Priora license plate backlight: Type and replacement of lamps, How to change?

The illumination of the Priora GRZ can be considered an insignificant element. VAZ-2170 cars have many light bulbs: they help you navigate inside the cabin or trunk in the dark. The license plate light must illuminate the license plate of the Priora car, otherwise the traffic police will have questions. If the lighting does not work, it would be more advisable to replace the light bulb in a timely manner; its price starts from 200 rubles. The process itself is quite simple. The Priora license plate lamp can be standard or LED. On hatchback, sedan and station wagon cars, the replacement procedure is identical.

The electric illumination of the Priora's license plate does not help the driver - it serves the traffic police officers to identify license plates on cars. But it will not be possible to refuse such assistance, because the need for the correct operation of small lamps over the gas protection zone is justified by legal requirements.

What lamps are used

The Priora license plate is illuminated by two W5W (T10) lamps with a power of 5 W. They are located in a niche on the trunk lid (hatchback) or on its rear wall (sedan). The sign is illuminated from above, which makes the position of the devices more convenient. They become less dirty and do not experience mechanical stress. By default, incandescent lamps are installed, but many owners install LED analogues. They have noticeable advantages:

  • consume less energy;
  • have a long service life;
  • give high brightness of light;
  • are produced in a wide range.

The peculiarity of the license plate illumination on the Priora is the ability to replace only the burnt-out element. Unlike head lighting, there is no need to change a couple of devices at once. This simplifies the procedure and allows you to save a little.

The best manufacturers

License plate lights for Priora W5W with T10 base are produced by almost all well-known lighting manufacturers. Among the most famous and reliable companies are:

  • a German company whose products are considered a model of quality and durability;
  • Bosh. A world-famous brand, which is also home to Germany. Today it is a powerful concern whose enterprises are located in many countries;
  • Philips. A famous company from the Netherlands, whose history goes back almost 130 years of successful work;
  • MTF. A transnational company with factories located in Taiwan. Produces a wide range of lighting products;
  • Narva. Another German company, which is more than 70 years old. Demonstrates the country's traditional quality and care in the manufacture of automobile lamps;
  • Neolux. A European brand that will soon celebrate its 100th anniversary. It originally appeared in Switzerland, but then changed its home country several times. Today Neolux is a subsidiary of OSRAM;
  • Koito. Japanese manufacturer producing all types of automotive lamps. It is distinguished by the high quality of its products.

The above list cannot be called exhaustive. There are many manufacturers, they all produce high-quality lighting devices.

How to replace it yourself

Replacing the Priora license plate light bulbs is done using a minimum number of tools and materials. The process is not very difficult. All you need is accuracy and caution, especially if the work is being done for the first time. You need to stock up on new lamps and you can get to work. Procedure:

Required Tools

The easiest way to get to the license plate lights on a Priora is from the back of the trunk (or its door) by temporarily removing the trim. The only tool you need is a flathead screwdriver. It's better if it's long enough. This will allow you to remove the trim from the trunk door or rear compartment wall more cleanly and without damage.

Important! For a complete guarantee, you can prepare several spare pistons that secure the casing - sometimes they break, and it would be correct to immediately replace the defective elements.

Step-by-step instruction

First you need to turn off the car lights. Then they start replacing. Procedure:

  • Carefully remove the trim from the inside of the compartment or trunk door;
  • use a screwdriver to pick up the license plate light, move it to the side and remove it from the socket;
  • disconnect the block with wires. You can skip this point, but it is more convenient to work with the backlight completely disconnected;
  • remove the socket together with the lamp from the lampshade. To do this, you need to turn it counterclockwise;
  • remove the burnt out element and install a new one;
  • assemble everything in reverse order.

Before installing the casing, it is recommended to check the functionality of the backlight and eliminate errors if any are found. This will avoid repeated removal of the compartment upholstery and unnecessary waste of time.

Reasons for turning off the dashboard on the VAZ 2114

Turning off the dashboard lights does not bode well for either the driver or the car. Because this malfunction is usually followed by others. Therefore, the backlight should be repaired immediately.

You should also understand that if the lights on the dashboard go out, then the problem must be looked for somewhere in the on-board electrical system. This means you can’t do without a multimeter, a soldering iron and electrical tape. Here are the main reasons for turning off the backlight:

  • fuse burned out;
  • the light bulbs have burned out (or LEDs - in later VAZ 2114 models the panel is illuminated by them);
  • the wiring in the on-board electrical network is damaged;
  • The common contact board of the instrument panel burned out.

Let's consider these points in more detail.

Burnt fuse

80% of cases when the backlight turns off is due to a blown fuse. It is located in a safety block installed under the steering column of the car. Usually the fuse indicated in the documentation as F10 is lit.

It is he who is responsible for the dashboard lighting, side lights and license plate lighting. On early VAZ 2114 models, fuse F10 was brown or red.

On later cars they started putting green ones. It is not difficult to understand that the fuse has blown. It's enough just to inspect it. The housing of a blown fuse may be slightly blackened or melted, and the conductor inside the housing may be severed. The faulty fuse is replaced with a new one. Typically this solves the problem.

Burnt out light bulbs

Dashboard lights operate under less than ideal conditions. They are regularly exposed to shaking, power surges in the car's electrical network and temperature changes. All this significantly reduces their service life. Especially if these are not LEDs, but ordinary incandescent lamps, which were equipped with the first VAZ 2114 models. There are a total of 19 lamps (but this number also varies depending on the year of manufacture of the car, and the number of lamps should be specified in the technical documentation for the car).

Another reason for light bulbs to burn out is their improper installation. This is most often observed on early VAZ 2114 models, where drivers decide to independently replace obsolete incandescent lamps with new LEDs, making some changes to the electrical circuit. Without proper qualifications, this operation is not so easy to perform. Here's what the sequence for replacing light bulbs looks like.

  1. The steering column is lowered to the bottom position until it stops. Above it is the dashboard cover with four mounting screws. They are unscrewed with a Phillips screwdriver.

Video: changing light bulbs in the dashboard of a VAZ 2114

Wiring damage

Problems with electrical wiring are the worst case. To figure this out on your own, the driver needs to have serious knowledge of electrical engineering. In particular, he must be able to read automotive electrical circuits well. Not all car enthusiasts can boast of such skills. It is for this reason that it is better to entrust the search for a damaged section of on-board electrical wiring to a qualified auto electrician.

His actions boil down to the following: he determines the key sections of the circuit and sequentially “rings” them using a multimeter until he finds a broken section of the wiring. Completing this work may take several minutes or several hours - it all depends on where exactly the circuit break occurred.

Panel contact board problems

If all of the above measures do not lead to anything, the last option remains: damage to the contact board in the dashboard. This part is a combination of several microcircuits. It is not possible to repair it in a garage without special diagnostic equipment. So the car owner has only one option - to replace the entire board. You can purchase it at any auto parts store. It costs about 400 rubles. Let us list the stages of its replacement.

  1. First, all the steps mentioned above in the paragraph on replacing light bulbs are performed.
  2. But instead of unscrewing the bulbs, you should unscrew the four bolts at the corners of the rear wall of the dashboard.
  3. The back wall is carefully removed along with the board, which is attached to the wall with plastic latches.

So, the owner of a VAZ 2114 can solve most problems with the dashboard lighting on his own. All that is required is the ability to use a screwdriver. The exception is the case of damaged wiring. It is strongly recommended that you contact an electrician to identify the damaged area. This will save a lot of time and nerves, which, as we know, are not restored.

Replacing the license plate lamp

Timely replacement of the license plate light bulb from a burnt-out one to a new working one will avoid a fine of 500 rubles. This is exactly the amount of administrative punishment that awaits a motorist for such a violation, according to Article 12.2 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. There are certain rules about this type of lighting that must be followed.

Light control

All cars that come off the assembly line have light bulbs installed to help you see the license plate from the rear. Typically, a pair of instruments is located in the lower trunk saber. Traditionally, problems do not arise for the first few years, but over time the lamp may burn out, so it is necessary to periodically monitor the condition of the backlight on cars with high mileage.

It is important to know that the driver can receive punishment not only for the lack of lighting of the license plate, but also for improper installation of the lights.

Almost every motorist can cope with the replacement. You don't even need special equipment for this.

The license plate light bulb can be replaced in the following sequence:

  • disconnect the battery from the on-board power supply to prevent possible contact shorting;
  • Using a screwdriver with a thin tip, we disassemble the lamp shade;
  • We show maximum care when unscrewing the lamp, since many people damage the socket due to carelessness;
  • in place of the burnt out lamp we install a similar lighting device with LEDs or a classic incandescent lamp;
  • The next step is to install the lampshade, but we recommend degreasing it first.

After all the manipulations, we check the functionality of the node. To do this, we connect the battery to the network. Each car model has its own procedure.

Hyundai Solaris

Minor repairs on one of the most popular car models in Russia are not difficult. Before you replace the license plate light bulb in this car, you need to know that there are two lights there. They are located on the trunk lid under the trim.

Examples of replacing light bulbs on certain car models

Lada Kalina"

If the license plate on the Kalina becomes poorly illuminated, this means that it is time to replace the lamps. This is not difficult to do. If you follow the algorithm below:

  1. To begin with, on the right side you will need to press on the flashlight itself, slightly moving it to the left. It should simply come out even with light pressure.
  2. Next, the lampshade is pulled out simultaneously with the power wires. It is this step that greatly simplifies the process of replacing power lamps on a Lada Kalina car.
  3. Then you need to slightly lift the plastic clamp up, and then remove the plug that provides power.
  4. The lamp housing must be unscrewed by rotating carefully. This way you can easily pull out the lamp base.
  5. The next step is to pull out the lamp, slightly pulling it to the side. Then the lampshade will be very easy to remove from the base.
  6. In place of the burnt out light bulb, another one is immediately put in place.
  7. Next you need to repeat all the steps in reverse order.

That's all, all that remains is to check whether the light is on after changing the bulb.

Hyundai "Solaris"

Changing the license plate lamp in a Hyundai Solaris is also easy if you do everything in the right order. In this model, 2 lights are installed for illumination, located under the trim on the trunk lid itself. These lights are closely related to each other. To change light bulbs in Solaris, you need to follow the algorithm below:

The first step is to remove the upholstery from the trunk lid. For this purpose, you need to use a reliable screwdriver to pry up the cover; it can be easily found in the trunk handle. Next, when using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the screws securing the handle, and then remove it. Using the same screwdriver, unscrew all the pistons that secure the trim to the trunk lid itself.

First, the pistons are removed, and then the upholstery is completely removed. The lamp socket is turned clockwise only until it stops, and after that it is important to press it and unscrew it together with the bulbs from the housing. You need to pull the socket exactly to the length at which it will be easier for you to change the lamp. The lamp is removed from the socket very easily

Simply pull it out by the flask.

Lada Priora"

How to replace a license plate light bulb on a modern Russian car? Replacing the license plate light bulb on a Lada Priora car has virtually no differences from the procedure for replacing this element in Kalina.

This is quite simple to do, it is important to follow the instructions

To change the light bulb, you will need special socket wrenches. With their help, you will need to remove the plastic elements secured with special fasteners. The rear chrome frame is removed by unscrewing all the nuts that hold it. The light bulbs are installed in a frame. It will take a little effort to get them out of the lampshades.

The problem is that they are quite difficult to understand. When the lampshade is disassembled, it is important to ensure that the rubber seals are not lost. Replacing the license plate light bulb on a Priora takes a minimum of time. Reassemble all parts only in reverse order

However, before reassembling it is worth checking whether the replaced bulbs work. If you do not do this right away, then if they are installed incorrectly, you will have to disassemble the entire structure again. The reassembly process is as follows: after changing the lamps, the shades are put in their places, and after them the frame. It must be securely fixed at all attachment points. Lastly, the plastic is installed in its place.

In this case, changing the room lighting bulbs on the Priora is complete.

How to change the license plate light bulb on a Renault Logan

In order to change the license plate light bulb on a car, you need to remember some of the rules. First of all, you can install it yourself only for the license plate light, which is located at the back.

To do this, it is recommended to use LEDs with lenses, as they illuminate the license plate better and, according to the law, make it possible to see the license plate more clearly.

Although lamps of a wide variety of colors are commercially available, the law does not allow many of them to be used in practice.

Independent work for drivers

Replacing license plate light bulbs is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Using a thin screwdriver, you need to disassemble the lampshade in half, starting from the middle.
  2. Carefully unscrew the standard lamps, as the holder on the body can be damaged quite easily.
  3. The next step is to install LED or incandescent lamps.
  4. Before installing it in its place, the lampshade should be degreased.
  5. After installing the lamp, you should check the operation; if the replacement of the rear license plate light bulb was carried out accurately, the license plate will be brightly illuminated.

When replacing the backlight on different car models, there are small nuances that differ during installation. To ensure the job is done correctly, these differences must be taken into account.

How to make a replacement

This light is located above the license plate in a small recess in the rear bumper, and you can get to it without any difficulty.

  1. We take a Phillips screwdriver and use it to unscrew the two screws that hold the lampshade lighting in place. If they are corroded and difficult to unscrew, they can be sprayed with an anti-corrosion agent, for example, WD40

  2. After the rust has corroded, unscrew the screws located above the license plate, then remove the lampshade from the hole and disconnect the power wire from it.

  3. When we have the element in our hands, carefully press the latch on it and slowly remove the diffuser

  4. We take out the old lamp from there, if necessary, clean the diffuser with the shade, and install a new light bulb there. The main thing is that everything is sealed and dust and moisture do not get inside, so if necessary, we coat everything with silicone sealant.

The stage of replacing the light bulb can be considered completed

Ceiling lamp

All illumination of the room is carried out by the lampshade into which the lamp is directly installed. It is the lampshade that scatters the light and fully illuminates the license plate of the car. It happens that when dismantling or in the process of replacing lamps, the lampshade may break. If this happens to you, then do not panic, lampshades are sold at any auto parts store.

Catalog number of the Priora lamp: 2170-03717010-00;

Its price is: from 100 to 200 rubles;

You should also not forget about the lampshade gasket; it is necessary to protect against moisture getting into the interior.

Gasket catalog number: 2170-03717012-00;

Cost of laying: from 20 rubles;

The lampshade is the same for all Lada Priora models.

Caution will not be superfluous

How to change a valve seat: photo and video instructions Very often, lampshades are produced in the usual way, and even without hardening. Due to such low-cost production, they can crack from exposure to high temperature or light impact. Therefore, do not forget about gloves, as they will save you from cuts if it breaks in your hands. Take your time, sometimes you can accidentally touch a lying lamp with your foot or step on it.

If you had an incandescent lamp before the breakdown, then you can then replace it with an LED lamp of the same power. This is due to the fact that LEDs last several times longer, they also provide more pleasant light, and the room will be better illuminated.

Try not to install more powerful lamps, because the wiring may not withstand the load and will simply melt.

Replacement work does not last very long - at most it can take no more than half an hour. We advise you to replace the seals in the lampshade, then during operation moisture will not get there and the new light bulb will not burn out.


Lamps installed from the manufacturer's factory have a filament. After the first replacement, many install brighter LED lamps in place of the standard ones, which can illuminate the number much more efficiently and prettierly, giving the car a more beautiful look.

Standard lamps have the number W5W. The incandescent lamp has a power of 5W, which is quite enough to illuminate the room.

Cost of W5W lamp: from 20 rubles;

You can also install LED analogues instead of the standard lamp. LEDs consume less electricity and have a higher luminous flux.

It should be noted that according to the law on the safe operation of cars, the consecration of the license plate must allow one to see letters and numbers from a distance of at least 20 meters.

Types of lamps used in Priora

  • H7 – long-distance;
  • H15 – long-distance + daytime running gear;
  • PY 21W – rotary;
  • P21 W – reverse;
  • P21 and 5W – brake lights and side lights;
  • H11 – fog lights;
  • C10 W and C5 W – interior and luggage lamps;
  • W5W – front dimensions;
  • H1 – long-range without daytime running lights (installed on cars until 2013).

What is needed for work and what kind of lamp is there?

Almost every Priora owner has everything needed to replace license plate light bulbs:

And, of course, you will need new light bulbs. Therefore, before we begin the replacement, let’s find out what the light sources are for the Priora license plate illumination. The manufacturer uses two W5W incandescent lamps with a power of 5 W each for these purposes.

Standard W5W light bulb for room lighting in Priora

If desired, the standard incandescent license plate lamps in the Priora can be replaced with LED ones. The easiest way to buy such lamps is because the industry produces W5W LED lamps, but craftsmen make them from ordinary super-bright LEDs. Since the light output of LEDs is approximately 6-8 times higher (depending on the design and manufacturer) than that of incandescent lamps, it is enough to take the 1 W option.

LED room lamp W5W

Lamp sockets on the Prior and their power...

Once upon a time I found this “List of Priora lamps”.
Because The recording has become popular and is often used; I designed it beautifully in Photoshop so that it would be pleasant to look at. Well, I’ll leave it in text format for copying. Lamp installation location - [Lamp type] (Power, W)

Headlight block:

Side light - [W5W] (5) Low beam - [H7] (55) High beam - [H1 / H15] (55) Turn signal - [PY21W] (21) Turn signal - [W5W] (5) PTF - [ H3/H11] (55)

Back light:

Signal brake/gab. light - [P21W / W5W] (21/5) Add. Brake Light - [P21W] (21) Turn Signal - [P21W] (21) Reverse - [P21W] (21) Fog Light - [P21W] (21) License Lamp - [C5W] (5)

Interior lighting:

Ceiling light interior — [C5W / T4W] (5/4) Ceiling light. thing drawer - [C5W] (5) Illumination of the cigarette lighter. — [AMN13-3-1] (3) Clock backlight — [W1,2W] (1,2) Lamp lighting. trunk — [C5W] (5) Instrument lighting — [W3W] (3) Center lighting. consoles - [W1,2W] (1,2) Engine compartment lamp - [R10W] (10) Indicator lamp - [W1,2W] (1,2) Push-button switches - [W1,2W] (1,2) Switch blocks - [LEDs] Advanced brake light - [LEDs]

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Replacing license plate lamps

After six months of using the car, I noticed that one of the license plate lights began to shine poorly. Upon closer examination, it was discovered that water had entered it; the metal diffuser had rusted and stained the water.

The lampshade contains a regular 5 W incandescent lamp. When the backlight is used for a long time, the reflector and the lamp itself overheat greatly, which subsequently leads to melting of the lamp socket. To solve this issue, it was decided to replace incandescent lamps with LED lamps with a color temperature of 3200K. And since the lamp housing does not contain a reflector, it is advisable to use directional LED lamps.

Upon closer examination of the base of the standard lamp, it turned out that the arrangement of the contacts in the socket is not quite usual. Installing an LED lamp in such a lamp would only lead to a short circuit in the circuit and failure of fuse F14.

Later, lampshades manufactured by SEMZ were purchased - 1118-3717010-02, pictured with a black socket. The lampshades are more airtight than standard ones, which means they are more durable.

The main difference from the standard lamp is the location of the contacts in the socket.

With such a lampshade, there is no need to think about the location of the lamp base contacts.

This modification made it possible to increase the reliability of the backlight, increase the illumination of the license plate area and the opening of the 5th door while reducing energy consumption.

Replacing rear license plate lamps

Hi all! The light bulb in the right rear license plate light stopped shining. Having bought some light bulbs, I started to make some. We remove the lining of the fifth door, for which we first pull it in the area of ​​​​the corner, which is above the head, until the clip snaps off, and then we begin to carefully snap them all off along the width. Then the far side. Disconnect the connector from the lampshade and turn the lamp base 90 degrees. We change the lamp and put everything back in place. Please note that the lamp base has two protrusions of different widths, and there are two corresponding cutouts in the lampshade, so it can only be inserted in one position, and when you insert it into a lampshade installed on a car, this is not visible.

In my case, the rear saber was removed (unscrew the 4 nuts to8) check the absence of rust underneath. The lampshades were removed from the car. And this is where the release clamp often breaks, which is what happened to me.

I had to think about how to secure it. I took a washer with a rubber gasket from a roofing screw, a self-tapping screw about 1 cm long, and twisted it into the bottom of the lampshade. And this combination pressed the lampshade to the body very well, while the structure remained collapsible, which will allow you to change the light bulb if necessary.

There is a rubber gasket between the bottom of the lampshade and the body, which is pressed well, so I think that water will not get into the lampshade through the self-tapping screw with the gasket. We assemble in the reverse order, not forgetting to connect the connectors to the lampshades. Let's check. Everything is working.

Instructions: replacing the license plate light bulbs of a Priora car

The illumination of the Priora GRZ can be considered an insignificant element. VAZ-2170 cars have many light bulbs: they help you navigate inside the cabin or trunk in the dark. The license plate light must illuminate the license plate of the Priora car, otherwise the traffic police will have questions. If the lighting does not work, it would be more advisable to replace the light bulb in a timely manner; its price starts from 200 rubles. The process itself is quite simple. The Priora license plate lamp can be standard or LED. On hatchback, sedan and station wagon cars, the replacement procedure is identical.

The electric illumination of the Priora's license plate does not help the driver - it serves the traffic police officers to identify license plates on cars. But it will not be possible to refuse such assistance, because the need for the correct operation of small lamps over the gas protection zone is justified by legal requirements.

Step-by-step replacement instructions

Having scoured the Internet, I found a bunch of “useful” recommendations for replacing the Priora license plate light bulbs. Some people rip the lights out of the rear trim, which almost always results in broken latches. Others pull out the lights, but before that they also remove the upholstery and this very rear trim (“saber”).

The result of such a replacement is a lot of work and again broken latches. There is no need to unscrew or tear out anything except the upholstery!

If you have purchased the license plate light bulbs and have a screwdriver at hand, then you can probably start. First of all, you need to remove the trim from the trunk lid (door), which is attached to regular clips. Open the lid, insert a screwdriver between it and the upholstery in any of the corners. Lightly press the upholstery, snapping off the corner piston.

We look for the next piston in the resulting gap and, driving a screwdriver into this place, tear it off too. Go ahead and completely remove the trim from the trunk lid.

Final removal of the tailgate trim of Lada Priora

At the level of the rear trim we see two license plate illumination sockets.

Now you know how to quickly, safely and without unnecessary work replace the light bulbs in the sign lights in the Lada Priora Hatchback (Station wagon). I hope the information provided will be useful.


Replacement process

  1. Open the trunk and use a slotted screwdriver to unclip the clips securing the plastic trim of the trunk lid. It is better to wrap the screwdriver with masking tape so as not to damage the paintwork on the trunk lid.

  2. After removing the plastic cover, unscrew the four nuts securing the saber. Eight nuts for the head, location in the photo below.
  3. Squeeze the clamps on the sides and disconnect the power connectors for the license plate light bulbs.
  4. We pull towards ourselves and take out the saber.
  5. We grab the lampshade and pull it towards ourselves. It's on the latch.
  6. We take the lamp socket and turn it 90 degrees. After turning, remove the lamp socket.
  7. We remove the burnt out lamp and install a new one. There are no tricks, I took it out and inserted a new one.
  8. We insert the socket with the lamp into the lampshade and turn it 90 degrees to fix it.

Next we reassemble:

  1. We install the lampshades in the saber.
  2. We install the saber and connect the power connectors.
  3. We secure the saber with four nuts.
  4. Snap on the decorative plastic trim.

Video lesson

How to make light at a VAZ

Before we start looking at the various instructions for restoring lighting, one important note. The new light bulb must be removed from the packaging and installed, holding it with your fingers exclusively by the metal part. The glass bulb must not be touched, otherwise the new light will not last long!

However, if it is not possible to grasp the base, if there is no other way to insert the lighting element, then it is better to put rubber gloves on your hands before grasping the glass part.

Now let's talk about Ladas. First of all, let's see how to fix the sign lighting on a VAZ 2114. We will only need a flat-head screwdriver. Also read about replacing the windshield washer pump and replacing the rear window of a VAZ 2110.

  1. First of all, turn off the lighting and open the trunk. Using a screwdriver, we pull out the lampshade towards us.
  2. Disconnect the wiring plug.
  3. Having pulled out the rubber seal, we replace the lighting element.
  4. We collect everything on the way back.

As you can see, this is a fairly simple operation. It is much more difficult to do, for example, replacing the backlight of the VAZ 2114 stove controls - there you will have to dismantle the plastic panel.

Next, let's turn to Kalina. To change a burnt-out lamp from Kalina, we will also take a flat-head screwdriver.

Let's get started.

  1. We use a screwdriver to pry the lamp off from one side, and then pry that side out.
  2. We also snap out the second side.
  3. Having taken out the lampshade, disconnect the electrical wiring from it.
  4. We are reinstalling the lighting element.
  5. We do the assembly in reverse order.

It turns out that this process also does not cause problems. Here, by the way, it would also be much more difficult to replace the extinguished light bulb of Kalina’s instrument lighting. There it is also necessary to first completely dismantle the instrument panel.

Well, let's discuss the procedure on the Priora hatchback. On a sedan, you just need to open the trunk and pull out the dome light. To replace the license plate light on a Priora hatchback, take the same screwdriver.

  1. By snapping off the pistons, we dismantle the fifth door trim.
  2. Carefully disconnect the wiring terminal.
  3. Turning the base 90 degrees, we take out the lighting element.
  4. After installing the new part, we assemble everything as it was.

Well, obviously, this operation is not much more complicated than the procedures that were given above.

How to make lights on foreign cars

Next we will figure out how the procedure under study is done on popular foreign cars. For example, let’s look at the technology for changing a light bulb in a Hyundai Solaris. For work we will need gloves.

Main conclusions

Replacing the license plate light on a Lada Priora car is not difficult, but requires some preparation. Most of the time is spent dismantling and reinstalling the door trim or trunk compartment. The rest of the procedure is simple:

  • removing the lampshade with the light bulb:
  • disconnecting the burnt out element and installing a new one;
  • reassembly and installation of the lampshade.

The procedure is performed with only one flat screwdriver; no special tools are required. Explain your methods for replacing the license plate illumination on a Priora in the comments.


It is easy to replace the lamps by following the instructions described below.

In hatchback and station wagon bodies, before starting work, it is necessary to remove the plastic trim on the trunk door; it is attached to plastic clips. To dismantle, carefully snap off the clips at the edges and the upholstery will come off.

Work process

Installation Tips

  • When buying new elements, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in addition to sizes 36 mm, which are suitable, there are also sizes 41 and 38 mm, which are not suitable.
  • They have polarity, so before replacing elements on the Chevrolet Niva, you should turn on the backlight and only then carry out the installation.
  • If, when examining the light bulb, the bulb turns black, but continues to shine, it should also be replaced as it will soon fail.
  • Try to avoid moisture, as the device will quickly fail if water gets in.

How to do everything yourself

The backlight bulbs need to be changed in this order.

  1. To begin with, the lamp shade itself is disassembled, this is done starting from the middle, using a thin screwdriver.
  2. The standard lamps must be unscrewed very carefully, as it is quite easy to damage the place where the lamp is attached to the car body.
  3. The next step is to install a new LED or incandescent bulb.
  4. After the new lamp is screwed in, you can reinstall the lampshade. Before installation, it must be thoroughly degreased.
  5. When the installation process is completed, you need to check whether the license plate light is working. If everything is done correctly, then the license plate will have bright lighting.

Important Features

According to traffic regulations, with the onset of darkness, and even under conditions of limited visibility, the license plate must be illuminated in white or yellowish colors.

This is necessary not only so that other road users can see the license plate number of the car, but also to determine the direction of movement of the car.

Why, in this case, is it prohibited to illuminate license plates in other colors? So, if blue and red lamps are used as lighting, this may well cause an emergency on the road. This happens due to the fact that in the dark the driver’s perception of colors changes.

Do I need to contact specialists?

Not all car owners are in a hurry to change the license plate light bulbs if they malfunction. In some car models, the driver is simply unable to cope with the replacement on his own: the wires are too short, it is impossible to get the backlight bulb or disassemble the ceiling lamp. In such situations, it is advisable to seek help from specialists at the service station. They know the nuances of replacing license plate lights in most car brands, and therefore will solve this problem almost instantly.

Why do you need license plate illumination on a Priora?

The legislation of the Russian Federation strictly regulates the rules that relate to the cleanliness and readability of state registration plate symbols on citizens' cars. You cannot operate a car with unreadable license plates, much less pollute them. At night, a similar rule applies so that the car can be recognized.

According to the Law, all symbols on license plates must be readable from twenty meters - this is checked by a traffic police inspector. At night, it will be physically impossible to see the numbers and letters even at a closer distance and with good lighting of the route. Therefore, the lighting must work at night as soon as the driver moves the switch behind the wheel.

If it does not work, the driver will be fined 500 rubles and it will be cheaper to replace the light bulb. It is understood that in this way a person is hiding from receiving fines from traffic cameras and can confuse police officers during a chase. The lights above the license plate are a safety measure that applies equally to all road users.

Legal aspects

In accordance with the regulations of the Road Traffic Rules (SDR), each car must have a rear license plate light, activated when the side lights are turned on. This external light device must be turned on while the vehicle is moving at night. In this case, the brightness of the lamps must be sufficient for the inspector to be able to identify the state. car number from a distance of 20 meters. The absence of illumination or an unreadable car number for any reason is regarded as a violation and, in accordance with Article 12.2 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, entails a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

The situation can be corrected and thereby improve the illumination of the registration plate by upgrading the standard lights. The most common way is to install LED light sources: modules, rulers, strips. However, this innovation can be regarded as a change in the design of the car with all the ensuing consequences.

The Appendix to the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation states that it is prohibited to make changes to the design of a vehicle without permission from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation (clause 7.18 - Other design elements). This point can be interpreted as follows. Firstly, if the car is not involved in road traffic (not in use), then the violation cannot be detected. Secondly, if the changes made have been certified by the traffic police and have documentary evidence, then the modernization was carried out according to the law.

GOST 8769-75 (updated on August 1, 2013) in paragraph 2.8.2 states that the rear registration plate of a car must be illuminated by a stream of white light. According to this clause, a ban is automatically established on illuminating the license plate with any other light, with the exception of shades of white. It turns out that the bright and rich colors of LEDs (blue, red, green) according to the law cannot be used in organizing rear license plate illumination. They can add ambiguity and confuse drivers of vehicles following behind.

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