Error codes on the instrument panel of the VAZ-2112: decoding

Error 8 on VAZ 2114 (8 valves) - what it means, symptoms, solutions

Self-diagnosis or an on-board computer and checking the four-wheel drive ECU with a diagnostic scanner often produces all sorts of error codes. Often the screen displays error 8 on the VAZ 2114 (8 valves). Many owners do not know how dangerous it is and what to do with it. This material describes in detail the meaning of this code, symptoms, causes and possible solutions to the malfunction.

What does error 8 mean on a VAZ 2114?

The decoding of error code 8 on the VAZ 2114 can be found in the operating instructions for this model and on many Internet resources.

Error 8 on a VAZ 2114 means low voltage on the on-board network. This means that it is lower than that set by the manufacturer. In this case, the machine and its electrical equipment may not operate properly.

Symptoms of error 8

Since the decoding of error 8 on the VAZ 2114 indicates reduced voltage in the on-board network, then the signs of this problem will be corresponding. Most often this is:

  • The on-board computer shows excessively low voltage;
  • Voltage drops according to dashboard readings;
  • The battery indicator lights up;
  • The check light is on for a VAZ 2114 with an 8-valve engine. This does not always indicate a problem. The icon may light up for various reasons. Sometimes, if code 8 is present, it may not appear at all;
  • Dim or flickering headlights;
  • Difficulty starting the engine or inability to start it at all. The engine may take a long time to start, stall immediately after starting or during a stop, for example, at a traffic light.

These signs may be constant or appear periodically. The malfunction manifests itself especially often and clearly in winter or after the machine has been idle for a long time. Usually several symptoms occur simultaneously.

Reasons for error 8

Knowing what error number 8 on the instrument panel means, it is easy to determine the reasons for its occurrence. There are only two main reasons. This is a discharged or faulty battery or a failed generator.

For the latter, this most often indicates the need to replace the brushes, since the old ones are already worn out. In addition, the code may occur in such cases as:

  • Poor contact at the battery terminals or generator contacts;
  • Damage to battery or generator wires.

Sometimes an error indicates other problems. But this happens very rarely.

You can determine the exact reason for this behavior of the car on your own. First, you should visually inspect the battery and generator and their contacts. You may notice oxides and other defects on the terminals and connectors. There is often visible damage to the wiring. The battery terminals may not be properly tightened. In rare cases, you may notice that the battery is swollen.

It is useful to check what the voltage is in the on-board network on the dashboard. You need to pay attention at what point it decreases or constantly remains low. You should also diagnose the battery and generator with a multimeter in voltmeter mode.

Battery diagnostics is performed as follows:

  • Set the measuring device to voltmeter mode. Select a voltage of about 20 Volts;
  • Connect the black probe to the negative terminal of the battery, and the red one to the positive terminal.
  • Evaluate the device readings. If the battery is charged, the display should show at least 12 volts.

If the value is lower, then the battery needs to be charged. If after this, it does not charge completely or discharges quickly, it should be tested with a load fork. This can be done independently or at a car service center.

You should also check the operation of the generator. To do this you need:

  • Take a multimeter and set it to voltmeter mode, set the voltage to approximately 20 Volts;
  • Connect the black probe to the negative of the battery, and the red one to the positive;
  • Start the power unit and wait until the speed stabilizes;
  • Evaluate the value on the device display. During normal operation of the generator, it should be at least 13.5 Volts. If the multimeter shows a figure less than the specified one, the generator is not charging the battery well or is not charging at all.

How to fix the problem?

If the battery is low, it needs to be charged. This is done like this:

  1. Remove the battery and wipe it with a dry cloth.
  2. Connect the charger to the battery and charge it.
  3. You should usually charge for at least half a day or fifteen hours if fully discharged. In this case, you need to set the current on the charger to 2.5 Amps if it does not select the mode automatically.
  4. Before removing the device, make sure that the battery is fully charged.

After charging, you need to check the battery voltage using the above method. If it is within the normal range, install it on the car. Observe for several days to see if the battery is draining. If rapid discharge occurs for no apparent reason, the device is likely faulty. Therefore, you will have to buy a new battery.

If the generator is faulty, it is usually enough to replace its brushes to restore functionality. To do this you need:

  1. Remove the wiring harness.
  2. Remove the wires from the generator and remove the nut securing them. Separate the protective cap from the positive terminals of the wires for protection.
  3. Remove the plastic casing.
  4. Find the voltage regulator and unscrew it with a screwdriver.
  5. Disconnect the wires and pull out the part along with the brushes.
  6. Replace the brushes and install the element on the generator.

If this does not help or visible defects are found on the device, other parts will also need to be replaced. VAZ 2114 generators are repairable. You can repair them yourself. But in some cases, it is better to replace the electric generator or contact specialists to restore it.

If the low voltage is associated with other faults that you could not identify yourself, you need to visit an auto electrician.

Is it possible to drive with error 8?

Operation of a machine with fault code 8 is not prohibited. But it can be inconvenient, since the battery can run out at any time. Then it will be impossible to start the car. Therefore, it is recommended that immediately after discovering an error, take measures to eliminate it. This is especially important in winter or before the onset of cold weather.

Electrical equipment

Malfunctions of the electrical equipment of the VAZ 2110 should be responded to as quickly as possible. By the way, this can be signaled by code 1602, although its decoding sounds like a loss of on-board power supply voltage in the RAM.

Sometimes it is enough to reset error 1602, and it will not appear again. Some people call these numbers “good”; 1602 may appear after the battery is disconnected, due to a voltage surge when starting the engine (for example, in cold weather). However, if 1602 “pops up” constantly, you need to look for a network break.

First, try to clean the battery terminals and secure them well. Did not help? Check the circuit, starting from the “+” of the battery, be sure to check the fuse, fuse link.

Oxidized battery terminals

And also inspect the mass of the ECU, TPS. There are cases when code 1602 appears due to the fact that the security alarm blocks the controller circuit, and it issues this as an error every time. You should contact the installer of your alarm system.

Logbook VAZ 2114 1.6 i 8V (2012)

Malfunctions: Error “8” low voltage on board the network

In general, I charged the battery a week ago, everything was fine, but today the voltage dropped to 12.5 and I decided to remove it and put it on charge again, because the check light bothered me and I still need to eliminate the error. In general, I removed the battery in the evening, brought it home and looked and please - the pupil is glowing red, most likely the density is low, I bought distilled water, top it up and put it on charge, tomorrow evening I will put the battery in the car and see if the error disappears and the check disappears. I have the same problem with the generator, but I started small.

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Congratulations on purchasing your first car.

The additions about how I removed the battery and washed the car will now overshadow the entire AM tape, or should I not worry?

Like that comrade with a VAZ 2107 and a welding machine))) He either welds something or rewinds it with wire))) Series “Nostalgia, greetings from the 90s” On the topic, the diode bridge on the gene of the author’s car flew out. It will change everything and there will be a buzz with charging, but not for long. Because There are no serviceable diode bridges on sale for VAZ a priori. They are only on new cars, so the author needs to watch for Bronik in his Kalina and unscrew his diode bridge, or better yet, the entire gene. and a box. and engine. and battery))) Will come in handy. If the battery had been dead, I wouldn’t have driven the car for a week.

Because There are no serviceable diode bridges on sale for VAZ a priori. They are only on new cars, so the author needs to watch for Bronik in his Kalina and unscrew his diode bridge,

Needless to say, it made me smile! Comrade volkenidee seems to be at least 15-20 years behind in his perception of reality. And even in that era, such sayings were characteristic only of people very far from technology. By the way, the fact that he does not understand anything in this matter is evidenced by his next statement, even taking into account the fact that he clumsily tries to play around, but in reality shows himself to be a complete layman. Especially to broaden his horizons, I inform you that the diode bridge on the author’s car and on my Kalina-2 are similar in appearance, but different in design and therefore not interchangeable.


Let's look at some especially annoying error codes, which, as if they don’t affect the speed, but constantly remind you that something may be wrong with the VAZ 2110. These include:

  • error 1621, warning the driver that the RAM is disabled, that is, code 1621 indicates that the controller is not working, which means that errors are not read, you remain in the dark about what is happening with the systems of your car. Most often, when drivers see the numbers 1621, they ignore them, reset the RAM error (remove the terminal from the battery for a couple of minutes, then put it back on) and drive on. But, after turning off the car and starting it again, they see the same ill-fated code 1621. You can try to carefully inspect the twist near the ECU (to ground), and perhaps additionally solder the factory crimp. However, often even contacting specialists does not help; code 1621 remains on until the RAM memory is changed;
  • Sometimes it happens that the injector light comes on. This is especially observed in winter, and when the engine warms up well, the light goes out. Although this is not so scary, it is somewhat unnerving, and the light bulb breaks down if it burns for a long time. It’s better to contact a service center where they can update the firmware, then the light bulb will stop bothering you.

How to fix error number 8 on the VAZ-2114 panel

The on-board computer of the VAZ-2114 with eight valves can be started in self-diagnosis mode, then it will report any problems in the car. You can get rid of problems before they reach a critical level. To do this, you just need to be able to carry out this work and correctly decipher errors.

How to do a self-diagnosis

Error codes appear on the display of your on-board computer as a result of self-diagnosis. It is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. On the dashboard, locate the odometer button. Press it and don't let go.
  2. Turn the ignition key to position 1 without releasing the button.
  3. Release the odometer button.
  4. While the computer is scanning, the arrows on the dashboard will twitch. This means you did everything right.
  5. Press the odometer button again to display the information on the on-board computer display. After the first press, the firmware numbers for your system will appear on the screen.
  6. Pressing the odometer button a second time will cause error codes to appear on the screen.

Most often, during self-diagnosis, you can see two-digit codes that are deciphered using a service passport.

In what cases does error 8 appear after self-diagnosis?

Error 8 on the display means that the power controller during the diagnostic process transmitted a signal: there is insufficient voltage in the VAZ-2114 electrical network with eight valves. In this case, you need to check:

  • failure of the generator or its brushes;
  • The battery does not hold a charge or discharges quickly.

You can get rid of this error yourself by charging or replacing the battery. If this does not help, then you will have to get to the generator and replace its brushes.

Checking and preparing for use of the battery

First of all, you need to learn how to care for the battery, charge the battery in order to extend its service life. Experts recommend doing the following:

  1. Remove the battery and wipe it with a rag. Pay more attention to cleaning dirt from the top of the battery.
  2. Now you can inspect the battery, paying attention to the electrolyte level. It should be the same in all flasks. If necessary, you can add electrolyte.
  3. The battery must be charged with a current of 5.5 A for 10 hours.
  4. During the process, the battery can heat up to +40 °C, which is considered normal. If you think that the battery is too hot, you should interrupt charging and wait until the battery cools down. It is because of the strong heat that it is recommended to charge the battery in a cool room and away from other electrical appliances.
  5. If the electrolyte temperature exceeds +45 °C, then you can not stop charging, but reduce the current by half.
  6. Before charging, it is worth measuring the battery capacity; after the recharge period has expired, it should increase by 1.5 times. If for some reason it has not changed or increased not so much, then it is worth replacing the battery.

When charging the battery, you must pay attention to the instructions that come with the charger and the recommendations of the battery manufacturer. Battery failure is caused by deep discharge and difficult operating conditions - sudden temperature changes, cold starts in winter. Therefore, error number 8 in the VAZ-2114 with eight valves most often occurs at the beginning of winter (after the first serious frost) or in the spring.

How to replace generator brushes

If you recently updated the battery on your VAZ-2114 with eight valves, then the reason for the lack of current in the power supply may be hidden in the generator. There is one weak link in this unit - the current collection brushes. They periodically wear out and stop performing their task. Each car enthusiast can change the brushes himself according to the instructions:

  1. You need to disconnect the negative terminal from the battery. Then find the block of wires leading from the generator and remove it. To do this, you need to remove the cap from the positive side of the wires and unscrew the nut that secures them to the generator block.
  2. A plastic cap of the generator block will appear in front of you, which is secured using three spring clips. You will need to remove these fasteners to remove the alternator housing.
  3. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the fasteners to remove the voltage regulator along with the current collectors.
  4. Disconnect the wires from this node.
  5. Now all you have to do is inspect the condition of the brushes and, if necessary, install new parts on the generator. After this, reassemble the generator unit in the reverse order and check the car again.

If the current collectors of the VAZ-2114 are visually intact, then you need to continue disassembling the generator unit in order to replace it entirely. In most cases, the power, even if the brushes and battery are intact, disappears due to wear of the generator bearing or its coil. To avoid guessing what went wrong, install a new one in place of the old one. In this case, you will be absolutely sure that after assembly the car will not let you down.

Diagnostics using additional tools

To diagnose cars, including the VAZ 2110, various equipment is used, which is connected to a special connector. Thanks to this equipment, which is not particularly complicated or expensive, you can get a complete picture of the condition of the car.

The service station uses a personal computer to which data from phase sensors is transmitted via a special cable.

Adapter for car diagnostics

Bluetooth devices have appeared on the market that allow diagnostics using a smartphone, tablet or laptop.

They work according to the scheme. The device is connected to the connector, the ignition is turned on and the diagnostic process begins. The data comes from phase sensors to the ECU. From it to a mobile device on which specialized software must first be installed.

This makes it possible not only to obtain more data, but also to present it in a more visual form. This method allows a driver, even with little experience in operating a car (in our case, a VAZ 2110), to obtain all the data about his car.

But most drivers prefer to carry out diagnostics at a service station. So that you are aware of the data that the on-board computer produces through RAM from the phase sensors, we will present the transcripts of common errors.

Errors VAZ 2114

    697 13 312k
    380 8 202k

When problems arise on VAZ injection cars, decoding can be done without visiting a service station and using a diagnostic scanner, which is inserted into the OBD2 connector. For this purpose, there is a special daily mileage reset button on the instrument panel. With its help, you can enable quick self-diagnosis. VAZ error codes are displayed among the VDO instrument panel indicators at the bottom, in the same place as the firmware version.

How to identify errors by self-diagnosis

Not everyone knows that the standard firmware of the VAZ 2114 has a function that allows you to do independent diagnostics without special equipment. By its principle, the self-diagnosis procedure is quite simple and allows you to quickly decipher VAZ 2114 errors that cause the check engine light to light up. To do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

How to properly conduct self-diagnosis on a VAZ 2114

  1. Turn off the ignition and press and hold the button, which is responsible for resetting the daily mileage on the odometer.
  2. After this, you need to insert the key into the lock and turn it to the first position to turn on the ignition.
  3. When you turn the key, release the odometer reset button. On the fuel gauge, speedometer and tachometer, the needles will first move to the maximum position and then return to zero.
  4. The mileage reset button must be pressed again and the firmware version will light up on the devices.
  5. Another press of the button displays error codes for the VAZ 2114 on the panel.

Prevention of breakdowns of electrical appliances

To prevent breakdowns of electrical circuits, you must follow a number of simple rules.

  1. Periodically check the contact connectors for oxidation or overheating. Rust disrupts the passage of impulses, which can be read by instruments as damage to the unit.
  2. Once a year, treat contacts with special oils. Lubricants prevent moisture from entering metals, which prolongs their service life.
  3. Replace dry wires in a timely manner. Cracked insulation can cause a short circuit.

Errors on the VAZ 2110 (2112) panel provide the user with complete information about the condition of the vehicle’s components and assemblies. If you know the decryptions, the driver can independently fix the breakdown of the vehicle electronics.

VAZ error codes - table with a list of all errors

Very often, various errors occur in VAZ cars, and in fact, it is not necessary to go to a mechanic to diagnose them; it is enough to read the error code and look at its value in the error table.

The error codes are the same and apply to the following VAZ brands:

1118 Kalina, 2104, 21041, 2105, 2107, 21074, 2109, 21093, 21099, 2110, 21102, 21103, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 21114, 21124, 21 15 with engine injector 8 and 16 valves, 21150 , 21154, 2131, 2170 Priora, 2190 Granta, 2123, 21214, 2131 Niva;

VAZ error table

ErrorSensor malfunctions
P0030Code P0030 (0030) indicates a malfunction of the oxygen control controller. The problem was detected by the engine control unit as a result of driver diagnostics. To fix the problem, you need to check the electrical circuit of the heating element for a break.
P0032Code P0032 indicates a short circuit in the control circuit of the heating element of the lambda probe to the on-board network
P0036Combination P0036 (0036) appears as a result of a malfunction in the electrical circuit that supplies the heating element of the oxygen controller. This refers to a sensor installed after the neutralizer device. The error indicates an open circuit, so first of all you need to check its integrity.
P0102Code P0102 (0102) indicates a malfunction of the mass air flow controller. The cause of the malfunction is damage to the flow meter wiring. The error may be intermittent, so to fix it, you need to try cleaning or replacing the air filter. The cause of the problem may be damaged wiring on the microprocessor module connector. To check the flow meter, perform the following steps:
  • regular use of low-quality fuel;
  • violation of air intake tightness;
  • lack of spark;
  • damage or physical wear of cylindrical devices.

If replacing the fuel does not help, it is necessary to diagnose the air intake system. It is necessary to tighten the fastening clamps, change the air filter element and check the pressure in the rail (the normalized indicator is no more than 2.8 atm). It is also necessary to perform diagnostics:

  • high-voltage wires connected to the defective cylinder;
  • spark plugs;
  • check for possible oxidation at the cable connection points.
  • breakdown of the mass air flow sensor;
  • lean or enriched air-fuel mixture in the engine cylinders;
  • malfunction of the electronic engine control system unit.

To fix the problem, you can try to relearn the throttle valve, to do this, perform the following steps:

  • the car engine does not start or stalls for no reason;
  • fuel consumption increased;
  • electronic devices and mechanisms do not work correctly;
  • the power of the power unit is lost, etc.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.

Crankshaft and camshaft

  • code 0335 indicates a malfunction of the crankshaft position sensor. Therefore, when you see 0335 on the computer, you need to check whether the signal is coming from this sensor. If you find that the signal is weak, you can help by changing the air flow if it is excessive (above the maximum). After this, error 0335 should disappear;
  • When you see error 0340, you know that the camshaft position sensor is most likely faulty. Although in fact, even if 0340 is displayed, the camshaft itself may be in good condition, the car is working as usual. But when the numbers 0340 do not disappear while the engine is running, this unit should be carefully inspected.

Excerpt from open sources

2 - Excessive voltage. 3 - Fuel level sensor error*. 4 — Coolant temperature sensor error*. 5 — Outside temperature sensor error**. 6 — Engine overheating***. 7 - Emergency oil pressure***. 8 - Brake defect***. 9 - Low batteries***. E - Recognition of an error in a data packet stored in EEPROM.

Note: * – an error is registered if within 20 seconds. a sensor break is detected; ** – an error is registered if within 20 seconds. The actual sensor data is not recognized (indication on the LCD is “— °C”); *** – accompanied by an acoustic signaling device.


Throttle valve

The on-board computer issues two unpleasant errors - 0122 and 0123 when there is a problem with the throttle sensor. Moreover, 0122 will be displayed if the signal level of this sensor is low, and 0123 – if it is high.

Both one and the other, naturally, are not good. Especially if the on-board computer readings are accompanied by increased idle speeds, jerks at low speeds and dips. In this case, replacing the sensor does not always help.

Throttle position sensor

If codes 0122, 0123 are issued, be sure to check the signal and power wires for breaks, and also pay attention to whether there is any leakage through the injector rings. Remember: the main enemies of DPZD are engine washing and also the manufacturing plant, since there are a lot of defects here.

The following material is devoted to common malfunctions of the throttle position sensor: https://vazweb. ru/desyatka/pitanie/drosselnaya-zaslonka. html

Oxygen sensor

For some reason, it is quite difficult to find code 0525 in the decoding tables, but this is simply an error in the oxygen sensor, otherwise called a lambda probe. And if you see 0525 on the display again, it means that not everything is in order with the oxygen content in the exhaust.

This sensor is not installed on all VAZ models; it sends a signal to the engine regarding how much oxygen should be in the fuel system. That this sensor does not cope with its duties is evidenced by:

  • increased fuel consumption;
  • unstable work at XX;
  • loss of power, lack of "response".

New Bosch lambda probe

In principle, the lambda probe should be changed after about 60 thousand mileage, but this can happen earlier, especially considering the quality of our gasoline. Therefore, it may display 0525, warning that it is time to replace the oxygen sensor.

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