Kalina-2 immobilizer and alternative start without a chip key

Author: Evgeny Zhivoglyadov. Date of publication: March 14, 2016. Category: Automotive equipment.

Lada Kalina is one of the most popular cars from the VAZ concern; the Priora and the budget VAZ 2110 models, which have not yet been forgotten by car enthusiasts, are slightly less popular. All these vehicles are equipped with standard immobilizers, which are designed to protect the car from theft. This thing is useful and very easy to use. The immobilizer design is an electronic power supply that prevents the engine from starting or fuel supply if a non-original code key is used. As a result, even if a car thief bypasses the car alarm system and gets into the car, he won’t get far in it. True, there is one small but. Like all VAZ creations, the immobilizer of the Lada Kalina or Priora often goes crazy, as a result of which neither the thief nor the car owner can use the car.

Some information about the ignition switch device

Lada Priora cars use anti-theft locks that block the next start of the starter and connect the key to the standard anti-theft system. The device is located directly under the steering wheel in a special way (four screws with tear-off caps that prevent unscrewing) and is fixed to the steering column.

The engine is started using a key that is inserted into the lock cylinder.

The device is powered by a battery, and a special relay marked “K4” is responsible for ensuring proper protection of the electrical circuit. The starter locking is achieved by a locking rod that is retracted and prevents the key from being removed in all its positions except the zero stage (position “0”). With one key position, only electrical circuits are activated. In a different condition they are different. For example, at the first mark, some on-board equipment is activated (windshield wipers, power windows, dashboard indicators, etc.), and the next time you turn the key in the ignition switch, an additional power circuit is activated, and the engine starts.

Diagram and pinout of the ignition switch on Priora

The diagram looks like this:

Using the diagram, you can track the presence of an immobilizer, as well as a blocker for excessive cranking of the starter. It starts from the battery - the pinout transmits voltage from it to point 30. Here the connection to K4 is a fuse relay. The contact group of the ignition switch of a Priora car will only work if the locking rod is in place and holds the key.

There are two positions in the diagram – I (ignition) and II (engine start). Replace the ignition switch of the Lada Priora in accordance with this diagram.

What to do if the immobilizer does not work?

If the locking device is “buggy” and does not see the key, it is necessary to determine their cause based on the signs of malfunctions. If you cannot solve the problem quickly, you can try to bypass the immobilizer.

Causes of malfunctions

All failures in the operation of the blocking device can be divided into two groups:

  1. Software. This type of malfunction is associated with incorrect functioning of the software installed in the microprocessor module. Also, software problems may affect the operation of the immobilizer unit or the chip in the remote control. To fix the problem, you will need to dismantle the mechanism and reflash it. If the malfunction directly affected the key, the chip must be repaired or completely replaced in case of a serious malfunction.
  2. Hardware related problems. The main problems include circuit failure or malfunction of one of the components of the blocking system. To determine the cause, a complete diagnosis of the device will be required.

It is important to remember that the battery in Lada Prioras should not be allowed to be completely discharged. As a result, chaotic information will be recorded in the immobilizer memory, which will lead to failures.

User Pavel Master spoke about problems in the functioning of the locking system due to a faulty key.

More details about the problems:

  1. Malfunctions in the operation of the immo can occur as a result of disconnecting the battery from the vehicle's electrical network. In Lada Priora cars, the blocking unit is not always firmly attached to the key, so de-energizing the on-board network will lead to problems. But this problem is more typical for reflashed devices.
  2. The battery discharged when trying to start the power unit. If the engine does not start due to problems in the power system, the driver may crank the starter mechanism for a long time. This will eventually lead to battery discharge. In particular, this problem often occurs in winter.
  3. The blocker may not function correctly as a result of replacing the motor or microprocessor unit. When changing the power unit, you also need to buy an electronic control module and a new chip tag for the device. Otherwise, there will be a need to re-bind the key to the immo block.
  4. Malfunctions in the operation of the blocking device can be caused by problems with electrical equipment and devices. One of the safety elements associated with the immobilizer may have burned out.
  5. Damage to the firmware of the blocking device. The immo coding is stored on a specific microprocessor unit board. If the memory malfunctions, it will have to be programmed again.
  6. The chip in the key is faulty. The problem may be software in nature or the problem may be due to physical damage. To determine the cause, you will have to disassemble the key.
  7. Problems are often caused by interference from mobile phones and smartphones, which is especially noticeable when the ignition is activated.


It is necessary to remove and repair the blocking device for the following “symptoms”:

  • the starter unit does not rotate the crankshaft when trying to start the power unit;
  • an indicator appeared on the control panel in the car’s interior indicating a malfunction in the internal combustion engine;
  • the starter mechanism turns the crankshaft, but the engine does not start;
  • the driver tries to close the doors with the key, but the locks do not respond to these actions.

One of the signs of a faulty anti-theft system is shown in a video made by user Igor Bakhirev.

How to bypass the immobilizer?

Disabling the blocking device yourself involves using a bypass module. There are many options for installing such a “device”. It is recommended to purchase a branded device, for example, Starline, which will bypass the blocker. It can be ordered online or purchased in store.

A simple option for installing a crawler:

  1. First you need to find the device block. To complete the task, you must disable the microprocessor module used to control the power unit. The device is dismantled and put aside. It is located in the lower compartment of the center console.
  2. After the block is in your hands, it must be disassembled. To do this, use a wrench to unscrew the four bolts on the device body.
  3. The next stage will be the modification of the microprocessor module, in particular, to bypass the blocker, a resistor chip must be resoldered. Before disabling the immobilizer on the Priora, the unit is connected to the computer via a special cable.
  4. Using the PAK bootloader, you need to diagnose the firmware, in particular, two memory slots - Flash and Eeprom. The version of the software you are using must be saved in case errors are made during the process and you have to install it back. If the firmware reading is completed, the new untrained software is installed on the microprocessor module. Then the resistor element is soldered to its original place. If necessary, a new chip with untrained memory can be used.
  5. The next step will be to deactivate the anti-theft system. This must be done to prevent the possibility of blocking it during operation.
  6. To perform the task, a plug block with 20 contact elements is disconnected from the device. Wires numbered 9 and 18 are cut off from the connector and then connected to each other. The connection point must be insulated with electrical tape.
  7. Then the block with wires is connected to the microprocessor module. The device is installed in its original location.

User Dmitriy Epishev spoke about the procedure for bypassing the immo in Lada Priora cars.

High-tech recognition

Modern top-class models have special master keys equipped with a chip, instead of simple ignition keys. A chip containing certain information helps an unauthorized access blocker - an immobilizer - to allow or reject an intrusion attempt. The car system reacts positively only to a single native chip with specific information. The loss of a key leads to the idea of ​​making a duplicate in specialized enterprises, which accurately repeats all the features of the original. But perfect comparability of forms with the new chip does not allow the launch of a working system.

New behavior program

The bright minds of the scientific world have found a solution to bypass this point. Specialists make a duplicate key for a specific car, equip it with a native chip, and reprogram the immobilizer to match the code of this chip. This is how the issue is resolved. The lost copy will now be perceived by the newly rewritten blocker as foreign if it is found further. And the new key will be recognized by the immobilizer as a native one, and the owner can exercise legal control over his property. To avoid misunderstandings, owners of expensive and not so expensive cars should be more careful.

Preparatory work

It must be said right away that those Lada Priora cars that are equipped with an immobilizer cannot be started without interfering with its protection system. Therefore, a few words about what needs to be done. The first thing you need to do is turn off and remove the protective device itself. To do this, open the hood of the car and disconnect the terminals from the battery. Next you need to get to the product itself, disconnect the contact block from its body and ultimately dismantle it too. For those who don’t know, the immobilizer is located next to the heating control elements, behind the dashboard not far from the car radio. Now you need to “clean” the previously saved data from the ECU. To do this, the electronic control unit is connected to a regular laptop that has special software (can be downloaded on the Internet) and the unit’s firmware is reset (reset to its original state). After which it is possible to resort to alternative methods of starting the car. "Note! In some cases (latest car models), immobilizers with built-in memory are used. In this case, simply resetting the ECU firmware will no longer help. There will be an additional need to read and edit information directly in the immobilizer memory blocks. To obtain positive results, professional knowledge and skills are required. If there are none, or you are not confident in your abilities, we recommend turning to professionals.” After the preparatory work, we’ll talk about how to start a Priora without an ignition switch.


As mentioned earlier, the above methods are not commonplace, since they involve changes in the design of the car. If the car belongs to you, then you are responsible for all installation work. If you use methods to start the engine of someone else’s car, including for the purpose of stealing it, then you will be held criminally liable.

Explain to the owner all the risks associated with non-trivial engine starting. In the case of modern cars, there will be no other way out other than searching for a lost key or making a duplicate of it. All modern models are equipped with anti-theft mechanisms to protect against such actions. It is impossible to manually stop the actions of such mechanisms without damaging the car. Good luck and easy travels!


Removing and installing (replacing) the ignition switch on a Priora

Before removing and replacing the module, have a few tools ready:

  1. chisel;
  2. hammer;
  3. pliers;
  4. key "10";
  5. Phillips screwdriver.

Replacing the Priora ignition switch is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Put the car on the handbrake, remove the negative from the battery.
  2. Remove the steering column covers - to do this, insert a screwdriver into the small technical holes and unscrew the bolts.
  3. In front of you will be a steering shaft, to which the ignition module is attached with four bolts. They are twisted very tightly - so that potential hijackers would have to waste time removing the module; to do this, they would have to tear off all the fasteners. Place the chisel under the bolt head and tap the chisel with a hammer until the bolt head begins to rise.
  4. By lifting the threaded fasteners, you can unscrew them - but for convenience, it is better to do this not with your hand, but with prepared narrow pliers - there is a lot of space for standard ones.
  5. As you unscrew each bolt, try to “catch” the falling module.
  6. All that holds it is a block of wires. Disconnect it, then install a new ignition module for the Priora car instead of the old one. Tighten the fasteners just as tightly, but try not to tear them off when tightening.

Removing the immobilizer control unit

1. Remove the negative terminal of the battery.

2. Remove the instrument panel trim.

3. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the two screws securing the unit to the instrument panel, holding the screw nuts with a 10 mm wrench.

4. Remove the block from the instrument panel and disconnect the harness block

Removing the remote control unit

Raise the rear seat cushion. Loosen the screws securing the carpet in the rear left door opening.

3. Having folded back the edge of the carpet and the sound insulation, disconnect the wiring block from the remote control unit.

How to start Priora without a key

"Important! Before we talk about some “manual” methods of starting a car without using keys, we draw your attention to the fact that all manipulations must be performed only on your own or someone else’s car with the prior permission of its owner. In other cases, such actions are illegal and are criminally punishable.”

So, more about how to start a Priora without an ignition key. Three popular and at the same time simple ways:

  1. The first method is to connect the positive terminal of the battery directly to the ignition coil. Next, the starter is connected using a wire. As a result, the engine starts directly, bypassing the lock and immobilizer.
  2. Second way. The meaning of this approach lies in the banal connection of certain wires of the on-board network. What is it about? You've probably noticed that the radio turns on only when the ignition is active. In this case, it is powered directly from the ignition. We will take advantage of this feature. To do this, you need to remove the radio from the compartment in the dashboard and disconnect the wires connected to it. Once everything is prepared, we only need two wires. The first is the positive wire of the radio (usually blue), the second is the permanent positive of the on-board network (lilac). We connect the wires to each other. The ignition turns on. To ensure that the contact does not disappear, we secure the connection point with electrical tape. To start the car engine, all you have to do is shift the gear lever to second speed and push the car.

  3. The third method is the usual short circuit between the wires that lead to the ignition switch well. The point is to find the wiring that is responsible for starting the starter. To do this, you need to remove the grounding and touch the other wires one by one. The elements we need upon contact generate a spark, we will mark them, and then connect them together and connect them to the contact cable going to the starter. That's it, now we know how to start the Priora without a key and the engine should start.

Why is this necessary?

The reasons can be very diverse:

  • changed (simplified) engine starting process;
  • reducing the number of items in pockets;
  • the desire to stand out and many others.

It is best to leave aside attempts to figure out why such a desire arises and understand how to install a button to start the engine (in further text it may be referred to as Start-Stop Engine or abbreviated SSE).

The immobilizer blocked the engine from starting. What to do?

There are several ways to unlock the immobilizer: using the central locking control button and using an IR transmitter.

If the immobilizer has locked the car, then unlocking using an IR transmitter is suitable for cars in which a key with an IR transmitter controls the central locking and immobilizer. To disable the immobilizer, a code (4 digits) is required. It is entered when you press the gas pedal and the on-board computer control button. Typically this button is located at the end of the windshield wiper switch.

Option #1. We call the master

The problem of locked keys and locked doors is as old as time. This situation is not isolated; this happens to drivers quite often. It is worth noting that the more complex the security system installed in the car, the more difficult it is to get the keys.

The best method is to cooperate with an insurance company that provides roadside assistance.

In this case, all you need to do is call the manager, describe the problem, and soon specialists will come to the rescue to help solve incidental situations such as a door being blocked.

If your insurance company does not provide such services, then all you have to do is call a car mechanic. You will have to wait a long time for the master to arrive - about 2 hours, or even longer. But he will open the lock without damaging the car with a tool specially designed for this purpose. The service is paid, the cost depends on the region, urgency and complexity of the work.

We will open Priora in Moscow and Moscow Region

Promptly, carefully and professionally, experienced technicians from the LOCKSERVICE emergency service will provide assistance with the problem of how to open a Priora without a key. We have been working in the emergency car opening market for more than 12 years and know how to open a Lada Priora or open a car of any other brand without any damage. In what other situations may you need to call LOCKSERVICE specialists?

  • The doors locked spontaneously, the keys remained in the cabin;
  • The battery is dead;
  • The lock cylinders are faulty or dirty;
  • Locks froze in the cold due to moisture that accumulated on the seals;
  • The key is lost or broken;
  • The alarm went off from the inside and the driver was locked inside the car;
  • The car stalled in a traffic jam, the central locking was blocked;
  • The key fob is discharged, the car does not open;
  • The lock in the glove compartment is broken;
  • The trunk does not open;
  • The key broke in half in the door keyhole;
  • The gas tank cap does not come off;
  • The lock of the tank filler cap is broken.

There are many ways to open any car without a key. We offer you those that can be used in any conditions, while remembering that the best way to open a car is to entrust it to professionals.

Problems that require opening a Lada Priora and how to solve them

1. How to open Priora doors without a key if they are blocked

Situations in which you need to know how to open Priora doors without a key happen quite often and the reasons for this can be very different: the battery is dead and the car does not respond to pressing the key fob button, or the door accidentally slammed and the keys were left in the ignition, etc.

The most popular way to open a Lada Priora without keys among those owners of this brand who have already been in this situation is as follows:

  • you need to remove the rubber seal at the bottom of the window glass;
  • insert a piece of wire about 60 cm long with a curved end into the door gap, and the hook should point towards the trunk;
  • place the hook in the area of ​​the lock cylinder and try to hook the rod that opens the latch;
  • lift the wire up, opening the door.

Another way to open a Priora door involves using a metal ruler. Only instead of pulling the rod upward with a wire, the rod can be pulled down with a ruler. The opening principle is the same. Both of these methods can also be used if the central lock in the Priora does not work or the lock cylinder is broken. In fact, opening Priora doors is a simple process and takes a few minutes. But you need to resort to this only in extreme cases, and whenever possible, call an emergency team to open the locks.

2. Opening the Priora trunk when it is locked

Whatever the reasons for blocking the trunk, the easiest way to open the trunk of a Priora is to gain access through the car interior. By reclining the row of rear seats, the car owner has the opportunity to remove the trim from the trunk lid to get to the lock rod, or try to move the lock tongue with a screwdriver. The third option is to unscrew the lock itself.

Opening the trunk of a Priora can also be done with an assistant. One person should press the trunk opening button in the cabin, the second should lightly press the lid and then pull it up. This helps if the lid seals are not adjusted and the lock is stuck.

3. Open the hood of the Priora if the cable breaks or the lock breaks

Opening the hood of a Priora is not particularly difficult even for a non-professional. The lock cable can be accessed through the radiator grille without even having to remove it. The cable is clearly visible just above and to the right of the car emblem. By inserting a screwdriver or other handy object, you need to press on the cable and the hood will open. It’s another matter if the radiator grille is triple, there is a protective mesh or the cable is broken. In this case, you will have to crawl under the car and unscrew the engine protection, and then reach the lock hook with your hand.

We open the Priora ourselves

As a rule, owners of domestic cars prefer to deal with problems that arise in their cars on their own. However, not all cases can be solved as easily as described in this manual, and the cost of repairs for possible damage can be quite high. Is it worth the risk, or is it better to wait for the help of professionals?

LOCKSERVICE specialists are located in all districts of Moscow and cities of the Moscow region. This allows them to arrive at the call site within 15 minutes after the client calls and significantly reduces the cost of calling an emergency service. The craftsmen have extensive experience in opening cars, use special equipment, modern tools, and provide a guarantee for their work.

Call us right now or leave your number - we will call you back!

Push launch

This is a classic way to start the engine on almost any car. It should be used when other methods are powerless. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Place the gear lever in neutral.
  2. The driver gets behind the wheel.
  3. Two assistants are pushing the car.
  4. Once the car has accelerated a little, engage first or second gear.
  5. Turn the key to engine start mode.

This method can be used while towing a car. But remember that when you start the engine, the car will accelerate significantly and may drive into the bumper of the towing car.

Video “Instructions for activating immo”

The video below provides instructions for this process (the author of the video is avtodopka).

Publication date: March 14, 2016. Category: Automotive equipment.

Lada Kalina is one of the most popular cars from the VAZ concern; the Priora and the budget VAZ 2110 models, which have not yet been forgotten by car enthusiasts, are slightly less popular. All these vehicles are equipped with standard immobilizers, which are designed to protect the car from theft. This thing is useful and very easy to use. The immobilizer design is an electronic power supply that prevents the engine from starting or fuel supply if a non-original code key is used. As a result, even if a car thief bypasses the car alarm system and gets into the car, he won’t get far in it. True, there is one small but. Like all VAZ creations, the immobilizer of the Lada Kalina or Priora often goes crazy, as a result of which neither the thief nor the car owner can use the car.

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