Malfunctions of the crankshaft sensor VAZ 2110 8 valves and their elimination

Thanks to innovative technologies, the VAZ 2110 is controlled by a computer. Multiple sensors record information and redirect it to the main center, which monitors the functioning of the systems.

If the regulator breaks down, the crankshaft sensor will stop the engine from functioning. The main function of this unit is to synchronize the processes of fuel supply and the operation of the ignition system. If a device breaks down, the synchronous functioning of these systems is disrupted. This leads to the fact that there will be no spark and no fuel will be supplied. The engine is capable of running for a certain period of time, but will soon stall.

How it all works

A modern car is equipped with a significant number of various sensors, the main task of which is to monitor the operation of mechanisms or systems.

Data from these sensors is transmitted to an electronic control unit, which, based on the information received, configures the operation of certain systems.

One of the most important of these control elements is the crankshaft position sensor (CPS, TDC sensor).

This sensor monitors the rotation speed of the engine crankshaft.

Based on its readings, the control unit adjusts the operation of the fuel system and ignition system.

To put it simply, based on the DPKV readings, the control unit determines how much fuel to supply to the cylinders and when to do it, as well as at what moment to apply a spark.

Therefore, perhaps, this is the only sensor whose malfunction may prevent the power plant from starting, because a failure in its operation will lead to disruption of the fuel system.

Even if the power plant starts, its operation will be unstable, intermittent, etc. Therefore, this crankshaft sensor is very important and you need to monitor its performance.

Why do you need a timing sensor?

DPKV records and transmits the following indicators to the ECU:

  • the moment the pistons pass TDC and BDC in the first and last cylinders;
  • crankshaft position measurement.

The received data is transmitted to the ECU. As a result of processing information about the position of the crankshaft in relation to the dead points and its rotation frequency, the synchronization sensor corrects the following indicators of the internal combustion engine:

  • the volume of gasoline entering the cylinders;
  • fuel supply time;
  • ignition timing;
  • camshaft rotation angle;
  • moment and duration of operation of the adsorber valve.

The tasks of the electronic unit may vary depending on the complexity of the internal combustion engine device, but not a single ECU operates without a crankshaft position sensor.

As a result of a malfunction of the DPKV, sparking is either delayed or ahead of the engine's power stroke, which leads to improper operation of the internal combustion engine or to the engine not starting. This contributes to incomplete combustion of the working mixture and, as a result, excessive fuel consumption and a decrease in the dynamic performance of the car.

DPKV location - design features

Typically this sensor is located near the alternator belt drive pulley. On this pulley there is usually a gear ring made around the circumference, the so-called synchronization disk. It is to the rotation of this disk that the sensor responds.

It is worth noting that in order to accurately obtain data on the rotation of the crankshaft, the DCPV is located at a certain distance from the disk.

For a correctly installed device, the distance between its core and the top of any tooth should be 0.6-1.5 mm.

The location of the DKPV is not the most convenient, but it is quite possible to get to it.

Cars use several different DPKVs in design and operating principles:

  • induction (one of the most common);
  • sensor using the Hall effect;
  • Optic.

We won’t talk about the design and operation features of each of them for now; let’s move straight to the malfunctions.

DPKV device

The part is a steel core with a copper wire winding, placed in a plastic case and filled with compound resin.

There are 3 types of synchronization sensors available:

  1. Induction. The operating principle is based on the use of a magnetized core with copper wire wound on it, at the ends of which the change in voltage is measured. In addition to fixing the position of the crankshaft, it measures its rotation speed, which is also necessary for high-quality operation of the internal combustion engine. Induction sensors are the most common and frequently used in automobile devices.
  2. Optical. Their design is based on an LED, which emits a luminous flux, and a receiver, which captures the light on the other side. When a light beam hits a control tooth, it is interrupted, the receiver records its absence, and the information is transmitted to the computer.
  3. Hall Sensor. It works based on the physical effect of the same name. A magnet is placed on the crankshaft; when it passes the sensor, a direct current appears in the latter, fixed by a synchronizing disk.

The versatility of an induction-type device and a Hall sensor make them the most popular in the design of modern motors.

Symptoms of a problem

A malfunction of this device will immediately appear. Symptoms of a faulty DCPV are:

  • Inability to start the power plant;
  • Decrease in car dynamics while driving;
  • Floating speed in different driving modes;
  • Interruptions in operation, instability of idle speed;
  • Under load, detonation may occur.

It is worth noting that since this sensor is very important for the functioning of the power plant, if it malfunctions, the electronic unit will signal this by lighting up the “ Check Engine”


Of course, the reason for the appearance of this inscription or icon on the dashboard may also be a malfunction in some other system, however, in combination with the indicated symptoms, we can immediately assume that the DCPV is to blame for all the troubles with the car.

Verification methods

Before going to a car store for a new sensor, it is still recommended to first check the one installed on the car.

This will make it much faster to determine why the car is not working well, because it is possible that the sensor is not to blame for everything, especially since some testing methods are not so complicated.

The most common are:

  • checking the resistance of the sensor coil;
  • comprehensive check (coil and insulation resistance, winding inductance);
  • checking with an oscilloscope.

The first two checks are quite simple; you can perform them yourself if you have the necessary equipment.

The third method is the most accurate, but it can only be checked at specialized stations.

Check for VAZ 2110

To make it more clear, let’s look at each method of checking the crankshaft sensor using the example of several cars.

The first will be the VAZ-2110, which uses an induction type of device.

So, the engine on the “Ten” malfunctioned and there is every assumption that this happened due to the crankshaft sensor. There is a multimeter at hand that can work in ohmmeter mode.

This is quite enough to check the winding resistance.

The first thing to do is to inspect the device while it is installed on the car, or rather, check for a gap between it and the synchronization disk.

It is quite possible that there is no gap there due to the fact that dirt has adhered to the sensor or disk, which led to malfunction.

If everything is in order with the gap, we will remove the device from the car.

On the VAZ 2110 it is located on the oil pump cover.

Before doing this, it is better to mark the position of the DPKV.

The next stage is assessing the external state. The sensor body must be intact, without signs of damage, the core must be clean, the contact terminals must be free of traces of oxidation, and the wires must not be damaged.

If external contamination is visible on the DPKV, you can wash it before checking (to do this, use only pure gasoline or alcohol), and also clean the contacts with a file.

After cleaning, rinsing and drying, you can start taking measurements. To do this, switch the multimeter to ohmmeter mode and connect the probes to the sensor contacts.


Removing the crankshaft position sensor is very simple, and you already know where it is located - in the same place as the oil pump. So, let's do the following:

  • Turn off the ignition;
  • Remove the negative terminal from the battery;
  • Remove the connector with the wire from the sensor body;
    Disconnect the wiring harness from the crankshaft position sensor
  • Using a 10mm wrench, unscrew the screw holding the DPKV to the oil pump cover;
    Unscrew the bolt (1) and remove the DPKV (2)
  • We remove the device.

Comprehensive check for Opel Vectra B

Now let's take another car and use it to consider the last of the verification methods - comprehensive.

This test is much better than with a conventional multimeter, but in terms of accuracy it is not as accurate as an oscilloscope.

The problem car will now be the Opel Vectra B. We leave the symptoms the same.

The initial work is also no different from the VAZ-2110: the sensor is removed, inspected, thoroughly washed, and only after that you can start checking the condition.

But for a comprehensive check you will need more equipment:

  • Multimeter;
  • Megaohmmeter;
  • Device for measuring inductance.

It is better to take all measurements in a heated room so that the readings are correct.

First, the coil resistance is measured, as described above. Resistance readings must be within the range specified in the technical documentation.

The next check is to measure the winding inductance, for which a device is used to measure it. A working DPKV inductance should be in the range of 200-400 mH.

The insulation resistance is also checked with a megohmmeter. When a voltage of 500 V is applied, the resistance value of the sensor should be no more than 20 MΩ.

Based on these measurements, it is determined whether the DPKV is working or requires replacement.

Reasons for failure of the DPKV

In order to ensure the longest possible operation of the new part after replacing the sensor, you need to know about the reasons that most often cause failure of the DPKV.

This category of vehicle states and operating modes includes:

  • Mechanical damage.
  • Dirt, sand or metal shavings get inside.
  • DPKV breakage due to crankshaft teeth.
  • Short circuits in the car's electrical wiring.

In addition to the reasons listed, the sensor may not work due to manufacturing defects or errors during repair and installation operations.

Features of testing on other cars

As for other cars, for example, VAZ-2109 with an injection engine, VAZ-2112 and VAZ-2114, their check is carried out identically to the VAZ-2110 car.

It is noteworthy that for VAZs, when checking the resistance of the crankshaft sensor coil, an additional check can be carried out.

But to do this, the multimeter must be switched to voltmeter mode with a measurement limit of 200 mV.

Then connect the probes to the DPKV terminals and pass them with any metal object, for example, a screwdriver, at a short distance from the core.

If the sensor is working properly, it will react to metal, the multimeter will show voltage surges on the display. The absence of these bursts will indicate a faulty element.

As for a car like the Reno Logan, the difference from the VAZ in this car comes down to slightly different readings of the resistance of the sensor coil when measured with an ohmmeter.

A working Logan DPKV has a normal resistance of 200-270 Ohms.

For Daewoo Lanos, the coil resistance should be in the range of 500-600 Ohms.

But on the ZMZ-406 engine, installed on Volga and Gazelle cars, the normal coil resistance is in the range of 850-900 Ohms.

No matter what kind of car you own, if it has an injection engine installed, then problems with the engine’s operation due to DPKV are quite possible.

Experienced car enthusiasts always keep a spare sensor in their car so as not to be taken by surprise.

After all, it is much easier to install a new element and drive on, and then check the removed one for functionality, than at the most unexpected moment to encounter the fact that the car refuses to work normally due to such a small but very important element as the engine crankshaft position sensor.


Tips and tricks

In the process of performing diagnostic and repair work, an inexperienced technician may make serious mistakes that will negatively affect both the performance of the part itself and other devices and assemblies of the machine. To protect yourself from such troubles, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • When performing repair work, you should stop smoking. When removing the sensor, a certain amount of lubricating fluid may appear, which is a highly flammable substance.
  • When measuring resistance, the multimeter must be switched to the appropriate operating mode. Some modes that can be used to determine this parameter of an electrical circuit are also not suitable. For example, when the toggle switch is set to a resistance measurement range of up to 200 Ohms, the nominal value of DPKV (500–700 Ohms) will be outside its limits, which will lead to false positive results in determining the malfunction of this part.
  • If the DPKV fails due to severe contamination, then the new part may also not last very long. To significantly increase the service life of the DPKV, it is recommended to eliminate oil leaks, which can cover all parts within a short period of time. This film, like a magnet, attracts dust and dirt.
  • You should only purchase a new part from a reputable dealer. Failure of the DPKV due to manufacturing defects is a fairly common reason if the sensor is purchased on specialized markets. An indirect sign of a low-quality spare part is its cost. Typically, counterfeit spare parts are sold 2-3 times cheaper compared to original products.
  • When replacing a sensor, the wires must be properly connected to it. If this is not done, the connector may become separated from the contacts when driving on a bumpy road, which will lead to the cessation of impulses from the DPKV to the vehicle's ECU.

How to check the crankshaft sensor of a VAZ 2112 is described in detail in this article. If you fix the breakdown strictly according to the instructions, then even an inexperienced person can handle this work. If you have doubts about your own abilities, you should not risk the “health” of the car. The work of replacing the DPKV is carried out by many specialized service stations, is relatively inexpensive and does not require significant time expenditure.


Sensor operation and failure detection

The crankshaft sensor records two indicators of the operation of this mechanism - its rotation speed and position through magnetic pulses.
For Togliatti car models, these devices can be of different types. When replacing a faulty device, it is necessary to replace it with the same one or an analogue with similar characteristics. A symptom of a device failure is a “check engine” light on the dashboard. It is also worth paying attention to the feeling of a drop in engine power. Typically this problem is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • instability of idle speed;
  • drop in traction;
  • unexpected decrease or increase in engine speed;
  • seemingly unreasonable problems with starting the car engine;
  • popping sounds at the entrance to the manifold and shooting inside the engine.

The device is located in an inconvenient location, and accessing it requires a lot of time and effort. The sensor is located in the area of ​​the oil pump cover, almost where the generator pulley is located.


If signs of a malfunction of the DPKV are associated with damage to the device, it is replaced without repair. The controllers are located in an inconvenient place; they are attached to the oil pump cover with a single bolt. How to remove an element step by step.

  • The ignition is turned off, the negative terminal of the battery is removed.
  • The oil pump where the sensor is located is determined, and the connector is removed. There is an 80 cm wire from the controller to the block; you can determine the location of the connector by the wire.
  • Use a 10mm wrench to unscrew the only screw.
  • The device is removed.

Before installing a new element, you must thoroughly clean the sensor seat and connector plug, and check the integrity of the wiring. This will avoid rapid failure of the new part.

If the problem in the operation of the internal combustion engine is due to the lack of a signal from the sensor connector on the computer, check the integrity of the wiring. Electronics diagnostics, if there is a signal but no response from the electronic unit, are carried out in a specialized workshop. In 90% of cases, flashing of the control system and replacement of electronic components is required.

In half of the cases, the sensor fails due to simple dirt. The controller is located in close proximity to the oil pump, which can throw out drops of liquid. Oil getting on the sensor reading element clogs the surface, oxidizes and interferes with the full transmission of data.

Checking the DPKV for serviceability

To verify the suspicion of a breakdown of the crankshaft sensor, the two most likely cases of its malfunction are considered.
In both of these cases, you will need to dismantle the device using a ten-threaded wrench. Before the operation, marks are drawn on the crankcase and the sensor itself, which will later help to tighten the device to the initial angle of rotation. Also, the motorist should not forget to measure the clearance between the synchro disk and the sensor before dismantling, which cannot go beyond the size of 0.6-1.5 mm. If there are no mechanical damage such as scratches, dents, or damage to the material structure, the sensor is checked using other measuring instruments:

  • checking with an ohmmeter. In this case, it is necessary to measure the resistance of the sensor winding. Since the standard value of this indicator, set by the manufacturer, ranges from 550 to 750 Ohms, going beyond the specified limits indicates the malfunction of this device, which is important for the correct operation of the car - which means it is faulty. It is worth noting here that the manufacturer still allows a slight discrepancy in resistance with the nameplate values, but in any case they must correspond to the data specified in the machine’s operating instructions;
  • checking with a voltmeter, inductance meter and transformer. This method is more complicated, but more effective - the resistance is measured with the same ohmmeter, after which the inductance is checked (should be from 200 to 4000 millihenry), with a sensor winding voltage of 500 Volts. Next, you need to measure the resistance with a megger and make sure that it does not exceed 20 MOhm.

If the sensor still does not pass these tests, it must be replaced. During this procedure, it is necessary not to forget about the distance between it and the synchronization disk regulated by the manufacturer, as well as alignment with the marks on the crankcase that were made on the previous device. Before installing a new sensor, be sure to check it, since even if all installation procedures are followed correctly, it may not work properly.

A new DPKV is checked according to the same procedure as a supposedly faulty one, and based on the test results, the device can be installed instead of the previous one or rejected. When installing, the bolts are tightened with a torque of 8 to 12 Nm. However, in any case, before carrying out all the actions to replace a rather expensive and hard-to-reach component, you should definitely make sure that it is the one that has failed, because cars produced by our automotive industry can often bring unpleasant surprises.

Methods for diagnosing DPKV

When determining the serviceability of the crankshaft position sensor, we are guided by the principle - from simple to complex. In other words, first an inspection, then checking the characteristics with instruments (ohmmeter, oscilloscope or computer). The absence of moving parts and the simplicity of the design of the element make it a fairly reliable part. Therefore, the crankshaft sensor in rare cases becomes unusable on its own. Most often, it receives mechanical damage during repair work under the hood of a car or as a result of foreign objects getting between the sensor and the gear wheel.

Before you begin diagnosing an electronic component, you need to note its original position on the motor. After dismantling, the device is checked for defects in external surfaces. If the DPKV is dirty or has corrosion on the contact group, then it must be cleaned with alcohol. If the inspection shows no defects, it can be diagnosed using special instruments. It is advisable to carry out the test using a multimeter, which can be switched to different modes.

Ohmmeter test method

This method is simple and accessible, but does not guarantee detection of a breakdown. It is used to measure the resistance of the coil. To do this, it is enough to simultaneously touch the coil terminals with the probes. The polarity of the touch is not important in this case.

The resistance value depends on the characteristics of the coil and is usually in the range of 500-700 Ohms. To determine the resistance value of your sensor model, you need to look in the description of the DPKV or search on the Internet.

The multimeter is used as follows:

  1. We set the measured parameter (resistance) in a range close to the measured value, but not lower.
  2. We touch the ends of the sensor with the probes and look at the readings.

If the indicators are close to the standard values, then the coil is working properly. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not always indicate a faulty crankshaft sensor. Therefore, it is advisable to check using other methods.

Checking inductance values

When excited, all coils display an inductance indicator, including the coil located in the crankshaft sensor housing. The diagnostic method boils down to measuring this indicator.

When checking inductance, you must have a megohmmeter, a network transformer, an inductance meter and a voltmeter. To determine the indicator, carry out the following steps:

  1. Use a multimeter to measure the inductance of the coil (standard values ​​are in the region of 200-400 mH).
  2. Using a megohmmeter, measure the resistance of the insulating layer between the ends of the DPKV (the data should be above 0.5 MΩ).
  3. A network transformer is used to demagnetize the sensor coil (deviations indicate the need to replace the part).

Video: Checking DPKV, it couldn’t be simpler. Injector diagnostics.

Diagnostics using an oscilloscope

The most advanced and accurate method of determining the health of a part is checking with an oscilloscope. Diagnostic work is carried out with the power plant running.

You can also use an oscilloscope to check serviceability on a dismantled crankshaft sensor. This requires an electronic oscilloscope and special software. In this case, the check is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. Probes must be connected to the terminals of the crankshaft position sensor;
  2. Launch the software;
  3. Move any metal object near the part.

If the sensor is working properly, a graph is constructed on the device screen based on the DPKV readings.

If the part reacts to the movement of a metal object, then it is working. But the result of checking it on a running internal combustion engine will be more accurate.

The simplest, most reliable and fastest way to determine the performance of the DPKV is to install a known-good synchronization sensor in place of the one being tested. And if the problems with the car disappear, then the conclusion is clear - the part is faulty and needs to be replaced.

When installing, you should take into account the correct installation: maintaining the required gap between the DPKV and the flywheel. You can find out this indicator from the instructions for the sensor or from the Internet, but on average it is 0.5-1.5 mm.

Today we will talk about the engine crankshaft position sensor, where it is located, signs of its malfunctions, ways to check it on various cars using instruments.

Crankshaft position sensor VAZ 2110, malfunctions and replacement

Welcome, friends, to the DIY car repair website. Modern generation engines are characterized by good power and fuel economy.

The engine settings are controlled by a computer. Indicators of its operation are taken from various sensors.

Crankshaft position sensor VAZ 2110

Of these, only one can stop the engine if it breaks down. This is the crankshaft position sensor (CPS). Its main task in the VAZ 2110 car is to synchronize the fuel supply and ignition systems.

When this node breaks down, this synchronization is disrupted, causing the entire system to fail. No spark, no fuel supply. The power unit may not behave adequately and eventually stops anyway.

What does DPKV do in a car?

As the name implies, the crankshaft position sensor reads and transmits to the on-board computer information about the state of the crankshaft at a particular moment. The control system then gives a signal about the correct distribution of the fuel mixture between the cylinders.

DPKV in the vehicle system

That is why, if there are malfunctions associated with this device, then the computer “freezes in bewilderment” and cannot supply the fuel mixture, since it has no information about what it should be, and also cannot ensure synchronization of the operation of the injectors and the ignition system.

This is how a small device can block the operation of an entire car. Therefore, if it fails, there can only be one solution - immediate replacement. Moreover, repair is impossible, and in general, it makes no sense, if only because of the cheap cost of the product.

How to check the crankshaft position sensor of a VAZ 2110

How to check the DPKV VAZ 2110 and make sure that it is faulty? There are a couple of options for sensor failure. But we can consider only two of them, the most common.

In any case, you need to remove it using a ten key. Before removing, we place marks on the sensor and the crankcase to fix its original position.

If there is no external or other damage to the DPKV, it is checked using other instruments. Read how to check the idle speed sensor here.

One more note when dismantling - it is necessary to measure the distance between the sensor and the sync disk. They should have a gap of 0.6-1.5 millimeters.

The first way to check is with an ohmmeter. You need to measure the winding resistance. The manufacturer specifies a number of 550 - 750 Ohms.

But they may be slightly different. If there are significant deviations in the readings, it is necessary to replace the VAZ 2110 DPKV with a similar one.

The design of the DPKV is very simple and it rarely fails, the main reasons being contamination, mechanical damage, or simply being defective.

In the second method, you also need to get a voltmeter, an inductance meter and a transformer. We measure the resistance as described in the previous method at room temperature.

Next we measure the inductance, it should be 200-4000 millihenry (mH). Using a megger, you need to measure the resistance with the power supply of the DPKV winding of 500 volts. The readings should not be more than 20 Mohm.

When replacing the sensor yourself, do not forget about its original position. And maintain the distance between the timing disc and the new crankshaft position sensor.

The torque to tighten the bolts is 8 - 12 N*m. Replacement should be carried out only if you are convinced that this unit is faulty. A new sensor may cause the engine to not operate properly; it is usually checked before installation as well.

The crankshaft position sensor (CPS) provides the ECU (electronic engine control unit) with information about the angular position of the crankshaft and the moment the pistons of the 1st and 4th cylinders pass TDC. If the sensor malfunctions, problems with engine operation occur. Let's consider the appointment, testing and replacement of DPKV.

Messages 3

1 Topic by xdcden 2016-03-20 13:31:47

Topic: Resolved: No voltage at DPKV block

there is no voltage on the DPKV block, with the ignition off 0.05v on the white wire and ground, and 0.83v when turned on. on the green wire at zeros, where to look for what? the fuel pump is working, there is no spark.

2 Reply from Seryoga Sedovlasy 2016-03-20 15:00:35

xdcden, Depending on which ECU. But the general test scheme is as follows: Turn off the ignition, disconnect the harness connector from the controller, measure the resistance between the contacts coming from the DCPV with a multimeter (different ECUs have different contact numbers) a) if the resistance is 750 Ohms or more, the connecting wires or sensor are faulty; b) if the resistance is 550 Ohms or less, the wires are shorted to each other or the sensor is faulty; c) if the resistance is within 550-750 Ohms, rotate the crankshaft, using a multimeter to measure the voltage between the contacts of the harness block. If the voltage is below 0.3 V, the connections are faulty or the sensor is faulty. If the voltage is higher than 0.3 V, connect the harness block to the controller, clear errors from the controller’s RAM and try to start the engine. PS The sensor itself generates voltage pulses when the teeth of the crankshaft pulley pass by it

3 Reply from xdcden 2016-03-22 08:13:40

Seryoga Sedovlasy, thanks for the advice. It was decided, it wouldn’t start due to the fact that the wires on the block were mixed up.

Methodology for checking the functionality (diagnostics) of phase sensors (part 21110/21120-3706040) and crankshaft position sensors (part 21120-3847010), used on VAZ cars.

1. Checking the phase sensor 21110-3706040

1.1 Set the voltage on the voltmeter V1 on the power supply E to 13.5±0.5V, the voltage at contact “B” of the sensor must be at least 0.9Up. 1.2 Bring a steel plate made of soft magnetic material to the end of the sensor, as shown in the figure. The sensor should operate, which is determined by the change in voltage at contact “B” of the sensor. When the sensor is triggered, the voltage at contact “B” should be no more than 0.4V. 1.3 Remove the steel plate, and the voltage at contact “B” of the sensor should change to a value of at least 0.9 Up.

2. Checking the phase sensor 21120-3706040

2.1 Set the voltage at voltmeter V2 on power supply E to 13.5±0.5V, the voltage at contact “B” should be no more than 0.4V. 2.2 Bring a steel plate made of soft magnetic material with a width of at least 20 mm, a length of at least 80 mm and a thickness of 0.5 mm to the end of the sensor as shown in the figure, placing it in the slot of the housing. The voltage at contact “B” of the sensor must change and be at least 0.9 Up. 2.3 Remove the steel plate, and the voltage at contact “B” of the sensor should change to a value of no more than 0.4V

II. Checking the performance of DPKV (21120-3847010)

1.1 Remove the sensor. Carry out an external inspection of the sensor for damage to the sensor body, core, contact block and its contacts. Contacts must be clean. If there is contamination on the contacts, remove them with an alcohol-gasoline mixture. If the core is dirty, clean it of metal particles and dirt. 1.2 Check the active resistance of the sensor winding between contacts 1 and 2 of the sensor block using a V7-22A digital voltmeter (or another that provides similar or greater measurement accuracy). The value of active resistance should be in the range of 550-750 Ohms. Checking the active resistance of the sensor should be carried out at a sensor temperature of 22±2°C. When checking active resistance, it is necessary to take into account the error of the measuring device. 1.3 Check the inductance of the sensor winding between contacts 1 and 2 of the block using an R, L, C E7-8 meter at a frequency of 1 kHz. The inductance value should be in the range of 200-420 mH. 1.4 Check the insulation resistance of the sensor between the core and the sensor terminals (contacts 1 and 2 of the block) using a F4108/1 megohmmeter. The insulation resistance must be at least 20 MOhm at a voltage of 500V.

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Crankshaft position sensor (CPS)

VAZ ECM sensors. The sensors convert the information into an electrical signal, which is received by the electronic engine control unit. The presence of all sensors is not necessary for the ECM to function. The configurations depend on the injection system and toxicity standards.

To check the DPKV itself, you need to remove it from the car by unscrewing the mounting bolt and removing the sensor from the hole in the boss on the oil pump housing. By connecting the tester to the sensor terminals, measure the resistance; it should be equal to 550-750 Ohms. Then we switch the tester to the alternating current measurement mode and bring a screwdriver or other metal object to the sensor; the tester should detect voltage surges.

You can check the serviceability of the DPKV sensor using a scanner, which must be connected to the diagnostic connector.

The best and most accurate test for crankshaft position sensor operation. You can do this with a motor tester (oscilloscope).

Technological progress in the automotive industry is displacing outdated carburetor engines, replacing them with injection ones. This leads to the need to know the design and operating principle of modern engines, in terms of the synchronization of spark formation and the supply of gasoline to the cylinders. DPKV is not provided on cars that do not have an on-board computer, and on carburetor engines.

The sensor is available in the design of only injection and diesel internal combustion engines. The stable functioning of a modern car depends on the ECU, which is its “brain”. The unit receives information about the condition of the vehicle from the installed sensors, which is processed, and based on the results obtained, the operation of all systems is adjusted. One of the main sensors responsible for engine operation is the crankshaft position sensor.

What does the crankshaft sensor do?

DPKV synchronizes the phases of fuel injection and pulse supply to ignite the combustible mixture in the combustion chamber. In other words, based on its readings, the controller determines when and into which cylinder the fuel mixture should be supplied.

The sensor is of the inductive type and reacts to the passage of the teeth of the drive disk on the generator drive pulley near its core. The teeth are located on the disk at 6° intervals. To synchronize with TDC, two teeth out of 60 are cut off, forming a cavity. When a depression passes by the sensor, a so-called “reference” synchronization pulse is generated in it.

How to check the crankshaft position sensor yourself

Checking the crankshaft position sensor comes down to checking the resistance of the windings. If the readings of the device (ohmmeter) differ from 550-570 Ohms, then the crankshaft sensor is faulty. If the crankshaft position sensor error does not disappear, then you should clean the sensor from dirt and check the integrity of the wire and the quality of the connections in the circuit. The crankshaft position sensor cannot be repaired.

By the way, if replacing the crankshaft sensor did not solve the problem, then look into other causes of the problem in the engine (won’t start, runs unstable or the engine doesn’t pull).


Sensor location

The stable operation of the engine depends on the serviceability of the crankshaft sensor, so automakers place it in an easily accessible place to quickly troubleshoot the problem. Despite the dense arrangement of parts under the hood, it is quite easy to determine where the synchronization sensor is located.

Reference disk. Other names are master or synchronizer.

Most often it is located on a bracket between the generator pulley and the flywheel.

Among other electronic sensors, it stands out because of its wire (70 cm long) with a special connector for connecting to the vehicle’s on-board network.

To replace and install the DPKV, you only need to correctly set the gap between the rod and the synchronizing disk. The gap size varies from 0.5 to 1.5 mm and depends on the make and model of a particular car. The distance is adjusted using special washers located between the device and the installation site.

Something else useful for you:

Video: Crankshaft position sensor DPKV

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