How to tune the interior of a Lada Kalina car

The interior of a car is a place where the driver and his passengers spend a lot of time. Modern cars have become not just a means of transportation, but also a place where you can escape from the bustle of the city. And if in expensive cars engineers have calculated and installed a standard set of options that will suit a large number of people, then in budget classes you need to independently select and install those improvements that suit your preferences.


Cars of domestic origin are more often subject to tuning than others. This is due, first of all, to their low cost, as well as a large number of factory defects. Many people buy a Lada because of its affordability, and only then realize that the car has more disadvantages than its advantages. Tuning the Lada Kalina station wagon can be done independently and significantly improve some technical characteristics, as well as make the car more attractive. Let's look at all the features of improving this model in more detail.

Eliminating air pockets in the radiator

Since the system in question is absolutely sealed, getting rid of air is not so easy. The car must be placed on any inclined surface with the front facing up (the steeper, the more effective). You should warm up the power unit until the second circulation circle opens, move the temperature regulator to the maximum position, direct the air flow into the cabin and activate the fan at second speed. Next, increasing the engine speed to 4.5-5 thousand, we hold it for some time.

Then the pedal is released until the idle speed appears. If the problem is not completely resolved, the procedure should be repeated.

Despite the fact that modern domestic cars have updated characteristics, some factory defects are still present. Modification of the cooling system on the Lada Kalina is available in several ways and helps to avoid the formation of air locks. Moreover, the procedure does not require significant financial investment.

Transformation of the body of a dull budget car

Almost all budget cars have inexpressive body features. This is because creating sharp lines significantly increases the cost of production. You can solve the problem with a dull appearance by installing a body kit. A high-quality, correctly selected body kit allows you to:

  • Visually make the body larger.
  • Increase the prestige of the model.

Today there are quite a large number of different body kits on sale that can make a car almost unrecognizable. At the same time, we note the features of purchasing ready-made sets:

  • Their cost is relatively low. Due to the use of cheap plastic, manufacturers significantly reduce the cost of the body kit. In addition, in many cases you will have to carry out the paintwork yourself, choosing the paint to match the body color. Therefore, many people decide to purchase ready-made kits rather than create them themselves.
  • Correct geometry, precise dimensions, reliable fastenings are signs of a high-quality body kit. It is quite difficult to independently produce a high-quality body kit, since even the smallest mistakes cause defects.
  • Design development is carried out by professionals - another reason why ready-made sets are popular. A properly designed body kit will make the car truly attractive.
  • Installation is simplified due to the correct placement of fasteners. As practice shows, installing a purchased set of body kits takes a relatively small amount of time. Of course, in some cases it is necessary to make improvements, but they are not significant.

You can make the exterior more attractive by installing various little things, for example, chrome handles. You can protect the body by installing plastic covers on the wheel arches.

Sidebar: Important: For many years, tuning has been very popular, which involves installing stylish large-diameter rims. There are a variety of options available for sale: painted, chrome-plated or simply steel.

Technical features of the system

The unified layout and closed design of the engine cooling system (SOD) of the Kalina are also characteristic of other VAZ models. The system is designed to remove thermal energy from heated engine elements using antifreeze or other coolant.

The SOD consists of the following functional parts.

  1. Cooling radiator. Reduces coolant temperature due to the flow of cold air masses.
  2. Fan. Used for rapid cooling of antifreeze in the Kalina cooling system.
  3. Expansion tank. Designed to compensate for the volume of coolant (coolant). The need for this unit is related to the expansion/constriction property of the coolant.
  4. A pump or centrifugal pump, which is responsible for the forced circulation of antifreeze through the appropriate channels.
  5. A thermostat whose task is to regulate the volume of antifreeze in the Kalina cooling system.
  6. Temperature sensor involved in SOD control.

The operation of the cooling system is based on the close interconnection of various parts, elements and sensors, including devices that are designed to measure oil temperature. The passage of coolant in a large or small circle depends on the engine temperature. In the first case, antifreeze passes through all components of the SOD, except the radiator. With such circulation, the thermostat is closed. As the engine temperature rises, this element gradually opens. The antifreeze, having passed a large circle, enters the radiator. The latter device is cooled by oncoming air masses. If this is not enough, a signal is sent to the ventilated unit, which begins to forcibly direct air masses to the cells.

The cooled liquid enters a small circle. Next, taking into account the engine temperature, the antifreeze automatically circulates in a small or large circle. At the same time, the optimal operating temperature is maintained, which should be in the range of 95-105°C. This factor has a direct impact on the performance of the Kalina stove. In this case, it will not be able to supply warm air masses into the cabin.

If there are any doubts about the operation of the ODS, you need to diagnose the car, finding out the causes of the malfunction. You can fix the breakdown either with your own hands or with the help of a car mechanic.

Head optics: how to improve them?

In many ways, the exterior style is determined by the installed head optics and rear lights. The design options available at the factory cannot be called attractive, since they are still manufactured using old technologies and are of low quality.

The features of such tuning include the following points:

  1. You can upgrade the existing structure or purchase a new one. Some tuning salons provide the opportunity to buy new optics and lights that are ideal for the car.
  2. There are quite a large number of ways to modernize an already installed structure. An example is recommendations related to replacing a standard light source with a diode one.

Why are diode light sources so popular today? There are quite a few reasons:

  • Low cost. Diode light sources are among the cheapest, which allows you to save on tuning and further maintenance.
  • Attractive view. Diode strips have long been used in tuning many cars.
  • Low power consumption. Due to this, the load on the installed generator is reduced and the amount of fuel consumed is reduced, and when the engine is off, the battery is less discharged.
  • High reliability. The service life of high-quality diodes is quite long, since they are not negatively affected by high humidity and other influences.
  • Compact sizes. Due to this, a larger number of light sources are placed in a small area.
  • Long service life.

If you pay attention to new cars from almost all manufacturers, head optics and rear lights are made using diode technology. In addition, the following types of tuning of optics and flashlights are carried out:

  1. Protective glass is tinted.
  2. The surface of the protective glass is polished.
  3. Install various eyelashes and extensions.

External tuning of Lada Kalina, Kalina 2 | motorring online store

Would you like a brief history of the LADA Kalina model? The development of the car at AVTOVAZ began in 1993. In 1998, the designed model was named “Kalina”. Serial production started only on November 18, 2004. A total of 5 years to give the car a name, and 11 years to develop it. Not fast!

But it is worth noting that at that time this model was truly new for AVTOVAZ: a new platform, a new level of comfort and quality and a new design. By the way, about the design: the first generation of the model was made in the so-called “biodesign”, which was fashionable in the global auto industry right in the early 90s, when the model began to be developed. But after 11 years, the trends changed; the exterior of the car at the time of its release seemed outdated to Russians, but there were many people who liked this car. For the rest, external tuning became the solution! By the way, LADA Kalina quickly became a real popular and mass car, so there were never any problems with the range of tuning for this car:

  • radiator grilles and bumper grilles
  • side mirrors (including electric ones) and covers for them
  • "sabers"
  • door handles and trims
  • eyelashes and overlays for lamps
  • PTF frames
  • spoilers
  • door moldings
  • alternative optics
  • bumpers
  • lockers
  • towbars
  • roof racks
  • and other.

The manufacturer managed to modernize the design of the model when the second generation of Kalina was born in 2020. Despite the fact that the overall power structure of the body has not undergone any changes (including doors, windshield), the car received complex-shaped headlights and lanterns and a massive bumper with a powerful radiator grille. You should be careful with tuning the “second generation”, since the exterior of this generation turned out to be quite successful.

By the way, on the basis of the LADA Kalina 2 station wagon and hatchback (the second generation sedan was never produced), small-scale modifications (a kind of factory tuning) also appeared, which turned out to be very popular in the market. On the “base” of the station wagon, they made a “pseudo-crossover” Kalina Cross - an all-terrain station wagon, which, in addition to high ground clearance, also received “off-road” appearance modifications. And the hatchback got sporty variations – Sport and NFR.

What conclusion do we draw? “Kalina”, despite its popular name, is excellent for exterior modifications, that is, external tuning.

Installation of roof rails or special boxing

Despite the fairly large interior space of the car in question, tuning quite often involves the installation of roof rails or a special box. The features of such minor tuning include the following points:

  • Rails are installed for transporting skis or other large cargo. Examples include bicycles, surfboards and much more. The cost of such an element is relatively low, but it significantly increases the attractiveness of the car and its practicality in use. When installing roof rails, it is worth remembering that they will be subject to quite a large load during operation. Therefore, you should ensure the reliability of the fastening.
  • Luggage boxes today are often found on cars of foreign origin. This accessory is suitable for long trips, as it allows you to place a fairly large number of different things. It is worth considering that the luggage box is only an accessory that is used as needed. With its everyday use, fuel consumption increases significantly, as the resistance during movement increases. In addition, the luggage box makes the car look more massive.

The cost of roof rails and luggage box is relatively low, which allows you to expand the capabilities of the car at the lowest cost.

Chip tuning Lada Granta

An undoubted advantage to engine performance will be competent chip tuning of the Lada Grant. Reflashing the electronic engine control unit will also give the car an additional increase in power, but what is more important in this case is, perhaps, the elasticity of operation, engine life and efficiency. An excellent solution could also be to install an electronic gas pedal on the Grant.

This will not only increase the sensitivity of the engine and reduce the reaction time to movement of the accelerator pedal, but will also make driving more comfortable. Precise fuel dosage will ensure both efficiency and improved vehicle dynamics as a whole. In addition, electronic gas pedal kits will allow you to regulate and switch engine operating modes based on the driver’s personal preferences.

Paintwork – finishing line

Why cars of domestic origin do not look as attractive as their foreign counterparts. In part, it all lies in the low-quality paintwork and the choice of dull colors. You can make your station wagon more attractive by performing paintwork. Of course, this stage is the final one.

The features of painting and varnish work include the following points:

  1. All remnants of the old coating should be removed.
  2. To carry out high-quality work, special equipment is required, as well as a clean box that does not contain dust and debris. It is worth remembering that if debris gets on the surface during the painting process, then such a paint coating will not last long.
  3. It is also important to properly prepare the surface for the work in question.

It is quite difficult to carry out high-quality paintwork yourself, but it is possible if you have the required equipment. As practice shows, after such an improvement the car looks much more attractive.

Important points

  • If the folds of leather formed on the cover after putting it on the dashboard cannot be smoothed out with your hands, you should use a rag soaked in hot water. To avoid burning your hands, this operation should be performed only with thick rubber gloves;
  • Care should be taken to ensure that drops of glue do not fall on the front side of the leather. If this happens, you need to let the drop dry and carefully cut it off with a knife. And the stain remaining on the skin can be erased with a regular eraser.
  • So, all a car enthusiast needs to re-tighten a dashboard is patience. The only difficulty may arise at the stage of stitching the fragments, especially if the car owner has little idea how to work with a sewing machine. If this is so, then before working with leather, it is worth practicing on ordinary matter.

    Experts' opinion

    Vitaly. I bought this car to drive to the country. Even such a short trip turned out to be a real test. The whole point is the almost complete absence of insulation. Friends advised me to isolate myself if I have time. It was summer, I decided to spend a couple of days at the dacha in the garage. I was pleased with the result. Of course, not ideal, but better than it was.

    Dmitriy. I bought a Lada Kalina, a friend was selling it, or rather, he gave it away almost for nothing. After several months of use, he said that he definitely wanted a foreign car. I decided to invest a little and make a car suitable for use out of Kalina. As a result, a few thousand costs, a couple of months, and I have a comfortable, spacious station wagon.

    Alexei. The first car I bought for myself. Money is tight, but I've been involved in cars since childhood with my father. What I want to say is that you can’t do everything at once, but you need to plan the sequence. For example, if the interior is being modified, then the interior is insulated first, and only then other aspects.

    Glory. I don’t know how we feel about tuning, but we received Kalina in a deplorable state. I had to almost completely rebuild it, replace everything, install some that weren’t original, and only then did I start driving. There is no talk about comfort, but for my work, the main thing is reliability and maintainability.

    Rear sofas - what to replace them with in the VAZ 2110?

    If everything is approximately clear with the front seat options, then the rear sofas require a special approach. We are talking about an unconventional size and rather strange types of fastening of a sofa from AvtoVAZ. If you are far from automotive, it is better not to modify the rear seats yourself. To do this you will need the help of specialists

    It is important to find a car of the same size, as wider cushions and backrests will have to be redesigned. The installation process is quite complicated:

    you need to choose good rear sofas from models such as Volkswagen Polo, Hyundai Solaris, KIA Rio, Renault Logan, and you can also pay attention to Toyota Corolla; Next comes the dismantling of the seats of your car, which is not particularly difficult - just unscrew a few fasteners to get all the structural parts without any difficulties; Next, you should try on new seats, it is quite possible that you will have to order their re-upholstery at a studio, since it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to guess the size perfectly; the next step is the installation of fasteners, it is necessary to remove the fastening parts from the VAZ seats and rearrange them on the purchased pillows and backrests for high-quality fastening; after that, all that remains is to install the finished seats in place and enjoy the updated interior of your car, also don’t forget to take a photo and share it on the forums and in the logbook.

    Of course, this sounds much simpler than it is done. The process may take more than one day, especially if the seats need to be altered, shortened or lengthened. When choosing seats for the rear of a car, it is best to buy a whole interior set. This will help significantly reduce the cost of further alterations. After all, if you install chairs of different colors, you will have to sew covers or change the upholstery and spend extra money.


    Despite the fact that VAZ has recently invested quite a large amount of money in the development of new technologies and the creation of new models that are competitive with foreign analogues, today cars produced under the Lada brand are often subject to tuning. This is due to a lot of factory defects and many other problems that arise directly during the operation of the car. If desired, the Lada Kalina can be changed almost beyond recognition, but this may require quite a lot of time and effort. Does it make sense to invest a large amount of money in such a station wagon? A very difficult question. In some cases, investments and the cost of the car itself would make it possible to purchase a foreign car.

    Steering wheel

    Not every car enthusiast likes the standard Lada-Kalina steering wheel. Therefore, they very often want to replace it with a more stylish and convenient one. One of the options for tuning the interior of the Lada Kalina sedan is to install a sports steering wheel. This original upgrade has many advantages: the car’s interior will become more interesting, and most importantly, the updated sports steering wheel, thanks to its aggressive appearance, will allow the driver to feel much more confident on the road. But in order to easily and without problems mount a new steering wheel on the Lada-Kalina, you will need a special adapter.

    External modifications of the car

    External tuning of this model includes:

    • Installation of neon lighting under the car . This procedure will allow you to radically highlight the car and give it a spectacular appearance. However, we should not forget that if such equipment is installed, problems may arise with the traffic police; But the information from this article will help you understand how to replace the Kalina license plate lamp.
    • Installation of air suspension . A fairly expensive procedure, as a result of which the driver can independently change the ride height while driving. Air suspension kits are quite expensive at their price; the most budget ones start at 25,000 rubles. Air suspension combines several positive effects: when driving on the highway, the driver can reduce the ground clearance, thereby improving the downforce of the body and thereby slightly increasing the dynamics, and when driving on rough terrain, the driver can again increase the ground clearance to the standard factory setting; But how the air suspension is installed, and whether it can be done with your own hands, is described in great detail in this article.
    • Installation of doors with a guillotine operating principle . Such doors are also called “lambo doors”. The peculiarity of their work is that they open upwards rather than to the side. After their installation, the car takes on a completely different look. The cost of the installation kit excluding work is about 60,000 rubles. But you can see what universal car door moldings look like and how they are used in this article.

    How to cover the dashboard and ceiling

    Hi all! I was puzzled by the question of how to cover the dashboard and ceiling of the car. There are a lot of materials, but what is better is not yet clear

    The task is the following: I want to pull the ceiling in the GF with my own hands and pull the torpedo with my own hands.

    Who will advise what? More budget options are welcome.

    But what you like in appearance is probably worth re-tying))) But probably if you don’t have experience and knowledge of the material, then it’s unlikely that anything good will come out.

    The cheaper the material, the less convenient it is to use. Look at some eco-leather, it will be inexpensive and acceptable to the touch.

    SG9 is still not an STi

    “Sometimes a moment is enough to forget a whole life, sometimes a whole life is not enough to forget a moment.” (c) Jim Morrison

    The hands seem to have grown from the right place, there should be no problems.

    When reupholstering a torpedo, do you need to put something under this material or glue it directly to the plastic?

    The hands seem to have grown from the right place, there should be no problems.

    When reupholstering a torpedo, do you need to put something under this material or glue it directly to the plastic?

    You will first decide on the material) There is a possibility that you will have to not only pull, but also cut - how, for example, are you going to tighten the entire dashboard and instrument panel visor with one piece of something? I in no way doubt your capabilities, it’s just that in such things, too often leads to failure.

    It's understandable, but it's expensive.

    There is a professional workshop who will help you make the pattern and sew it if necessary.

    Well then everything is simple for you, choose the material. Eco-leather, Alcantara, cheaper analogues of Alcantara (there is a good inexpensive Korean one), leatherette, leather, vinyl. There are many options!

    Hi all! I was puzzled by the question of how to cover the dashboard and ceiling of the car. There are a lot of materials, but what is better is not yet clear

    The task is the following: I want to pull the ceiling in the GF with my own hands and pull the torpedo with my own hands.

    Who will advise what? More budget options are welcome.

    Interior improvements

    In order to radically transform the interior of the Lada Kalina 2 car - to set it apart from the crowd and make it unique, you can resort to the following tuning methods:

    • Replace the factory door cards with non-standard ones - made according to an individual project. Typically, door cards are subject to change when installing non-standard acoustics, but you can also order modified parts covered with some material. The most expensive material is genuine leather. The cost of making an unusual card and covering it with genuine leather will cost approximately 8,000 rubles , but this procedure is worth it, because everyone will appreciate the effect of installing other parts using noble material; It will also be interesting to learn about what vibration and noise insulating materials for cars should be used.
    • Along with installing modified cards, you can install a new front panel . In this case, there are two options: installing a panel from a foreign car with minor modifications, the second is modifying the standard panel and reupholstering it with leather or leatherette. As a result, the dashboard will take on a unique look and not everyone will be able to recognize it as a standard factory panel (if you resort to the second option). When purchasing and installing a front panel from a foreign car, the cost can be about 25,000 rubles; in the case of modifications and upholstery, the factory cost will be about 15,000 rubles;
    • Installation of seats upholstered with expensive material (Alcantara or genuine leather) . Using genuine leather as seat covers will especially emphasize the changes and add comfort to the interior, so using covers made from this material is, although the most expensive, but the appearance of the interior will change dramatically. After all the modifications, to give unity to the new interior, the factory seats should be reupholstered with expensive fabric or leather. But the information from this article will help you understand how to use rubber material to reupholster a car interior.

    This procedure will cost the owner approximately 15,000 rubles, but in addition to increased comfort, the interior will be transformed beyond recognition. The owner can carry out this procedure independently with his own hands if he has some experience;

    Video tuning of the Lada Kalina interior:

    • Also, as an addition to all of the above procedures to complete the interior transformation picture, you can provide additional lighting around the entire perimeter of the cabin. To do this, you will need to lay a diode strip of a certain color (or different colors) around the cabin and power it from a standard battery (on-board network). Additional lighting will give the interior a finished look and highlight the changes made. But how you can use a 12 volt LED strip for a car is described in great detail in this article.

    The total cost of deep interior tuning can be up to 60,000 rubles. If the owner carries out all the procedures independently, this amount can be reduced to 35,000 -40,000 rubles.

    Pasting the interior of Kalina with carbon film

    To make Kalina shine with new colors and acquire the missing gloss and charm, you can cover the interior with carbon film. This type of wrap radically changes the image of the car. The procedure does not take much time, but it requires attention and caution to avoid annoying bubbles and overlaps. You also need to be extremely careful when choosing a film; you should study the texture.

    There is painted carbon, and there is embossed, the second is much better. It fits more interestingly and looks more attractive, but costs a little more. Not all parts can be covered with carbon film, and this should be taken into account. Those panels that smoothly transition into one another, where there are no sharp, right angles, which usually cause problems, are well coated. For tuning you need to arm yourself with the following:

    • film;
    • scissors;
    • stationery knife;
    • pen;
    • construction hairdryer.

    First, we need to remove the parts that interest us and try them on the film. On the back side of the carbon fiber we draw an outline and cut it with a small margin. Now we apply the film directly to the parts and carefully bend the edges, slightly trimming the film at the corners. Using a hairdryer, heat the carbon. The material becomes elastic, pliable, and can be easily put into place. Smooth out and cut off excess, if any.

    Design solutions.

    The appearance of the Kalina corresponded to fashionable trends at that time; biodesign was very popular in the 90s, thanks to which the front of the car turned out to be “cute and smiling.” Thanks to its smooth lines and rounded shapes, the car looked quite modern and harmonious, as evidenced by the fact that it was in demand not only in Russia, but in countries such as Germany, for example.

    In addition to the exterior, the designers abandoned previous interior developments, which did not at all match the appearance of the car. This is how the updated interior appeared, which was designed using the latest equipment in mathematical models. The spaciousness and ease of seating of the Kalina were many times higher than the level of previous models.

    They didn’t skimp on Kalina’s interior design at all, as a result of which the interior turned out to be not only modern, but also very ergonomic.

    Let's move on to specific examples. One of them is the seatback tilt adjustment mechanism. These mechanisms are manufactured by the German company Keiper, which specializes in the development of these units. This is not the only example of the participation of foreign companies in the development of the Kalina’s interior; the seats were also designed with the help of other foreign companies.

    In the late 90s, the Kalina filling differed in many ways from its relatives:

    • instrument panel lighting with LEDs;
    • electric reverse gear lock;
    • factory air conditioner, which could regulate the temperature itself;
    • light switch;
    • new generation headlights;
    • recirculation of the heating system and ventilation system.

    The design of the platform is what really did not give the designers freedom of action. The steering rack is located quite high and is attached to the engine shield. Because of this, it is problematic to balance the driving performance of the car. By experimenting with the suspension, Kalina managed to give it precision when cornering, unlike the VAZ-2110.

    At first, the Kalina was equipped with an eight-valve 1.6-liter engine.

    However, everything can't be perfect!

    The first cars became famous for the fact that up to 50% of their power steering units were faulty, they simply failed! This significant flaw caused a lot of noise among the people, because there were cases when cars turned completely in the wrong direction.

    Later, of course, this defect was corrected by the Kalina designers. The front of the production car was slightly modified, but the light and smooth steering wheel was appreciated (mostly by women). Electric power steering instead of hydraulics is the right solution for Kalina.

    Thus, through experiments with the internal and external appearance of the Kalina, by 2001 it had acquired its final form. The changed appearance of the Kalina was very reminiscent of the Opel Corsa, and the sedan was similar to the Chevrolet Corsa.

    Ultimately, the designers came up with a car tailored for the B-class. It could be compared to the Fiat Palio and Renault Symbol. However, Kalina turned out to be more affordable in its price category and more compact.

    So, VAZ managed to create a new generation car, which was different from its predecessors in almost every way, even though the platform was not the first freshness. In Kalina-2, which is successfully used today, a fairly large number of technical solutions remain from the old version of Kalina.

    Thermostat from grants for VAZ Kalina

    How to install a thermostat from Granta on Kalina

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    Here's everything you need to install a Grant thermostat in a viburnum


    21900-1306010-00 grant 2-gasket.


    The dashboard is considered one of the important elements of the interior. For tuning the interior of Lada-Kalina, two main options are used. The first, which costs a budget, is to buy a special panel trim and attach it over the standard dashboard. This option is considered inexpensive because during its installation it may be difficult to select the exact dimensions. Therefore, the overlay will have to be trimmed a little. This is a rather complex and difficult process, which, if done incorrectly, can completely ruin the appearance of the salon. The second option is to purchase a completely new dashboard. In this case, installation will not take much time. However, you will need to spend a lot of money.

    VAZ Kalina station wagon - tuning as a means of transformation

    Cars of the Kalina series have proven themselves well on Russian roads. If you add tuning to their practicality and unpretentiousness, you will get an excellent car that will look great in a diverse traffic flow.

    1 History of the five-door Lada Kalina car

    The Volga auto giant began mass production of the VAZ 1117 Lada Kalina station wagon in 2007, and the car was first presented at the famous auto show in Germany in Leipzig a year earlier. The seventeenth model is currently the last in this series. The continuation of this VAZ line should be the Lada Kalina Cross.

    VAZ 1117 Lada Kalina

    2 How to make a standard car exterior original and expressive

    If funds allow, you can try airbrushing the body. Which one? It all depends on your tastes and preferences. But we advise you to avoid unnecessary display and provocative drawings in the form of grinning predators and half-naked girls. The car will be decorated with various interweaving patterns, ornaments, and natural compositions. Of course, you can’t do this with your own hands.

    The station wagon will receive further improvement by replacing the standard wheels with more elegant alloy wheels. VAZ Lada Kalina will look more presentable with black or metallic wheels. You can put your car in low-profile tires. Just remember that it is good on flat sections of city streets or country highways. Tuning the car's headlights will also add originality.


    The interior lighting of the Lada Kalina leaves much to be desired. Only the front part of the car is equipped with a small lamp. The rear area of ​​the cabin does not have any lighting devices. According to numerous reviews, tuning the interior of the Lada-Kalina hatchback includes installing a rear row light, which an LED strip will help with. You can connect it to the front lamp, and hide the wiring under the ceiling card. For convenience, you can mount a separate switch in the rear row area. Thanks to this, passengers have the opportunity to turn it on themselves if necessary.

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