.

In what situations is replacement required?

If this DPKV is completely out of order, you will not be able to start the engine at all.

But even if it just works intermittently, this can be recognized by a number of signs:

  • poor engine starting;
  • unstable work;
  • power reduction;
  • detonation with increasing load.

If you notice such signs and there are no other reasons for them, change the sensor. You can check it by testing the resistance of the windings. If the ohmmeter readings differ from 550-570, then the part is faulty. Fortunately, it costs little and replacement can be done very quickly.

Replacement instructions

To replace this part, you will again need a "10" key and nothing else.

  1. Turn off the ignition. Then disconnect the wire block by pressing the latch.
  2. Now, using a wrench, unscrew the fastening bolt.
  3. All that remains is to remove the old DPKV and install the new one in the reverse order.

Recommendations for starter maintenance

Adhere to the technical inspection schedules established by the manufacturer - every 15,000 km. Buy original parts and components at official points of sale.

Use the services of certified workshops for diagnostics and repairs. Remember that unprofessional intervention in the operation of the car is more likely to harm than help.

Don't skimp on consumables. Check the catalog numbers with the actual data specified in the instruction manual.

Keep the control unit active while starting the engine for no longer than 15 seconds, then 30 seconds. break. After starting the engine, release the key from the ignition switch as soon as possible. Excessive retention eats up the teeth on the drive shaft and flywheel.

Replacing the device with a new one

This is an easy process that can be handled by a person with little experience in this type of work. If you don’t have time to do such activities yourself, you can always turn to a competent specialist.

To replace you will need:

  • key for ten;
  • high quality phase sensor.

Stages of the repair event:

  • after squeezing the plastic clips, turn off the power;
  • the fastening type bolt is unscrewed;
  • removing the device itself;
  • analogue is inserted;
  • connection to the system.

These manipulations will not take more than an hour. It’s better to take your time to do everything well, and also not to break the plastic clips.

Failure of this mechanism is a rare occurrence. But it can happen to anyone, so it’s better to understand the reasons and know how to troubleshoot.

Modern motors are equipped with such a useful element of the on-board control system as a phase sensor. It is located on the left side of the Lada Kalina engine head with 16 valves and is designed to determine the angle of rotation of the camshaft at a given moment. Information from the sensor is sent to the ECU, where it is processed, after which the controller performs control or corrective actions. Without the presence of such a sensor, it is almost impossible to achieve proper operation of the engine in the Lada Kalina 16 valves, because the valve timing will not be correctly adjusted.

Features during diagnosis

When the first suspicions arise, it is recommended to proceed with a thorough examination. If you cannot do this, it is recommended that you turn to professionals.

The first thing to do is to find out the primary cause of the breakdown. There may be several of them:

  • there is a short circuit in the circuit;
  • the temperature of the power unit rises;
  • the toothed disc is broken or damaged;
  • the mounting lugs are damaged;
  • phase sensor Kalina 8 cells or 16 cells offset.

If the “Check” lights up, which gives one of two errors - 0340, 0343, then the fault definitely lies with the phase device. Perhaps the reason is in the connections.

Phase sensor (camshaft position)

You will find this part on the cylinder head on the left side. The operating principle is quite simple. There is a special pin on the camshaft itself. When it passes by the sensor, but sends a signal to it. This moment corresponds to compression of the piston of the first cylinder.

The controller determines the camshaft angle. This is important information for machine systems and sensor failure has certain consequences. The information is sent to the vehicle's ECU, which uses it to control the ignition and fuel supply to each cylinder.

In what situations is replacement required?

If this part fails, you will see a “Check” indicator on the vehicle’s instrument panel. This is how the ECU signals the driver that the engine needs to be checked. At the same time, the fuel supply pattern changes - it goes to all cylinders simultaneously and, as a result, consumption increases.

The cause of the breakdown may be mechanical damage, as well as other things. There is no point in trying to repair the old unit itself - it costs little and you will waste more nerves and time.

In the video below you will find instructions for replacing this part (the author of the video is Alexandr V).

Replacement instructions

To replace the camshaft sensor, you only need a "10" key . It is better to use a socket with a collar or a ratchet. It will be inconvenient to work with a regular key, although it is still quite possible.

The dismantling and installation procedure is as follows:

  • First, disconnect the block with wires by pressing the latch and slightly pulling it up;
  • now, using the key, unscrew the part itself;
  • it can be pulled out by slightly pulling towards the windshield;
  • installation is carried out in the reverse order of steps.

There are no difficulties in this process, but be careful not to damage both the block with wires and the connector for the controller itself on the cylinder block.

Do-it-yourself troubleshooting

An operational problem should prompt a system check. You can do it yourself in a relatively short time. If you are a novice driver or do not understand the intricacies, the best solution would be to contact a professional service center. There, the specialists will help eliminate all problems and breakdowns of the mechanism.

The crankshaft and camshaft sensors are diagnosed using a special tester. The cables are connected to the required terminal (A, B) in the appropriate order. The car starts, you should wait until it stops. It is important to carefully monitor changes in voltage.

In the first ten seconds, the voltage value should be equal to the on-board type value. In this case, the chain is not broken. If this does not happen, then it is closed or broken.

Sometimes there is no voltage when the circuit is intact. Such malfunctions often occur due to the fault of the controller. This is easy to check by connecting terminals A and C to the tester. As a result, there should be on-board voltage when the ignition is on. If this does not happen, then you need to look for a break further.

About the sensor

The sensor takes readings from the rotation of the crankshaft and understands what position the engine pistons are currently in. The DPKV transmits the received readings to the electronic control unit, which sends signals to the injectors and spark plugs to supply fuel and sparks to the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine.

The operating principle of the sensor is based on the Hall effect, that is, its design contains a magnet that is in magnetic contact with the crankshaft pulley, which has special risks.

This is the only sensor without which the car engine cannot even start, since it is this sensor that helps the computer determine which cylinder needs to supply fuel and a spark.

Purpose and functional load

Sensors on Kalina 8 valves are designed to constantly monitor the angular part of the timing belt in the position of the power unit from the crankshaft. The control mechanism receives the necessary information and then processes it. As a result, fuel is injected and the ignition is controlled.

The product is based on the Hall principle - measuring movement (direction), changing charge carriers. Then, during the period of time when the magnetic field is crossed by the semiconductor, the information received is recorded. The field is generated by a magnet located in the device. The shaft wheel has a metal tooth that runs near the device. At this time, a pulse appears, transmitted to the electronic control unit.

The ECU helps receive pulses arriving at different time intervals, analyzes them, recognizes the location of the VIT piston in space, and then issues commands for injection and ignition of the fuel mixture.

The mechanism begins to work from a spark hitting the spark plugs when the exhaust gases are compressed and released. These systems depend on the functions that the crankshaft sensor performs.

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