Multitronics on-board computer error codes. Decoding

VAZ error codes and their interpretation

Dear friends, since carburetor VAZs are already history, and the vast majority of VAZ owners, from classics to grants, are happy owners of injection engines, this does not eliminate the need to diagnose the engine and eliminate certain problems. And if earlier we simply changed spark plugs in any incomprehensible situation, adjusted the ignition and cleaned or purged the carburetor, then in an injection engine everything is somewhat more complicated, since everything is controlled by the ECU - the brains of the car. Many people acquire on-board computers, but not every bookmaker knows how to decipher errors ; most bookmakers simply show the error code , if there is one, and the car owner (or a diagnostician) will have to decipher this error And since every check error makes it expensive to go to a diagnostician, and the choice of bookmakers in the budget segment is quite large, and almost any driver will be able to purchase this useful device in a car, we are posting VAZ error codes with decoding so that you can easily identify one or another engine error.

Decoding error codes issued by the ECU of VAZ cars

Code Decoding
P0030 Oxygen sensor heater before the converter, control circuit open
P0031 Oxygen sensor heater before converter, control circuit short to ground
P0032 Heater of the oxygen sensor to the converter, short circuit of the control circuit to the board. net
P0036 Oxygen sensor heater after the converter, control circuit open
P0037 Oxygen sensor heater after converter, control circuit short to ground
P0038 Heater of the oxygen sensor after the converter, short circuit of the control circuit to the board. net
P0102 Mass Air Flow Sensor Circuit Low Signal
P0103 Mass Air Flow Sensor Circuit High Signal
P0112 Air temperature sensor circuit low signal
P0113 Air temperature sensor circuit high signal
P0116 Coolant temperature sensor circuit, signal out of range
P0117 Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Signal
P0118 Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit High
P0122 Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Low Signal
P0123 Throttle Position Sensor Circuit High
P0130 The oxygen sensor before the converter is faulty
P0131 Oxygen sensor circuit to converter, low output level
P0132 Oxygen sensor circuit to converter, high output level
P0133 Oxygen sensor circuit to the converter, slow response to changes in mixture composition
P0134 The oxygen sensor circuit to the converter is inactive
P0136 The oxygen sensor after the converter is faulty
P0137 Oxygen sensor circuit after the converter, low signal level
P0138 Oxygen sensor circuit after the converter, high signal level
P0140 The oxygen sensor circuit after the converter is inactive
P0141 Oxygen sensor after converter, heater faulty
P0171 Fuel system too lean
P0172 Fuel system too rich
P0201 Cylinder 1 injector, control circuit open
P0202 Cylinder 2 injector, control circuit open
P0203 Cylinder 3 injector, control circuit open
P0204 Cylinder 4 injector, control circuit open
P0217 Engine temperature is higher than permissible
P0230 Fuel pump relay circuit malfunction
P0261 Cylinder 1 injector control circuit short to ground
P0263 Injector driver fault 1
P0264 Cylinder 2 injector control circuit short to ground
P0266 Faulty injector driver 2
P0267 Cylinder 3 injector control circuit short to ground
P0269 Injector 3 driver malfunction
P0270 Cylinder 4 injector control circuit short to ground
P0262 Cylinder 1 injector, control circuit shorted to on-board power supply
P0265 Cylinder 2 injector, control circuit shorted to on-board power supply
P0268 Cylinder 3 injector, control circuit shorted to on-board power supply
P0271 Cylinder 4 injector, control circuit shorted to on-board power supply
P0272 Injector 4 driver malfunction
P0300 Random/multiple misfires detected
P0301 Cylinder 1, misfire detected
P0302 Cylinder 2, misfire detected
P0303 Cylinder 3, misfire detected
P0304 Cylinder 4, misfire detected
P0326 Knock sensor circuit, signal output out of acceptable range
P0327 Knock Sensor Circuit Low Signal
P0328 Knock Sensor Circuit High Signal
P0335 Crankshaft position sensor circuit is faulty
P0336 Crankshaft position sensor circuit, signal out of range
P0337 Crankshaft position sensor, short to ground
P0338 Crankshaft position sensor, open circuit
P0340 Camshaft position sensor malfunction
P0342 Phase Sensor Circuit Low Signal
P0343 Phase sensor circuit, high signal level
P0346 Phase sensor circuit, signal output out of acceptable range
P0351 Ignition coil of cylinder 1 (1-4), control circuit open
P0352 Ignition coil of cylinder 2 (2-3), control circuit open
P0353 Ignition coil of cylinder 3, control circuit open
P0354 Ignition coil of cylinder 4, control circuit open
P0363 Misfires detected, fuel supply to idle cylinders turned off
P0422 Neutralizer efficiency below threshold
P0441 Gasoline vapor recovery system, incorrect air flow through the canister purge valve
P0444 Canister purge valve, control circuit open
P0445 canister purge valve, control circuit short to ground or on-board network
P0480 Fan relay, control circuit open
P0481 Cooling Fan 2 Circuit Malfunction
P0500 Vehicle speed sensor is faulty
P0506 Idle system, low engine speed
P0507 Idle system, high engine speed
P0511 Idle air control control circuit faulty
P0560 On-board network voltage is below the system operability threshold
P0562 On-board voltage, low level
P0563 On-board voltage, high level
P0601 Engine management system controller, ROM checksum error
P0615 Additional starter relay, control circuit open
P0616 Additional starter relay, control circuit short to ground
P0617 Additional starter relay, control circuit closed to on-board network
P0627 Fuel pump relay, control circuit open
P0628 Fuel pump relay, control circuit short to ground
P0629 Fuel pump relay, control circuit shorted to on-board network
P0645 A/C compressor clutch relay, control circuit open
P0646 A/C compressor clutch relay, control circuit short to ground
P0647 Air conditioning compressor clutch relay, control circuit shorted to board. net
P0650 Malfunction indicator lamp, control circuit faulty
P0654 Instrument cluster tachometer, control circuit faulty
P0685 Main relay, control circuit open
P0686 Main relay, control circuit short to ground
P0687 Main relay, control circuit shorted to on-board network
P0691 Fan relay, control circuit short to ground
P0692 Fan relay, control circuit shorted to on-board power supply
P1102 Oxygen Sensor Heater Resistance Low
P1115 Faulty oxygen sensor heating circuit
P1123 Rich mixture at idle
P1124 Lean mixture at idle
P1127 Rich mixture at Part Load
P1128 Lean mixture in Partial Load mode
P1135 Oxygen sensor heater circuit 1 open, short circuit
P1136 Rich mixture in Low Load mode
P1137 Lean mixture in Low Load mode
P1140 Measured load differs from calculation
P1141 Malfunction of the oxygen sensor heater 1 after the converter
P1171 Low level CO potentiometer
P1172 High level CO potentiometer
P1301 Cylinder 1, misfire detected, critical for converter
P1302 Cylinder 2, misfire detected, critical for converter
P1303 Cylinder 3, misfire detected, critical for converter
P1304 Cylinder 4, misfire detected, critical for converter
P1386 Knock Channel Test Error
P1410 Canister purge valve control circuit short circuit to +12V
P1425 Canister purge valve control circuit short circuit to ground
P1426 Canister purge valve control circuit open
P1500 Open circuit in the fuel pump relay control circuit
P1501 Short circuit to ground of the fuel pump relay control circuit
P1502 Short circuit to +12V fuel pump relay control circuit
P1509 Idle air control control circuit overload
P1513 Idle air control circuit short circuit to ground
P1514 Idle air control circuit short circuit to +12V, open
P1541 Fuel pump relay control circuit open
P1570 Immobilizer, circuit faulty
P1602 Engine control system controller, power supply loss
P1606 Rough road sensor circuit, signal out of acceptable range
P1616 Rough Road Sensor Circuit Low Signal
P1617 Rough Road Sensor Circuit High Signal
P2301 Ignition coil of cylinder 1 (1-4), control circuit shorted to board. net
P2303 Ignition coil of cylinder 2 (2-3), control circuit shorted to board. net
P2305 Ignition coil of cylinder 3, control circuit shorted to board. net
P2307 Ignition coil of cylinder 4, control circuit shorted to board. net

Description of fault codes for controllers ME17.9.7 and M74

Part (system) Code Control checks Malfunction detection condition
Mass air flow sensor P0101 Validity check Air flow is out of range
P0102 Low value check The signal period is greater than the upper threshold value
P0103 High value check The signal period is less than the lower threshold value
Intake air temperature sensor P0112 Low value check Voltage is less than the lower threshold value
P0113 High value check Voltage is greater than the upper threshold value
Coolant temperature sensor P0116 Validity check Temperature is less than calculated value
P0117 Low value check Voltage is less than the lower threshold value
P0118 High value check Voltage is greater than the upper threshold value
Throttle Position Sensors P2135 Checking the mismatch between the signals of two sensors The sensor voltages differ by the threshold value
P0122 Low value check (sensor 1) Voltage is less than the lower threshold value
P0123 High value check (sensor 1) Voltage is greater than the upper threshold value
P0222 Low value check (sensor 2) Voltage is less than the lower threshold value
P0223 High value check (sensor 2) Voltage is greater than the upper threshold value
Accelerator pedal position sensors P2138 Checking the mismatch between the signals of two sensors The sensor voltages differ by the threshold value
P2122 Low value check (sensor 1) Voltage is less than the lower threshold value
P2123 High value check (sensor 1) Voltage is greater than the upper threshold value
P2127 Low value check (sensor 2) Voltage is less than the lower threshold value
P2128 High value check (sensor 2) Voltage is greater than the upper threshold value
Injectors P0201 Checking the control circuit for open circuit Driver diagnostics
P0261 Checking the short circuit of the control circuit to ground
P0262 Checking the short circuit of the control circuit on the on-board network
Control oxygen sensor P0130 Checking signal circuit integrity Voltage is less than the lower threshold value or greater than the upper threshold value
P0131 Low value check Voltage is less than the lower threshold value
P0132 High value check Voltage is greater than the upper threshold value
P0133 Checking for slow response The signal period is greater than the threshold value
P0134 Activity check Voltage is less than the upper threshold value and greater than the lower threshold value
P0030 Heater circuit open circuit check Driver diagnostics
P0031 Checking the short circuit of the heater circuit to ground
P0032 Checking the short circuit of the heater circuit to the on-board network
Diagnostic oxygen sensor P0136 Checking signal circuit integrity Voltage is less than the lower threshold value or greater than the upper threshold value
P0137 Low value check Voltage is less than the lower threshold value
P0138 High value check voltage is greater than the upper threshold value
P0140 Activity check Voltage is less than the upper threshold value and greater than the lower threshold value
P0036 Heater circuit open circuit check Driver diagnostics
P0037 Checking the short circuit of the heater circuit to ground
P0038 Checking the short circuit of the heater circuit to the on-board network
Fuel supply system P0171 Checking the leanness of the mixture Fuel correction coefficients are greater than the upper threshold value
P2187 Checking the lean mixture (idling)
P0172 Checking the richness of the mixture Fuel correction coefficients are less than the lower threshold value
P2188 Checking the richness of the mixture (idling)
Engine overheating P0217 Engine temperature monitoring Engine temperature above threshold
Misfire for toxicity P0300 Checking for misfires affecting toxicity The number of misfires is greater than the threshold value
Misfire to protect the converter P0363 Checking for misfires affecting the converter The number of misfires is greater than the threshold value
Knock sensor P0326 Low value check Normalized signal level is outside the acceptable range
P0327 Low value check Normalized signal level is less than the lower threshold value
P0328 High value check Normalized signal level is greater than the upper threshold value
Crankshaft position sensor P0335 Checking for signal presence Change in air flow in the absence of a signal from the crankshaft position sensor above the threshold value
P0336 Validity check The controller counts the wrong number of teeth per revolution of the crankshaft
Camshaft position sensor P0340 Checking for signal presence The sensor signal does not change when the engine is running
P0342 Low value check Low sensor signal for several crankshaft revolutions
P0343 High value check High sensor signal for several crankshaft revolutions
Ignition coils P0351 Checking for open circuit Primary circuit current is less than threshold value
P2301 Checking the short-circuit circuit on the on-board network The primary circuit current is greater than the threshold value
Neutralizer P0422 Determining the capacity of stored oxygen by comparing the amplitude range of the control and diagnostic oxygen sensors The aging coefficient of the neutralizer is greater than the upper threshold value
Canister purge valve P0441 Functional check The response of the idle control system is greater or less than the threshold value
P0459 Checking the short-circuit circuit on the on-board network Driver diagnostics
P0458 Checking the short circuit to ground
P0444 Checking for open circuit
Cooling fan relay 1 P0692 Checking the short-circuit circuit on the on-board network Driver diagnostics
P0691 Checking the short circuit to ground
P0480 Checking for open circuit
Cooling fan relay 2 P0694 Checking the short-circuit circuit on the on-board network Driver diagnostics
P0693 Checking the short circuit to ground
P0481 Checking for open circuit
Cooling Fan P0485 Checking the supply voltage of cooling fans Voltage is less than the lower threshold Voltage is greater than the upper threshold
Vehicle speed sensor P0500 Checking for signal presence Vehicle speed is less than the threshold value
Brake pedal sensor P0504 Checking the sensor signal mismatch time Sensor signals change inconsistently
Onboard voltage P0560 Checking the validity of a value voltage in circuits Cl. "30" and Cl. “15” differs by the threshold value
P0562 Low value check Voltage is less than the lower threshold value
P0563 High value check Voltage is greater than the upper threshold value
P1602 Checking the supply voltage Power failure
Controller P1640 Checking EEPROM EEPROM test error
P0601 Checking the software checksum Invalid checksum
P0606 Controller internal checks ADC is faulty
P2105 Monitoring module is faulty
Starter relay P0615 Checking for open circuit Driver diagnostics
P0616 Checking the short circuit to ground
P0617 Checking the short-circuit circuit on the on-board network
Fuel pump relay P0627 Checking for open circuit Driver diagnostics
P0628 Checking the short circuit to ground
P0629 Checking the short-circuit circuit on the on-board network
A/C clutch relay P0645 Checking for open circuit Driver diagnostics
P0646 Checking the short circuit to ground
P0647 Checking the short-circuit circuit on the on-board network

With On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system

Code Malfunction
P0105Damage to the electrical circuit of the air flow meter sensor
P0112Low signal level of air temperature sensor
P0113High level of air temperature sensor signal
P0116Damage to the electrical circuit of the coolant temperature sensor
P0117Coolant temperature sensor signal low
P0118High signal level of the coolant temperature sensor
P0121Damage to the electrical circuit of the throttle position sensor
P0122Low throttle position sensor signal
P0123Throttle position sensor signal high
P0130Damage to the electrical circuit of the oxygen sensor
P0131Low oxygen sensor signal
P0132High signal level of the oxygen sensor
P0133Slow response of oxygen sensor
P0134Poor oxygen sensor performance
P0135Damage to the electrical circuit of the heated oxygen sensor
P0136Damage to the electrical circuit of the downstream oxygen sensor
P0137Low signal level of the lower oxygen sensor
P0138High signal level of the lower oxygen sensor
P0141Damage to the electrical circuit of the heated oxygen sensor
P0201Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 1
P0202Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 2
P0203Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 3
P0204Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 4
P0230Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel system
P0300Random misfires
P0301Misfire in cylinder 1
P0302Misfire in cylinder 2
P0303Misfire in cylinder 3
P0304Misfire in cylinder 4
P0326Damage to the electrical circuit of the knock sensor
P0335Damage to the electrical circuit of the crankshaft angle sensor
P0336Random malfunctions of the crankshaft angle sensor
P0342Low signal level of the camshaft position sensor
P0343Camshaft position sensor signal high
P0422Poor catalytic converter efficiency
P0444Open circuit in the activated carbon canister cleaning valve
P0445Activated carbon canister cleaning valve circuit shorted
P0501Damage to the electrical circuit of the vehicle speed sensor
P0506Reduced idle speed
P0507Increased idle speed
P0562Low voltage in the vehicle's on-board network
P0563Increased voltage in the vehicle's on-board network
P0606Internal damage to the ECM
P1123Rich fuel mixture
P1124Lean mixture
P1127Long-term over-enrichment of the fuel mixture
P1128Long-term leanness of the fuel mixture
P1510The idle air system valve is constantly open due to a short circuit in the valve coil power supply circuit.
P1513The idle air system valve is constantly open due to a break in the electrical supply circuit to the valve coil
P1552The idle air system valve is constantly closed due to a short circuit in the valve coil power supply circuit.
P1553The idle air system valve is constantly closed due to a break in the electrical supply circuit to the valve coil
P1529Damage to the transmission control unit
P1586Inappropriate signal received from gearbox
P1605Damage to the electrical circuit of the acceleration sensor
P1606Inappropriate signal received from acceleration sensor
P1611MIL Input Low
P1613MIL Input High
P1610Damage to the SMATRA immobilizer
P1800Damage to the immobilizer antenna
P1801Damage to the immobilizer pulse transceiver
P1803ECM signal error

Without on-board diagnostics (OBD)

Code Malfunction
P0105Damage to the electrical circuit of the air flow meter sensor
P0112Low signal level of air temperature sensor
P0113High level of air temperature sensor signal
P0116Damage to the electrical circuit of the coolant temperature sensor
P0117Coolant temperature sensor signal low
P0118High signal level of the coolant temperature sensor
P0121Damage to the electrical circuit of the throttle position sensor
P0122Low throttle position sensor signal
P0123Throttle position sensor signal high
P0130Damage to the electrical circuit of the oxygen sensor
P0131Low oxygen sensor signal
P0132High signal level of the oxygen sensor
P0133Slow response of oxygen sensor
P0134Poor oxygen sensor performance
P0135Damage to the electrical circuit of the heated oxygen sensor
P0230Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel system
P0201Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 1
P0202Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 2
P0203Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 3
P0204Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 4
P0326Damage to the electrical circuit of the knock sensor
P0335Damage to the electrical circuit of the crankshaft angle sensor
P0336Random malfunctions of the crankshaft angle sensor
P0342Low signal level of the camshaft position sensor
P0343Camshaft position sensor signal high
P0501Damage to the electrical circuit of the vehicle speed sensor
P0506Reduced idle speed
P0507Increased idle speed
P0562Low voltage in the vehicle's on-board network
P0563Increased voltage in the vehicle's on-board network
P0606Internal damage to the ECM
P1123Rich fuel mixture
P1124Lean mixture
P1127Long-term over-enrichment of the fuel mixture
P1128Long-term leanness of the fuel mixture
P1510The idle air system valve is constantly open due to a short circuit in the valve coil power supply circuit.
P1513The idle air system valve is constantly open due to a break in the electrical supply circuit to the valve coil
P1552The idle air system valve is constantly closed due to a short circuit in the valve coil power supply circuit.
P1553The idle air system valve is constantly closed due to a break in the electrical supply circuit to the valve coil
P1586Inappropriate signal received from gearbox
P1610Damage to the SMATRA immobilizer
P1800Damage to the immobilizer antenna
P1801Damage to the immobilizer pulse transceiver
P1803ECM signal error
P1805Damage to EEPROM
P1765Torque reduction circuit damaged

Diagnostic Trouble Codes (1.8/2.0L I4)

With On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system

Code Malfunction
P0010Camshaft Position Actuator Circuit (Group 1)
P0030Damage to the oxygen sensor heater circuit (group 1, sensor 1)
P0036Damage to the oxygen sensor heater circuit (group 1, sensor 2)
P0075Damage to the intake valve control solenoid circuit (group 1)
P0076Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit Low (Bank 1)
P0077Intake Valve Control Solenoid Circuit High (Group 1)
P0105Damage to the electrical circuit of the absolute air pressure sensor
P0106Malfunction of the absolute air pressure sensor
P0110The electrical circuit of the air temperature sensor is faulty
P0115Damage to the electrical circuit of the coolant temperature sensor
P0116Violation of the amplitude/characteristics of the coolant temperature sensor
P0120Damage to the electrical circuit of the throttle position sensor
P0121Violation of the amplitude/characteristics of the throttle position sensor
P0125Low coolant temperature
P0130Damage to the electrical circuit of the oxygen sensor (group 1, sensor 2)
P0132Oxygen sensor signal high (group 1, sensor 2)
P0133Slow response of oxygen sensor (group 1, sensor 1)
P0139Slow response of oxygen sensor (group 1, sensor 2)
P0134Poor oxygen sensor performance (group 1, sensor 1)
P0135Damage to the electrical circuit of the heated oxygen sensor (group 1, sensor 1)
P0136Damage to the electrical circuit of the downstream oxygen sensor (group 1, sensor 2)
P0140Low efficiency of the oxygen sensor (group 1, sensor 2)
P0141Damage to the electrical circuit of the heated oxygen sensor (group 1, sensor 2)
P0170Fuel system damage (group 1)
P0196Violation of the amplitude/characteristics of the engine oil temperature sensor
P0197Low signal from engine oil temperature sensor
P0198Engine oil temperature sensor signal high
P0201Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 1
P0202Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 2
P0203Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 3
P0204Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 4
P0230Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel system
P0300Random misfires
P0301Misfire in cylinder 1
P0302Misfire in cylinder 2

The codes shown in brackets () are only applicable to vehicles equipped with an immobilizer.

Without on-board diagnostics (OBD)

Code Malfunction
P0010Camshaft Position Actuator Circuit (Group 1)
P0075Damage to the intake valve control solenoid circuit (group 1)
P0105Damage to the electrical circuit of the absolute air pressure sensor
P0110The electrical circuit of the air temperature sensor is faulty
P0115Damage to the electrical circuit of the coolant temperature sensor
P0116Violation of the amplitude/characteristics of the coolant temperature sensor
P0120Damage to the electrical circuit of the throttle position sensor
P0130Damage to the electrical circuit of the oxygen sensor (group 1, sensor 2)
P0132Oxygen sensor signal high (group 1, sensor 2)
P0134Poor oxygen sensor performance (group 1, sensor 1)
P0135Damage to the electrical circuit of the heated oxygen sensor (group 1, sensor 1)
P0196Violation of the amplitude/characteristics of the engine oil temperature sensor
P0197Low signal from engine oil temperature sensor
P0198Engine oil temperature sensor signal high
P0201Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 1
P0202Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 2
P0203Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 3
P0204Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel injector of cylinder 4
P0230Damage to the electrical circuit of the fuel system
P0325Damage to the electrical circuit of knock sensor 1
P0335Damage to the electrical circuit of the crankshaft angle sensor
P0340Damage to the electrical circuit of the camshaft position sensor (CMP)
P0443Damage to the electrical circuit of the control valve of the fuel vapor recovery system
P0501Violation of the amplitude/characteristics of the vehicle speed sensor
P0560Violations in the vehicle's on-board network
P0605ECM Self-Test Failures
P1515Incorrect idle air control valve control signal (Coil 1)
P1516Incorrect idle air control valve control signal (Coil 2)
P1602Consistent communication failure with the transmission control unit (TCU)
P1610Lost communication with the anti-theft system
P1800Damage to the Smatra immobilizer antenna
P1801Damage to the Smatra immobilizer pulse transceiver
P1803There is no request from the anti-theft system
P1805Incompatible data from anti-theft system


If you notice that something is wrong with the operation of the Lada Kalina vehicle, then it makes sense to diagnose the car. As a rule, all breakdowns appear immediately after checking the car. You can ask for help in carrying out diagnostics at a service station, where you will pay a certain amount for this service, or you can do everything yourself. Of course, with the help of special equipment there is a greater chance of identifying a malfunction, since when checking independently there is a possibility of obtaining inaccurate data.

So, let's start diagnosing the car ourselves. For this:

  1. Turn off the ignition.
  2. Press and hold the daily mileage reset button.
  3. While holding the button, turn the key in the ignition.
  4. Having done this, all sensor indicators on the dashboard will light up, and the arrows of the tachometer, speedometer, antifreeze temperature sensor and gasoline level in the fuel tank will move on a scale from zero to maximum. Next, press the button located on the steering column wiper switch. This way you can switch the data on the instrument panel screen. On the first one you can see the process of checking the functionality of the instrument panel. The second will show the version of the software installed in the car, and the third will show combinations of faults.

To check your car for breakdowns, hold down the daily mileage button and hold it while turning on the ignition key. At this time, all arrows will go from zero to maximum.

Then press the button located on the steering column wiper switch. This is done in order to switch the data mode on the instrument panel screen.

To read combinations of faults in a car, you will need the last screen. It will display clear codes. To obtain four-digit combinations of faults, use special equipment or the services of specialists at a service station.

Correction of internal control programs (chip tuning)

Chip tuning

Chip tuning, like ECM modification, also involves changing the factory settings of the software in order to eliminate certain errors in the operation of the software. But the ultimate goal of chip tuning is somewhat different, and is to significantly increase torque and obtain maximum performance from the engine.

The cost that a car owner has to pay to obtain additional power is quite high. Often, as a result of chip tuning, fuel consumption increases significantly and the life of the internal combustion engine decreases.

Taking into account the above information, every car owner should know the answer to two questions before adjusting the injector:

Numbering, ratings and purpose of fuses

Each of the fuses in the VAZ 2107 can serve one or more electrical circuits of the car. If a fuse fails, a specific device or vehicle system (or several) will not receive power. As a result, a particular device becomes inoperable.

Fuse failure is not always the cause of a malfunction. In many cases, a blown fuse is the result of a component or system malfunction. Such cases include:

In the event of a failure of any of the vehicle systems, according to the table below and the fuse location diagram, determine the fuse number and its location in the block. If this fuse is responsible for several systems, you should check the functionality of the other system. If it works correctly, the fuse is most likely good and is not the problem. After this, using a multimeter or other measuring equipment, the functionality of the fuse is checked by measuring its resistance (continuity).

Testing the fuse should only be done on a dismantled (removed) fuse. The resistance of a good fuse is close to zero. In most types of fuses, the thread of its working area is visible through the light or is located outside the body part. You can check the fuse visually, but there are often cases of erroneous inspection when the working area has a microcrack.

Adjustment process

After connecting the laptop to the car’s on-board computer, you have the opportunity to monitor all the parameters of the vehicle in its various systems and see a list of errors that negatively affect the operation of the internal combustion engine. To identify errors, the data obtained in this way must be checked against the basic parameters. In most cases, the program itself indicates a deviation from the norm. If not, then you need to look for the error by its code in the catalog.

After determining the causes of deviations from the norm, errors can be easily eliminated by adjusting certain parameters that affect the operation of the injector.

Location of relay and fuse boxes

The location of the VAZ 2107 fuses and relays is located in the engine compartment, its article number is 2107-3722020-10. It is in an accessible location. In injection cars, an additional relay and fuse block is installed that serves the engine's electronic control unit. It is located under the glove box.

In cars of early years of production, the main relay and fuse box has a different design and arrangement of elements.

Relay on fuse box

The fuse block relays and the VAZ 2107 relays are located in the same fuse block. Their purpose:

Checking the serviceability of the relay can be done using a multimeter. To do this, it is necessary to test the armature winding. Its resistance usually ranges from 50 to 200 ohms. It is safer to test connect the winding to the vehicle's on-board voltage. To do this, the relay must be removed from the relay and fuse block. If one terminal of the winding is connected to the positive terminal of the battery, and the other to the negative terminal, you should hear a characteristic click of the activated relay. The main causes of relay malfunction:

ECU firmware

Firmware update of the electronic control unit is an opportunity to expand the capabilities of your on-board vehicle and make its operation more efficient. It must be said that the first versions of programs for firmware (or chip tuning) of the VAZ 2107 appeared back in 2008.

For most G7 owners, software chip tuning is simply necessary, since this operation allows:

  • improve machine performance in all respects;
  • optimize the functions of the ECU;
  • reduce fuel consumption;
  • extend engine life.

ECU firmware must be performed exclusively at a service center and after a complete technical inspection of the motor by specialists. Special service equipment is provided for this procedure. Self-firmware can only be performed if you have experience and modern equipment.

Diagnostic connector

The ECU on the “Seven”, like on other cars, is also equipped with a diagnostic connector. Today, all connectors are manufactured according to the same OBD2 standard. That is, the “on-board vehicle” can be checked for errors and malfunctions using a conventional scanner with a standard cord.

What is it used for?

The OBD2 diagnostic connector is equipped with a certain number of contacts, each of which performs its own function. By connecting the scanner to the ECU connector, you can carry out several diagnostic modes at once with high accuracy:

Where is

The diagnostic connector on the VAZ 2107 is located in the most convenient place for work - under the glove compartment in the cabin under the instrument panel. Thus, there is no need to disassemble the engine compartment mechanisms in order to connect the scanner to the ECU.

Basic engine malfunctions

VAZ 2107 cars are equipped with three main types of power units with a displacement of 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 liters. The second engine is equipped with a distributed injection system, which differs significantly from carburetor engines. During long-term operation, parts and components of the unit are subject to wear, which can cause the following malfunctions:

Diagnosis of injector or ECU malfunctions is carried out using a special tester, which is available at specialized service stations. Repair and restoration work on the engine is classified as complex and requires high qualifications and special skills.

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