Lada Kalina Station wagon fishing and country car Logbook electric lock on the rear door

More than 20 years ago, development of a car began, which later received the name Lada Kalina. Although prototypes of cars with various body styles were presented to the public back in 1999-2001, the first Kalinas for mass use rolled off the assembly line only 5 years later. Interestingly, Kalina was initially produced only as a sedan. Now this series is classified as the first generation of cars.

The second generation has 2 body styles: hatchback and station wagon. AvtoVAZ positions the Lada Kalina as a compact, maneuverable city car with a European level of showroom comfort. At the same time, it is emphasized that the car’s suspension height is almost comparable to SUVs. And, of course, Lada Kalina is famous for the fact that the current president of the country once drove along the federal highway.

Like any car, the Lada Kalina has its pros and cons in design, operation, and repair. However, now we are interested in a small but very important detail - the trunk lock of the Lada Kalina with station wagon and hatchback body types. We will talk about it in detail.

Features of opening the trunk of the Lada Kalina

Owners of the Lada Kalina car are almost unanimously surprised: with all the bias towards Europe, the trunk lock of the Kalina hatchback in the basic configuration for some reason can only be opened with a key. For many, the situation immediately became quite common: the driver gets into the car, starts the engine, and then remembers that he needs to put something from the passenger compartment into the trunk. Further actions are similar to a joke.

You need to turn off the engine, remove the key from the ignition, get out of the car, and so on. If you imagine all this in an environment of time shortage, one can only feel sorry for the owner. In addition, if someone happened to approach the trunk of a car with something heavy in their hands, the procedure for opening it with a key turned into something difficult. Another problem could have arisen: in regions where real frosts occur in winter, the lock cylinder would at times freeze tightly.

What’s interesting is that any car owner sees a separate button on the Kalina key, which for this brand of car replaces the standard key fob. She's supposed to open the trunk. If you press and hold such a button for a couple of seconds, you can hear a click - this is a signal that everything is in order with the electrical package control unit.

Then another interesting detail became clear: the craftsmen who climbed under the trunk trim to understand the internal structure realized that there was still a place for the lock activator and even a standard electrical connector for wires. And then the same craftsmen began to solve the problem of how to modify Kalina to increase the comfort of use. The complete trunk lock drive is not available for sale as a single set, so the parts will have to be obtained separately.


Comments 20

I also want to do this for myself, maybe one of these days I’ll do it

great post. A question from a teapot, so to speak. I don't know much about electrics. But still not enough to pull out the right one from the pile of wires. The question is exactly this. I have a viburnum with an alarm. Moreover, when the electrician installed it, he said that the trunk would be opened with the alarm key fob and with the standard key fob, and said to buy an additional regular four-pin relay. I installed the activator - but it’s not convenient to open it from the key fob - I want to embed a button into the interior. Maybe someone can tell me where and where to get what.

Here you can do everything elementary. The button is placed in the gap of the positive wire. It takes a long time to draw a picture, I’ll try to explain it with my fingers. Take a two-contact button that works to close. Connect one contact to 12V, the other to the plus of the activator. It is advisable to place a diode in the gap in the power wire that goes from the signaling to the activator. Everything will work.

Well, thank you. Almost understandable. I can most likely figure this out.

Here you can do everything elementary. The button is placed in the gap of the positive wire. It takes a long time to draw a picture, I’ll try to explain it with my fingers. Take a two-contact button that works to close. Connect one contact to 12V, the other to the plus of the activator. It is advisable to place a diode in the gap in the power wire that goes from the signaling to the activator. Everything will work.

Hello! Please tell me if it's not difficult. I installed the activator, now the trunk can be opened with the factory key fob. When the car is started, the key fob won't open it. But it opens if you press the unlock button on all doors. Everything would be fine, but I close the doors with a button in the cabin when I drive or stand in remote places. Then I open it in the city, and naturally, the trunk opens with them, I have to get out and slam it. How to prevent the trunk from opening with this button. And also, I want to make a separate button to open the trunk from inside, where should I connect it?

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Hello. Read the article carefully, it describes exactly your problem with the door opener button. You'll have to solder the circuit.

Thank you, I have already done the standard wiring. I set the activator to unlock, not to open. Now you only need to press the button on the trunk. In the blog there is

Here’s a question: I did it approximately according to the same scheme), but even after cutting down the second tooth I can’t open the door, I have to press the button on the doors, and maybe I need to change the stops or what?

I don’t quite understand, the button in the doors opens the tailgate, but not the remote control?

thank you, I figured it out) just not a big electrical glitch))

it turned out great) I also spent a long time doing everything, all I have to do is put the button on, but it doesn’t open with my key and for some reason the doors open along with the trunk, I don’t know why

Thank you! I don't quite understand about the doors. When you press the 3rd trunk release button, do the doors open?

Yes, such garbage, because of this I won’t use the remote control, I’ll have to make a button in the door, that’s enough

Hmmm...interesting garbage...I haven’t come across anything like this yet. It’s a pity that you don’t live in Donetsk, it would be possible to figure out what and how

Installation of the activator: preparatory work

Since there is space for a trunk lock activator in Kalina, it makes sense to use it. Absolutely any activator will do. Of course, for those who are interested in the quality and long service life of the entire device, it is better not to stop at extremely cheap options. Experienced car owners still advise choosing domestic Kalina electric lock drives, regardless of body type. They are somewhat more expensive than similar products made in China or Taiwan, but still more reliable. Main parameters of the activator:

  • 12 volts;
  • two-pin;
  • lock-unlock functions.

In order for the system to open doors by pressing a button to work fully, one activator will not be enough. You will also need such a thing as a rotary washer. According to many car owners, the easiest way is to grind it yourself. You will need a steel plate and a machine. There are quite enough drawings with dimensions that will show what kind of rotary washer for the Kalina activator should be on various auto forums.

It is possible that after the washer is manufactured, it will have to be modified when installing the activator. The activator installation technique itself will require some tricks. For example, the first step is to remove the trunk trim. It is secured with pistons, which immediately became unusable for most car owners. Conclusion: pre-purchase of “hedgehogs” for subsequent installation of the trunk trim in place is mandatory.

Another nuance lies in the types of locks on the Lada Kalina. Firstly, locks on cars produced before 2010 and after differ in their design. Accordingly, the types of activators will differ slightly. This issue is resolved upon purchase. Secondly, most of those who independently installed the lock activator for Kalina station wagon either modified the lock itself or replaced it with another one. It remains to figure out why this is needed and how it is done.

Methods for installing the trunk lock activator

The first option is to saw off one “tongue” from Kalina’s lock. Particularly gifted craftsmen do this without any removal of the lock, right on the spot, using an angle grinder. You have to work very carefully. If you don’t have a grinder, the same steps can be done with a hacksaw. It just takes much longer, and one can only guess about the physical effort required for such a process. If you are not confident in the intricacies of your own work, it is better to remove the lock for modification. In this case, it will be easier to work with both a grinder and a hacksaw.

The second option is to replace the lock. Many car owners installed a trunk lock for their Lada Priora instead of the original one. This option is perfect for those Kalina owners who do not have the desire and/or ability to cut anything. All other steps for installing the Kalina station wagon trunk lock activator are extremely simple.

  1. A rotary washer is installed on the plastic activator pusher, then the entire system is secured with a locking ring.
  2. The complete activator is placed in a standard place.
  3. The activator wires are connected to the corresponding connectors. Naturally, all electrical work is carried out only with the battery disconnected. The point is not what can “knock” an electric current: 12 volts of direct current for a person is just nonsense. But capricious electronics, if something suddenly “shorts”, may suffer. In the best case, problems with functionality will begin, in the worst case, something will completely fail.
  4. The next stage is installing and adjusting the rods.
  5. A check is in progress. First, the lock itself, regardless of whether the original one was modified or another one was installed (from Priora). All detected problems are corrected. The activator is being tested.

If everything worked perfectly, then it is quite possible to install the trunk trim in place, if only there were “hedgehogs”. Car owners are advised, since they had to remove the trunk trim, to also check which parts are making noise, knocking or vibrating. If such small problems are discovered, they can be solved by installing plugs from pieces of foam rubber of the required size. This will not only solve the problem with the lock, but also increase comfort when driving the car.

Adjusting a door with a large gap at the top

Failure to correctly position the door is not always due to a manufacturing defect. The appearance of an enlarged gap in the upper part of the doorway is often associated with natural processes. Poor quality roads, driving on rough terrain, and heavy weight of the structure lead to the door sagging relative to its original position.

Restoring the position of the element relative to the body is carried out by a similar physical impact in a state of incomplete closure. The glass goes down completely. The door closes with one click. In this state, the size of the gap is regulated by moving the door toward or away from you, depending on the force applied.

Alignment is considered successful if the gaps are the same on all sides. The front doors are calibrated in the same way.

With heavy trunk doors of Lada Kalina hatchbacks and station wagons, the procedure is more complex and technological. The design is designed in such a way that when slammed, the lock tongue snaps into a metal bracket. The specific fastening of the lock with bolts creates additional instability.

The bolts should be found and tightened with a screwdriver. The lock is coated with silicone grease. Checking for opening and closing will indicate further actions. If the defect has not been eliminated, rubber stops are used to strengthen the drive traction of the luggage lock. However, you should not overuse force to install them, as this may have the opposite effect.

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Luggage compartment lock

You can, if desired, modify the trunk lock of the Kalina hatchback in exactly the same way as was considered in the case of the Kalina station wagon. One of the main nuances, oddly enough, is not in the electrics or body design features, but in the fastening of the trunk trim. The point is that the Kalina hatchback is supported not only by pistons, but also by plastic corners.

That is why, when removing the trunk trim of a Kalina hatchback, you must pull the trim from the top: while the “hedgehogs” are easy to replace, the stationary plastic holders are only easy to break. And more about plastic. The bottom line is that the Kalina hatchback has a plastic trim on the trunk lid. According to the observations of many car owners, these are two problems at once. The first is that plastic is not entirely suitable for this part.

Constant efforts to open the fifth door, combined with a small number of stiffeners, gradually lead to the appearance of cracks in the plastic. Then everything follows domino rules. Perhaps the plastic will soon “fly”, and then you will have to think about repairs. Or, which is no easier, the plastic cover may remain in place, but will begin to “walk” along the metal part. And these are scratches on the coating and subsequent corrosion.

There are also aesthetes among Kalina hatchback owners who simply do not like the look of the trunk lid opening button. In general, all of the above reasons often lead hatchback owners to the same decision: an opening button on the fifth door is not needed. To solve all the problems at once, you can not only modify the Kalina trunk lock, but also remove the button from the fifth door, and, on the contrary, install a button in the car interior.

Door adjustment process

To eliminate defects in the operation of door elements, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. In some cases, treating moving parts of the mechanism with lubricants helps. The seals between the trim and the body are subject to wear and tear, and they also require replacement periodically.

  • the gap in the extreme part of the structure causes the door on the Kalina car to not close tightly;
  • The problem is caused by a faulty door lock.

Violation of the geometry of the structure in the doorway is the most common cause of the defect. Gaps can appear in any part of the joint with the body. Most often this happens from above and below. The adjustment in these cases is similar, but has minor differences.

Installation of the locking device drive

Removing the fifth door opening button is the easiest thing. It is more difficult to seal the remaining hole. This can be done using a special putty. One of the tricks is to process the hole cavity so that the surface becomes as rough as possible. This will create optimal adhesion to the putty. Next comes sanding, priming and painting. The work can be done independently without special training and practical skills. After that, you don't have to worry about aesthetics.

Advantages and options for upgrading car locks

Any option for modifying your own car has its pros and cons. It was already discussed at the beginning why exactly it is worth modifying the trunk lock of the Kalina hatchback and station wagon. Now about the possible options. Installing the trunk lock activator alone solves one problem - the issue of using the key. The downside is that when the ignition is on, pressing the trunk open button will not help Kalina hatchback and station wagon: the engine will definitely have to be turned off.

True, you no longer have to remove the key from the ignition. That is why the issue of installing a trunk release button for Kalina hatchback and station wagon remains relevant. This modification option has its drawback: you will have to run the electrical wire through almost the entire car. Most car owners are willing to put up with such inconveniences, since they are one-time use.

The Kalina hatchback trunk lock drive and the issue of modification are a matter exclusively for the car owner. It is possible that it is impossible to independently modify the trunk lock of the Kalina hatchback, and there is nowhere to turn. In some regions, purchasing a lock for a Lada Priora car can be difficult. According to many motorists, this disadvantage can somehow be put up with.

For particularly skillful car owners, options for controlling door opening/closing mechanisms, including the fifth door, are available. For example, the simplest option is one in which all the doors of the car are unlocked simultaneously. And the most complex option, which is not achievable for everyone, since it requires a somewhat non-standard approach, is that the driver, passenger and fifth doors are controlled separately.

Naturally, the options for modifying the Kalina hatchback and station wagon lock differ in cost, execution technique, and time required for a full range of work. The decision which option to choose is always up to the owner.

Recently I received a letter in the mail with a proposal to write an article about a certain modification of the Lada Kalina, thanks to which the trunk door can be opened using a button on the key fob of the standard key.

“I would like to write my own article about a kit for an electric trunk lock; I made this kit myself, designed it myself, manufactured it myself. the price of such a set is 300 rubles. it includes an actuator (electric drive), a latch, and a retainer.

The beauty of this set is that you don’t need to drill or modify anything, it fits into its original place and connects to its original sockets, the unlocking and locking algorithm is not disrupted, the trunk opening button is activated on the remote control.

When you press the trunk or door release, the trunk itself does not open, only the lock is unlocked, you only need to go up and press the lock itself.

I think the article will be very interesting and useful to society. Sincerely, Pavel Kulikov."

Within a few days I received a response from the author with a ready-made article on installing this device, which included installation photos and a link to a site where you can purchase it, although this set is only for older versions of locks up to 2010, now the author is working on creating one for new versions locks

To replace the trunk lock of Kalina, you need to arm yourself with some materials. You can carry out the work yourself, doing everything according to a certain algorithm. Below you will find detailed information about the replacement.

Let's sum it up

Replacing the trunk lock is quite labor-intensive and will require a lot of time to implement. If the owner of LADA Kalina encounters difficulties, we advise you to contact specialists when performing the installation procedure.

To replace the trunk lock of Kalina, you need to arm yourself with some materials. You can carry out the work yourself, doing everything according to a certain algorithm. Below you will find detailed information about the replacement.

How to install the activator

The only way for the viburnum to get into the trunk is to turn the key and press the button. Naturally, doing this is not always convenient. Weather, busy hands and other troubles contribute. At this stage, many car enthusiasts begin to think about the trunk activator. It is quite possible to do this, you just need to try a little.

The Kalina station wagon trunk lock activator is easy to install. It is enough to take a self-drilling screw and secure it on one side with it and on the other with a wire holder. To check the device, you need to connect it to the standard connector.

The only problem in all this work may be the back door being picked up at the wrong time. After the current stops supplying the activator, it closes with the first latch, but the trunk is not completely closed. In order to get into the so-called fifth door, you will have to use the key again.

A lock with a button is not difficult. But during work it is necessary to assemble the circuit and stretch the wires. In this case, one programmable alarm channel (additional) should be used.

There are two main connection options. First: the button goes to +12 on the activator, bypassing the relay. The advantage of this connection is its simplicity and the absence of unnecessary elements, the disadvantage is the need to run additional wires.

Installing the activator using the second method is more labor-intensive. You will have to use additional elements, namely diodes. In addition, there is a need to search for “mass”. The main advantage is the use of a minimum number of wires.

Many experts prefer the first option due to its simplicity. The wire can be copper PV-3 with a square cross-section. It must be pulled along the left side and thresholds. The switching can be crimping and electrical tape on top.

A standard pink-red wire is used to control the activator. It must be connected to the relay, wrapped and hidden under the BUS mounting frame. All operations are carried out with the negative battery terminal removed. This is how the electric trunk lock drive is mounted.

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