How to remove the ignition switch on a VAZ-2107 car and replace it yourself?

02/28/2022 1,960 VAZ 2107

Author: Ivan Baranov

The starter on passenger cars of the Tolyatti Automobile Plant wears out quickly due to poor design of the unit. In case of damage, the owner of the vehicle will be able to remove the ignition switch on a VAZ 2107 independently with a minimum set of tools.


How to check the ignition switch elements for functionality?

To check functionality you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Check the operation of the locking element. To do this, you need to carry out a working cycle of the lock and make sure that the bolt extends when the key is installed at point “III”. When passing against it, the latch tongue should go inward. The rotation of the larva should occur without jamming.
  2. Try to remove the key in all positions. A working cylinder allows the key to be removed only at point “III”.
  3. Make a small stand that allows you to connect a constant 12 volt power supply to the lock. In fact, you need to connect the lock directly to a battery or other power source.
  4. Place the key in position “0” and check the presence of power at terminals 30 and 30/1. Testing is performed with a multimeter or test light.
  5. Turn the key to point “I”. Check the presence of voltage in sections of circuits 30/1NT, as well as 30/1-15.
  6. In the next position “II” the 30/50 chain is additionally ringed. The key must be held in this position as it returns under the force of the spring.
  7. At point “III” the power supply to circuits 30/1NT and 30/1 is controlled.

When is it necessary to replace the ignition switch in a car?

You have to change the lock on a VAZ 2107 in the following cases:

  1. Sticking of the key bit when installing into the cylinder or when turning. A number of owners delay the replacement by making a new key and washing the lock with WD-40.
  2. Anti-theft rod jamming in any position.
  3. If it is impossible to turn on the starter or other electrical circuits. The cause of the malfunction is a broken or burnt contact part of the wire.

What to do with blocking?

When the ignition switch is stuck in the Lock position, the operation of the mechanical lock depends on the angle of rotation of the wheels. If the steering wheel gets into the sector of action of the locking rod, the latter will lock the shaft in a certain position. As a result, it will be possible to deliver the car to the repair site only with the help of a tow truck - it will not be possible to tow it.

What actions can a driver take in such a situation:

  • overcome a jammed mechanism with patience and hard work;
  • break off the locking rod, start the engine and move to the garage;
  • remove the ignition switch by pulling the rod out of its socket.

The first method involves numerous attempts to turn the key in order to “catch” the position when the mechanism opens. Be patient, exhale and try to rotate the key head while moving the steering wheel. An aerosol lubricant like WD-40 sometimes helps to disengage jammed parts of the cylinder - blow it through the tube into the keyhole.

The first option is the only one that allows the car owner to get by with “little loss” and get to a garage or service station.
Try the method before taking drastic measures .
Let your wife twist the key - maybe she will succeed the first time. On cars where electronic starter locking is not provided, you can break off the rod by sharply turning the steering wheel, applying medium force. Then the car starts by shorting the wires or turning the released key. What are the consequences of such a barbaric method:

  • the broken rod will remain inside the steering column, where it will begin to rub, jam and wedge the shaft;
  • from excessive force, the shaft may bend and during the repair of the lock it will have to be replaced with a new one;
  • if the larva remains motionless, you will need to remove the casing, get to the contacts and find the necessary wires to start the power unit.

The complete disassembly option is suitable for all situations where the lock is jammed. The task is not an easy one - you need a tool and an understanding of how to dismantle the unit in a certain car model. The task is to get rid of the blockage and get to the contact group, whose shaft can be turned manually or with a screwdriver.

In any case, unscrew the plastic lining of the steering column and examine the fastening of the lock: you may be able to remove it. After unscrewing the nuts or screws, disconnect the housing and at the same time move the steering wheel to release the locking rod. If things go wrong, the only thing left to do is call a tow truck.

Wiring diagram for the ignition switch in a VAZ-2107 by wire color

The purpose of the wires in the carburetor lock is shown in the table:

Wire colorContact numberFunction
Blue-black (double)15Serves to connect ignition system, heater and instrument circuits
Pink30Provides constant positive voltage
Double black1NTDesigned to turn on power for side lights and headlights
Red50Starter relay control
Brown30/1Positive power supply

Wiring installation is shown in the photo:

Connection diagram for VAZ 2107 carburetor lock

On the injection VAZ 2107, pink and black insulation is used for the 1NT contact. Instead of separate wires, a plastic plug is used that fits onto the lock pins.

Wiring diagram for VAZ 2107 injector lock

How to replace the ignition switch on VAZ-2107 models with a carburetor and injector?

Replacing the ignition switch on a VAZ 2107 carburetor and injection car is identical.

The ignition switch diagram indicating the components is shown in the photo:

Node design

The ignition switch includes:

  1. Steering shaft blocking element.
  2. Case detail.
  3. Mating part for installing a leash from the larva.
  4. Contact group disk.
  5. Bushing of the contact part.
  6. External part with pins for connection. The letter “a” indicates a signal protrusion used for correct installation of the contact group.

Removing the ignition switch

Removal is carried out in the following steps:

  1. Turn off the power supply to the vehicle's on-board network by removing the battery terminal.
  2. Place the key in the hole and turn it to position “0” (the head is horizontal).
  3. Unscrew the fixing points of the plastic steering column cover. The halves of the casing are connected to each other and the dashboard using five screws.
  4. Unscrew the two screws securing the lock body. The attachment points are located on the sides of the body.
  5. Press the retainer through the hole in the housing. To do this, use a long thin awl or screwdriver. Having pressed the latch, pull the lock out from its normal place towards you.
  6. Disconnect the plug or individual wires from the lock. Next, you can begin installing a new part or further replacing contacts in the old lock.

Before removing the wiring from the ignition switch of the VAZ 2107, it is recommended to make sure that standard insulation is used. This must be done because wires can be replaced during electrical equipment repairs.

Photo gallery

Disconnecting wiring

Unscrewing the left screw

Unscrewing the right lock

Recessing the latch with a screwdriver

Checking and replacing the contact group

To change the contacts in the lock you need to:

  1. Remove the spring ring that secures the group in the lock body. The ring is pryed off with a thin screwdriver.
  2. Remove the contacts from the lock.
  3. Install a new group. When connecting, it is necessary to ensure that the groove made on the contact group coincides with the rotating rod on the secret part of the lock. The body of the contact part should fit into the slot of the body with its protrusion.

When replacing contacts, take into account the number of pins on the part. The spare parts supplied have six wiring connection points. Until 1986, a group with seven contacts was installed on VAZ 2107 cars. Instead of one pin 15, 15/1 and an additional 15/2 are used. To connect a new lock to such a car, you need to connect wires 15/1 and 15/2 into one branch.

Installation and connection of a new lock

Installation of a new or repaired lock is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Insert the key into position “0”.
  2. Press in the locking latch and insert the part into the guide housing.
  3. Install the wires using connectors or a standard plug (the connection is made in accordance with the color of the insulation).
  4. Reinstall the mounting screws.
  5. Install the protective cover.
  6. Place the terminal on the battery and test the operation of the device.

When connecting the ignition switch to a VAZ 2107, you must strictly follow the electrical diagram. An incorrect connection will result in a short circuit and damage to the electrical equipment.

For what reasons can the steering wheel lock?

The source of this problem may be one of the following reasons:

  • Driver error. The key is not firmly or not fully inserted into the ignition switch, and an attempt to turn it led to blocking, and it is no longer possible to return the key to its original position. In some car models, the lock is removed by turning the ignition switch off and on again.
  • Automatic parking. In many car models with automatic transmission, the steering wheel is locked in parking mode.
  • Incorrect operation of the gearbox limit switch.
  • Breakdown, factory defect of the ignition switch. If we are talking about an old car, there is a possibility that the elements of the mechanism are very worn out and the lock has failed. Also, a manufacturing defect cannot be ruled out, in which case periodic jamming of the device is possible, as a result of which the steering wheel will be locked and the key will not turn in the lock. Owners of VAZ cars or budget foreign cars often encounter this phenomenon.
  • Malfunction of the locking device solenoid.
  • Deformation of the key blade. It is also possible that the problem is in the key, for example, it has worn out over time, been damaged or bent.
  • Castle well contamination. It happens that the cause is simple clogging, dust adhesion, etc., which is especially important if the mechanism was previously lubricated.
  • Freezing of moving elements of the mechanism. In harsh Russian winters, when the temperature outside easily drops to -20°C and below, the condensation that forms inside the lock often freezes and prevents the key from turning.

How to remove the ignition switch on a VAZ-2107 if it is locked?

There may be cases when the ignition switch jams and the cylinder cannot be turned either by hand or with a tool. It is possible for the key to break when part of the bit remains inside the well. In both cases, the owner needs to remove the device from the car.

First dismantling option:

  1. Remove the steering wheel from the shaft. The steering wheel is secured with a 24 mm wrench nut, which should not be unscrewed completely. Removing the steering wheel from the splines is done by supporting the legs and striking the forearms. After removing the part from the splined part of the shaft, the nut is completely unscrewed.
  2. Remove the protective plastic steering column cover secured with Phillips screws.
  3. Unscrew the screws securing the lock.
  4. Press the pressure plate with a thin tool, which will slightly unlock the part. The pressure is applied through the slot on the left side of the lock. Pressing the latch will allow you to slide the lock body towards you.
  5. Use a hammer to hit the plate on the right to rotate the lock around its axis. This will guarantee against the retainer coming back.
  6. Using a hammer and chisel, break the plate. Apply blows carefully so as not to damage the steering column switch block.
  7. After removing the plate, the locking rod installed in the two eyes will become visible. One of the eyes is easily visible through the hole.
  8. Break the eyelet with a chisel or flathead screwdriver.
  9. Press the plate again through the slot on the left and pull it up. It should move 10-12 mm.
  10. Using a hammer, strike the lock body (in the area where the plug is installed) and pull it off the shaft.

Second option:

  1. After the latch is recessed through the slot on the left side of the lock, you need to pull the lock out to the maximum distance.
  2. On the right side of the lock there is a platform with text and a number. A wedge (screwdriver) is inserted under it.
  3. After this, the area with the inscriptions is cut off with an impact screwdriver or chisel.
  4. Use a screwdriver to push the lock pin through the hole and remove the lock from the shaft.

The third method is to destroy the castle with a sharp jerk:

  1. One person sits in the driver's seat, the second in the passenger seat.
  2. It is necessary to sharply jerk the steering wheel at the same time, which will cause the destruction of the clamp.
  3. After this, the lock is removed using the usual method. It is worth noting that only late-release locks can be broken with a jerk; products from the USSR era are more difficult to break this way. In addition, there is a risk of damage to the steering components.

There are other methods for removing jammed ignition switches on a VAZ 2107 - cutting the body, turning or drilling the cylinder, and others. The final choice of dismantling method remains with the car owner.

The technique for removing a jammed device is demonstrated in a video from the Region 4253 channel.

Rules for registering a homemade trailer for a passenger car with the traffic police

With prolonged use, the key may simply break and wear out. Contacts are erased and deformed.

A spare key, which almost everyone always has, will help you here. If you don't have a spare one, you can try restoring the old one. But this is relevant in a situation where it has been bent and deformed. It is impossible to build up erased contacts with your own hands.

It is usually recommended to insert worn keys and try to turn them in different positions and with different forces. There is a chance that you will be able to hit the secret key and the engine will start. But the key needs to be replaced soon.

How to replace the ignition switch without a key?

Replacing a lock without the original key follows these steps:

  1. Remove the plastic casing.
  2. Use a thin screwdriver to pry off the ring with the marked key positions.
  3. Remove the ring under which the larva will be located.
  4. Drive a screwdriver into the gap between the cylinder and the body to loosen the fastening pin.
  5. After the pin falls out, remove the cylinder.
  6. A movable element is installed under the cylinder, which is pressed out when the lock is turned with a key. It must be pressed to unlock the shaft.
  7. Remove the device from the steering column and replace it with a new one.

Price issue

If it is still impossible to repair a broken lock, you need to purchase and install a new one.

If you are planning to do this yourself, then first you need to purchase a lock that matches the make of the car from a spare parts store. Depending on this, the cost of the device will vary. As a rule, parts from imported manufacturers have a higher cost (from 2 thousand rubles) than from domestic ones (up to 1 thousand). As for the same VAZ, the price of the product can range from 300 to 700 rubles.

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