Replacing front standard shock absorbers with gas-filled ones

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To avoid serious damage to car systems, you should pay attention to the slightest knock or creaking noise under the hood. If you stubbornly ignore seemingly minor signs of malfunction, then serious problems cannot be avoided. In particular, this is a knocking sound when turning the steering wheel. It may indicate a faulty front strut upper support bearing. Changing the support itself is quite simple, and this process will not be accompanied by serious costs. But if you do not pay attention to the breakdown in time, it will lead to more serious consequences.

The front strut support bearing is an important part of a car's suspension. Unfortunately, most drivers pay minimal attention to the health of their suspension systems. But in vain, given the state of domestic roads and, sometimes, the low quality of parts that are installed on modern cars. But it is the suspension that is responsible for car handling and road safety.

Its maintenance is complicated by the variety of parts, and they all perform their functions: brackets, springs, shock absorbers, and so on. In this article we will talk specifically about the support bearings of the front strut, since these parts are subject to increased wear and often fail.

What is the effect of a faulty shock absorber?

The use of worn shock absorbers can not only cause discomfort while driving, but also cause a real danger when driving the car. So, possible problems associated with a faulty shock absorber:

  • Reduced wheel grip. In particular, when the car rocks, the clutch will have a variable value.
  • Increased braking distance, especially on vehicles with an anti-lock braking system (ABS).
  • Some electronic systems of the car, such as ABS, ESP (exchange stability system) and others, may not operate correctly.
  • Deterioration in vehicle handling, especially when driving at high speed.
  • The appearance of “hydroplaning” when driving on a wet road at low speeds.
  • When driving at night, constant rocking of the front of the car can cause the headlights to blind oncoming drivers.
  • Discomfort when driving. This is especially true when driving long distances. For the driver, this threatens increased fatigue, and for people prone to seasickness, this is dangerous due to motion sickness.
  • Increased wear of tires, rubber bushings, silent blocks, bump stops and springs. and other elements of the car suspension.

Function of front strut support bearings

As the name suggests, the part performs a supporting function. It is the connecting element between the front hydraulic shock absorber strut and the vehicle body. This is a version of a rolling bearing. The part is subject to significant axial loads, which is why it is made of high-strength alloys. And under the road conditions in which modern cars have to travel, the part wears out much faster than we would like. Therefore, it should be checked every 20 thousand km. mileage The worse the quality of the roads you drive on, the more often you need to check it.

To make it clearer where exactly the part is located and what function it performs, you need to remember how the front suspension of the car is designed. For example, let's take a VAZ-2110 car. It has an independent suspension with hydraulic struts. Most modern cars are equipped with the same. The design of the front strut effectively dampens vibrations that occur when the shock absorber spring moves.

Features of shock absorber struts on the VAZ-2110

Where is that shock absorber strut hidden in the shadow of the wheel?

Depending on the intensity of use of the vehicle and the quality of this suspension unit, the struts need to be replaced. The procedure for replacing this suspension part is familiar to most VAZ-2110 owners. The standard period for the maintenance of “tens” shock absorbers is about 35,000 km. This depends on the care of the driver, the manufacturer of the part and the operating conditions. In rural areas, the replacement interval is much shorter.

Types of support bearings

There are several most popular types of bearings used in modern cars. These include:

  • bearing with built-in ring. This arrangement of the front strut support bearing is considered the most convenient to install. The built-in ring can be external or internal. The main feature of this type of bearings is the presence of special holes for installation. Its installation does not require the use of clamping flanges. The bearing ensures the rotation of parts using both the inner and outer rings;
  • with outer detachable ring. The inner ring provides connection to the vehicle body;
  • with detachable inner ring;
  • single divided. This type of bearing is practically no different from all others, but its peculiarity is that it is made of more durable materials.

When to change a shock absorber

It is necessary to understand that regardless of the quality of the shock absorber, as well as the operating conditions of the machine, wear of this unit occurs constantly. With more or less speed, but constantly! Accordingly, their condition also needs to be checked constantly. Most shock absorber manufacturers in the mid-price category recommend checking every 20...30 thousand kilometers . As for replacement, usually the shock absorber wears out significantly after approximately 80...100 thousand kilometers . At this stage, you need to check it more thoroughly and, if necessary, replace it.

To ensure that shock absorbers last as long as possible, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not overload the machine . The manual for any vehicle directly states its maximum load capacity. You should not overload the car, because this is harmful to its various components - including the engine and suspension components, in particular shock absorbers.
  • Let it get into working mode . When driving a car in the cold season (especially during significant frosts), try to drive the first 500...1000 meters at low speed and avoiding bumps. This will allow the oil to warm up and spread.

Thus, if problems arise with the shock absorbers, it is better not to tighten it and replace the problem units with new ones. As for the purchase, it is better to buy licensed shock absorbers from the “officials”. Or choose products in trusted stores based on reviews from car enthusiasts.


Causes of bearing failures

As is the case with increased wear of other car parts, the support bearing often fails due to domestic off-road conditions. First of all, there are a large number of holes and potholes. The support is subjected to greater loads than it can withstand. That is why, when driving frequently on bad roads, the part needs systematic diagnostics.

Another reason is dirt getting inside the bearing. Its design does not provide any protection, therefore it is open to contaminants entering under the car body from the outside. Again, the quality of the road surface also contributes to this.

Low quality characteristics of new components are a common situation in our automotive parts market. Therefore, one should not be surprised that the support rod lasted half as long as the manufacturer promises.

Which ones to choose (items)

Original VAZ-2110 stand.

In the case of spare parts for the VAZ-2110, original consumables are not always the best choice. As for the most popular shock absorbers, they have the following article numbers:

  • The front left shock absorber on the VAZ-2110 has article number 21100-2905403-30;
  • Right - article number 21100-2905402-30.

The article number is stamped on the rack body.

Factory analogues can be recommended to those drivers for whom rigidity indicators are important. It is the original A-pillars that do an excellent job of transporting cargo, although for comfortable movement in the city they are clearly inferior to their softer counterparts.

Some drivers install sports struts that are significantly more rigid than even the factory parts. So they are trying to increase the life of this suspension unit. In any case, it is not recommended to install sports spare parts, since they are designed for completely different operating conditions.

Some people praise Samara spare parts, which are known as SS-20. They can be either oil or gas. Oil shock absorbers are much cheaper, but gas shock absorbers can operate over a wider temperature range. For example, in winter the rigidity of cheaper parts will increase significantly, although for some car owners this does not matter.

Front struts SS-20 series “Comfort” assembled.

Signs of a faulty front strut support bearings

The most typical sign of support bearing wear is a knocking sound when turning the steering wheel, as well as when overcoming minor obstacles on the road. Significant wear and tear may cause problems with vehicle handling. Its driving performance is impaired, maneuverability and steering are lost.

Due to wear of the bearing, the alignment may be disrupted. When hitting a hole, the part may break completely. In addition, the strut sometimes pierces the body of the car, and this requires more significant costs than the usual replacement of the strut. Then you will have to straighten and paint the iron, and correct possible damage to the suspension.


Self-check shock absorbers for performance.

To check it yourself, you need to follow a number of the following tips:

  1. Bring the car to the inspection hole and check the shock absorbers for oil leaks, changes in shape, and contamination.
  2. Pay attention to the piston rod; if it is damaged, the system may depressurize.
  3. Listen for knocking sounds in the car's suspension while driving.
  4. Inspect the tire tread; if there is uneven wear, the shock absorber(s) may need to be replaced.
  5. Drive the distance of the same turn repeatedly at the same speed, pay attention to whether the car skids.

How to identify a faulty front strut support bearings

Signs that may appear when the bearings are worn do not necessarily indicate this particular malfunction. They are also typical for other breakdowns. Therefore, before you start replacing this part, you need to diagnose the bearing fault. It is as follows:

  • we turn off the car, put it on the handbrake or install stops;
  • open the hood;
  • remove the “glass” cover located on the hub bearing;
  • We press the support with our palm and ask our partner to swing the car in different directions. In this case, the puff pastry should not “walk”.

Everything is simple here. If you hear a clear knocking or squeaking sound when rocking, then the bearing needs to be replaced urgently.

Shock absorber malfunction: symptoms and what affects

Shock absorber malfunctions greatly affect the car's behavior on the road.
In particular, the car body “dives” during acceleration and braking, the braking distance increases, rolls heavily during maneuvering and sways when driving over uneven surfaces. There are obvious and hidden signs of faulty shock absorbers. Obvious ones include the appearance of oil leaks (wear of the oil seal and/or rod), but there are more hidden ones, for example, aging of the oil, deformation of the valve mechanism plates, wear of the piston seal and the inner walls of the working cylinder. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to identify the faulty shock absorbers in time.


Replacing the front support bearings is quite simple. The main thing is to find a really high-quality part, because not all manufacturers can provide supports with a high degree of wear resistance. So, we arm ourselves with the following tools:

  • spanner;
  • head for disassembling racks;
  • spark plug head for ratchet;
  • rod nut wrench;
  • spring compressors.

And, of course, the prop himself. We will carry out the replacement procedure as follows:

  1. Jack up and remove the wheel.
  2. Remove the two nuts securing the front strut to the hub.
  3. Unscrew the nut from the shock absorber rod, while holding it with a hexagon.

  4. We remove the stand.
  5. Compress the spring and remove the support bearing.
  6. We again clamp the hexagon on the rod and unscrew the nut.
  7. We remove the bearing, install a new one and repeat all the steps, only in reverse order.

The important role of MacPherson struts

But MacPherson struts have another important function - they also serve as steering knuckles. That is, the stand with the wheel hub attached to it can rotate around an axis, which allows the drive wheels to be steered.

Naturally, where there is rotation, a bearing is used; in the case of this type of suspension, a support bearing.

To figure out where the support bearing is installed, let's briefly look at the car suspension structure.

Its main components are:

All these elements are assembled into a single whole, which provides the possibility of compressing and decompressing the spring and moving the shock absorber rod in the body (which is what the suspension is actually for, since vibrations are damped during these movements).

To ensure all this, the rack is assembled like this: a shock absorber is installed in the body and all this is installed in a spring.

To support the spring from below, a cup is used, attached to the body (welded to it).

To ensure that the spring is pressed, another cup is installed at the top, which rests against the support.

The spring extension limiter is the shock absorber rod, the end of which passes through the support and is secured with a nut.

Additionally, the support not only acts as a stop for the spring, it also provides the upper fastening of the strut to the body (it is attached to it with levers from below).

How to determine when it's time to change the struts? Signs of wear

Since disassembling a car's suspension is quite a labor-intensive task, before you undertake repairs, you need to determine whether the problem is really in the strut. To do this, you need to focus on the following indirect signs:

  • A strong beating is felt on the steering wheel of the car.
  • Body vibration increases significantly. Particularly strong vibration comes from the side of the faulty rack.
  • The car begins to stop worse when braking.
  • When turning, the car starts to skid.
  • If you let go of the steering wheel on a flat road, the car will drift strongly to the side.
  • Even with a visual inspection, you can notice oil leaks on the shock absorber.
  • If you ask someone to drive slowly and listen yourself, you can hear strange knocks and noises in the shock absorber, which is under suspicion.

With your own hands

The beginning of the strut shock absorber leakage can be seen if you look under the boot.

Since service stations will charge money for diagnostics, many owners make do with the more popular method of checking.

This method consists of manually rocking the car yourself. The “ten” needs to be strongly shaken, and then the hands must be sharply removed. If the rocking of the body does not stop immediately, then most likely they have exhausted their service life.

The danger of worn struts

Some car owners believe that failure of the front shock absorbers is not a problem, especially if the car does not even tilt to one side. In fact, problems with the front suspension can lead to the following troubles:

  • The support bearings will fall apart, which can lead to an accident.
  • The tires will begin to wear unevenly, and you can forget about wheel alignment. In addition, so-called “bumps” may appear on the tires.
  • Wheel bearings won't last long either.
  • Brake performance will become unsatisfactory because the pads will wear unevenly.

It turns out that one problem that is not corrected in time can lead to serious damage to the car.

Purpose and description

Dampers, commonly called Shock Absorbers, are mechanical devices that smooth out vibrations when a vehicle moves, converting mechanical energy into thermal energy. The struts are tightly connected and work in tandem with springs, springs, torsion shafts, cushions and other parts of the vehicle chassis.

It is necessary to observe the condition of the car and be sure how and when to check the shock absorber device, since they are the ones that keep the car in the correct direction and position. If one of the important suspension elements fails, and postponing the test leads to subsequent malfunction of the chassis parts.


In addition to domestic parts, you can install front struts from other manufacturers, which will cost much more:

Although installing expensive parts on domestic cars is not always economically justified, some people prefer to spend a large sum once, but then do not have to worry about replacement for several years.

Aston racks are another analogue of domestic production.

Front shock absorber replacement procedure

Before you begin the front suspension repair procedure, you need to prepare the necessary set of tools. In addition to the standard set of wrenches and screwdrivers, you will need a device for compressing the springs on the struts and a special puller for ball pins. It is advisable to have WD-40 liquid, since rusty and rooted bolts will definitely be encountered during the repair process.

The replacement process will proceed as follows:

  • First, the nuts that connect the support to the body cup are unscrewed.

Using a 13 mm spanner, unscrew the nuts securing the upper support.

  • The supports are released.
  • The rod ends are removed. To do this, it is advisable to use a special puller.

We take out the cotter pin.

Unscrew the nut.

Press out the finger.

  • The lower part of the strut is disconnected from the steering knuckle.

We unscrew the nuts of the bolts with a head of 19, then knock them out.

  • The stand is removed and replaced with a new one.

Pull back the fist and remove the stand.
Before releasing the rod, you need to compress the shock absorber spring. It’s better to immediately fill the ball pin with Vedashka, since it will be very difficult to remove it without a special puller, and a VD-40 puller won’t hurt.

To compress the springs we use special ties.

Wheel alignment, is it necessary?

Many VAZ-2110 owners are interested in whether it is necessary to do a wheel alignment after replacing the front strut. This procedure is optional only when replacing the rear struts.

When replacing front shock absorbers, wheel alignment is a mandatory procedure.

You can replace the strut yourself, but to adjust the wheel alignment you need to go to a service center.

Consequences of bearing wear and signs of damage

Since the support bearing can be partially attributed to the steering (without it, rotation of the rack would be impossible), its failure primarily affects the controllability.

But here it should be noted that this depends on the design solution used.

For example, in a VAZ-2110, the inner race of the bearing acts as a bushing through which the shock absorber rod passes.

As a result of critical wear of the bearing, it begins to play and the rod is able to deviate from the axis.

The result of this is a violation of the wheel alignment angles, and consequently a deterioration in the car’s handling, as well as accelerated tire wear.

But on a car, where the bearing only provides rotation of the strut and does not interact with the shock absorber, alignment violation practically does not occur, since the rod is kept from axial displacement by a bushing pressed into the rubber damper.

But even with this design, bearing wear will have a negative impact on handling.

If the bearing has worn out, this will naturally begin to show. In this case, the symptoms of a malfunction depend on the design.

If we take the same VAZ-2110, then bearing wear will manifest itself in the form of knocking noises when driving over potholes and unevenness on the road; in addition, they can be heard when turning. Sounds in the support are caused by play in the support element; it is important not to confuse them with a knock in the shock absorber.

In the case of a bearing that does not interact with the shock absorber, its malfunction most often manifests itself in the form of squeaks and squeaks when turning.


Of course, suspension repair work is quite complex and labor-intensive.

This is not easy to do without a special tool. But domestic motorists often make do with even a standard set of keys, which is available in every garage. The strut spring is compressed using a wire, and the ball pin is knocked out using various available devices. A VAZ is not a foreign car, so the car tolerates such treatment.

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The slightest suspicion of a malfunction requires immediate diagnostic work. There are measures that a car enthusiast can do on his own, which will be the first test of the struts.

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Some car owners do without testing at the stand and spontaneously rock their vehicles in order to determine the shock absorbers. True, this check is very ineffective, since the weakening and performance of the racks does not affect the swaying of the vehicle, in the end it seems that everything is in order.

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