What to do if the oil pressure sensor on the Lada Kalina lights up?

What is a Kalina oil pressure sensor (DPM), many car enthusiasts imagine only in general terms. Often, Kalina owners, without reading the booklet that comes with the car when purchasing it at a car dealership, do not even always know which icon on the dashboard means what. Although it is quite possible to guess this without reading the instructions.

But for beginners this can be difficult. Therefore, if the Lada Kalina is your first car, then it is better to read the instructions very carefully. In this case, it is advisable to be near the car.

Oil leak from oil pressure sensor

The second common failure is an oil leak from under the sensor. In this case, the exhaust manifold of the 1st cylinder, the upper part of the pump, and the left side of the engine protection will be in oil. The sensor itself and the wire leading to it will also be covered in oil.

If you find oil leaks in the area of ​​the first cylinder, make sure that it is not the camshaft or crankshaft seal, it is not leaking from under the valve cover gasket, or, which is much worse, the cylinder head, then in 99 cases out of 100 the fault will be a broken oil pressure sensor.

We wipe off all the drips, install a new DDM and observe. If there are no more leaks, you did everything right.

PS, when installing a new sensor, do not tighten it with too much force, you can overdo it and break the thread on the head of the block, which will not please you.

What is an oil pressure sensor (OPS)

Not all motorists know; as a rule, acquaintance with it occurs after the oil pressure indicator lights up on the dashboard and does not go out for a long time. Then any conscious car owner has a lot of unpleasant questions and premonitions. Some people prefer to immediately contact a service station, while others begin to look for the cause on their own. If you belong to the second type of people, this article will be useful to you, because in it we will talk about how to check the oil pressure sensor, as well as how to replace it using the Lada Kalina as an example.

First of all, you should not fall into despair and draw hasty conclusions; the emergency oil pressure light really indicates a critical oil level in the system and a drop in pressure, but it is not a fact that this is the reason. It happens that the sensor itself fails and simply “lies”. If you don’t notice this in time and don’t find out who is right and who is wrong, you can really do some serious “things.”

How to check pressure

If it is not possible to contact a car service in the near future, you can try to find the cause yourself, and for this we need to find out how to check the oil pressure. A special device that measures the pressure in the system is designed for these purposes. It is sold ready-made or you can make it yourself based on any pressure gauge, a rubber hose with a fitting, the thread of which should be the same as that of the oil sensor.

First you need to unscrew the thread on the sensor, preparing for the fact that oil will immediately begin to flow. After this, a pressure gauge is inserted into the system and the engine is started. At the time of startup, a second person must watch the instrument readings. If the value is less than 0.5 kg/cm2, it is necessary to stop the engine.

Speed ​​sensor

The DS is intended to measure the speed of a vehicle, with subsequent transmission of the received data to the ECU. The speed sensor is a small part; it is located in the upper part of the clutch housing, near the front wheel on the right. Its malfunction is usually directly related to a breakdown of the speedometer. However, the sensors installed on Grants are distinguished by fairly high quality and durability.

By the way, initially three types of speed sensors were installed on Grants: VAZ-2170 PEGAS, 2190 AVAR Russia and 21700-3843010-02.

More details about the speed sensor on Grants.

If the DS malfunctions, the electric power steering most often stops functioning, and at the same time the instrument panel begins to display error P-0501. As a rule, the steering wheel fails precisely because the car detects a breakdown of the speed sensor; the DS itself may show zero speed.

If the sensor fails, the following symptoms of failure are noted:

  • the speedometer needle stops at the zero mark; often the speedometer operates only periodically;
  • when the engine is running idle, interruptions are observed;
  • the speedometer readings diverge from the actual speed of movement;
  • fuel consumption standards are increasing;
  • craving worsens.

These parts have their own markings, their price ranges from 300 to 600 rubles.

Anti-drainage valve as a reason

The so-called “anti-drainage valve” maintains the oil pressure inside the filter; it is this that “locks” the lubricating component inside. If this valve fails or is made of low-quality materials, then it will not work! Here's the reason.

But what is it, what does it consist of? Guys, essentially the valve is a banal rubber band, or now it’s just ordinary silicone

However, rubber (silicone) also comes in different qualities, and the assembly of the product also plays an important role.

It happens that immediately after changing the oil, a long extinguishment of the pressure lamp appears. This means either there is simply no rubber band (valve), or it has fallen off or torn (from “high” quality). THIS FILTER NEEDS TO BE CHANGED IMMEDIATELY! BECAUSE THE QUALITY IS SIMPLY “BELOW BELOW PINBOARD”, IT IS STILL NOT CLEAR WHAT IS THERE WITH THE FILTER PAPER.

It is also not uncommon for the light to start to light up after a certain mileage, say after 1000 - 3000 km. This also tells us that the anti-drainage valve is of poor quality, that is, the rubber has become “stiff” (or baked) from the high temperatures of the oil, and no longer holds it inside. It is also worth getting rid of such an element.


Comments 12

That's it, guys, the problem is solved. There was condensation in the oil receiver, and this condensate froze. We drained the oil, removed the filler, warmed up the oil receiver, filled in oil, started the engine, heated the engine to 80 and drained the oil, then poured in new oil. Now everything seems to be fine.

Drain the oil, my sump and change the oil receiver, a friend did this on a viburnum and the machine came to life.

I don’t think it’s anything serious, maybe the oil is frozen. Another option is to check the wire that goes to the sensor with a tester; if the light does not light, it means there is an open circuit, this happens in cold weather

I had this happen with a couple of Kalinovodovs as well. Condensation. It appears if you go on short trips in winter. Then it freezes in the car along with the oil in severe frost. I warmed up the pan and changed the oil. I switched to 5v40 Mobile. Before this, the owner supposedly had zero .Thank God this didn’t happen again!

The Kalina oil pressure sensor is a fairly reliable device and rarely breaks down, but sometimes it fails. The article is dedicated to this device: what it is, where it is located, how to check its serviceability. Instructions for replacement are provided.

Computer diagnostics

The most effective methods are those using sophisticated computer technology.

What does this method provide? First of all, it allows you to control the entire internal combustion engine. The diagnostic accuracy is exceptional. Errors that may arise as a result are automatically eliminated using special programs.

Types of work:

  • stationary – with the device connected directly to the car’s ECU (PC, laptop, scanner);
  • remote – via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi (tablet, smartphone).

Computer data processing is carried out by introducing “software” (programs) into the processor of the device, focused on:

  • comprehensive diagnostics (engine, suspension and steering systems, brakes);
  • ICE;
  • electronics.

How to do it? Drivers usually use the services of a car service center. This is not the only option. With some preparation, it is possible to diagnose a car yourself.

Description of the procedure:

  1. Basic equipment: - computer; — “K-Line” adapter with a cable on Olb2 and Usb connectors (for a fixed connection) or Elm327 adapter with Bluetooth (remote testing); — diagnostic programs and drivers;
  2. installation of the necessary “software” and “chip” (driver) on the computer platform;
  3. “firmware” (adaptation) of the ECU (provides communication between the controller and the computer and transfers to it all available vehicle parameters.

The state of the required systems is determined by gradually scanning each node. Defects that cannot be eliminated by the intervention of electronic correctors are eliminated during minor, medium or major repairs.

Troubleshooting methods

Now that all the causes have been identified, we can begin to consider troubleshooting. But, before we begin, it is worth noting that a car enthusiast needs to have an idea of ​​the design features of the engine if he wants to fix the problem himself. Otherwise, go directly to a car service center, in order to avoid other problems that, due to lack of experience, car enthusiasts usually create for themselves.


Often, the reason why the check light on Kalina may come on is the failure of one of the sensors. Possible ones that are worth checking right away include: mass air flow sensor, idle speed control, crankshaft position sensor, oxygen sensor and coolant temperature sensor.

You can determine the cause by going through each sensor separately and using a tester to check their functionality.

But, there is a simpler and more effective way to determine the malfunction of a particular sensor, namely connecting to the electronic engine control unit. Here you can look at the errors and, by deciphering them, determine where the problem is.


A clogged throttle valve can often cause the check engine light to come on because not enough air is supplied to the power unit. The solution to the problem is cleaning. This process can be carried out using carburetor cleaning fluid or VD-40 fluid.

The part is removed from the car and cleaned, after which it is installed in place. It is also recommended to check the throttle position sensor, which may have failed.


One of the common reasons for the “check” icon to appear on the dashboard is a malfunction of one or more injectors that do not spray the fuel mixture properly. So, it is worth dismantling all the elements and checking them using a special stand.

If there is none, then you can use the traditional method by pouring flushing fluid into the fuel supply pipes and activating the injectors using the battery. This way it will be clear which injector is not working well. But, experienced auto mechanics recommend cleaning and checking the nozzles on a stand, since the effectiveness of the procedure is higher.

Fuel pump and filter

Another cause of the malfunction may be a malfunction of the gasoline pump or its filter. Lack of power or contamination of the filter elements leads to the fact that an insufficient amount of fuel will enter the power unit to form an air-fuel mixture.

This can also cause such a well-known automotive effect as engine tripping.

The malfunction can be cured by checking the functionality of the gasoline pump, as well as by replacing the filter inside the gasoline pump. It is also worth looking at the fuel filter, which could become clogged when pouring low-quality gasoline.

Air filter

A clogged air filter can cause insufficient air in the combustion chambers. So, to check this element, it must be dismantled, which is done quite simply. By inspecting the filter element, you can find out how dirty it is and whether the product needs to be replaced. So, after replacement, the check signal from the dashboard may disappear.

Spark plugs and high voltage wires

Wiring is also often the reason why the check icon lights up on the panel. This happens when the spark plug is inoperative or there is a breakdown in one of the high-voltage wires.

It is recommended to check spark plugs on a special spark plug stand. But, if there is none, then you can use the generally accepted “old-fashioned” methods. But high-voltage wires are checked using a conventional multimeter, where the resistance along each wire should be about 5 ohms. If a broken part is found, it must be replaced.


But, in addition to the above reasons, the problem may lie on the surface. Thus, ordinary low-quality gasoline can cause the “Check Engine” icon to appear on the car’s dashboard. To eliminate the breakdown, it is necessary to drain the low-quality fuel and flush the fuel supply system. But, if you drive for a long time on such fuel, the batteries may fail, which should also be checked when flushing.


The last reason is the accumulation of errors or “failed” firmware of the electronic engine control unit. To fix this problem, it is recommended to contact a professional car service center. Also, with the help of “brain” errors, you can determine why the check engine light came on. But where can I get the codes deciphered? Let's look at what code that means:

  • 0102 Low signal level of the mass air flow sensor
  • 0103 High signal level of the mass air flow sensor
  • 0112 Low level of intake air temperature sensor
  • 0113 Intake air temperature sensor high level
  • 0115 Incorrect coolant temperature sensor signal
  • 0116 Incorrect coolant temperature sensor signal
  • 0117 Coolant temperature sensor signal low
  • 0118 High signal level of the coolant temperature sensor
  • 0122 Low signal level of the throttle position sensor
  • 0123 Throttle position sensor signal high
  • 0130 Incorrect signal from oxygen sensor 1
  • 0131 Low signal level of oxygen sensor 1
  • 0132 Crankshaft sensor 1 signal high
  • 0133 Slow response of oxygen sensor 1
  • 0134 No signal from oxygen sensor 1
  • 0135 Oxygen sensor 1 heater fault
  • 0136 Oxygen sensor 2 short to ground
  • 0137 Low signal level of oxygen sensor 2
  • 0138 High signal level of oxygen sensor 2
  • 0140 Oxygen sensor 2 break
  • 0141 Oxygen sensor 2 heater fault
  • 0171 Mixture too lean
  • 0172 Mixture too rich
  • 0201 Open injector 1 control circuit
  • 0202 Open injector 2 control circuit
  • 0203 Open injector 3 control circuit
  • 0204 Open injector 4 control circuit
  • 0261 Short to ground injector 1 circuit
  • 0264 Short to ground injector 2 circuit
  • 0267 Short to ground in injector 3 circuit
  • 0270 Short to ground in injector 4 circuit
  • 0262 Short circuit to +12V injector 1 circuit
  • 0265 Short to +12V injector 2 circuit
  • 0268 Short to +12V injector 3 circuit
  • 0271 Short circuit to +12V injector 4 circuit
  • 0300 Many misfires
  • 0301 Misfire in cylinder 1
  • 0302 Misfire in cylinder 2
  • 0303 Misfire in cylinder 3
  • 0304 Misfire in cylinder 4
  • 0325 Open circuit of the knock sensor
  • 0327 Low signal level of the knock sensor
  • 0328 High signal level of the knock sensor
  • 0335 Incorrect crankshaft position sensor signal
  • 0336 Crankshaft position sensor signal error
  • 0340 Phase sensor error
  • 0342 Low phase sensor signal
  • 0343 Phase sensor signal high
  • 0422 Low neutralizer efficiency
  • 0443 Canister purge valve circuit malfunction
  • 0444 Short circuit or break in the adsorber purge valve
  • 0445 Short to ground of the canister purge valve
  • 0480 Cooling fan 1 circuit malfunction
  • 0500 Invalid speed sensor signal
  • 0501 Invalid speed sensor signal
  • 0503 Speed ​​sensor signal interruption
  • 0505 Idle air control error
  • 0506 Low idle speed
  • 0507 High idle speed
  • 0560 Incorrect on-board voltage
  • 0562 Low voltage on-board network
  • 0563 High voltage on-board network
  • 0601 ROM error
  • 0603 External RAM error
  • 0604 Internal RAM error
  • 0607 Detonation channel malfunction
  • 1102 Oxygen sensor heater resistance low
  • 1115 Faulty oxygen sensor heating circuit
  • 1123 Rich mixture at idle
  • 1124 Lean mixture at idle
  • 1127 Rich mixture in Partial Load mode
  • 1128 Lean mixture in Partial Load mode
  • 1135 Oxygen sensor heater circuit 1 open, short circuit
  • 1136 Rich mixture in Light Load mode
  • 1137 Lean mixture in Low Load mode
  • 1140 Measured load differs from calculation
  • 1171 Low level CO potentiometer
  • 1172 High level CO potentiometer
  • 1386 Detonation channel test error
  • 1410 Canister purge valve control circuit short circuit to +12V
  • 1425 Canister purge valve control circuit short circuit to ground
  • 1426 Canister purge valve control circuit open
  • 1500 Open circuit in the fuel pump relay control circuit
  • 1501 Short circuit to ground of the fuel pump relay control circuit
  • 1502 Short circuit to +12V fuel pump relay control circuit
  • 1509 Overload of the idle speed regulator control circuit
  • 1513 Idle air control circuit short circuit to ground
  • 1514 Idle air control circuit short circuit to +12V, open
  • 1541 Fuel pump relay control circuit open
  • 1570 Invalid APS signal
  • 1600 No connection with APS
  • 1602 Loss of on-board voltage to the ECU
  • 1603 EEPROM error
  • 1606 Rough road sensor incorrect signal
  • 1616 Rough road sensor low signal
  • 1612 ECU reset error
  • 1617 Rough road sensor high signal
  • 1620 EPROM error
  • 1621 RAM error
  • 1622 EEPROM error
  • 1640 EEPROM Test Error
  • 1689 Invalid error codes
  • 0337 Crankshaft position sensor, short to ground
  • 0338 Crankshaft position sensor, open circuit
  • 0441 Air flow through the valve is incorrect
  • 0481 Cooling fan 2 circuit malfunction
  • 0615 Starter relay circuit open
  • 0616 Starter relay circuit short circuit to ground
  • 0617 Starter relay circuit short circuit to +12V
  • 1141 Faulty oxygen sensor heater 1 after the converter
  • 230 Fuel pump relay circuit malfunction
  • 263 Injector driver fault 1
  • 266 Faulty injector driver 2
  • 269 ​​Injector 3 driver fault
  • 272 Faulty injector driver 4
  • 650 Check Engine Lamp Circuit Malfunction

Why does the light stay on after the oil has been changed?

Yes, there are times when even after changing the oil, the driver still detects the same signal indicating a failure in the system. The red “oil can” is a reason for both simple and complex problems.

Let's consider a situation where the lamp flashes immediately after turning on the car's ignition. The lack of oil in the engine is to blame here. Measure the level and add, if necessary, the required amount of lubricant.

If low-quality oil or filter was used, the lamp will also get on your nerves with its light. We advise you to choose only those filters recommended by the car manufacturer. It happens that, saving on parts, we often play around with operating the car and then pay several times more for repair work. A defective filter will not be able to contain the oil, so sooner or later you will have to change it. Everyone understands that high-quality components are the key to long-term operation of any unit, including a car engine.

Let's sum it up

An oil pressure light that comes on while driving is almost guaranteed to promise serious problems for the car owner. The easiest problem that is possible in this situation is problems with the electrical system or failure of the oil pressure sensor. Otherwise, repair work will become a rather expensive and very lengthy process. This is especially true in cases where the car owner drives for a long time with the pressure light on.

Indication of any problems in your car deserves due attention. It is dangerous to continue driving a car with almost any problem, because you can damage the vehicle. Modern sensors in cars rarely break down and cause any problems to car owners. Therefore, often the culprit for a light that comes on is an oil problem. Have you ever experienced situations where the oil pressure light came on while driving?

On the instrument panel in the interior of any car there are light bulbs, the purpose of which is to signal the driver about the presence of certain malfunctions. Each of the indicator lights is connected to its own sensor, which transmits data about a problem or failure that has arisen. In this way, the driver is informed about the occurrence of failures and breakdowns in various vehicle systems. The oil pressure sensor is responsible for the level of lubrication of the rubbing parts of the engine unit. However, for what reasons the oil pressure light may come on and what needs to be done in a particular case, not every driver knows.

Burns and doesn't go out

To be honest, I already wrote about the reasons - when the lamp does not go out at all, read here, it is very useful. But this should not be confused with our case, when the lamp does not go out at all, here either breakdowns or your oversight are already occurring, the main reasons are:

  • The oil pressure sensor is faulty
  • Poor lubrication (not changed for a long time)
  • Insufficient lubrication, low level
  • Wrong oil, doesn’t fit the specifications
  • Antifreeze or antifreeze getting into the oil
  • The oil pump is faulty or clogged
  • Excessive engine wear

BUT these are completely different reasons for which the lamp will constantly burn, today we will look at why it lights up for a while and then goes out.

Where is

Many people wonder where the oil pressure sensor is on Kalina, but it’s really hard to notice right away. Also, the location of the sensor depends on the type of engine, namely on the number of valves.

  • On the 16-valve model, the oil pressure sensor is located to the right of the oil filler neck and is screwed into a special drain.

  • On an 8-valve engine, the oil pressure sensor is located on the left side of the engine near the timing case.

Why does the sensor work?

The reasons for this can be very different:

  • insufficient oil level;
  • problems with the lubrication system;
  • damage to the engine oil pan;
  • poorly performed overhaul of the power unit or its untimely and improper maintenance.

To determine the cause of the operation, first of all, it is important to note exactly when the oil pressure light came on, immediately after starting or while driving, and how exactly it lights up. Does it blink or not, if it blinks, does it depend on the crankshaft speed, does it go out as the engine warms up or with an increase in crankshaft speed, etc.

Which lighted indicators on the dashboard of a car can be targeted - Lifehack - AutoVzglyad

  • If the car wrench icon (usually yellow) is on, it indicates problems with the engine, transmission, or ECM sensors. The car needs diagnostics and repair.
  • A car icon with a lock or a red exclamation mark indicates a problem with the standard anti-theft system. Moreover, if the indicator blinks and the car itself is closed, this indicates that the car is closed.

Useful tips Connection diagrams Principles of operation of devices Main concepts Meters from Energomer Precautions Incandescent lamps Video instructions for the master Testing with a multimeter


The pressure level in the system is provided by the oil pump. If it fails, the supply of lubricant to many engine parts is stopped. You cannot drive with a faulty part. This will lead to camshaft failure, as well as problems with the operation of the piston group.

Oil pump diagnostics can be done in several ways, depending on your capabilities:

  • Installing a known good part. This method is only suitable for domestic cars, as well as some budget foreign cars. The test will provide guaranteed accuracy, but it is not always possible to buy a second pump without knowing for sure whether it will be useful;
  • Testing at the stand. This is a fairly reliable method. But, it can only be carried out in a car service center. There is no point in purchasing or assembling a stand for a single test;
  • Pump disassembly and visual inspection. The most difficult method, which also requires some experience to carry it out.

If you have identified a pump malfunction, it is better to replace it. Of course, if you really want to, you can restore the old one, and this usually works out. But this solution is temporary; soon the problems may begin again.

The main reasons for the oil pressure warning light to come on

So, the warning light usually lights up after starting the engine or when it is idling. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, but the main thing is to understand and accept for yourself that this should be a signal that there is some kind of malfunction. Therefore, you need to take appropriate measures so as not to worsen the situation. In any case, if the lamp blinks, it means that you need to identify the malfunction and do everything to eliminate it as soon as possible.

Among the main reasons for the indicator to light up are the following:

  • Reduced lubricant pressure in the system. This is one of the most common reasons, but even today there are owners who stubbornly do not notice signs of oil leakage or do not look into the engine compartment. Why does pressure drop, you ask? Because the oil gradually leaves the system. Therefore, you should pay attention to any stains on the engine or under the car where it is parked. Do not forget that by simply adding lubricant to the system, you do not solve the problem, but only forget about it for a while.
  • Another reason for the warning light to blink is due to the use of low-quality oil filters. Some of the lubricant remains in them even when you stop the engine. If the filter is of dubious quality, then it does not retain oil, but it directly flows into the crankcase. Thus, a periodic drop in pressure occurs.
  • Lack of lubrication may be associated with failure of the pressure relief valve. It should be in the closed position if the pressure level in the system is insufficient. However, when the valve fails or gets stuck, the pressure generated is not enough, which causes the warning light to light up.
  • Another reason is a faulty pressure sensor. It is directly related to the operation of the control indicator, since it is connected to it by the same wire. As soon as the pressure returns to normal, the contacts should open, as a result of which the indicator should go out. This will not happen if the sensor itself has become faulty.
  • The indicator also starts blinking if the oil pump screen is clogged. It acts as an obstacle to particles of dirt, metal, dust and any other unwanted elements that lead to wear on the pump. If the oil is not dirty, but of normal quality, then it freely penetrates through the mesh. When it is contaminated, the required pressure is not created in the system, which leads to the warning lamp coming on. Most often, this reason manifests itself on a cold engine, because as it warms up, the lubricant becomes more liquid and passes through the mesh much more easily.
  • The oil pump itself may also fail. It is this that creates an acceptable level of pressure in the entire system. If this does not happen, the sensor contacts close, which leads to the appearance of a signal indicator on the panel. Therefore, in this case, you will have to dismantle the oil pan and pump to eliminate the problem.

What to do if the oil pressure sensor lights up on any hot engine: initial diagnosis

Oil emulsion level

It doesn’t matter whether the oil pressure light is on at idle or at rpm, the first step is to check the oil level in the crankcase. Its deficiency can cause reduced pressure in the oil system, and the sensor records exactly this

This suggests that lubrication starvation is experienced by such important components as:

  • Crankshaft bearings.
  • Supports for the camshaft and turbocharger rotor.
  • Hydraulic compensators.
  • Phase regulators.
  • Hydraulic belt tensioners.

There is no need to delay refilling. Critical wear and jamming of shafts can occur quickly, and the amount of repair costs will unpleasantly surprise you.

Electrical connections

The level is fine or has been restored, but the oiler is still on - a reason to inspect the functionality of the sensor. But first the wiring. Diagnostics is simple - remove the terminal from the sensor, the lamp on the tidy should go out. If it blinks or lights up, we perform an additional test:

  • Select a long piece of single-core wire.
  • Remove the supply block of the oil pressure meter.
  • Connect the “plus” of the battery and the wire suitable for the sensor.

After the actions have been performed, the icon blinks/is lit, there are definitely questions about the condition of the wiring. It is quite possible that one of the wires has frayed. The indicator goes out - let's move on.

What does a burning oil pressure light indicate?

If the DDM indicator light on the instrument panel is constantly on, this indicates that the Lada Kalina oil pressure sensor is broken or the circuit is broken.

If after diagnostics it turns out that the device is faulty, it must be replaced (the author of the video is Alexander Skripchenko).

It is recommended to unscrew the old device before purchasing and take it with you so as not to make a mistake when choosing a new one. To replace it, it is better to purchase an original or a high-quality analogue. You should not buy a cheap product trying to save money on it, since a low-quality product will quickly become unusable and will have to be replaced again. If the DDM pad is in poor condition, it is worth replacing it too.

Replacement instructions

To carry out the work, you need to prepare a key for “21”.

The replacement procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. First you need to open the hood and remove the protective plastic cover from the power unit.
  2. Having found the sensor on the cylinder head, you need to disconnect the power terminal from it by pressing the latches.
  3. If necessary, check the power supply.
  4. Next, using the key set to “21”, unscrew the old device. We check it for serviceability.
  5. If the old device is faulty, screw a new sensor in its place.
  6. We connect the terminal with the power wire to the device, and return the decorative motor cover to its place.
  7. Let's start the engine. The light on the instrument panel should go out.

If everything works, the DDM replacement ends here.

Photo gallery “How to change DMM on Lada Kalina”

Thus, even a novice driver can check and replace the Kalina oil pressure sensor, which will make it possible to save time and money on visiting a service station.

Lada Granta Take me to Techno › Logbook › Oil pressure lamp - got it!

Hello everyone! I changed the oil at 7000 km, I was planning to do it earlier, but I still didn’t have time, about 5000 of them were driven on the highway. I decided to pour shell 5w40 synthetic oil, as in all previous cars, I never had any problems with it. I was looking for the filter as it came from the Livna factory only with the LADA marking, I didn’t find anything like that, I bought an original blue Lada, like in the photo, only higher

I changed everything, in the morning I started the car, the oil can was on for 3-4 seconds and the buzzer beeped, I immediately suspected the filter, since there was no such problem before the replacement, I went to the store and bought a black Livny filter

When I unscrewed the LADA filter, it was empty, the valve did not hold oil at all, I installed Livny, and started it in the morning. the same song, when I removed the filter, it was full of oil, that is, the check valve was working, why then did the lamp constantly burn when it was cold? I went to buy another filter, chose the vaunted MANN, in all respects it is similar to the original

In the morning I start the car, the light is on for about a second, well, it’s better, but it’s still annoying, I drove for a week, the light began to burn longer, so I’m thinking about changing the oil, although there’s a verification code on the canister, I entered it on the website, it says it’s original, I don’t know how much this information is reliable

Today I decided to change the oil pressure sensor, it was white, I bought a black one, changed it and nothing changed, except that the car took longer to start, before it was half a kick, and after replacing the starter I had to turn for 3 seconds. In general, I threw out this black sensor, installed back white, started starting as before

In general, that’s all for our authority, I’ll drive like this until the next oil change, although maybe I’ll change the filter once more) All the best!

UPD: The problem is solved, I changed the oil, filled it with Lukoil Lux 5w40 synthetic, now the lamp goes out as it should.



You can replace the sensor yourself without much effort. To do this, it is enough to prepare a 21mm key.

You can unscrew the sensor calmly, without fear that oil will escape from there.

  • Remove the connector from the oil pressure sensor;
  • Unscrew the sensor counterclockwise using a 21mm open-end wrench;

  • We take out the sensor and wipe the seat from dirt;
  • We install the new sensor in the reverse order, not forgetting to install the O-ring;

The oil pressure light comes on at idle: ways to check

Now let's talk about the case when the low oil pressure warning light comes on while the engine is idling. Below we present available methods for identifying malfunctions, which will generally be useful in diagnosing the condition of the engine lubrication system and engine oil pressure.

  1. If the oil pressure light comes on, then you should check the engine oil level in the engine and its condition. If the level drops, add oil. A suspicious condition of the oil (black color, excessive thickness) will require thorough flushing of the oil system and subsequent oil change. The smell of gasoline/diesel, an emulsion on the oil filler cap, or severe dilution of the engine oil will indicate problems with the CPG or cracks in the cylinder head/cylinder head. On a working engine, the combustion chambers should be sealed, fuel and antifreeze from the cooling system should not enter the lubrication system.
  2. The oil pressure lamp may come on at idle immediately after changing the oil during the first start. In this case, the warning light may remain on for 10, 15 or even 20 seconds. If after the specified period of time the low oil pressure lamp does not go out, then you should check the oil filter. The product may be of poor quality, poorly screwed (oil leaks are noticeable in the area where the filter is attached) or defective.
  3. Check the oil pressure sensor. The oil pressure level at idle speed at around 800 - 900 rpm should not be less than 0.5 kgf/cm2. It is also worth noting that emergency oil pressure sensors on different engines may have different response ranges, which on average range from 0.4 to 0.8 kgf/cm2. This means that if there is a sensor designed to operate at 0.7 kgf/cm2, already during a pressure drop to 0.6 kgf/cm2 the sensor will turn on the emergency oil pressure lamp. This is done for conditional notification of a decrease in pressure in the line of the internal combustion engine lubrication system.

The initial check of the sensor should be done by slightly increasing the crankshaft speed (1000-1100 rpm). In other words, if the oil pressure light goes out when you press the gas, then the following options are possible:

  • idle speed is too low (the light blinks at idle);
  • low oil pressure in the lubrication system;
  • malfunction of the oil pressure sensor;
  • engine malfunction;

To accurately measure the oil pressure in the engine, you need to unscrew the sensor and install a pressure gauge in its place. Also, one should not exclude false alarms of the oil pressure sensor at idle speed, which may occur due to contamination of both the device itself and the engine oil channels. In this case, you will need to clean the sensor and clean the lubrication system channels.

As for engine breakdowns that lead to a decrease in oil pressure, indirect signs are increased consumption of fuel and engine oil, the engine emits blue or bluish smoke. In such cases, the oil pressure lamp lights up at idle, taking into account the warmed-up engine. This occurs due to the fact that the heated lubricant liquefies and flows freely through the gaps between various parts (liners, shaft journals, etc.).

As you know, at idle the crankshaft speed is minimal. At the same time, the oil pump also develops a minimum pressure. As a result, a relatively small deviation can lead to the oil pressure lamp coming on at idle, while when the speed rises and the oil pressure in the lubrication system increases, the problem of the low oil pressure warning lamp on the dashboard coming on may not appear.

Engine oil pressure: what it depends on, how to measure it correctly. What is the oil pressure on different engines in idle mode and under load.

Why there may be low oil pressure in the engine, the oil pressure light blinks at idle or under load. Fault diagnosis and repair.

Why does fuel get into the engine oil, what could be the consequences of a malfunction for the internal combustion engine. Gasoline gets into the oil: diagnostics and repair.

Foaming of engine oil in the engine: in what cases and why is this dangerous for the engine. Main causes of malfunction, diagnostics.

Purpose of the diesel engine lubrication system. Components, oil pump performance, cooling function. Malfunctions and prevention.

Causes of oil leaks in the oil filter area: oil flows from under the filter, through the housing, in the area of ​​the fitting, etc. Available diagnostic and repair methods.


When to change engine oil

The oil change in the Kalina engine, as recommended by the manufacturer AvtoVAZ, should be done every 15 thousand kilometers.
However, experienced owners of these cars argue that the oil change in the Lada engine should be done more often in order to extend the life of the Kalina engine without repairs and replacement of oil rings. This procedure must be performed every 8-10 thousand km. Of course, this depends on the operating conditions of the car.

You can change the oil yourself. First you need to buy the appropriate oil filter and know what kind of oil to pour into the system. It needs about 4 liters. There are usually 5-liter canisters on sale. But there should always be a reserve.

The filter for Kalina 2 can be used the same as for the VAZ 2108, or you can purchase an imported one. The choice of suitable filters is quite large.

Experienced owners of VAZ cars say that the best choice of oil for Kalina is synthetic. As a last resort - semi-synthetic. But if another engine oil was previously poured into the engine, then it is better to replace it not yourself, but in a car repair shop, where the engine will be washed with a special compound before adding new lubricant.


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Tagsensor, oil pressure sensor, replacement

If the oil pressure lamp lights up with a warm engine at idle speed

This situation often confuses drivers, because the engine is in a warm state, and in this case it cannot be attributed to the fact that the oil is cold or thick. This state of affairs most likely indicates:

  • about contamination of the oil receiver, in which dirt often settles;
  • about oil pump failure or wear;
  • about a short circuit in the system or a sensor malfunction;
  • about wear of the crankshaft liner.

To be honest, all of the above reasons indicate the car owner’s negligence towards the car. A caring driver can predict such breakdowns and prevent them in a timely manner.

What to do if the oil pressure light in your car comes on

For each model of domestic car, the reasons will be the same, but the actions may vary. The main reasons why a sensor may trigger and send a signal to the instrument panel include the following:

the oil level in the engine unit is below the Min mark;

a large gap appeared between the crankshaft liner and the connecting rod;

the engine oil pickup screen is seriously clogged;

malfunctions in the oil pump;

Problems with the oil pressure sensor or its wiring.

Actions that the driver should take when the oil can icon appears on the panel

After the driver sees the red signal of the oil pressure indicator, it is recommended to stop further driving the car. It is best to park in a free space on the side of the road or in a parking lot so as not to become an obstacle to other road users.

The first step is to check the oil level in the engine - this operation can be done by any driver.

If the oil level is at a critical level, you need to add fluid, but so that its level does not exceed the Max value.

If the oil pressure light is still on, the oil and filter need to be replaced. In most cases, it is due to worn-out oil and a faulty filter that engine problems can arise.

In all other cases, the help of a specialist will be required. To deliver the car to a service station, it is not recommended to start it, as the rubbing parts of the power unit may jam. It is more advisable to use the services of a tow truck.

Owners of domestic cars are advised to check the engine oil level every morning before driving

If the oil pressure lamp on a VAZ-2114 is on

The first thing you need to do is diagnose the cause of this signal. As a rule, everything is explained by a low oil level or the driver forgetting to change the oil and filter on time.

The oil can icon is in the lower left corner

If the oil pressure light on a VAZ-2110 is on

Dozens have a more “capricious character” than VAZ cars of the 14th model. Therefore, it is quite possible that when the oil pressure lamp appears, simply checking the oil level will not be enough. You should look for all possible causes of breakdowns - contamination of the oil receiver mesh, failure of the pressure sensor, or installation of a faulty filter when changing the oil.

If all these elements are in working order, there is a high probability that the liner in the crankshaft has worn out - then a major complex repair of the engine unit will be required.

The oil pressure lamp is located on the right side

If the oil pressure lamp is on on a classic VAZ-2106, VAZ-2107

Structurally, the oil pressure sensor on a classic VAZ differs from more modern models. It only shows the presence of oil pressure in the system or its absence. In other words, the driver will be notified only about the most critical situations in the engine, when any breakdown occurs.

You should immediately turn off the engine and try to figure out the situation: what is the oil level, are there any fluid leaks under the hood? Typically, the appearance of a red oil can on a VAZ-2106, VAZ-2107 indicates incorrect operation or failure of the oil pressure sensor itself, which is located on the engine, pump, or lack of oil in the engine crankcase.

Oil pressure system indicators are displayed in a separate panel

The light only comes on at high speeds

High speed is achieved at 4000 rpm, which corresponds to a speed of 145 km per hour. This speed requires increased oil consumption; if the driver is a fan of fast driving, then much more oil will be required. Such a load for the engine is considered to be increased, and the use is considered to be maximum.

The sensor lamp can often light up at high speeds, and this indicates a lack of oil. It must be taken into account that a sudden transition to increased speed can disable the oil pump. It will have to be replaced immediately, and it is best to seek the help of professionals.

How to reset a check on Kalina yourself

It is not recommended to reset errors yourself if the Lada Kalina check engine light is on. The error information will disappear. In a car service, if something happens to the engine after the reset, they will not be able to determine what kind of malfunction caused the engine to stop working. This means that you will have to completely disassemble the motor. It's an expensive endeavor.

However, if the car owner is sure that the wires were simply shorted after washing the car (this happens), then he can do the following at his own peril and risk:

  1. Turn the ignition key, but do not start the engine.
  2. Open the hood and remove the terminal from the positive terminal of the battery.
  3. Wait about 5 or 10 minutes.
  4. Reinstall the positive battery terminal. Close the hood.
  5. Turn off the ignition and turn it on again. Now start the engine and get ready to start driving.

The check lamp should disappear from the panel.

Icons on the car dashboard, symbols, types |

  1. Using a Phillips screwdriver, you need to unscrew two self-tapping screws.
  2. Next, you need to remove the trim from the instrument panel.
  3. At the next stage, the spring clips are removed from the clutch.
  4. After unscrewing two screws, you need to slide the panel towards you.
  5. The latch holding the block must be pryed up using a flat-head screwdriver and turned.
  6. Next, you need to disconnect the connectors with the wires and you can safely remove the tidy.
  7. To remove the glass from the instrument panel, unclip the plastic clips.

Repair work after driving without oil

When an engine is running without good lubrication, the unit has very little chance of survival. Within a few minutes, the wear of the piston group reaches the maximum possible level. Gaining speed in this state of the engine will mean an almost guaranteed loss of vital activity of the unit. It is better to carry out repairs after the car has been evacuated, as soon as the light starts to burn. In this case, you can often get by with little expense. If the unit operates without oil, the problems can increase significantly:

  • new problems will be added to existing problems to repair the engine due to its wear;
  • the piston group is almost guaranteed to be replaced, which will make repairs unrealistically expensive;
  • the entire oil supply system will most likely also be replaced at enormous expense on the part of the owner;
  • the repair will have to be carried out at a professional station, because disassembling the engine is not an easy process;
  • the use of low-quality parts will not work in this case, since the machine will completely lose reliability;
  • A clear computer diagnosis is needed to help identify the affected nodes.

Diagnostics at the service center after a long trip without oil will truly surprise you with its scope. For inspections alone you will have to pay a very impressive amount of money. However, after such a situation, it is imperative to perform a good check of the car and obtain information about the damage caused. Often, after such adventures, it turns out to be much more profitable to purchase a new engine or contract power unit than to look for any solution to this problem. We invite you to look at self-diagnosis of a domestic car when the oil light is on:

What to do if the oil pressure light does not go out immediately

As mentioned above, the oil pressure burns for a long time when starting the engine due to the fact that the lubricating fluid leaves the filter element when the engine is idle. This is due to the quality of the oil filter, or more precisely, to the anti-drainage (non-return) valve. An oil filter consists not only of a housing and a filter element, it also has a special gasket called an anti-drainage valve, and its task is to retain oil inside the element.

During operation, or due to poor manufacturing, the check valve may fail. In essence, it is an ordinary rubber band that can crack, tear under pressure, or fly off. Replacing this rubber is not expected, and if the oil pressure burns for a long time, replacing the oil filter will be the solution to the problem.

Please note: The oil filter is often changed at the same time as the oil. If, after the first start of the engine, a problem immediately appears with the pressure lamp fading for a long time, the filter should be replaced

Most likely it was performed poorly, which is why the anti-drainage valve flew off or broke when oil passed through it. Operating such a filter is extremely dangerous for the engine.

Often the problem with the anti-drainage valve occurs on non-original filter elements of low quality. Sometimes it immediately fails to cope with the functions assigned to it, in other situations, after several thousand kilometers the rubber band “sticks”, which is why it stops coping with its tasks.

In order for a car engine to last as long as possible, it is necessary to lubricate it during operation, and even a few seconds without lubrication after the engine starts will significantly speed up the need for major repairs.

Some of us, those who do maintenance ourselves, may encounter such a problem - after starting the engine, when it is cold (say, after night), the oil pressure lamp is on for a certain period of time. Maybe 3, 5, or even 10 seconds. Why does this happen, what are the reasons? Is this dangerous for the car and in particular for the engine and what should I do? Useful information, as well as a video version, read, watch...

What I want to say at the beginning is that guys, when the pressure lamp is on, it’s no longer good! After all, it cannot light up just like that, and must go out immediately after starting. That is, the engine started, the lamp went out and there shouldn’t be any 3 – 10 seconds! THIS IS ALREADY A DEVIATION FROM NORMAL OPERATION.

The oil pressure light is on Kalina 8 valves

At idle speed on a warm engine (before the Carlson switched on, i.e. somewhere around 100 degrees), the emergency oil pressure light began to blink.
When the speed increases, it goes out. Oil level: above the middle of the Min-Max marks. The oil change was about five thousand years ago (in the fall). Lukoil synthetic oil. Filter Man. The oil pressure sensor is covered in an oil film (it seemed to be dry before). Unfortunately, I don’t have a pressure gauge at hand. I looked through the topic. As I understand it, DDM on viburnums is short-lived? Is there any advice on the manufacturers of these sensors so I can buy it once and forget about it?

Yes, and more. The marking on it is 1118. Maybe it makes sense to buy some thread from 2108? Maybe it's more reliable? Changing the connector chip is not a problem if it is different on it.

By the way, I noticed that on this sensor the lamp on the tidy does not go out as reliably as on the old one.

I installed a sensor made in Kaluga (price 100 rubles), the lamp goes out immediately. The only thing that was a bit confusing in appearance was the hole at the bottom, slightly off-center, and the length was a little longer than standard, but it didn’t seem to affect anything.

Actually, the lamp has been behaving strangely recently. I changed the oil, now at the first start after parking, the oil pressure lamp goes out for about 1 second or so, in short, the engine has already started and the lamp is still on for a little while. It’s also important to turn it off right away, wait a short time (the light comes on almost immediately after turning off the engine), start it up, and it goes out as it should while cranking the starter. Mobil oil 0w40 synthetic air filter changed a day ago (oil freezes thicker; why the hell here -40 is a harsh reality). Before this I had 5w30 GI Energy synthetic oil, there was a similar problem with current in cold weather below 25 and the lamp did not light up for a long time, so I switched it off and you can wait 10 minutes for the lamp to come back on.

In short, I’m wondering whether I should worry or not?

Of course I changed it along with the oil. One thing I don’t understand is where did so many ice cubes in the tray come from?

Apparently there are too many crankcase gases and many cold starts, without subsequent full warming up (to naturally evaporate the water).

If wet crankcase gases come into contact with a cold block, water from them will flow down the block.

People, tell me. I didn't find anything like this on the forum. Kalina stood for two weeks. Nobody turned her on. Today I showed up at home. The first thing I decided to do was start one. It started up, the light was on for about five seconds, the hydraulics knocked a little and everything seemed to be fine. But after two or three minutes the lamp lights up and the buzzer beeps! Turned it off. What could it be? Outside -8 degrees. The oil is normal ZIC 10W40 real MAN filter. I moved the sensor wire, but it didn't help. I unscrewed the oil pressure sensor, which is on the head, but it was dry. I crank the starter, and the oil pulsates like a dying man! Doesn't even come out of the well. Has the pump really closed?

And the other day I discovered the presence of ice from condensate in the engine crankcase of Kalina 11174. The day before the car was running (though without moving), it was about 0, and at night it happened -12. In the morning - TRPU! - we've arrived. When I start it, the oil can comes on. I turn it off, start it again - the oil can is on, the hydraulics are knocking. I'm jamming. I wait a couple of minutes, check the dipstick - for some reason the oil has slightly risen. The antifreeze is in place, the oil doesn’t smell like gasoline, it’s clean (it was changed about 1000 km ago), the filter is in order. I think the problem is with the oil pump or oil pickup. I go read the forum on this topic and discover the following pattern - the problem arises among people in the period from November to March. There was no way to heat the pan locally yet, so I decided to wait for warm weather (fortunately, it seems that warm weather is on the way, and I don’t need a car yet - my daughter is driving). I am not going to remove the pan to deal with ice from condensate yet. Synthetic oil "Rosneft". Both cars went through the winter with this oil without problems. Later I’ll check the pan “for jams” (my daughter repeatedly “scraped” various obstacles with the crankcase protection), and if necessary, I’ll remove it. Something like this.


Oil pressure monitoring

Such emergency measures are explained by the fact that the engine is the most expensive component of a car. The oil supply system performs the most important functions in its stable operation:

  • lubrication of rubbing parts of rings, pistons, crankshaft, liners, valves;
  • partial heat removal from the ignition chambers of the fuel mixture;
  • washing off the chips and transporting them to a pallet;
  • creating a film to protect metal surfaces from corrosion.

These and many other functions of the oil system are fully performed only when normal pressure is maintained inside the power unit. The light indicating the oil pressure does not light up or blink at idle speed.

There are a number of reasons why the oil pressure decreases and it burns. This situation is considered an emergency, since a running engine is subjected to unacceptable loads, heat dissipation is reduced, the cylinder block may overheat, and the entire piston group may fail.

Why does a car need an oil pressure indicator?

Continuous light or blinking of the indicator indicates that the oil pressure in the engine is below acceptable standards. In old cars, a special analogue display was installed on the dashboards, displaying the d.m. in the motor, where the current level was shown in units of measurement.

Pressure is measured in kgf/cm2; normal at idle speed is considered to be 0.5 - 0.6 kgf/cm2. In modern cars, this control function is performed by an indicator lamp.

When the pressure drops below 0.3 - 04 kgf/cm2, the signal indicator lights up. The illumination of the light bulb can indicate serious problems in the oil and lubrication system of the internal combustion engine, so such a signal cannot be ignored. Ignoring this can lead to failure of individual parts or the entire engine.

What can cause the oil can to light up on the dashboard?

To understand the reasons for the blinking of the d.m. indicator light. First of all, you need to understand the engine lubrication system itself. The parts of the internal combustion engine mechanism constantly come into contact with each other during its operation, which causes friction.

For example, if you take a crankshaft tenon, it rotates relative to the connecting rod and these parts rub against each other. It is known that parts that rub against each other, working without proper lubrication, quickly wear out and fail. To reduce the likelihood of breakdown and facilitate the operation of rubbing mechanisms, lubricants are used in the motor.

Let's look at the structure of the engine's motor lubricant.

The lubrication mechanism of the power unit consists of:

  • The oil pan is a container into which lubricant is poured. It is located at the bottom of the engine, where the oil fluid is directly located, from where it is distributed to all parts that experience friction during operation. These include: crankshaft main and connecting rod bearings, piston system, timing mechanism, etc.;
  • Oil pump - responsible for the supply and uniform distribution of lubricant to all rubbing parts of the engine;
  • Oil intake - located near the pump, its function is to prevent foreign objects from entering the crankcase along with the lubricating fluid;
  • Reducing valve - responsible for maintaining d.m. in the system at the required level, also serves as a protective mechanism for the oil pump;
  • Oil filter - serves to clean the lubricant before entering the rubbing mechanisms of the engine;
  • Pipes and channels for supplying lubricant to the engine system;
  • Dm sensor and pressure gauge - are responsible for measuring d.m. in the engine compartment and transmit data to the on-board computer.

What to do if the oil pressure light comes on

If on the road you notice that the light with the image of an oil can periodically lights up or starts to shine constantly, you should first stop the car and turn off the engine. The problems can be very different, so it is better not to start the power unit until the problem is investigated. When the car is turned off, you should not immediately run and check the lubricant level, because this way you will not get reliable results. It is worth following a fairly simple algorithm of actions that is available to every driver without exception:

  • completely stop the car, turn off the engine to prevent serious problems;
  • wait a few minutes until the oil cools slightly and flows into the crankcase through the parts of the power unit;
  • remove the dipstick from the crankcase and wipe it with a dry cloth to avoid incorrect level readings;
  • check the oil level by inserting the dipstick into place and removing it again, noticing the actual fluid level;
  • if necessary, add oil to the crankcase to the normal level (between min and max, closer to max);
  • try to start the power unit, and if the light does not go out after starting, immediately turn off the engine;
  • call a tow truck or take the car in tow and transport the car to the nearest service station;
  • perform detailed diagnostics, find the problem and be sure to completely eliminate it.

This is a simple procedure to follow if the oil pressure light starts to light up or blink. The most common problem with this indication is insufficient oil level. This is especially true for those cars that, for technological reasons, consume a certain amount of motor oil. Do not forget to add fluid to properly lubricate all engine parts. Operating the unit without a sufficient amount of oil is fraught with the most unexpected and unpleasant consequences.

The pressure light is on - what to do?

First of all, it’s worth understanding that you can’t take anyone’s word for it, much less the oil pressure sensor. Some older cars have two sensors, one for the hazard warning light and one for the pressure gauge.

Audi and Volkswagen cars of the 90s use a pressure monitoring system with two sensors and warning lamps. One pressure warning lamp lights up when the pressure is critically low, and the second when the pressure is critically high.

So, we figured out why the oil pressure is on, now let’s see what needs to be done about it. As already mentioned, we need to find out “if there was a boy.” To do this, we perform the following procedures:

We take a regular analog (dial) pressure gauge. We connect it instead of the pressure sensor. This can be done using an old gutted sensor to which you connect a hose.

  1. We take a regular analog (dial) pressure gauge. We connect it instead of the pressure sensor. This can be done using an old gutted sensor to which you connect a hose.
  2. We start the engine and look at the pressure. It should be no lower than 0.2 MPa and no higher than 0.8 MPa. There are a number of newer cars that use very thin oil because the pressure in the lubrication system is very high, more than 1 MPa, but there are very few such models.

After we have made sure that the oil pressure is not just on, and that there really is a malfunction, we need to check the following points. Some of them can be checked independently, while others can only be checked with special equipment.

If the oil light is on, the first thing to check is the pump. To check it, removal and disassembly are required; we will not describe how this is done, because each model has its own algorithm. Next, the gaps are measured with a feeler gauge at the points specified by the manufacturer. If they are higher than normal, then the pump is changed.

If the oil light is on, the first thing to check is the pump. To check it, removal and disassembly are required; we will not describe how this is done, because each model has its own algorithm. Next, the gaps are measured with a feeler gauge at the points specified by the manufacturer. If they are higher than normal, then the pump is changed.

  • Also, when the oil pressure light comes on, you need to check the crankshaft journals and the thickness of the bearings. If the necks fall within the range of required sizes, then it is enough to replace the liners. We will not describe the replacement either, since there is also a different procedure for each engine, not just for the model.
  • where is the DDM light located and why is it on?

    Checking the Priora oxygen sensor The Kalina oil pressure sensor is a fairly reliable device and rarely breaks down, but sometimes it fails. The article is dedicated to this device: what it is, where it is located, how to check its serviceability. Instructions for replacement are provided.

    What you need to know about DDM?

    A modern car has a large amount of electronics installed, based on the readings of which the electronic control unit issues the appropriate commands. One such device is the oil pressure sensor (OPS).

    Purpose and location

    The purpose of the DDM is to monitor the oil level in the power unit; as soon as the amount of lubricant drops below the permissible level, the corresponding indicator light lights up on the instrument panel.

    The operating principle can be described as follows. Lubricant is supplied to all components of the system under pressure. The system includes a DDM, inside of which there is a membrane indicated by arrow 4. If the pressure is low, then the membrane is not deformed, the contacts numbered 3 are closed and the lamp indicated by arrow 2 is on.

    When the engine starts, the pressure increases, the membrane is deformed and acts on the pusher that is installed on it. In this case, the contacts open and the light goes out.

    The DDM is located on the cylinder head on the right, when viewed in the direction of travel, on the back side of the engine. It receives power through a wire with a plastic terminal, which makes it easy to detect.

    Diagnostic features

    If the indicator on the dashboard is constantly on, you should first check the oil level using a dipstick and the condition of the oil filter. It is also necessary to check for oil stains on the power unit housing. If the level is normal, you should check the device itself. The simplest test option is to install a known-good device instead of the device being tested.

    You don’t have to buy a new one, you can ask your neighbor in the garage. True, the sensor should be exactly the same. If, after installing a working device, the indicator stops lighting, then the removed one is faulty.

    In addition, using a multimeter, the power supply to the device is checked to see if there is an open circuit. If you have a pressure gauge, you can check the oil pressure. To check, you need to screw the pressure gauge into the DDM seat and start the engine. At idle, the pressure value should be above 0.65 kgf/cm2.

    If you don't have a pressure gauge, there is another way to check. To do this, the sensor is unscrewed, and then the starter is cranked without starting the engine. If, when the starter rotates, oil splashes from the seat of the removed device, we can conclude that the device is faulty.

    What does a burning oil pressure light indicate?

    If the DDM indicator light on the instrument panel is constantly on, this indicates that the Lada Kalina oil pressure sensor is broken or the circuit is broken.

    If after diagnostics it turns out that the device is faulty, it must be replaced (the author of the video is Alexander Skripchenko).

    It is recommended to unscrew the old device before purchasing and take it with you so as not to make a mistake when choosing a new one. To replace it, it is better to purchase an original or a high-quality analogue. You should not buy a cheap product trying to save money on it, since a low-quality product will quickly become unusable and will have to be replaced again. If the DDM pad is in poor condition, it is worth replacing it too.

    What to do if the pressure lamp flashes at idle

    If the indicator lamp lights up when the engine is idling, then you need to find the source of the malfunction and neutralize it as quickly as possible.

    You can contact your nearest service station for help or try to find and fix problems yourself.

    Reduced oil level

    To find out how much lubricant is in the internal combustion engine at the moment, you need to do the following: turn off the engine, open the hood and check the oil dipstick in the engine to measure the oil level.

    There are special marks on the dipstick that show the degree of immersion in the lubricant. If the level is low, this can be seen by the corresponding mark, in which case it is necessary to add oil.

    Sensor check

    To check, the engine is started and warmed up, the gas is squeezed out in neutral until the crankshaft speed reaches approximately 1000-1100 rpm.

    If the indicator goes out when the gas is released, the sensor may be faulty. To be sure, you can remove it and replace it with a pressure gauge to measure the pressure. If the measurement values ​​are below the norm, then the sensor alerts are correct; if they correspond to the norm, it is faulty and must be replaced.

    Checking oil pressure and viscosity

    High-quality lubricant in internal combustion engines has good viscosity. It can be checked by carefully inspecting the oil dipstick and also removing the oil pan.

    If the oil is very thin, then the time has come for its replacement or it has been missed altogether. The use of diluted lubricant, essentially waste, is harmful to the engine and leads to its rapid wear. It is recommended to change the oil exactly as scheduled.

    Oil filter problems

    If, after changing the oil in the engine, the indicator lamp continues to blink for more than 10-15 seconds at idle speed, then this may indicate a faulty filter. Breakage/clogging of a part is determined visually.

    Oil pump malfunction

    To determine the condition of the oil pump, it is necessary to remove the oil pan. It is quite difficult to do this on your own, in particular on foreign car brands. Therefore, if you suspect that the oil pump is faulty, it is better to contact a car service center for qualified diagnostics.

    Engine wear

    If the engine has a high mileage, the oil lubricant may leak out, as a result of which the pressure will decrease. Long service life and old internal combustion engine parts cause rapid oil consumption, which can be evidenced by atypical noise in the engine and blinking indicator light. The solution to the problem may be replacing worn-out parts with new ones or a complete overhaul of the engine.

    To summarize, it is worth noting that driving with a glowing oil pressure indicator is unsafe and can lead to serious car repairs, including a complete engine replacement.

    Ignoring malfunctions signaled by the light sensor will inevitably lead to breakdown of the entire internal combustion engine mechanism. Therefore, experts recommend immediately identifying the malfunction and fixing it yourself or at the nearest car service center.

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