How to replace the alternator belt on Ford Focus 1, 2 and 3 yourself?

02/28/2022 38,164 Ford Focus

Author: Ivan Baranov

The generator device is one of the main components in any modern car. Its operation provides power to the vehicle’s on-board network, so the unit must function correctly. You will find a detailed guide on how to replace the Ford Focus alternator belt below.


In what cases does the belt need to be replaced?

Let's talk about how to install, tension and adjust the alternator belt on a Ford Focus 2 restyling, 100, 105, 115, 125 hp. First, let's look at the cases in which the strap needs to be replaced. In accordance with the technical information specified in the service manual, the car owner must replace the drive belt at least every 60 thousand kilometers. But the service life of the belt may be lower; it all depends on its quality.

The need for replacement may arise if damage appears on the strap structure. If it breaks, the battery will discharge much faster, since the car's electrical system will be powered by the battery, and the battery charge will not be replenished due to a broken strap. Since Ford Focuses use a belt for the alternator and power steering, the power steering will not be able to function, as can be seen by the tight turning of the steering wheel.

You can recognize the need to replace the belt by the appearance of a whistle, which will appear when starting the engine and during its operation, when activating electrical equipment. The appearance of problems in the operation of the generator unit is accompanied by the lighting of a new indicator on the car’s dashboard in the form of a battery.

If you decide to remove and install the generator and air conditioner drive belt, as well as the tensioner pulley, then you can tell about its wear by the following symptoms:

  • cracks have formed on the surface of the belt;
  • the strap became stretched, not elastic as before;
  • Damage and tears are visible on the belt structure;
  • damage also appeared on the inner teeth;
  • structure delamination.

Ford Focus repair manual

So, when everything is prepared, you can start working.

It must be emphasized that the second generation Ford Focus is a modern car in which all elements and systems are interconnected.

Therefore, the replacement must be done very carefully.

It is necessary to install the belt carefully without fuss, because if it is even slightly damaged, then it will not be able to work fully and at some point will lead to a more severe breakdown.

Diagram of how to remove the cover for the alternator belt zone

Ford 2

Replacing the alternator belt is carried out as follows: We hang up the front axle of the Ford Focu s2 and place it on a strong support, after which we remove the wheel.

Unscrew the right front wheel ff 2

We dismantle the fender liner and protective cover by unscrewing the mounting bolts to the engine with a socket head.

Remove the mudguard and take out the fender liner

Remove the belt and cut it with a knife.

Removing the generator drive belt

This is very important, since after its removal, re-installation is excluded, because its installation on the pulleys is possible only once, and it is impossible to adjust it.

Removing the generator

for check

We clean the generator pulleys with a clean rag to prevent the belt from slipping when the device is operating.

Belt for pump and generator

We install the new part on the cleaned pulleys and assemble it in reverse order.

Replacement methods on 1.6 l engines

Before carrying out work, you must first purchase transmission elements to replace them.
The best option is to buy an original kit, especially for models with 1.4 and 1.6 liter engines. The original kit, catalog number 1708273, includes not only the alternator and air conditioning drive belts, but also the tools for installing them.

But this same kit is not entirely suitable for car owners whose cars are not equipped with air conditioning (the second belt will be superfluous, and will significantly affect the cost).

You can also buy supplies separately, which will save you some money. For example, instead of the original Ford Focus 2 alternator belt, you can buy an analogue made by Contitech, Dayco, Bosch, Gates. The same manufacturers also produce air conditioner drive belts.

But in this case, the car owner will not receive tools for installation, although he can do without them.

1st method

There are three ways to replace the alternator belt. Let's look at them using the example of the Ford Focus 2, equipped with a 1.6-liter unit. The first way is through a special device that comes with the original kit.

Before installation, you must dispose of worn-out consumables. Since the belt will no longer be used, we simply cut it (on models with air conditioning, we also cut the compressor belt).

To install a new unit, you will only need two 17mm keys and a device for grounding it.

The installation technology is as follows:

  • We put the driving element on the crankshaft pulley, put it on the power steering pulley and throw it into the generator;
  • We put the seating device on the pump pulley so that its protrusion is located on top;
  • Place the belt behind the ledge;

  • We put a 17mm wrench on the hex head of the fitting and move it towards ourselves, turning the special tool. In this case, the device with the protrusion will tension the gear and slide it onto the pump pulley.

    Since the engine mounting bracket will not allow the key to turn completely, we pull it out completely, after which we intercept the head with a second key and pull it out;

  • We carry out the procedure, stretching and intercepting with keys until the drive element “sits” on the pump pulley;

  • Check the correct position of the belt.

The second belt is replaced using approximately the same principle. We put it on the compressor pulleys, the crankshaft, wind it with the last belt and turn the crankshaft clockwise with a key, install the transmission.

2nd method

The second method of replacing the alternator belt on a Ford Focus 2 does not require the use of any special tools.

The landing method is quite simple:

  • Before installation, unscrew the 3 bolts that hold the pump pulley and leave one, just loosen it a little (this will make it possible to change the pulley relative to the pump);

  • We put the belt on all the pulleys of the crankshaft, generator and power steering pump, and also wrap it around the unscrewed pulley of the pump;
  • We turn the crankshaft clockwise with the 18mm head and knob. When you turn it, the pulley will begin to tighten the belt, due to which the pump pulley will turn and fall into place, after which all that remains is to fix it with bolts.

This method is very simple and allows you to change the accessory block very quickly.

3rd method

The third method also does not require the use of a special tool, but technologically it is a little more complicated than the second option.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Before installing the belt drive, unscrew the upper fastening of the generator (bolt, as well as the nut along with the pin) and loosen the lower fastening (after this the generator will be able to turn a little). See here how to replace the Ford Focus 2 generator;
  • Moving towards ourselves, we shift the node;

  • We install new consumables on all pulleys (an offset unit will allow this to be done);
  • We put the generator in place. To do this, we move it towards the motor and, holding it in this position, turn the upper fixing screw. After this, all that remains is to screw the stud into place, screw on the nut and tighten the lower fastener.

All of these methods are suitable for replacing the alternator belt on both a 1.6 liter engine and a 1.4 liter unit.

Video “How to properly change the strap on Focus 2”

The Autoshaman Mechanic channel has provided a video that details the procedure for replacing the alternator drive belt on a Ford.

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Step-by-step instruction

You can replace, put on and tighten the product yourself.

Required Tools

We change the belt after all the tools have been collected:

  • set of wrenches;
  • dressing device;
  • tensioner;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • jack;
  • rollers.

A device for putting on can be purchased in a store, rented at a service station, or developed a drawing and made yourself. The donning tool will allow you to complete the installation procedure faster, and rollers will be required if the old parts have begun to wear out.

User Ernest told how to change the alternator belt yourself.

Replacement steps

To properly remove, install and tension the drive belt of the generator set and air conditioner, you must proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. Replacing the Ford Focus alternator belt is performed by dismantling the product. To do this, remove the key from the car's ignition and open the hood. Unscrew the screws securing the terminals connected to the battery, and then remove them.
  2. Loosen the screws that secure the front right wheel. Place this part of the car on a jack. Unscrew the screws completely and remove the wheel.
  3. After removing the wheel, you can remove the fender liner. Disconnect and move the mudguard aside. Once you have access to the generator belt, remove it. To do this, use a previously prepared knife. After cutting and dismantling the belt, clean the shaft surface.
  4. Visually assess the condition of the installed rollers. If there are defects, parts must be replaced.
  5. Now you need to install a new belt and tighten it. The strap should be positioned centrally between the hydraulic power steering pump and the crankshaft. You will see the pump wheel; a tool for installing the part is mounted on it. Once the tool is installed, it should be turned counterclockwise.
  6. You need to put the belt on the drive pulley. It is mounted in such a way that the number located on the surface is directed towards the machine motor. The belt is installed on the shafts of the hydraulic booster, air conditioning system and generator unit.
  7. The product is tensioned. Use a 19 key to turn the water pump pulley. The procedure is performed carefully. While the pulley is spinning, the belt is tensioned. Scrolling is carried out until the belt stretches and sits fully on the pulley. Take an 18mm wrench and use it to turn the crankshaft a few turns. As a result, you can check the correct installation of the part.
  8. To tighten the belt on the compressor drive of the Conder, place the installation tool on the pulleys of the auxiliary devices. Installation is carried out in such a way that the tool is located between the axes of the pulley. The device is placed on the device and installed on the compressor shaft.
  9. The crankshaft turns again. This is done until the product is completely seated on all the shafts. If you manage to do this, then the installation device is removed and the crankshaft is rotated 2-3 turns. Check whether all steps have been performed correctly and evaluate the quality of the product tension. If the tension is insufficient or too strong, the strap may wear out quickly. After installation, make sure that the grooves of the product are correctly installed in the notches on the shaft. Otherwise, the strap may become distorted when starting the engine, which will also lead to wear and breakage.
  10. Reassemble everything in reverse order. Reinstall the wheel arch liner and wheel and tighten the bolts securely. Start the engine and check that the belt is working correctly. At first, it may make noise that is uncharacteristic of its operation. Subsequently, the sounds will disappear when the belt gets used. You can use a special softening agent, sold at any automotive chemical store. It helps get rid of extraneous sounds.

Scheme of installation of the product on the shafts

Installing the belt on the pulley

Mounting the strap on the roller

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