Electric power steering on the Lada Kalina is a guarantee of simplified and comfortable operation of the car

Kalina's electric power steering (EPS) is removed along with the steering column for replacement, repair, or when dismantling the dashboard. It is recommended to perform installation with an assistant.

Required tools: Phillips and flat-head screwdrivers, high head “13”. Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery and align the car's wheels straight ahead.

Is it worth installing electric power steering?

Driving a car without electric power steering is, of course, possible. But if you have previously driven a car equipped with such a system, you may experience serious discomfort. You will be deprived of the usual electric motor support.

Installing such a mechanism has certain difficulties and is also associated with costs. But they will all pay off in a comfortable ride and increased safety for you and your passengers.

Thus, the answer to the question “Is it worth installing?” - this is a definite “Yes”. Even if you don't want to do it yourself, contact a car service.

In the video below you will find a comparison of the advantages of power steering and power steering (the author of the video is AVTOTEMA TV).

Possible malfunctions of the EUR

It happens that after installation the EUR does not work at all or intermittently.

This can be caused by various reasons, among which two most often stand out:

  1. Speed ​​sensor failure. The electric power steering operates in connection with the speed sensor. At high speeds, the extra force from the mechanism is reduced to give you more control. If data from the sensor stops flowing, the EUR will automatically turn off. The problem is solved by replacing the sensor.
  2. Incorrectly installed engine crankcase. If there is a violation in the installation of the engine crankcase (casing), vibrations from the engine will be transmitted to the amplifier. It will begin to buzz, and in some cases even turn off.

The need to replace the electric power steering and the importance of a qualified approach

Replacing the electric power steering should only be done by experienced craftsmen, and if the warranty period for the Lada Kalina has not yet expired, then the best solution would be to contact the dealer network to solve the problem. If the warranty has expired, and it is difficult to collect additional material resources for qualified repair of the device, then the way out of this situation is to install the electric power steering yourself.

It should be taken into account that this procedure is quite complicated. Therefore, it is not worth carrying out without certain training and technical skills. The result of unskilled actions can be not only a complete failure of the system, but also more complex and expensive repairs. Therefore, the installation of the EUR should be done only after studying all the details and features of the vehicle’s networks.

In such a situation, the device connection diagram will become an indispensable assistant and will allow you to perform the necessary actions more clearly.

To remove a faulty electric booster, it is necessary to partially disassemble the panel located under the steering wheel and disconnect all the wires going to the device. Installing a new type of electric power steering may not be necessary, since the likelihood is quite high that after carrying out some preventive measures, the old device will work no worse than the new one.

One of the most common problems of this type is a knocking sound in the electric power steering, accompanied by a squeaking sound when the wheel itself is turned. In such a situation, EUR lubricant can solve the problem. If this step does not help, then the device requires more detailed diagnostics or complete replacement.

Installing the EUR requires some care. All wires must be connected, the device itself must be installed in its proper place, and the steering column panel must be reassembled.


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Installation instructions

This manual is intended for those who have minimal skills in working with tools and vehicle systems. It is made as accessible as possible to everyone. But if you doubt your skills and knowledge, it is better to contact a car service.

Required tools and materials

First of all, you will need the EUR itself. Please note its serial number. The last two digits indicate the type and place of production.

So, 00 is a geared amplifier, produced in Makhachkala and has received complaints from drivers. With the numbers 04 - Korean, installed on Grants and Kalinas, a good amplifier, can be found in stores, but there are few of them on sale. Well, 02 - Kaluga, gearless type, also has good reviews.

To connect, you will need common tools such as screwdrivers, wrenches, and an angle grinder.

EUR malfunctions and subsequent device diagnostics

As mentioned above, installing electric power steering on Kalina involves using a device that is quite simple in design. Accordingly, repairing a unit and identifying faults in general is not a particularly complicated procedure. But it should be noted that the EUR connection diagram itself, namely the location of the node, was not particularly well chosen by the manufacturer. This is because the EUR is installed under the heater radiator. So when using a car in the winter season, the unit will be affected by different temperatures, in particular, their differences.

This is what largely influences the breakdown of the unit and, as practice shows, in fact this happens quite often. Failure of the electric power steering is associated with problems in the operation of the vehicle and the appearance of various malfunctions.

As a rule, mechanism failure is caused by:

  • lack of impulse from the speed controller;
  • failure of the system control unit;
  • the voltage in the vehicle’s on-board network is too low;
  • the permissible unit speed threshold has been exceeded.

At the bottom right there is an indicator in the form of a steering wheel with an exclamation mark - it indicates a malfunction of the EUR.
These factors, as practice shows, contribute to the breakdown of the mechanism. As for diagnostics, it is carried out by the Kalina control unit independently during the startup of the unit and analysis of the serviceability of all systems. If any of the components does not transmit the corresponding signal, the control unit automatically adds it to the list of inoperative devices. The relevant information can be seen on the control panel. In particular, if we are talking about the failure of the EUR, then an orange indicator in the shape of a steering wheel with an exclamation mark will appear on the tidy.

In accordance with the service instruction manual, the manufacturer claims that the problem of the unit malfunction should be resolved in the near future. Therefore, the car owner needs to drive at a reduced speed to the nearest maintenance and repair station. But this is all official data; in fact, things are somewhat different.

As a rule, the appearance of an indicator on the control panel does not imply the need for repair; usually its appearance indicates a malfunction in the operation of the unit. This could be either a malfunction in the power supply circuits or a breakdown of one of the controllers. As practice shows, in most cases the appearance of a light bulb on the panel does not affect the functioning of the unit as a whole (the author of the video is the CompsMaster channel).

In fact, the problem is considered to be a breakdown in which the steering sensitivity is too low. Malfunctions of this kind usually appear quite often and, as a rule, they need to be resolved immediately. Otherwise, ignoring the problem can lead to dire consequences. To quickly solve the problem, you first need to remove the fuse located to the left of the steering wheel. Thanks to this, you can get to the nearest service station for repairs.

VAZ employees claim that the EUR cannot be repaired. If it breaks, it should be replaced!

Causes of amplifier failure

A fairly common cause of power steering failure is incorrect operation of the speed sensor. Replacing and eliminating the problem will not cost the car owner much, and you can perform this operation yourself. The higher the vehicle speed, the less the amplifier works, making it easier to control. If the sensor malfunctions, the amplifier reads incorrect information and turns off. This type of failure is easy to detect. The EUR light on the dashboard will simply light up. All you need to do is replace the speed sensor.

Another reason for an amplifier to fail is a malfunction of the amplifier itself. The solution to this problem will not be cheap.

How to tighten the electric power steering rack?

The appearance of a knocking sound in the operation of the electric power steering is associated with the need to tighten the steering rack.

How to do it right:

  1. First you need to disconnect the battery; to do this, disconnect the terminals from it. Unscrew the battery mount; to do this, you need to unscrew two more nuts located at the edges. After this, the battery is removed and put aside.
  2. Then you need to lift the plastic stand, there are four more screws under it, they can also be unscrewed.
  3. Having done this, it is necessary to move this stand forward until the platform is disconnected from the air filter housing retainer pad. After this, the trim can be moved back, this will provide freer access to the rail itself.
  4. At the next stage, you will need to crawl your hand under the rail. Directly below it, as shown in the photo, there is a rubberized cap; it will need to be removed, this will allow the key to access the adjusting nut.
  5. To perform adjustment work, you will need a special wrench to tighten the rack; without it, the adjustment procedure will not be possible. Using this wrench, you need to crawl under the car rail to install the tool in the required hole.
  6. When adjusting, be careful not to overtighten the rack. If its tightening is very strong, then when cornering the rack will bite, and this, in turn, may affect the safety of movement. The angle of adjustment is always different, it depends on how much the nut is loose, but usually when performing such work the nut is tightened by approximately 30 degrees. This should be enough to get everything right. After the adjustment is completed, it will be necessary to check that this task was performed correctly. That is, you will need to make sure that the steering wheel turns normally to any position all the way and there is no knocking. If the knock remains, then the adjustment continues.


Dismantling and disassembling the electric amplifier

Before removing the amplifier, you need to remove all the steering column switches. Remove the steering rack cover and dismantle the devices, remembering to disconnect the connectors from the power supply.

How to remove the EUR with your own hands:

  1. After removing the switches, you will need to dismantle the lower cross member of the dashboard. To do this, you need to press the fasteners that secure the connector with wires, and then disconnect the wiring from the control module. Once these steps are completed, you can disconnect the connector from the switches.
  2. The system bracket is secured with nuts; you will need to unscrew them with a wrench.
  3. After this, the steering rack will need to be carefully lowered down. To do this, you will need to find the bolt that secures the driveshaft to the booster shaft. This bolt must be unscrewed, but when unscrewing, you will need to fix the nut, this will prevent it from turning. When the bolt is removed, the fastening will need to be loosened, after which the intermediate shaft will be carefully removed. At this stage, we recommend marking the position of the shaft and gears; you can use a marker for this. This step is very important because doing it will prevent possible installation problems in the future. If the marks on the shafts do not match, this may cause problems with the amplifier. When dismantling, be careful not to damage the wiring, as this will also lead to the inoperability of the ESD.
  4. When the unit is dismantled, it will need to be disassembled and the failed elements replaced. Further editing is done in reverse order (the author of the video is Murzik Bely).


This video shows how to repair the steering mechanism on Kalina.

Knock in Kalina steering rack. How to remove.

Installation of Kalina steering rack.

Repair of the steering column gearbox and the RR itself on Priora, Kalina, Grant.

How to install a steering rack from Kalina 2 to Kalina 1.

Steering rack for Lada Kalina Sport with a gear ratio of 3.1 instead of 4.02.

Do-it-yourself repair of the steering rack, but not Kalina, but Daevoo Sens / Daewoo Sens.

Kalina control rack - VAZ 11183 Kalina rack repair

Have you ever had a chance to monitor knocks and noises from the side? Probably it happened. They changed the control tips, changed the ball tips, even changed the springs with support bearings, but does the knocking continue? It's time to tug, make sure there is free play and start sorting out the rack. In this article I will talk about repairing the VAZ 11183 rack , but the development is identical to all other VAZ front-wheel drive racks.

The most interesting thing is that these motherfuckers from AvtoVAZ do not fundamentally change anything except the gearbox housing, I bought a repair kit 2110-2112, the rack is listed in catalogs as 2110, but the splined part is longer than 2110, and the gearbox is slightly different, so just change Unfortunately, 11183 for 2110 will not work, although 2110 costs 2500 in my town, and 11183 5500 costs 6000 rubles. The difference per pocket is very noticeable.

Well, it doesn’t fit and doesn’t fit, so we give the engineers a hard time and start disassembling it. Unfortunately, there won’t be a photo for the article, because I was up to my elbows in mud and didn’t want to wash myself for the sake of pictures, but I’ll try to describe everything carefully.

Removing the steering mechanism.

1. For convenience of work in the future, and so as not to climb into the interior with stains, unscrew the bolt securing the splined connection from inside the cabin (you will see it near the floor of the control shaft).

2. We lift the car on a lift, throw it down, and knock out the control tips from the steering knuckles.

#1 11.10.2011 20:41:53

INSTALLING EUR (ELECTRIC POWER STEERING) ON KALINA The amplifier itself was purchased in Cherepovets today (special thanks to SASHA BEARD). True, with some disappointment, but it’s no one’s fault

At first I waited for the EUR to be delivered to another store, today I called and asked if there was an amplifier? -there is.. -whose? Kaluga how fast? -11500 (good) -IT IS WITHOUT GEARBOX. (I ASKED THREE TIMES) - yes, without a gearbox (they answered three times) - okay, I’ll arrive in three hours, typed the address into the nafigator and went

in general, the nafigator is a different story, he’s lying shamelessly, it’s good that there is a connection and Sasha sorted it out on the spot

well there was a spare option in another store but there the price is 16250 (almost five pieces) but without a gearbox

I looked in the general one, I’m asking about the connectors and there is NO schematic, okay, I bought it as is, in the general one, I’ll have to look for something for a schematic, then I’ll somehow dig it up, but with the connector it will be more difficult, can anyone help me dig up a connector with wires from the shops, of course there’s no disassembly, there was only one at work but they sold it a week ago along with the amplifier

Added 10/12/2011 12:32:59: the amplifier could not be installed, many parts are missing

car disassembly before disassembly

We carefully disassemble everything and get this

We are trying to install another one, of course it doesn’t fit, we need an adapter plate and a different cardan according to the photo, numbers 3, 6, and 8

you still need connectors like these

and so at this stage everything has been put back together and we are waiting for spare parts to either order or look for a donor, I’ll probably order

Pros and cons of electric booster?

Advantages of EUR:

  • Compact mechanism . The device itself is installed on the steering shaft, thereby taking up no space under the hood.
  • Easy to maintain . The electric booster does not require constant monitoring of the fluid level.
  • Easily customizable.
  • Economical . The electric motor only turns on when the steering wheel is turned.

Disadvantages of EUR:

  • During heavy operation, the electric amplifier overheats. For example, on a dirt road after rain.
  • Low power. The reason for this was not a powerful electric generator.

Don't forget that power steering of any type can also be dangerous.

Additional reasons

Troubles in the operation of the electric power steering can be caused by:

  • voltage drop due to possible circuit breaks due to wiring faults;
  • exceeding the internal combustion engine speed;
  • lack of information

Electric power steering Kalina significantly simplifies the car's movement and makes its operation enjoyable. Lada Kalina appeared on the modern automobile market not so long ago, but has already become widely known and has gained enormous popularity among the population.

This fact is due to the practicality of this machine and its convenience. In addition, the cost of such a brand sets it apart from other cars. This effect was achieved thanks to the presence of many additional parts included in the design of the machine, which not only simplify the use of the machine, but also make this process more comfortable.

Installing a hydraulic booster on a Lada Kalina

Changes are certified, these power steering units are supplied to VAZ

VAZ supplies a lot of things, but this does not mean that all this is certified for Kalina, everything here is adult. Don’t indulge yourself in illusions; steering is not a toy.

Changes are certified, these power steering units are supplied to VAZ

It is unlikely that VAZ certified Kalina with power steering. Therefore, there will be problems with technical inspection. Read Appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1240 of 2000.

It is unlikely that VAZ certified Kalina with power steering. Therefore, there will be problems with technical inspection. Read Appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1240 of 2000. No, the power steering is not certified for the Kalina; it is certified for the tenth family and the like and for the classics. The family itself has two cars and both with power steering are the seven and the Kalina

Fuse box

The weak link of the electric power steering on Kalina is the fuse box; if something doesn’t work, it’s worth checking them. To get to them, you need to open the dashboard, to the left of the steering wheel. To do this, pull the top part towards you and the latch will open.

Check if the fuse is working, if it fails, replace it. It is very easy to check, check the integrity of the thread inside the fuse. Changing a 50 amp relay to a 30 amp one will also help.

Newer versions of Kalina are equipped with electric amplifiers from Hyundai, which has a positive effect on its reliability. However, there are still thousands of cars with the domestic version, which malfunctions and breaks down from time to time. Now it will be easier for you to repair the electric power steering on Kalina yourself. The main thing to remember is that not every amplifier shutdown is a breakdown. And you can find the problem yourself and fix it, but somewhere you will have to go to a service center.

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