Replacing the crab mount for the VAZ 2108-99 with your own hands

Crab – bracket securing the car suspension brace

A common problem with “nines” is the destruction of the bracket that secures the front suspension brace of the car, which is located under the front bumper. Replacement of the VAZ 2109 crab is necessary in case of its destruction, in case of accidental bumping into a high stone or curb, as well as cracks due to “fatigue” of the metal. It is made of a rather fragile aluminum alloy silumin, which is easily destroyed upon impact. When the “crab” is destroyed, it is necessary to replace the VAZ 2109 crab, since the front end of the lever loses its fastening, hangs freely in the air, and no longer holds the front wheel of the car in the desired position.

Replacing Silent Blocks of the Crab VAZ 2109

Replacing silent blocks VAZ front suspension 2109

This article will tell you how to replace lower control arm silent blocks front suspension

Do it yourself VAZ 2109.
Replacing silent blocks
refers to more complex work related to the chassis. However, if everything is done correctly (as indicated), problems and difficulties should not arise. To make this more clear, I am adding informative photos to this VAZ 2109

replacement of front silent blocks of VAZ 2109, tools:

  1. Visa.
  2. New silent VAZ units 2109
  3. Soapy water (detergent or liquid soap).
  4. Gas burner or other fire source.
  5. A piece of pipe of such a diameter that the silent block fits freely into it.
  6. A set of keys.
  7. Chisel and hammer.
  8. WD-40.

It is best to carry out work on an inspection hole or a lift.

So, let's begin. replacing silent blocks

begins like any other dismantling and dismantling job.

1. Replacing the rear silent blocks of the VAZ 2110. Unscrew the lower arm. To do this, use an extension head to unscrew: the tension nut, the nut for attaching to the body, as well as the anti-roll bar and two ball joint bolts. It will take a lot of force to break stuck and rusty nuts, otherwise use WD-400 or heat the joint. If the nut does not loosen even after all the above methods, unscrew the crab

, then pick it up and try again.

2. Next, keep the lever in the vise and try using a lamp or torch to burn the old silent block out of the seat. If this method does not suit you, then you will have to squeeze out the silent unit with a special collector or the same vicious one, but using fire is easier and faster.

2108-2115 replacement quiet crab, part 1. Do it yourself.

The video will tell you how to replace the crab sleeve

on front-wheel drive

replacing silent blocks in a vase crabs 2115 2114 2113

replacing silent blocks

crab vases
2115 2114 2113. Connection to the AIR Media Partner network:

3. Replacing the silent blocks of a VAZ 2110 with your own hands. After the silent block has burned a little, remove it with a screwdriver or chisel and it should come out easily.

replacing silent blocks

front suspension VAZ
4. Now you are ready to install a new silent unit, which must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of dirt, dust and rust before installation.

5. Once everything is ready, you can start replacing it. front suspension silent blocks for new ones

To do this you need soapy water, carefully treat the mounting socket with soapy water, then install a new silent block, as shown in the photo, and carefully, using a screwdriver, begin to press it against the hole. You can also apply undiluted liquid soap directly into the hole, then the resistance will be much less

Replacing brake discs on a VAZ 2110, VAZ 2109 and other models yourself is not a complicated procedure, and any car owner can handle it. At first it may not work, but don’t rush to despair, look at what and where it “doesn’t let go”, fill it with a spatula, add soap and start working again.


silent blocks
front suspension
6. When the silent block is half lowered, remove the pipe and press it completely. Replacing the timing belt for VAZ 2109. LuxVAZ. Be careful not to rush into biting the silent rubber block or breaking it. Don't forget about soap, add more.

7. When you reach the limits, make sure the silent block protrudes equally on each side. You should come up with something like what is shown in the photo.

Replacing silent blocks

front suspension VAZ 2109

8. Now it's time to replace the camshaft arm. How to remove and clean injectors 2109 (injector)? The timing belt is engaged. Everything is much simpler here: cut out the old ones with a chisel, and then install new ones. Using the same pressure, press them into the hole. Using milk and tincture, fine tuning.

9. Once the lever is ready, you can begin assembly.

10. On the other hand, everything is done the same way.

11. Perform the final tightening of the nuts with the machine on the ground.

This is all! Independent replacement of silent units of VAZ 2109. Done! I hope you did too. Good luck, take care of yourself.

How to replace crabs on a VAZ 2108-VAZ 21099?

Note! When replacing crabs or one crab of some kind, be sure to stock up on new bolts, because the old ones can be deformed and have cracks, and the heads on the bolts can also be torn off (And these bolts constantly turn sour and unscrewing them can be so problematic, which is why mostly the heads come off)!

Removal: 1. First, lift the front part of the car on a jack and secure it well by placing blocks of wood under the sides of the car and for better stability, put something under the levers, just in case (In general, you will need to hang the front part and fix it well, everyone than possible), then slightly loosen the nut that secures the guy wire to the crab (Indicated by a blue arrow) and proceed to unscrew the three bolts securing the crab to the platform (Indicated by red arrows), and when the bolts are unscrewed, carefully lower the crab, completely unscrew the fastening nut stretch marks and take it out and leave the stretch mark, let it hang.

Note! Spacer washers will be installed under each bolt; they will need to be installed in exactly the same places, in the same quantity and exactly as they were, so when you turn out the bolts, carefully remove these washers and remember their location under the bolts!

Installation: The new crab is installed in the reverse order, in this case all its fastening bolts are replaced with new ones and the washers are installed in the same places where they were previously.

Note! Screw in the crab fastening bolts with good force, but we don’t recommend screwing them in very powerfully, they will turn sour and then you simply won’t be able to unscrew them in the future, but there is one But! After removing the crab, inspect the platform to which it is bolted and if suddenly you find cracks and other types of deformation on it, then you will have to resort to replacing the platform with a new one, but by the way, it is not always necessary to change it immediately when a crack is detected, for example, if the crack does not is large, then try welding it and the platform will continue to serve your car faithfully, you just have to keep an eye on it, but if the platform is very deformed, if its nuts are torn off and the bolts securing the crab simply no longer fit, then it will have to be replaced with a new one , to do this, you need to cut out the old platform with a grinder, and buy a new one and weld it by welding, that’s all, the replacement of the platform is complete, but just be sure to weld all the seams well, before welding, be sure to clean the metal from dust and dirt, and so on!

Additionally _ You can see how to replace it in the video below:

Note! And you can also see how you can strengthen the crab platform on cars of the Samara family and the Samara 2 family in another video, which is also located just below:

–> VAZ Masters / Chassis / Repair

Crab – bracket securing the car suspension brace

Watt mechanism Drift Spec VAZ 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107 (rubber silent blocks)

Watt's DRIFT Spec mechanism for VAZ 2101 - 2107 cars is used to replace the rear suspension mounting pattern with a transverse bar.

Watt mechanism - maintains geometry throughout the entire range of motion of the rear axle, which ensures more linear movement of the axle in horizontal and vertical planes. This allows you to maintain uniform adhesion of the wheels to the surface when driving over uneven surfaces (including the ability to avoid diagonal hanging), as well as during high-speed lateral movements of the car with a load on one side of the suspension (for example, in drifting).

The pendulum of the mechanism is assembled on a double-row closed ball bearing, and the rods use VAZ 2108 silent blocks, which increases the rigidity of the junction of these suspension elements with the car body, and also increases the working life.

The Watt Mechanism is installed using welding!

In warehouse in Samara

What to consider when choosing a new crab?

Changing the oil in the gearbox of a VAZ 2114: replacement frequency, selection of gear oil, step-by-step instructions and recommendations for replacement

As stated previously, all front brace brackets are designed to be frangible to ensure the safety of more critical parts when impacted by obstacles.

At the same time, all crabs currently on the market can be divided into the following groups according to the materials from which they are made:

While the first two types of crabs work on the same principle (they break apart in an accident and differ only in their weight and strength), steel crabs work somewhat differently. They are made of a powerful metal base with a welded steel strip that serves as a traction mount.

The fragile element in this case is the weld - if damaged, it bursts and the entire bracket is divided into two parts.

This design is more reliable (for example, it will not burst while tightening the bolts, which sometimes happens with low-quality crabs), but you should understand that it will “work” only with a strong impact. A collision with insufficient energy to fracture a weld may well be sufficient to damage other suspension components.

To begin with, we will describe the location and functional purpose of the so-called “crab” on the VAZ 2114. “Crab” is the front suspension beam mounting bracket. The resemblance to a marine arthropod is given by four mounting holes for bolts.

Faulty crabs are a common problem with Lada Samara of the first and second generations. The brackets are made of a rather fragile material - silumin, so during prolonged use or increased load on the chassis they simply collapse. The destruction can be complete or partial (when one of the four fastenings comes off).

Even if one of the four sides is torn off, it is unsafe to continue to operate the car: the increased load on the bracket will lead to the threads from the remaining fasteners being subsequently torn off.

It happens that a car enthusiast notices that the fastening of the VAZ 2114 crabs has just begun to collapse - in this case, a crack appears on the bracket area. The crack can be welded, but this will be a temporary measure that will slightly extend the service life of the fastener.

If a breakdown occurs while driving, this can lead to loss of control over the car, so it is better to periodically check the integrity of the brackets of their platforms: “crabs” do not fail instantly, this is preceded by long-term wear with all visual manifestations (unless, of course, it is not This is a manufacturing defect).

IMPORTANT! The main danger of increased wear of the front suspension beam mount is that the breakdown has no “symptoms”: the driver can lose control at one moment, even if there were no prerequisites for this

Cross member with crabs Clubturbo, VAZ 2108

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What is the effect of a bucket of crabs?

The effect of a bucket of crabs is designed to ensure that a crab that wants to get out into the wild must remain in the bucket no matter what. A person who wants to get rid of bad habits and change his environment should remain where he is, should not stand out and be better than those around him.

In such situations, only your own firm intention and self-confidence will help you get out of the hateful bucket of your environment. If a person does not listen to excuses and opinions, but begins to act according to his plan, then his efforts will be crowned with success, and he will be able to achieve what he wants.

You should clearly understand what you want and not focus too much on what others like. It is possible that the people close to you who give you advice do not want to offend you or make things worse for you. They actually tell you what they think is the best option.

The point is that your and their idea of ​​what is best differs. And what seems best for them is unacceptable to you and vice versa.

How to behave in a situation when you feel like a crab trying to get out of a bucket, but your relatives will not let you out?

There are some tips:

Weigh all the arguments if you want to start or change something in your life. Talk to yourself, convince yourself that you need to do something to improve your life (lose weight, change your place of residence or job, start or end a relationship, devote more time to hobbies and interests, play sports, get rid of bad habits).

Make a list of the pros and cons of the current situation and possible changes. Consider the consequences.

If you followed the advice we wrote in point 1 correctly, you will know what to answer them.

And if you have managed to convince yourself of the need for change, you will not even listen to those who suddenly volunteered to express their opinion.

  • Calculate and plan your actions. Break important tasks into smaller subtasks, complete them and systematically move towards your goal. Daily steps to achieve your plans will one way or another lead you to your dream.
  • Don't give up halfway, believe in yourself and your strength. Do not listen to those who themselves are not capable of concrete deeds.
  • Take an example only from those who succeeded, and do not study the stories of losers. In any business, if you want to achieve something, you need to follow the advice of professionals; you shouldn’t get hung up on those who couldn’t, gave up, and never dared to take a step towards the edge of the bucket into a new life.
  • Change your environment and get rid of envious people. Most often, they make up the bulk of the excusers. Envy is a destructive feeling; it does not contribute to progress and personal development. It causes anger, despair and is usually developed in people with low self-esteem.

Envy that someone looks or dresses better becomes the reason for a negative attitude towards all the endeavors of other people. It will be easier for an envious person to live if he knows that in his environment there are amorphous people who do not strive for anything. They are no better than him, so he is calm.

There are many interesting things in life that can change existence and give it meaning. Be open, do something you've never done before and don't be afraid of people who don't strive for anything and won't be able to get out of the bucket. This means they won’t know what it’s like outside of it...

Lada 21099 › Logbook › Replacing crabs

I haven’t written anything here for a long time, so I’ll rehabilitate myself in this post) True, this time we’ll talk not about some improvements, but about a breakdown)

Well, I had a problem here yesterday: I drive into the garage, everything is as usual, I’ve done this 100 times (although probably more), the front wheels are already somewhere at the level of the gate frame, then I give the gas, so that say, fly into the air with a running start, and then GRACK! I was a little freaked out by such unhealthy bullshit, I put the handbrake on the car, I ran out, climbed under the car, and saw what happened. At first I thought that I had shuffled with my defense, but oh well, I think it’s not scary. Then I sit back down, drive off, hear shuffling again, but not so strong, I drive the car.

I went outside, smoked, and thought about why this could happen, and why this had not happened before. It turns out that the snow in the area of ​​the front wheels has melted, and there is still a thick layer of it at the back, so the car rolls up, which means there is more load on the front suspension. I look at the gate frame and see a distinct chip and scratch on the left side, I immediately understand that it’s not a matter of protection (besides, it would probably bend down, crumple, but would not have made the sound that I heard)

I start the car, slowly back it up, again I hear that disgusting sound of scraping on metal, I drive it out and park it at the garage.

I look under the front of the car...

As they say, comments are unnecessary, or as it is now fashionable to say “the steering wheel is in trouble” =)

My mood “lifted”, I drove the car back into the garage...Back...

This is actually the very moment when the distance from the crab to that same gate frame is 0.5 centimeters...

The next day (today) 2 new crabs produced by Elada were purchased. I’ve never heard of this company before, but the salesman at the Auto-49 store said that the company is normal, it doesn’t do lefty things ( uv. Moderators, no deliberate advertising).

Now I’ll explain my choice: these specific crabs are not much different from the factory ones, the material is the same - silumin, the structure is reinforced (a little thicker than stock), the pillow is also improved. I didn’t consider “tuned” options, such as Sevi Sport and others, due to the fact that they are made of steel, and although they are stronger, they transfer the entire load to the frame and the TV, and this in turn can lead to consequences such as overcooking TV is not good. The very purpose of the crab (as apparently intended from the factory) is to break if it hits an obstacle, thereby preventing the spacer and the TV from serious damage. This question was raised in more detail here:

In general, I’m happy with the purchase, we’ll see how it goes further, and so, the quality of workmanship is very good, the only negative is the red color from hell, now everyone from afar can see that I’m not some kind of Petya, but a “real asshole” (nothing I’m against Singing, so don’t be offended).

Now about the installation: unscrewing pressed and slightly soured nuts is #$^@$#*$! Evil in short, in the process of this more than one Chinese key was broken and more than one cigarette was smoked. I had to go buy an expensive domestically produced key for 200 rubles. This probably took the longest.

This is what we have after removal:

And this is after installation:

In general, such news! After installation I ran it around a bit, everything was ok! The steering wheel doesn’t lead anywhere, the wheels are the same as before, but still, in a week or two I’ll get a wheel alignment. Friends, drive into the garage carefully, and not like me, and clear the snow near the garage on time! )

Taking this opportunity, we replaced the rear brakes with ATE pads and drums (thank you very much to Bata, I couldn’t have done it without him!)

And the last point: Can anyone tell me? I’m driving on an uneven road (small holes, bumps, joints) and I hear rattling sounds in the suspension on the left side, it seems to me that the sound is somewhere in front, for the passengers next to it, that it’s somewhere behind (today I fixed the exhaust pipe better, the sound still does not go away) , tell me, what's the matter? Today I spent the whole day in the hole under the car, but I didn’t find any obvious jambs. I tried to rock the car both front and rear, everything was quiet, but when I drove onto an uneven road, it started to wobble. Who has any suggestions? I’ll try to fix the problem myself first, if that doesn’t work, I’ll go for diagnostics (I’m afraid they’ll scam me out of money), and I’ll also have the wheel alignment done soon.

Replacing the crab mount for the VAZ 2108-99 with your own hands

  • beard
  • February 9, 2016
  • Homemade products for cars (cars and motorcycles)

Today we have a new addition to the homemade car section: replacing the crab mount for a VAZ 2108-99 with your own hands.

Good day to all. Recently someone came to me with a “problem” - they couldn’t tighten the bolts to secure the crab. A quick inspection yielded the result: the fastening in the body had rotted and, as a result, the nuts into which the bolts were screwed had fallen off.

In the photo I have cut out a fragment of the body, on which the places for the nuts are clearly visible. It was cut out using a grinder. Stores sell ready-made products that just need to be welded in place of the old one) But we are not interested in it)) After all, we are homemade. Therefore, a piece of corrugated sheet metal measuring 20 cm by 100 cm was purchased at a metal warehouse. Its thickness was 3.5 mm, which is quite enough for our needs. I cut a piece from the sheet a little larger than our old mount. I don’t mention the dimensions of the parts, because... it was all done locally or according to a template.

Using a grinder, I adjusted the dimensions to the required size, i.e. at the location of our cutout.

Having placed the crab on the lever and attached it to the plate, I immediately marked the locations for the holes. Having drilled holes with an 8 mm drill, I got such a product.

Taking a crab and bolts with nuts, we assemble it all on the knee and get a product in which the nuts are scalded. Assembly on the elbow is necessary so that later during installation there will be no problems with bolts getting into the threads.

We screw the crab into place and adjust the product immediately into place, while making potholders.

After grabbing the product in place, unscrew the bolts, remove the crab and scald it with a continuous seam along the cut lines.

Unfortunately, the quality of my seam left much to be desired. I cooked it semi-automatically, but practically didn’t use it (I don’t know how)… But, judging by the seam, it turned out quite strong. Moreover, the reinforcement of the load-bearing lower part of the radiator frame and, accordingly, the mounting of the crabs are made from the same corrugation. This reinforcement was made by trying it on on site and cutting it with a grinder.

The photo shows a cut in the sheet. It is needed to bend the part.

All this was bent with the help of a hammer and some mother... The cut line needs to be welded for strength. Having applied the product, we get a completely acceptable result. All that remains is to drill the holes for the crabs and weld them.

Unfortunately, I can’t post a photo of the finished result, because... For some reason, another person will complete the work. And so everything should turn out strong and reliable.

Author of the article “Replacing the crab mount for the VAZ 2108-99 with your own hands” borodach

What to do if the crab breaks?

Generally, there are two main types of failure. The first is that the crab can be completely destroyed (in this case, only a replacement will help).

Second, only one bolt came off. But even here it is very difficult to restore the unit, because, as a rule, the threads on other nuts are completely torn out.

There are two options - go to a service station or do the repairs yourself. The first option is the simplest, but requires certain costs.

In the second case, you can get the job done in 15-20 minutes and save your personal budget. So why spend money? Moreover, we will look in detail at how to change the crab.

What is the "crab mentality"?

People who behave this way and discourage others from doing what is most interesting and useful have what is called a crab mentality. What is it expressed in?

“Crab mentality” is a negative trait that interferes with personal development. A person with a crab mentality is limited in his dreams, prone to low self-esteem, does not believe in himself and is therefore unable to make decisions and act in ways that change his own life.

He will convince, dissuade, conflict only for the reason that deep down he does not want another person (especially a friend or relative) to become more successful, richer, more beautiful, healthier than him.

It is better for him to feel like one of the crabs sitting in a bucket and having no desire to get out.

Well, you get out, but who knows how it is there? Okay, if it’s better, or maybe worse? So we’re sitting in a bucket, we’re not rocking the boat, we’re happy with everything.

Features of repairing a crab platform

If after the impact the platform of the VAZ 2109 crab is also damaged (for example, a crack appears), then it must be welded.

Attention! When carrying out welding and repair work, do not forget to follow safety precautions.

To solve this problem, stock up on a powerful plate with crab nuts already attached at the car shop (note that they must be welded well).

Before carrying out work, be sure to close the generator and radiator. Then proceed like this:

  • Place the purchased plastic and mark the cut points;
  • remove traces of corrosion around the cuts (this can be done using a grinder).

You can proceed to further work only after proper cleaning;

  • Remove the negative voltage from the battery.
  • Weld the plate. Take your time - the quality of the seams must be perfect.
  • Clean and treat the assembly with primer.
  • Return everything to its place and use the car.

Remember that driving with a broken “crab” is life-threatening. Therefore, after strong impacts on curbs and stones, always check the bracket for integrity and make timely repairs (replacement).

This is the only way you can protect yourself and your loved ones from tragedy. Good luck on the roads and of course no breakdowns.

What to do with “crabs” subordinates

Interestingly, the crab bucket effect also works in business. Some team members may achieve significant success. Once this happens, others unknowingly pull him down

If a person has leadership qualities, he will not pay attention to this. Otherwise you will need help from your boss.

Let's take one large company as an example. While studying the records, managers discovered a strange pattern. For 2 years in a row, two accountants experienced a surge in activity. But they only lasted for a couple of weeks. We decided to study this phenomenon.

It turned out that the period of recovery occurred during the vacation of one of the “old” employees. With his return, everything fell into place. It turns out that the crab mentality suppresses younger, motivated workers.

Trying to solve this problem, management divided the team into 2 groups. They almost never crossed paths with each other. The young employees of the first group showed stunning results within a month. Their opponents, the “crabs,” also began to work better after 2 months. They could no longer be a bad influence on active employees. Therefore, they began to work in a different direction - to look for a way out of the “bucket”.

What to consider when choosing a new crab?

Instructions for replacing the clutch disc on a VAZ 2109
As mentioned earlier, all front extension brackets are made fragile to ensure the safety of more important parts when colliding with obstacles.

At the same time, all crabs currently on the market can be divided into the following groups according to the materials from which they are made:

  • silumin;
  • magnesium-aluminum;
  • steel.

New crab VAZ 2114

While the first two types of crabs work on the same principle (they break apart in an accident and differ only in their weight and strength), steel crabs work somewhat differently. They are made of a powerful metal base with a welded steel strip that serves as a traction mount.

The fragile element in this case is the weld - if damaged, it bursts and the entire bracket is divided into two parts.

This design is more reliable (for example, it will not burst while tightening the bolts, which sometimes happens with low-quality crabs), but you should understand that it will “work” only with a strong impact. A collision with insufficient energy to fracture a weld may well be sufficient to damage other suspension components.

Crab VAZ 2114 signs of malfunction Replacing the crab on a VAZ 2115 with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

A fairly common “sore” of many models of the VAZ family is a faulty or damaged front suspension extension fastener, or in common parlance, a “crab”. The crab holds the front suspension brace located under the front bumper.

Often, the destruction or malfunction of the crab occurs due to the fragility of the product itself, which is made of silumin or another aluminum-based alloy. The crab usually crashes on high rocks, a curb, or other elevation that the driver did not notice.

The question of why it was necessary to make a power part from such a fragile metal worries many “victims”. The answer is actually quite simple. With its fragility and rapid destruction in the event of an impact, the crab saves more important and expensive parts such as a “TV” or a spacer.

A broken or cracked crab is a pretty big problem if you find yourself far from home and a service station. The fact is that in the event of complete destruction, you most likely will not be able to get home even at a very low speed. Due to the fact that the front end of the lever remains unattached and simply hangs in the air, the wheel becomes uncontrollable and begins to move either backwards or forwards. As you understand, in this case you can only get home by “carriage”.

It should be noted that a malfunction of the crab does not always manifest itself in the form of a completely immobilized car; it often happens that the fastener itself is absolutely intact, while knocking noises are heard while driving over uneven surfaces. It’s quite simple to check whether it’s a crab; you just need to drive into a “pit” or lift the car on a lift. The presence of play indicates wear in the fastener and requires immediate intervention and replacement of the faulty crab.

In this article you will learn how to replace a crab on a VAZ 2115 at home if it malfunctions. The work is simple and does not require special skills or tools, the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions.

What does this threaten?

As a result of a breakdown, the wheel begins to move backwards or forwards. Further use of the car is simply impossible. If this happens far from populated areas, you can only call a tow truck. Most often, two types of failure occur - complete destruction or separation of one bolt, together with a nut, and the threads of the remaining two nuts are stripped. There are also two ways to deal with such a breakdown: perform the entire repair procedure yourself or seek help from a specialized automobile workshop.

Self-esteem, envy, intelligence

At the dawn of civilizations, the behavior of all members of society should not deviate from generally accepted rules so that the entire tribe could survive. Doctor of Psychology Carl Rogers from the University of Wisconsin, USA, explained exactly this way the actions of people who condemn and do not allow others to change on a mental level. No one from the tribe should shout or run ahead, and even along an unfamiliar path. After all, in this way everyone will quickly be discovered by predators or competitors, which means deadly problems will arise. From that moment on, in the human subconscious there is an understanding that the one who in every possible way arouses someone’s interest in himself is a stupid and reckless individual, he will die faster than anyone, which means he must be taught, that is, pulled back and returned to “form.”

But the life of society has long changed and instead of collective work in the modern world, individualistic perception prevails. Now, in order to be successful, you need to be different from others, and from what they, the rest, can do. Only in this case can you become more in demand. But this requires a certain belief in your own capabilities. The famous English psychologist and teacher Robert Burns believes that hidden low self-esteem is the key to understanding why many people do not want anyone around them to change. Then you will either have to “reach out” for this person so as not to turn out worse than him, or admit to yourself that you simply do not have such abilities as this friend. And then the hidden low self-esteem will become obvious. Therefore, subconsciously people often behave as if they were in a “bucket of crabs” so as not to experience mental discomfort later.

In fact, this mental pain is banal envy. Another English philosopher and politician of the 16th-17th centuries, Francis Bacon o Alas, envy, as you know, destroys the soul and is the trigger that makes people behave like “crabs in a bucket.” But why does it exist at all? American psychologist Carl Rogers, explaining the understanding of the world by members of a primitive tribe at the dawn of civilization, gives, alas, a not entirely obvious answer to this question: the less intellectually developed a person is, the more confidently he believes that no one should “jump in over his head” next to him. Envy is directly related to mental abilities; the better they are, the less mental discomfort an individual experiences when someone nearby is trying to radically change something.

Specialized fastenings in the VAZ 2115 car, more popularly known as “crab”, quite often require replacement or repair in cars of this brand. The mechanism is a kind of bracket for fastening the extension. The original name comes from its shape. The product consists of a bracket with holes for bolts, which is why this mount looks like a crab.

Today, such a mechanism can only be found in cars of several brands. Quite often, various situations happen with VAZ 2115 cars, resulting in deformation or breakage of the element. Experienced professionals who repeatedly deal with the repair of these car brands recommend that owners treat the car with care so as not to damage the specialized bracket. However, given the state of our roads, this is quite difficult to do.

Emergency situations and their solutions

Quite often, quite experienced owners of a VAZ 2115 car install a “crab” made of titanium alloys. This solution is highly durable and guarantees a high level of safety at various speeds under conditions of high loads. If damage or cracks occur, it is recommended to move slowly or call a tow truck to deliver the vehicle to a service center.

If the crab is completely torn off, it is necessary to call a tow truck and go directly to the service station so that experienced professionals can weld or completely replace such a spare part. An important condition for operating a vehicle in various situations is the level of damage that determines the ability of the vehicle to move independently.

Features of performing repairs and self-replacement of the crab on a VAZ 2115

In order to begin independently replacing this part or repairing it, you must have the following tools and materials:

  1. Standard set of sockets or spanners;
  2. Specialized liquid VD-40;
  3. A reinforced pipe, which may become necessary if the fasteners, that is, the bolts on the bracket, are too oxidized.

If the owner wants to carry out independent repairs, then it is necessary to have a specialized welding machine and some experience in using such a unit.

Step-by-step instruction

Experienced service center professionals have created successive steps that will help the owner of a VAZ 2115 independently replace the “crab”:

  • place the vehicle on the pit;
  • turn on the handbrake;
  • install wheel chocks;
  • use a jack to raise the front of the car;
  • dismantle the protection;
  • remove the front bumper;
  • unscrew the rod nut;
  • dismantle the mechanism;
  • install a new element (or a restored old one);
  • tighten the bolts;

Recommendations from experts

It is recommended: before finally securing the bracket bolts, they must be lubricated with a specialized product so that they do not oxidize, and in the future this part can be replaced without any problems.

It is important to note that a faulty bracket may not always completely immobilize the vehicle. Thus, if any errors are observed in the functioning of this mechanism, it is important to carry out independent diagnostics or contact experienced specialists

During the operation of the car, play appears repeatedly, which indicates negative changes that have occurred with the bracket

In such a situation, it is important to inspect the vehicle and, if necessary, replace the faulty mechanism

Replacement of pads

If welding the platform does not make sense (the thread of the nut or the nut itself is broken, the bolt securing the VAZ 2109 crab is broken), then a grinder and welding will be needed here.

Tip: When starting to replace the site, be sure to close the radiator, and if welding is performed from the passenger seat, then also close the generator from sparks. There is no need to remove them; this is an additional and unnecessary waste of time and money (if the repair is carried out at a service station).

Let's move on to actions:

Attach the plate and mark the places for future cuts Using a grinder, remove the old pad, rusty metal and clean the areas around the cuts; when welding, it is important that the metal is clean. Before performing welding work, you need to remove both terminals from the battery. Weld the plate firmly. The quality of the seams is important here , it must be good, since the part operates under conditions of increased loads, so it makes sense to entrust this work to an experienced welder

The bracket is screwed to the overcooked platform, although the quality of the seams leaves much to be desired, and they were clearly too lazy to clean them

  • To prevent your car from looking like in the photo, after completing the welding work, you should clean the seams and, to increase protection against rust, coat the surfaces with anti-rust (for example, Tamak) and cover with primer
  • Attach the stretcher (if you removed it), screw the bracket into place, tightening each bolt of the VAZ 2109 crab (again, carefully, do not break the bolts) Then attach the bumper (see Removing the front bumper of the VAZ) and the lower protection
  • In the future, when operating the car, it is recommended to check the brackets after each strong impact.
  • It is recommended not to drive with a broken (split, cracked) “crab” unless absolutely necessary (this is dangerous for the health and life of people around you and for you too). Faulty (damaged, cracked) “crabs” discovered in time should certainly be replaced with new ones as soon as possible
  • This measure will help save your money, as well as your health and life. Replacing the brackets is complete, everything is simple and completely doable on your own.

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Let's get started

The brace bracket began to be called a “crab” because of the four existing holes for bolts, giving it some resemblance to a claw. You can determine if the crab is broken by the characteristic “crackling” sound that appears in the front of your car. You can look at its condition and determine the scale of destruction without even lifting the car. We choose the first solution - replacing the crabs with a VAZ 2109 yourself, it is much cheaper and does not present any particular difficulties:

  • First, we purchase a new crab and a set of bolts for it; on old ones, the threads may be torn off
  • First, we roll the car onto a pit or overpass
  • Then you need to put the car on the “handbrake” (parking brake) and support the rear wheels with “shoes” (or wooden blocks to prevent it from rolling away)
  • Raise the front of the car with a jack
  • Remove the bottom protection and bumper
  • During work, you need to remove the stretcher, if you don’t remove it, then you need to make sure that it does not interfere with you

Bolts securing the crab to the platform

  • First, unscrew the remaining mounting bolts, if they did not come out of the “crab” when the car hit
  • Remove the spacer washers one by one
  • We recommend that you immediately count the number of washers removed from each hole and remember the order in which they were installed
  • When screwing on the new “crab”, first do not forget to put all the removed adjusting washers in their places; install the washers in the reverse order
  • Then we screw in the bolts of the crab VAZ 2109, securing the brace bracket in place
  • We tighten them with force, but without fanaticism, so as not to tear them off
  • This completes the replacement of the crab for the VAZ 2109, but it doesn’t always turn out to get off so easy
  • It happens that the platform breaks along with the stretching bracket

We buy spare parts

When, after unscrewing the bracket, you discover that a crack has formed on the platform, do not rush to replace the platform; the crack can be welded. Sometimes, however, it becomes necessary to replace not only the bracket, the bolts on the VAZ 2109 crab and the platform to which it was attached were also damaged (and it happens that both platforms or both brackets, left and right):

  • Then in the car store we purchase a reinforced plate to which nuts are welded to attach the “crab”
  • When choosing, special attention should be paid to the quality of the welded nuts, since your safety when driving your car depends on this.
  • If there is no particular choice, and the nuts were welded to the plate with one welding point (or two), then you need to independently weld all the nuts in a circle in order to strengthen their fastening to the plate
  • Be sure to purchase new bolts for the VAZ 2109 crabs so that microcracks or other defects do not surface later
  • When choosing traction brackets, you should carefully choose not only the material from which it is made, but do not forget about the thickness
  • The best option for installation would be a silumin bracket with maximum rib thickness
  • Since it is stronger than the factory one, however, it will not damage the “TV” or the spacer during a strong impact
  • The cast iron bracket is stronger than the silumin one, however, cast iron is also fragile and cracks when impacted, and besides, it can damage the spacer and the “TV”; the instructions do not solve this issue for you
  • It is worth paying special attention to the strength of the rubber cushion and its clip - the more powerful they are, the longer the part will work
  • We recommend choosing a crab that has a polyurethane cushion
  • You should not take an inexpensive one (the low price is alarming), or without packaging, we remind you about possible counterfeits!
  • And don’t forget that there are right-handed and left-handed brackets and platforms; when replacing, this is of great importance
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