The design of the injection 8-valve VAZ-2114 engine

On cars of the Samara 2 series, the Volzhsky Automobile Plant installed injection engines with electronic, distributed fuel injection. And for the VAZ 2114, which appeared in 2001, and was launched into series in 2003, such a power plant was developed - model 2111. In subsequent years, various modifications of this car were produced and some of them were equipped with other engine models, such as - 21114, 11183, 21124 and 21126. But the most popular production cars were the VAZ 2114 with engines of models 2111 and 11183.


The injector involves forced injection. This requires a special device and a number of sensors. The VAZ 2114 power system consists of the following elements:

  • Air preparation;
  • Gasoline preparation;
  • Injection of the fuel-air mixture.

These three components, in turn, contain a number of elements. To prepare the gaseous component, you need to purify it.

Preparation of the gaseous component

Air supply:

  • Air purifier;
  • Receiver;
  • Throttle assembly;
  • Mass air flow sensor.

Fuel preparation

Supply to injectors:

  • Electric fuel pump;
  • Fine filter;
  • Gasoline pressure regulator;
  • Speed ​​sensor.

The VAZ 2114 injector is quite simple in design compared to foreign cars.

The principle of operation of the VAZ 2114 injector power system

Supply of fuel-air mixture

Gasoline injection consists of:

  • ECU (electronic control unit);
  • Fuel rail;
  • nozzles;
  • Crankshaft position sensor;
  • Phasing sensor.

In addition to the listed elements, the 2114 power supply system also contains other parts. For example, hoses, tubes, devices for maintaining normal pressure in the tank, condensate drain, valves.

Operating principle

The operation of the 2114 power supply system is to supply the prepared combustible mixture to the combustion chambers. This requires precise dosing.

The memory of the controller (ECU) contains a complex program that calculates how much fuel is needed and when it is needed.

The fuel pump is turned on by a control signal from the ECU. The moment of mixture injection is determined by the crankshaft position sensor. The portion (weight) of gasoline depends on the mass of gas. The throttle valve was opened and the position sensor signaled this. The gas mass is also known from the signal from the mass air flow sensor. Based on this data, the ECU regulates the fuel supply. As is known, the composition of a normal fuel-air mixture has a ratio of 1/15, i.e. 1 part gasoline to 15 gas with a normal oxygen content. An increase in gas content leads to depletion, and a decrease leads to an enrichment of the mixture. The opening of the injectors is controlled by a signal from the ECU. At his command, the solenoid valve is activated, and fuel is supplied to the cylinders.

Zhiguli models with an electric throttle drive have so-called lambda probes. These are sensors for oxygen content in exhaust gases. All this is necessary to prevent sudden opening of the damper in order to protect the atmosphere.

A whole complex of devices combined into one fuel system is responsible for supplying fuel to the VAZ 2114 engine. This article is dedicated to it, by studying which you will learn what the power supply system of the VAZ 2114 injector consists of, what is the principle of its operation, and what preventive measures must be taken in order for the system to work out its resource to the fullest.

The fuel supply system is the main artery of the car

Ignition module

The appearance of microcracks in the ignition module housing is a common occurrence. Poor quality plastic, which shrinks under the influence of temperatures, leads to the appearance of cracks. Insufficient spark power reaching the wires, and then to the spark plugs, leads to the problem of improper ignition of the mixture. In case of such a malfunction, the check also lights up.

You should not try to glue microcracks, because... they will appear again when exposed to temperature. Replace the ignition module and reset the errors. If there are breakdowns, check the condition of the wiring to the module and the condition of the chip.

A malfunction of the module not only causes high gas consumption, but also leads to “tweaking” of the engine, which can lead to rapid wear. Malfunctions in the spark supply system conceal a lot of problems: decreased dynamics, the appearance of lumbago, contamination of the combustion chamber of the mixture due to the lack of a spark, etc.


This topic has become overgrown with various conjectures and speculations, but we will try to put everything in its place.

The technical data sheet of the fourteenth indicates that the car engine requires AI-95 gasoline, and there is no reason not to trust the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Another thing is that many car owners, over their long driving experience, have accumulated rational doubts about the existence of any serious differences between 95 and 92 gasoline. Adding fuel to the fire was the recent statement by the chief engineer of the Moscow oil refinery, A. A. Abrosimov, that we do not make 95-grade gasoline in our country, and everything that is sold under its guise is either 92-grade or unknown fuel brought from somewhere.

As evidenced by reviews from VAZ 2114 owners who use exclusively 92-octane gasoline, there were no problems with the car during its service life due to fuel, and they see no point in using a more expensive analogue. However, the final decision about what to pour into the fourteenth is yours.

Asynchronous motor power

In the technical field of science, there are three types of power:

  • full (denoted by the letter S);
  • active (denoted by the letter P);
  • reactive (denoted by the letter Q).

The total power can be represented as a vector that has a real and an imaginary part (it is worth recalling the section of mathematics associated with complex numbers).

The real part represents the active power, which is expended to perform useful work such as rotating a shaft, as well as to generate heat.

The imaginary part is expressed by reactive power, which takes part in the creation of magnetic flux (denoted by the letter F).

It is the magnetic flux that underlies the operating principle of an asynchronous unit, a synchronous motor, a DC machine, and a transformer.

Reactive power is used to charge capacitors, creating a magnetic field around the chokes.

Active power is calculated as the product of current with voltage and power factor:

P = I * U * cosφ.

Reactive power is calculated as the product of current with voltage and power factor, phase shifted by 90°. Otherwise you can write:

Q = I * U * sinφ.

The value of the total power, if we remember that it can be represented as a vector, can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem as the root of the sum of the squares of active and reactive power:

S = (P2+Q2)1/2.

If we calculate the formula for total power in general form, it turns out that S is the product of current and voltage:

S = I * U.

Power factor cosφ is a value numerically equal to the ratio of the active component to the total power. To find sinφ, knowing cosφ, you need to calculate the value of φ in degrees and find its sine.

This is a standard calculation of motor power by current and voltage.


The VAZ 2114 fuel system consists of the following main elements:

  • Gas tank;
  • Fuel pump;
  • Gasoline filtration devices;
  • Pipeline system;
  • Fuel rail;
  • Injectors;
  • Waste disposal unit.

Fuel system diagram
Let's analyze each component separately.


The VAZ 2114 gas tank is a container made of two equal metal parts. A neck is removed from the tank into which gasoline is poured. The neck is connected to the tank via a rubber pipe and clamps.


The fuel pump is located directly in the tank. It has a fuel level sensor, which transmits information about the current amount of gasoline to the ECU. The gasoline pump is connected to a line through which gasoline is transported to the fuel rail. The fuel pump itself consists of several parts - coarse filters, wiring and an electric motor, which pumps fuel. As evidenced by reviews from owners of fourteenth cars, fuel pumps from the German company BOSCH have proven themselves to be the best.


The VAZ 2114 fuel injection system very much depends on the quality of the filter devices used. A bad filter will significantly reduce both the efficiency and the longevity of the entire system.

On the fourteenth, non-separable filters with a working element made of paper are installed. Such filters clog quite quickly, and they need to be changed at least once every 10-15 thousand kilometers.


The fuel rail is located on the intake manifold housing. Its design consists of two parts, separated by a spring-loaded diaphragm. The first is the fuel one, in which the required level of gasoline pressure is set, the second is the air one, air is pumped into it, due to which the diaphragm compresses the fuel chamber and changes the pressure level in it.



To circulate gasoline from the gas tank to the injectors, the fourteenth uses steel fuel lines located on the bottom of the car. The VAZ 2114 fuel supply system also provides for a return pipeline through which excess gasoline from the injectors is returned back to the gas tank.

Air leak

A more serious and difficult to diagnose cause of increased consumption is air leaks. Damage to the corrugation to the mass air flow sensor housing, loosening of the fastenings of the pipes on the engine, damage to the manifold gasket - these are just a few sources of air leaks. There are many options for diagnosing and finding the exact location of the air leak. You can often determine the problem area by ear. In extreme cases, you can resort to using a smoke generator.


Prevention, as a rule, comes down to regular cleaning and, if necessary, replacing the fuel pump filter and the main fuel system filter.

Also once every 25-30 thousand km. It is necessary to clean the injectors, which is performed exclusively at a service station. There are two methods for cleaning injectors, neither of which require removing them:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning;
  2. Cleaning with a special washing liquid.

The most effective and expensive is ultrasonic cleaning, which makes it possible to bring back to life even heavily worn nozzles.

It's no secret that the fuel line of a car is one of its main components. Any malfunctions in it will immediately lead to interruptions in the operation of the motor and other serious problems. Today we will talk about how the VAZ 2114 fuel system works, what main components it includes and how to extend their service life.

VAZ 2114 power supply system

Idle air control (IAC)

Maintaining idle speed is the main function of the IAC. The regulator periodically fails. This is reflected in the smoothness of gear shifting, maintaining warm-up speeds and gasoline consumption. The cost of the regulator is 200-300 rubles. Changes in minutes.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the increase in the “appetite” of the VAZ 2114 car. Timely diagnostics, replacement of all filter elements and a calm driving style will reduce the likelihood of breakdowns.

Main components and how they work

The entire scheme of the VAZ 2114 fuel system is built on the injection principle, implying complete electronic control over the system’s operation process - starting with fuel supply and ending with the formation of a working mixture and combustion. Because of this, its constituent components are very different from devices characteristic of the carburetor principle.

So, it includes:

  • fuel tank;
  • pump (gasoline pump);
  • pipelines for supplying gasoline;
  • fuel filters;
  • fuel rail;
  • tank filler cap;
  • nozzles;
  • recycling block.

VAZ 2114 fuel system diagram

They perform the following functions.

Tank - provides storage of fuel reserves.

Pump - located inside the gas tank and serves to pump fuel to the ramp. Thanks to the sensor connected to it, it detects and transmits data on the level of remaining gasoline to the electronic unit.

According to reviews from 2114 owners, the best pump for this car is a fuel pump from Bosch, which is characterized by a long service life and great reliability.

Pipeline system - serves to move fuel to the engine and drain the remaining excess into the tank. It includes a system of metal tubes and flexible hoses, among which are the VAZ 2114 fuel hose, return hose, hose for connecting the adsorber and others.

Filters - serve to purify gasoline from possible impurities and sediments. The service life of the injectors, as well as the quality of the resulting fuel mixture, directly depends on their operation. That is why they should be replaced at least every 10,000 km.

Lambda probe

The oxygen sensor in 2114 is an unreliable element. Its malfunction affects the stability of the engine. When the lambda probe breaks down, the engine at idle starts to work with dips. Its malfunction is first indicated by a check on the dashboard. The built-in self-diagnostic function also allows you to determine the error code. Replacing the lambda probe is done by yourself. You can continue driving if it breaks down, but this will increase consumption.

What gasoline to use

This question is one of the most pressing for domestic car enthusiasts, because, on the one hand, gasoline prices are constantly rising, and you want to save money. But, on the other hand, the quality of fuel at most gas stations leaves much to be desired, and you don’t want to fill your car with anything.

That is why you should adhere to the basic principle - the 14th gasoline in the passport indicates exactly 95th gasoline, which means that this is what you need to fill it with.

Gasoline for VAZ 2114

As for bad fuel, if possible, you should choose from the nearest gas stations those that have the highest quality gasoline (based on the behavior of the car after refueling), and then refuel only at these stations.

True, you can also notice that many owners of the 2114 fill it exclusively with 92-grade gasoline and, according to them, do not see much of a difference in the operation of the car and in the rate of wear of the components of the gasoline system. Whether to follow these tips or use exclusively suitable fuel is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)

The TPS is responsible for determining the angle at which the damper is rotated. The power consumption, engine power, and dynamic characteristics of the car depend on this. Correct mixture formation is also impossible without correct indications from the TPS. Symptoms of its malfunction are floating speed, dips and jerks during acceleration, and the appearance of a “check” on the dashboard.

System care

The power supply system of the VAZ 2114 is quite reliable, but at the same time it is a fragile design. When operating it, it is important to ensure that all components are securely connected to each other, that the fuel line pipes are not bent, and that the hoses are not leaking.

In addition, periodically (at least once a year) the fuel sensor located in the tank and connected to the pump should be removed and cleaned.

This is due to the fact that he:

  1. It is distinguished by great fragility.
  2. Subject to temperature changes.
  3. Affected by condensation.
  4. It actively oxidizes when there is any leak in the system.

As for the rest of the fuel path, caring for it consists of using high-quality fuel, periodic cleaning, timely replacement of filters, as well as washing the injectors, which must be done at least every 30,000 km.

This operation can be performed at almost any car service center, and it can be carried out in two different ways:

  • washing with a special cleaner;
  • ultrasonic cleaning.

Neither method requires dismantling the injectors or disassembling the fuel system, which is very convenient. At the same time, ultrasonic cleaning is a more radical solution - it can “bring back to life” even injectors that cannot be cleaned with a special liquid.

In conclusion, it is worth noting once again the obvious fact - it is better to carry out timely cleaning and minor repairs of fuel system elements than to subsequently carry out their expensive replacement.


The interior is no different from the VAZ 2114. There is the same two-spoke steering wheel and an identical dashboard with all the necessary sensors and a primitive on-board computer. At the top of the center console there are buttons for turning on the side lights and headlights, heated rear window and, depending on the configuration, fog lights. Below are two air ducts combined into a single unit, then the heater control unit. From the factory there was no talk of any audio system, but the manufacturer provided a standard place for the radio. At the very bottom there is an ashtray and a cigarette lighter (heritage of the VAZ 2109).

In the central tunnel between the front seats there are gear shift and parking brake levers. The glove compartment on the front passenger side is not the most spacious, but it is complemented by a small shelf below. Neither the front nor the rear seats have lateral support and are covered with ordinary fabric material. There is not much space in the back - it is comfortable for two people, but three passengers will have to make room. The fundamental difference from the VAZ 2108 is only in the absence of rear doors.

The steering column is adjustable in only one direction - up or down. There are electronic indicators on the panel; they inform about temperature, total and current mileage. There is an unobtrusive backlight, adjustable in brightness. As standard equipment, there is an electric drive for power windows on the front doors.

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