How to open a Chevrolet Niva without a key: methods, video

For many decades now, car owners have been faced with a situation where they simply lost their keys and the car remained locked. Then it becomes almost impossible to open the car yourself without the help of specialists. However, there are loopholes everywhere, and now we will look at them using a striking example - we will study how to open a Chevrolet Niva without a key.

When the Niva is on alarm and all the windows and doors are closed, there is one option that will help you get inside. You definitely won’t open the door itself, because its fastening is excellent. However, Niva periodically exhibits one weakness.

Of course, there is always the option of calling a special service, proving to them that this car belongs to you, and with the help of a special key that fits all locks, they are able to open any car in a matter of minutes. If you use their services, you will have to pay handsomely. But why, if Niva can give in to you too.

What to do if the rod is broken or bent.

The rod may fail as a result of dirt getting inside the door.
Even new cars are susceptible to this. Chevrolet Niva is usually operated in conditions where there are no roads, where there is a high risk of fine dust getting inside the door. But during rain, car wash or wet weather, this dust absorbs moisture and turns into dirt. It can also be bent as a result of improper installation, and subsequent exposure to it leads to its destruction over time. If you try to force open a jammed door, there is a high chance of bending the rod even more. Eventually, the thrust stroke is greatly reduced and the actuator does not have enough movement to unlock. At the same time, even after straightening the rod, it already changes its length, limiting the stroke.

In this situation, only disassembling the door and replacing the rods with new ones can help.

It is important to check the operation of the lock and lubricate it if necessary. If you notice a malfunction in time, it is better to do the work right away, without waiting for the door to be completely blocked and there will be more difficulties in disassembling it

Spring failure.

Basically, the problem of lock failure lies in the fact that the tendrils of the spring break off, which loads the rear door lock lever. This occurs due to the use of low-quality steel in the production of the part or violations of operating conditions. In any case, such a breakdown leads to the fact that one of the lock levers begins to move in a random direction and it is impossible to predict whether the lock will open at the moment or not. There are even situations when the rear door lock of a Niva Chevrolet can open while driving. Therefore, you should not wait for unpleasant situations to arise and carry out repairs immediately if any problems arise with the lock.

Procedure for dismantling door trim

How to open a Priora without a key with your own hands using a ruler
It is worth picking up all the tools in advance and preparing a room with good lighting and a comfortable temperature. You will need the following:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • awl;
  • key to 8;
  • rags;
  • knife.

Instructions for removing the upholstery:

  1. Use a knife to remove the plugs.
  2. Unscrew the screws with a flat screwdriver.
  3. Remove the cover.
  4. Disable the latches.
  5. Remove the side mirror adjustment lever.
  6. Unfasten the top row of clips. Pull out the panel.
  7. Disconnect the electrical wiring wires: speakers, power windows.
  8. Remove the fasteners from the closing device body.
  9. Remove the bottom row of pistons, after which you will have access to the rod.

Now you can diagnose, repair or replace parts. Reassembly is performed in a similar manner.

Castle repair

Before you begin the repair, you must remove the outer panel that hides this lock. For any work, it is recommended to remove the negative terminal from the battery. For repairs you will need the following tools:

  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • flat-head screwdriver with wide tip;
  • set of clips;
  • a clip holder or wooden wedge for unfastening the pins.

Experienced locksmiths wrap a flat-head screwdriver in a rag when they unfasten the door pins and push the tool under the door trim. During work, half of the plastic caps on Niva fail. Before installing the casing, you must remove them from the panel and replace them with new ones.

Work order:

  1. Open the back door.
  2. Unscrew the top screws securing the decorative glass frame using a cross-head screwdriver.
  3. Remove the lower decorative plugs of the glass frame.
  4. Remove the cover by unscrewing the screws located under the plugs.
  5. Unscrew and remove the cap of the rear window washer reservoir.
  6. Remove the neck trim, which is located under the plug.
  7. Wrap the sharp slotted end of the screwdriver with a rag or electrical tape and push it between the trim and the metal frame of the door.
  8. Carefully pull the screwdriver towards you and unclip the first piston that secures the casing to the frame. Unclip the remaining pistons around the perimeter and remove the trim.
  9. Unscrew the screws at the end of the lock block.
  10. Disconnect the rods.
  11. Pull out and disconnect the electrical wire connectors.

The procedure for disassembling the lock:

  1. Unscrew the three screws that secure the cover.
  2. Unbend the “tail” of the metal base of the lock, which holds the lid.
  3. Pull two latches simultaneously from the right end of the case and remove the cover.

All repairs consist of cleaning from dirt, lubricating and replacing the spring.

How to Open a Chevrolet Niva Without a Key Video

How can you open a VAZ-2110 without a key?

How can I open Neva Chevrolet without a key?

When Niva is on alarm and all windows and doors are closed, there is one option that will help you get inside. You definitely don’t open the door itself, because the mountain is beautiful. However, Niva periodically exhibits one weakness.

Of course, there is always the option of calling a special service to prove to them that this car belongs to you, and they can open any car in a matter of minutes using a special key that fits all locks. If you use their services, you will have to pay a good price. But why, if Niva can give in to you.

Window. this is Niva's weak point

On many car forums dedicated to the Niva car, you can read information that their owners are sometimes bothered by random downward rear windows. Of course, they do not open completely, but only a couple of centimeters, but this is enough.

How to open a Chevrolet Niva without a key

Training video

lock picking course.
Lesson No. 2 Tells how to open
a Niva Chevrolet car using.

If you delve into the design of the car, it is known that the front windows open electrically and the rear ones. just the opposite. using manual. This is their main weakness. When the rear windows are shaken well during a trip, they open slightly.

When the car is just sitting, you have to constantly shake them up and down. Using these maneuvers, open the glass for ten to twenty minutes.

At this stage, you can finish the review of ways to open the Neva without a key, but offer you a few more interesting options:

  • using a tennis ball;
  • the wire;
  • using a loop of regular rope.

Avoid such an unpleasant situation, which will help you:

  1. Spare set of keys. Don't be lazy to just go ahead and make a duplicate. it won't cost you a lot of money, but the benefits of a duplicate will be endless. You can't worry that lose your keys

    This happens to everyone, and no one is immune from losing their vigilance for a while, and, as a result, the keys.

  2. Decorate your keys with a heavy keychain.
    This will make them much heavier and he will feel their weight in his pocket. And when you suddenly lose your keys, you will immediately feel it and even hear them fall on the asphalt, grass or something else.
  3. The car key and alarm key fob can also be separated into separate bundles. The chances of you losing at the same time are much less.

It often happens that you simply forgot your keys in the car, close the door, it clicks into place, and you go about your business. In this case, we recommend just being careful and checking for keys.

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I left the keys in the car and it locked. Popados? My solution to the problem

In general, I have one set of keys for my Niva Chevrolet and sooner or later this was bound to happen.
I left my jacket in the back seat while I was changing clothes (on a fishing trip), and the keys were in my pocket. The wind blew, the door slammed, then I heard a click - the alarm went off and the car closed. The windows and trunk are closed. That’s it, we’ve arrived, I thought. And let's think about how I can open the car without a key. The first option is quite logical - call a special service that opens closed cars. So some kind of tricky key that fits all locks. I don’t know the technology, and I don’t need it. The situation is that along with the keys, the phone was left in the car. In fact, I was left on the street practically in my underpants)) Because I changed clothes on the river bank))

Option two is to open the lock using a ruler. Again, I don't have anything on hand. And I don’t know how and can’t even imagine how to open a locked car using a ruler.

Well, it’s good that I remembered the phrase of one person from the reviews of the Chevrolet Niva - everything suited him, so little problems and the phrase - “constantly self-opening rear windows.” Here it is! And I remembered that periodically the rear windows actually opened on their own by 2-3 centimeters.

The fact is that the rear windows on the Chevrolet Niva are manual, and the front windows are electric. Therefore, when shaking, the rear windows gradually open.

And I began to wobble them, slightly moistened my fingers so that they would cling to the glass better (as an option - rubber gloves). Up-down-up-down.

At first the movement was by millimeters, after about 5 minutes I was already able to open the rear window by 1 centimeter. He stuck his fingers there and continued to press down, then lift up with “acceleration”.

As a result, after 15 minutes the window opened by 6-7 centimeters and I was able to stick my hand in and grab the latch with my fingers and pull it up. The car was open and there was no need to break the glass, call the special services and pay them money (according to some sources, they charge from 500 to 1000 or more rubles for opening the car).

I hope my experience will help you. And please do not use it for black purposes.

Several simple ways to open a VAZ without a key

About off-road wheels on Chevrolet Niva

07/09/2018 No one is immune from unpleasant situations, we are all human, sometimes we forget about some things. For example, we forget to take the keys to a VAZ car. At least once, a situation happens to car enthusiasts when they either left their keys at home and have no access home, or lost them and don’t want to call a tow truck. Of course, there is such an opportunity as calling a specialist who will help open the car.

If you need help opening a VAZ car in Rostov-on-Don, then our service experts are ready to help you with this at any time of the day.

Don't want to contact the service? Then reserve your nerves and try to open the car yourself. The process is not very complicated, but it requires some skill and some simple tools.

Next, we will look at several ways to open a VAZ without a key.

Use this knowledge only to open your own car, or a friend's car.

Before starting the autopsy

Before you take decisive action, remember if you left spare keys with someone you know just for such a case. If not, then take note of this method, perhaps someday you will leave your keys at home/lose your keys again.

Simple ways to open a VAZ

Now let's get down to the methods. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: radical - when actions are decisive and not always justified, and delicate - calmer, conservative methods:

Radical Delicate

Break the lockOpen trunk
Break out the glassOpen the hood
Open the door with wire

As you understand, it is better to use delicate methods, since more decisive and drastic ones will lead to the fact that you will have to pay for repairs. For example, if you break the lock to your vehicle, you will have to order it along with new keys and wait a long time until the order is fulfilled. Thus, you will not be able to use the car. Well, having broken the glass, you will have to install a new one.

Let's look at delicate methods

Method 1: Open the trunk

To open the trunk of a VAZ, you will need:

  • Using an open palm, strike the area below the trunk lock. The blow must be strong and sharp enough.
  • Take an awl (if it’s not there, then buy a nail file at the nearest stall, and you don’t have to open the trunk).
  • Using an awl or nail file, try to get under the door seal and press the tongue.
  • The door is open!

Method 2: Open the hood

  • You will have to crawl under the car to get the lanyard connected to the hood latch. If you can't find it, try to find it through the radiator mesh.
  • Mechanically press the tongue or simply pull the cable, the hood will open.
  • On the car battery, find the terminals with the “minus” value, click them on the mount a couple of times.
  • Since the body has a “minus” value, disconnecting it with the terminal will cause the doors to unlock.

Method 3: Open the VAZ door

  • To do this, you will need a fairly stiff wire, go to a hardware or construction store and buy it. Or use a woman's nail file, but you will still need wire.
  • Using the item of your choice, pick out the glass seal near the door lock.
  • Bend the wire with a hook and begin to push this hook into the hole formed.
  • The hook will rest against the base of the lock; twist it until the hook goes down.
  • As soon as the hook falls down, use it to hook the lock and pull the hook towards you.
  • The door is open!


To avoid such trouble, you just need to choose a person whom you trust to store your spare keys. If something happens, you can go to him or he will bring you the keys himself.

We improve aerodynamic qualities

To do this, it is necessary to weld a trapezoidal structure (a kind of arc) to the front part of the security device. The size of its base will be equal to the width of the welded trunk body, and it is recommended to make an overlap along the edges of 5 cm. The smaller part of the finished trapezoid can be arbitrary, and the angle of inclination should be 35-40 degrees.

Also interesting: Computer diagnostics of Niva Chevrolet: engine, ECU, ABS, sensors

At the bend points, it is necessary to cut out triangular sectors with a grinder, so that a jumper 5-7 mm long remains to the end of the profile. After this, the structure must be heated and bent so that a trapezoid emerges.

After this, the resulting structure is welded to the platform. To strengthen the frame, you can install 2-3 removable jumpers on the trapezoid side. To secure the sides, you need to make holes into which special bushings of the required diameter will be inserted. Weld them in such a way that the frame does not begin to bend when the bolts are tightened.

To secure the studs:

  • drill 2 holes 8 cm each;
  • insert pins into them;
  • weld the parts;
  • cut off the required amount of thread from it;
  • screw the studs into the resulting holes.

Next you need to construct the side upper crossbar. Bend the resulting part at the front in the same way as the front frame. A paired element is made using the same principle. To secure the front top rail, weld a bushing to the bend of the side rail. But a piece of stud is welded onto the front beam. The rear crossbar is arranged in exactly the same way.

How to open a Chevrolet Niva without a key?

Thanks to the optimal combination of price and quality, the Niva is considered a car for the people. And here we are talking not only about the old model of the Russian concern, but also about modern Chevrolet Niva.

Such cars are famous for their high cross-country ability. Therefore, lovers of driving on dirt roads and rough terrain give preference to this particular car.

The vehicle is all-wheel drive, which indicates that all wheels are driven.

There are several ways to open a car without having the key with you. The first method involves using a ruler as a master key. It is worth considering that the ruler must be metal, and most importantly, durable and quite rigid.

The essence of the hack is to insert a ruler between the glass and the seal. The ruler must be pushed in until it stops at the lock level. When you reach the goal, you need to pull out the ruler a little and then sharply move it down.

After this, the lock should open.

If this method does not work, then you can use the back door of the car as a hole. Some cars may have a weak lock that can be opened even with a fingernail. If you decide to open the doors with your own hands, literally, then you should be careful not to injure your finger.

If your attempts are unsuccessful, then it makes sense to contact a car repair shop. You can call a professional who can open the door without much effort. It should be borne in mind that opening modern locks is a rather complex process.

Therefore, it is best to have a spare key in a safe place, which will save you from many problems and beyond the planned costs. If you decide to use the service of a car repair shop, then you should understand that the specialists who arrive on call may require documents about who is the owner of the vehicle.

Such actions can save specialists and their workshop from many problems in the future.

Interesting stuff close by: How to protect your car from theft? How to open a Chevrolet Niva without a key? Link to main publication

How to open the door on a Chevrolet Niva without a key?


The need to open jammed doors on a Niva Chevrolet car may arise in the following cases: the doors locked spontaneously, the keys were left in the cabin, the battery ran out, the key was lost or broken, the alarm went off and the central locking was blocked.

In winter, the door may freeze to the body due to the formation of condensation on the seal or moisture ingress after washing. Almost every car enthusiast has encountered this situation. How to open the car in such situations? The best option is to use a set of spare keys.

If this is not possible, you can use traditional methods and open a closed car using a ruler or using a so-called noose.

When carrying out these operations, you need to be extremely careful not to damage the paintwork of the car body and the central locking mechanism. If you are not sure that you can do everything correctly, it is better to immediately contact a special service, whose specialists, using special equipment, are able to open any car in a matter of minutes.

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More details

  • How to open a Chevrolet Niva without keys! In 5 seconds. We easily and simply open the Chevrolet Niva with a ruler. They opened a Chevrolet Niva car with a master key made from a metal ruler. Emergency opening of locks in Volgograd. Opening training.
  • Foreign video, opening a Chevrolet with a thread. Professional autopsy of a Chevrolet in Moscow
  • Opening a locked door of a Chevy Niva
  • We open the broken door in Shnivy and repair it!
  • Training video course on opening locks. Lesson No. 2 Tells how to open a Niva Chevrolet car using a master key - a professional ruler. Emergency opening of locks in Volgograd. Opening training. : master keys for Niva Chevrolet locks buy master keys for a Niva Chevrolet how to open a Niva lock with a master key learning how to open locks learning how to open locks how to open a lock with a master key Emergency opening of locks in Volgograd. Opening training.

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Ways to open a door without a key

If a Chevy Niva has a lock on a closed door, and there is no way to get into the cabin through another structure, several opening methods have been developed:

  1. Ruler. Requires a long iron object. It must be inserted between the front side of the door and the glass. The end of the ruler will engage the latch. After this, unlocking should occur.
  2. Metal wire. The element is inserted into the rim next to the seal. This action will catch the edge of the glass. If this can be done, then both palms are placed on the glass, and forward movements are made downward with pressure. When the edge of the canvas appears, you can press from top to bottom.
  3. Cutting out the larva. An extreme method that requires special equipment. Without special skills, it will not be possible to remove the core.
  4. Breaking glass. This method is expensive, but it will allow you to quickly get inside the car.
  5. Master key. To do this, you will need a thin pin and a strong piece of wire, the edge of which is bent. Both elements penetrate the keyhole and move counterclockwise. A click will indicate that the door is open.

How to repair car sills without welding yourself

Open using a ruler

First, let's look at a method that always works with cars from a domestic manufacturer. To do this, we need a simple stationery tool that every schoolchild and every home has - a ruler. First, you simply pull out the seal near the closed lock and insert an iron ruler there. You need to apply good pressure with this ruler, and then the flag will definitely rise up. This trick will not work with newer cars from foreign manufacturers, since special protection was installed against it, but with the Niva you can still try.


Comments 4

There was such a problem. I knocked and no matter what I did it didn’t help. And what happened was that I didn’t close it all the way and turned the central locking on, then I just slammed it all the way and it seemed like they forgot until I needed the trunk, that’s when it all started (it was in winter) I didn’t insist on opening it, they just lowered the seats. Then, as we were driving, I heard the tailgate move away, and all the problems came out and slammed, so far there have been no more problems. By the way, now 24604 you need to tighten the lock, otherwise the idle speed has appeared or is simply wobbly.

I just banged on the door handle, SAID OPEN and OH A MIRACLE! OPENED and still working properly!

Through the salon. Fold down the seats, remove the shelf and disassemble the trunk door trim. Someone has already written about this.

The hinge has probably moved, try to pull the handle, pressing on the door. And it would be nice to wash the lock.

The four-door body of the Niva Chevrolet, in comparison with the Niva 2121, looked like just a limousine. What a shame it is for Shnivy owners when this body turns into a three-door. What to do when the back door on a Chevrolet Niva does not open, we will consider the reasons and solutions to the situation right now.

Spring failure

The lock can jam from the inside if the spring of the traction mechanism, which is responsible for part of the work when opening, is cracked or significantly deformed.

In 30% of breakdowns, the cause of the malfunction is a spring that loads one of its levers. The spring tendrils break off and the lever to which they cling begins to behave completely unpredictably. It is possible that a locked door can unlock and open while moving. The cause of the spring defect: poor, low-quality steel or an incorrectly selected grade of metal. Repairing the mechanism step by step:

  1. Remove the rear door trim.
  2. Check the setting.
  3. Replace the broken spring or reinstall the part if a broken spring is found.

Features of the door design

To figure out how to open a Niva door without a key, it’s worth considering the car’s configuration. The SUV has five opening doors: two front, two rear and a trunk compartment. Euro handles are provided for opening. The structure itself consists of a steel base, glass, canopies and a closing device. Features of auxiliary elements:

  1. There is an electric drive button for raising and lowering the glass.
  2. Inside the door card there is a window lift mechanism, connecting elements made of durable plastic.
  3. There are electronics that allow the rear view mirrors to function and a locking lock.
  4. The covering element is fixed on the decorative panel.
  5. There is also a niche pocket for storing things on the design.

Additional equipment - holes for installing any speaker system. To fix it, the driver cuts out a part of the facing panel, which is identical in size to the speakers. If a person purchases a fully equipped car, then the speakers are already installed in all four doors.

Doors do not open and close well

To open the door without effort, adjusting the mechanisms and preventing jamming is recommended. Basic actions:

  1. Adjusting hinges: loosening screws, adjusting door position, tightening fasteners.
  2. Correcting the operation of the auto lock: the bolts at the end of the cylinder are loosened, the position of the body is corrected.
  3. Replacement of internal or external handle.
  4. Lubrication works. Additionally, treatment with an anti-corrosion agent is indicated.
  5. Regular cleaning of the structure.

Prevention is carried out at least twice a year; only constant care of the vehicle can prevent breakdowns.

What could be the reason that the door does not open?

If the passenger or driver's door does not open in a Chevrolet Niva, then the signaling system, opening or closing mechanism, external or internal handle, or hinges may be broken. Even simple wear of individual fragments will affect the incorrect operation of the door device. Prerequisites for failure:

  • the door slams loudly when closing, with ringing and feedback;
  • the element moves to the side;
  • there is a sudden opening of the body part while driving;
  • there was a creaking inside the door leaf;
  • a displacement of the door fragment, an increase in the gap, subsidence, sagging was noticed;
  • a cracking sound is heard while driving;
  • steam, heat and sound insulation is broken.

How to open a Niva Chevrolet?

The Chevrolet Niva is very popular because it boasts an excellent combination of cost and quality. The model became famous for its high cross-country ability, moderate appetite and beautiful appearance.

  • But, none of these qualities can protect you from losing your keys or a slammed door with the keys inside the cabin, just like in the case of any other car.
  • Let's consider below how to open a field without a key using improvised means.
  • Many Nivas have a very weak locking mechanism on the rear door, which you should definitely take advantage of, as this is the easiest method of entering a car of this model.

To open the lock, you need to use a small thin screwdriver instead of a key; if you don’t have one at hand, you can try using your thumbnail. But, you need to be very careful not to damage your finger. When a simple method does not help, then you can move on to more complex methods of how to open a Chevrolet Niva.

If you are thinking about how to open a Chevrolet Niva if the keys are inside, you will definitely find the methods described below useful:

  • Use a strong metal ruler, press it firmly against the glass and insert it between the glass and the seal at the lock level, then sharply lower the ruler down. If the correct pressure point has been selected, the machine should open.
  • Let's consider the option of how to open a door without a key in a field using a thin screwdriver and wire. Take a piece of wire long enough for the end to reach the locking button. At the end, form a loop so that its diameter is slightly larger than the button, since otherwise you will not be able to put the loop on the blocker. Lower the glass with your hands and widen the gap with a screwdriver. Then insert the wire into the gap between the glass and the door and put it on the button. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed the first time, just repeat the manipulation a couple of times and you will definitely succeed.

Once you have succeeded, tighten the loop and pull the button just enough so that it comes out of its socket well and the door opens.

So, how to open a Chevrolet Niva if the battery is dead? It’s quite simple, you need to crawl under the car and get to the generator, removing the engine protection, and then use a spare battery and a wire to charge the dead battery.

If all your efforts aimed at how to open the door of a Chevrolet Niva did not give the required result or you do not have the time and desire to test them on your own experience, you should not hesitate to contact experienced opening experts.

Important: to use the services of specialists, you just need to call the number listed on their website, describe your situation and leave a request to open the car. Please take into account the fact that the technician who comes to the call does not have the right to open the car until he is sure that the car is really your property

Therefore, think in advance about what documents you can use to prove ownership

Please take into account the fact that the technician who comes to the call does not have the right to open the car until he is sure that the car is really your property. Therefore, think in advance about what documents you can use to prove ownership.

If you don’t want to find yourself in such a situation again and worry about how to open a Chevrolet Niva, keep the spare key in a safe place. This way you will protect yourself from many problems and unplanned financial expenses.

3. Opening the central lock on foreign cars

The security system on most foreign cars is designed as follows: when you press the handle from the inside the first time, the door will unlock, and the next time it will open. But the trouble is that the shape of the pull button does not allow the use of a rope, fishing line or other tool to wrap around the end of the element. How to open a car if the key is inside? For this we need a wire one and a half to two meters long

It is important to make a hook at its end. It is needed to hook the door handle in the cabin.

The thickness of the wire should be the same as in the first method - not too thick, but not soft so that the shape is not damaged while passing through the seal. How to open a car if the key is inside? So, we pick up a mounting blade, wrapped in rags, and bend part of the door. Next, we push our device inside the cabin. We determine the location of the door handle and cling to it with a hook. It will be easier if it is on the passenger side (and not under us, on the driver’s side). Next, pull the wire toward you two times in turn. That's it, the door will be open. But this method can only be used if your car has a “smart” central locking system. Non-standard Chinese analogs installed in the car will not work like that.

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