What is the operating temperature of the 8 valve VAZ-2114 engine

Many experienced and not so experienced car enthusiasts have encountered the fact that when operating a VAZ-2114, the engine may not warm up to the required operating temperature or may overheat. This is due to changes in the operating temperature inside the engine or some malfunctions that periodically occur in any car. The article will tell you what the operating temperature of the engine is, and will also tell you about the causes of malfunctions associated with this indicator.

What should the temperature be?

The temperature arrow points to the red zone - overheating soon

According to the International Automotive Convention of December 1, 1992, which brought together 92 representatives of the automotive industry, it was decided to establish a uniform standard for engine temperature under operating conditions.

This indicator is 90 degrees Celsius with a maximum permissible deviation of no more than 3 degrees Celsius.

With the development of the automotive industry and a strong technological leap in the 2000s, in 2004 it was decided to revise this indicator. So, after considering all the facts and analyzing the design features of many cars, it was decided to install a floating indicator with acceptable standards beyond the border, which today is 85-105 degrees Celsius.

Operating range on the VAZ-2114

If we consider cars produced at the AvtoVAZ plant, including the VAZ-2114, the engine operating temperature range is considered to be 87-103 degrees Celsius. If we look at this problem from a functionality point of view, this is the optimal indicator.

If the temperature drops below the limit, the Samara-2 engine loses dynamics and power, and if it is higher, it can simply boil and suffer great damage. Therefore, in case of malfunctions related to the cooling system, it is necessary to eliminate them as soon as possible.

Cooling system design

Before considering cooling system malfunctions, as well as methods for eliminating them, novice motorists should study the cooling system.

So, let's look at what elements it consists of:

Cooling system design

1 — cap element of the expansion tank; 2 - expansion tank; 3 - pipe for draining liquid from the pipe; 4 — transition pipe between the radiator and the expansion tank; 5 — radiator outlet pipe; 6 — tank to the left of the radiator; 7 - aluminum tube; 8 - plugs; 9 — tank to the right of the radiator; 10 - drain plug; 11 — center of the radiator; 12 — electric fan casing; 13 — plastic wings of the electric fan; 14 - electric motor; 15 — gear pump pulley; 16 — pump impeller; 17 — camshaft drive belt; 18 — engine block; 19 — pump hose; 20 — radiator hose with power function; 21 — heater radiator hose with diverter function; 22 — coolant supply pipe to the throttle valve; 23 — outlet pipe; 24 — filling tube; 25 — heater radiator hose with power function; 26 — thermostat; 27 — coolant temperature sensor; 28 — coolant level indicator sensor.

Main malfunctions and ways to solve them

The operating temperature of the engine is directly affected by the health of the cooling system.

Almost any node can affect the change in this indicator in both directions, so it is necessary to monitor your health and prevent falls. It is temperature fluctuations that can lead to failures in other engine systems. So, let's look at the components of the cooling system, their malfunctions and solutions.

Cooling radiator

Dirty engine cooling radiator

The radiator is considered one of the most reliable parts. There are not many reasons that can lead to product failure, but this can be prevented. Debris on parts can cause the engine to overheat, but regular cleaning of the internal and external surfaces will return it to normal condition.

Cracks can cause the radiator to leak, but this problem can be fixed. There are two ways to solve the problem: weld the surface or replace the entire product. Thus, repair and restoration work normalizes the operation of the part, as well as the operating temperature in the system.


Contamination and breakage of the SOD tube can lead to changes in engine operating temperature

Cooling system pipes can directly affect the temperature rise in the system. This is due to the fact that when cracks or delaminations form in them, it may happen that the coolant begins to leak out. In turn, the lack of “cooling” will lead to an increase in temperature, which can affect both the operation of the main power unit and increased wear.

Water pump

The water pump or pump is supposed to move coolant through the system, but if this device fails, low pressure can result in slow cooling, which in turn will cause the engine's operating temperature to rise. Often the water pump will simply leak and further movement of the car will become impossible.

It is quite simple to treat a malfunction by replacing a part.


Thermostat operation at different temperatures

The thermostat is the most capricious part of all available in the cooling system. Stuck product will result in improper engine temperature distribution, which in turn can increase wear on parts. So in winter it is normal that it is closed in a small circle, but in summer this can lead to malfunctions in the form of overheating, since the radiator fan does not always cope with this task. The fan will run without turning off.

Therefore, it is recommended that if the thermostat fails, replace it with a new one as soon as possible.

Radiator cooling fan

A fan is an electrical component of the cooling system that additionally and forcibly cools the fluid to operating temperature. Therefore, its main task is to prevent the engine from overheating. However, if the unit is faulty, especially when paired with the thermostat, the engine will boil up to 100% and can even cause the other main units to fail. Therefore, if a disk fails, the cause must be immediately found and corrected. Some owners are replacing the factory thermostat with a Grant model!


Dirty engine radiator

Dirt and rupture of the SOD pipe can lead to a change in the operating temperature of the motor

The cooling system pipes can directly affect the temperature increase in the system. This is due to the fact that if cracks or delaminations form in them, it may happen that the coolant begins to leak out. In turn, the lack of “cooling” will lead to an increase in temperature, which can affect both the operation of the main power unit and increased wear.

Where is the coolant temperature sensor located?

There are three types of cooling systems on cars:

  • Mixed;
  • Liquid.
  • Air;

In the case of the VAZ 2114, we are dealing with the latter type of cooling system, which works with liquid antifreeze or antifreeze.

The system itself includes the following components:

  • Radiator;
  • Pump;
  • Cooling radiator;
  • Cooling jacket;
  • Coolant temperature sensor.
  • Connection pipes;
  • Radiator fan;
  • Expansion tank;

Do not look for DTOZH on the radiator, even if that is where it is found on other VAZ models. So where is the engine temperature sensor on the VAZ 2114? On the engine block.

Water pump

Leaks on the cylinder block from the timing side indicate that the pump has failed

The water pump or water pump should drive coolant through the system, but if this unit breaks down, low pressure can lead to slow cooling, which in turn will increase the operating temperature of the engine. Often, the water pump will simply leak and driving the car will no longer be possible.

The fault can be easily treated by replacing the part.

The principle of operation of the VAZ 2114 cooling system

The cooling system in a VAZ car is a whole complex in which liquids that freeze at temperatures from -20 ° C are used as the working substance. The system is completely sealed and the liquid circuit is closed. The refrigerant is forced to circulate through the system. The cooling system in a VAZ car operates on the principle of internal heat exchange.

Heat is absorbed by the liquid, which is used as a working fluid. This is one of the most popular cooling designs in the automotive industry. When the driver starts a cold engine, the thermostat closes and the pump forces coolant to circulate in a small circle of the system. In this case, the liquid participates quite effectively in removing excess heat from the fuel combustion chambers, and then releases the resulting heat to those parts of the engine that have not yet reached operating temperature.

This allows the engine to quickly warm up to operating temperature, and the risk of overheating is reduced to zero. When the engine has warmed up to the required operating temperatures, reaching a certain temperature range, the cooling system is no longer just a small circle for effective cooling. Therefore, at this time, the thermostat valve begins to open and the pump forces working fluid to circulate through the radiator.

When the car is in motion, there is enough air flow to cool the fluid in the radiator. If the machine is stopped and the engine is running, the controller starts the fan based on sensor data. If the car is moving at low speed, the electric fan is not working, or the temperature sensor is faulty, the coolant heats up above its operating temperature. In this case, the driver will see a corresponding signal on the instrument panel. This is engine overheating.

In such a situation, you need to turn off the engine and then open the hood. To start the radiator fan, you need to turn the ignition key to a position in which the fan will work, cooling the engine and other components of the car.

Leaking cylinder head gasket
This problem is one of the rarest causes of engine overheating on VAZ 2114 cars. When it occurs, overheating is already a secondary symptom, which can accompany many others:

  • oil leak from under the cylinder head;
  • increased oil burn, noisy engine and gas operation, black exhaust.
  • unstable engine operation and low compression;

In such a situation, the best solution would be to replace the cylinder head gasket. In the worst case, overhaul the engine with cleaning of all internal cooling channels.

When the engine warms up, it is dangerous not in itself, but because of the consequences. Long-term driving at high operating temperatures primarily leads to the loss of properties of elastic parts: valve seals and piston rings. This increases oil consumption and makes the engine rough and dirty. All of this requires expensive fixes.

The consequences of severe overheating are even more serious: the cylinder head and cylinder block are deformed and sometimes crack. Such an engine that survives cannot be repaired.

2) Electric cooling fan failed

If your car has an electric cooling fan that has failed (no rotation when the engine is hot), this can lead to overheating of the car.

The fact is that the electric cooling fan transfers cold air from the street to the engine, which passes through the cooling radiator. The fan cools the engine when your car is not moving at high speed, helping to cool the engine.

To check the cooling fan contact, remove the wiring harness that powers the fan. Using two wires, power the fan directly from the battery. If the problem with the fan is in the wiring harness, the fan will work.

If your car does not have a radiator sensor, then this test method may not be suitable. Then, by removing the electrical connector from the fan, you can close the contacts of the fan connector. If it is working properly, the fan will work.

— The fan switch sensor is faulty

Many cars have a temperature sensor that turns on the cooling fan once the coolant reaches a certain temperature.

In order to check the serviceability of the sensor, it is also necessary to remove the wiring harness feeding the fan and close the fan contacts. If the fan is in good condition, it will start working.

The main reasons for tripling

If you say that your engine is not working, many will answer: the cylinder is not working. But this argument is not entirely correct, since the cylinder stops working normally. However, there may be several reasons for this:

  • The valves are not suitable due to a long lack of adjustment;
  • The ignition coil is faulty;
  • The injectors are dirty or overfilled and must be replaced;
  • The oxygen sensor stopped working;
  • The air filter is broken or dirty.
  • Broken ECU (electronic control unit);
  • Compression in cylinders is too low;
  • The spark plug is faulty or partially does not perform its function;
  • The timing belt has come off or some links have simply slipped off;
  • The high-voltage spark plug wire is damaged;
  • DPKV (crankshaft position sensor) does not work);

How does the engine warm up?

Each serviceable unit has a different warm-up time. It is influenced by:

  • degree of forcing;
  • engine type: diesel or gasoline;
  • cooling system condition;
  • stove operation;
  • quality of antifreeze or antifreeze;
  • work load;
  • outside air temperature;
  • type and viscosity of engine oil.

The characteristics of the oil are rarely taken into account, but experts believe that this is necessary. Various friction reducing additives and the base stock, synthetic or semi-synthetic, affect the performance in the range of 5–7 degrees. Thus, the engine will heat up faster with thinner synthetic oil.

The engine temperature gauge does not rise often due to a malfunction of the thermostat. It is with this unit that the system check always begins if the engine takes a long time to warm up to operating temperature.

What to do if your car overheats in a traffic jam

When a car is driven for a long time in a lower gear, the engine operates with increased power, which in itself leads to overheating. To this should be added the lack of counterflow of air necessary to cool the radiator. What to do?

The main thing is not to panic. Brief overheating isn't a big deal, but if you see that your car isn't cooling down, it's time to take action.

Important: do not turn off the engine unless absolutely necessary. That's right - no extremes. A stalled and overheated engine is an almost 100% guarantee of repair. It would take quite a long time to describe what is happening in the engine in this case (rotating the liners along with the crankshaft, the next time you start the engine - the least possible problem), take it on faith.

Important: Do not attempt to pour water on the engine or pour cold water into the radiator. There is only one result: repair. Additionally, you may be working so hard that you can't help but replace the block and cylinder head. Another “charm” of cold water is microcracks inside the block. Finding and fixing it will be very, very difficult, if not impossible. The car is overheated, try stopping. If it doesn't work, don't panic and don't pay attention to others, it's important to preserve the engine. We stopped at idle, turned on the heater at full power and began to wait. If the situation does not improve after 5-10 minutes, turn off the engine.

It’s a good idea to open the hood; the main thing is not to forget to put the parking brake on the car in a panic. The only reason to stop the engine immediately is if there is a puff of steam coming from under the hood. Most likely, the cooling pipe has burst, and further operation of the engine will only worsen the situation.

So, the engine overheats, if you look closely. Now you know why the engine overheats and how to deal with it.

With the onset of warm weather, many drivers are faced with a malfunction of the VAZ cooling system with a very hot VAZ 2114 engine. There are several reasons for engine overheating. You need to understand the reasons and learn how to deal with overheating.

see also

Comments 24

I changed the thermostat over the weekend: it turned out to be the reason. The operating temperature dropped to 92. Happy

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