If you fill up with bad gasoline | How to get your money back

Home / Vehicles


Published: 10/15/2020

Reading time: 8 min



– The quality of gasoline at Russian gas stations leaves much to be desired. Several of my friends have already had to pay for expensive repairs due to low-quality fuel. What to do if you fill in with low-quality gasoline? How to punish unscrupulous sellers and is it possible to return the money spent?

– One cannot but agree that low-quality gasoline can harm a car. Almost every car enthusiast faces this problem sooner or later. In pursuit of additional income, gas station owners can artificially increase the octane number of gasoline, dilute the fuel with water and add additives to it that harm the car. The reason for the low quality of fuel may also be due to the negligence of the gas station owner and his employees - for example, fuel tanks are poorly washed.

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