Methods for removing wheel locks without a key: how to unscrew them

Author: Evgeny Zhivoglyadov. Date of publication: November 11, 2022. Category: Automotive equipment.

To protect against theft of such expensive car elements as wheels, many install so-called “secrets” on them (that is, bolts or nuts that can only be removed using a special key). Of course, these anti-vandal devices greatly complicate the “life” of attackers. However, motorists themselves may encounter problems when removing their own wheels if the special key included in the delivery kit is broken or simply lost. There are several basic ways to dismantle security devices. They will be discussed in this article.

Types of secrets

Structurally, such anti-vandal devices are bolts or nuts with “cunning” internal or external geometry. And the most expensive and “advanced” models of security locks also have an additional external, freely rotating, protective ring. It is simply impossible to unscrew all these devices using a regular wheel wrench.

However, there is no need to panic if you lose a special adapter designed for dismantling protective wheel products. There are several proven methods that can solve this problem quite quickly. The choice of method for unscrewing installed secrets depends on their design features. Let's look at some of them.

Types and their features

There are several types of secrets:

  • with external turnkey profile;
  • with internal profile;
  • cone-shaped.

Each of these types of secrets has its own design features, advantages and disadvantages.

Locks with an external profile are a fairly simple, but not very reliable way to protect wheels from removal. In essence, it is a regular bolt or nut with a slightly modified profile. It can be triangular, in the shape of a star or some other type, the main thing is that it is not a hexagonal one (like a regular key).

Such secrets are inexpensive, and you will never have problems with dirt when unscrewing them. But it won’t be too difficult for an attacker to unscrew them. The fact is that even an ordinary wheel wrench or a socket wrench with a suitable size, when put on such a lock, is capable of catching on the bolt profile with its edges.

The second option that an attacker can use is powerful pliers or pliers with extended handles. With this tool he can easily grab the bolt and unscrew it.

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Security bolts with an internal profile are more reliable in terms of protection. In such secrets, the profile for the key is made in the form of a recess or hole of a complex shape (star-shaped, multi-beam, asymmetrical, etc.), and the key is a rod of a certain shape that exactly fits the shape of the hole. The outer profile of a bolt or nut has a perfectly round surface.

It is impossible to unscrew such a secret without a key. Using pliers or pliers will also not bring results, since their jaws will simply slide off the round surface.

Some models of such secrets are equipped with additional elements - protective rings around the outer circumference. These rings rotate freely on the bolt, so it is impossible to snag on the outer surface of the bolt. This further increases the protective function of secretions.

But this type of lock is more expensive, and there is one serious problem when using them - during operation, the internal profile becomes clogged with dirt, so it is often very difficult to unscrew such a lock, even with a special key for it. This problem is especially relevant for fasteners with very complex hole shapes. Dirt or ice (in winter) simply clogs the edges and the key cannot be installed. Therefore, the car owner has to very carefully clean the hole, which, due to its complex multifaceted shape, is not so easy to clean.

Some models of secret boxes with an internal profile are equipped with protective caps that protect the holes from contamination, which somewhat eliminates the problem of clogging.

The third type - cone-shaped bolts have a tip made in the form of a cone with an offset center. It is impossible to unscrew such a bolt using a regular wheel wrench or pliers, since the surface of the cone is smooth and it is impossible to catch on it.

But this type also poses inconvenience to the car owner himself. The fact is that it is very difficult to create the force necessary for unscrewing with the key of a lock that has the form of a rod with a hole for a cone; the key simply moves relative to the center of the cone.

Method of tightening standard bolts or nuts

This is the method you can try if you urgently need to replace a broken wheel (for example, on the highway), but there is no special key for unscrewing the wheel lock. The algorithm is quite simple:

  • We set the car to the handbrake (of course, having first turned off the engine).
  • We tighten standard bolts or nuts with maximum force (it is advisable to turn them an additional at least 0.5÷1 turn). To increase the compression, we put an “amplifier” on a regular balloon wrench, which can be used as a piece of pipe of a suitable diameter.

  • We hang the wheel using a jack.
  • Lightly tap the lock with a hammer and try to unscrew it with ordinary pliers.

On a note! If the secret bolt was installed recently and did not have time to “stick”, then luck may “smile” on you on the first try. Otherwise, the operation will have to be repeated several times. Naturally, only security devices that do not have external protective rotating rings can be removed in this way.

What is a secret bolt and what tasks does it perform?

Wheel locks are a set of bolts and nuts, to unscrew them you need a wrench with a special configuration, since a regular cylinder lock will not help in this case. As a rule, thieves do not bother removing wheels with such protection because the process takes much more time. However, motorists themselves find themselves in unpleasant situations if they lose a unique key. What to do in this case?

Some people solve this issue by using additional levers to increase the applied force. Most often, this leads to damage to the wheel rim, which is usually protected by expensive wheels based on light alloys, titanium, etc. The same consequences result from welding on ordinary nuts and bolts, which are subsequently torn off along with the secret ones - a similar service can be offered at a service station.

Despite the apparent complexity of the task and even impracticability, it is still solvable. It will require a certain physical strength, time, patience and knowledge of the secrets that will be discussed below. The only problem is that the secret bolt and nut could become quite stuck to each other if they were installed a long time ago.

Dismantling using a gas wrench

In some cases, you can dismantle the lock using a regular adjustable gas wrench. As a rule, this is quite simple to do if the internal seating recess in the cast disk allows for a tight fit around the head, and the nut (or bolt) itself has an external protective pattern. With smooth round protective devices, such an operation will be somewhat more difficult to carry out. Although in this case, mostly it is possible to achieve a positive result.

Cap extractor

In order to independently dismantle a secret bolt or nut, you can purchase a captive (external) extractor (depending on the manufacturer and size, today such a product costs from 500 to 800 rubles). It looks like a standard nut head. Inside the device there are sharp edges of a spiral shape.

Using this device is quite simple:

  • apply the extractor to the secret bolt or nut;
  • using a hammer or small sledgehammer, hammer it onto the head of the protective device;
  • Unscrew the secret bolt or nut using a wrench.

If the anti-removal nut or bolt does not have a protective, freely rotating ring, then in 99% of cases it is possible to easily achieve a positive result in a matter of minutes. If such a metal “skirt” is present in the design of the secret, then before using the cap extractor you will have to spend a lot of effort to remove it.

For information! If you were unable to purchase an extractor of the required size, then you can use a regular socket (preferably with 12 sides) of a suitable diameter from a standard car set of keys. If the tool is made of high-quality hard steel, then the effect of its use will be similar to what was described above.

Loosening is the most difficult option without damaging the notch

If you swing a tightly tightened screw or bolt for a long time with light rotational movements, sooner or later it may give in and begin to unscrew. This is what this method is based on. After placing the car on a jack, you first need to remove all the usual mounting bolts or nuts, depending on what is exposed. Then the corresponding paired fasteners are removed. Then you need to place a reliable stand under the bottom of the car so as not to test the strength of the jack. And only then can you begin to swing the wheel disk, moving it slightly towards you on the hub, and lightly pressing with a rotational movement along and against it.

If you can’t unscrew the lock without a key, due to its absence, and there is a car shop on the way, we take several heads to unscrew the bolts

Then, after 5-10 minutes of active work, we screw all the bolts back into place, firmly fixing the wheel. We try to unscrew the secret, you can lightly tap on it if it sticks out well. If unsuccessful, repeat all steps in the same order. If not the second, then the third or fourth time after unscrewing the bolts and swinging, the secret may give in. Also proceed if you need to change the stud on the front wheel or on the rear. But there is a possibility that this method will not produce results.

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How to remove the protective “skirt”

Several ways to remove the freely rotating protective ring:

  • If there is enough free space around the secret, then simply cut off the “skirt” using a grinder and a metal disc (small diameter). At the same time, be careful not to damage the wheel rim itself.

  • Using a chisel and hammer, we make notches around the circumference, thereby preventing the free rotation of the ring. We drill a hole right at the junction of the outer surface of the secret and the fixed “skirt”. The thickness of the ring wall becomes significantly smaller. Next, we break it out using available tools (hammer, chisel or strong screwdriver).
  • We saw through the protective ring from the outside using a special thin bur (or cutter) inserted into a high-speed electric tool.

On a note! Only after the additional ring protection has been safely removed can the cap extractor be used. If your attempt is unsuccessful, then use one of the methods described below.

Common mistakes made by car owners

Using the advice of “traditional craftsmen”, some car owners are trying to solve the problem radically. Such methods lead to unpleasant consequences.

  • Cut off the bolt with a chisel. The secret will be removed in such a barbaric way, but the wheel rim will be damaged.
  • Roll with a gas wrench. Sometimes this method works on stamped discs. But most manufacturers of locks have learned to protect themselves from attempts to unscrew the bolts with a gas wrench. A special rotating ring is installed on the bolt to prevent it from being caught.

It is important! Inept actions when removing secrets may not solve, but only aggravate the problem. If the bolt is damaged but does not give way, do not break it. It is better to immediately contact specialists at a car service center.

It is easier to prevent any problem with a car than to subsequently look for ways to solve it. To avoid having to remove the secret from the wheel without a key, you should come up with a safe place to store it. It is advisable to purchase a special case that is attached to the wheel wrench. The necessary tool for unscrewing the lock will always be at hand.

  • Author: Andrey
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Using the internal extractor

The internal extractor is a metal rod with a variable cross-section. Using it, you can successfully dismantle the secret bolt (even with a protective rotary “skirt”).

Work order:

  • Using a core punch and a small sledgehammer, make a small depression in the center of the bolt. This is necessary so that the drill does not “move” to the side.
  • We drill a hole with a diameter equal to the initial (narrowest) part of the extractor to a depth of 2÷3 cm.

  • Using a sledgehammer, hammer the extractor into it.
  • We install the adapter on its outer part and use a wrench to unscrew the secret bolt.

On a note! Unfortunately, the above method is not suitable for removing anti-removal nuts.

Method 2

It is suitable for those cases when only a unique key is lost, but the secret bolt itself can be unscrewed normally. The option itself is quite simple, and any car enthusiast can easily handle it. We select a head suitable for the diameter of the secret nut. After this, we will need a sledgehammer - with its help we hammer the head onto the nut.

The fact is that usually special bolts are made of softer types of metal compared to traditional fasteners. Therefore, using force and a rough tool, you can drive a regular socket over the security nut.

All that remains is to rip it off with a wheel wrench or wrench. In theory, the secret should unscrew along with the head. You can use a strong hollow tube of sufficient length to increase the strength. Remember: the longer the lever, the more force you can create.

But you should not turn the lever too sharply, so as not to turn the head around the softer secret.

The described methods have repeatedly proven their effectiveness for the vast majority of secret types of protection on the market today. They are effective not only for passenger cars, but also for SUVs.

Alternatively, you can purchase a special dismantling kit from auto stores. However, it will not be cheap, and it is better to first try using one of the methods described above yourself.


Using electric welding, you can unscrew a lock of almost any design. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • To protect the disk from damage, we install a round metal casing made of thin tin around the secretion (for example, an empty can of any carbonated drink will do).
  • We cover all elements of the car close to the wheel with wet rags so that sparks from welding do not spoil the paintwork.
  • Carefully weld a suitable bolt, nut, hexagon or section of profile pipe (depending on the free space in the recess of the cast disk) to the accessible part of the lock, remembering to periodically cool the welding site so as not to overheat and damage the wheel bearing.

  • Using a suitable tool, unscrew the wheel guard.

The main disadvantage of this method is the use of a welding machine, which not every car enthusiast has.

Important! Before carrying out any welding work, it is necessary to disconnect the terminals from the battery. Otherwise, the vehicle's electronics may be damaged.

Contacting specialized service centers

A variety of service stations today offer this service - it is suitable for those who have lost the key to their secret locker and do not know what to do. Not everyone has suitable tools in their garage, but service stations have special removable equipment. They even provide a guarantee that during dismantling there will be no damage to adjacent components or body paint. However, such services are not cheap.



Duplicate key

If the special key was lost, but there is no urgent need to replace the wheels, then you can order a duplicate of it from the manufacturer, to whom you need to send the secret code. Usually it is indicated either on the kit packaging or in the accompanying documents. After a certain time, you will receive a duplicate of the original device for dismantling the installed secrets.

On a note! Based on the cast made (from plasticine, wax or other suitable material), an experienced turner-miller will be able to make a duplicate for unscrewing secret bolts or nuts. Finding such a specialist will most likely also require spending a lot of time, and his work will not be cheap.

Making a copy from a cast is a simple but unreliable method

The option of making a duplicate is quite interesting. True, it is only suitable if you have lost the key and are in your garage. First you need to make an impression, for which regular wax or plasticine is suitable. But it is better to use plastic, which after heating becomes hard, like plastic. We fill the resulting imprint with plaster, and when the mass has almost hardened, we remove it to create a recess with grooves that repeat the cutting of the secret.

All that remains is to fill the mold with a suitable metal. Of those that can be melted using a homemade method, only copper and aluminum are available, with the latter being preferable because it is stronger. But it is not a fact that you will be able to unscrew a steel bolt with an aluminum wrench, so the second option is to contact a turner-miller to make a duplicate using a cast on a machine. This method of obtaining a key is quite simple, but will cost a considerable amount.

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