The brake cylinder of the front wheel of a VAZ 2107 jams

After changing the brake fluid, the brake pedal fails

Another common problem is when the pedal fails after bleeding the brakes. In other words, the owner has just changed the brake fluid and bled the car's brakes, and the pedal is falling out. First of all, this may mean that air remains in the system.

Often, two people bleed the system (one person works with the pedal, and the other opens and closes the bleeder fittings). So, problems with the brakes appear if the one who pressed the pedal released it early, while the assistant did not have time to close the bleeder fitting.

Let us also add that if, in addition to replacing the brake fluid, the calipers were also repaired/replaced, the brake pads were changed at the same time, and the brake pedal fails (usually on the first press), this happens as a result of the “breaking in” of the parts.

The pistons of the working cylinders are positioned in such a way that the gaps between the pads and the brake discs/brake drums are minimal. In this case, the reverse stroke of the piston is blocked in one way or another (depending on the design features).

When all the parts are in working position, the brake pedal will stop falling. If the brake pedal fails after repair, then there is a high probability that errors were made during assembly, the system is not pumped well enough, there are brake fluid leaks, etc.

Removing the brake caliper

To remove the caliper you must do the following:

  • lift the car on a lift or jack up the wheel on which the brake caliper needs to be removed;
  • Using a wrench, remove the bolt securing the brake hose bracket;
  • remove the bracket so that it does not interfere with further actions;

Important: under the bracket fastening bolt there is a spring washer, which must not be lost when dismantling the bolt and bracket.

  • unscrew the bolt securing the brake hose;

  • remove the bolt after first removing the two o-rings;
  • insert a rubber tube or bolt of a suitable diameter into the hole in the brake hose tip to prevent brake fluid from leaking out;
  • Use pliers to remove the cotter pins securing the brake pad pins;
  • pull out the pins securing the brake pads and remove them using a bit or a thin, but not sharp, screwdriver;
  • remove the retaining springs from the brake pads;
  • remove the brake pads;

Advice: if you plan to use the brake pads in the future, they should be marked with a marker so that during reassembly they can be installed in the same place where they were. If this is not done, they will wear out faster and brake worse.

  • bend the locking plates of the washers on the caliper mounting bolts;

  • unscrew and remove the bolts securing the caliper to the steering knuckle;
  • Remove the brake mechanism (caliper) of the VAZ 2107 from the brake disc.

Important: the upper and lower caliper mounting bolts differ in the shape of the head. When installing the unit in place, it is necessary not to mix them up.

Other reasons why front brakes stick

The front wheels do not always jam the same way; this can manifest itself in different ways. Both front wheels can “stick” at once, and you simply won’t be able to move. It happens that they seem to be spinning, but with great difficulty, making a creaking sound. This is a dangerous situation, especially if you ignore the problem and continue driving. Only one front wheel can jam, while the other spins freely. Let's look at the possible reasons.

The brake pedal is poorly adjusted or has no free play at all.

There must be sufficient clearance between the master cylinder piston and the pusher for the pedal to move normally. This is adjustable.

The brake pad tension spring is faulty.

This does not mean that it is cracked or completely torn, perhaps just stretched. There is such a thing as metal fatigue, and a weakened spring will no longer function normally; it is better to replace it.

Another reason why the front brakes stick is that the vacuum booster is not in order.

It can jam for several reasons. Perhaps the diaphragm is swollen, or the protective cap or lid seal is pinched.

Pay attention to the amplifier adjusting bolt

It should not be too tight. It is important that it protrudes slightly above the surface of the master cylinder. There is something wrong with the brake pad friction lining.

There is something wrong with the brake pad friction lining.

The problems can be different: the gasket wears out, breaks, or becomes too thin. This usually leads to damage to the pad itself, so in this case it is necessary to change both it and the lining

Important: if you are changing a worn gasket, then the pair to it should also be replaced; they must be the same in thickness, otherwise the car will be pulled off the line of movement to the side. The reason that the front brakes are sticking may be a stuck piston in the wheel brake cylinder.

The reason that the front brakes are sticking may be a stuck piston in the wheel brake cylinder.

This kind of trouble can happen in any car, so you need to be able to deal with it. The reasons for this situation are different: low-quality brake fluid, uneven position of the cylinder body in the caliper, rust and corrosion on the working surfaces of the piston. Disassemble the problematic cylinder, clean all components, rinse with brake fluid, reassemble the system and bleed. Fill with good quality brake fluid.

The cuffs on the wheel cylinder have lost their shape or are swollen - this is also one of the reasons why the front brakes stick.

The cuffs of the master cylinder or wheel cylinders swell from fluids such as oil, gasoline and others that have entered the brake system. This jams the cylinders, which results in a problem with the brakes. But you just have to replace the cuff, and everything will work out

It is recommended to at least occasionally check the condition of the cuffs, and when disassembling the car (no matter for what reasons), replace them, even if these elements look absolutely intact

Oxidation stains on the guides.

They need to be cleaned, lubricated, and you will no longer have to think about why the front brakes are sticking.

The compensation hole on the brake master cylinder is dirty.

This is a labor-intensive process, a large and messy piece of work, but no spare parts will be needed, meaning repair costs will be minimal. It is necessary to clean the hole and bleed the brake hydraulics.

The pistons of the master cylinder as well as the wheel brake cylinders are stuck.

In this case, only experienced car owners who have already disassembled and reassembled various systems of their car more than once will be able to figure out why the front brakes are jamming. It is better to entrust the diagnostics to specialists: they will find the cause of the malfunction and immediately begin repairs.

It often happens that it is enough to just thoroughly clean and lubricate the necessary parts. Check the hoses to see if they are in order. It often happens that the hose is pinched by the clamp holding it, especially if it is corroded. This can also cause the front brakes to jam. The best thing in this case, of course, is to replace the clamp with a new one. But you can just loosen it slightly and blow out the hose well.

It is perhaps not so easy to immediately determine why the front brakes are jamming. This can happen for many reasons, and if you yourself are not very versed in the operation of car systems, then it is better to entrust the inspection and repair of the car to service station specialists. After all, a properly functioning braking system is the key to both your safety and that of other road users.

The front brakes are sticking. Causes, elimination. Watch the video:

The brake cylinder of the front wheel of a VAZ 2107 jams

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it jammed a week ago.
The tires were heated up and smelled like burnt rubber. I took off the pads. moved the pistons back and forth 7 times on both sides. It's easy to walk on the left. It’s very heavy on the right, and it’s strange that one piston comes out and the other one comes out, as if the brake doesn’t go back. This was not the case on the left. Now it's jammed again. I filled the calipers and wheels with water. they hiss like irons. but he held out. A friend says the car is old (16 years old) and the cylinders need to be changed. I actually bought them already, but I don’t understand why then both wheels jam and not just the right one. Maybe there's something else there? and do I need to change all the brakes? Tell me the teapot.) Thanks in advance.

The pads are almost like new (less than a year old), the discs are also thick. I don’t know when the brake fluid was changed. but can it jam like that because of it? Here in Google it seems like they pulled up a frog? can she push like that? and where to look for it? The brake pedal has fairly decent free play.

how to adjust the extension of the vacuum rod? and which brake hose should I replace? or change all the rubber hoses in a row? here is an interesting quote: “There is an almost lethal scenario when the protrusion of the VU rod is greater than the recess of the GTZ piston, then your brakes jam, especially when the brake fluid has heated up and expanded.” similar to my case. ((because it doesn’t jam right away, but after a long ride

I just discovered that if you start the brake pedal with the brake pedal pressed, the pedal does not fall through, but presses a little and the pedal does not have free movement upward towards the frog

I just discovered that if you start the brake pedal with the brake pedal pressed, the pedal does not fall through, but presses a little and the pedal does not have free movement upward towards the frog


It is adjusted like this: unscrew the two 13mm nuts that secure the GTZ to the body. Carefully pull the GTZ out of the hole in the vacuum chamber just enough so that you can get to the rod inside. The end of the rod is made with a 6mm turnkey (I think) - so it needs to be adjusted by twisting it in one direction or another. In your case, you need to tighten it a little clockwise. P.S. There is no need to change any hoses or tubes if nothing is leaking anywhere. I can adjust the rod without disconnecting the brake pipes. I don’t know how it will be for you. Good luck.

Which is what needed to be proven. It is adjusted like this: unscrew the two 13 nuts that secure the GTZ to the body. Carefully pull the GTZ out of the hole in the vacuum chamber just enough so that you can get to the rod inside. The end of the rod is made with a 6mm turnkey (I think) - so it needs to be adjusted by twisting it in one direction or another. In your case, you need to tighten it a little clockwise.

You can also simply unscrew the GTZ nuts, slightly move the vacuum seal, place washers on the studs, cutting them off in the shape of a crescent, so that the GTZ does not remove from the studs, and place the washers between the GTZ and the vacuum seal on the studs and tighten everything. You will get a small gap between the GTZ and the vacuum seal, and you don’t need anything remove and adjust. This is a temporary road option, but I drove it for more than 18,000 km and sold the car.



If your car has such a breakdown, the main thing is to solve it comprehensively. It happens that malfunctions are associated with several reasons at once. If the problem is that the pedal is simply rusty, it needs to be replaced. It is easy to correct the situation by replacing the brake fluid with a higher quality one. By the way, you will have to update the fluid in any case - in order to “update” the entire system. Otherwise, over time, the pedal will definitely begin to fail when pressed.

If cracks appear in the pumps, the brake may also begin to fail. Moreover, even microdamages can be the cause of such a breakdown. So if you want the brake to function and not fail in the middle of the road, you will have to replace everything that has stopped working. It turned out to be enough for me to make one replacement. At this point, the question of why the brake pedal failed was closed. To be convinced, it was enough to just start the engine. No extraneous sounds. And if before the return after pressing was too slow, now everything works perfectly.


After preliminary cleaning of the caliper parts, they need to be degreased and painted. Before applying paint, all holes are sealed with masking tape. You need to paint in several layers. To completely destroy traces of corrosion remaining after brushing, parts can be etched with phosphoric acid before painting.

The removed piston of the VAZ-2108 caliper should be carefully inspected for scoring. Then you need to polish the interface between this part and the cylinder with water using 2000-3000 grit sandpaper.

After drying, the piston, lubricated with brake fluid, is installed in place. At the same time, a new bleeder fitting is installed.

The repair kit contains new rubber seals, including rubber bands that protect the guides of the VAZ 2108 caliper. During assembly, all boots, O-rings, and cuffs are installed with new ones.

Car brake system: types, general structure and principle of operation

To better understand why the brake pedal fails when pressed, it is necessary to consider the general operating principle and design of the brake system. This system is usually hydraulic, and problem areas are often common on many car models. Brakes operate on the principle that there is incompressible brake fluid in a closed volume.

Note that the machines previously also used a mechanical braking system with cables and other drive elements, but engineers abandoned such a device long ago. The fact is that although mechanics were not inferior in reliability, but were superior to hydraulics, the performance and smooth operation of such a solution turned out to be insufficient, taking into account the rapid development of the auto industry, the increase in the power of installed internal combustion engines, etc. Mechanical brakes simply no longer cope with increasing speed limits and effectively and safely slow down the car.

There is also a pneumatic braking system, which is used on special vehicles (trucks, large buses, various equipment). Air brakes are no worse in efficiency than hydraulics, but the system itself is too heavy and bulky to be installed on compact passenger cars. So it turns out that the hydraulic braking system has become widely installed on civilian and commercial vehicles, as well as on many other types of wheeled vehicles.

Hydraulic brakes have the following elements in their design:

  • GTZ (brake master cylinder)
  • RTC (brake wheel cylinders)
  • Hydraulic lines
  • Compensatory device
  • Brake discs and brake pads

The working fluid for the brake system is brake fluid, which has certain properties. At the moment when the driver presses the brake pedal, the force is transmitted to the GTZ, which is filled with working brake fluid. The GTZ device has a piston that exerts pressure on the liquid. Through the working fluid, the force is transmitted to the RTC, which are installed in the area where each of the vehicle wheels is located. As a result, the brake pads are pressed against the brake discs or brake drums. If the force is maximum, then the pads completely block the rotation of the wheel. Let us add that depending on the type of brakes installed, the latter are divided into drum or disc. There is also a combination where the front wheels have disc brakes, while the rear wheels are equipped with drum brakes.

The main advantage of hydraulics is smooth and predictable force; the pads are pressed evenly against the brake discs. As for the force on the brake pedal itself, it is proportional to the force that compresses the pads. It turns out that the driver can clearly measure the applied force, thereby determining the degree of wheel locking and the intensity of braking. After releasing the brake pedal, the return springs, which are present at the place where the pads are installed, move them apart, that is, they allow the pads to take their original position. At the same time, the brake fluid is forced back into the master cylinder. This is the general operating principle of the entire system. At the same time, modern cars have additional elements: a vacuum brake booster, a brake force compensator, an ABS system, etc.

Now a few words about the brake circuit. This solution allows you to reduce the risk of complete failure of the braking system in the event that the brake mechanism on one of the wheels is faulty

This is very important for hydraulics, since a leak in one of the RTCs is a common malfunction. There are several schemes of multi-circuit brakes, according to which the circuits of brake systems are implemented

Let's look at some of them. The axial design allows the braking system to be divided into circuits for the front and rear axles. If the brake wheel cylinder leaks on one axle, then the other will be able to operate normally. There is also a pattern where the braking force distribution pattern is made diagonally relative to the rear and front wheels. There are also solutions that combine the wheels of the front axle and one rear wheel; RTC pistons are additionally installed (double-piston and multi-piston brakes), etc.

Important points

When repairing the brake system of a VAZ 2107, you should remember several very important nuances. Without mentioning them, this article would be incomplete. So:

  • On later VAZ 2107 models, spring washers began to be installed under the fastening bolts of the brake brackets. They are thin and very easy to lose when removing the bracket. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to spread some newspaper or rag under the caliper. If the puck does pop out, it will be much easier to find it;
  • If the driver does not plan to change the brake pads when replacing the caliper, then before removing them they should be marked with a marker or chalk so that they can be installed in the same place during reassembly. If you change the original location of the pads, they will become unusable much faster;
  • If the driver decides to leave the caliper in place and plans to change only the brake pads, then he will have to buy not one, but two sets of pads, since these parts are always changed on two wheels, and not on one. If you leave old pads on one of the wheels, this will inevitably lead to rapid wear and new problems in the operation of the brake system;

So, replacing a brake caliper is not at all as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. The main thing that the driver should remember when changing this part is its extreme importance. If a mistake is made when installing the caliper or pads, this does not bode well for either the driver or the car. It is for this reason that the article described in as much detail as possible all the nuances of installing a brake caliper. And it is strongly recommended to pay close attention to these nuances.

The front wheels of the “Seven” are equipped with disc brakes that are highly efficient. Each of the components of the VAZ 2107 car has two working cylinders, which bring the pads together and clamp the part located between them. This causes the disk to stop rotating. During operation, parts wear out and the faulty caliper needs to be replaced with a new one.

Typically, the cause of unit failure is corrosion processes of the cylinder walls and piston. In a working mechanism, they are protected from moisture by special rubber cuffs. Damage to these elements leads to moisture getting inside; over time, the unit loses its mobility and requires replacement or qualified repairs. Restoring the brake mechanism can be done independently.

General information about the brake system

To better understand why the brake pedal fails in a given situation, it is important to first understand how the entire braking mechanism works and how it all works. By the way, most often the brake system in modern cars is of the hydraulic type, and all the main components and problem areas in it are similar in different vehicle models

In this case, the principle of operation of the brakes is that inside the closed system there is a special incompressible fluid, which is called brake fluid.

Brake system design Why does the brake pedal fail?

Despite the fact that mechanics are much better than hydraulics in terms of reliability, their performance is still much lower, and it does not work as smoothly as we would like. Especially with modern powerful engines and increasing speeds. Mechanics are simply not able to cope with the modern level of tasks assigned to it - it cannot stop the car as smoothly, efficiently and safely as we would like.

How should the brake pedal move?

There is also a pneumatic braking system, but it is used only on special vehicles - trucks, heavy and powerful equipment, buses, and so on. The system is effective, but is not suitable for passenger cars, as it is too heavy and bulky.

The simplest diagram of air brakes for a car

Brake bleeding and fluid replacement procedure

Brake fluid needs to be changed every two years. After this, bleeding of the brakes is always required. This procedure is not complicated, but it is inconvenient to carry out alone. However, nothing is impossible.

Procedure for bleeding the brake system

Step 1. If the car has ABS, then under the hood you need to find the fuse relay box and turn off the system by pulling out the fuse responsible for ABS. Then the system will be pumped in exactly the same way as in a car that does not have ABS. Bleeding should be started depending on the location of the master brake cylinder. In this case, the rear far left wheel will be pumped first. That is, you need to start from the farthest highway. Then you need to work on the wheel on the right and front, then on the right rear wheel, and complete the pumping by treating the left front wheel.

Locate and remove the ABS fuse

Step 2. Next, you need to put the car on the handbrake. The engine can be started, but only if the brakes are bled outside. If the procedure is done in a garage, then you will simply have to press the pedal a little harder if the engine is not running. If pumping is done with someone in pairs, then the second person needs to be put behind the wheel and told him what to do. That is, for example, the assistant will press the brake pedal 3-5 times slowly, with an interval of 1.5-2 seconds.

Apply the brake after starting the engine

Step 3. When you press the brake for the last time, you need to fix the pedal pressed and hold it, informing the second person about this.

Keep the pedal pressed

Step 4. After step 3, while an assistant holds the brake, you need to unscrew the fitting in the area of ​​the wheel being processed. When the brake fluid stops flowing, tighten the fitting, and then ask an assistant to pump the brake again using the system described above. After this, you need to look at the fluid level in the tank.

Drain the brake fluidPump the brake after draining the fluid

Step 5. You can use a ratchet and a wrench to loosen and tighten the fitting. And to drain the brake fluid, you can take any thin transparent tube - it can be replaced with a conventional dropper system. The tube is put on the fitting.

Use the key to open the fitting

Step 6. The cycle must be repeated until all the air from the system has been released or until the fluid has been completely replaced. You need to go through all the wheels. For the rear axle, 15 approaches are enough, for the front axle – 10.

Repeat the procedure at least 10 times

Step 7. Before replacing the fluid with a new one, you can pump out the old one from the reservoir with a pump.

Pump out the brake fluid

Step 8. Then you need to pour new liquid into the empty tank to the very top.

Refill with fresh brake fluid

Step 9. If bleeding is done without an assistant, then you can do this: open the fitting and let the brake fluid flow out by gravity. You can open all 4 fittings at once. The process will take about 4 hours. The main thing is not to forget to add fresh brake fluid to the reservoir.

You can do pumping yourself or with an assistant

If pumping occurs without an assistant, and the gravity-feed option is not suitable for some reason, then you can do this.

Step 1. You need to purchase a cap for the brake reservoir and install a nipple from a tubeless tire on it. The prepared lid must be screwed onto the tank.

Install a special lid on the tank

Step 2. Next, you will need to build up pressure (0.5-1 atmosphere is enough) using a compressor or foot pump connected to a lid with a nipple. Thus, the air will put pressure on the liquid in the system and squeeze it out. The liquid also drains into the jar through tubes, as in the instructions above.

Increase pressure to 0.5-1 atmosphere

Step 3

It is important to monitor pressure readings and add it if necessary. It is also important to monitor the level of brake fluid in the reservoir - it always needs to be added

Monitor brake fluid pressure and level

It is worth understanding that this procedure is carried out only if the brake system is in good working order and has no leaks. This will have to be repeated until the brake pedal no longer sinks or is easily pressed.


Assembly elements on the front brake mechanism:

  • Dustproof cover;
  • Pad holder;
  • Noise protection gasket and spring;
  • Two pads: internal, with a wear indicator, and external;
  • Fastening plates;
  • Cylinder cover and piston;
  • Caliper;
  • Bracket;
  • Air release valve;
  • Gasket, bushing, pin, seal.

For the tenth to twelfth VAZ models, these units are structurally the same, only the VAZ 2110 caliper bracket is different. Therefore, it becomes possible to install not only the “native” unit, but also from “related” models. Naturally, this requires replacing the bracket itself.

It plays a vital role in securing the caliper and brake mechanism, and also forms the front clamping mechanism along with the caliper, piston and caliper.

Thus, the bracket is not only a holding element, but also a guiding element of the front wheel locking mechanism.

Front caliper parts

Naturally, when it fails, the entire assembly is often replaced, but individual elements can be repaired, for which there are special repair kits.

The price of a repair kit averages about 500 rubles and includes:

  • 1 hose fitting with cap;
  • 2 protective covers for guides;
  • 1 O-ring;
  • 1 caliper protective ring.

The price of a new left or right front caliper fluctuates around 1000-1500 rubles.

Improperly performed fluid change or brake bleeding

If you bleed the brakes, but the pedal still falls, this indicates a failure to comply with the procedure. The sequence of actions differs for right- and left-hand drive cars, and each individual car model may have its own characteristics. In this case, you need to check the correctness of execution, or contact a specialized service center.

Many experts prefer to use special pumping equipment for pumping. It allows you to create higher pressure in the system and make the hydraulics work as efficiently as possible. After bleeding the brakes in the usual way by pressing the pedal, the brakes often become sluggish and require repeating the procedure.

Vacuum booster diagnostics

Often, a sign of depressurization is unstable engine operation (tribbing). This happens due to air entering the intake manifold. It sharply depletes the air-fuel mixture entering the cylinders. If the pedal does not press when the car is running, first of all you should check the reliability of the connections.

To pinpoint the problem, turn off the engine and wait a few minutes without pressing the pedal. If after this time the pedal remains hard, the most likely cause is a broken check valve.

Also interesting: How to bleed the brakes of a Niva Chevrolet

It is very easy to diagnose the correct operation of the vacuum booster

. To do this, without starting the car, you should “pump” the pedal, then, continuing to hold it, start the engine. If the vacuum seal is working properly, the pedal will go down.

The brake failed at full speed: what to do?

First, try pressing the pedal sharply several times: perhaps its functionality will be partially restored. Next, assess the situation and identify a place where you can gradually turn. Then tighten the handbrake (don't do it too hard) and start shifting (if you have a manual transmission) to a lower gear. At the same time, when the lever is in “neutral”, press the accelerator (perform “re-throw”) to “prepare” the gearbox gears for emergency operation. As a last resort, choose the lesser of two “evils” - it is better to run into some obstacle near the road (roadside bushes are a good option) than to collide with a car.

How to turn an inoperative brake cylinder piston into a functional one?

1) At the very beginning of the operation, you will need to remove the wheel from the car.

Note! By the way, when you remove the wheel from the car, try to spin it while it is in the air; if it slows down, then some piston has actually become unusable!

2) After your wheel is removed, immediately remove the caliper from the car after it in order to get out the brake piston that is not working. (For information on how to remove the brake caliper on front-wheel drive cars, see the article: “Replacing the brake caliper on a VAZ 2109”, and for information on how to remove this caliper on a classic, see “this article”)

3) Now, when the caliper is removed from the car, you will need to find a vice, or a very strong compressor, in order to remove the piston from the brake cylinder, so if you have a vice, then go to it and clamp the piston itself and behind the caliper after Once you clamp the piston, pull it, and thereby the piston will be removed from its installation location.

Note! If you don’t have a vice, then pick up a compressor or something else where air can come out under pressure and thereby insert the hose from the compressor into the small hole in the caliper, namely where you connect the brake hose itself and then turn on the compressor and the piston will fly out of its installation location!

4) Next, take the removed piston in your hands and inspect it, if you find traces of rust on it as shown by the arrow in the photo below, then they will have to be removed using some kind of chemical or something else (A good example of cleaning the piston from rust, shown in one of the videos below), and after the rust has been removed, also inspect the brake caliper itself and finally reassemble all previously removed parts in the reverse order of removal and at the very end check their functionality.

Note! Still, a new piston is not too expensive in the store for our domestic cars, so if you have the opportunity, then it’s better to replace it with a new one and throw away the old one, because who knows after how long it will start to rot again, maybe it won’t even last for a week will last and thus you will again have to disassemble the entire brake system, and by the way, if the boot on it is torn, then you will definitely need to replace such a piston with a new one, since dirt has already got into the inner part and it is unlikely to be able to get it out, yes Moreover, there will still be lubricant there, so as they say, decide for yourself to repair the piston or replace it with a new one!

Additional video: If you want to know how to remove the piston from the brake cylinder on front-wheel drive cars using the VAZ 2109 as an example, then watch the video below, which explains all this in detail:


The brake pedal is too soft

If pressing the pedal has become too soft, it means there are air bubbles in the hydraulics and then the system should be pumped, or there is a loss of working fluid. The first thing you need to do is check the brake fluid level. If it is below the permissible level, the hydraulic system must be carefully checked for leaks. A leak may occur at the connection points between the tubes and fittings due to poorly clamped clamps, and the hoses themselves may be damaged. Working fluid can also be lost in wheel brake cylinders if the seals are damaged. After eliminating the leak, you will also need to bleed the brake system hydraulics to remove air from it.

If the brake fluid is of poor quality, contaminated, or has not been changed for a long time and has lost its properties, then heating during sudden braking can quite easily lead to its boiling, and then the brakes will become “wobbly” and the car itself will be difficult to control. An old, dirty, or inadequate brake fluid can cause seized brake cylinders, damaged seals, and other problems.

The conclusion is obvious - pay attention to the condition of the brake fluid and change it in a timely manner

Another reason for a soft brake pedal is the hoses, which are made of rubber and wear out over time, becoming loose. When hydraulic pressure builds up during braking, they simply inflate. As a result, the brakes become too soft and braking becomes less effective.

An extreme and very dangerous manifestation of soft brakes is pedal failure. This occurs due to significant leakage of fuel fluid or damage to the sealing rings in the gas turbine engine.

An excessively soft brake pedal, and even more so if it fails, requires an urgent solution to the problem. You need to stop immediately, braking with the engine or handbrake, and then find and correct the problems.

Dips when pressing the pedal

Brake pedal

High-quality and clean brake fluid is the key to normal brake operation. It is thanks to its high density that the braking force is quickly transmitted to the wheels. Over time, it deteriorates its properties, air bubbles form in it, and moisture accumulates.

If a slight depressurization occurs in any area, the liquid flows out and air gets in its place. As a result, the brake pedal is either soft or hard. Several gentle pressures lead to the accumulation of pressure in an insufficiently dense liquid. Then it works, and effort appears.

First of all, you need to check the presence of fluid in the expansion tank of the brake system; it is located on the master cylinder. If there is no liquid in it, you cannot drive; simply refilling it will not solve the problem. If you are planning a DIY repair, you will have to find the location of the leak - it could be any of the cylinders or some kind of tube.

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What's the result?

As you can see, there can be many reasons for a failing brake pedal. If you are not confident in your abilities and skills, then you should refrain from trying to fix the problem yourself and immediately contact experienced specialists. It must be remembered that it is recommended to change the brake fluid in a timely manner, since the maximum service life is no more than 24 months. Also a sign of the need for replacement is cloudiness and blackening, and the appearance of a characteristic odor. Note that brake fluid tends to accumulate water, which significantly deteriorates its properties over time and serves as an additional reason for replacement.

Finally, I would like to note that in the event of unexpected problems with the brakes, you should not panic. There are certain techniques you can use to slow down and stop your car without using the brake pedal. First of all, don't forget about the parking brake. The so-called “handbrake” may well slow down or even stop the car if the car was moving at low speed (20-40 km/h). At the same time, an untrained driver should not sharply pull the handbrake at medium and high speeds (especially on a wet, icy or snowy road), since the car can skid, spin, be thrown off the road, into the oncoming lane, etc.

In such a situation, it is better to brake by gradually lowering the gear from high to low with shifting in a car that is equipped with a “mechanics” (manual gearbox). In some cases, you can use the contact emergency braking method, when the car deliberately collides with an obstacle and slows down after such contact or several contacts. This technique allows you to stop with minimal risks for the driver of a faulty vehicle and other road users.

The pistons of the brake cylinders are jammed, what should I do?

Welcome! Brake cylinders - thanks to them, braking is carried out, and without the pistons that are in them, these cylinders will not work at all, so if a piston fails, then you have to go to a car store and buy a new brake cylinder, because driving without brakes is scary and even more dangerous , but not in all cases the pistons stop working forever, sometimes they can be revived, and we will write in detail about how to do this in this article.

Note! To work, you will need to stock up on: A jack to lift any side of the car, as well as a wheel wrench and you may also have to stock up on bricks, and you may also need a basic set of wrenches and sockets!


How to understand that the pistons of the brake cylinder are not working? Let us answer this question before we move on to the repair of pistons, namely inoperative (That is, the pistons do not move in the cylinder), the pistons are recognized if they do not move at all and stand in one place, as a result of which the car, namely the brakes, begins a number of problems occur, that is, the car cannot drive normally because it constantly slows down even though you don’t press the brake pedal at all, or it may be that the car will drive but it will brake much worse than it should, in general, let’s figure it out Why do these cylinder pistons fail?

From time to time, the sealing ring (indicated in the photo below by an arrow) that fits the piston in a circle either wears out, or micro cracks form in it through which dirt begins to get into the piston itself, where the lubricant is located, and as a result the piston becomes unusable.

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