Signs of malfunction and replacement of the VAZ 2106 universal joint

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When working with a lift, it is necessary to hang the rear wheel so that the cardan drive rotates more conveniently; if the car is parked on a viewing hole, secure the wheels with wheel chocks.

  1. Lower the parking brake lever and leave the shift knob in the neutral position.

Replacing the VAZ 2106 driveshaft with your own hands

  1. Remove the nuts that secure the safety bracket to the body, remove the lock washers and flat washers, and remove the bracket.

Replacing the VAZ 2106 driveshaft with your own hands

  1. Remove the 3 mounting nuts from the bolts securing the flexible coupling to the gearbox flange.

Replacing the VAZ 2106 driveshaft with your own hands

  1. While rotating the propeller shaft, remove the flange and coupling bolts (this can only be done when the bolt is located in the upper left corner in relation to the coupling axis). If they are tight, you can use a beard.

Replacing the VAZ 2106 driveshaft with your own hands

  1. Use a screwdriver to remove the coupling from the flange and lower it.

Replacing the VAZ 2106 driveshaft with your own hands

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Signs of a problem

The need to quickly replace the driveshaft crosspiece will be signaled to you by a click (and sometimes even an outright clatter) when the car starts moving. There is no point in delaying this operation, since the worn crosspiece begins to break the eyes of the shaft and universal joint; vibrations and loads on the gearbox and axle increase, which, in turn, will lead to more serious and expensive repairs. Replacing the driveshaft crosspiece without any problems can be done in the garage with your own hands.

The sequence of repair work is as follows:

  • Diagnostics and determination that the problem lies in this particular node.
  • Purchase of necessary spare parts, preparation of tools and workplace.
  • Removing the driveshaft from the car.
  • Direct replacement of a worn part.
  • Checking the functionality, assembling and installing the cardan on the car.

The crosspiece, as an element of the cardan, connects individual parts that have special forks at their ends, where it is mounted. An unpleasant clattering sound occurs due to the wear of the bearing, resulting in the formation of a gap. At the moment of starting, the cross first overcomes this gap, and only then the force is transferred to the fork with an impact.

Getting ready for renovation

First, you need to purchase a new crosspiece, and additionally retaining rings for it, since they will also have to be replaced.

On the other hand, the use of a puller and the proposed technology itself are more related to theory, because such a method usually ends in nothing but unnecessary problems. Therefore, it is much easier and several times faster to dismantle the driveshaft. Of course, provided that you have the skills to repair it yourself, and all the bolts can be unscrewed normally.

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  • When reinstalling the elastic coupling (if it was removed during repairs), the liners 2 must coincide with groove 3 located on the flange of the front propeller shaft and groove 1 located on the flange of the secondary gearbox shaft.
  • When free, the outer diameter of the coupling increases, which is why the new coupling set includes a turnbuckle. It must be removed after completing the installation of the cardan transmission. If you still don’t have a clamp, you can use a punch to align the bolt holes in the flanges and coupling.

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Cross device

The universal joint includes:

  • two forks;
  • four spikes;
  • needle bearings;
  • retaining rings.

Geometrically, the crosspiece has perpendicular axes supported by needle-type bearings. The device is made of alloy steel, hardened and has high strength. Thanks to this, the cross is able to withstand high loads for a long time.

As the vehicle moves, the driveshaft crosspiece ensures the alignment of the rotating parts, which constantly change their position in space. In addition, the unit helps dampen dynamic vibrations.

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We change the driveshaft crosspiece for a VAZ, UAZ or GAZ

The appearance of a knock when starting to move, changing gears or sharp acceleration, as well as the appearance of noise and vibration of the machine when moving in a certain speed range, may indicate wear on the driveshaft crosspiece. Of course, these symptoms can mean not only the failure of the universal joint. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an initial diagnosis. You can read how to do this yourself here. To replace the driveshaft crosspiece you will need: 1. Driveshaft crosspiece. 2. Clamp (puller) or mandrel with a hammer for pressing and pressing needle bearings; 3. flat screwdriver; 4. round nose pliers (pliers, pliers) for removing retaining rings; 5. Wire brush; 6. vice (preferably).

In addition, socket and open-end wrenches are required to remove the driveshaft. Well, in rare cases, to remove the old crosspiece you will need... an angle grinder.

The cardan shaft crosspiece is replaced from a removed cardan. Before removing, carefully clean the parts of the universal joint from dirt. ALWAYS mark the relative positions of the parts of the universal joint with paint or a core to maintain the balancing of the shafts during assembly. After removing the shaft(s), we proceed, in fact, to removing the universal joint. Clean any dirt from the driveshaft parts, fork lugs, etc.


This will allow you to properly assemble the driveshaft later.

Remove the retaining rings (it is worth lightly hammering the needle bearing cups to make it easier to remove the rings) securing the universal joint. Press the bearings out of the forks using a clamp or install a hollow stop under the eye of the propeller shaft fork so that the cross appears as if “in weight”. Lightly tap the bearing with a hammer to knock out the bearing. Turn the driveshaft 180 degrees and remove the second needle bearing cup. Remove the hinge flange and press out the remaining bearings. In new-design hinges, it is impossible to press out the needle bearings in this way due to the increased thickness of the hinge fork. Therefore, install the driveshaft of one of the universal joint forks onto the press support. Using a special bushing using the press rod, move the other hinge fork down until it stops against the driveshaft crosspiece. Having turned the hinge fork 180°, repeat these operations, that is, move the other end of the fork down until it stops against the crosspiece. When performing these operations, the opposite bearing of the spider will partially come out of the fork hole and a bushing with a side cutout can be installed into the resulting gap between the fork and the universal joint. Having installed this bushing on the driveshaft crosspiece tenon, move the universal joint fork down until the bearing is pressed out. Using these methods, press out the other spider bearings. Before installing a new driveshaft crosspiece, it is necessary to clean the fork eyes and flange from dirt and rust. Vilyuy universal joints are filled with grease, but it is better to add a little of it to the bearing (we recommend using FIOL-2U or Litol 24). The pins on the driveshaft cross do NOT need to be lubricated. Otherwise, an air cushion will form during assembly.

Strictly follow the technology when assembling the universal joint

When pressing the bearings, pay special attention to ensure that the needles do not bite and there are no distortions. Otherwise, you will have to re-disassemble and reinstall the universal joint

It is better to press in with a vice. Do not hit with a hammer - the bearing needles may become askew, which will lead to rapid failure of the driveshaft crosspiece.

Make sure that all marks on the relative positions of the parts match. After assembly, check that the forks move without play, but still move freely

Install the cardan in place, having previously lubricated the spline joints and, again, paying attention to the marks

After replacing the driveshaft crosspiece, it is recommended to balance it.

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Purpose of the VAZ 2106 cardan cross

When a car is moving, the axles of the vehicle are not always on the same straight line. They change their position relative to each other and the distance between the axes also changes. On the VAZ 2106, as on many other cars, torque from the gearbox to the rear axle is transmitted through a cardan, at the ends of which crosspieces (hinges) are installed. They are the main link of the cardan transmission, which connects the gearbox and the drive gear of the rear axle gearbox. Another important function is assigned to the universal joint crosspiece - the ability to dampen possible deformation of the universal joint due to the constant movement of all its elements.

The VAZ 2106 cardan cross is designed to connect the rotating axles of the transmission

What are cardan crosspieces made of?

Structurally, the universal joint is made in the form of a cross-shaped part with needle bearings, seals and covers, which are fixed with a stopper.

The device of the cross: 1 - cross; 2 — boot; 3 - lip seal; 4 — needle bearing; 5 - thrust bearing; 6 — needle bearing housing (glass); 7 - retaining ring


The cross itself is a product with perpendicular axes in the form of spikes, supported by bearings. The material used to manufacture the part is high-alloy steel, which has high strength. Such properties allow the crosspiece to withstand heavy loads for a long time.


The outer part of the bearings is a glass (cup), the inner part is a spider spike. The movement of the cup around the axis of the tenon is possible thanks to the needles located between these two elements. To protect the bearing from dust and moisture, as well as to retain lubricant, boots and cuffs are used. In some designs, the end of the crosspiece tenon rests against the bottom of the cup through a special washer, which is a thrust bearing.

The crosspiece bearing consists of a cup and needles, and its inner part is the crosspiece spike


Bearing cups in the holes of forks and flanges can be fixed in different ways:

  • retaining rings (internal or external);
  • clamping strips or covers;
  • punching.

On a VAZ 2106, a retaining ring secures the bearing cup from the inside.

Signs of faulty crosspieces

The VAZ 2106 crosspiece, like any other car part, has a certain service life. Theoretically, the service life of the part is quite long, about 500 thousand km, but the real figures are 10 times less. Therefore, replacement has to be carried out after 50–70 thousand kilometers. This is due not only to the quality of the parts, but also to our roads and the intensity of vehicle operation. Lack of periodic maintenance of crosspieces only brings the need for their replacement closer. The following characteristic signs indicate that there is some problem with the hinge:

  • blows and knocks;
  • chassis vibrations;
  • squeaks when driving or accelerating.

Clicks and bumps

Often problems with crosspieces appear when the seals are damaged and dust, sand, dirt and water get inside the bearings. All these factors negatively affect the service life of the product. When the joints wear out, clicks will be heard when changing gears while moving, impacts at a speed of about 90 km/h, and a crunching or rustling sound will also appear. If metallic sounds occur, it is recommended to twist parts of the cardan, for example, by placing the car on an overpass. If large play is detected, the crosspieces will need to be replaced.

Video: play of the cardan cross

If clicks appear in the cardan area on my car, but I am sure that the crosspieces are still in good condition and should move, then, most likely, there is simply not enough lubrication in the hinges, for which they need to be injected. If clicks appear, I advise you not to delay maintenance, since the bearings will break and it will no longer be possible to do without replacing the crosspiece.


The cause of squeaks in the area of ​​the driveshaft is usually associated with souring of the crosspieces. The problem is clearly noticeable at the beginning of the movement and when driving at low speed, while the car creaks like an old cart.

The crosspiece may squeak due to lack of lubrication

The malfunction occurs when the hinges are not maintained, when the bearing simply cannot cope with its task. Sometimes, after removing the cardan, it is discovered that the crosspiece does not move in any direction at all.

Video: how the cardan cross creaks


Malfunctions in the form of vibration with the universal joints can occur when moving forward or in reverse. The problem can be present with both old bearings and new ones. In the first case, the malfunction is caused by jamming of one of the hinges. If the vibration persists after replacing the crosspiece, then a low-quality part may have been installed or the installation was performed incorrectly. The crosspiece, whether old or new, should move in any of the four directions freely and without jamming. If you have to exert little effort when moving the hinge by hand, you can lightly tap the bearing cup; it may not be seated properly.

Vibrations in the driveshaft may be due to imbalance. The reason may lie in the impact on the cardan with something hard, for example, when hitting a stone. The balancing plate could also fall off the shaft. In such situations, you will have to visit a car service to eliminate the imbalance, and possibly replace the shaft itself.

Cardan vibrations are caused not only by the failure of the crosspiece. From personal experience I can say that the problem also manifests itself when the outboard bearing breaks, when the rubber in which it is held breaks off. The vibration is heard especially clearly when reversing and when starting to move in first gear. Therefore, before you start replacing the crosspiece, it would be useful to check the driveshaft support.

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