Sherkhan 5 LED Lights Constantly Blue PIN code required

Most modern cars are equipped with factory alarms. Often, a car owner buys a used car with an already installed alarm system. In both cases, the car owner may not know all the intricacies of the security system of his vehicle. A constantly burning alarm light is a sign that the car’s security system is malfunctioning. In this case, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the constantly working indicator and eliminate them in order to restore the system’s functionality.

Reasons why the LED is constantly on

There are several reasons why the alarm light is constantly on:

  • The most common reason is the running “Valet” service mode.
  • The second fairly common reason is a malfunction of the door, hood and trunk switches.
  • Well, a less common reason why the alarm light is constantly on is a software failure in the operation of the security system itself, as well as the failure of one or more sensors.

This problem may be due to either a software glitch or a problem with the electronics itself.

Having familiarized ourselves with the list, let's look at all the points in more detail, and let's start with, perhaps, the most common reason, the occurrence of which is most likely.

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It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

Why is the display on the key fob constantly on, so the key fob shows the time, battery charge, empty antenna and tube on the windshield, then don’t disassemble the key fob in vain, the display cable is flimsy, some segments may disappear. Ask, I'm in touch!

Mechanical damage to the alarm

Mechanical damage, manifested by a constant lighting of the indicator, is usually associated with limit switches (limit switches) of the doors, luggage compartment or hood. Limit switches are the simplest opening-closing sensors, which are buttons connected to an alarm system. In the closed position they are pressed and close the electrical circuit; in the open position they open. Damage to the limit switches can be caused by:

  • oxidation of contacts in conditions of high humidity or in winter;
  • loose fit as a result of deformation of the body part due to an accident or improper installation;
  • failure due to mechanical impact or impact.

When the electrical network is disconnected, the alarm perceives the body part as open. As a result, the alarm indicator light lights up continuously.

On modern cars equipped with a display, identifying the problem of an inoperative limit switch is quite simple. In a graphic image of a model car, a door or body part with a non-functioning limit switch will also be displayed as not closed.

To solve the problem, you need to visually inspect all the limit switches of the car for contact oxidation. If an oxidized limit switch is detected, it must be disassembled and the contacts cleaned.

If the cause of the limit switch malfunction is mechanical damage, then it needs to be replaced with a new one. If incorrect positioning of the limit switch is detected, the position of the limit switch must be adjusted to that required for proper operation.

Service mode “VALET”

Valet mode can be activated by randomly pressing buttons on the remote control

If there is nothing under the steering column, then we recommend that you look at the technical instructions for your alarm, namely the location and designation of the output sockets to which various sensors are connected, and our treasured button. Once you find the connector you need, simply follow the wire leading from it and you will eventually come across what you were looking for.

Activation and deactivation of the “Valet” function in the Star Line Twage B6 alarm system

Deactivation is done by pressing key two, after which “VALET” will no longer be displayed on the remote control screen, and the alarm light in the cabin will go out. Similar manipulations apply to the Star Line Twage B9 system.

Activation and deactivation of the “Valet” function and alarm of Scher Khan Magicar 5

To activate the mode, simultaneously press and hold the “I” and “III” keys for no more than one second. Be sure to respect the length of time you hold the keys, since the same combination, when held for two seconds, deactivates the shock sensor.

What kind of lighting do you prefer?

Built-in Chandelier

After activating the Valet mode, the light is constantly on

To deactivate Jack, repeat the activation combination - “I” and “III” held for no more than a second. If the shock sensor is accidentally deactivated, press the “I” and “III” keys and hold for at least two seconds. Similar combinations are used in the Scher Khan Magicar 6 system.

Technical and software problems

There is also another reason why the security system LED is on all the time, and this is a breakdown of the hood, trunk or door switches. The limit switch itself is a small button that is located in the door of a vehicle. It is to these buttons that the alarm unit is connected, when the door closes, the limit switch lever snaps into place, and thus informs the circuit, and the security system itself is aware that the door or trunk is closed. But in this case, oxidized or faulty endings in the limit switch may not close this circuit, and ultimately the security system will not understand and will constantly signal that your vehicle is not fully protected, and the alarm LED will be constantly on. You can also deal with this problem yourself, you just need to get to the limit switches, clean them from plaque or oxidation, treat them with an alcohol solution, and also lubricate them with a special lubricant, which you can easily purchase at a car store. After the entire procedure, set all the buttons to their original positions.

You can now easily answer the question why the security LED is on. This is done because there may be breakdowns of any sensors, volume sensors, impact sensors or body sensors. And when you have such troubles, you need to immediately seek help from a service station. They also turn to a service station for help when the security system LED is constantly on due to a breakdown of the device or software in the alarm center itself. But in the case of diagnostics, if a malfunction as indicated above is not detected, then it is most likely a breakdown or malfunction of the security system unit itself.

And to conclude our article, we wish you that you never have problems or malfunctions with the alarm system in your life, so that the security system light works in the normal position all the time. The most important thing is to have a relaxing time without worrying about your vehicle being stolen.

Requirement of a PIN code

The “Valet” mode is not the only thing the service button controls. It is also used to disable security without a key fob: just open the door with the key, turn on the ignition and hold down the Valet button for two seconds. If the PIN code is not set by the owner, the car will be disarmed.

Now imagine how much time a car thief will spend pulling out the door rod and turning the ignition lock cylinder. Without a given pin code, Sherkhan is not able to protect against even the most primitive hacking, and this must be remembered.

Valet on telematic alarms and mobile applications

The first family of Scher-Khan alarms with telematic capabilities was Universe - controversial and at the time of its debut, which caused not the most flattering reviews, since Universe 1 worked in pure Slave mode, without additional authorization mechanisms - wearable tags appeared only in Universe 2.

However, this is not relevant to the topic of the article. As for the service mode, its management has been changed. The “Sherkhan” alarm system, which does not have its own key fob, can turn on the “Valet” function (renamed here to the “Car Service” mode) through a mobile application, the “Commander” interior unit or via a GSM channel (by call or SMS).

On the mobile app, drag the screen to the left to display the side menu. In it, select the appropriate item (we will leave the phrase “Enable car service” to the conscience of the authors). After this, all that remains is to confirm your choice.

Control of Universe systems is also possible through the manufacturer’s Internet portal, but it does not provide a function for switching to service mode, unlike portals from other companies.

For Mobicar alarms, the mobile application connects to the alarm not via the Internet, but via Bluetooth. Therefore, the company has released its own application for them, which differs in interface from the one made for Universe.

And control of the service mode is placed in a separate menu item.

Here, fortunately, the menu is written out more clearly, and after selecting the “Enable Auto Service mode” item, no confirmation is needed. The color of the machine icon changes, indicating that the service mode is activated, and the window title also indicates this.

In service mode, the alarm retains all the capabilities of monitoring the status through a mobile application, and the functionality of the driver call button in the cabin is also maintained.

Why the alarm light on the car panel is on - Help for the car enthusiast

If for the last case the recipe is universal - a service center, then the first two can often be solved by yourself.

Expert opinion

It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

Controlling the “Jack” mode on “Sherkhan” (disable, enable) Be sure to observe the length of time you hold the keys, since the same combination, when held for two seconds, deactivates the shock sensor. Ask, I'm in touch!

The light does not blink

Finally, let’s look at a particular case where everything worked before, but now the alarm light has stopped blinking. As in other cases, there are several solutions:

Sometimes the light goes out in another case. A reaction that can only appear over time, and only on the driver's door. This is not a matter of the trailer, as stated above. You need to check the contacts in the lock activator. It is easy to diagnose - sometimes the lock jams (does not freeze).

A constantly burning light bulb was mentioned several times in this article.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the security system today includes a number of parameters, and the question of what to do if the alarm light is constantly on should not arise for the current owner. First you need to diagnose it yourself (in particular, the maintenance mode), and do not delay visiting the service center. Of course, the on-board computer often helps in diagnosis, but there is something that it simply will not understand what is normal and what is a problem.

In conclusion, we recommend looking at one of the options on how to turn off the alarm if there is no connection with the key fob

Sherkhan Magikar 5 valet mode turn off

  1. Disarm the car and turn on the ignition.
  2. Press and hold the service button for 2 seconds (the light should blink once).
  3. Briefly press the button again. After this, the light will flash twice if a PIN code is not set in the alarm settings, or once if a PIN code is set.
  4. If a PIN code has been set, you will need to enter it. To do this, you need to quickly press the button the number of times that corresponds to the first digit of the code, wait for a single flash of light, then repeat the same steps for the remaining digits.
  5. After a pause of no more than five seconds, press the service button. Valet mode will turn on.

Disabling Valet mode in the Sher-Khan car security system

It is not difficult to guess that the service mode in Sher-Khan is disabled in the same way as it is enabled. Disarm the car (open the locks) and hold down buttons I and III for 5 seconds.

If it doesn't help, then there is another option. Turn on the ignition, then press the LED indicator button, which is most likely glued to the inside of the windshield in one of the corners (most often in the upper right corner), hold this button for 2-3 seconds.

This makes no sense, and for several reasons. In your absence, it is easier for a potential lover of someone else’s to disable the blocking in advance. If there is a code grabber, the old Sherkhans do not pose any problems for the hijacker. So Valet is a purely decorative function, with no practical meaning.

Starline alarm indicator indicator is constantly on

When transferring a car with a Sherkhan alarm system to a service station or car wash, you must disable the security system.

Expert opinion

It-Technology, Electrical power and electronics specialist

Ask questions to the “Specialist for modernization of energy generation systems”

Alarm Sherkhan Magikar 5 does not respond to the key fob: 6, 9, 2, 7, 3, sees the car, the second one works, shows symbols, status, no feedback Logicar, pressing buttons Control of Universe systems is also possible through the manufacturer’s Internet portal, but the function There is no provision for switching to service mode, unlike portals from other companies. Ask, I'm in touch!

Malfunction of programs or sensors

A fairly rare, but possible reason for the indicator to be constantly on is a software failure or malfunction of individual sensors. Special security system meters include sensors for mechanical impact (shock), changes in volume in the cabin, body position, etc. If one of the sensors breaks down, the system perceives the situation as an emergency, which notifies the car owner using an indicator. In this case, to diagnose the faulty sensor, you will have to contact a specialized service.

Also, a constant indication may be caused by a software or hardware error in the electronic alarm control unit. You can try to reset the alarm by turning off the battery power. If the problem persists, it is difficult to solve it yourself, so it is better to contact a service center

In any case, the constant burning of the indicator light is a sign that the car is not under reliable alarm protection, therefore, the safety of owning the car is reduced. By finding the reason for the constant light of the indicator and eliminating it, you can restore reliable protection for your car using a car alarm.

Requirement of a PIN code

The “Valet” mode is not the only thing the service button controls. It is also used to disable security without a key fob: just open the door with the key, turn on the ignition and hold down the Valet button for two seconds. If the PIN code is not set by the owner, the car will be disarmed.

Now imagine how much time a car thief will spend pulling out the door rod and turning the ignition lock cylinder. Without a given pin code, Sherkhan is not able to protect against even the most primitive hacking, and this must be remembered.

Valet on telematic alarms and mobile applications

The first family of Scher-Khan alarms with telematic capabilities was Universe - controversial and at the time of its debut, which caused not the most flattering reviews, since Universe 1 worked in pure Slave mode, without additional authorization mechanisms - wearable tags appeared only in Universe 2.

Useful tips Connection diagrams Principles of operation of devices Main concepts Meters from Energomer Precautions Incandescent lamps Video instructions for the master Testing with a multimeter

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