Disassembly ABW.BY. What breaks in a Nissan CVT and what can be done to avoid it?

Of the various CVTs, in this article we will talk about a V-belt CVT, because it is precisely this CVT that is installed on the Nissan Murano, and it has its own name - Xtronic.

CVT is a colloquial expression. In fact, it is a CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) continuously variable transmission for the most painless transformation of the gear command. For the first time, a V-belt variator was installed in the middle of the 20th century on a DAF car, and at the end of it, Nissan Motor Corporation was already in full use, which used the products of its then “daughter” Jatco.

What kind of variator is on the Nissan Murano

On the Nissan Murano of the Z50 and Z51 generation, a very “decent” V-belt variable-speed transmission JF010E (RE0F09A/B) is installed together with the VQ35DE engine, in general, due to compliance with environmental requirements, it is somewhat inferior to its predecessor CVT RE0F06A, but much more reliable than next JF017E, already installed on Nissan

Murano Z52

Units of the former subsidiary of Nissan Motor Co. Ltd - Jatco ("Japanese Automatic Transmission Factory"), specializing in the production of the most reliable CVTs in its class, including for Nissan Murano - Hyper and Xtronic, installed by many of the world's leading automakers.

Both CVT gearboxes produced for Nissan due to their long-term flawless operation have proven high reliability and sufficient ease of repair, while many manufacturing companies recommend replacing the entire unit, which is expensive.

What is this?

By repairing a variator on a Nissan X-Trail we mean restoring the functionality of this type of gearbox. The CVT device is a gearbox without steps. Cars with such a device drive without sudden jerks and accelerations, with maximum fuel economy.

The following signs indicate that it is time to repair the variator:

  • The car slips on a flat and clean road.
  • The speed changes with difficulty or does not change at all.
  • When braking, noise is heard from the transmission.
  • The transmission emergency mode light on the X-Trail device panel lights up.
  • The power of the car has noticeably decreased.
  • The car jerks when changing gears.
  • The gearbox vibrates periodically or constantly.

In this case, the car must be shown to a mechanic. To do this you should:

  1. Find a service center that specializes in Nissan X-Trail cars.
  2. Find out approximate prices and conditions.
  3. Bring the car to the service station.
  4. Wait until the technician performs diagnostics.
  5. Find out the cause of the breakdown and the cost of fixing it.
  6. Agree to work.
  7. Buy the necessary parts.
  8. Wait for the job to complete.
  9. Check the machine's condition.
  10. Pay the auto mechanic.
  11. Receive a guarantee for the service provided.

The master, in turn, performs the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Conducts diagnostics on the computer.
  2. Removes and disassembles the variator device.
  3. Cleans all parts.
  4. Replaces faulty items.
  5. Assembles the box and places it in place.
  6. Conducts testing.
  7. Improves shortcomings.
  8. Provides a serviceable car to the owner.

Design and principle of operation of the Nissan Murano variator

The box is a classic V-belt, the body of which contains the corresponding belts, couplings, discs and gear oil. By transmitting torque directly to the wheels, the CVT changes the length and tension of the belt, and therefore the gear ratios and torque, in accordance with the command received.

The Nissan Murano CVT, constantly changing gear ratios, replaces a completely classic gearbox. It has, as a rule, six virtual gears, as well as the ability to switch to manual control mode.

Mistakes made by experienced drivers

An experienced driver, when getting behind the wheel, automatically warms up the engine and oil by pressing the gas pedal. Warming up is carried out until a light signal appears on the control panel.

Metal variator belt

In the case of a CVT, pressing the gas pedal causes the steel transmission belt to rub strongly against the cones. This leads to damage and abrasion of the belt. A torn or damaged belt is the most common reason for calls to service centers. In addition, metal shavings and belt debris clog the system, rendering it unusable. To save the system, at a minimum, you urgently need to change the oil and filter. The problem is eliminated by installing additional oil heating in the automatic transmission. The ready-to-use indicator lights up almost immediately.

How long does the Nissan Murano CVT last?

The Nissan Murano JF010E (RE0F09A/B) variator is very reliable, but its operating time is of course affected by care and timely maintenance, as well as the mode of use and the priorities of the car owner.

Structurally, the service life of the Nissan Murano Z51 variator is very dependent on the loads received and the temperature conditions, so long-term:

  • Significant loads on highways and slipping on slippery surfaces, as they lead to overheating and gradual destruction of its parts and components with the release of corresponding chips.
  • Towing trailers or cars, as they can cause the ECS (electronic control system) to “jam”.
  • Interruptions in maintenance, including replacement of lubricants. During a run of 150 thousand km, it is advisable to perform this procedure 3-4 times, and the first one after 15 thousand km.

The Nissan Murano CVT is equipped with a modern cooling system, as a result of which its service life of 0.2 million km is usually extended by one and a half times. This, of course, is facilitated by following all the above recommendations for operation and maintenance.

Briefly about the history of creation

The Nissan X-Trail automatic transmission, which uses a variator instead of a classic transmission, appeared on the market about 10 years ago. This time was enough to figure out whether the CVT is reliable as the basis of a modern transmission.

Over 10 years of mass use, design developments and improvements have accumulated that made it possible to release a new model. The improvements affected the mechanical part of the automatic transmission. Based on the test results, it can be noted that CVT gearboxes have become more reliable in the new generation.

The idea of ​​a smooth transmission is not as new as it seems at first glance. The device was actively used in the Middle Ages in the construction of mills, and later in the creation of various agricultural machinery. The service life of a variator, or service life, in the case of mills, is calculated in decades. It would be strange not to use such a wonderful idea, the authorship of which is attributed to Leonardo da Vinci. The Nissan X-Trail automatic transmission is the embodiment of the ideas of a brilliant mechanic from the Middle Ages in a modern design.

The X-Trail CVT is produced by the Japanese company Jatco. The Nissan X-Trail automatic transmission is installed on Peugeot, Citroen, Mitsubishi, and Honda cars.

The main objective of a smooth transmission using cones is to maximize the use of motor power and regulate loads. The savings in engine power when using a variator are obvious. The transmission runs smoother, driving becomes easier. The device also allows you to take care of the motor, reducing depreciation.

Fuel consumption

The Nissan Murano Xtronic variator, like all constantly changing transmissions, slightly reduces the car's maximum speed and fuel consumption. So, per hundred kilometers, this car has the following data (in liters):

  • Urban conditions – from 10 to 15
  • Mixed cycle – from 8 to 10
  • On the highway - from 7 to 8

Considering the engine of the 3.5 liter all-wheel drive model, it should be noted that there is a significant decrease in gasoline consumption from the first to the third generation - on average from 12.3 liters to 10.2 liters. In addition, on highways, consumption increases with increasing speed. So, at a speed of 120 km/h it is 9-10 liters, at 140 km/h - about 12 liters, and at 170 km/h it increases to 14-15 liters.

Approximate price

In Russia, repairing a Nissan X-Trail CVT costs approximately the following amount of money:

  • Replacement of bearings - from 35,000 rubles .
  • Flushing valve body valves with oil change – 6,000-8,000 rubles .
  • Restoration of valve body elements – 40 000-45 000.
  • Replacing valve body valves - from 10,000 to 13,000 rubles .
  • Replacing the entire hydraulic unit – 20,000-25,000 rubles .
  • Major type of repair, taking into account the cost of spare parts - 120 000-150 000.
  • Major repairs excluding the price of spare parts - about 10,000 .
  • Oil change – 1000 rubles .
  • Diagnostics – about 1000 rubles .

CVT service life

The manufacturer of the Nissan Murano variator, Jatco, provides a guarantee for its products that matches the service life of the vehicle. However, you need to understand that 200-300 thousand km. the mileage may someday be overcome.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the periodic, at least every 50-60 thousand kilometers, replace lubricants completely, clean or replace their filter elements.

Important! Fans of drive, slipping and/or drifting do not need any CVT.

It will only interfere with their enjoyment, and will also constantly introduce additional, and considerable, expenses. The same applies to summer residents who like to drag heavy trailers behind them and generally overload the car.

Who to order the service from?

If CVT repair on a Nissan X-Trail is required, then the motorist has three options:

  1. Find a private auto mechanic.
  2. Contact a car service.
  3. Restore the box on your own.

It is best to contact service station professionals. Then the owner of the car receives a guarantee that the work will be done efficiently. The price of restoring the box in car service centers is high. If your budget is limited, then it is better to find a good private master. If you have knowledge of the structure of the car and the design of the variator, and the skills to carry out repair work on a Nissan X-Trail, you should try to restore the box yourself.

Maintenance and repair of the Nissan Murano variator

We have touched on the topic of service and care for the CVT above several times, and the only thing I would like to note is that everything is set out in the corresponding manufacturer’s operating instructions. And repairs are classified as related to the elimination of typical and/or frequent problem situations.

Typical situations are:

  • Filters are dirty.
  • Late maintenance, including oil changes.
  • CVT overheating.
  • Failure of the speed sensor and other parts of the ESU.

The following situations arise quite often:

  • The appearance of water in the gearbox housing.
  • Oil leak.
  • Belt wear.

If they are not eliminated in a timely manner, it may lead to replacing the unit as a whole.

A special scanner used to diagnose possible malfunctions works without opening the CVT. The presence of cracks, leaks or other defects is determined after opening the box, as a rule, during the next maintenance, change of owner or suspected breakdown.

CVT repairs are carried out at a service station after diagnostics. The pump, chain and valve body are most often repaired or replaced, while the torque converter and cones are less frequently repaired. Typical breakdowns:

  • Overheating of the CVT, as a rule, leads to a “wedge” of the oil pump, which needs to be replaced.
  • Most often, the working notches of the belt are erased or the steel belt is torn. Unconditional replacement.
  • Due to untimely maintenance of the CVT and/or the ingress of small particles into it, the hydraulic unit may fail or malfunction. Backlashes and gaps in it are difficult to repair.
  • A fairly common problem is wear of the bearings of the main and/or driven pulleys. Constant static and dynamic loads lead to failure of friction clutches or steel pulleys, which requires their replacement.

A driver knowledgeable in auto mechanics can perform some of the above repairs independently, but in general it is recommended to contact a service station.

What does the price depend on?

Different auto repairmen offer to repair the variator on the Nissan X-Trail for different amounts of money. The price is usually formed taking into account the influence of such factors:

  • Maintainability.
  • Type of failure.
  • Number of failed elements.
  • Difficulty of work.
  • Diagnostic price.
  • Region of location of the company.
  • Prices of new parts.
  • The mechanic's qualifications and experience.
  • Type of variator device.
  • Urgency order.
  • Prestige of the service station.

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