How to remove the door trim from Ford Focus 1, 2, 3: step-by-step instructions with photos and videos

The reason for removing the door trim from a Ford Focus may be:

  • malfunction of the window regulator, central locking system;
  • installation of speakers of the acoustic system;
  • interior soundproofing work;
  • straightening or other door repair work;
  • gluing the seal.
  • How to remove door trim from Ford Focus 2
      How to remove the trim from the front door
  • How to remove trim from rear door
  • How to remove door trim from Ford Focus 3
      How to remove the trim from the front door
  • How to remove trim from rear door
  • The procedure for removing the door trim of a Ford Focus 3

    You can remove the door trim of a Ford Focus 3 yourself.
    At the same time, it is important to know that there are practically no fasteners on the car door trim, or rather, they are hidden from view. Therefore, in order not to break the aesthetic plastic trims on the front and rear doors, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions on how to remove them, and only then proceed. As for the Ford Focus 3 as a whole, for a low price the car enthusiast gets a high-quality and modern car. The issue of price is relevant not only when buying a car, but also when servicing it, as well as repairing it. The Focus has proven itself to be a very reliable car; critical breakdowns and failures rarely occur in it. The vast majority of Ford problems can be fixed with your own hands, without resorting to the help of third-party specialists, craftsmen or expensive car services and service stations. Repairing any car with your own hands requires certain experience, skills and knowledge. Detailed instructions and algorithms of actions in a given situation are very helpful in this matter. Help is especially needed in cases where the solution to the issue is not obvious, and actions “by touch” can lead to breakdowns of parts and mechanisms. And if everything goes without damage, then after calculating the amount of time spent and weighing the efforts expended, you can come to the conclusion that contacting a car service would not be so expensive. As a rule, if, in addition to selecting all the necessary tools, you arm yourself with a detailed step-by-step guide created based on the experience of specialists and owners of Ford Focus 3, you can save not only money, but also time.

    How to remove door trim from Ford Focus 2

    In order not to reset the factory settings of the control unit, do not forget to disconnect the power cable from the negative terminal of the battery.

    The door design of the second generation Focus is somewhat different. The first tools you will need are a flat blade screwdriver and an 8mm socket wrench. You will also need a TORX T25 wrench.

    How to remove the trim from the front door

    Lower the glass all the way.

    Remove the corner decorative trim located in the area of ​​the mirror drive. It is a mesh structure that is attached to plastic clips. To remove it, you need to gently pull it towards you.

    The cover is held on by plastic clips

    Next, remove the facing plate of the inner handle of the lock. To do this, lightly pry it up with a screwdriver, move it to the right and pull it slightly towards you until the frame moves away from the fastener.

    Move to the armrest. Find a gap between its lower and upper parts, insert a screwdriver with a thin and wide slot there. Gently press the lower pad towards you with the tool, and at the same time lift the upper part slightly.

    Remove the lower part from the clamps

    Disconnect both electrical connectors. To do this, squeeze the clamps with your fingers and remove the plugs from the pads.

    Outside mirror connector

    Using a long “8” socket wrench, remove the two mounting bolts under the armrest.

    This is where the screw fastenings end. The card remains attached to the door with seven plastic clips.

    The covering is taken with both hands from one edge and, carefully bending, is gradually removed. The process is accompanied by characteristic clicks of fasteners coming out of the hooks.

    Most likely, most of the caps will be damaged. Therefore, to put the card back in place, new clips are purchased in advance.

    The remaining holders are removed with clippers or simple pliers.

    Installation of the front door panel is carried out in the reverse order of removal.

    You can watch the video for more information about disassembling the door trim of the Ford Focus 2 restyling:

    How to remove trim from rear door

    It is believed that dismantling the rear door card of the Focus II is more difficult than the front one.

    To work, you will also need a slotted screwdriver and an “8” socket head.

    Start with the window lift handle. A flat-head screwdriver is inserted into the gap and the retainer is removed with a spatula.

    You can use a wire, the end of which is bent with a hook and used to remove the shaped retainer.

    Having freed yourself from the spring clip, remove the window handle and its socket.

    Remove the door lock handle trim. To do this, pry it up with a screwdriver and move it to the right, while simultaneously pulling it towards you.

    To avoid damaging the panel plastic, you can wrap the end of the screwdriver with electrical tape. You can use plastic clippers, which have a characteristic bend that allows you to quickly and conveniently perform such operations.

    The frame seems to move and thus it is removed

    The following fastenings are covered by the armrest. In Focus 2, there is a pad on top of it, which is attached to hard plastic clips. It needs to be removed. To do this, use a flat screwdriver or a more suitable tool to pry up the edge of the upper plastic part.

    Remove the trim

    In the armrest, along its edges, there are two self-tapping screws that hold the rear door card. Unscrew them with an “8” socket wrench.

    After this, they proceed directly to removing the casing. She remained holding on to seven pistons.

    Take the edge of the panel with both hands and, pulling it towards you, lift it up, overcoming the resistance of the plastic holders.

    Do not forget to remove the seal from the axis of the window lift mechanism.

    To install the card, use the reverse assembly order.

    Why remove the door trim on a Ford Focus 3?

    You may need to disassemble the door trim on your Ford Focus 3 for a number of reasons.
    There are two main ones: That is, the doors are disassembled if something is broken in them, or the owner of the car decided to improve its appearance, quality or certain characteristics. For example, as you know, Ford Focus 3 does not have a very high level of noise insulation, and in order to increase it, you need to get to the metal from the inside. In addition, when installing or replacing an audio system, the speakers of which are usually located in the front doors, the procedure is also relevant.

    Necessary tool

    In order to successfully remove the door trim, you may need the following tools and accessories:

    • set of torx bits;
    • a set of plastic spatulas or at least a plastic ruler;
    • thin flat screwdrivers;
    • metal ruler or thin spatula.

    If the procedure is carried out with the aim of replacing or installing any parts or assemblies, then, accordingly, you should not forget to prepare the necessary kits.

    Before starting the dismantling procedure, it is recommended to remove the negative voltage on the battery to avoid accidental short circuits or other problems with the electrical circuit.

    Procedure for removing the front door trim

    Removing the front door trim on a Ford Focus 3 is as follows:

    1. Use a spatula to pry off the electronic unit responsible for controlling the power windows and adjusting the position of the mirrors.
    2. Remove the block.
    3. Disconnect the wires by removing the terminals.
    4. Unscrew the two mounting screws.
    5. Use a screwdriver to pry and remove the plug from the door handle. It is located behind the handle in the recess.
    6. Use a thin screwdriver to unclip the reflector at the bottom.
    7. Use a screwdriver to pry it out and remove the plug from the side (if you look at the trim from the end of the open door).
    8. Unscrew the three bolts found (under the handle, reflector and plug).
    9. Remove the buzzer in the corner of the window on the door.
    10. Disconnect it from the wires.
    11. Using a plastic spatula or your hands, carefully prying, remove the door trim, starting from the bottom.
    12. After dismantling the trim, unclip the door handle fasteners and remove it.
    13. The casing has been removed. The door is now accessible from the inside.

    According to experienced owners of Ford Focus 3, all the pistons that secure the door parts are quite strong and do not break, however, it is not recommended to use undue effort to detach the trim.

    How to remove the front door trim of a Ford Focus 2 in a garage

    Repairing a car with your own hands requires the motorist to have certain skills and knowledge in the field of car repair. However, sometimes even these are not enough to understand how this or that automobile part is removed, especially if there are no visible fasteners, bolts or screws on it. As a result, the already difficult repair procedure is complicated by finding ways to remove the ill-fated part, behind which lies a malfunction that requires elimination.

    So one day my door power window drive failed, after a long and unsuccessful search for fasteners, I began to act logically, and as it turned out later, it was completely in vain. As a result, in addition to the fact that I had a faulty lift, I also broke a bunch of door fasteners that were hidden under various decorative covers. In short, I “disfigured” the door while I got to the drive. After that I decided to help those who are just about to remove the door card, and just like me, they are scratching their heads and not only

    Disassembled Ford Focus 2 interior preparation before soundproofing photo

    Disassemble the interior completely, removing all finishing materials. When disassembling, try to remember to put all the bolts, screws, and hedgehogs separately. What will happen later during assembly?

    We apply a layer of vibroplast to the degreased frame, tightly rolling its body, including the floor, arches and wings. The second layer will be glued Shumka for the car body. ON a sticky base, try to stick it completely, avoid gaps.

    Once finished, we proceed to reinstall the sheathing, placing it tightly on the sound insulation.

    When purchasing vibroplast for a car, or sound insulation, get instructions from the seller, because this material for the body and other parts comes in different quality properties and sizes.

    Procedure for removing the rear door trim

    The rear door trim is removed according to a similar scenario:

    1. Pry up the part of the Ford Focus 3 armrest closest to the front seat with a spatula and remove it.
    2. Remove the plug under the door handle.
    3. Unscrew the three screws found (two are under the first part and one is under the second).
    4. Behind the window lifter handle, press the trim with your hand. There we find a bracket.
    5. Remove the bracket with a metal ruler or a thin screwdriver. Otherwise, thread a thick fabric into the gap under the handle so that it can push the tendrils of the staple apart. With a few movements of the fabric, the staple snaps out. Don't lose her.
    6. Starting from the bottom, as on the front door, remove the trim by hand or using plastic spatulas.
    7. Unclip the handle and remove it from the trim.

    The door trim on the other side is removed in the same manner.

    Let us remind you once again about the accuracy of the work, since most of the parts are plastic, and some small parts can jump out and get lost.

    What is door trim and its purpose?

    The door panels on the Ford Focus sedan station wagon and hatchback of the first generation were made of durable but thin plastic. The material had good resistance to mechanical damage and did not crack from frost. The owners noted a characteristic creaking of the trim in the armrest area.

    The interior of the third Focus uses higher quality materials - high-strength plastic and eco-leather. The doors are lined with color-matched plastic panels. Purpose:

    • ensuring sound insulation of the cabin;
    • protection of electrical cables from mechanical damage and rapid operational wear;
    • technical review when checking electrical cables;
    • decorative function, soft plastic is not only reliable, but aesthetically pleasing and beautiful.


    It is quite possible to dismantle the casing yourself. Many drivers encounter difficulties due to incorrect work procedures. Removing the door trim on a Ford Focus 3 is necessary in cases where:

    • rear or front door glass needs to be replaced;
    • The power window does not work;
    • the door lock does not close well or is faulty;
    • The driver's speaker stopped working;
    • It is necessary to improve the sound insulation of the cabin.

    When reinstalling, you need to purchase a set of clips. The clamps are intended for single fastening. If you reuse the part, the tightness of the material is broken, the panels do not hold well, and they can creak when the motor vibrates. To quickly disassemble the casing, you will need the following tools:

    • crosshead screwdriver;
    • steel wire, with a diameter of 0.8 mm:
    • flat screwdriver;
    • plastic ruler;
    • 10mm socket wrench with crank.

    Sequence of removing trim from front and rear doors of Ford Focus 2

    Before we begin removing the casing, we need to decide what we need for this.

    Tools and Supplies

    • Phillips screwdriver;
    • a set of plastic door latches for Ford Focus cars;
    • medium-sized flat-head screwdriver;
    • a piece of wire 10 cm long and 0.8 mm in diameter;
    • 10mm socket head with wrench.

    Removing the trim from the front door

    1. The door opens, the armrest from below is pryed up with a flat screwdriver and removed manually.

    Ford Focus front door armrest can be removed manually

    Self-tapping screws from under the armrest of the Ford Focus front door are unscrewed with a screwdriver

    The frame on the front door handle of the Ford Focus is pryed off with a flat screwdriver

    Ford Focus power window plug is turned off manually

    Ford Focus front door trim removed

    How to remove from the back

    The procedure for removing the rear door trim is almost completely similar to that given above. There is only one difference: power windows. The front doors are electric, the rear doors are mechanical. Therefore, before removal you will have to remove the mechanical window lifter handle.

      The handle is pryed off from above with a flat screwdriver, and a wire hook is inserted into the resulting gap, which engages the locking ring.

    The Ford Focus window lifter handle is lifted with a flat screwdriver

    The retaining ring from under the Ford Focus window lifter handle is removed with wire

    Ford Focus rear window lifter handle can be removed manually


    The analysis takes place with the door open, step by step:

    1. Pry up the armrest with a flat-head screwdriver and pull out the panel.
    2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the two screws located under the panel.
    3. Use a flat screwdriver or a plastic ruler to pry the frame of the door handle and pull the part straight towards you.
    4. Remove the protective cap of the reflector and unscrew the screw.
    5. Remove the door lock handle socket.
    6. Unscrew the screw located under the cover.
    7. Pull out the power window connector located under the frame and disconnect the block. For the back door, use wire and remove the handle.
    8. Pry the lower corner of the casing from below with a screwdriver and move it away from you until the clip clicks.
    9. If you try to remove the clip with a screwdriver, you may scratch the casing or crack the plastic.
    10. Without removing the screwdriver from under the panel, run the tool around the entire perimeter and unclip all five; on the 2nd generation restyling version there are six latches.

    Half the time the clips will have broken side skirts. It is recommended to remove all fasteners and install new ones in their place.

    Removing the rear door trim is carried out in the same way as the front door; you need to start work from the top panel of the armrest and window regulator.

    1. Pry the window handle trim and pull it towards you; the part is installed on the latch.
    2. Unscrew the two screws that are located under the panel and pull out the handle.
    3. Remove the door handle trim and unscrew the screw.
    4. Pry up the casing with a screwdriver and unclip the clips.

    How to disassemble the door of a Ford Focus 3

    Behind the cap there is a screw that needs to be removed. After that, the door latch locking socket is lifted and removed.

    Behind the cap there is a screw, unscrewing which allows you to disassemble the door lock socket

    If the car is equipped with a power window, then disconnect the electronic latch and remove the locking handle. In the case of mechanical window lifts, the regulator handle is removed with an ordinary piece of wire.

    Removing door cards and gluing doors on a Ford Focus 3

    Removing the window lifter on a mechanical and electronic drive

    The finishing panel of the window, located on the inside, is carefully removed.

    Use a screwdriver to unscrew the finishing panel bolts.

    Removing the trim panel by removing the bolts

    We eliminate the rattling of Ford focus 3 doors, remove the door trim.

    The door trim rotates upward and is removed.

    The door trim is carefully rotated and removed from its place


    The analysis takes place with the door open, step by step:

    • Use a flat-head screwdriver to pry up the armrest and remove the panel.
    • Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the two screws located under the panel.
    • Use a flat screwdriver or a plastic ruler to pry the frame of the door handle and pull the part straight towards you.
    • Remove the protective cap of the reflector and unscrew the screw.
    • Remove the door lock handle socket.
    • Remove the screw located under the cover.
    • Remove the power window connector located under the frame and disconnect the block. For the back door, use wire and remove the handle.
    • Pry the lower corner of the casing from below with a screwdriver and move it away from you until the clip clicks.
    • If you try to remove the clip with a screwdriver, you may scratch the casing or crack the plastic.
    • Without removing the screwdriver from under the panel, run the tool around the entire perimeter and unclip all five; on the 2nd generation restyling version there are six latches.

    Half the time the clips will have broken side skirts. It is recommended to remove all fasteners and install new ones in their place.

    Removing the rear door trim is carried out in the same way as the front door; you need to start work from the top panel of the armrest and window regulator.

    • Pry the window handle trim and pull it towards you; the part is installed on the latch.
    • Unscrew the two screws that are located under the panel and pull out the handle.
    • Remove the door handle trim and unscrew the screw.
    • Pry up the casing with a screwdriver and unclip the clips.

    Tools and Supplies

    • Phillips screwdriver;
    • set of plastic door latches for Ford Focus ;
    • medium-sized flat-head screwdriver;
    • a piece of wire 10 cm long and 0.8 mm in diameter;
    • 10mm socket head with wrench.

    How to remove the door trim Ford Focus 1, 2, 3

    During the operation of the car, drivers are often faced with the need to disassemble the doors and remove the trim from them. Such work can be carried out for various reasons - from repairing failed parts to tuning the interior. Despite the reasons why you need to remove the trim from a Ford Focus , you need to know exactly how this procedure is performed in order to avoid mistakes.

    During the operation of the vehicle, car owners may be faced with the need to dismantle the door trim. Similar work is performed in the following cases:

    • breakdown of power windows or central locking. Repairing such elements requires mandatory dismantling of the door trim: without this, it will be impossible to carry out the necessary work;
    • installation of acoustic columns or any other gadgets placed in the side surfaces of the doors;
    • procedures for noise and vibration insulation, installation of insulation or sealant.

    During the cold season, the door trim is removed extremely carefully and carefully. When exposed to low temperatures, plastic becomes brittle, making it very easy to break or damage. The most vulnerable are small parts - latches, fasteners and clips. For this reason, it is advisable to carry out work on dismantling the casing either in the warm season, or indoors - a garage or box. In summer, you can remove it anywhere - the main thing is that it is protected from dust and wind.

    Removing the door trim from a Ford Focus 1, 2 or 3 is a procedure that differs depending on the specific car model. The main differences are the design features of the car doors, the location of the fasteners and the methods of their removal.

    Ford models , the plastic linings that cover the door trim are attached to special clips, the removal of which requires extreme care and caution. The dismantling processes for three Ford Focus models are discussed in more detail below.

    Removing and installing rear door trim - Ford Focus 2

    Before we begin removing the casing, we need to decide what we need for this.

    How to remove the front door trim of a Ford Focus 2 in a garage

    Repairing a car with your own hands requires the motorist to have certain skills and knowledge in the field of car repair. However, sometimes even these are not enough to understand how this or that automobile part is removed, especially if there are no visible fasteners, bolts or screws on it. As a result, the already difficult repair procedure is complicated by finding ways to remove the ill-fated part, behind which lies a malfunction that requires elimination.

    So one day my door power window drive failed, after a long and unsuccessful search for fasteners, I began to act logically, and as it turned out later, it was completely in vain. As a result, in addition to the fact that I had a faulty lift, I also broke a bunch of door fasteners that were hidden under various decorative covers. In short, I “disfigured” the door while I got to the drive. After that I decided to help those who are just about to remove the door card, and just like me, they are scratching their heads and not only

    Disassembled Ford Focus 2 interior preparation before soundproofing photo

    Disassemble the interior completely, removing all finishing materials. When disassembling, try to remember to put all the bolts, screws, and hedgehogs separately. What will happen later during assembly?

    We apply a layer of vibroplast to the degreased frame, tightly rolling its body, including the floor, arches and wings. The second layer will be glued Shumka for the car body. ON a sticky base, try to stick it completely, avoid gaps.

    Once finished, we proceed to reinstall the sheathing, placing it tightly on the sound insulation.

    When purchasing vibroplast for a car, or sound insulation, get instructions from the seller, because this material for the body and other parts comes in different quality properties and sizes.

    Removal on Ford Focus 1, 2 and 3: features and differences

    Removing the door trim from a Ford Focus 1, 2 or 3 is a procedure that differs depending on the specific car model. The main differences are the design features of the car doors, the location of the fasteners and the methods of their removal. On all Ford Focus models, the plastic linings that cover the door trim are attached to special clips, the removal of which requires extreme care and caution. Focus models are discussed in more detail below.

    Rear Door Trim Removal Procedure

    The barrel casing is removed according to a similar scenario:

    • Using a putty knife, pull the Ford Focus 3 arm closest to the front seat and remove it.
    • Remove the plug under the handle. door .
    • Remove the three screws you found (two under the first part and one under the second).
    • Behind the window handle, press the skin with your hand. We find a bracket there.
    • Remove the bracket with a metal ruler or thin screwdriver. Otherwise, insert a thick piece of fabric into the slot under the handle so it can slide over the tendrils of the staple. With a few movements of the fabric, the bracket clicks. Don't lose it.
    • Starting at the bottom, like the front door, remove the trim using your hands or plastic blades.
    • Unlock the handle and take off this made of leather.

    Similarly, the door trim on the other side is removed.

    Removing trimming the main entrance
    of a Ford Focus 3 looks like this:

    Removing/installing front door trim ford focus 3

    • Glue the spatula and pull out the electronic unit responsible for controlling the windows and adjusting the position of the mirrors.
    • Delete block.
    • Disconnect the wires by removing the gaskets.
    • Remove the two mounting screws.
    • Use a screwdriver to tilt and remove the fork from the door handle. It is located by the handle in the recess.
    • Using a thin screwdriver, open the reflector at the bottom.
    • Unscrew the screwdriver and remove the plug from the side (if you are looking at the body from the end of the open door).
    • Remove the three bolts found (under the handle, reflector and plug).
    • Remove the scrap in the corner of the door window.
    • Disconnect it from the wires.
    • Using a plastic putty knife or your hands, gently press together to remove the door trim from underneath.
    • With the body removed, remove the door handle mount and remove it.
    • The skin is removed. Now access the door from the inside.

    Front door

    • A screwdriver or any other suitable tool is inserted into special holes located on the door handle, which is then turned. This will allow you to remove the cap from the handle.

    Removing the trim from the front door handle

    The location of the bolts, unscrewing which will allow you to remove the door handle

    Behind the cap there is a screw that needs to be unscrewed

    Disconnecting the electronic circuit and releasing the locking socket

    Loosening the clamps allows you to pull the glass out of the door

    The casing is secured with bolts that need to be unscrewed

    The finishing panel is rotated upward and removed

    Why remove the door trim on a Ford Focus 3?

    Disassemble the door trim on your ford Focus 3 is needed for several reasons. The main ones are:

    Sheathing fastening

    The fastening clip has serial number C-MAX 1257376. For complete reinstallation on one door you will need 5 clips, the cost of one clip is from 25 rubles. It is better to start unfastening the clips from the door lock.

    On Ford Focus 3 station wagons, a sixth latch can be installed on the rear door in the right or left corner, respectively, as an additional safety element. Service station technicians and drivers who have reinstalled the trim recommend not using hard tools when working with plastic; it is better to seal the edge of the screwdriver with tape or use a thin rag as a gasket. With high resistance to direct impacts, the sheathing material cracks into fractures.

    With the correct order, the driver will need no more than 15 minutes to dismantle the plastic and the same amount to install the panels.

    Why do door trims need to be dismantled?

    During the operation of the vehicle, car owners may be faced with the need to dismantle the door trim. Similar work is performed in the following cases:

    • breakdown of power windows or central locking. Repairing such elements requires mandatory dismantling of the door trim: without this, it will be impossible to carry out the necessary work;
    • installation of acoustic columns or any other gadgets placed in the side surfaces of the doors;
    • procedures for noise and vibration insulation, installation of insulation or sealant.

    During the cold season, the door trim is removed extremely carefully and carefully. When exposed to low temperatures, plastic becomes brittle, making it very easy to break or damage. The most vulnerable are small parts - latches, fasteners and clips. For this reason, it is advisable to carry out work on dismantling the casing either in the warm season, or indoors - a garage or box. In summer, you can remove it anywhere - the main thing is that it is protected from dust and wind.

    How to disassemble the door trim on a Ford Focus 2 yourself


    Ford introduced the compact small midsize Focus model in 1998. The first generation of front-wheel drive budget city cars entered the market in three body styles: sedan, station wagon, and hatchback.

    Over twenty years of production, the Focus line has undergone seven updates, but the second generation pre-styling is most popular among CIS drivers. Most often, owners are interested in how to remove the door trim of a Ford Focus 2 in order to carry out tuning and update the interior.

    Let's look at this issue in more detail for all generations of cars.

    Why remove the trim from the doors of a Ford Focus

    In addition to the tuning option, you will need to remove the driver's or passenger door trim in the following cases:

    1. Repair, reinstallation of central locking elements.
    2. Damage to the window lowering mechanism, window lifter, opening handle, lock cylinder.
    3. The interior is equipped with speakers, acoustic columns, and control gadgets that fit into the door panel.
    4. Work related to sound insulation of the interior, laying vibration insulation, checking the internal pockets of the part for corrosion, anti-corrosion treatment.

    A plastic door card is installed as standard on the first and second generation Focus. The material becomes brittle when exposed to low temperatures, so careless dismantling can break the panel.

    It is recommended to carry out all work on reinstalling the cladding at an air temperature of at least plus 15 degrees.

    Tools and Supplies

    Complete dismantling of the door card takes up to 20 minutes. Disassembling the casing does not require special tools; a standard motorist kit is sufficient. For work you will need:

    • Torx key 20-25;
    • screwdrivers: with narrow and wide flat blades;
    • head at 8;
    • wooden wedge or plastic ruler.

    Before any work related to reinstalling the casing, it is necessary to remove the negative terminal from the battery.

    The trim is installed on plastic pistons; during the work, some clips will be broken, so it is recommended to purchase sets of fasteners for Ford in advance. The cost of an original set of 25 pistons is about 150 rubles.

    About the differences in the process of removing the trim from Ford Focus 1, 2 and 3

    Regardless of the year of manufacture, the dismantling algorithm does not change. Each generation of Focus has received an updated body. Depending on this, door cards have original shapes and are made of different materials. The cladding in the pre-restyling and restyling versions has different places for installing pistons and screws; there are differences in the shape of protective linings and plugs.

    For all models, the shape of the clips and the material used to make them remain the same. The standard retainer has the shape of a double-sided pressure piston with a double skirt. The base of the clip is installed in the trim, and fixation cells are located on the door.

    Step-by-step instructions for FordFocus 1

    The first generation of Focus hatchbacks, sedans and station wagons was produced from 1998 to 2005. In 2001, a planned restyling took place. The update did not affect the shape of the casing and the mounting locations of the pistons. The cladding has been modified since the first generation and installed on the restyled version in the standard places for screws and pistons. Disassembling the front door of Ford Focus 1 step by step:

    1. Use a thin screwdriver to pry the plate off the handle.
    2. Unscrew the two screws and remove the handle.
    3. Remove the cover near the locking lever socket, unscrew the screw, and remove the locking handle socket.
    4. Disconnect the locking plug and pull out the latch locking socket.
    5. Loosen the clamps, pull out the glass fastening channel, and pull out the glass.
    6. Unfasten 7 clips around the perimeter of the cladding: three on the outside of the panel, two on the inside, two at the bottom of the panel.
    7. Gently pull the casing towards you and up, gradually unfastening the pistons.

    Installation of the trim on the front doors is carried out in the reverse order. Removing the rear door trim on the first-generation Focus restyling has slight differences. Work process step by step:

    1. Remove the door handle cover by prying off the plate with a flat-head screwdriver.
    2. Unscrew the two bolts located under the cover.
    3. Lift the door latch lock cap, unscrew the screw, and remove the block socket.
    4. Disconnect the power plug if you have a power window.
      If the car is equipped with a manual, lift the washer of the window opening handle, push the steel hook and pull the lock from its seat.

    5. Pull out the window handle.
    6. Unscrew the bolts of the finishing panel that holds the glass, carefully pull the panel out of its seat.
    7. Unfasten the 6 clips of the trim, lifting the trim towards you and up, and remove it from the door. On the Focus 1 rear door, internal fasteners are located 3 on the outside of the door, 3 on the inside.

    Sequence of removing trim from front and rear doors of Ford Focus 2

    The second generation Focus was produced from 2004 to 2011. A new Ford C1 platform was chosen for the model, but the body shape for the entire line was carried over from the first generation. After restyling in 2008, the model range was completely rebuilt. The Focus received an updated body, stylish stampings appeared on the doors, the shape of the doors, the hood of the front and rear bumpers changed.

    Craftsmen replace the metal doors and trim of pre-restaling cars with second-generation restalling ones. Repairs require significant modifications and are rarely done by hand. When reinstalling the cladding, the location of the pistons and linings changes. The procedure for removing the trim from the front door of a Ford Focus 2 restyling step by step:

    1. Lower the window and remove the protective grille from the speaker. The mesh is installed on internal clamps; you need to turn the cap to the side and pull it out of the grooves.
    2. Unscrew the two fastening screws with a T25 key.
    3. Remove the door seal. Try not to bend or break the staples.
    4. Insert a flat-head screwdriver into the slot in the armrest and pull out the plastic top trim.
    5. Unscrew the bolts with a 8mm head and disconnect the electrical circuit plug.
    6. Disassemble the edge of the door opening handle, pull out the part by prying it off with a flat-head screwdriver.
    7. Remove the handle.
    8. Insert a plastic wedge or a thick ruler between the trim and the door, pull the trim towards you, walk around the perimeter, unfastening the internal pistons.

    The clips come out of their sockets with a characteristic click. Broken fasteners can be pulled out from the trim with pliers and then replaced with new ones.

    A special feature of dismantling passenger doors on a Ford remains the design of the window lifter handle. The engaging mechanism is attached to a steel clamp, which must be disconnected inside the mechanism. For this purpose, steel wire with a hook is used. The procedure for disassembling the rear door on Focus 2 restyling version:

    1. Pull the window handle towards you. Insert the wire with the hook into the connector. Unfasten the steel clamp in the window lifting mechanism.
    2. Pull out the spring clip and remove the handle.
    3. Pry up the plastic trim on the armrest and unscrew the two bolts located under the trim.
    4. Use a screwdriver to pry up the plastic panel on the inside door opening handle, give the handle, release the latch, and pull out the handle.

    The passenger door trim is attached to 7 pistons. It’s worth carefully prying off the lining from the bottom corner, inserting a wedge between the door and the card, and unfastening all the clips around the perimeter.

    Under the card there is a thick sheet of moisture protection, which is glued to the door and protects all internal mechanisms. If repairs of locks and rods are necessary, then it is necessary to carry out anti-corrosion treatment of the internal pockets; it is recommended to install new vibration and moisture protection after dismantling the old film.

    Removing the trim from the front door of a Ford Focus3

    The third generation Focus was produced for seven years, until 2022. The generation was modernized in 2014. In 2022, the fourth generation of cars entered the market, the lines received updated body shapes and new engines.

    Removing the driver's door card on the Ford Focus 3 model is quite simple. As with previous generations, repairs can be carried out in 15–20 minutes. The main tool for working on Focus 3 remains a plastic ruler and a thin flat-blade screwdriver.

    1. Use a ruler or screwdriver to pry off the corner of the decorative trim near the front pillar.
    2. Remove the panel from the door handle, unscrew the two screws.
    3. At the end, remove the plug and reflector, unscrew the screws hidden under the protective covers.
    4. Pull out the plug in the handle.

    The driver's door trim is installed on 6 pistons. It is necessary to carefully pry up the casing, starting from the bottom corner, applying force, and carefully snap the clips out of their places. Under the casing, the door is protected by a steel sheet in which there are technological holes for clamps with an exposed block of electrical cables.

    How to remove an element from a Ford Focus 3

    Removing the rear door trim on a Focus is considered the easiest repair. The driver needs to unscrew four screws and unfasten 7 internal clips. For some, the only difficulty is that the craftsmen do not always know where the bolts are located. Sequencing:

    1. Remove the window handle, first unfastening the inner spring latch.
    2. Remove the two screws hidden under the handle.
    3. Remove the cover from the handle, unscrew 2 screws.
    4. Pry the panel from the bottom corner with a flat ruler, unfasten the clips, remove the cladding by pulling the panel towards you and up.

    Reinstalling door cards on the latest generation Focus is quite rare. For the third and fourth generations, the material used is heat-resistant plastic, with a texture reminiscent of genuine leather.

    How to disassemble the door trim on a Ford Focus 2 yourself Link to main publication

    Dismantling on Ford Focus 1, 2 and 3 cars: features and differences

    Removing door trim from Ford Focus 1, 2 or 3 cars is a procedure that differs depending on the specific car model. The main differences are the design features of the car doors, the location of the fasteners and the methods of their removal. On all Ford Focus models, the plastic linings covering the door trim are attached to special clips, the removal of which requires extreme care and caution. The dismantling processes on three Ford Focus car models are discussed in more detail below.

    Sequence of removing trim from front and rear doors of Ford Focus 2

    In short, there are no differences in the procedure for removing the trim depending on the version of the Ford Focus. Now a little more detail. As you know, cars of this model have undergone so-called restyling twice since their release in 1999. The second version of the Ford Focus began to be produced in 2008, the third - in 2014.

    All changes mainly affected the car body. The headlights, the shape of the mirrors and the dashboard have also changed. In the third version, engineers once again changed the central and floor consoles, bumper, hood and radiator grille. We added a heated steering wheel and perpendicular parking system.

    The engines and chassis of all versions of the Ford Focus remained unchanged, as did the door trim. Therefore, the procedure for removing the door trim, which will be discussed below, is suitable for all versions of this car, regardless of the year of manufacture.

    Before we begin removing the casing, we need to decide what we need for this.

    Removal Tools

    To remove the plastic from the door you will need the following set of tools:

    • Torx type bits;
    • plastic ruler or special plastic spatulas;
    • metal ruler;
    • a set of flat thin screwdrivers.

    If disassembling the door trim involves replacing individual components, parts or elements, then you need to purchase them in advance. Before proceeding with removal, it is advisable to turn off the power to the car by removing the negative voltage from the battery - this is done to avoid short circuits and possible problems with the electrical network.

    How to remove door trim from a Ford Focus 1 car

    The interior door trim is dismantled extremely carefully and accurately, since it is attached to plastic latches that easily break. At the same time, they sit tightly in their nests, so you have to put in a lot of effort. In order not to break fragile parts, you need to know their exact location - in this case, disassembling the doors will be very simple. Behind it is hidden sound insulation attached to the metal of the door. It comes off very easily, without any effort. After all manipulations have been carried out, the insulation is returned to its place.

    Front door

    1. A screwdriver or any other suitable tool is inserted into special holes located on the door handle, which is then turned. This will allow you to remove the cap from the handle.

    Removing the trim from the front door handle

    The location of the bolts, unscrewing which will allow you to remove the door handle

    Behind the cap there is a screw that needs to be unscrewed

    Disconnecting the electronic circuit and releasing the locking socket

    Loosening the clamps allows you to pull the glass out of the door

    The casing is secured with bolts that need to be unscrewed

    The finishing panel is rotated upward and removed

    Video: dismantling the front door trim


    1. The door handle cover is removed by unscrewing it from a special socket with a screwdriver or any other tool.

    Use a screwdriver to remove the door handle cover

    The indicated bolts are unscrewed

    Behind the cap there is a screw, unscrewing which allows you to disassemble the door lock socket

    Dismantling a window lifter with a mechanical and electric drive

    Removing the window trim panel

    Removing the trim panel by unscrewing the bolts

    The door trim is carefully rotated and removed from its place

    Video: dismantling the rear door trim

    Important points

    • Since the trim is held on by plastic clips, it will have to literally be torn off from the door. It is impossible to reach the latches with any tool, since they are too far away. This means that during dismantling one or more clips will break (this is almost inevitable). This means that before disassembling the trim, you should definitely purchase a new set of door latches at the nearest Ford Focus brand store;
    • When dismantling the material of the front doors, you should remember that there is one plug under the handle of the passenger front door (for the window regulator), and there are two on the driver’s side. An additional plug is connected to the control unit for the exterior rear view mirrors;
    • The wire used to remove the locking ring of the window lifter handle must be steel, not copper. To remove the stopper you will have to apply a lot of force, so the soft wire hook will simply straighten out;
    • hooking a locking ring is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The stopper is located far away, so that it is practically invisible through the gap. As a result, you will have to act by touch. The best way: the hook is pushed into the resulting gap as far as it will go and held motionless, and the window lifter handle slowly rotates until the hook catches on the locking ring.

    Removing the door trim from a car 2 modifications

    Front door

    1. The glass in the door is completely lowered and the protective mesh is removed from the tweeter speaker.

    The glass is lowered and the protective “grid” is removed from the speaker

    To remove the mesh you need to pull it towards you.

    The fastening screws are unscrewed

    Dismantling of the seals is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the brackets

    All connectors on the front door must be disconnected

    The casing is pulled towards itself by the holes formed

    Pulling the trim to the side allows you to completely remove it

    Pistons may remain in the door body, which can be removed with pliers.

    Broken caps can always be replaced with new ones

    Video: dismantling the front door trim


    1. A wire is inserted between the socket and the window lifter handle, the end of which is bent in the shape of a hook.

    A wire with a hook is inserted between the socket and the handle

    The spring retainer is released with a wire, after which the handle is removed

    Remove the decorative trim with a flat screwdriver

    The cover is detached from the clamps and removed

    The two screws securing the armrest are unscrewed and the part itself is removed

    Use a screwdriver to pry up and remove the door handle trim

    To remove the cover, you need to press the latches

    The upholstery is secured with seven pistons, the release of which allows it to be removed.

    Removing the door trim

    Video: Removing the rear door trim

    About the differences in the process of removing the trim from Ford Focus 1, 2 and 3

    In short, there are no differences in the procedure for removing the trim depending on the version of the Ford Focus. Now a little more detail. As you know, cars of this model have undergone so-called restyling twice since their release in 1999. The second version of the Ford Focus began to be produced in 2008, the third - in 2014. All changes mainly affected the car body. The headlights, the shape of the mirrors and the dashboard have also changed. In the third version, engineers once again changed the central and floor consoles, bumper, hood and radiator grille. We added a heated steering wheel and perpendicular parking system. The engines and chassis of all versions of the Ford Focus remained unchanged, as did the door trim. Therefore, the procedure for removing the door trim, which will be discussed below, is suitable for all versions of this car, regardless of the year of manufacture.

    Removal from Ford Focus 3

    Front door

    1. The corner is carefully pryed off with a flat plate or ruler.

    Using a plastic ruler, remove the corner of the trim

    The plastic panel is removed from the door handle

    The marked bolts are unscrewed from their sockets

    The plastic plug is removed and the bolt behind it is unscrewed.

    Behind the reflector there is another bolt that needs to be unscrewed

    The plug is removed by pressing the red dot

    The door trim is secured with six clips

    The technological holes of the door are located under the clips

    Video: Removing the front door trim


    1. The window lifter handle is removed: it is secured with a latch, so you just need to carefully pry it off and pull it towards you.

    The handle is attached with a latch, so it can be easily removed

    To remove the handle, you must unscrew both bolts

    There are two screws behind the handle trim

    To remove the handles and trim, you need to unscrew the screws hidden behind the plugs

    Bolts are hidden behind plastic plugs

    Video: removing the trim from the rear door

    Knowing how to properly remove and install door trim can help the car owner not only during repair work, but also when tuning the car’s interior.

    Disassembling Ford Focus 2 doors+video

    In order to remove the Ford Focus door trim, it is not necessary to remove the tweeter and its panels; I personally have never done this. This must be done when removing the side mirror of a Ford Focus 2.

    To work, we will need a flat-blade screwdriver, a socket wrench or a ratchet with a 10mm head.

    Front right door trim ford focus 2

    Front door

    The difference between removing the right (passenger) or left (driver) door trim of a Ford Focus 2 will only be disconnecting the extra block for adjusting the side mirrors and glass lifts.

    Front left door trim ford focus 2

    And so, let's start dismantling. Look at the photo below...

    Front door trim ford focus 2

    • Using a flat-head screwdriver or a knife, pry up and remove the door armrest skirt.
    • There are two 10mm bolts here - unscrew them.

    Next, we pry up the frame of the inner handle, pull it towards us and move it forward in the opposite direction from the handle and disconnect the glass lift plug (if there is one). And we look at removing the inner handle of a Ford Focus 2 here.

    Before removing the door trim, stock up on plastic clips in advance. Often, when dismantling the panel they break.

    Now all that remains is to carefully pry and lightly pull off the door trim.


    rear door trim ford focus 2

    The rear door trim of a Ford Focus 2 is dismantled in a similar way. But, unlike the front door (in my case), there are mechanical lifts on the rear doors. Erase further how to remove the Ford Focus window handle.

    Depending on the vehicle’s configuration, the door window lifts may be mechanical (as in this case), which means that a handle like this will be installed on the door trim

    In order to remove the window handle, we need a hook made of ordinary wire and a flat-blade screwdriver.

    Use a screwdriver to push the handle and ring apart, look for the stopper, hook it and pull it out. In order to examine the stopper, you can turn the handle.

    And in order to install the handle in place, insert the stopper into the groove of the handle, insert the handle along the slots and press it against the door trim.

    Price of door trim ford focus 2

    Buying a used Ford Focus 2 door trim, on average, costs from 500 rubles to 1000 thousand rubles.


    ford fan focus

    Removing Ford Focus 2 video doors

    Removing the skins of the front and rear doors

    In order to remove the Ford Focus door trim, it is not necessary to remove the spices and their panels; I personally have never done this. If the spark plugs on your Ford Focus 3 are malfunctioning, the engine may not operate properly and your fuel consumption may increase. Ford Focus 2. How to remove the front grille. This should be done by removing the side mirror of the Ford Focus 2.

    We use a flat-blade screwdriver, socket wrench or 10-head ratchet to do the job.

    Front Right Trim Door Focus Ford 2

    Main entrance

    The difference between removing the right (passenger) or left (driver) trim of a Ford Focus 2 will only be disabling the side mirrors to adjust the excess block and windows.

    Front left door trim Ford Focus 2

    And so, we begin dismantling. To disassemble the front door of a Ford Focus 3, you will need a thin plastic plate and a set of tips. Spark plugs for Ford Focus 3 Ford Focus 2. Replace cuffs for Ford Focus 3 manually. How to clean the throttle on a Ford Focus 2 with your own hands. Throttle flushing is not difficult, but precision is required. For Ford Focus 2 in our store you can choose and buy rear control arms from different manufacturers, both well-known and. Look at the photo below...

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    Ford Focus 2 front door trim

    Remove the flat head screwdriver or knife and remove the door lock skirt.

    There are two 10mm bolts - unscrew them.

    Then cut off the inner handle frame, pull it towards you and move it forward in the opposite direction of the handle and disconnect the tube lift glass (if equipped). This article will cover issues such as replacing and unlocking the head unit for a Ford Focus 2. I have a 3 liter 2 liter focus engine. I decided to clean the mileage at 45,000 dz and it came out as clean as a new car. How to install a radio on a Ford Focus 2. As you can see, you can remove the belt. And after removing the inner handle of the Ford Focus 2, look here.

    Door installation

    Now all that remains is to install another door. Install the front door in reverse order.

    Ford Focus door removal

    When installing; Don’t forget to connect the wires first, so it will be convenient for you to set the gaps.

    How to remove a door on a Ford Focus (VIDEO)

    I bought a real door at a disassembly for 15,000 thousand.


    ford fan focus

    Removing Ford Focus 2 video doors

    Removing the skins of the front and rear doors

    In order to remove the Ford Focus door trim, it is not necessary to remove the spices and their panels; I personally have never done this. If the spark plugs on your Ford Focus 3 are malfunctioning, the engine may not operate properly and your fuel consumption may increase. Ford Focus 2. How to remove the front grille. This should be done by removing the side mirror of the Ford Focus 2.

    We use a flat-blade screwdriver, socket wrench or 10-head ratchet to do the job.

    Front Right Trim Door Focus Ford 2

    Main entrance

    The difference between removing the right (passenger) or left (driver) trim of a Ford Focus 2 will only be disabling the side mirrors to adjust the excess block and windows.

    Front left door trim Ford Focus 2

    And so, we begin dismantling. To disassemble the front door of a Ford Focus 3, you will need a thin plastic plate and a set of tips. Spark plugs for Ford Focus 3 Ford Focus 2. Replace cuffs for Ford Focus 3 manually. How to clean the throttle on a Ford Focus 2 with your own hands. Throttle flushing is not difficult, but precision is required. For Ford Focus 2 in our store you can choose and buy rear control arms from different manufacturers, both well-known and. Look at the photo below...

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    Ford Focus 2 front door trim

    Remove the flat head screwdriver or knife and remove the door lock skirt.

    There are two 10mm bolts - unscrew them.

    Then cut off the inner handle frame, pull it towards you and move it forward in the opposite direction of the handle and disconnect the tube lift glass (if equipped). This article will cover issues such as replacing and unlocking the head unit for a Ford Focus 2. I have a 3 liter 2 liter focus engine. I decided to clean the mileage at 45,000 dz and it came out as clean as a new car. How to install a radio on a Ford Focus 2. As you can see, you can remove the belt. And after removing the inner handle of the Ford Focus 2, look here.

    Removing / installing front door trim ford focus 3

    Removing / installing front door skin ford focus 3

    . everything is simple and accessible, according to the catalog the number of clamps (piston.

    Ford Focus 3 how to remove door trim with duo

    The eternal question is how to remove the rear door trim of a Ford Focus 3

    ? therefore, information on the Internet is at least deleted.

    Before removing the door trim, stock up on plastic clips in advance. How to remove the front bumper of a Ford Focus 2 Often, when removing the panel, they break.

    Now you need to carefully break and lightly push the door trim away.

    back Door

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