How to open a jammed rear door on a Niva Chevrolet

Why doesn't the back door of a Niva Chevrolet open?

The Chevrolet Niva is equipped with a standard central lock; therefore, each of the five doors has an actuator that unlocks the lock when the central device is activated.

However, as practice shows, electronics are not at all involved in problems with locks.

In 99% of cases, the problem is still in the mechanics , either in the lock itself, or in damage to the rods. We will not consider cases where the door freezes to the body; this is an exception, but most often the owners are let down by the lock.

Broken lock rod (rod is bent)

The rear door lock rod is marked with an arrow.

There are often cases when the lock rods bend not due to improper assembly (although this is possible), but due to the banal entry of dirt into the door cavity.

It all happens something like this: the protective polyethylene film can peel off from the door frame in some places, and because of this, dust gets into the door cavity. Everything would be fine, but dust accumulates not only at the bottom of the cavity, but also on the levers of the lock itself. One fine moment we go to the car wash or get caught in a heavy downpour, the dust turns into dirt and limits the working strokes of the lock.

Trying to open the door with the handle, we make more and more effort, as a result of which the rod bends. It bends until the central locking actuator simply does not have enough movement to unlock the door. Even straightening the thrust, we will not achieve anything.

The rear door is without trim.

There is only one way out in this situation - dismantling the door card, aligning the rods, dismantling, lubricating and cleaning the lock. Moreover, the sooner you do this, the less likely you are to end up with a completely blocked rear door.

Design features, or tricky spring

Jammed trunk lock on a Niva Chevrolet

The rear door lock on the Chevrolet Niva does not have particularly complex mechanisms. The lock is ordinary, it works according to the VAZ principle, the only difference is that it is locked and unlocked by an actuator. Actuators also fail, but this happens extremely rarely. And even in this case, it is always possible to open or close the door manually.

However, this system also has nuances - if you activate the central locking with any door open at least one click, the lock of both the rear and any other door may jam.

Tricky spring.

In most cases, it's all about the spring in the housing , which loads one of the rear door lock levers. Probably, the steel from which the spring is made does not meet the operating conditions, so the spring tendrils often break off . As a result, one of the lock levers lives its own life - it wants, it will lock the lock, it wants, it will open the door on the move. It’s an unpleasant story, so at the first whims of the lock or its drive, it’s worth removing it and eliminating the cause.

Spring failure

Basically, the problem of lock failure lies in the fact that the tendrils of the spring break off, which loads the rear door lock lever. This occurs due to the use of low-quality steel in the production of the part or violations of operating conditions. In any case, such a breakdown leads to the fact that one of the lock levers begins to move in a random direction and it is impossible to predict whether the lock will open at the moment or not.

The lock can jam from the inside if the spring of the traction mechanism, which is responsible for part of the work when opening, is cracked or significantly deformed.

In 30% of breakdowns, the cause of the malfunction is a spring that loads one of its levers. The spring tendrils break off and the lever to which they cling begins to behave completely unpredictably. It is possible that a locked door can unlock and open while moving. The cause of the spring defect: poor, low-quality steel or an incorrectly selected grade of metal. Repairing the mechanism step by step:

  1. Remove the rear door trim.
  2. Check the setting.
  3. Replace the broken spring or reinstall the part if a broken spring is found.

The lock can jam from the inside if the spring of the traction mechanism, which is responsible for part of the work when opening, is cracked or significantly deformed.

In 30% of breakdowns, the cause of the malfunction is a spring that loads one of its levers. The spring tendrils break off and the lever to which they cling begins to behave completely unpredictably. It is possible that a locked door can unlock and open while moving. The cause of the spring defect: poor, low-quality steel or an incorrectly selected grade of metal. Repairing the mechanism step by step:

  1. Remove the rear door trim.
  2. Check the setting.
  3. Replace the broken spring or reinstall the part if a broken spring is found.

Removing the rear door lock on a Chevrolet Niva for repairs

You will have to remove the rear door trim.

Even if the door no longer opens, you can easily get to the lock and unlock it, and then remove it and repair it. This is done like this:

  1. The rear door door card is removed even when the door is locked. First, unscrew the two screws from the bottom of the door card.
  2. Remove the window handle by bending the handle with a flat screwdriver and pulling the latch upward.
  3. Unscrew the screw securing the decorative trim under the door handle, pulling the handle towards you.
  4. The door card is held on by six pistons - two at the bottom, two at the center and two at the top.
    They snap off if you pry them with a long screwdriver. The door card can now be removed. The decorative card has been removed.

Video about removing the lock on a Niva Chevrolet

Opening the door

The lock can be unlocked by pulling the plastic tab of the actuator or another lever; using a long screwdriver, you can move the lock latch itself.

When the door has opened, you can remove the lock, but before that you need to remove the negative terminal from the battery. The lock is held on by fastening screws at the end of the door.

Trunk door lock.

After removing them with a long screwdriver, you need to remove the drive rods, disconnect the terminal blocks and remove the lock from the door cavity along with the actuator . After this, when the lock is in hand, the reason will become visible. In extreme cases, the lock can be replaced. Good luck to everyone and obedient locks!

At the start of production, the Chevrolet Niva was very different from its predecessors. A modern interior, convenient arrangement of instruments on the panel and many other innovations greatly distinguished it and made it more comfortable. But the most important difference was the transformation of the body from a three-door to a five-door. But any equipment is prone to breakdowns, so sometimes the Chevrolet Niva Niva door handle or another part responsible for the normal functioning of the door may fail. This creates many problems and reduces the usability of the car.

Replacing the clutch yourself

When the cause of the malfunction is identified, it will be necessary to carry out repairs and take measures to eliminate the breakdown.

If you do such work yourself, then this is a long process that will take a lot of time. And also all activities should be carried out according to the instructions.


  1. Prepare a set of keys and a mandrel for centering the driven disk.

Mandrel for centering the driven disk.

We remove the gearbox.

We mark the relative positions of the disc casing and the flywheel.

We unscrew the six bolts securing the pressure plate to the flywheel.

Let's remove the pressure and driven discs and do a visual inspection.

We check the reliability of the damper springs.

We evaluate the condition of the pressure plate diaphragm spring.

When all these indicators are missing, then the disk can be left as old, changing only the release disk. Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Video about replacing the clutch on a Niva Chevrolet

What could be the reason that the door does not open?

The Chevrolet Niva is equipped with a central lock, so each door has an additional device - an actuator. It is responsible for blocking the door lock when a signal is received from the central locking system. But in most cases this is not the cause of failure. If the door of a Niva Chevrolet Niva does not open, then in about 85% the problem lies in damage to the rods or lock. In winter, the door may freeze to the body due to the formation of condensation on the seal or moisture ingress after washing. But these cases are not a breakdown and go away on their own over time.

The following will help you avoid such an unpleasant situation:

  1. Spare set of keys. Don’t be lazy, just take it and make a duplicate - it won’t cost you a lot, but the benefits from the duplicate will be enormous. You won't have to worry about losing your keys. This happens to everyone, and no one is protected from losing vigilance for a while, and as a result, the keys.
  2. Decorate your keys with a weighty keychain. It will make them much heavier and you will feel their weight in your pocket. And when you suddenly lose your keys, you will immediately feel it, or even hear them fall on the asphalt, grass, or whatever.
  3. The car key and alarm key fob can also be separated into separate bundles. The likelihood that you will lose both at once is much lower.

It often happens that you simply forget your keys in the car, close the door, it latches, and you go about your business. In this case, we recommend that you simply always be careful and check that you have the keys.

What to do if the rod is broken or bent.

The rod may fail as a result of dirt getting inside the door. Even new cars are susceptible to this. Chevrolet Niva is usually operated in conditions where there are no roads, where there is a high risk of fine dust getting inside the door. But during rain, car wash or wet weather, this dust absorbs moisture and turns into dirt. It can also be bent as a result of improper installation, and subsequent exposure to it leads to its destruction over time.

If you try to force open a jammed door, there is a high chance of bending the rod even more. Eventually, the thrust stroke is greatly reduced and the actuator does not have enough movement to unlock. At the same time, even after straightening the rod, it already changes its length, limiting the stroke.

In this situation, only disassembling the door and replacing the rods with new ones can help. It is important to check the operation of the lock and lubricate it if necessary. If you notice a malfunction in time, it is better to do the work right away, without waiting until the door is completely blocked and more difficulties will arise with its disassembly.

What is recommended when repairing a bridge?

The Niva Chevrolet front axle includes a main gear and a differential. The first step in repairing axles on your own is to change the oil. In case you are not familiar with the process, read the instructions provided by the manufacturer. It will tell you, for example, that the oil needs to be changed every time the mileage reaches 40 thousand. In order to disconnect all parts of the fastening, we take a key of size 17 and another one of size 12. A syringe will be useful to replenish the lubricant, and any container so that you can put the waste there. We remove the drain plug, drain the old oil fluid, and return the plug to where we got it from. Next, remove the filler plug, replenish the amount of oil and close the lid.

You also need to change the gearbox gear seal. This is necessary when oil consumption is too rapid. We switch the transmission to neutral and turn off the car. Drain the oil and remove the front driveshaft. We draw out the front part of the hinge, what's inside. This is necessary so that nothing clings to the gear of the gearbox. It is necessary to catch the moment of rotation of the flange nut at the main gear and change the oil seal. Don’t forget to pump new oil inside the gearbox and tighten all fastening parts.

Features of the Chevrolet Niva door

The back door of the car is quite simple. The lock built into it is similar in design to that installed on the VAZ model. If the actuators fail, you can open them manually.

Important features of the system: if you activate the central locking when one of the doors is slightly open, the system may jam, and it will not necessarily be the one that was not closed properly.

This may be a result of the spring jamming in the lock body. This results from the fact that the steel from which it is made may not withstand the operating conditions of the car. As a result, the tendrils of the spring may break off, and the lock will start working after a while. Symptoms, as a rule, can be different, up to the door opening on the move.

Door repair work is quite simple.

First you need to completely remove the decorative trim. This is easy to do even with a locked door. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps:

  • The screws at the bottom of the door card are unscrewed.
  • The window lifter handle is removed. To do this, you need to pick it up with a screwdriver and pull the latch.
  • The screw of the decorative trim is unscrewed.
  • then you need to carefully release the door card latches. This can be done using a long screwdriver.

You can now unlock the door by pulling the actuator or rod. You can also use a long screwdriver to move the lock latch.

Important to remember: Before unlocking, you must disconnect the negative terminal from the battery.

After opening, you need to remove the lock. To do this, unscrew the screws at the end...

Most Common Methods

In order to get rid of sagging, many car owners prefer simply bending the door in the opposite direction or similar mechanical influences. These methods may seem too simple and even a little stupid or barbaric, but in fact they work. The only problem is that the bent door will begin to sag back after a short period of time, yes, “straightening” the door is enough for several weeks, but then the situation returns. A more reliable method is considered to be lining plates, which are selected according to thickness. This is also a completely reasonable method, which, however, requires more time.

Removal + repair + installation of rear door Niva Chevrolet

Dismantling and assembling the rear door of a Niva Chevrolet car

We prepare the car for the job

Remove the negative terminal of the battery.

To complete the task you will need tools: a set of screwdrivers, a 8mm head.

Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the self-tapping screw securing the inner handle lining

Removing the handle trim

Squeeze the protrusions of the latch

And remove the door lock button

Insert a screwdriver between the socket and the window handle trim

Move the handle trim

Removing the lining

Removing the window handle

Removing the socket

Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the self-tapping screw securing the upholstery installed in the armrest niche

Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the two self-tapping screws securing the upholstery from the bottom.

We remove the lower part of the upholstery, removing the six pistons for its fastening from the holes in the door panel

Removing the door trim

Simple trim tuning

To carry out high-quality tuning, you need to draw up a plan for future changes. To make your salon more stylish, but without requiring significant expenses, you can use simple instructions:

  1. Replace speakers, car radio, standard handles with euro ones.
  2. Update the upholstery, choose a more expensive material for this.
  3. Make lining of additional niches.
  4. Cover plastic panels with film.
  5. Add LED and reflective elements.

The new fabric deserves special attention

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the properties of the canvas: long service life, ease of care, presentable appearance, color range

Removing the rear door outside handle

Remove the rear door trim as described above.

Use a 8mm socket to unscrew the bolt.

Removing the rear glass guide

Use a screwdriver to pry off the outer handle rod from the lock lever.

Using a 8mm socket, unscrew the nut securing the outer handle

Unscrew the bolt securing the outer handle

We move forward until it stops and, lifting the handle, remove it together with the rod from the door

Install the rear door outside handle in the reverse order.

Removing the rear door lock

Remove the door trim as described above.

Disconnect the outer handle rod from the lock lever.

Disconnect the electrical wiring harness for the lock and the door wiring harness

We disconnect the connectors of the interior lamp switch wires (the switch is in the lock)

Remove the spacer sleeve from the window lift axle

Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the two screws

Removing the upholstery mounting bracket

Peel off the protective film

Squeezing the clamp with pliers, disconnect the rod from the inside door handle

Remove the inner handle rod from the holder

Remove the lock button insert from the lock

Use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the screw securing the lock release drive housing

By sliding the drive housing down, remove the housing and remove the rod from the holder

Use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the three screws securing the lock to the door.

We remove the lock assembly with rods and electric drive

Install the lock in the reverse order.

How to remove the lock

To remove the Euro lock on a Chevrolet Niva, you will need a set of equipment. You will need to prepare:

Disassembly of the lock can be partial or complete. Only professionals can carry out a competent overhaul, and any layman can perform removal/replacement. The process is performed from the inside of the door. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pull out the plugs.
  2. Unscrew the three bolts.
  3. Remove the trim.
  4. Pry off the facing panel.
  5. Remove the front shutter glass position switch.
  6. Remove the wiring harness block.
  7. Disconnect electrical wiring: speakers, power windows.
  8. Pull out the skin card.
  9. Remove external fastenings.
  10. Remove the lock.

Removing and installing rear door window regulator

Remove the upholstery as described above

Disconnect the rod of the internal handle and locking lock

Fix the glass in the raised position (you can use a screwdriver)

Unscrew the bolts of the sliding glass mounting plate

Unscrew the two central nuts securing the window regulator

Unscrew the upper nut of the window regulator

Unscrew the lower nut securing the window regulator

Remove the window regulator assembly through the technological hole

Install the window regulator in reverse order.

Lubricate the window regulator parts with Litol-24 grease or an equivalent.

Replacing the sliding glass of the rear door of Niva Chevrolet

Remove the door trim as described above

We remove the window regulator.

Unscrew the bolt securing the sliding window guide and remove the guide

Removing the lower glass seal

Remove the top glass seal

We turn the glass in the window opening, as shown in the photo

Removing the glass from the opening

Install the glass in reverse order

Removing and installing the rear door

Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery

We unscrew the bolt securing the door opening limiter to the body

We remove the rubber protective tube of the wires from the central pillar

Holding the wires, pull the wire connector out of the rack and disconnect it

Remove the locking brackets of the hinge axes (old version)

Using a 8mm socket, unscrew the two hinge locking bolts (new design)

Remove the door upwards

Install the rear door and all parts in reverse order


Removing the spare wheel bracket for Niva Chevrolet

To remove the bracket, you will need a 17mm wrench. Remove the spare wheel from the bracket and Unscrew the four nuts securing the bracket to the tailgate and remove the washers installed under the nuts

Remove the bracket and rubber washers from the tailgate studs. Installation of the Chevy Niva spare wheel bracket is performed in the reverse order of removal.

Removing and installing the tailgate trim of the Niva Chevrolet

To replace the trunk lid trim of a Chevy Niva, you will need flat-blade and Phillips-blade screwdrivers. Open the rear trunk lid

Remove the top screws securing the glass frame

Remove the decorative caps on both sides of the frame and remove the screws located under the caps.

Remove the trunk lid glass frame

Unscrew the filler plug and remove the neck trim of the tailgate glass washer reservoir

Carefully pry up the upholstery with a screwdriver at the locations of the fastening rivets and remove it. Installation of the trim and glass frame of the Niva Chevrolet trunk lid is performed in the reverse order of removal. Replace broken upholstery fastening pistons with new ones.

Removing and installing the trunk lid door lock drive Niva Chevrolet

To replace the Chevy Niva trunk lid lock, you will need flat-blade and Phillips-blade screwdrivers. Remove the upholstery

and disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery.
Remove the screws and remove the lock drive activator. Disconnect the wiring harness block from the activator. Installation of the rear door lock drive activator on a Chevrolet Niva is performed in the reverse order of removal.

Removing and installing the lock and handle of the trunk door lock of the Niva Chevrolet

To replace the lock or handle of the trunk lid door of a Chevy Niva, you will need keys 8 and 10, flat-blade and Phillips-blade screwdrivers. Remove the tailgate trim and disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery

Remove the screws securing the trunk lid lock

Using a screwdriver, disconnect the rods from the door lock switch lever and from the door handle

Disconnect the black and white blocks of the wiring harnesses from the Chevrolet Niva trunk door lock activator and remove the lock assembly with the drive activator

Unscrew the door handle fastening nuts and remove the handle bracket bolt

In the "open" position, slide the handle to the left and remove the handle from the door opening. Installation of the Chevy Niva rear cover door lock and its handle is performed in the reverse order of removal.

How to remove the trunk lid of a Niva Chevrolet

To remove or install the Chevy Niva trunk lid, you will need keys 10, 13, 17 and a screwdriver. Disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery

Unscrew the screws and remove the rivets securing the left trunk trim

Move the upholstery to the side and remove the screws securing the side panel trim

Remove the decorative trim for the seat belt eye and remove the bolt securing the eye to the body.

Remove the Niva Chevrolet seat belt from under the side panel trim and remove the trim

Disconnect the wiring harness connector from the trunk light and disconnect the tailgate wiring harness connector.

Remove the exhaust ventilation deflector and unscrew the nut securing the earth wire terminal

Remove the rubber bushing from the body hole and remove the trunk door wiring harness from the body hole.

Remove the bolts securing the door opening limiter

Remove the bolts securing the lower and upper hinges of the tailgate, having previously marked the position of the hinges on the body (if you are installing the previous door)

Remove the trunk lid. Installing the firecracker on a Niva Chevrolet is carried out in the reverse order of removal; after installation, be sure to adjust the position of the door in the body openings and the trunk lid lock.

Adjusting the position of the Chevrolet Niva tailgate

The position of the tailgate is adjusted by changing the position of the lock latch and the door tenon socket. You will need an impact screwdriver to make adjustments.

Using an impact screwdriver, loosen the screws securing the door lock retainer and the tailgate tenon socket. Move the retainer and socket in the desired direction and tighten the screws. This completes the adjustment of the trunk lid lock.


To carry out preventive maintenance on a Chevrolet, the passenger door lock is adjusted and lubricated with silicone. To work, you will need a hexagon and lubricant. The adjustment is carried out in the open position. The stand is disassembled by unscrewing the bolts. It is important to fix them at a right angle. The screws must not be removed. When the fastener is loosened, the position of the lock is easily adjusted.

By placing the mechanism in one position, the functionality of the device is checked. If the cause of incorrect operation has not gone away, a shift in the other direction is carried out.

Car fuses and relay box

The vehicle's power supply and consumption system ensures the correct functioning of components and assemblies and comfortable driving. The car's current source is the battery. The consumers are connected in parallel and combined into separate blocks with fuses.

On the Chevrolet Niva, the fuse box is mounted in a unit and is located in the passenger compartment. Fuses protect almost all electrical power circuits. They do not have such protection for the generator circuit, engine starting and battery charging.

The Niva fuse box is located on the driver's side under the dashboard. Access to the mounting block is closed with a lid.

To remove it, unscrew two screws.

We remove the cover from engagement with the instrument panel. We lift it up, remove the pins from the rubber bushings and remove it. In the photo you can see where the relay and fuse block is located.

In Niva Chevrolet cars, fuse F5 protects the power supply circuit for the front door window lifter. The power window relay is located in a block with remote relays. This block is located below the mounting one.

see also

Comments 16

At first there was such a problem, then it would close and you couldn’t open it, then it would open on its own while moving... after the last failure to open with the neighbor in the garage: he pulled from the outside, I kicked from the inside. But the problem turned out to be in the guide, which is at the end of the door, it was wedged... I adjusted it and lost it without any problems, but I also wanted to disassemble the lock and climb through the trim.

I could clearly see how the whole door was frozen, at the edges, I took hot water and poured it all around the door, pulling the handle within reason, after 15 minutes it opened)))

Move the lock button inside which. Up down. Sometimes passengers pull the handle when the electric lock is activated and the door jams.

I had such crap, but everything turned out to be prosaic - I pinched the door in the area of ​​the lock, which was lying in the trunk, and the door was clamped tightly. He reclined the seat and dragged the blanket into the cabin. He tore off the corner, but then he opened the door ☺

There was such a mess, the plastic rod on the lock turned out to have fallen off. I took the trim off and stuck it back in.

bullshit. you have to do it in a brutal way - take an ax and do some shit in the area of ​​the castle! should open in a while!

Yeah after the second rub)))))

well, maybe after the third... you don’t need much there!))))

After the third one I’ll be cutting down the tank)))

I had similar nonsense, I removed the paneling from the inside and moved the rods with my hands and opened it. Then I made an extra spring and spilled water all over it. And I did this with almost every castle. Because there are often problems with opening.

Try to press in the area of ​​the lock (next to the handle) with your hands (to close the door) and then try to open it. It opened for me the second time.

They write to you correctly, fold the rear seats, press down with your foot, and let someone from the street pull the handle, it should open 100%, then fill everything heavily with WD 40 so that everything will flow, my door is jammed due to the dust that has accumulated there, the lock After that I didn’t change it, I spray it more often with VD and everything is good.

The mechanism inside may have become covered. It is inexpensive, around 500 rubles. If it is, when purchasing, pay more attention to the connector and number of wires

brace yourself) if it doesn’t thaw in the warm box and won’t open, if you push and pull in different directions, then... lower the rear seats, climb into the trunk and try to help apply pressure from there. If it doesn’t help, remove the upholstery and look at the rods. You can push the rod out and apply the same pressure and open the door.

and once you open it, either lubricate the lock with WD-40 (it will help against jamming, but not for long), it’s better to replace the entire lock

The four-door body of the Niva Chevrolet, in comparison with the Niva 2121, looked like just a limousine. What a shame it is for Shnivy owners when this body turns into a three-door. What to do when the back door on a Chevrolet Niva does not open, we will consider the reasons and solutions to the situation right now.

Removing the upholstery

In order to gain access to the lock mechanism, it is necessary to remove the door trim. To do this, do the following:

  1. A pair of screws are unscrewed at the top of the door near the trim;

  2. The decorative plugs at the bottom of the handle are removed and a couple more screws are unscrewed;

  3. The power wires (blocks) are disconnected from the power window buttons;
  4. The handle retracts to the side;
  5. The screws are unscrewed and the plastic pocket located at the bottom is removed;
  6. The internal door handle is dismantled by turning 90 degrees; to do this, the fixing screws are first unscrewed;
  7. The speaker is unscrewed and the supply wires (block) are disconnected from it;

  8. When all the fixing elements have been removed, you can carefully remove the upholstery fasteners from the bottom up;
  9. The sheathing is removed from the insulation and the door blocking button is removed.

After all the steps taken, you can proceed to removing the faulty lock.

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