Alternator for VAZ 2109 - how to check, replacing brushes, disassembling

How to remove a generator on a VAZ 2109

In a car, a generator is responsible for producing electrical energy to power a device such as a battery. In the absence of its normal operation, the battery is only discharged, and the car is able to function until it completely exhausts its charge.

Checking the VAZ 2109 generator

In order to prevent an extremely unpleasant situation associated with the failure of the generator at the most inopportune moment, it is advisable to regularly check its serviceability. Let's consider the algorithm for carrying out this procedure. You will need a tester (multimeter or similar device) that operates in voltmeter mode, as well as an assistant. Place the car on any flat surface and raise the handbrake, warm up the engine to operating temperature. You can start checking the generator:

1. After warming up the engine, turn on the heated rear window, high beam headlights and heater. At this time, your assistant, who is inside the car, should lightly “accelerate” in order to maintain engine speed - 3000 - 3500 rpm. 2. Measure the voltage at the battery terminals with a tester. It should be at least 13 V. When it is lower, it indicates possible malfunctions of the generator (insufficient tension of the generator drive belt, worn or oily brushes, breakdown of the voltage regulator, “break” in the electrical circuit of the generator, breakdown of the stator, rotor or diode bridge) . 3. Turn off all previously switched on electrical consumers; the engine continues to run. 4. Measure the voltage at the battery terminals; normally it should be 14.3-14.6 V.

On a VAZ 2109, a correctly operating generator should produce at least 13 V at 3000-3500 engine rpm. , and at idle 14.3 - 14.6 V. If the indicators you received during the check do not coincide with the values ​​​​written above, then most likely the generator needs to be replaced.

Dismantling the VAZ 2109 generator

Let's figure out how to do this quickly and without problems. To carry out dismantling, prepare a standard set of tools, it is advisable to place the machine on an inspection hole, then follow these steps:


Disconnect the battery, turning off the power to the car in a similar way.


Next, remove the protective cap from terminal “30” and, unscrewing the nut, carefully remove the wires from the pin.


Now disconnect the block with wires from the generator connector.


Make the fastening of the generator to the adjustment bar weaker, lift it as high as possible to the cylinder block and carefully remove the belt from the pulleys.


Then finally unscrew the bolt securing the adjusting bar to the cylinder block, then from the bottom of the car, unscrew the two bolts securing the lower bracket to the block and remove the generator.

Now all work on dismantling the generator is completed. Install the generator on the VAZ 2109 by performing the steps in reverse order. Be sure to check the condition of the belt; if it is unsatisfactory, change it and further adjust the tension.

By following the above recommendations, you will be able to correctly remove the generator on the VAZ 2109 and install a new, working device.

Replacing the VAZ 2109 generator

Most often, a generator is replaced in the following cases: when its windings fail, when there is a suspicion of incorrect output of current and voltage parameters, or in case of mechanical damage to the device.
Replacement is also necessary when it is necessary to install a more powerful unit based on the operational needs of the vehicle. VAZ generators are reliable and time-tested devices. Over the course of many years of work on the VAZ model range, they were constantly improved and acquired new structural properties. The parameters and technical characteristics of generators were improved, and their cost was optimized depending on market conditions.

In order to replace the generator on a VAZ 2109, you need to know the optimal indicators of a modern device, which you should focus on when purchasing it.

The main parameters required for the full operation of the power unit and electrical system of the car are:

  • Electrical power that a generator can produce. Nominally it is about 700 W.
  • Stable nominal voltage for charging the battery and powering the on-board network is 14 V.
  • The rated rectified current indicator is not less than 52 A.

These operating parameters, which satisfy the design features of the VAZ 2109, are also applicable to the VAZ 2104, 2105, 2107, 2108, 21099.

It should be noted that modern generators have such positive qualities as:

  • the quality of impregnation of the generator winding, which protects it from exposure to high temperatures;
  • modern electronic balancing of the unit rotor;
  • wear-resistant brushes;
  • improved quality of bearings that can withstand prolonged loads;
  • The voltage regulator is stabilized according to its nominal value throughout the entire service life of the device.

The website presents Belarusian generators suitable for the VAZ 2109 and other models. They are characterized by all the positive properties mentioned above. Before installing a new purchased generator, you need to remove the old one.

To make a replacement, you must perform the following operations:

  • install the car on an inspection hole or overpass;
  • de-energize the network by removing the negative terminal from the battery;
  • Remove all wires from the unit and loosen the belt tension nut.

Having completed these simple functions, we remove the generator belt, release the adjusting bar and unscrew the two nuts of its bracket. It is convenient to release them from below. Having removed the generator, you can begin to carry out the necessary work or replace the device completely.

VAZ 2109: replacing alternator brushes on your own

In a VAZ 2109 car, replacing the alternator brushes is necessary if they are even slightly worn out. Otherwise, the generator may be damaged. And this will lead to the fact that it will be impossible to use the machine, since without a generator you can forget about normal functioning. Simply put, the car will not be able to start. And besides, the battery will discharge too quickly. If any defects are noticeable in the operation of the generator, they urgently need to be eliminated. Replacing the brushes of a VAZ 2109 generator is a simple process and anyone can handle it.

Reasons for replacement

Replacing generator brushes VAZ 2109

Generator brushes need to be changed in the following cases:

  • They have worn out so much that they have ceased to perform their main function - to maintain battery charge.
  • The battery drains quickly.

Note: there are many reasons why the battery discharges quickly. Therefore, this does not always signal bad brushes. But just in case, it is better to check them, since perhaps the reason is hidden precisely in them.

Checking brushes at home

Replacing generator brushes on a VAZ 2109

To check if the brushes are working correctly:

  • Remove the battery so that the generator is de-energized. Otherwise, a small short circuit may occur in the system.
  • Disconnect the voltage regulator.
  • Visually inspect all brushes.
  • If their length is less than 5 mm, they must be replaced urgently, as they no longer function as expected.

Quick brush replacement

Replacing brushes in a VAZ 2109 generator

To replace the brushes you will need the following tools:

  • 8 key (or 8 socket).
  • Flathead screwdriver (to remove the cover).
  • Open-end wrench 13.

To replace brushes quickly and easily, do this:

  • Loosen the nut and bolt that secure the generator.
  • Remove the alternator belt.
  • Start the engine.

Note: By the way, a bad belt can also cause alternator problems. It needs to be checked and replaced if necessary. To check, you need to bend it and see if there are any cracks on it.

  • Disconnect the battery (to do this, disconnect its negative terminal). This must be done extremely carefully, since the battery contains acid that can damage the skin if it comes in contact with it. This must be done in order to avoid a possible short circuit.
  • Disconnect the wires from the generator.
  • Remove the front crankcase protection.
  • Unscrew the lower mount of the generator.
  • Use a flat-head screwdriver to block the rotor until it becomes completely stationary.
  • Unscrew the pulley.

Replacing the generator on a VAZ 2108, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099

Welcome! A generator is an integral part of any car, the generator supplies current to the on-board network, which is generated when the generator pulley rotates. Thanks to this, the battery does not have to work constantly and after starting the engine, it stops supplying current to the on-board network of the car, and only one starts supplying it. generator, but there are cases when it fails (Over time, this usually happens because sand and other types of dirt get into the generator, or the generator can simply burn out due to a short circuit) and it becomes impossible to drive a car, since One battery turns on, and when it is completely discharged, the car will stall and simply won’t go anywhere, so the generator needs to be changed when it becomes unusable or repaired (we will still touch on the topic of repairing the generator in this article).

Note! To change the generator, you don’t need a lot of time and tools, it will be enough to stock up on: Several keys, one of which should be “17” and the other about “19” and a pry bar or something like it (A stick, for example)!


Where is the generator located? It is located between the TV and between the engine, when you open the hood you will immediately see it, but it will only be attached a little differently, not as shown in the photo, but the location will be exactly the same, for clarity it is indicated in the photo below with a red arrow.

When should the generator be replaced? 1. You can understand whether it provides charging or not at all in two ways, which one you choose is up to you, we usually recommend the first method to all those people who ask us a question about how to check the generator for serviceability, and it is as follows: You can buy a multi-meter at any auto store (It is available almost everywhere), the Chinese ones are quite cheap (About 300 rubles), You do not work at the station and are not an electrician, so this multi-meter will be quite enough (If you want, of course , you can get it for more expensive), in general, you buy this device and turn on the Voltmeter function on it, after which the leads coming from the multi-meter are connected to the battery (see photo below) and pay attention to the device (If the battery is working and charged, then it will have to give out at least 12.5 Volts, if it gives out less than 12, then it needs to be charged), now the next step is to start the car and the wires coming from the multi-meter are connected in exactly the same way as before (the function should still be turned on on the device Voltmeter) and the device is looked at again, the readings of the device will definitely increase, but if they fall, then the generator is not working properly and does not charge the battery (Also look at the charge lamp, see the small photo, if it is on and the readings of the device with the engine running gradually fall, then the generator is 100% faulty).

2. Now let’s talk about the second method, let us immediately warn you that it is free, but it can have a very bad effect on the generator, this is how it is done, start the car and the choke is pulled out (it is generally not recommended to do this on an injector), so after the choke is pulled out ( Halfway somewhere, so that the engine runs at 1500 rpm) and the car works for a while (A minute is enough, even less), the minus terminal is removed from the battery, and after removal the car will definitely have to continue its work (This indicates that the on-board network the car, and the ignition is powered from the generator and not from the battery), but if it stalls immediately, then the generator does not work (The brushes are worn out or the diode bridge is burned out), in general, such a generator will have to be removed and checked for serviceability (By the way, about how repair the generator, read the article: “Repairing the generator on a VAZ”) but there is one big minus, if the generator is not working correctly (This happens because of the brushes) but it still works, then the car will not stall and because of this, it will always the car's battery is discharged and therefore, to find out more accurately whether it provides charging and whether it gives it as it should, you can only find out with a multi-meter and by the way, if you buy this device, you will not regret it, since it will be very useful to you in the future .

Electric generator device

The internal structure of a self-generator is very similar to a typical electric motor, but with certain differences. Moreover, differences in detail are present both external and internal. So, in the circuit of a self-oscillator there are such elements as:

  • special voltage regulator;
  • rectifier assembly (diode bridge).

In conventional electric motors, the above elements are rarely present, and their presence depends on the industry and the specific application of electric motors. But in autogenerators, the presence of such electronic components is simply necessary, since without them voltage surges can occur, as well as exceeding the maximum permissible voltage. Severely over or undervoltage in the on-board network negatively affects the condition of the on-board network, up to the fire of electrical appliances in the cabin (radio, subwoofer, alarm, etc.).

Repair of generator VAZ 2109

On VAZ 2109 cars there are two types of generator - the VAZ 2109 generator is a carburetor engine and an injection engine. They differ in both the fastening, the housing and the belt drive pulley. On a carburetor power system, the generator pulley is wedge-shaped, and on the injection engine of the VAZ 2109 it is poly-V-V or popularly “rivulet”. Below are images of two types of generator for the VAZ 2109.

Generator VAZ 2109 with carburetor

Device: 1 – fan impeller, 2 – generator, 3 – capacitor, 4 – voltage regulator assembly with brush holder, 5 – generator marking, 6 – bracket

Generator VAZ 2109 with injection engine

Device: 1 – pulley, 2 – washer, 3 – front cover, 4 – spacer ring, 5 – rotor; 6 – stator, 7 – back cover, 8 – casing, 9 – rectifier unit with capacitor, 10 – brush holder with voltage regulator.

VAZ 2109 generator malfunctions

The main generator malfunctions are failure of the VAZ 2109 generator brush or the regulator relay as a whole with brushes. To replace the generator regulator relay, it is not at all necessary to remove the VAZ 2109 generator, since the removal and installation of the generator brushes can be done on site. Also, in rare cases, the diode bridge flies out. If a global repair and disassembly of the VAZ 2109 generator is required, then you should know how to remove the generator.

Removing the VAZ 2109 generator

IMPORTANT: Before starting work on removing the generator, the first thing you need to do is disconnect the “-” terminal from the battery.

Disconnect the block with the wire from the generator terminal.

Slide the rubber boot, unscrew the nut and disconnect the wires from the “ZO” terminal of the generator.

Loosen the adjusting nut and the lower generator mounting nut.

Move the alternator to the engine and remove the belt.

Unscrew the bolt securing the adjusting bar.

From the bottom of the engine compartment, unscrew the two bolts securing the bracket, holding the generator.

Remove the generator from the car.

Install the generator in reverse order. When attaching the generator bracket, the longer bolt is installed closer to the generator drive! After installation, adjust the belt tension.

Checking the VAZ 2109 generator

A generator for a VAZ 2109, the price of which exceeds 1000 rubles, is worth checking before purchasing; the easiest way to check a generator for a VAZ 2109 is to turn on all possible lighting devices and remove the negative terminal from the battery for a few seconds and or, if you have a “device” tester, check current supplied to the battery. Are you trying to repair a VAZ 2109 generator before buying a new one?

Possible faults

Before removing the generator and repairing the disassembled device, we will consider the main malfunctions characteristic of this unit:

  1. When the ignition is turned on, the mechanism light does not light up. As a rule, this problem is associated with a broken ignition switch, possible breaks in the wire, or a broken fuse. First of all, it is necessary to diagnose the fuses and wiring; the electrical circuit is checked using a tester.
  2. The unit light does not light up, and the battery is greatly discharged, but the control devices function normally. Usually the cause of the breakdown in this case lies in the performance of the generator. We are talking about a possible short circuit of the diodes, poor contact of the excitation winding connection, failure of the relay or inoperability of the brush holders. In addition, in some cases, the problem may lie in a break in the wiring that goes from the generator unit to the control panel. Perhaps the reason is simply poor contact of the light bulb itself or its failure. In order for the unit to supply current and operate normally, all its elements must be operational. If the problem is with the brushes, then they need to be replaced with similar ones of the same size.
  3. The unit light works when the engine is on, and the battery can be recharged. First of all, pay attention to the performance of the regulator.
  4. When the engine is running, the light on the dashboard lights up very brightly or only at 50%. In this case, it is necessary to diagnose the VAZ alternator belt - perhaps it is worn out or simply weakened. Replacing the strap or tightening it can solve the problem. In some cases, the cause of the malfunction lies in a short-circuit of the stator winding to ground or an open circuit. The problem may also be the inoperability of the diodes or the rotor outputs being unsoldered from the slip rings. You can try to solve the problem by soldering the leads.
  5. If the unit is very noisy, first you should check the bearing device. In addition, the appearance of noise may be caused by a short circuit of the stator winding to ground or a short circuit of one of the diode components (video author - Vyacheslav Lyakhov).

Replacing the VAZ 2110 generator

Good day, dear visitors of the site In this article you will find information on how to replace a VAZ 2110 generator.

This information will also be suitable for owners of the entire line of the tenth family, and will also not ignore Priora, Kalina and other new VAZ models.

Before replacing the generator, you must make sure that it is faulty, otherwise there are cases where the generator was removed, but it is working.

In order not to remove the generator once again, you need to make sure that it is faulty. To do this, I recommend reading the corresponding article “Checking the VAZ generator”.

After we are convinced that the generator is not working, we proceed to replace it.

Since the generator is directly connected to the vehicle's electrical circuit, we need to prevent an accidental short circuit from occurring. To do this, you need to disconnect the positive terminal of the battery.

Now we are not in danger of a short circuit and we can safely disconnect the electrical wires from the generator. Everything is removed simply: a chip, two or three positive wires (under a rubber cap), which are secured with a ten-spanner nut.

Next we need to remove the alternator belt. On models of the tenth family, a flat multi-ribbed alternator belt is installed and a special mechanism is used to tension it, which we need to remove.

To remove it, you need to loosen the fixing nut of the tension mechanism.

After releasing the fixing nut, you need to completely unscrew the tension bolt and pull out the tension bracket.

Using a pry bar or a suitable piece of metal rod, we move the generator towards the engine block. At this point, the alternator belt will weaken and can be removed from the pulley without much difficulty.

Diode bridge

This unit is a regular rectifier.
It contains 6 diodes. Half of them fall on the “minus” (the mass is connected to the cathode), the other, respectively, on the “plus” (anode). The bridge is checked with a tester switched to sound mode. It will be much more convenient to work here. It is necessary to ring each diode separately in different directions. But normally the signal will sound only once. If a squeak is heard in both cases, the part needs to be replaced. However, in fact, the easiest way is to install a completely new bridge - it is not that expensive.

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