VAZ 2105, VAZ 2107, VAZ 2106 replacement of reaction rods (rods)

The very first cars equipped with suspension - springs - behaved quite dangerously under heavy loads. The fact is that forces act on the car in different directions, and a conventional spring at first was highly susceptible to excessive “looseness”.

That is, the car under heavy loads (driving at high speed, on bumpy roads, sharply entering a turn) began to behave unstably - it swayed, began to “spring”, and could even tip over.

Therefore, it was necessary to solve this problem as quickly as possible. The result of this was the development of reaction rods - a special part of the suspension design that helped stabilize the body, and therefore increase driver safety.

Jet thrust VAZ 2106

VAZ 2106 torque rods, or, as they are correctly called, torque rods, perform an important function in a car - they are responsible for the stability of the car on the road.
Without them, the VAZ 2106 will “walk” along the highway on its own, practically not paying attention to steering wheel turns. The most important sign that the jet thrusts of the VAZ 2106 2107 require close attention is a knocking sound in the rear axle area and capricious behavior of the car while driving. Problems detected in time will prevent the development of the process, spend significantly less money on car repairs and even avoid an emergency.

If during the inspection of the reaction rods no flaws are found, you need to inspect other components of the VAZ 2106 car, but if the problem is still in the reaction rods, then you should not rush and change the entire reaction rod assembly - this will cost more and is not always necessary. A more thorough inspection will allow you to determine the degree of wear of this unit - it is quite possible that it will be enough just to replace the rubber or metal bushings of the torque rods and the VAZ 2106 will “get on its wheels” again.

The process of replacing torque rod bushings is more complicated, but if you have the tools and follow the instructions, it is quite possible to do it yourself without taking the car to a service center. However, do not forget that work such as replacing reaction rods (rods) on a VAZ “classic” will require you to have at least minimal knowledge about the components of the car, their structure and principle of operation. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining the situation, even if everything is done exactly according to pictures or articles on the Internet, since there are many nuances in car repair, including those related to the operation of each specific car.

Before you start repairing your car's jet rods, study it thoroughly or resort to the services of auto mechanics.


The result of the work

The result of the replacement will be working traction, no knocking in the suspension, and driver safety. The main thing to remember is that you need to promptly notice cracks in the rod and replace it without waiting for a breakdown.

We have a VAZ 2105 car, manufactured in 2010, with a mileage of 58 thousand km under repair; it is necessary to replace the reaction rods (rods) on the rear axle suspension. We will show you how to do this procedure yourself; the instructions are also applicable for VAZ 2107, VAZ 2106.

We lift the car. We press the bridge with a hydraulic strut so that the shock absorber is untied and the spring does not fall out. If you will be working on the ground, you can use an additional jack. Nuts 19, unscrew the lower mount of the rear shock absorber:

And another bolt next to it:

Now let's move on to the fastenings of the rods themselves:

We take out the old rod and take a new one, we have rods from the KEDR company, order number MK-01-2919100, new fastening bolts were also purchased for them in advance, their order number is 21010-2919000-86. Before installation, lubricate all fasteners with copper grease so that during further repairs they can be unscrewed without any problems. Install in reverse order.

Then unscrew the top short reaction rod:

Then the front bar:

There are washers on both sides at the front, remove them and replace them with new ones. Using a mounting tool, unscrew the bridge a little to insert the bolt:

From the history of the rocket rod

As technology advanced in the automotive industry, engineers constantly worked to increase the speed of cars. Even before the outbreak of World War II, the developers came to the conclusion that the then low-tech and simple rear suspension, where a spring was used as an elastic part, was also a stabilizer.

So, when driving at high speeds, there were reasons that significantly influenced the controllability. This is body swaying, various rolls. If you move along the road at low speeds, this will not cause any discomfort or negativity; these forces will not be felt. However, if you increase the speed, such movement can cost the driver of the car his life.

To put it another way, automakers began to think and conduct tests in order to somehow remove the impact on the car of forces that could overturn it. For this, developers and engineers came up with a special system of levers, which laid the foundation for the creation of independent suspensions. The developments did not stop there. To ensure stability of the car body, jet thrust was created.

Installation of reinforced rods

To increase the life of the suspension, to be more confident in the condition of the car, you have to use higher quality, but also more expensive parts. Reinforced thrust rods of the Niva Chevrolet are made of more durable materials. In addition, the place of welding seams is processed more carefully to prevent the occurrence of cracks. Some reinforced rods are specially made not round, but diamond-shaped. According to experts, such angles of rigidity allow them to withstand stronger loads.

In general, there are several criteria that distinguish enhanced jet thrusts:

  • lower weight
  • high quality production. The special shape allows protection against twisting and compression, which gives an advantage when driving off-road.
  • factory production
  • Technological painting. The use of powder coating helps prevent corrosion due to higher adhesion to the metal. This also protects against the occurrence of microcracks.

Rear linkages

To prevent longitudinal vibrations from affecting the bridge, it is held in place by longitudinal thrust. This design is distinguished by the fact that both ends are secured through silent blocks to the mounts on the bridge and on the body. The design of this mechanism can be seen in the photo below.

Often such a cross bar can be of considerable length. This is due to the fact that the bridge can move either down or up, and the travel is limited only by the travel of the shock absorber, which dampens vibrations. In order to ensure mobility, the rod is made according to the principle of a lever. Even if the bridge moves through the entire stroke of the shock absorber, the silent block will not twist.

Types of breakdowns and their causes

The parts are made of high-strength alloy steel, so they are practically not subject to deformation.

The jet rod can only bend as a result of hitting large stones or tree stumps off-road.

More often, car owners have to deal with other problems:

  • Cracks in the welds between the rod base and the eyes. If a breakdown is not detected in time, the part may fall apart while moving.
  • Corrosion of rods. A rusted base loses strength and is easily deformed or broken.
  • Wear and damage to rubber bushings of silent blocks. Over time, rubber dries out and cracks. This process is enhanced by physical activity. As a result, play appears in the connection of the rod with the bridge and the body. This worsens the car's directional stability and can lead to the lugs coming off.

Important: the appearance of a knock in the rear suspension may indicate wear of the torque rod silent blocks. If the malfunction is not corrected in time, the lugs will quickly come off under the influence of increased shock loads.

Prices for these spare parts

Jet thrusts 2107 and VAZ-2105 of the “classic” type can be purchased in stores at prices ranging from 1,000 to 4,000 rubles. Price and quality depend on the manufacturer. Manufacturers often make these parts from fairly elastic steels. That is why various defects can be found on them. Before purchasing these products, you should carefully inspect them for possible chips and deformations, as well as other mechanical damage.

Features of use

The described parts are constantly exposed to severe loads. The vehicle's reaction bars experience loads in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. However, since these knots are part of the undercut, they also work to twist.

Jet thrust is made mainly from steel of more elastic grades. This is necessary to be able to work in very harsh conditions for quite a long time.

The lugs are not part of the design. They are welded separately onto the rod. Welding seams often have a short service life and over time, and even under loads, can collapse. If the seam breaks, they must be replaced. Such spare parts for cars are inexpensive, you can buy them almost anywhere.

Reinforced rods

The appearance of cracks between the rod base and the lugs will shorten the service life of the parts. This problem can even cause an accident - the car suddenly pulls to the side when the traction breaks.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, special reinforced parts are installed in the rear suspension. They are made of alloy or cold-rolled steel and differ from conventional ones in the diamond-shaped section of the base and powerful welding seams that hold the lugs.

Reinforced rods differ from standard ones in the following characteristics:

  • Reduced weight of parts.
  • Improved paint coating that prevents corrosion of elements.
  • High strength welded seams.
  • Increased resistance to torsion, compression and tension.

Installation of reinforced rods is recommended for full use of the Chevrolet Niva off-road. They don't offer much benefit for city or highway driving. Under gentle operating conditions, the strength of standard rods is quite sufficient, so there is no point in overpaying for reinforced parts.

Silent block - the weakest link

This is one of the weakest elements in the described part. But he is simply irreplaceable. There are several reasons for this. The condition of silent blocks also needs to be closely monitored. These parts can crack under the influence of severe loads from the bottom of them.

The silent block of the jet thrust will crack, then the rubber will tear, and as a result the thrust will lose the ability to move relative to its base. It is recommended to replace before cracks appear. Otherwise, you risk your own safety.

These units are located under the bottom of the machine. It is in such places that the metal of the car is very vulnerable. Corrosion has a very strong effect on many structural elements. If the car has non-tubular type mechanisms, then there is no danger. But in the case of a welded system, you need to monitor it as carefully as possible, and if possible, treat the part with Movil.

Replacing the transverse rod of Niva VAZ 2121

I will show you using the left side as an example, since there are certain nuances there. To unscrew the nut, you need to hold the bolt on the back side, and you can only reach there with the head, approximately as shown in the photo below:

On the reverse side, we use a wrench with a long lever to move the threads out of place. If the nut is then unscrewed normally, you can use a ratchet to do everything as quickly and conveniently as possible:

After this, to knock out the bolt, you can use a wooden block or the handle of a hammer, knocking on the back side:

And then you can do the same with the second side of the transverse rod, after which you can remove it and replace it with a new one if necessary.

The price of a set of new rods for the Niva VAZ 2121 is 1,100 rubles.

Replacing jet rods

Replacement may be necessary if the rod is cracked or if knocking noises are heard when driving. It must be remembered that a replacement not made in time will lead to loss of movement stability. This is the risk of an accident.

To perform the replacement yourself, you need to prepare the necessary tools. To work, you will need a metal brush, keys, and WD 40 universal lubricant. VAZ jet rods can be bought at any store. They are inexpensive.

The first step is to clean all the joints very well with a brush. Then all this needs to be generously filled with universal WD 40 and left for a while until the lubricant takes effect. Next, unscrew the nut that holds the rod on the free side. It will go very tight. A pipe may be needed. When the nut is even with the end of the bolt, you need to tap the bolt with a hammer. The latter sticks and cannot be removed so easily. Next, remove the bolt and nut.

Now the same needs to be done on the other side. You will need to unscrew the lower part of the shock absorber. The nuts here will also be unscrewed with noticeable force; If everything is unscrewed, you can get the rod. There's no need to try to fix it. These car parts cannot be repaired. After the operation, you will have a working suspension, no knocks and a high level of safety when driving. That's all.

So, we found out what jet propulsion is and how to replace it on domestic cars.



It is worth noting that this traction was used by automakers long before the appearance of the classics. Thus, the element was used on cars with dependent leaf spring suspension. The design of the rod has not changed for years. On the “seven” this element is a long metal pipe installed under the bottom near the rear axle.

The part is attached to the body using rubber-metal bushings. Why is jet thrust needed on a VAZ-2107? This element is designed to prevent lateral rocking of the car. Since the Zhiguli had a dependent suspension at the rear, this car leaned heavily when cornering. To stabilize its body and increase safety, the machine is equipped with jet thrust. The VAZ-2107 is equipped with an element made of elastic steel grades. This material can withstand high loads for a long time and works well in compression and tensile strength.

Double jet thrusts - what's the point?

The idea of ​​a hard rear appeared in my head quite spontaneously. An acquaintance told me that it’s easier than a steamed turnip - I bought 4 bolts for the rear shock absorbers (they are the longest), 2 long rods, and just installed it, and the effect is phenomenal, they say the ass is definitely even more rigid... Well, I installed it... well... it’s not difficult... Yes, and fueled the memories of torn rods for 1300 rubles from the car market with silent blocks 2108, for those who don’t remember - here’s a photo

and in terms of money it’s not that expensive. In short, it’s done, in one day, literally. I bought 4 long bolts (cost about 200r) and 2 long rods (500r), and of course the installation was priceless. Newly purchased rods are black, and those that were already installed are green. I decided to make the green ones on the outside and hide the black ones on the inside. It's done in literally an hour. More photos

I tried on the wheels - I rubbed the outer rods (because wheels with a width of 185, 175 would not rub) - I put 5mm spacers under the wheels - the problem was solved. And no matter how simple everything looked - I had to work with a grinder - a piece of meat for attaching the Panhard rod did not provide room for the nut of a new long bolt - I cut off a piece of meat (the design did not become weaker). Now I am planning to install double short rods...waiting for my salary. And actually, what is the point? — the rear has become so much stiffer that it is almost unnoticeable, but safety has greatly increased. Everything was not done in vain

We independently change jet thrust on a VAZ 2107

The basis of safe driving is the stability of the car on the road. This rule applies to both trucks and passenger cars. And the VAZ 2107 is no exception. The handling of this car has always left much to be desired. To somehow make life easier for drivers, engineers developed a jet thrust system for the “Seven”. But any part, as we know, can fail. And then the driver will be faced with the question: is it possible to change a broken rod with your own hands? Yes, you can. Let's try to figure out how this is done.

Purpose of thrust rods on the VAZ 2107

The purpose of the thrust rods on the VAZ 2107 is simple: to prevent the car from “walking” on the road and swaying strongly when entering sharp turns and when hitting various obstacles. This problem has been known since the days of early cars. They didn’t know about any jet thrust at that time, and the cars were equipped with ordinary springs. The result was natural: the car easily overturned, and it was incredibly difficult to drive. Over time, the car suspension was improved: a system of long rods began to be installed in it, which were supposed to take on part of the loads arising from road unevenness or due to an overly aggressive driving style. On the VAZ 2107 and other classic Zhiguli models, there are five jet rods: a pair of long ones, a pair of short ones, plus a large transverse rod, which serves as the basis of the entire traction system. All this is installed near the rear axle of the car.

This system can only be seen from the inspection hole, where all work on replacing broken rods is carried out.

Signs that the rods require replacement

Typically, a problem with torque rods manifests itself in the form of vibrations when starting off or changing gears. If these symptoms occur, it is necessary to carry out an external inspection of the rods for malfunctions. To do this, the car is placed on a pit or viewing platform and the welding points and the condition of the rubber bands are examined. It is also necessary to check the backlash of the reaction rods. If there are problems, replacement is required.

As a rule, the entire set is changed completely, since the load on them is distributed evenly and if there are problems with one, it may soon be necessary to replace the other rod.

About the choice of jet thrusts

Currently, there are not many large manufacturers left that produce jet thrust for the VAZ 2107 and other classics. Their products differ in both price and reliability. Let's look at the most popular products.

Traction "Track"

The product is very popular among owners of the “Seven”. These rods are distinguished by their high reliability and high price, which starts from 2100 rubles per set.

The main difference between Trek is the heads for the bushings. Firstly, they are large, and secondly, they are attached to the rods by welding. The silent blocks on Tracks are also made of especially dense rubber, which significantly extends their service life.

Rods "Cedar"

The overwhelming majority of “Sevens” that had previously rolled off the assembly line had jet thrusters installed specifically from “Kedr”, since this company has always been and remains the official supplier of AvtoVAZ.

The quality of Kedr is somewhat inferior to Trek. This is especially true for bushings and silent blocks. All this wears out quite quickly, and therefore they will have to be changed more often. But there is also a good side - a reasonable price. A set of “Cedar” rods can be purchased for 1,700 rubles.

Belmag rods

Despite the simplicity and reliability of Belmag rods, they have one significant drawback: they are not so easy to find on sale. Every year they are found less and less often on the shelves of auto parts stores. But if the car owner still manages to find them, then he can be congratulated, since he got a reliable product at a reasonable price. The cost of Belmag rods starts from 1800 rubles per set.

This, in essence, is the entire list of large manufacturers of good rods for the VAZ 2107. Of course, now there are a lot of smaller companies on the market that are quite aggressively promoting their products. But none of these companies gained much popularity among the owners of classics, and therefore it is inappropriate to mention them here.

So what should a driver choose from all of the above?

The answer is simple: the only criterion for choosing jet rods is the thickness of the car owner’s wallet. If a person is not short on funds, the best option would be to purchase Trek rods. Yes, they are expensive, but installing them will allow you to forget about problems with the suspension for a long time. If you don’t have enough money, it makes sense to look for products on the shelves. Well, if this idea is not crowned with success, there remains a third option - “Cedar” rods, which are sold everywhere.

Here we should say a few words about fakes. Knowing that car owners most often choose products from the three above-mentioned companies, unscrupulous manufacturers are now literally flooding the shelves with counterfeits. Moreover, in some cases, the fakes are made so skillfully that only a specialist can identify them. In such a situation, an ordinary driver can only focus on the price and remember: good things are expensive. And if there is a set of Trek rods on the counter for only a thousand rubles, then this is a serious reason to think about it. And don't rush into buying.

Which ones are better?

There are parts from several manufacturers on the market, among which the following options can be distinguished:

  • Cross and Detal-Resurs are two budget brands that produce suspension parts for the Niva. Price - from 1600 rub. per set.
  • Sitek - budget spare parts with rubber or polyurethane silent blocks. They are distinguished by their small wall thickness and low weight. Suitable for those whose route mainly runs on asphalt. Price - 2200 rub.
  • Niva Urban - inexpensive high-quality spare parts for Niva Chevrolet. The manufacturer produces rods for the entire VAZ family. Price - 2600 rub.
  • UG is another budget rod from a little-known company. Like Sitek, they are not intended for active off-road running. Price 3000 rub.
  • SC is a more expensive model, characterized by a rectangular cross-section. Judging by the mass, the manufacturer did not spare the metal. The quality of the seam does not cause any complaints from car owners. Price - 3400 rub.
  • Niva Extreme - reliable, durable suspension parts that are preferred by fans of extreme racing. The only drawback is the price, which is almost 5,000 rubles.

Note: the high price of Niva Extreme parts is due to their non-standard design. These are enhanced traction.

About modernization of jet thrusts

Sometimes drivers decide to independently increase the reliability of the VAZ 2107 suspension and extend its service life. To this end, they are modernizing jet thrust. Typically, modernization of rods means two operations. Here they are:

Now a little more about each of the above operations.

Twin rods

Most often, drivers install dual rods on the VAZ 2107. The reason is obvious: for this procedure you don't have to do anything with the pulls. You simply purchase not one, but two sets of rods that are installed in a regular place near the rear axle of the “seven”. Plus, you purchase not ordinary, but elongated mounting bolts, on which this entire structure rests.

The obvious advantage of such modernization is the increase in the reliability of the suspension: even if one of the tie rods breaks while driving, the car is unlikely to lose control and the driver will always have a chance to notice the problem in time and stop (a break in the tie rod is almost always accompanied by a strong knock on the bottom of the car, which cannot be heard this is simply impossible). This design also has a drawback: the suspension becomes stiffer. If earlier it “eaten up” small unevenness in the road without any problems, now the driver will feel even small pebbles and holes while driving.

Reinforced traction

If the car is used in extreme conditions and drives mainly on dirt roads or on roads with very poor asphalt, the car owner can install enhanced torque rods on it. As a rule, drivers make such rods themselves. But recently, large manufacturers have begun to offer reinforced rods of their own production. For example, you can find Trek-Sport rods on sale, which are distinguished by the large size of silent blocks and an adjustable transverse rod. A pair of nuts on the crossbar allows you to slightly change its length. Which in turn affects the car’s handling and the overall stiffness of its suspension.

Of course, the driver will have to pay for increased reliability: the cost of a set of Track-Sport rods starts from 2,600 rubles.

Rear suspension of the VAZ-2107 - design and methods for checking serviceability

The design of the rear suspension of the 7 is practically no different from the suspensions of other classic models of the VAZ family. The dependent suspension modification is somewhat outdated and is associated with the presence of a rigid connection between the rear wheels. Of course, a rigid connection has a great advantage - high reliability, as well as ease of maintenance, but there are also some disadvantages. To find out about them, let’s take a closer look at the rear suspension design of the VAZ 2107.

Checking the condition of the jet rods on the VAZ 2107

Before we talk about checking jet thrusts, let’s ask ourselves: why is there a need for such a check at all? The fact is that when driving, jet rods are subjected to both lateral and torsional loads. Torsional loads occur when wheels hit large potholes or run over large rocks and other obstacles. This type of load is especially harmful for rods, or more precisely, for silent blocks in rods. It is the silent blocks that are the weak point of the jet thrust (there is simply nothing to break in the thrust itself: it is a metal rod with two eyes at the ends). In addition, the rubber parts of silent blocks are periodically exposed to reagents that are sprinkled on roads during icy conditions. As a result, cracks appear in the rubber and its service life is rapidly reduced.

If you believe the operating instructions, the new jet thrusts on the VAZ 2107 can travel at least 100 thousand km. But taking into account the conditions listed above, the actual service life of rods rarely exceeds 80 thousand km.

From the same instructions it follows that the state of the jet rods must be checked every 20 thousand km. However, car service technicians strongly recommend checking the rods every 10–15 thousand km in order to avoid extremely unpleasant surprises. To check the condition of the silent blocks in the rods, you will need an inspection hole and a mounting blade.

Test sequence

Video: checking jet rods on a VAZ 2107

Seven rear suspension design

The rear suspension design of the VAZ 2107 is quite simple, which is required by the presence of a rear axle. It is due to the presence of the rear axle that the rear wheels are rigidly connected to each other. The rear axle beam is suspended from the body using reaction rods, of which there are only 5 in the design - four longitudinal rods and one transverse rod.

The main purpose of the longitudinal rods is to prevent and prevent the beam from moving in two directions - forward and backward. Transverse traction is needed in order to prevent the beam from moving when lateral loads occur. You need to know all the suspension parts in order to identify faults and make correct repairs.

This is interesting! To combine the rods with the body part and the beam, special hinges are used, which are made of rubber material and are called silent blocks.

We continue to study the structure of the rear suspension of the seven, and it is worth highlighting another important element - the springs. The lower part of the springs is in contact with the bowl on the bridge beam. To soften contact and prevent squeaks, a thick rubber gasket is placed between the spring and the bowl. The upper part of the springs also rests against the body bowls through an insulating gasket.

Vehicle vibrations are damped using a pair of telescopic shock absorbers. The load that is formed when the vehicle moves on uneven roads is reduced due to the presence of seven three rubber compression seals in the rear suspension design. Two seals are located in the spring structure, and the third is located on the bottom above the rear axle housing. For ease of understanding of all of the above, below is a diagram of the rear suspension of the seven.

  • springs;
  • telescopic shock absorbers;
  • rod or transverse rod;
  • axle beam connecting the wheels;
  • longitudinal upper rods or rods;
  • longitudinal lower rods.

How to check the condition of the rear suspension elements of a VAZ 2107

The opinion that the seven’s suspension has increased strength and wear resistance is not at all a reason for not monitoring its condition. The suspension condition of a car that is operated in off-road conditions or on poorly paved roads (there are still a large number of them left in the post-Soviet countries) especially needs to be checked.

The easiest and most effective way to check the condition of the rear suspension of the seven is a visual inspection. To do this, the car needs to be driven onto an overpass or placed over an inspection hole. Particular attention should be paid to such suspension elements as:

Replacing jet rods on a VAZ 2107

Before starting work, we will decide on the necessary consumables and tools. Here's what we need:

Sequence of work

First of all, two important points should be mentioned. Firstly, the rods should only be changed in an inspection pit or on an overpass. Secondly, all five rods from the VAZ 2107 are removed in exactly the same way. That is why the procedure for dismantling only one central rod will be described below. To remove the remaining four rods, you just need to repeat the steps listed below.

Video: changing jet engines on a VAZ 2107

Replacing bushings on VAZ 2107 rods

Bushings for VAZ 2107 torque rods are disposable products that cannot be repaired. It is not possible to restore a worn bushing in a garage. The average car enthusiast has neither the necessary equipment nor the necessary skills to restore the inner surface of the bushing. Thus, the only option for repairing damaged traction bushings is to replace them with new ones. Here's what we need to replace the bushings on the rods:


The rods are removed from the car according to the instructions outlined above. The lugs and silent blocks must be treated with WD40 liquid and thoroughly cleaned of dirt and rust using a wire brush.

So, to replace jet rods on a VAZ 2107, the car owner does not have to take the car to the nearest service center. All the work can be done with your own hands. Even a novice car enthusiast who has held a hammer and wrench in his hands at least once can handle this. All you need to do is follow the above recommendations exactly.


Let's get started

Having thoroughly cleaned the joints with a brush, treat them generously with universal lubricant. You need to wait until it completely penetrates inside. Next, select the head of the required size (19) and unscrew the nut that holds the rod on the free side. If it is tight, you can re-spray the threaded joint with lubricant. When the end of the bolt is level with the nut, take a hammer in your hands. It is necessary to strike the bolt several times and remove the latter out. After that we move on to the second side. To remove it, you need to unscrew the lower shock absorber mount.

Next, remove the spacer sleeve of the elastic element. This way we will get access to the second bolt of the VAZ-2107 jet thrust. If the nuts are difficult to unscrew, and even lubricant does not help, you can cut off the bolt with a grinder. Please note: do not knock out this element with a hammer, since it is close to the gearbox. At the next stage, you need to get the remains of the rod itself out.

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