Hood lock device for VAZ 2114, removal and installation of the hood lock, replacement of the hood rod

A jamming or poorly functioning hood lock, unfortunately, is never one of those breakdowns that drivers repair right away. Although adjusting this small mechanism twice a year would save many Zhiguli owners from the need to replace the hood lock on a VAZ 2114 at the most inconvenient time and urgently.

The locking mechanism fails gradually, only in 2% of cases, it breaks suddenly, the spring cracks or the safety hook flies out. In other cases, the lock gradually loosens, and the driver has to slam the lid harder and harder. How to replace and adjust the mechanism yourself, using a minimum of tools and without sufficient experience.

  • latch pin,
  • springs - lock latches, hooks,
  • lock-nut,
  • lock washer,
  • hook - hook axis, handle,
  • cups - upper, lower,
  • traction mechanism - holders, bushing, seal, shell,
  • lever.

The lock on the entire line of Zhiguli cars works extremely simply: by slamming the hood, the pin falls into a standard hole on the frame and is held in place by a spring. By pressing the traction handle in the passenger compartment, the latch is released, opening a small gap. By pressing the safety hook handle, the lid opens completely.

Hood lock device

Here is a picture that clearly explains the operation of the mechanism for opening/closing the hood using the example of a G8.

As you can see, the cable passes through a significant part of the perimeter of the engine compartment. The rod that opens the hood of the car is laid with bends and comes into contact with many body parts. The cable is subject to abrasion and stretching even despite the presence of a protective sheath. The principle of operation is simple - the driver pulls the handle (11) and, using the movement of the cable, releases the latch pin. The hood is supported only by a safety hook, which, when folded back, the car owner gains access to the key components of the car.

Hood lock device

The entire VAZ line has a mechanical lock device, with similar main parts. VAZ 2114, 2115 have additional plastic protection installed under the bumper. This is important to remember when the cover jams after the cable breaks. Otherwise, the locking mechanism has the following parts. Using the example of the hood lock of the VAZ 2110.

  • latch pin;
  • springs - lock latches, hook;
  • lock-nut;
  • lock washer;
  • hook - hook axis, handle;
  • cups - upper, lower;
  • traction mechanism - holders, bushing, seal, shell;
  • lever.

The lock on the entire line of Zhiguli cars works extremely simply: by slamming the hood, the pin falls into a standard hole on the frame and is held in place by a spring. By pressing the traction handle in the passenger compartment, the latch is released, opening a small gap. By pressing the safety hook handle, the lid opens completely.

How to open a car hood if the cable is damaged

You can often come across the following request from owners of “fourteeners”: the hood cable of the VAZ 2114 has broken - what to do? Access to the engine compartment of the Samara is possible if the car enthusiast knows a few tricks. The main difficulty is determining the location of the traction break. Often the “thread” breaks directly at the point of attachment to the hood release handle. In this case, you can manually search the indicated area and try to hook the tip of the cable with pliers. If this is successful, then you just need to pull the torn end towards you to open the hood.

If the break occurs somewhere in the engine compartment, then the situation becomes much more complicated. In this case, you will have to remove the decorative grille from the front of the car. This is necessary in order to forcibly unlock the latch pin. The grille is removed in order to crawl up to the hood lock from below and remove the pin. Look how cleverly the owner of an old Opel can open the lid, on which, like on the Four, the hood is retracted to the glass.

In order to unlock the lock, you must use a thin but not brittle wire.

Removal and installation

Removing and installing the hood of a VAZ 2114 is quite easy without the help of others, without resorting to the help of a car service. How to do this will be discussed further. The hood is held in place by hinges located along the rear edge of the front part of the body. A hood lock with a hook is installed in front, which protects it from opening while the car is moving. In the open position, the hood rests on an iron stop. The lock has a cable drive with a handle, which is located inside the cabin under the instrument panel on the left side.

In order to remove the hood, you need to open it and put it on the stop. Then you need to disconnect the windshield washer tube from the tee, and also disconnect the electrical wires from the engine compartment lamp. Now you can unscrew the four bolts securing the hinges to the hood. It is better to have an assistant nearby at this time to hold the hood suspended. By unscrewing these bolts, you can remove the hood of the VAZ 2114 from the body. The withdrawal operation is completed. Installation is done in reverse order. But at the very end, before tightening the fastening bolts, you will need to adjust the gaps between the hood and the body wings.

Replacing the hood cable of a VAZ 2114

Buying a new cable is not a complicated matter - any car store within walking distance is unlikely to ask for more than 150 rubles. On the shelves you can find imported Czech-made rods, which, according to the assurances of “experienced” ones, are of course many times stronger than our “snot”. But, in fact, the difference between the options available on the market is minimal: the strength characteristics are almost identical.

Replacing the hood cable of a VAZ 2114 will not cause any difficulties if you follow the algorithm outlined below. To carry out repairs, the car owner will need: a set of screwdrivers, pliers.

Algorithm (also relevant for models “2113”, “2115”):

  1. We bend the bent end of the cable at the place where the rod is attached to the hood opening handle;
  2. Move the locking ring of the handle to the upper position;
  3. Remove the hood release handle (optional);
  4. We climb under the hood and remove the O-ring;
  5. Disconnect the rod clamps in the area of ​​the sealing ring;

  6. We remove the rubber seals around the perimeter of the engine compartment;
  7. We drag the rod through the partition of the engine compartment;

  8. We take out the rod holders that secure the shell with the drive to the body;
  9. Remove the other end of the cable from the hood lid spring;
  10. We pull out the drive shells from the clamp;
  11. Remove the hood cable;
  12. We perform the steps described above in reverse order with the new cable.

When reinstalling, try not to damage the hood lock spring - if this happens, the hood may begin to open spontaneously while moving. When purchasing a new cable, pay attention to the number of traction strands - monofilament cables are much less durable and are prone to breaking and chafing. If you have any questions, watch this useful thematic video

Replacing the hood lock on a VAZ 2108, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099

Before we start replacing the hood latch, let's take a look: What actually goes into the so-called hood latch? Firstly, the castle includes:

Two hood release handles. (One handle is installed in the cabin, and the other is located in the engine compartment)

The lock also includes the lock drive cable itself, as well as the hood latch and safety hook. Read the entire instructions on replacing parts of the lock below.

In the process of replacing the hood , you will need a screwdriver, as well as wrenches and thin pliers!

When do you need to change the hood latch components?

For example, the handles used to open the hood of a car must be replaced if they break down or are otherwise deformed, due to which opening the hood of a car will be problematic or completely unrealistic.

The lock drive cable must be replaced if it is broken or deformed, due to which it will also be impossible to open the hood of the car.

The hood latch and the lock spring need to be changed if they are also deformed, since usually if they are severely worn or distorted, the hood of the car can spontaneously open while driving.

How to replace and adjust the hood lock on a VAZ 2114

1. Before work, you need to mark the location of the latch on the hood with a marker.

2. Using a screwdriver and a size 17 wrench, loosen the locknut.

3. Unscrew the retainer using the locknut and washer.

4. Using a screwdriver, remove the safety hook shaft lock washer.

5. Then remove the axle and remove the lever from the 2 plastic supports.

6. Pull out the safety hook assembly with the actuation lever.

7. Pull the top end of the retaining spring out of the hole in the panel.

8. Disconnect the drive rod from the spring and remove it from the body panel.

9. Installation is carried out in reverse order.

Adjusting the hood latch

Adjustment is made by changing the position of the lock latch.

1. Loosen the locknut and install the latch so that it fits exactly into the hole in the front panel with the hood closed.

2. To adjust the lock latch protrusion, unscrew the lock nut and adjust the protrusion using a screwdriver. Next, secure it with a locknut.

The cable is broken - what to do?

Not everyone knows that a cable is responsible for opening the hood, which is connected to the hood and a button for opening it. If the cable is broken, the hood will not open.

In order to open the hood, you must first remove the protection. If the car is equipped with serious impact protection, then it must be removed, 2 front fastenings are responsible for this, they are tightened with both front crab bolts. If the machine has simple protection, then it can be removed by unscrewing the screws on the “TV.” If the protection is medium, it includes 2 parts, and also uses other screws that finally secure it, and all of them are unscrewed with a simple 8 key.

The next step is to control the cable fastening, after which the hood opens. To do this, you need to reach with your hand to that very “TV” and pull the eyelet of this cable in the direction where the cable usually pulls it to the left.

Under no circumstances should you force yourself to unlock the lock. If you pulled the VAZ hood cable, but the hood still does not open, you do not need to pull it harder, just resort to alternative help. To do this, you need to continue to pull the eye to the left side, and at the same time prop the VAZ hood up with the same hand. Most likely, it will not be possible to reach the hood with your other hand, so if you cannot perform both operations at the same time with one hand, you need to resort to the help of another person who will support the hood from the outside. Only after all operations will the driver be able to open the hood of the VAZ.

If the driver wants to change the cable and not have to deal with this problem in the future, it is necessary to remove the old cable and install a new one. Be sure to stretch the cable to the front eye and put it in place so that the cable does not fly off again. After all this, you need to remember where the neck of the cable was previously located, and it was in the second eye, so by pulling it in the opposite direction, the cable will be in its place.

Installation of sports locks

Sports hood locks can be installed instead of standard parts or as additional insurance. It is recommended not to abandon the original locking mechanism; this is an additional guarantee that the hood will not be opened by intruders; the latches on VAZ cars are quite strong and can withstand significant mechanical forces if they are opened.

Installing sports locks on the hood of a VAZ will require additional tools and some skills; the whole process takes several hours.

Tools and materials

  • tape measure or ruler;
  • round file;
  • drill;
  • open-end wrench 19;
  • crosshead screwdriver.

Preparing for installation

Before installing the sports lock, it is necessary to accurately measure the places where the rods are attached on the bar.

  1. Holes are drilled in the frame above the headlights and rods are installed.
  2. the tops of the rods are smeared with grease, and the hood lid is covered so that fingerprints remain on the lid.
  3. On the hood, on the printed marks from the rods, the necessary holes should be drilled.

Hood drilling steps:

  1. The hood cover is drilled from the inside out.
  2. Take the smallest drill and drill a hole on a solid wheel.
  3. The hole is expanded with a large drill.
  4. Checking holes for additional boring.
  5. The hole should be 1-2 mm away from the rod.

The preparatory procedure before installing the sports lock is completed.


Installing the lock also requires using a drill to secure it to the hood. Stages of work:

  1. For example, the protective coating is removed from the plate on the hood lock of a VAZ 2106, the plate is applied to the hood and the four mounting holes for the plate are measured.
  2. Use a thin drill to drill the cover for the screws.
  3. The plate is screwed on with self-tapping screws.
  4. The rods are tightened to the optimal position.
  5. Studs are inserted into the holes of the rods.
  6. Installation of safety cables.
  7. Installation completed.

Of course, repairing and adjusting the lock is not a complicated procedure that you can easily do yourself. A well-reinforced hood means driver safety on the road; it’s hard to imagine what the consequences of a hood suddenly opening on the highway could be.

Other breakdowns that may lead to major repairs

It is important to know that the hood of the VAZ 2114 is not the only problem area in the car. In addition, the driver may encounter other difficulties that may lead to the repair of VAZ 2109, VAZ 2108, VAZ 2115, VAZ 2114.

The VAZ 2114 often encounters some minor damage. Every driver of such a car has at least once encountered the fact that the door handle breaks in his hands, especially on the driver's door. Frequent use of this pen resulted in constant repairs. Previously, such cars could be found in taxi services, and there was discomfort for passengers when they had to enter the salon only through one door, because the handles on all the others were broken.

Another problem that plagues motorists with domestic cars is stove failure. In a VAZ 2114 car, the stove always heats perfectly, even in the coldest winter. This is due to the fact that domestic car manufacturers tried to adapt their invention to all regions of the country. But in such cars the stove can break down at any moment, so you should always be prepared for its breakdown.

Another minor damage that plagues domestic VAZs is a breakdown of the glove compartment; sometimes it simply does not close, and drivers are already accustomed to leaving it open. The locking mechanism in the glove compartment, which is responsible for opening, stops functioning; it can become jammed. In order to open it, you need to make an effort. According to statistics, not every driver is in a hurry to repair the glove compartment lock.


To repair the lock and replace parts, you will need the following tools:

  • open-end wrench for 17 and 19;
  • liquid oil for lubrication;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • pliers or pliers.

Repairing a lock yourself requires some skill and slowness, so you need to count on at least 2 hours. First you need to determine which mechanism in the lock has failed; most often it requires repair:

  • springs (zam, hook, latch);
  • replacement of traction.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to repair the hood lock in a few minutes for the first time.

Replacing the lock spring

The lock spring is located on the car frame. Wear of the metal part, deformation and cracks cause the hood to not close tightly. Using the VAZ 2114 as an example, you can install the lock spring in several stages:

  1. Disconnection from the spring of the traction mechanism. A screwdriver is used.
  2. Removing the spring.
  3. Installing a new lock spring.

Replacing the latch spring

If you need to change the latch lock spring, for example, on a VAZ 2114, you will need a flat-head screwdriver and a 19mm wrench. You can change the spring in three stages:

  1. Kickback (loosening) of the locknut.
  2. Unscrewing the pin.
  3. When the locking mechanism is removed, the spring is replaced with a new one and a similar assembly is performed in the reverse order.

After repairs, it is recommended to always check how the hood latches after replacing the part.

Replacing the hook spring

Unlike the previous two spring replacements, replacing the lock spring will require either pliers or fine tweezers. Repair is more painstaking and requires a certain skill. The work is carried out according to the following principle:

  1. Use a screwdriver to pry off the lock washer that holds the hook axis.
  2. The washer is removed from the grooves with tweezers (or pliers).
  3. The hook axis is removed.
  4. The spring is removed.

What is diagnostics of VAZ 2114

To solve problems, they diagnose the car, especially if it is a domestic car.

In addition, diagnostics are also intended to prevent various malfunctions; after such a procedure, the machine will not break down again.

With the help of on-board computers, many malfunctions can be prevented, as well as making it easier for the owner to monitor the general condition of the car. To do this, as a rule, you will need a laptop and some knowledge and skills in using software. The driver will have problems understanding the entire diagnostic system only during the first time of using the car. It is usually difficult for older drivers to carry out diagnostics; it is easier for them when it is done at a service station.

The VAZ 2114, like other cars in this line, are not ideal, but they have a number of advantages that foreign cars do not have. Even if the VAZ breaks down, there is no need to panic, the mechanics know the solution to any problem, especially since spare parts for such cars are easy to buy, including the aforementioned door handle or hood cable.

Domestic cars require delicate care. Although such cars break down, they can nevertheless be repaired an unlimited number of times, which is why cars that were produced a long time ago still drive on Russian roads.

Car owners often face the problem of opening the hood due to a broken cable. This is an important part that helps to gain access to the “heart” of the car. A broken cable drive causes a lot of trouble for the driver. Breakdowns always happen unexpectedly and at the wrong time.

Imagine a situation where, on a winter morning, you are rushing to work, trying to start your car, but nothing works. You urgently pull the lever that opens the hood to look at the engine. The characteristic sound of a broken cable is heard. And you understand that you will have to take a taxi to work.

Any driver should be able to get out of such situations. This will allow you to do without car services, saving money and time. This article will help you learn how to open the hood if the cable breaks. By applying the tips, you will cope with the problem.

How to ensure ease of opening and reliable fixation?

For these purposes, a special part is sold that can be installed on the car independently. This part is called a gas stop. They replace the standard rack and, as a result, the consumer characteristics of the car increase sharply. The opening of the hood begins to occur as follows. You just need to lift the hood a little with one hand. Next, the gas stop gets to work. He himself will raise the hood to the required height and firmly fix it on it. The standard stop will no longer be used. During operation, this stop does not require any maintenance.

Many owners of VAZ 2114 cars prefer to install a gas strut on their car, especially since the installation process does not require much effort. To perform this operation you will need:

Problems with the hood hinge. Body repair.

VAZ 2114

hit us with a head-on blow.
Deformation of side members with body geometry configuration. Bumper, hood

Repair of the hood of a VAZ 2114 car

How to expose the hood

in height on the mounting mounts if there is no adjustment Device In the video.

  • The stops themselves;
  • Two keys for 13;
  • Four nuts with washers for 13mm;
  • Drill;
  • Eight-millimeter drill;
  • A little enamel and bitumen.

First, we lift the hood and install it on the still old stop. Then you need to mark the places where there will be holes that will need to be drilled without the help of others. It is necessary to measure 530 mm on both sides of the hood.

In this case, the internal distance between the 2 holes will be equal to 310 millimeters. Holes will be drilled in the thickening of the hood, inside of which there is emptiness. Nevertheless, the procedure should be approached with all responsibility, because if you overdo it, you can drill a hole in the hood itself. Having made sure that everything is marked correctly, we proceed directly to drilling. Using a drill, you need to make four holes. Two in the hood thickening and two under the hood, one on each side of the body cross member. To prevent the possibility of corrosion, it is better to treat the resulting holes with an anti-corrosion compound and paint. After which you can proceed directly to the installation. We take the gas stop and install it in the drilled holes on one side. We do the same with the second emphasis. They will need to be screwed. For those who work without an assistant, it is better to first screw the stops onto the hood, and only later onto the body. If there is someone nearby who can support the hood, then the sequence of actions does not really matter. When everything is ready, it will be possible to test the installed stops in action. You will need to test opening and closing the hood a couple of times. It should open simply and smoothly, and closing should not be accompanied by significant effort.

Causes of cable drive failure

A common cause of cable breakage is natural wear and tear. Over time, it stretches and frays in places where it bends. Lack of lubrication also greatly affects its service life.

If the lock and cable have not been treated with oil for a long time, then jamming occurs. The driver has to make a lot of effort to open the hood. As a result, the cable drive fails.

Regularly monitor the condition of the lock and cable. At low temperatures they freeze. When you feel that the hood is difficult to open, identify the cause and fix the problem without waiting for a breakdown. If the cable breaks, install a new one. Try to securely fix it without bending it. Finally, treat the lock with grease. After quality work done, you will forget about the problem with a broken cable for a long time.

Adjusting the lock


Adjusting the lock can be useful when the hood does not lock well or you have to make quite a lot of effort to close it. This adjustment is also necessary if there is vertical free movement of the hood when it is in the closed position.

In addition, hard impacts when closing, as well as difficulties when opening, also require this adjustment. In order to complete this procedure you will need:

You need to loosen the tightened locknut, immediately holding the latch with a screwdriver to prevent it from turning. Adjusting the height of the latch is painfully simple. To do this, you need to either wrap it, or, on the contrary, turn it away. To adjust the horizontal position of the latch, move it in the required direction. After the adjustment is completed, you need to make sure the lock is working correctly. If it still does not lock or any defects still remain, the adjustment function will need to be repeated.

Video: how to open the hood - VAZ 2108-2115

Assumes some knowledge. And we are not talking about driving techniques or traffic rules. In any case, minor breakdowns and malfunctions are inevitable, which it would be good to be able to fix on the spot, so as not to spend money on a tow truck and service. Such skills will save you not only finances, but also time and nerves.

Sometimes it happens that the hood on a 2115, 2114 or 2109, and on other cars from the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, does not open or close. This is a very unpleasant breakdown, and it is not immediately clear what to do in this case. As a rule, this is caused by the fact that the lock drive cable that connects it to the opening handle has broken. Do not rush to go to the mechanics at the service station. you can easily fix it yourself, you only need a minimum of tools and a hole. Well, or an overpass. And then in a non-optimistic case.

Adjusting the gaps between the hood and wings of the VAZ 2114

Open and put the hood on the latch. Loosen the bolts securing it to the hinges. Two on each side. We then cover the hood and position it so that the gaps between the fenders and the hood are equal on both the right and left sides. Now carefully lift the hood and tighten the mounting bolts securely.

The hood can be adjusted in height by changing the height of the adjusting pads. There are two. These buffers must be installed so that the surfaces of the fenders and hood are level.

The height of the buffers can be adjusted by screwing or unscrewing them. After completing all these steps, you need to make sure that the hood now opens easily and is securely locked. If there is a loose closure or other locking problem, the hood latch will need to be adjusted.

Hood with gas stop VAZ 2114

If you're lucky

First, remember: if the cable breaks, do not try to open the hood by force. This will only make it worse, because the metal where it joins the body is not the thickest. Let's first consider an easier case. Regardless of whether it is a VAZ-2114 or a VAZ-2109, you need to open the hood, as you know, from inside the car using the handle. So, if the cable breaks right next to it, then you can untwist it and pick up its tail with pliers. Then pull it towards you and. Both on the VAZ-2115 and on older models the scheme is the same, so do not immediately rule out this option. Actually, after you have opened the hood, you can begin the repair, so that after everything you don’t have to climb for pliers again.

For repair, in fact, you only need one part. Carefully remove the broken cable from the fastenings and install a new one in them. The hood will open normally. The only detail: it is better to ask someone for help to press the spring of the mechanism while you attach the other tail to the handle. Then the cable will be tensioned better.

Sound insulation of the hood

Many owners of the VAZ 2114 would like to feel less noise while driving the car. It must be admitted that the engine in this car is far from quiet. The noise from its operation is clearly transmitted into the cabin. Soundproofing the hood can help overcome this problem. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just that. For a more tangible effect, you need to soundproof the front fenders and the wall of the engine compartment.

The hood is a rigid frame, which consists of a welded steel profile, as well as a steel sheet, which is, in fact, the hood cover. Only the inside of the hood cover needs to be glued with soundproofing material.

If you're unlucky

A less good outcome is, unfortunately, more likely. If the hood on your VAZ-2114, VAZ-2115 or VAZ-2109 does not open and you cannot feel its edge from the passenger compartment, you will have to drive onto a pit or overpass. Some dismantling work will have to be done.

Unscrew the engine protection. It is secured with several bolts, and you will need a 10mm wrench. And then reach with your hand between the engine and the radiator towards the hood. The opening mechanism must be moved towards the driver's door. Ideally, someone should help you, because in normal conditions this mechanism will be more difficult to open. If someone or something presses down on the hood, you will be able to open it much easier.

After sliding the mount, fold it back and fix it. If this is not done, it may well slam shut and you will have to crawl under the car again. As we wrote above, start repairs as soon as possible, so that you don’t have to do this procedure every time you need to check the oil due to a broken cable.

As practice shows, the hood opening cable on the VAZ-2115, VAZ-2114 and VAZ-2109 can break for a number of reasons, the main one of which is temperature changes. The steel wire used for it is very sensitive to kinks, and again it does not become stronger due to defrosting/freezing cycles.

Caring for the body in general and the hood in particular


It's no secret that the body is the main and most expensive part of any car. VAZ 2114 is no exception in this regard. The body of this car is made of high-quality metal and is quite well protected from corrosion. But the effectiveness of factory anti-corrosion treatment also depends on the attention and care of the owner, the storage conditions of the machine, and also the operating conditions.

You can see scratches and abrasions on the hoods of some cars. This in most cases occurs due to the fact that the owners removed dust, remaining dirt and sand from the body with a dry cloth. This is absolutely impossible to do. To remove dirt from the hood in advance, you need to soak it with water, and also use a moistened and soft sponge. If you find bird droppings on the hood or the entire body, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible. It is very aggressive to enamel and, if left on it for a long time, can even corrode the paint until the metal is exposed.

If you wash the body yourself, then in the summer you need to do it in the shade. If this condition cannot be met, you should immediately wipe the washed surface dry, since when water drops dry under the bright and very hot sun, stains can be created. In winter, after washing your car in a warm room before leaving, wipe the body and door seals dry, because when the remaining drops freeze, cracks may form in the paintwork and the seals may freeze to the body. It is not recommended to use soda and alkaline mixtures, as well as waste water, to wash the car, so that the coating does not fade.

In cases where even the smallest signs of corrosion are detected, you need to clean such places with small sandpaper until the bare metal is removed. Later, these places should be treated with a special agent for cool phosphating, covered with primer and painted over with car enamel.

If there is no experience in carrying out such work, then it is better to entrust this function to specialists, because the operation is quite responsible. Traces of corrosion on welding joints and connections of body parts are superficial and can be removed at the initial stage with polishing pastes. This is easy to do without the help of others. If measures are not taken in a timely manner to eliminate defects in the protective and decorative coating, this will lead to the development of corrosion under the coating layer, its peeling and swelling.

During operation of the machine, the bottom is subjected to brutal exposure to chemical reagents, salt and sand. The mastic and soil that protect the bottom wear off over time, and the bare metal becomes unable to resist corrosion. That is why you need to carefully monitor the condition of the bottom covering, and, if necessary, restore damaged areas.

To preserve the shine of the paintwork for as long as possible, it is necessary to polish the body frequently, using special polishing pastes. This especially applies to cars that are stored outside the garage in the open air. Polishing pastes are capable of sealing microcracks and pores that inevitably appear during operation. This prevents rust from forming under the paint layer. You should also not leave the car under bright and very hot sun for a long time.


As can be seen from the article, opening the hood of a VAZ-2114 without a cable, if it breaks, is quite easy and simple. Even novice motorists are able to cope with such a simple task. It is worth noting that it is necessary to follow safety rules when carrying out such work, since you can easily injure your hands, so it is recommended to work with gloves.

I haven’t written anything for a long time, because... I stupidly poured gas and checked the oil, but then the hood didn’t open, well, I think that’s it, we’ve arrived, the cable broke, I pulled the handle and the cable came out into the cabin by 5-10 cm, well, I think I’ll have to open it anyway! I surfed the Internet in the evening, in general here some are capable of anything, some tore out the plastic protection, some with jacks, there were even options with an angle grinder o_O in general I decided that there was most likely no more humane way than climbing through the bottom... last night after work I rolled it into the pit and then it started...

I removed the pan I removed one sheet of protection from the side of the left wheel (4 screws) I stuck my hand between the radiator and the engine, felt for the pin (No. 3) and tried to unscrew it, but spent the evening on it without success

Today I climbed behind the light, somehow shone a flashlight and noticed that the spring (No. 21) that holds the cable was hanging like snot on the fence, in general, I asked my father to press the hood, meanwhile I used a screwdriver to pick out the remaining piece of the spring from under this pin, and he opened the hood! =)

I immediately ran into a nearby store and bought this spring for 5 rubles (at a discount) =) and put the torn pan on the rivets...


If the cable does NOT come out completely into the interior, then most likely the problem is in the spring, if the cable came out, but there is a chance that it broke in the interior and can be removed with pliers, well, this is in the best case. Otherwise, we stupidly climb through the bottom, unscrew the pin and rejoice)

Finding out the causes of a malfunction in the hood is the car owner’s primary task, since such a breakdown creates high risks when driving, and not only for the car owner. To find out why the hood of the VAZ-2114 does not close, you will need to carry out a number of diagnostic measures.

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