Reasons why the VAZ 2110 gets hot - ways to solve this problem

If you have owned your car for a long time, then you have probably had problems with engine overheating. On the VAZ 2110-2112 such problems are no exception. Of course, when the car is fairly fresh, such problems are rare, but when years and high mileage take their toll, you have to solve the problems that have arisen, that is, eliminate the malfunction.

The cooling system of VAZ 2110 and 2112 cars is practically no different from most domestically produced models, so the problems are often very similar, and so are the methods for solving them.

Common Causes

As you know, the VAZ 2110 is equipped with two types of engines - with 8 and 16 valves. There are several main, most common reasons that cause this overheating of power units.

  1. Low coolant level in the system
  2. Failed thermostat
  3. Faulty radiator cooling fan
  4. Failed power unit temperature sensor, etc.

Let's look at each of the reasons and ways to resolve these problems separately.

Tens engine

Low coolant level

Coolant plays a huge role in the operation of the cooling system. A special substance, namely antifreeze or antifreeze, is poured into the expansion tank.

Related material:

— Replacement of coolant VAZ 2110

In a normal situation, the level of the coolant solution should be at the level of, or rather the MAX marks on the tank body. This indicates that the container is approximately 50-60 percent full.

If there is no such mark on the tank, refer to the clamp. The liquid should reach its upper edge.

  1. If the engine overheats, try simply adding the missing amount of coolant so that it is at the optimal filling level.
  2. If you have not changed the coolant for a long time, it is better not to add new coolant, but simply replace it completely with new coolant.
  3. When choosing between antifreeze and antifreeze, most VAZ 2110 owners prefer the first. And mainly due to the financial availability of antifreeze. But in practice, antifreeze is better . One of its most important advantages is that the substance does not freeze in severe frosts. For individual regions of our country, this is a key factor in the choice of coolant.


Another reason for engine overheating is a stuck thermostat valve. If it remains in the closed position and does not open, the coolant will move only along a small circuit. As a result, this will lead to strong heating of the power plant. Overheating itself threatens with very, very serious consequences.

Such a malfunction can manifest itself at the most inopportune moment - on the road. You are unlikely to be able to carry out high-quality repairs on the side of the road. But you can try one method - knock on the thermostat housing. Often this allows you to return the device to its functionality for a while. This way you can get to your own garage or the nearest service station. There the thermostat has already been replaced with a new one. There is no point in repairing it. If he failed once, the situation will certainly repeat itself soon.

Related material:

— Replacing the thermostat on a VAZ 2110, how to check and which one is better to install

Thermostat in the engine

temperature sensor

A temperature sensor is necessary in order to respond to changes in engine heating. When a preset point is reached, the sensor is triggered and turns on the cooling fan.

If this device malfunctions, the power unit overheats because the fan does not activate. Consequently, the temperature does not fall below critical levels, but continues to gradually rise.

Related material:

— Coolant temperature indicator sensor for VAZ 2110

If you encounter such a problem on the road (most often the engine overheats when you are in traffic jams, since the engine is running and there is no flow of cooling oncoming air), try to get out of the jam as quickly as possible and find a free section of the road.

Accelerate during the free stretch and then begin engine braking. This will lower the temperature and prevent overheating. Under no circumstances should you regularly operate your car this way. But this is a great way to get to a garage or auto repair shop, determine the cause of the sensor failure, and then replace it.

Cooling Fan

The symptoms of fan malfunctions are similar to a non-working temperature sensor. That is, the engine will heat up, the indicator on the dashboard will be in the red zone.

Related material:

— VAZ 2110 cooling fan does not work

Again, while on the road, we recommend using the engine braking method. Next, head to the garage. Let the car cool down. In the meantime, go to the store for a new fan. This device for the VAZ 2110 costs about 600 rubles.

Fan problems

Other reasons

There are other equally popular reasons for engine overheating. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with all of them in our table.

Cause of overheating Remedy
Coolant level too low Add coolant to the required level, following the marks or clamp on the expansion tank
The radiator is clogged or blocked Flush the radiator. If this does not help, the unit must be replaced
The cooling system pump has failed (the impeller slips on its internal shaft) It's best to replace the pump
The oil level in the lubrication system is critical Add oil to the required level. If it is old, change the oil
The ignition timing is incorrectly set Perform torque adjustment
The thermostat has failed Replace the device with a similar new one
The cooling fan motor has failed It can be repaired, but it is better to install a new motor

When faced with such a phenomenon as engine overheating, do not rush to send your VAZ 2110 for repair to a car service center. You can find many causes of overheating with your own hands and deal with them yourself. Service station services are not cheap these days, unfortunately.

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Antifreeze is boiling in the expansion tank

Why does antifreeze boil? This question is asked by many motorists who have encountered this phenomenon while driving a car. There are many reasons why antifreeze can boil, as well as ways to eliminate them.

  • Cause 1. The coolant level in the expansion tank is too low. This happens if antifreeze was poured in insufficient quantities. Its level should be between the “min” and “max” marks on the tank body. However, it is also possible that there is a coolant leak, which can be anywhere. After eliminating the leak, simply pour the missing amount of antifreeze into the tank.

A leaky system can also cause boiling, since there is no normal pressure in the cooling system. Therefore, it is imperative to eliminate leaks and any other damage in the cooling system. The exception is the expansion tank cap. The holes in it are designed to release excess pressure so that the tank does not burst.

Video - Why does antifreeze press into the expansion tank?

  • Reason 2: The engine cooling fan does not work. This is especially true for modern cars that are equipped with electric cooling fans. The essence of the operation of this device is extremely simple: when the antifreeze reaches a certain temperature, the temperature sensor is activated and closes the circuit for turning on the electric fan. As it cools, the temperature drops and the sensor turns off, opening the fan circuit. Thus, the cooling process is automated, which can be disrupted by two factors: breakdown of the fan motor and failure of the sensor itself.

To diagnose this malfunction, you can do the following test: as soon as the coolant temperature reaches above 100 degrees, pay attention to the condition of the fan. If it doesn't work, first check if it works. To do this, short-circuit both wires that connect to the fan sensor and if the fan does not start rotating, it means that the breakdown has affected the electric motor. In this case, you can replace only the motor or the entire fan.

If the fan works, then the failure lies in the temperature sensor. Drain the antifreeze and replace the sensor with a new one.

  • Reason 3. Formation of an air lock in the cooling system. An air bubble in the cooling system interferes with the normal circulation of coolant. An air lock is a common occurrence and occurs after replacing antifreeze. To remove it from the front to the top, unscrew the radiator cap and start the engine. Ask an assistant to vigorously press the gas pedal, while you yourself, at this time, press the cooling system pipes until the bubbles appearing in the radiator disappear. After this, tighten the plug and add coolant to the nominal levels.
  • Reason 4. Low quality coolant. It is the most common problem of drivers who “save” on antifreeze. The fact is that low-quality antifreeze, purchased from an unscrupulous manufacturer at a low price, is diluted with water. And since the boiling point of water is lower than that of antifreeze, this means that there is a risk of boiling. This happens especially often when the engine is stopped.
  • Reason 5: Cylinder head gasket. A burnt-out gasket also often causes antifreeze to boil, as it breaks the tightness of the cooling system. To determine its malfunction, you can start the engine and ask an assistant to slowly move under load. If air bubbles appear in the tank, this is a clear sign of a faulty gasket, which can only be replaced. There may also be coolant residues in the vehicle exhaust. At the same time, the antifreeze level is significantly reduced.
  • Cause 6. Other cooling system problems. These include: a water pump from another manufacturer, increased contamination of the radiator and lack of normal air flow. The last malfunction is often found in fans installed on the water pump. If you use such a fan without a special casing, it will blow hot air that is collected from the engine compartment. Therefore, the use of a casing on such a fan is mandatory.

In the case of a water pump from another manufacturer, its blades may be noticeably smaller than normal, which is why there is a lack of pressure in the system. It just needs to be replaced, however, diagnosing such a malfunction is quite problematic.

If the radiator is very dirty, wash it with a stream of water under high pressure. This procedure has a noticeable and positive effect on the engine cooling process.

  • Reason 7: Thermostat malfunction. The thermostat, at a temperature of approximately 90 degrees, opens the valve and “passes” coolant to a large circle of the cooling system. It happens that the valve simply does not open and the liquid moves only in a small circle, which causes boiling. Diagnosis of such a malfunction is made by measuring the temperature of the large circle pipes. If they are cold, then the fault has indeed affected the thermostat and it needs to be replaced.
  • Reason 8. It's time to change the antifreeze. This is the safest reason for boiling. The fact is that antifreeze tends to change its chemical composition during prolonged use, which certainly leads to a change in its boiling point, as well as a deterioration in its cooling properties. In this case, it just needs to be replaced.

Diagnostics using ODB-2 scanner

The general technical condition of the car can always be checked using a personal diagnostic car scanner. Of the options available on the market, we recommend paying attention to the Korean-made scanner Scan Tool Pro Black Edition. This model is perfectly compatible with most domestic and foreign cars.

A special feature of the device is comprehensive car diagnostics. Unlike analogues, this auto scanner is capable of diagnosing not only the engine, but also ABS, gearbox, transmission, airbag, air conditioning system, etc. The device is also great when used as an on-board computer: in real time it displays speed, revolutions, readings from all available sensors, oil pressure, temperature and much more.

VAZ engine overheating. Causes and consequences

Hello dear readers!

Many car enthusiasts understand: if the engine overheats, nothing good can happen.

Let's figure out what can happen when overheating and why the car overheated, using the VAZ 2110 as an example.

In principle, I do not repair domestic cars, except when friends ask. So it was actually my friends who came to me with this problem. They say it was overheated, the coolant went into the oil, and an emulsion appeared on the oil filler cap. We unscrew the spark plugs and see the presence of coolant in cylinder 3. There is nowhere to go, you need to remove the cylinder head.

They removed and checked the cylinder head, the curve (more than 2 dozen). We send it for milling, and in the meantime we begin to find the cause of overheating. Checked the thermostat - working. We noticed that the radiator was completely clogged - we cleaned it. And they made the assumption that the overheating was due to a clogged radiator.

We take the cylinder head from the milling machine, wash it, install it, change the oil and filter and bleed the cooling system. But that was not the case. It gets hot and doesn't pump. We notice that there is no movement of coolant and we decide to remove the pump (coolant pump).

I assumed that the impeller had turned or the blades had rotted. But what was my surprise when we didn’t find the impeller at all! It was at night, fortunately VAZ was full of spare parts and there were 24-hour stores too.

As a result, the pump is replaced and the car is ready for battle.

Thank you for your attention, have a nice day!


Consequences of untimely elimination of defects

Not all drivers realize the consequences of engine overheating and continue driving with a constantly running fan or frequent overheating. Thus, the consequences of strong engine heating are divided into 3 stages, which should be considered separately.

Slight overheating

If the engine overheats for up to 10 minutes, the consequences may be minor. Thus, cracks will appear in the pipes of the cooling system, the temperature sensor will fail, the oil scraper rings will be deformed, the valve seals and the camshaft will melt. Additionally, the valves burn out and oil enters the combustion chambers, which will be indicated by the release of black smoke from the exhaust system.

Consequences of slight overheating, namely valve burnout.

Significant overheating

With significant overheating, deformation occurs, or rather deflection of the cylinder head. To eliminate these consequences, you will need to disassemble the cylinder head and give it a groove on the surface. Thus, it turns out that the block head needs to be modified.

Burnout of the piston assembly due to significant overheating Measuring the cylinder head deflection using a ruler

Severe overheating

With severe overheating, the walls of the cylinder block are deformed and burnt, which causes the piston assembly to melt, the connecting rods to become deformed, or even the crankshaft to break. Consequently, the engine cannot be repaired, since usually the walls of the power unit are destroyed and their restoration is impossible.

Burnout and deformation of pistons after severe overheating Melting of the walls of the cylinder block after overheating

The engine of a VAZ 2110 is overheating and what should I do?

VAZ 2110 marked the beginning of a whole family of cars. Some of them are still in production today. This model range is characterized by high reliability and relative simplicity of execution, which is one of the main reasons for the high popularity of the car. However, long-term operation has revealed a number of significant shortcomings. One of them is the cooling system.

It works great on a relatively new car, however, as soon as the service life exceeds 10 years, malfunctions appear in its operation. They ultimately manifest themselves in the same way. The arrow of the device indicating the temperature invariably creeps up. There may be several reasons why the VAZ 2110 engine heats up, and this problem requires detailed consideration.

Car cooling system

The cooling system is made according to the classical design. The coolant circulates in large and small circles. Its transition from one circle to another is carried out automatically using a thermostat. The antifreeze is cooled in a radiator, which is made of aluminum for better heat transfer.

To prevent engine overheating during long-term operation in low gears, the car is equipped with a fan that turns on automatically when the temperature reaches a certain value. The main causes of malfunction of the VAZ 2110 car:

  • thermostat failure;
  • the fan does not work;
  • airlock;
  • coolant level is low;
  • dirty engine surface.

Any of these reasons may cause the engine to become very hot. As a result, the machine will lose a significant part of its power.

Pump malfunction

  1. If the pump malfunctions, the coolant stops circulating through the cooling system, therefore the liquid does not pass in a large circle and is not cooled.

If you own a VAZ 2110 or a similar domestically produced car, then you can write below in the comments about the problems that you have encountered, and perhaps this will help to more fully answer the question: “Why does the VAZ 2110 get hot?”

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What not to do when the engine is boiling

After stopping and opening the hood, many drivers try to eliminate the causes of boiling, not always understanding the process.

Under no circumstances should you open the cap of the expansion tank or radiator . When boiling, that is, significant expansion of the coolant and its transition to a gaseous state, the pressure in the system rises sharply. Opening the plug provokes the release of a significant amount of hot coolant - burns to your hands and face are almost inevitable! At the same time, it is worth taking into account a technical point - liquid leaves, which is designed to equalize the temperature, reducing it in the hottest places.

Do not pour water on a hot engine . A sharp change in temperature can lead to microcracks, which will manifest themselves later, and to cracking of metal parts. But to speed up the cooling process, you can water the radiator.

Thermostat and fan malfunctions

A symptom of a faulty thermostat is a sudden increase in temperature for no apparent reason. That is, the car engine was operating in normal mode, there was no long standing in traffic jams or driving in first gear, and the instrument needle was close to the critical mark. Why is this happening? The fact is that, as a rule, the thermostat gets stuck in the closed position.

In this case, the liquid continues to circulate bypassing the radiator, which is not enough to cool the engine. Determining whether the thermostat is really at fault is very simple. It is necessary to warm up the engine to a temperature of 90 °C. Now you should evaluate the temperature of the pipe that goes to the radiator. If it is cold, the thermostat must be replaced.

Unlike the previous case, engine overheating is preceded by prolonged operation in low gears. In this mode, the VAZ 2110 radiator does not have sufficient airflow and when the temperature reaches 95 ° C, a sensor is triggered that turns on the fan. If this does not happen, engine overheating is inevitable. Such damage is complicated by the fact that faults, in addition to the fan itself, can occur in its power supply circuit.

As a special case, a blown fuse should be mentioned. In addition, the sensor itself may fail. This is why it is so important to correctly identify the faulty unit. You can do this as follows. It is necessary to close the contacts of the sensor; it is installed on the radiator. Be careful when performing this operation. The engine must be turned off and the ignition turned on.

If the fan motor starts to spin when the contacts are closed, the sensor is faulty. If not, then the problem may be in the fuse and you need to check it. If it is in good working order, further repairs require skills and the presence of a special device, so it is better to contact a specialist.

How to fix the problem

The logical solution to the problem, in this case, is to replace either the thermostat itself or the component thermoelement. Both options are quite cheap, since we are talking about a domestic manufacturer, there is no need to buy any analogues. This procedure can easily be carried out independently, but if you do not know the technical component of the VAZ-2110, it is still better to contact specialists at service stations. The most important thing is to first drain all the antifreeze in the system.

As a result of the replacement, the car’s instrument scale should show an engine temperature of at least 90 degrees after 20-30 minutes of warming up or 10-15 minutes of driving without prior waiting. The thermostat scale must be monitored periodically, at least once every 15 minutes of travel. A quick glance is enough to ensure that the engine temperature is within the required range, which will automatically indicate the integrity and suitability of the thermostat itself.

Long warm-up can also be a consequence of incorrectly selected antifreeze for the cooling system, but such cases, as practice shows, are rare.

Air lock and coolant level

In this case, overheating is preceded by some action with the coolant. This could be draining it for repairs or completely replacing it. An air lock formed in the system prevents normal circulation.

You can try to get rid of it by slightly raising the front wheels of the car. To do this, the car must be placed on a hill, after which it must be allowed to idle. If this does not help, then you need to do the following:

  • remove the return pipe from the throttle assembly;
  • it is necessary to fill the reservoir with coolant;
  • start the engine and wait until antifreeze runs out of the remote control fitting, then plug it with your finger;
  • Now you need to wait until the liquid comes out of the hose, and then put it in place.

Here it is appropriate to say one more thing. The systematic formation of air jams can be associated with a very unpleasant malfunction - damage to the cylinder head gasket. But this requires the intervention of specialists and can seriously hit the wallet.

Overheating of the VAZ 2110 engine can be caused by a lack of coolant. This can happen for natural reasons, due to its evaporation or, more often, in the event of a leak. Over time, the tightness of the seals is broken and rubber parts lose their elasticity. All this leads to antifreeze leakage. If the problem is not corrected in time, it can lead to serious damage to the power unit.

A dirty surface is a common cause of engine overheating. It's no secret that power units whose mileage has exceeded 200,000 km are usually covered with an oil film on which a thick layer of dust settles. This impairs engine cooling by air flows that circulate in the engine compartment.

To exclude such a development of events, it is necessary to carefully seal all connections of the power unit. In addition, you need to systematically remove oil stains from it. In addition to the engine, the radiator itself may become dirty. This, naturally, will also worsen cooling, and the motor may begin to get very hot. In this case, it is necessary to carefully blow out the radiator with a compressor.

The engine of the VAZ 2110 car has a simple design and a long service life. However, we must not forget that for normal operation it requires appropriate care and systematic maintenance.


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The VAZ 2110 engine is overheating, what should I do? - Automotive.

Let's look at why the VAZ 2110 engine heats up. The point is. When the VAZ 2110 engine operates in normal mode, the cooling system.

The pressure in the VAZ 2114 cooling system is regulated by a valve in the coolant tank cap. If the valve is faulty, excess pressure is not relieved, which leads to poor circulation and overheating. A deformed tank, “wooden” coolant pipes and the constant formation of leaks indicate the need to replace the coolant tank cap.

The radiator can be clogged from the outside and inside. External contamination is associated with dust and other debris, as well as insects, entering the honeycombs. This worsens heat transfer and is manifested by frequent operation of the fan and a long operating time.

Clogged engine radiator honeycomb

A good high pressure washer solves the problem. If the radiator has been in use for a long time, the car cools and heats up worse due to deformation of the honeycombs. You can “cure” this problem by replacing the radiator.

The radiator rarely clogs from the inside. This usually occurs due to poor quality antifreeze, driving on water, or as a “side effect” of radiator sealants. The presence of this problem is indicated by the coolant: it becomes cloudy, oil stains and solid particles are visible in it. Flushing the cooling system of the VAZ 2114 is carried out by completely draining the antifreeze with distilled water with the addition of radiator cleaning agents.

According to statistics, three-quarters of the answers to the question why the engine of the “four” heats up are associated with one of the malfunctions listed above. You can diagnose and eliminate them yourself without involving the services of a car service. If none of the above methods solves the problem, it is better to contact a specialist for diagnosis.

Other reasons for overheating of the VAZ-2114:

  • dashboard malfunction;
  • pump malfunction;
  • Leaking cylinder head gasket.


From time to time, you should prevent engine overheating in order to avoid unpleasant situations in the future. In terms of costs, this costs little money, but in the end it can save the engine from breakdown. You can identify the “weak link” by eliminating, gradually checking suspicious parts for malfunction.

In addition, overheating of the engine can occur if the wrong mode of operation of the motor is selected. For example, if you constantly drive only in lower gears and at high speeds, then the likelihood of the engine boiling increases, especially if there are deviations in the operation of the cooling system. In the cold season, some errors are not affected by low temperatures, but this does not mean that engines boil only in the summer.

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What not to do when the engine is boiling

There are a number of strict rules that limit the driver’s actions during a situation when antifreeze boils in the radiator, expansion tank or other element of the cooling system. These rules are designed to protect human health from causing serious injury, and to minimize material losses that may arise in the described situation.

  1. Do not load the engine (do not accelerate, but instead you need to reduce the speed to idle as much as possible, usually around 1000 rpm).
  2. Do not stop abruptly and turn off the engine, thinking that the engine will stop boiling; on the contrary, everything will only get worse.
  3. Do not touch hot parts in the engine compartment!
  4. While steam is coming from under the cap of the expansion tank or other unit and while the antifreeze is bubbling in the system, you should absolutely not open the cap of the expansion tank! This can only be done after the time specified above has passed.
  5. Do not pour cold water on the engine! You need to wait for the engine to cool down on its own.
  6. After the engine has cooled down and new antifreeze has been added, you should not drive after the temperature reaches more than +90 degrees.

Compliance with these simple rules will ensure the safety of the driver, and also minimize the degree of breakdown and, consequently, possible material costs.

Insufficient coolant level

In the expansion tank of your car, the level of coolant should be almost equal to the half of the tank. If you look at the mark, it turns out to be the top mark on the tank body with the MAX mark. If there is no such mark, then most likely it will be located along the upper edge of the clamp.

If necessary, add antifreeze or antifreeze to the required level. It is worth noting another fact that in winter, if its level is insufficient, the stove may not work efficiently, that is, the air will not blow as hot as during normal operation of the heater.

We'll weed out the breakdown

On a VAZ-2110, the temperature indicator on the instrument panel often overestimates the data. It can be up to + 15° C. We already wrote about this in the material: At what temperature does the fan on the VAZ-2110 turn on.

Temperature readings are too high by 10 degrees.

Let's assume that the engine is actually heating up. It may be boiling, or constantly in the red mark. That is, when the cooling fan is activated, the temperature will not drop!

There are almost 100 degrees on the panel, and the fan should turn on, but on the ECU it is 90, as it should be.

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