Replacing the speedometer cable for a VAZ 2107 injector. How to change speedometer cable on VAZ 2107

The drive can make noise for the following reasons:

  • the cable has a small bending radius. Here it is necessary to re-route the drive;
  • The cable sheath is damaged. In such a situation, it is necessary to replace the speedometer drive assembly.

As practice shows, the largest number of breakdowns of the VAZ-2107 speedometer are associated with its drive and can be eliminated by replacing the flexible cable. To do this you will need pliers and a screwdriver. To facilitate installation, you can use steel wire with a length of about 2 m and a cross-section of 0.5 mm. The drive is fixed in the lower part of the crankcase to the gearbox, so repairs require a lift or inspection hole.

Ignition system

As mentioned earlier, the ignition system of the VAZ 2107 car and the tachometer needle are interconnected; they cannot exist without each other. And if the arrow twitches, and all the above tips did not help, you should pay attention to the condition of the ignition elements. First of all, inspect the wires for damage or lack of contacts.

It is quite possible that there is a break inside the device itself. The photo shows a wiring diagram, study it to get an idea of ​​where the wires go and where they come from. If the power system has a carburetor and a classic ignition system is installed, then it is possible that a breakdown of the capacitor installed in the lower part of the distributor has occurred.

In most cases, the needle jumps if there is a malfunction in the ignition system. It is quite possible that the Hall sensor is malfunctioning. But in this case, unstable engine operation will be felt. If you have an injector, then you should check the condition of the engine speed sensor and all connecting wires.

Very often failures occur after the tachometer has been disassembled or replaced. If you have performed such actions, then you need to carefully check whether the device is installed correctly, is the connection made in accordance with the diagram, is the arrow at zero when the engine is stopped? It is worth noting that there is a toggle switch on the back of the device; it is designed to set the needle to zero.

But there are times when at idle the needle behaves quite well. But at speed, when the speedometer passes the mark of 80 or 100 km/h, the needle begins to twitch strongly. In this case, it is even possible that misfires may occur. This is a sign that there is a breakdown in the ignition switch and it needs to be replaced urgently. That's all that can be said about the device designed to measure crankshaft rotation speed.

Dismantling the VAZ-2107 speedometer drive

The actions are performed in the following sequence:

  • the car is installed on an inspection hole;
  • the ground wire is disconnected from the battery;
  • the instrument panel is removed;
  • the nut securing the drive to the speedometer is unscrewed and it is disconnected;
  • a wire is tied to the eye of the nut;
  • the nut securing the flexible shaft to the gearbox is unscrewed;
  • the speedometer cable is disconnected from the gearbox;
  • the drive is pulled out so that the guide wire remains in it;
  • the wire comes untied from the nut.

Speedometer device

The indicator is designed to inform the driver about the speed at which the car is moving, as well as about the daily and total mileage. All information is reflected on the dial located on the dashboard.

On vehicles with a carburetor engine, a mechanical speed meter is installed, on engines with an injector - an electric one.

The mechanical meter operates thanks to a worm gearbox and an iron cable, through which the torque of the secondary shaft is transmitted. The electric meter also uses a worm gear, only the rotations are transmitted to the speed sensor shaft. The information is displayed on the screen.

Speedometer does not work on Chevrolet Lacetti reasons, repair

There is probably not a single modern car left whose speedometer needle is driven mechanically - by a gearbox and a cable. Today, almost all speedometers and odometers are digital. In a Chevrolet Lacetti with an automatic transmission, the speedometer and odometer receive information from the automatic transmission control unit, which in turn works in tandem with the MR140 or HV240 electronic control unit. But today we will talk about malfunctions of the Chevrolet Lacetti speedometer with a manual transmission.

Why the speedometer does not work on a Chevrolet Lacetti

The speedometer is stuck at zero.

The electronic speedometer needle and the electronic odometer on the Chevrolet Lacetti tidy are directly connected to the electronic control unit and speed sensor.

The speed sensor is a rudimentary Hall sensor that rotates thanks to a gear pair - a plastic gear and a drive gear mounted on the car's differential in the gearbox housing. It's simple - the faster the gear drive pair rotates, the more potential the speedometer receives and the further the needle deviates from zero.

Drive gear pair

In the case when the speedometer does not work at all, the needle is firmly stuck to the zero mark at any speed, there is a high probability of breakage or wear of the drive gear pair.

However, there are times when the speedometer on a Chevrolet Lacetti simply incorrectly indicates the speed; instead of 120 it may show 20 km/h or the needle may move jerkily. In all these cases, it is necessary first of all to check the functionality of the device itself, but its design is quite reliable and cases of failure are extremely rare. In most situations, the reasons for refusal are more banal.

Troubleshooting algorithm

Drive gear pair on the speedometer.

First, let's look at the mechanical causes of the malfunction. If the gear pair of the speed sensor drive fails, the needle may twitch, it may work normally on a cold box, but after warming up it may malfunction. This is a sure sign that the drive gear located on the differential housing directly behind the bearing has failed, worn out or shifted.

Speedometer drive gear.

The code of the original part is 90125064, its price is in the range of 700–800 rubles.

To replace or repair a gear, it is not necessary to remove the entire gearbox. It is quite possible to get to it from under the car, but to do this you need:

  1. remove the wheel drives;
  2. unscrew the transmission sump;
    Differential tray.
  3. drain the oil;
  4. Remove the plastic mudguard from the driver's side;
    Drive pair location.
  5. Use a special key to remove the differential and replace or adjust the gear, since in some cases it simply jumps out of its seat.

At the same time, you can change the oil in the manual transmission and inspect the differential with drives. This is something that concerns mechanics, but there are several reasons for a non-working speedometer related to electrical and electronics.

Other reasons

Check the speed sensor contacts. They could have oxidized.

The most common reason in our case is oxidation of the contacts on the speed sensor.

To fix the problem, simply remove the terminal block from the sensor and clean the contacts.

The reason is a leaky connector, into which moisture gets in and the resulting corrosion of the contacts. But other wires that are connected to the sensor and the speedometer itself can also oxidize. For example, connectors C108, S202 or C202 may oxidize. To find out the state of the contacts, just test the corresponding circuit with a multimeter.

Fuse blown

Location of the fuse box under the hood.

Another common reason is the blown fuse Ef19.

Its rating is 15A, and it is located in the mounting block under the hood. The fuse is responsible for supplying power to the instrument panel.

Drive repair and replacement


To repair or replace this device, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Using a “13” wrench, you need to unscrew the bolt on the clamp that secures the exhaust pipe to the box.
  2. Then we unscrew the fastening nut of the flexible shaft, the fastening nut of the drive and the nuts with which the cross member is attached to the body.
  3. The next step is to lower the rear of the gearbox so that the studs can come out of the holes in the cross members.
  4. By moving the gearbox to the right, you can remove the device drive from its seat on the crankcase.
  5. Next, we install a new device and carry out the reverse steps for removal.

Types of drives

When purchasing a drive, you still need to be careful. It is advisable to first remove the drive and count the teeth, since their number varies.

  1. 9 teeth;
  2. 12 teeth;
  3. 13 teeth.

The installation of one or another drive depends on the installed rear axle, since they have different gear ratios. The 13 teeth are color coded blue.

If you are one hundred percent sure that the drive is faulty, then buy it. But I still recommend that you first figure out the reason why the speedometer is not working and only then make a purchase.

Photo gallery “Removing and replacing the drive cable”

The procedure consists of a sequence of actions:

  1. The negative terminal from the battery is disconnected.
  2. First you need to disassemble the device panel, or rather remove it.
  3. To disconnect the cable, you need to unscrew the fastening nut.
  4. Then a wire is screwed to its eyes.
  5. Then, having unscrewed the nut securing the cable to the gearbox, we disconnect them.
  6. When removing the cable, you should throw the wire in the car.
  7. Having untied the old cable, you need to tie a new one, lubricating it with lithol.
  8. Then, using wire, we pull the new part into the car interior.
  9. Installation is done in reverse order.

Upon completion of the repair work, you should check how the meter will work.

The speedometer on the VAZ 2110 does not work, diagnostics of the fault, replacement with your own hands

  1. Types of breakdowns
  2. Replacement nuances
  3. Replacing the speed sensor

It’s hardly worth reminding that the speedometer allows you to determine your current speed, as well as provide information about the number of kilometers traveled over a certain segment or over the entire period of operation of your VAZ 2110.

Fallen arrow

Today, most domestic “ten” cars are equipped with an electronic odometer. All sorts of malfunctions and problems happen to them, manifesting themselves in one way or another.

This is not to say that its breakdown is something very serious. But when the arrow falls down or jumps from one reading to another, although you do not change the speed, there is little pleasure in such situations. The most important thing is that you are not able to control your own speed. And this leads to unnecessary fines and more tragic consequences.

Therefore, if problems arise with the speedometer, it should be repaired or replaced.

Types of breakdowns

There are several reasons why the speedometer may stop working effectively. Let's look at them in our table.

Type of failure Remedy
Contacts have oxidized This type of malfunction is the least serious. But because of this, the arrow falls down or jumps. To eliminate the breakdown, clean the contacts from accumulated dirt
Wiring frayed The malfunction can be determined by a falling or jumping arrow after starting the engine. But it does not always appear visually. To determine chafing, the wiring is tested using a tester.
The sensor fails to work The most effective way to check is to remove the old speed sensor and replace it with a new one. If the speedometer works after this, the reason is obvious. The sensor breaks due to a violation of the seal of the housing, as a result of which moisture and dirt penetrate inside
Problem with connectors The connectors in the top ten are located in such a way that they are constantly exposed to dirt. This may cause the arrow to jump or fall down. The only measure is to check and clean the connectors
Drive wear A worn shaft is not a rare cause of speedometer failure. This problem can be called the most common when the speedometer needle is jumping. Shaft replacement will be required

Don't rush into buying a new replacement device. First, check the old speedometer for possible malfunctions, try methods for eliminating them.

Replacement nuances

Everyone knows the location of the speedometer - it is the main part of the dashboard, one of two large indicators, located next to the tachometer.

Dismantling the shield

Unfortunately, the peculiarity of repairing the speedometer on a 10 is such that it is almost impossible to purchase spare parts for this unit. Therefore, the only solution is to replace the entire shield.

The only advantage of replacing the speedometer shield is the ability to rewind the mileage traveled. So the cost of repairs can be partially offset by the fact that your odometer will show significantly less mileage than the actual mileage. And this can be used profitably when selling a car.

Replacing DS

After the diagnostics have been carried out, you find that the needle falls or constantly jumps from top to bottom due to a non-working speed sensor, then this problem can be solved with your own hands.

Removing the speed sensor

You will need special keys for this work. It is recommended to replace the speed sensor on the power unit:

  • Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery;
  • Remove the contact chips;
  • Using a key, remove the problematic speed sensor;
  • If the rod fails, you will have to dismantle the drive. Do this work very carefully and consistently.

If the abnormal behavior of the speedometer needle has led you to the need to change the entire speedometer assembly with the shield, we strongly do not recommend doing such work yourself. Only having extensive experience, a wealth of knowledge and skills gives you the opportunity to carry out such manipulations.

Video “Replacing the speedometer cable”

This video shows how to change the indicator cable on a VAZ 2107 ( the author of the video is Alexey Romanov).

Welcome! Speedometer cable - it is responsible for transmitting speed from the gearbox to the instrument panel of the car's speedometer. One end of this cable is connected to the drive gearbox, which is located on the gearbox, and the other end is connected to the speedometer mechanism itself, which in turn is located on the instrument panel.

Note! To replace the cable, you will need to stock up on the following set of tools: First, be sure to stock up on basic tools, such as a screwdriver and wrenches. Next, you will need to take pliers, and also a wire approximately 2 meters long and with a diameter of 0.2-0.5 mm to make it easier to replace the cable!


Where is the speedometer cable located? It is located near the bottom of the gearbox housing and is attached to the gearbox. For clarity, so that you have at least the slightest idea of ​​where the cable is located, look at the photo below, where the arrow indicates the cable:

When should you change the speedometer cable? It must be replaced if:

  • Failure, and therefore the speedometer will not show any values ​​on the instrument panel.
  • And also when it is deformed and when the nut that secures it to the gearbox or to the speedometer mechanism breaks.

Note! If you have a nut securing the cable to the gearbox, or to the speedometer, then the speedometer needle will jump sharply when driving!

Basic malfunctions of the speedometer drive mechanism

Structurally, the VAZ 2107 speedometer drive is a flexible metal cable, which is located in an armored braid. This braid serves as a fixed base, because the main task of the cable is rotation. When it rotates inside the braid, torque is transmitted, which is removed from the gearbox and transmitted to the speedometer sensor. To transmit rotating torque, connecting elements are also used in the braided cable design. One of these devices connects the drive to the gearbox gearbox, and the second to the speed indicator mechanism.

Knowing the structure of the drive mechanism, it is necessary to analyze its malfunctions. These malfunctions can be divided into two types:

Replacing the speedometer cable of a VAZ 2107

  • The main ones are when the speedometer completely stops working and shows information about the current speed of the car.
  • Secondary - when the speed indicator works, but at the same time makes extraneous noise.

The prerequisites for the appearance of the main types of breakdowns of the speedometer drive of the seven are as follows:

  • Malfunction of the speed dial indicator. It happens occasionally, but such a breakdown cannot be ruled out.
  • The flexible shaft has broken, in other words, the integrity of the iron cable is broken. To improve the situation, you need to change the cable.
  • Self-unscrewing of the fastening nuts that secure the ends of the drive mechanism. This damage can be removed by tightening the fixing nuts.
  • If the tips of the flexible drive are damaged - the driven and drive gears. When the speedometer on a VAZ-2107 does not work, the reasons for the breakdown may be hidden in a violation of the integrity of the tips, therefore, in the event of such a breakdown, it will be useful to replace the cable. If the speed indicator mechanism is damaged, then the last part must be replaced, but the cable may still be in good condition.
  • Flexible shaft drive malfunction. This is one of the most severe breakdowns, when the breakdown concerns not the drive, but the gearbox. If the gearbox mating socket breaks down, it will be useful to repair the device.

Also, during the use of the seven, a type of breakdown may occur, such as the appearance of extraneous noise emanating from the speed indicator. The reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • The bending radius of the cable is small, so it begins to rub very hard against the braid and creak. The damage can be corrected using the alignment method. If the device is not damaged, then it needs to be reinstalled.
  • When the braid is damaged. The prerequisite for damage is a violation of the integrity of the protection layer of the armored base. If the protective base is damaged, the drive must be replaced .

Only after a breakdown has been identified can a decision be made to fix it. Most often, the cause of speedometer malfunction is the cable, so let's look at the process of replacing it.

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