How to replace the throttle cable on a VAZ-2110 injector

You're welcome! The throttle cable, also known as the throttle cable, is responsible for opening and closing the throttle valve. Thanks to this cable, the speed of the car can also be adjusted, in other words, you pressed the accelerator pedal, the cable tightened, and in this case it also opened the throttle valve. at a larger angle, the speed went up and the car began to move (or stand at home if the clutch pedal is depressed, or in other words, if the gear is in neutral), however, this cable wears out and for this reason the car begins to be very unsafe to drive, because when it wears out its iron part begins to fray (It is twisted as much as possible) and therefore pieces of the cable begin to touch the sheath and the cable no longer turns back and the car begins to accelerate further, not paying attention to pressing the accelerator pedal (Since the cable is stuck and the throttle cannot be reversed moves away, because even if you take your foot off the pedal, the car will still move on, this is the situation that is unsafe).

Note! To change this cable to adjust it (And you will definitely have to adjust it) you will need: Various pliers (Thin, huge) and screwdrivers!

Where is the throttle cable located? Based on the engine, its location changes, although not significantly at all, in general, on 8 valve cars the cable is at the top and after opening the hood you will immediately see it (in the left photo it is indicated by a reddish arrow), on 16 valve cars of the tenth family it is exactly the same is located on top, but just to get to it, you need to remove the screen from the engine (For information on how to remove the screen, read the text of the article: “Replacing the engine screen on a 16-valve prior”), after removal you will definitely see it immediately, for clarity, on the right in the photo it is indicated by an arrow.

Replacing and adjusting the throttle cable

The throttle valve is a structural element of the intake system on gasoline internal combustion engines with fuel injection.
Its purpose is to regulate the amount of air that enters the engine for the fuel-air mixture. It is located in the space from the air filter to the intake manifold. In general, the throttle valve can be called an air valve. When it is open, the pressure in the intake system is equal to atmospheric pressure. Its closed position reduces the pressure to a vacuum state. This property of the damper is used to boost brakes (vacuum), as well as to bleed the adsorber in the gasoline vapor recovery system.

The throttle valve is opened and closed by a cable. Since the damper itself usually lasts as long as the car itself, the main problem is the cable, which sometimes requires replacement.

When does it need to be changed? If you cannot adjust the damper drive so that when you press the accelerator pedal it does not open completely, and when you release it does not close completely, then this is the reason for replacement. The price for it starts from 200 rubles. For a Nexia car it costs from 180 rubles. The price for a LANOS throttle cable is from 250 to 600 rubles.

We repaired a VAZ 2110 car; on other models, the removal and adjustment procedure is similar and not complicated, but when setting up, the help of a second person is required to press the gas pedal.

The last step is adjusting the pedal

As follows from the car's operating manual, the travel of the foot clutch cannot exceed 125 millimeters.
In this case, the boundary tolerances are no more than 0.5 cm in both directions. The limit above which a car cannot be operated is 16 cm. Having finished with the theory, we proceed to the practical implementation of the task. First measure the actual pedal stroke. Place the ruler at its bottom - keep it strictly parallel to the floor. If the values ​​are within the limits mentioned, then adjustment is not necessary.

Otherwise, move to the fork - here, as previously noted, there is a finishing mechanism. First, loosen the lock nut, and then, using a wrench, rotate the one above it to make the adjustment.

At the end of the procedure, measure the stroke - if everything is in order, then press the pedal several times to make sure that everything is working properly. Next, use the ruler again. Maintaining a normal indicator means that you did everything right.

Return to the fork and secure the position of the adjuster with the locknut.

An important point: it is advisable to make sure that in the end the pedal that releases the clutch is below the gas level. This speeds up the response of the mechanism and significantly reduces its wear.

Replacing the throttle cable:

    First, use a screwdriver to move the tip of the cable from the interior so that it comes out from the pin of the pedal lever, and remove it.

Further under the hood, next to the throttle valve, there is a drive sector on which the cable is clamped. Turn this sector all the way and unfasten the drive cable itself from it.

The next step is to remove the protective cap at the end of the cord (1). Hold the nut securing the cable sheath (3) so that it does not turn, and unscrew the nut (2). Next, remove the cable from the bracket slot.

  • We pull the cable in the direction of the engine compartment, it will come out of the hole that goes into the passenger compartment.
  • This completes the dismantling. In order to install a new cable, you need to perform the same steps in reverse order.

    After installing a new accelerator cable, it needs to be adjusted. Let us consider further the order of execution point by point.

Replacement Tools

To work you will need:

  1. The key is "8".
  2. Two keys for "14".
  3. Screwdriver (phillips).

Sequence of work

For comparison, old and new clutch cables

They go in this order:

    Move the air filter housing to the side.

The air filter housing will interfere with us, so we will move it to the side. Moreover, all the housing latches were broken and it was dangling under the hood

Pull the cable out of the bracket

Clutch cable bracket in the cabin - you'll have to tinker with it

Important! Before installing the cable, you need to adjust the clutch pedal so that it is 10-13 centimeters from the floor level. We have already written in more detail about replacing the clutch itself on a VAZ-2112.

Video about replacing the clutch cable

Clutch adjustment on a VAZ-2112

During clutch adjustment

To adjust, you will need to rotate the bolt, which is located on the cable on the gearbox side. When the pedal distance is adjusted, tighten the nut and press the pedal 2-3 times. If all is well, then tighten the locknut on the casing. Next, the car is assembled in the reverse order.

The clutch cable must first be lubricated with LSC-15 or Litol-24.

Throttle valve adjustment:

1. We loosen clamps at the connections of the intake pipe (1) and the throttle body, as well as at the junction of the large crankcase ventilation hose and the fitting (2), which is located on the cylinder head cover.

2. With the gas pedal fully depressed, the throttle should be in the fully open position. (For this action you will need the help of a partner).

3. When the gas pedal is fully released, the throttle valve should be in the fully closed position.

4. If steps 2 and 3 are not followed, the throttle cable needs adjustment.

5. If, when checking the adjustment, it is revealed that the damper does not open completely, then you should loosen the nut on the bracket, the second one from the end of the cable, and tighten the first nut until the desired effect is achieved.

6. If the throttle valve does not close completely, then do the opposite, namely, loosen the first nut from the end of the cable and tighten the second nut.

When you achieve full opening and closing of the partition when pressing and releasing the accelerator pedal, you have adjusted the throttle cable.

Video about replacing the throttle valve on an Opel Astra 1.4T:

Cleaning the throttle and throttle body on Nissan Almera:

What is a throttle cable

By throttle cable, car enthusiasts understand the throttle cable, which plays an important role in the proper operation of the vehicle. The throttle valve is a structural part of the fuel intake system into an internal combustion engine. Its main function is to regulate the amount of air supplied to the engine for the air-fuel mixture. This damper is located between the air filter and the intake manifold. If the throttle valve opens, the pressure in the intake system is compared to atmospheric pressure. If it is in the closed position, then the pressure drops to vacuum. This action of the throttle valve is necessary to enhance the operation of the vehicle’s braking system and to ventilate the adsorber in the gasoline vapor recovery system.

A special cable is used to open and close the throttle valve. This is where the main point of wear occurs during operation of the damper.

When the throttle cable needs to be replaced

How to determine the moment when the VAZ-2110 throttle cable requires replacement? Experts recommend paying attention to the following points in the operation of this vehicle part:

  • it is not possible to regulate the throttle valve drive;
  • when pressing the accelerator pedal, the damper cannot open and close fully;
  • the metal part of the cable began to “shag” (this can be seen visually when checking the internal parts of the car);
  • When the throttle valve is operating, the gas cable constantly gets stuck.
  • If you find one of these problems in the operation of your vehicle, then you need to immediately buy a new throttle cable and replace it.

    Why does the cable wear out?

    The most important factor leading to breakdown is long-term use of the machine without preventive maintenance and mainly in difficult off-road conditions.
    The need to maneuver on a snowy road and get out of deep holes significantly shortens the life of the cable, as well as other clutch parts. Problems also often appear in cars whose owners are accustomed to starting abruptly from a stop or constantly keeping their foot on the pedal. In the latter case, the clutch permanently slips, which does not have the best effect on the condition of its elements.

    Damage quite often occurs due to the fact that many:

    • trying to save money, they purchase low-quality cables;
    • mistakes are made during the replacement process;
    • ignore signs of impending breakdown.

    How to replace the throttle cable on a VAZ-2110: step-by-step instructions

    You can carry out the procedure for replacing the gas cable yourself, and for its subsequent adjustment you will need a partner who will press the gas pedal.
    This procedure is carried out only when the engine is cold. Otherwise, there is a risk of burns during cable replacement work.

    To correctly replace this cable on a VAZ-2110, you need to follow the following step-by-step instructions:

    1. Prepare the necessary tools:
    2. screwdrivers of different sizes;
    3. pliers – large and thin.
    4. Dismantle the throttle valve cable:
    5. the air pipe is removed (this is necessary so that this part does not interfere with further actions with the cable), the screws on the tension clamps are loosened;
    6. use a screwdriver to disconnect the crankcase gas ventilation hose;
    7. the locking spring holding the sector is removed;
    8. the main part is removed from the groove by hand when turning the sector counterclockwise;
    9. the cable is disconnected from the throttle assembly.
    10. Removing the cable from the bracket:
    11. for 16-valve cars - using thin pliers, remove the locking plate (thanks to it, the cable is adjusted) and remove the middle part of the cable together with its holder from the bracket on the intake manifold;
    12. for 8-valve cars - loosen the nut, move the rubber cover, remove the middle part of the cable from the bracket;
    13. the cable itself is pulled through a plastic clamp, which is pre-cut.
    14. Removing the cable from the vehicle interior:
    15. Use a screwdriver to disconnect the edge of the cable from the gas pedal.
    16. Removing it from the engine compartment (simply pulls it out of the cabin).
    17. Installing a new part:
    18. the cable is inserted through the engine compartment;
    19. one edge is pushed into the cabin and connected to the gas pedal;
    20. the second edge is attached to the throttle valve.

    Proper Debugging

    In fact, it is not so difficult to look into the integral part of the VAZ 2110 - the Bible and the Kama Sutra - the instruction manual. Everything is described there quite clearly. But we will try and explain in an accessible, understandable, step-by-step manner how the adjustment is carried out.

    Stage 1:

    Checking the pedal travel. This is where you need to start. According to the factory settings, its stroke on a VAZ 2110 is considered normal if it is about 13 centimeters. But it becomes larger as the driven disc lining wears out, since in this situation the pedal rises. Measuring its progress will not be difficult. All you need is a ruler.

    So, open the door on the driver’s side and lean towards the pedal. Even those who do not understand car repair at all know its location - the far left of the three available there. We rest the ruler against the mat, perpendicular to the pedal, and carefully look at what distance it is from the floor. If we see 16 cm or more on the scale, urgent adjustment is needed.

    Stage 2:

    Direct adjustment. Actually, you don’t really need to disassemble anything, everything comes from the engine compartment, as well as from the interior. You only need two regular 13mm wrenches. Open the hood, find the tip of the clutch cable and the locknut on it. Use one of the keys to loosen this locknut. Using the same key, turn the adjusting nut. By “rolling” it onto the tip, we increase the full stroke of the pedal, and by unscrewing it further away from it, we decrease it.

    So we play around with the nut, checking whether the clutch pedal has gone up or down. When the stroke distance becomes approximately 13 cm, sharply press it 4-5 times and release it. If the result does not completely satisfy us (the distance is more or less than required), then we make the adjustment again. When everything is satisfactory, tighten the lock nut, after which we move the limiter sleeve (it is rubber) all the way.

    Actually, one of these simple steps is to adjust the clutch on a VAZ 2110. The only note is that if the cable or other components of the clutch drive are worn out, it is better not to delay replacing them, but to carry out the replacement at the same time with the adjustment, in which nothing complicated is observed.


    1. We prepare the car for work (see paragraph 2a “Preparing the car for maintenance and repair”).

    2. Remove the air supply hose to the throttle valve.

    Note. The air supply hose to the throttle valve will interfere, especially when installing a new cable.

    3. Use a slotted screwdriver to pry up the locking spring and remove it from the sector.

    4. Turning the sector counterclockwise until it stops, remove the end of the throttle cable from the sector slot.

    5. On the VAZ 21124 (l.6i) injection engine:

    remove the locking plate of the throttle cable casing and pull the cable casing out of the rubber holder. We remove the throttle valve drive cable together with the rubber holder from the bracket for fastening the cable sheath (the bracket is integral with the intake module).

    On the injection engine VAZ 2112 (l.5i):

    remove the plastic cable end (3) and unscrew the nut (2). Remove the throttle valve cable from the bracket.

    6. We pull the cable with the sheath through a plastic clamp or cut the clamp with wire cutters (a new clamp will be required during installation).

    7. Under the instrument panel, prying it with a screwdriver, disconnect the cable end from the gas pedal lever.

    8. Pull the end of the cable out of the passenger compartment through the hole in the engine compartment partition and remove the cable along with the rubber holder.

    What is a throttle cable

    By throttle cable, car enthusiasts understand the throttle cable, which plays an important role in the proper operation of the vehicle. The throttle valve is a structural part of the fuel intake system into an internal combustion engine. Its main function is to regulate the amount of air supplied to the engine for the air-fuel mixture. This damper is located between the air filter and the intake manifold. If the throttle valve opens, the pressure in the intake system is compared to atmospheric pressure. If it is in the closed position, then the pressure drops to vacuum. This action of the throttle valve is necessary to enhance the operation of the vehicle’s braking system and to ventilate the adsorber in the gasoline vapor recovery system.

    A special cable is used to open and close the throttle valve. This is where the main point of wear occurs during operation of the damper.

    When the throttle cable needs to be replaced

    How to determine the moment when the VAZ-2110 throttle cable requires replacement? Experts recommend paying attention to the following points in the operation of this vehicle part:

    • it is not possible to regulate the throttle valve drive;
    • when pressing the accelerator pedal, the damper cannot open and close fully;
    • the metal part of the cable began to “shag” (this can be seen visually when checking the internal parts of the car);
    • When the throttle valve is operating, the gas cable constantly gets stuck.

    Useful tips, photo reports and repair manuals for VAZ cars.

    You're welcome! The throttle cable, also known as the throttle cable, is responsible for opening and closing the throttle valve. Thanks to this cable, the speed of the car can also be adjusted, in other words, you pressed the accelerator pedal, the cable tightened, and in this case it also opened the throttle valve. at a larger angle, the speed went up and the car began to move (or stand at home if the clutch pedal is depressed, or in other words, if the gear is in neutral), however, this cable wears out and for this reason the car begins to be very unsafe to drive, because when it wears out its iron part begins to fray (It is twisted as much as possible) and therefore pieces of the cable begin to touch the sheath and the cable no longer turns back and the car begins to accelerate further, not paying attention to pressing the accelerator pedal (Since the cable is stuck and the throttle cannot be reversed moves away, because even if you take your foot off the pedal, the car will still move on, this is the situation that is unsafe).

    Note! To change this cable to adjust it (And you will definitely have to adjust it) you will need: Various pliers (Thin, huge) and screwdrivers!

    How to replace the throttle cable on a VAZ-2110: step-by-step instructions

    You can carry out the procedure for replacing the gas cable yourself, and for its subsequent adjustment you will need a partner who will press the gas pedal.
    This procedure is carried out only when the engine is cold. Otherwise, there is a risk of burns during cable replacement work.

    To correctly replace this cable on a VAZ-2110, you need to follow the following step-by-step instructions:

    1. Prepare the necessary tools:
        screwdrivers of different sizes;
    2. pliers – large and thin.
    3. Dismantle the throttle valve cable:
        the air pipe is removed (this is necessary so that this part does not interfere with further actions with the cable), the screws on the tension clamps are loosened;
    4. use a screwdriver to disconnect the crankcase gas ventilation hose;
    5. the locking spring holding the sector is removed;
    6. the main part is removed from the groove by hand when turning the sector counterclockwise;
    7. the cable is disconnected from the throttle assembly.
    8. Removing the cable from the bracket:
        for 16-valve cars - using thin pliers, remove the locking plate (thanks to it, the cable is adjusted) and remove the middle part of the cable together with its holder from the bracket on the intake manifold;
    9. for 8-valve cars - loosen the nut, move the rubber cover, remove the middle part of the cable from the bracket;
    10. the cable itself is pulled through a plastic clamp, which is pre-cut.
    11. Removing the cable from the vehicle interior:
        Use a screwdriver to disconnect the edge of the cable from the gas pedal.
    12. Removing it from the engine compartment (simply pulls it out of the cabin).
    13. Installing a new part:
        the cable is inserted through the engine compartment;
    14. one edge is pushed into the cabin and connected to the gas pedal;
    15. the second edge is attached to the throttle valve.

    After completing the procedure for replacing the throttle cable, it must be adjusted:

    1. Clamps are used at the connections of the intake pipe and throttle body, at the junction of the hose of the large crankcase ventilation circle and the fitting located on the cylinder head cover.
    2. The operation of the throttle valve is checked (for this you will need the help of a partner):
        when the gas pedal is fully recessed, it is fully open;
    3. When the gas pedal is fully released, it is completely closed.

    If the test reveals that the throttle valve does not open fully, then you need to loosen the nut on the bracket, the second one from the end of the cable, and tighten the first nut.
    If the throttle valve does not close completely, then loosen the first nut from the end of the cable and tighten the second nut.

    Adjustment of the VAZ-2110 throttle cable is considered complete when the throttle is fully functional when the accelerator pedal is pressed and released.

    How to change

    Removal and installation of the fuel rail and fuel regulator VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112, Lada DesyatkaRemoval and installation of the fuel rail and fuel regulator VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ Lada, 2112 Ten key 8; 2 keys for 17; crosshead screwdriver.

    First thing to do. remove the windshield wiper;

    Then loosen the locknut and adjusting nut (Figures A and B, respectively);

    Then remove the cable rim from the coupling plug;

    Now you need to move the cover from the lower end of the cable cover using a key to 17 and unscrew the nut (indicated by the number letter B) from the tip to the bracket, holding the tip while twisting the second key to 17;

    Then remove the tip from the bracket;

    Unscrew the 2 nuts securing the windshield wiper arm and remove the bracket;

    Remember that the bracket must be installed in an inclined area towards the transfer machine.

    After this, you need to unscrew the screw securing the protective casing and remove the cover holder;

    Open the cover on the side to secure the cable end to the clutch pedal. Then, using a screwdriver, remove the support bracket from the pin, then remove the end of the cable from the pin;

    Now you need to unscrew the cable holder bolt on the pedal bracket and pull the cable into the interior;

    Now we need to remove the bushing from the clutch pedal.

    A broken or worn bushing must be replaced with a new one

    Please note that the sleeve is cut by design and this is not a defect

    Installation of the clutch cable should be done in the reverse order, pre-lubricated with Litol-24 or LCS-15 lubricant.

    Replacing the throttle cable on a VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112

    Welcome! The throttle cable, also known as the throttle cable, is responsible, by the way, for opening and closing the throttle valve. Thanks to this cable, the speed of the car can also be adjusted, that is, they pressed the gas pedal, the cable tightened and at the same time it also opened the throttle a larger angle, thereby the revolutions went up and the car began to move (or stand still if the clutch pedal is depressed or if the gear is in neutral), but this cable wears out and therefore the car begins to be very dangerous to drive, since when it wears out the metal part begins to fray (It is twisted, as it were) and in connection with this, pieces of the cable begin to touch the sheath and the cable does not return back and the car begins to accelerate further, regardless of pressing the gas pedal (Because the cable is stuck and the throttle is pushed back does not move away, so even if you take your foot off the pedal, the car will still move on, this is the situation that is dangerous).

    Note! To replace this cable and to adjust it (And you will definitely have to adjust it) you will need: Various pliers (thin, large) and screwdrivers!

    Where is the throttle cable located? Depending on the engine, its location may change, although not significantly at all, in general, on 8 valve cars the cable is in the upper part and after opening the hood you can immediately see it (in the left photo it is indicated by a red arrow), on 16 valve cars of the tenth family, it is located on top in the same way, but just to get to it, you will need to remove the screen from the engine (For information on how to remove the screen, read the article: “Replacing the engine screen on a 16-valve prior”), after removing it you will immediately and you will see, for clarity, in the right photo it is indicated by an arrow.

    Note! But there are some cars that were equipped from the factory with an electronic gas pedal, the tenth family of the Togliatti assembly was not affected by this, but those cars that were transferred to Ukraine (Currently, their brand has changed, and they are called Bogdan) after 2011 were equipped with this pedal, We immediately warn you that there is no cable, but you still check, for clarity, in the photo below the arrow shows this very electronic pedal and you can also see that there is no gas cable coming from it!

    When should you change the throttle cable? You need to periodically check its condition; if you start to see that its metal part has begun to fray, then you don’t need to wait until the cable gets stuck, and in general, in this case, we recommend that you immediately visit an auto store and purchase a new throttle cable from it and replace it by replacing the old one, In addition, the cable must be replaced if, when adjusting it, it is impossible to achieve complete opening and complete closing of the damper.

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    How to replace the throttle cable on a VAZ 2110-VAZ 2112?

    Note! Replace the cable on a cold engine, and in general you should only climb into the engine when it is cold, so as not to get burned on it during any work, replacing or adjusting parts!

    Another thing they wanted to warn you about, this article shows an example of replacing the cable on two engines, namely on an injection 8 valve engine and on an injection 16 valve engine, but not a word is said about a carburetor engine in this article, so if you have a car with carburetor engine and you need to replace this throttle cable, then in this case read the article entitled: “Replacing the throttle cable on carburetor cars of the ninth family”!


    Clutch cable In addition to the original part, you can find analogs that are recommended for installation on the VAZ-2114. So, what non-original parts can be found on the spare parts market:

    1. Adriauto 0101 is an Italian manufacturer that offers high-quality clutch cables. The average cost is 1000 rubles.
    2. ABS K22120 – part made in the Netherlands. High quality and not expensive. The average cost is 1200 rubles.
    3. TRW GCC 3123 – German spare part. The company is known for its wide range of products for domestic cars, as well as the excellent quality of parts. The price will be 1500 rubles.

    How to change the throttle cable on a VAZ 2110

    How to change a gas cable to a VAZ-2110 injector

    In principle, every little thing is included in the design of a car, even such as a gas cable. The functionality of the entire vehicle mechanism depends on its high-quality performance.

    If the check shows that the throttle valve does not open completely, then it is necessary to put the nut on the bracket, the second end of the cable and tighten the first nut. and tighten the second nut.

    What is a gas cable

    This valve is located between the air filter and the intake manifold. If the throttle valve is open, the inlet pressure is compared with atmospheric pressure. When it is in the closed position, the pressure drops to a vacuum. This throttle action is required to apply brake force, which allows the vehicle's metering (software) to purge the canister in the system to capture gas vapors.

    A special cable is used to open and close the throttle valve. It is at this address that the main point of wear during damper operation is taken into account.

    when the gas cable needs to be replaced

    2110 throttle cable needs replacement? Experts advise paying special attention to the following points when working with this part of the car:

    • it is impossible to adjust the throttle valve drive;
    • when you press the gas pedal, the shutter does not have the right to open and close completely;
    • the iron part of the cable began to “sway” (you should pay attention to this when checking the car’s interior);
    • During operation, the throttles are constantly jammed by the gas cable.

    If you discover one of these problems while operating your own vehicle, you will need to immediately purchase a new cable inflate valve and replace it.

    How to replace the throttle cable on a VAZ-2110: step-by-step instructions

    While it is possible to replace the gas cable without assistance, for the next option you will need a partner to press the gas pedal.


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    • Passenger cars / VAZ / VAZ-21132 drawings
    • » href=»/catalog/vaz-3/legkovye_avtomobili-30/vaz_2113-648/privod_akseleratora-35/#part1669556″>Accelerator drive cablePower system / Accelerator drive
    • » href=»/catalog/vaz-3/legkovye_avtomobili-30/vaz_2113-648/privod_akseleratora-35/#part1669557″>Accelerator drive cablePower system / Accelerator drive There are no reviews for this product yet.

    After replacing the gas cable on a VAZ 2109, it should be adjusted to the accelerator pedal

    Press the gas pedal all the way down. In this case, the throttle valve of the first chamber should open completely. This can be determined by the position of the throttle control sector, which should move to the extreme position

    Release the gas pedal, and the VAZ 2109 throttle valve of the first chamber should close completely. The throttle valve control sector should move all the way in the opposite direction. If this does not happen, adjust the drive

    To adjust the gas drive of the VAZ 2109, loosen one of the adjusting nuts. By tightening another nut, achieve a position so that the throttle valve opens and closes completely. Then tighten the nut that was loose.

    When tightening nut 1, the damper opens, and when tightening nut 2, the damper closes.

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