Replacing the Hyundai Accent cabin filter: Step-by-step instructions, video

Regularly replacing the air filter has a beneficial effect on the performance of your car's engine. On the Hyundai accent, as on most other “Koreans”, the replacement should not cause you any special problems. It is not necessary to resort to the services of a car service; you can change the air filter yourself.

It is recommended by the manufacturer to replace the air filter on a Hyundai Accent every 15-20 thousand kilometers. However, if you operate the car in dusty or polluted air conditions, the replacement interval should be shortened.

When should it be changed?

Replacing the SF is indicated in the operating manual at each maintenance, that is, every 10 thousand km. Unlike newer inexpensive foreign cars, where maintenance takes place every 15 thousand km. and the consumable does not always survive until this time, then on this model it is not always possible to kill it by the time of verification.

The reasons for filter wear ahead of schedule are as follows:

  1. Dirty and dusty roads outside the city are the main factor in the operational contamination of a part. It is enough to drive off-road a couple of times to seriously clog your part.
  2. In the conditions and under the pipes of industrial zones, small particles in the air are not noticeable, but the filter effectively absorbs them. It can become clogged even after 6 thousand km if you often drive in such conditions, in particular, if the part is of good quality - the higher the filtration level, the smaller the size of the microscopic pores in the curtain. An inexpensive filter with large pores will allow small soot components to pass through and will hardly become dirty; a high-quality product will absorb them.
  3. The penetration of leaves and debris in the fall with high humidity also adds the risk of a rotting process forming on the curtain itself. In this situation, even cleaning will not help - the air that passes through the filter will still be rotten, and it still needs to be changed.

Signs of a clogged filter are:

  • fogging of windows even when the air conditioner is running;
  • presence of an unpleasant odor in the cabin;
  • poor performance of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

If you suddenly notice these signs, it means that there is something wrong with your filter. Just don’t delay this matter, as a contaminated part has a detrimental effect on your well-being. You can change the SF either at a car service center or with your own hands.

Air filter for Hyundai Accent

For normal operation, the Hyundai Accent internal combustion engine requires a large amount of fresh air.

But to prevent foreign impurities in the form of road dust from getting inside the cylinders, an air filter is otherwise used. It is necessary to replace it every six months or 10 thousand kilometers.

The importance of performing routine filter element replacements

Of course, all of the above advantages of cars equipped with a cabin filter will be lost if it becomes clogged, and this process, unfortunately, is inevitable. As mechanical particles settle in the pores of the cleaning element, its throughput will gradually deteriorate, and the shortage of air entering the cabin will affect the reduction in the efficiency of the climate system as a whole. The rate of filter contamination depends on many factors - road conditions, preferential operating conditions of the vehicle, driving style, driver discipline, etc.

Because of this, the replacement of the Hyundai Accent cabin filter recommended by the manufacturer can be carried out at a time that differs from that specified in the manual. This is especially true for the warm season, when the air is much more polluted than in winter. That is why many experts say that the optimal time to perform this operation is the beginning of spring. It is during this period that plants actively flower and release pollen, which is enemy number one for allergy sufferers. A clogged filter is capable of accumulating such allergens, and instead of having a protective function, it will become a threat to passengers belonging to this category of the population.

Untimely replacement of the Hyundai Accent cabin filter is fraught with other troubles - the appearance of unpleasant odors in the cabin, frequent fogging of the windows even in clear and dry weather, and a decrease in the efficiency of airflow from the deflectors when the fan, car air conditioner or heater is on. It is these symptoms that should serve as the main sign that it is time to solve the problem with a dirty filter element.

Air filter oil accent

If you notice that your air filter is in oil, you need to check the condition of the engine or contact a car service center.

Reasons for oil appearing on the air filter:

  1. The filter is clogged, the engine does not have enough air due to which it is sucked from other places - for example from the crankcase
  2. The oil deflector drain is clogged. As a result, excess oil cannot return back to the crankcase and exits along with crankcase gases.
  3. The hose or channel through which crankcase gases exit the throttle is clogged
  4. The piston rings are stuck (wear) as a result, oil from the cylinders penetrates into the crankcase and then enters the filter

If you detect oil in the air filter, it is best to contact a car service center for help.

Why is it so important to replace on time?

You should also talk about the timeliness of replacement. Timely replacement ensures proper operation of the air conditioning and heating of the Hyundai Accent interior. In addition, timely replacement makes it possible to most effectively capture microscopic particles of dust and various plants that penetrate into the interior and not only settle on its surfaces, but also cause allergic reactions in the respiratory system of people using the car.

You can also highlight a certain driving hazard created by a dirty cabin filter, since large accumulations of dirt and dust begin to prevent the penetration of air into the cabin, as a result of which the windows of the Hyundai Accent fog up, and the driver himself begins to get more tired and react worse to various driving situations. In winter, a contaminated part leads to a decrease in the performance of the heating system, as a result of which it becomes quite cold inside the car, and the windows begin to fog up more.

Cabin filter for Hyundai Accent

Some dealers involved in the supply and sale of Hyundai Accent cars, for some reason, believe that the interior fittings are an optional element and do not include it in the package. During pre-sale preparation, parts are installed on the Hyundai Accent quite rarely, as a result of which the cars end up with their owners without this inconspicuous, but quite important part.

The standard cabin filter for a Hyundai Accent consists of two halves installed behind the glove compartment in the ventilation system. If you need to replace the fitting, you can purchase a new product in the store, or you can make it yourself using available materials and tools. The quality will be slightly lower, but quite sufficient for a certain mileage of the car.

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Design features of air system elements

  • The material for the air filter housing is plastic. On the sides of its surface there are clips, such as spring latches, to facilitate removal of the air filter.
  • Two pins, with rubber tips of the bracket going inside, are located on the bottom of the block, and the black box itself is secured with a rubber tape.
  • The air meter is located on the air filter housing, enclosed in a lightweight metal housing and secured with spring latches.
  • The air intake hose is attached to the filter with a clamp, and the outlet hose connecting the suction chamber and the air meter is also attached.

Rules for choosing a new SF

Two types of filters are installed in the machine: the first is single paper, the second is carbon, multi-layer, made of a border and a handle for pulling out of the compartment. If the car was sold after 2005, then it has the first option; if from 1995 to 2005, double ones are used, since installing a single one on them would be uncomfortable. This becomes clear if you try to place a part from the second generation on the first one yourself, although their placement area and overall dimensions are the same.

Many owners of inexpensive cars buy analogues.

Signs of clutch malfunction and breakdown

There are several main signs of problems with this mechanism on a Hyundai Accent:

  • slip;
  • jamming;
  • switching on jerkily.

All this is accompanied by a characteristic grinding and crackling sound in the clutch area. It becomes extremely difficult to change gears, vibrations appear, and the car's dynamics drop. In some cases, the smell of burnt friction linings is felt.

The wear of the release roller can be determined by the characteristic sound - rustling at idle.

A damaged input shaft bearing has a similar symptom. To accurately identify a malfunction of the clutch release element, you need to start the engine and set the gearshift lever to the neutral position. Then open the hood of the car and attach a pry bar to the connecting plug at one end. If, after pressing the mechanism towards the engine, the noise disappears, and when released it increases again, this will indicate damage to the release mechanism.

Description of replacing the cabin filter on a Hyundai Accent

Instructions for replacing the cabin filter on a Hyundai Accent are presented below.

  • Open the glove compartment.
  • Press the latches.

Location of glove box latches

  • Remove the glove box clips and fold it down.

Removed clips

  • To make it easier to replace the filter, many car owners recommend completely removing the glove compartment. To do this, unscrew a couple of its fasteners.

Mounting location

  • Use pliers to disconnect the cable.

Disconnecting the cable

  • Remove the filter housing latch.


  • Remove the cabin filter cover.

Cabin filter cover

  • Clean the seat.


  • Insert new filter element.

Installed new cabin filter

  • Reassemble everything in reverse order.

Stages of replacing the filter element Hyundai Accent 2

Compared to most other cars, replacing the cabin filter in the Hyundai Accent 2 LC (TagAZ) is relatively simple. No special preparation is required for this operation. All you need is the new filter element itself.

It is pointless to dispute the benefits of salon tea, especially when it comes to coal ones. Therefore, it is not surprising that self-installation of filters on cars has become common. This is a routine and fairly simple periodic maintenance procedure; there is nothing complicated about it.

According to the regulations, replacement of the cabin filter is provided every 15,000 km, that is, every scheduled maintenance. However, depending on the operating conditions of the vehicle, the replacement period can be reduced to 8-10 mileage The more often you change the filter in the cabin, the cleaner the air will be and the better the air conditioner or heater will work.

The second generation was produced from 1999 to 2003, as well as restyled versions from 2003 to 2006.

Where is

The Hyundai Accent 2 cabin filter is located behind the glove compartment shelf, which makes it difficult to get to it. To remove this obstacle, you need to open the glove compartment and then proceed according to the instructions described below.

The filter element makes the ride comfortable, so there is no need to neglect replacing it. Much less dust will accumulate in the cabin. If you use carbon filtration, the air quality inside the car will become even noticeably better.

Removing and installing a new filter element

Replacing the cabin filter of a Hyundai Accent 2 is a routine and fairly simple periodic maintenance procedure. There is nothing complicated about it, so replacing it yourself is quite simple.

To do this, we sit in the front passenger seat, opposite the glove compartment. After all, it is behind it that the installation location is located:

  1. Open the glove compartment to perform further actions (Fig. 1).

    Fig.1 Opening the glove compartment

  2. On the right and left on the side walls of the glove box there are stopper plugs that act as opening limiters; we need to remove them. To do this, move each limiter towards the hood. Then we pull the near part inside the glove compartment so that the rubber “shock absorbers” come out through the holes and remove them. After this, lower the glove compartment down (Fig. 2).

    Fig.2 Glove compartment opening limiters

  3. Access to the installation site is open; now you need to get to the plug that covers the installation site of the filters and remove it. To do this, disconnect the heater cable (1, remove it from the place of fastening with the flap. 2 and 3, remove it from engagement with the latches and remove it up or down so that it does not interfere). We also disconnect the wire plug 4. Now, on the plug itself, press the stopper 5 on top, disengage the lower part and move it to the side (Fig. 3).

    Fig.3 Removing interfering elements

  4. That's it, now we just take out the filter elements, first the upper one, then the lower one, and replace them with new ones (Fig. 4).

    Fig.4 Upper and lower filter elements

  5. After the replacement, all that remains is to install everything in its place and assemble it in the reverse order, as well as put the glove compartment in place.

When installing, pay attention to the arrows shown on one side of the filter element. They indicate the correct installation position. Exactly how to install is written below.

When removing the filter, as a rule, a large amount of debris spills onto the mat. It is worth vacuuming the inside of the stove body itself - the size of the slot for the filter makes it quite easy to operate with the narrow nozzle of the vacuum cleaner.

Which side to install

In addition to replacing the cabin air filter element itself, it is important to install it on the correct side. There are simple notations for this:

  • Just an arrow (without an inscription) - indicates the direction of the air flow.
  • The arrow and the inscription UP indicate the top edge of the filter.
  • The arrow and the inscription AIR FLOW indicate the direction of the air flow.
  • If the flow is top-down, then the extreme edges of the filter should be like this - \/\/\/\/
  • If the flow is bottom-up, then the extreme edges of the filter should be like this: /\/\/\/\

In the Hyundai Accent 2, the air flow passes from right to left, towards the steering wheel. Based on this, as well as the inscriptions on the side plane of the air filter, we carry out the correct installation.

Choice of SF Hyundai Accent

The first generation Accent, produced during 1999-2005, was equipped with a filter with article number 97617-1C000, which consisted of two rectangular filter elements that were placed one above the other. Each of them was equipped with its own frame, which was complemented by a handle that made it easier to pull the product out of the compartment. Since 2005, the Accent has been equipped with a regular single cabin filter (article 97133-1E100), albeit without a frame. For this reason, replacing the Accent Tagaz cabin filter is much easier, although the niche for the filter and the total dimensions of the single and dual cleaning elements are the same.

The double filter is generally a unique design solution. Forced, since it is extremely difficult to install a whole product on first-generation cars, but separately they become quite simple. One way or another, original cabin filters are rarely purchased today, preferring cheaper options from well-known manufacturers of similar products. In particular, for Hyundai Accent produced before 2005, the following products can be considered a good alternative:

  • Nevsky filter (article NF6159/2);
  • TSN (article 9.7-13);
  • Finnwhale (item AS738);
  • Kolbeschmidt (item 50013894).

For cars that came off the assembly line after 2005 (Tagaz assembly), the following filters will be suitable:

  • Nevsky filter (article NF6425);
  • Champion (item CCF0186);
  • TSN (article 9.7-547);
  • Finnwhale (item AS742).

Unfortunately, domestic dealers specializing in sales of Hyundai Accent often practice pre-sale preparation without installing a cabin filter on the car. Apparently, believing that this part can hardly be called in demand among drivers. About ten years ago, it really was a novelty, and car owners did not see the benefits of owning it, considering the troubles of replacing it burdensome. Today the situation has changed diametrically - no one wants to breathe dirty air with unpleasant odors, so configurations with a missing filter are becoming unpopular.

The place behind the glove compartment, where the cabin air filter is located on the Hyundai Accent, is standard for many brands and models of cars, so there are usually no problems with dismantling the old and installing a new product. As for the filter itself, some car enthusiasts prefer not to buy a finished part, but to make it themselves. As a rule, the quality of such a product is not much inferior to the factory one, but in terms of cost, this option is clearly preferable, especially if the owner of the car loves and knows how to do repairs without resorting to the help of professionals.

Which filter to choose for Hyundai Accent

When replacing a filter, it is not necessary to install the original filter; you can get by with quite high-quality analogues. The price is much lower, but the result will be the same.

Air filters for different years of manufacture

  • Accent manufactured before 1999 with a 1.3 liter engine. filter - 28113-22301 (price from 150 rubles)
  • Accent manufactured before 1999 with a 1.5 liter engine. filter - 28113-22051 (price from 200 rubles)
  • Accent Tagaz and Korea after 1999 filter - 28113-22600 (price from 300 rubles)

These are original filters for different years of car production and engine types. For cars after 1999 and up to present. you can choose analogues :

  • Mann C 2775 price 500 rub. excellent quality
  • Filtron AP 108/6 price from 350 rub.
  • FRAM CA-10088 price from 250 rub.
  • Alco Filters MD8194 price from 300 rub.

After choosing a filter, you can begin replacing it.

What tools will you need to make your own?

In order to independently make and replace the cabin filter on a Hyundai Accent, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • two halves of an old, used cabin filter;
  • replacement filter used in kitchen hoods;
  • yardstick;
  • scissors;
  • knife;
  • glue.

Replacement filters for exhaust hoods are sold in many stores and are several times cheaper than car filters, and the area of ​​such a filter is enough to make six interior filters. The purchased filter can even be a two-layer carbon filter, which provides better cleaning.

Hyundai Accent clutch replacement procedure: step-by-step instructions

The work will require several sizes of wrenches: 12, 14 and 17. You will also need sockets, a wrench with an extension, and a dynamometer. As mentioned above, a special type of mandrel will be required.

Removing the clutch

The machine must be installed on an overpass, inspection pit or lift. Further actions:

  • drain the gearbox oil;
  • remove the battery along with the tray;
  • release the air filter housing with the air supply hose to the throttle;
  • unscrew the clutch drive from the engine compartment;
  • release the gear selection cables from under the car - move the bracket with the cables to the side;
  • dismantle the slave cylinder of the clutch mechanism, move it to the side - do not touch the tubes;
  • disconnect the wiring from the reverse light switch;
  • provide full access to the checkpoint, removing all unnecessary;
  • remove both upper gearbox mounts;
  • pull out the mudguard;
  • Unscrew both outer front wheel drives;
  • remove internal grenades;
  • remove the left engine support, disconnect the bracket from the gearbox;
  • separate the plastic wiring harness holder;
  • remove the upper and lower crankcase covers;
  • remove the starter;
  • suspend the motor or install an adjustable stop under it;
  • remove the other two engine mounts along with the brackets;
  • separate the gearbox from the power unit by unscrewing the lower fixing bolts - move the box to the left and place it on the stop;
  • unscrew the bolts connecting the casing to the flywheel;
  • pull out the basket with the disc.

The release bearing is located on the clutch fork. To remove it, you need to remove the boot and rotate the fork - be sure to press with your hand on the sides of its internal spring. Then remove the element along with the rubber gasket.


Before reinstallation, the basket must be centered relative to the disk and shaft bearing. The mandrel is removed at the very last moment, after all the casing bolts are tightened to the final torque.

  • before installing the gearbox, apply a thin layer of tripoid grease to the splined part of the basket and input shaft;
  • the new disk must be placed with the convex part towards the basket;
  • the basket bolts are finally tightened with a dynamic wrench with a torque of 22 Newton per meter;
  • New fluid must be filled into the gearbox.

Flywheel check

If there are blue spots on the flywheel, this is a reason to measure the runout. You need to make sure that the working surface of the part (mirror) is not damaged. To correctly carry out a measurement, you need a homemade dial indicator on a tripod or other device. It is attached to the flywheel, then the engine is rotated clockwise. At the same time the scale is controlled. The permissible runout is no more than 0.1 mm.

Useful recommendations for spare parts

Here are the clutch parts that fit the Hyundai Accent in terms of diameter and part numbers:

  • on models up to 2005 - disc 200 mm 41100-22705, basket 200 mm 41300-22660, release 41424-28000;
  • on models after 2005 - disc 215 mm 41100-22750, basket 215 mm 41300-22710 and release lever 41424-28000.

When replacing the clutch on a Hyundai Accent, you need to be extremely careful. When friction linings wear, asbestos dust is formed, which is very dangerous for car mechanisms. It is prohibited to wash it off with gasoline or solvent! Only industrial alcohol should be used.

When to change, what interior to install

To perform scheduled maintenance operations, there are regulations, as well as manufacturer recommendations. According to them, replacing the cabin filter of the Hyundai Accent II LC heating and air conditioning system should be done every 15,000 kilometers or once a year.

Considering that the operating conditions of the car in most cases will be far from ideal, experts advise performing this operation approximately twice as often, in spring and autumn.

Characteristic symptoms:

  1. Windows often fog up;
  2. the appearance of unpleasant odors in the cabin when the airflow is turned on;
  3. deterioration of the stove and air conditioner;

They may make you doubt that the filter element is coping with its tasks and an unscheduled replacement will be required. In principle, these symptoms should be relied upon when choosing the correct replacement interval.

Suitable sizes

When choosing a filter element, owners do not always use products recommended by the car manufacturer. Everyone has their own reasons for this, some say that the original is unreasonably expensive. Some people in the region sell only analogues, so there is a need to know the sizes by which you can subsequently make a selection.

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2 elements with dimensions:

  • Height: 12 mm
  • Width: 100 mm
  • Length: 248 mm

As a rule, sometimes analogues for the Hyundai Accent II LC may be a few millimeters larger or smaller than the original, there is nothing wrong with that. And if the difference is measured in centimeters, then of course it’s worth looking for another option.

Selecting an original cabin filter

The manufacturer recommends using exclusively original consumables, which, in general, is not surprising. They themselves are of good quality and are widely available in car dealerships, but their price may seem overpriced to many car owners.

Regardless of the configuration, on all second-generation Hyundai Accents (including the restyled version), the manufacturer recommends installing a cabin air filter with article number 97617-1C000 (976171C000). But you can also install the original analogue with number 97617-1C001, the dimensions are the same, the width and height are the same.

The salon in this model is composite and consists of 2 parts. They are completely identical in size, the only difference being the so-called tongue-and-groove system on the side plastic edges.

It is worth noting that sometimes consumables and other spare parts may be supplied to dealerships under different part numbers. Which can sometimes confuse those who want to purchase an original product.

When choosing between a dust and carbon product, car owners are advised to use a carbon filter element. This filter is more expensive, but it cleans the air much better.

It is easy to distinguish - the paper filter accordion is impregnated with a carbon composition, and therefore has a dark gray color. The filter cleans the air flow from dust, fine dirt, germs, bacteria and enhances the protection of your lungs.

Which analogues to choose

In addition to simple cabin filters, there are also carbon filters that filter the air more effectively, but they are more expensive. The advantage of coal SF is that it does not allow foreign odors coming from the road (street) to penetrate into the car interior.

But this filter element also has a drawback - air does not pass through it well. GodWill and Corteco carbon filters are of fairly high quality and are a good replacement for the original.

However, in some retail outlets the price of the original second-generation Hyundai Accent cabin filter may turn out to be greatly inflated. In this case, it makes sense to purchase a non-original consumable item. In particular, cabin filters are considered quite popular:

Conventional dust cabin filters

  • Mann Filter CU 2506-2 – high-tech consumables from a well-known manufacturer
  • BIG filter GB-9839 – popular brand, good fine cleaning
  • Nevsky filter NF-6159-2 - Russian manufacturer with an affordable price

Carbon cabin filters

  • Amd FC17C – high-quality and thick carbon coating
  • BIG filter GB9839/C – activated carbon
  • Nevsky filter NF6159C-2 – normal quality, affordable price

It makes sense to take a closer look at the products of other companies - they also specialize in the production of high-quality consumables for passenger cars:

  • Corteco
  • Filtron
  • SCT
  • Sakura
  • GoodWill
  • Fram
  • JS Asakashi
  • Champion
  • Zekkert
  • Masuma
  • Nipparts
  • Purflux
  • Knecht Mahle
  • RU54

It is quite possible that sellers may recommend replacing the Accent II LC cabin filter with non-original cheap substitutes with a much smaller thickness. They are not worth buying, since their filtering characteristics are unlikely to be at the proper level.

Reasons for replacement

To understand why an air filter is required in a car, you need to understand the basic principles of operation of an internal combustion engine. For the engine to operate, a fuel-air mixture consisting of air and atomized fuel is required. The principle works for all piston internal combustion engines - diesel, gasoline and more exotic options (for example, alcohol engines). And the air entering the power plant must be filtered from excess impurities - dirt, dust, oil splashes, etc. Otherwise, foreign elements will enter the engine and lead to its breakdown.

The air filter allows air to enter the engine in an already purified form. But during operation, the described spare part loses its throughput due to contamination. This affects the operation of the engine: the amount of incoming oxygen decreases, the fuel mixture ends up with an excess amount of gasoline (or diesel fuel), which does not burn during operation of the power plant. As a result, fuel consumption increases, engine power decreases, and environmental pollution increases. In advanced cases , the engine wears out faster, which leads to unplanned and expensive repairs.

To avoid the described troubles, the car owner should know the signs that indicate the exhaustion of the air filter resource and the need to replace it. There are two main signs:

  • engine power decreases, it is difficult to start and runs intermittently;
  • When disassembling the air filter housing, you can see that its working surface has changed color. In normal condition, the air filter is white or cream. When the resource is exhausted, the spare part turns gray (in advanced cases, the color becomes coal black).

In this case, you have to purchase a new air filter to replace it. This applies to every car, including the Hyundai Accent.

How to make a cabin filter for a Hyundai Accent with your own hands?

For those who do not want to buy a SF for Hyundai, but want to do it themselves, we offer detailed instructions. It is important to stock up on scissors, glue, a knife, a used car filter and a replacement filter for the kitchen hood.

A replacement cassette for a kitchen hood can be bought at Auchan for 100 rubles. Its size is enough for 6 car filters, it all depends, of course, on the replacement cassette itself. You can buy a multi-layer carbon filter.

  1. Take an old car filter. Carefully shake out any dirt from it.
  2. After this, use a knife to cut off the worn-out cleaning element.
  3. We only need a plastic border.
  4. According to the internal size of the plastic rim, it is necessary to cut blanks from the kitchen filter with scissors.
  5. We glue a sharp carbon filter. If you have a two-layer element, then read the instructions in what order the layers should be in the hood. And in the same way place the second layer on the car filter.
  6. Repeat all these steps for the second part of the SF.
  7. Leave the resulting product to dry for a day.
  8. Install the finished consumable into the car.

SF is ready with your own hands.

Features of clutch replacement

Replacing the clutch on a Hyundai Accent is a very labor-intensive operation that involves hanging the engine and gearbox. In Moscow and other large cities there are specialized car services ,

where there is a lift, pit and other necessary equipment.

Important features you need to know about.

  1. It is necessary to use a special mandrel to center the driven disk, otherwise the box will not fit into place - the usual VAZ mandrel is not suitable here.
  2. Removing the starter is somewhat difficult. To gain access to the starter bolts, you need to remove the cable fastenings. The cables themselves can be hooked onto the vacuum brake booster.
  3. The release bearing on this car is mounted on a short bell-shaped guide. If the bearing wears out due to heavy load, the Hyundai owner will face repairs at a high price. The guide itself will need to be changed.

  4. The clutch on the Accent is installed in the crankcase, connected to the cylinder block and gearbox. The basket is connected to the flywheel using 5 bolts. The latter is equipped with three pins, which, when installing the coupling, enter the structurally provided holes in the casing (basket). Thus, centering occurs.
  5. The pressure plate is fixed to the basket by three pairs of elastic steel plates. Replacement of the casing is recommended if there is significant settlement of the diaphragm spring and severe wear of the drive disk and petals to a depth of more than 0.8 mm. However, due to the complex process of removing the transmission on a Hyundai Accent, it is recommended to replace the entire clutch kit, including the discs and release bearing.

The work time depends on the type of mechanism installed on the Hyundai Accent. If this is a regular mechanism, then the repair will take about 1 hour.

Frequency of SF replacement

For beginners, it is not enough to know how to replace the cabin filter on a Hyundai Accent - this operation will have to be performed repeatedly. How often depends on the conditions in which the car is used. The recommended period is 100,000 kilometers, but this is if the car is not used often and its route does not pass through dusty and polluted areas. In a big city, it is impossible to avoid congestion, so in such conditions the filter will have to be changed twice as often, as when driving on country roads.

The cost of a finished cabin filter is from 300 to 800 rubles. The price of an analogue for kitchen hoods does not exceed 150 rubles, and its size is sufficient for the manufacture of several cabin filters, therefore, even if you are not inclined to engage in amateur activities, you should not throw away your used SF - who knows how circumstances will turn out in the future.



Procedure for replacing the air filter on a Hyundai Accent

Before starting work, be sure to disconnect the battery terminals. Only then start. Before starting work, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • mittens or gloves - to protect the skin of the hands;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • screwdriver (phillips and slotted);
  • set of open-end wrenches.

Replacing the air filter includes the following main steps:

  • You need to carefully unfasten the 3 metal latches that hold the top cover in place;

  • using keys or a screwdriver, unscrew the clamp that supplies air inside the air filter housing;
  • the corrugated rubber pipe is carefully removed to the side - it will be inconvenient to remove the top cover;
  • lift the cover of the plastic case;

  • Carefully remove the old filter.

After removing the old filter, you must carefully blow out the housing with a compressor or clean it with a vacuum cleaner. It is advisable to carefully clean off all dust. This is the only way to avoid rapid clogging of the newly installed filter. Some car owners simply do not want to purchase new filters - they simply wash the old ones with special cleaning agents or plain water.

It is important to remember: the cause of poor air flow is not only the presence of a large amount of dust. Over time, the material from which the filter is made gradually wears out, becomes denser, and its pores become clogged with dirt. Which leads to a significant deterioration in air circulation. Even a well-washed new filter can cause increased fuel consumption and uneven engine operation.

For normal engine operation, the manufacturer recommends changing the air filter as often as possible. This will avoid increased fuel consumption and other problems. The cost of consumables rarely exceeds 200-300 rubles.


When replacing, you should pay attention to the metal spring latches on the sides of the filter housing, which are held onto plastic parts. Over time, the material gets tired and wears out, which can lead to breakage. Be careful when replacing.

Do not start the engine if the air filter housing is removed or the filter element itself is missing. Such carelessness will lead to particles of dust and dirt getting into the working cylinders of the engine, which can lead to rapid abrasive wear of all its components.

A substandard, defective or overly contaminated filter element leads to a significant decrease in engine power, as well as rapid wear of engine parts.

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