Wipers squeak: causes and solutions to the problem

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Issues discussed in the material:

  • Why can wipers squeak?
  • How to determine the cause of squeaking wipers
  • How to get rid of squeaking wipers
  • What are the mistakes of car owners that lead to squeaking wipers?

When weather conditions deteriorate and raindrops or snowflakes settle on the windshield, this primarily affects the quality of the view, worsening visibility. In such cases, the driver is helped out by the windshield wiper. The wipers have several operating modes, so they easily provide good visibility to the driver in all situations. But many motorists have encountered such a problem as squeaking windshield wiper blades at least once in their lives.

Of course, it’s not that difficult to withstand an unpleasant sound for a short trip, but what about those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel and hear this squeak every day? It is possible to cope with the problem. First of all, it is necessary to determine the reason why the wipers squeak, and only after that begin to troubleshoot the problem.

The main types of wipers for cars

Today, drivers do not face the problem of a shortage of this product. Specialized stores offer a wide selection of windshield wipers from different brands, so every customer can find a product of the desired quality at an affordable price. In general, brushes can be divided into 4 categories - frame, frameless, hybrid and winter. Let's talk about each type in more detail.

  • Frame wipers.
    Frame (or otherwise summer) wipers are a classic and also the most common model of windshield wipers. The design is a system of “rocker arms” with hinges, due to which the rubber band fits tightly to the convex glass surface and allows it to be perfectly cleaned of dirt.

    Until 2000, the axle hinges of the classic model were made of metal, but this material did not live up to expectations at all - it froze easily and wore out very quickly. Therefore, technology using metal structures is completely outdated today.

    Now the bushings and axles of the frame wiper are made only of plastic. This is why modern wipers are less susceptible to icing. At the same time, it is much easier to clear ice from them than from metal models. But all of these positive aspects are not applicable to some frame products. If you purchased a cheap windshield wiper, then most likely it is made of low-quality materials. The rubber band may not adhere well to the windshield. In this case, it is not surprising that cheap - even new - wipers squeak.

  • Frameless wipers.
    The design of the frameless model is represented by a rubber-plastic body, which has a streamlined shape. Two thin metal plates are poured into the body itself, and a rubber “blade” is installed between them. It is responsible for cleaning the glass surface. Frameless wipers have plastic plugs on both sides. In the center of the structure there is a tip for attaching to a leash.

    This model is even less susceptible to icing than the previous one, since it is not equipped with hinges (they are the ones that wear out the fastest due to ice). Due to their shape, frameless windshield wipers have higher aerodynamic characteristics. The wipers do not warp and move across the surface of the windshield almost silently. There is another significant advantage - if you remove the plugs, you can easily replace the rubber blade. And this significantly saves the car owner’s time and money.

    Perhaps the only drawback of the frameless model is that it is not universal. That is, these wipers are designed only for a number of specific cars.

  • Hybrid wipers.
    The visual difference between hybrid wipers and classic ones is the very small height of the frame. Due to the compactness of the latter, the designers easily fit it under a small fairing casing. This type of windshield wipers also has the advantage of frameless models, namely the effect of an aerodynamic wing, due to which the force of pressure of the blades on the glass surface increases.

    The hybrid model has an improved hinge frame, so the rubber bands fit as tightly as possible to the windshield glass, which is especially important for cars with non-standard, highly convex windows. Of course, the price of a hybrid windshield wiper is quite high, but this product is worth the money spent, as it provides high quality cleaning and guarantees a long service life.

    The high quality of the product is due to the use of improved materials, for example, the insert is made of high-density natural rubber. It is resistant to high-intensity friction, light and high humidity. Therefore, the hybrid model retains the elasticity, resilience and shape of the blades for a long time. The undeniable advantages of this type of windshield wipers are durability and seasonal versatility. The only drawback is the high cost of the product.

Quality products

specializes in the production and sale of PMS brand silicone liquids. A high-quality product suitable for treating rubber seals of car wipers, restoring their elasticity, protecting them from freezing and drying out. Additionally, silicone-based lubricant is used for a cosmetic effect on car wheels and tires, processing plastic and metal surfaces, and door seals. The paste-like consistency of the oil simplifies the process of its application. A composition that does not support combustion can be used to treat heating and rubbing elements. An absolutely safe and inert substance is approved for use on Russian and foreign-made vehicles.

Why do the wipers squeak?

In general, a windshield wiper is a very simple mechanism that does not require specialized care. Therefore, if the wipers squeak on the windshield, it is necessary to find the reason that caused the defect to appear. There may be one or several explanations for this, for example:

  • Poor manufacturing quality of the windshield wiper (for example, materials that were not very suitable for cleaning glass were used).
  • Incorrect wiper installation. A squeak occurs if the wiper is not securely fastened or the grooves were not cleared of dust and debris before installation. In this case, dirt does not allow the rubber blade to adhere tightly to the glass.
  • Incorrect angle of cleaning rubber band. It is important to install the wipers so that the blade angle is exactly 90°. The slightest deviation in any direction causes the wiper blades to creak or start knocking.
  • Long period of operation. When the cleaning tape fails, it is quite possible that it will begin to produce squeaking sounds during operation. In this case, you should replace the blade (if the model provides for this manipulation) or completely replace the wipers.

  • Presence of microcracks or scratches on the glass. In contact with them, the part “gets stuck,” which disrupts the smooth movement of the wiper and reduces its functionality.
  • The fastening mechanism is not latched. If you carried out the installation in a hurry, then it is quite possible that you did not fully secure the product.

In general, the main reason why wiper blades squeak is when they are installed on dirty glass. It is also worth checking whether the windshield wipers squeak on wet glass - or only when driving on dry glass? In the second case, everything is in order, the creaking on a dry surface occurs due to friction.

Unfortunately, there are more serious reasons for squeaking:

  • Damage to the brush drive mechanism. Lift and turn on the windshield wiper - if there is no squeaking in this position, then the reason is not a malfunction of the drive. If the wiper trapeze creaks, then you need to lubricate the bushings or replace the entire part.
  • Defective brushes. If the rubber blades are worn out and damaged, they should be replaced. Experts recommend not saving money and purchasing proven and reliable rubber bands for brushes with good characteristics. In this case, the proverb that the miser pays twice perfectly illustrates the situation. To avoid constantly spending money on cheap but low-quality products, it is better to buy one expensive one and forget about the problem for a long time.
  • The spring in the holder has stretched and no longer performs its function properly, so the degree of pressure of the brushes on the glass surface is significantly reduced.
  • The axle bushing on which the holder is fixed has become unusable.

Obviously, the majority of problems are easily resolved by replacing worn or defective parts. Although in some cases you can deal with squeaking using simple manipulations.

Alternative methods to resolve the issue

Any part that operates under load loses its performance properties after a certain period of time. This fact is no exception for car wipers. In this regard, the problem can be solved using the following options.

Option 1

Having exhausted a certain resource, the spring of the device becomes less elastic. Drivers need to take into account that this may be caused by prolonged and frequent deflections of the lever. Some car enthusiasts practice this technique in winter to prevent rubber parts from freezing to the glass.

The consequence will be a loose fit and a characteristic unpleasant sound. The issue is resolved by simply replacing the holder.


When the car windshield wiper blades squeak and it is not clear what to do, all that remains is to pay attention to the angle of attack of the rubber blade. It happens that the entire wiper is “piled up” on one side and the rubber band is not able to “roll over” when moving in the opposite direction. In this case, the device does not wipe off the water, but moves against the movement, making an unpleasant sound or jumping on the glass.

The comb should be positioned perpendicular to the glass . This is checked visually after first lifting the holder. The defect is audibly audible when the system is swung in one direction, but when it returns there is no noise.

After we have determined which direction the blade is tilted, prepare some pliers and a piece of rags. Having folded a cloth in several layers, place it on the wiper arm and use pliers to bend it in the desired direction. At the end of the repair process, check the position of the blade relative to the glass.

How to determine the cause of squeaking wipers

The operation of a working windshield wiper is absolutely uninterrupted and silent. It is very rare for wipers to squeak on a new car. But over time, with frequent use, windshield wipers may begin to squeak. Earlier in the article, we looked at various causes of squeaking, so finding out on your own what the problem is is not so difficult. You just need to apply the method of eliminating individual elements.

Before you start looking for the problem, wash your windshield thoroughly (preferably using a special car shampoo). It is very likely that the creaking problem will be resolved at this stage. Do not forget that a slight squeak when the wiper moves on a dry glass surface is absolutely normal and is not considered a defect, as it is explained by the physical law of friction.

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After the glass is washed, it is necessary to determine the source of the ear-scratching sound. Pay attention - are the brushes squeaking or is it the mechanism itself? This can be found out as follows:

  • Lift both brushes together with their holders and activate them. If the creaking does not disappear, then the problem is in the trapezoid. In this case, check the hinges for play and, if necessary, carefully lubricate the mechanism parts.
  • Turn on the windshield wipers, alternately lifting the right and left blades. Obviously, the lowered wiper squeaks on the windshield, and that’s where you need to look for the problem.
  • Lower the arms onto the glass surface, activate the mechanism and listen - if the windshield wipers squeak on the windshield only when moving in one direction, then the problem most likely is that the rubber bands do not adhere correctly to the surface.

By the way, the last of these problems is one of the most common. Very often, wipers are fixed so that the cleaning rubber blade rests on the glass at an acute angle. Therefore, at the moment of movement in one direction, the rubber band glides absolutely unhindered, but in the opposite direction it is forced to overcome strong resistance. This provokes not only creaking, but also “bouncing” of the brush. You can diagnose a “blocked” rubber band as follows:

  • lift the wipers alternately to find out which one is squeaking;
  • stop the brush holders at the moment when they take a position perpendicular to the ground on the surface of the windshield (just turn off the ignition at the right second);

  • pull the leash and see at what angle the elastic is;
  • if there is a “collapse” of the blade, then use pliers (necessarily through a cloth, so as not to damage the metal surface of the product) bend the brush holder in the desired direction;
  • activate the windshield wiper (at low speed) and check whether the wiper blades squeak after the adjustment.

Sometimes drivers fall into a stupor because they cannot understand why brand new brushes squeak. The method we described above will help them cope with the problem on their own.


Sometimes the cause of a squeak is not the wipers, but the surface of the windshield itself. If there are roughnesses on it, then this may well lead to unpleasant noise when operating the windshield wipers. Run your hand over the glass, and if you feel that it is not smooth enough, contact a specialist to polish the surface.

Analyzing the situation with raised leashes

If car wipers still squeak on the glass and it’s unclear what else to do, it’s time to examine the mechanical part of the device. To do this, raise the levers, turn on the electric drive and analyze the situation:

  • the creaking has not stopped - the brush has nothing to do with it, the drive needs to be examined;
  • the creaking has disappeared - the failure is concentrated in the design of the consumable.

Some automakers use low-quality rubber seals as waterproofing for equipment located under the cladding. The negative acoustic effect can be eliminated for a while using WD-40 or silicone grease.

There are times when the guide bushings of the assembly creak. To eliminate the damage, you will have to dismantle the trapezoid and restore the moving parts. The process is complex and lengthy. If you don’t have specific experience, then it’s better to entrust the work to specialists or completely replace the unit.

What to do when the wipers squeak on the glass

  1. "Hygienic" procedures.
    Any manipulations with wipers should begin with cleaning the latter from dirt. Lift the windshield wiper arm (WW) from the surface of the windshield so that the wipers do not touch it. Take a regular paper towel and moisten it with a little soapy water or rubbing alcohol and thoroughly wipe the rubber blades. Repeat the procedure until dirty streaks no longer appear on the towel.

    Do not deprive yourself of the design of the CO itself - wipe the levers and all moving parts of the mechanism. If dirt has accumulated in the latter for a long time, then it is likely that they may soon begin to creak.

    Chances are, cleaning your windshield wipers will take some time and require frequent replacement of towels. If paper napkins get wet quickly, use several at a time or simply replace them with a soft rag.

    If it is not possible to fix the wipers in a raised position, then simply wipe them one by one.

    Pay special attention to cleaning the windshield. For this procedure, it is recommended to use a special ammonia-free product. After applying the cleaning solution, carefully wipe the glass with a soft cloth (give preference to a material such as microfiber - it does not leave lint or dust on the surface being wiped). Wipe the windshield from top to bottom until the glass is crystal clear.

    If the glass is very dirty, you can resort to the old cleaning method using baking soda. Apply a little baking soda to a slightly damp paper towel and then wipe the glass surface from top to bottom. The effect will exceed all your expectations - the glass will simply shine.

    If the wipers start squeaking on the road, then it is likely that there will be no household products at hand that can cope with the problem. To avoid getting into a hopeless situation and save your nerves from squeaking, carry a pack of alcohol wipes in your car. Just wipe the rubber blade with them and the windshield wipers will stop squeaking.

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  2. Eliminating common causes of squeaking.
    Often the wipers squeak due to a lack of special fluid in the windshield washer reservoir. Therefore, check whether there is enough washer fluid in it and, if necessary, add the solution to a certain level. With this simple manipulation you will prepare the sprinklers to combat squeaking.

    If necessary, adjust the position of the rubber blades. The wiper blades are designed to follow the movement of the arms. Therefore, if the blades are pressed too tightly against the glass surface, then when the arms move, the brushes cannot deflect evenly in both directions. In this case, adjust the pressure force of the leads by simply moving them a little away from the windshield, and the structure will stop creaking.

    If the wipers fit too tightly against the glass, it will prevent the blades from following the arms smoothly in one direction or another. As a result, grinding and rattling occurs. Never allow the blades to “press” into the glass surface or allow the brushes to stop in a vertical position while moving across the glass.

    If the wiper blades squeak, you can try softening them. It happens that the blades have a rough texture from the very beginning or become rougher over time under the influence of environmental factors. If the service life of the windshield wipers has exceeded a year, then they simply need to be replaced. But if you just purchased new wipers, you can try to soften them using one of the specialized products:

    • "ArmorAll " The method of application is quite simple: apply a large amount of the product to a paper towel and rub the composition into the rubber blades in a circular motion.
    • Medical alcohol . Dampen a paper towel with it and wipe the rubber brushes.

  3. "WD-40". A very effective universal remedy. It should be used with caution, as too much of it can simply dry out the rubber. Spray a little WD-40 onto a paper towel, lightly rub the cleaning rubber band, and then carefully remove any excess WD-40 from the surface with a clean cloth.

  4. Adjust the locking force of the windshield wiper arm nuts. Check to see if the wipers and arms are pressed too tightly or loosely against the glass surface. Too strong or, conversely, very weak friction between the glass and the blades can cause windshield wipers to squeak and rattle.

    A wrench is used to adjust the levers. With its help, the fixing nuts are tightened clockwise or loosened in the opposite direction to create a perfect fit of the blade to the windshield. Of course, you will have to experiment a little to find the optimal setting. The location of the blades is considered correct when they stand level on the glass at rest, but at the same time move quite freely and smoothly along its surface during operation.

    Remove all films and other protective agents that increase friction from the surface of the windshield. Many popular surface products for cars (for example, Rain-X, some types of wax, etc.) cause wiper blades to squeak and rattle. You can remove the substance that causes unpleasant sounds from the glass using special polishes.

    The protective film created by using special surface treatments can increase the friction between the rubber blades and the glass surface, resulting in a squeaking sound.

  5. Replacing parts.
    If upon inspection of the structure no damaged parts were identified, then you should pay attention to the rubber inserts of the wipers. This part wears out the fastest, especially in hot climates. Solving the problem is very simple - you just need to replace the failed rubber insert.

    The longer a windshield wiper arm is in use, the higher the likelihood that it will soon lose its shape and flexibility. You should change the parts on which the wipers are attached in a timely manner so that the structure does not start to creak. Removing the lever is easy - just unscrew and remove the nut located at its base. Replace the part and tighten the nut. After these simple manipulations, you can again use a working windshield wiper.

    Don't ignore the advice about regularly replacing your wipers. Opinions differ on this issue. Some people think that it is necessary to install new accessories once every 6 months, while others believe that there is no need to do this more often than once a year. Experts recommend replacing them before the onset of a warm and humid season.

    If brand new wipers squeak, then we can talk about low quality or defective goods. Some auto stores are ready to accommodate their customers and replace low-quality products, but most often they will not accept the purchased product back from you.

    To avoid getting into such an unpleasant situation, you should initially take a responsible approach to choosing a high-quality mechanism (certified products are offered by companies such as Champion, Bosch, Valeo). But we should not forget about the huge number of fakes that have filled the market. To purchase an original product, you should contact a specialized store, where you can familiarize yourself with quality certificates, as well as receive specialist advice and a guarantee for the purchased product.

Don't know what to do when your windshield wipers squeak on the glass? Watch the video:

Mistakes by car owners that lead to squeaking wipers

Windshield wipers do not always creak due to a design defect or poor quality of the product. It happens that the driver himself is to blame for the problem, as he did not pay enough attention to caring for the equipment. We have prepared for you a list of the most common mistakes that can cause car wipers to squeak during operation:

  1. The use of compounds that make it easier to combat precipitation, for example, “Anti-rain” . Most often, such products contain a large amount of wax or components similar in properties to it. Some drivers still use the “old proven method” - they simply rub the car windshield with wax. Of course, these products really help fight rain, but they have a very bad effect on the operation of windshield wipers - the speed of sliding of the blades on the glass surface decreases sharply, and the accessory begins to creak during operation.
  2. Lack of special windshield wiper fluid. The brushes correctly fulfill their purpose and do not creak when moving across wet glass, so do not forget to periodically check the level of the washer solution. If you do not have a special product on hand, then in the summer you can fill the tank with ordinary clean water, which will make it easier for the blades to slide across the windshield.

  3. Incorrect care of the accessory . If the product began to wear out, and you did not plan to change it in the near future, then there is a great way to “patch up” the structure so that it functions well again and does not creak. The most common problem is the blade hardening or losing its elastic layer. How to lubricate the wipers so they don't squeak? Treat the rubber surface of the windshield wiper with an alcohol-based cleaner or use WD-40. But use the latter very carefully, following the instructions step by step. If the instructions are not followed, the product may cause rotting and destruction of machine parts.
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Remember that if the windshield wiper squeaks due to a defect in the movement mechanism itself, then to fix the problem, you need to carefully apply a special lubricant to all moving parts of the structure.

What can you lubricate with?

The hinges of the structures and rubber tips are lubricated. They use WD-40 for this, although it causes parts to rot if not used carefully. You can use a regular alcohol solution. Windshield wiper mechanisms are treated with grease or a similar lubricant. Any motor or transmission oil will do.

Do not use silicone compounds to lubricate rubber bands! Yes, they are able to eliminate the squeak, but the wipers will not clean the glass well, and over time, streaks will begin to form.

What to do to prevent car wipers from squeaking: 7 useful tips

Few drivers think about constant care of their windshield wipers. Most people become interested in the condition of the mechanism after the problem occurs. Therefore, you need to follow the recommended rules for operating and caring for windshield wipers in order to subsequently avoid questions such as: “The wiper blades squeak on the glass. How to get rid of the squeak? Follow our tips and everything will be fine:

  1. Use only special high-quality glass cleaning compounds. Some car enthusiasts pour dishwashing detergent diluted with water into the windshield washer reservoir. This is a bad idea, as it not only leaves streaks on the surface of the windshield, but also has a bad effect on the wipers themselves, destroying the structure.
  2. Do not allow the windshield washer reservoir to become dirty. Sand, stones and other dirt can cause damage to the spray system, windshield wipers and the windshield itself.
  3. To increase the service life of the accessory, do not forget to take care of the rubber blades. Periodically wipe them with alcohol wipes to remove dirt that interferes with the normal operation of the CO and causes it to creak.
  4. If you own special wipers with a light gray graphite coating, then also do not forget to wipe them with alcohol wipes. Do not press too hard or you may damage the cleaning coating.
  5. Choose wipers for your car model. Don’t buy “universal” options – there simply aren’t any. Before purchasing windshield wipers, study the characteristics of the products offered and write down those that are suitable for your car. An incorrectly selected accessory may become loose, not fit tightly to the glass surface, creak, or have other inconsistencies.
  6. Do not use wax or oily products on glass. Because of them, the glass surface becomes too slippery and interferes with the operation of cleaning accessories. In addition, their composition often causes rubber blades to wear out quickly and become damaged.
  7. Do not operate the windshield wipers on ice-covered glass. This can lead to mechanical damage and even tearing of the rubber blades from the brushes.

Take some time to find the reason why the structure began to creak. Remember that you should not try all the described methods in a row, without first diagnosing and identifying the problem.

Some tips and preventive measures

How to avoid squeaking windshield wiper blades:

  • choose a high-quality windshield wiper system;
  • regularly wash the windshield using special products;
  • change rubber inserts regularly (at least once a year);
  • Regularly add fluid to the windshield wiper reservoir. Creaking may occur when the glass is insufficiently wet;
  • Periodically lubricate the rubber inserts of the windshield wiper. But it should be remembered that too frequent such a procedure can lead to rotting of the rubber elements. Therefore, rubber is sometimes wiped with alcohol or special alcohol-based wipes, which gives elasticity to the product, maintaining its integrity;
  • Check the wiper fastenings regularly. Looseness or too tight mounting can cause the windshield wiper blades to squeak.

Timely measures to care for the windshield wiper ensure high-quality, silent operation of this important element of your car.

What do car owners think about windshield wipers from different companies?

  1. I liked it, but the quality has gotten worse. “I read an article last year about the results of testing different brushes, just for my “basin.” They wrote that the winner was “Champion X51E” - the simplest frame summer brushes left behind their more expensive frameless and winter “competitors”. I listened to the advice and bought it. For a year and a half they worked like clockwork, then, of course, they became worn out and began to “strip” and creak. I decided to buy the same ones again, but now it seems to me that the new ones work worse. It seems the quality has dropped. Although at this price it’s not critical.”
  2. I only order original ones.
    “There are DENSO hybrid wipers. I use it all year round and am completely satisfied with everything - they clean perfectly, without streaks, don’t creak, don’t freeze in winter, so I didn’t even bother purchasing winter windshield wipers. I would also like to say about the design - stylish, harmonious, suitable for any car. By the way, I only take originals, I always place my order online – on the official website of Japanese manufacturers.”
  3. There is one “but”.
    “I bought the “hyped” frameless HIGER. They clean super, if not for one “but”. When the driver's brush stops and goes in the opposite direction, a loud knock is heard - the blade “rolls over” to the other side. I think maybe it’s because the elastic is too soft?”
  4. I fell for the rating.
    “I looked at the rating of brushes and decided to try those that, according to experts, are the best - “Alka Winter”. I spent one winter with them with difficulty and more than once regretted my decision - they started creaking a month after installation, after two months they were already “bouncing”, the vaunted nanographite is just Chinese junk. Before that I used Lynx Winter and drove it for two winters without any complaints. I bought them again (by the way, they are two times cheaper than the “rated” ones) and I don’t want to experiment anymore - in the future I will also buy only proven options.”

  5. Better from old stock!
    “For two years – both in winter and summer – I used LYNX winter wipers (in a case). This year I bought them, but was disappointed - the covers were made thinner, the elastic band was stiffer. If you buy, take the old model, it is better. The new ones have several adapters installed, but the old ones have only one for direct fastening, so you can tell the difference without any problems.”
  6. The wipers were not to blame.
    “I installed SCT frameless frameless tires on both of my cars. I've been traveling with them for 6 months now. Some time later they began to “streak” and creak, I took a closer look and found microchips on the windshield. A week ago I changed the windshields on both cars and the wipers no longer streak. I think if there were large chips on the glass, then the rubber of the blade would not last long - on bad windshields such windshield wipers wear out quickly.”
  7. No complaints so far!
    “I know about two leading brands of wipers - Trico and Valeo. I haven’t tried the latter, but I highly recommend the former – I use it myself and have no complaints. Frameless design, rubber bands are Teflon coated, do not creak, everything is of the highest standard. Of course, they are a little expensive, but I have never regretted that I purchased them. By the way, you can install it on both right-hand and left-hand drive cars - the brush mounting design is universal!”
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  8. Don't listen to marketers!
    “All brushes, without exception, have pros and cons! But instead of creating an accessory with optimal characteristics, we are offered marketing madness - these are for winter, those are for summer, but these don’t creak! I think you can find something universal from every manufacturer. Personally, I use Valeo - and they are no worse than all the other brushes that are so praised in various reviews. They don’t creak, they clean well, I use them all year round without any problems.”

    It’s not for nothing that they say that there is no comrade according to taste and color. Everyone chooses a product for themselves according to different criteria. Although technical progress does not stand still, and the developers promise to soon introduce a completely new technology - an ultrasonic generator for cleaning glass. Well, time will tell, but for now all we can do is wait.

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