We connect the on-board computer to the VAZ-2114: do-it-yourself installation

Just a few years ago, a car's electronic system was considered a luxury innovation, but recently many cars are equipped with this element. Most motorists would like to have a car filled with all the technical innovations. But unfortunately, not all cars of the VAZ family are equipped with an electronic system. Installing an on-board computer on a VAZ 2114 yourself should not cause any difficulties.

The functionality of the electronics is quite extensive; it has a large number of various programs aimed at improving the performance of the car and monitoring its technical condition. This system determines with the highest accuracy many machine operating parameters, for example: speed limit, brake fluid temperature, voltage level inside the machine system and much more. Moreover, the indicators of the on-board computer are several times more accurate than the indicators of standard instruments. The functionality of the electronic on-board system is very diverse.

In addition to determining the accuracy of indicators in the operation of the machine, on-board electronics do an excellent job of diagnosing all vehicle systems and identifying fault codes. There should be no difficulties in deciphering the codes, because... The on-board computer instructions contain all the necessary transcripts.

The advantages of electronics are quite noticeable; it is possible, without visiting a service center, to independently identify all problems that arose during operation and eliminate them in a timely manner. An important point is that the system helps to avoid quite serious consequences of a malfunction thanks to timely diagnosis.

Another advantage of this system is the equipment with sound alarm and light alarm. This type of alarm also informs the car owner about problems that have arisen in the car’s network, or informs about engine overheating.

Installing an on-board computer on a VAZ 2114


Before proceeding with installation, you need to decide for which functions the VAZ 2114 on-board computer is needed

Before deciding on the choice of an electronic system, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the machine. Of course, it is not advisable to buy a very complex system for an ordinary car, or too expensive for a budget car

It is enough to purchase a system that includes a monitor, the necessary set of wires and, accordingly, a processor.

Next, determine where to mount the electronic system monitor. The best solution would be to install it in the central part of the console, if space allows. If there is no free space, the monitor can be mounted on a dashboard; therefore, an external housing is required.

The next step is to place the processor itself. Do not forget that all ventilated openings of the processor must be freely accessible, and the case must be mounted in a certain place. The wires must also be routed through a special tube that protects them from external negative influences.

After installing all the elements, connect the wiring. To display the technical condition of the machine, you need to connect the on-board computer to the center of the machine. After completing the installation process, turn on the system and install the necessary programs. The final step will be setting up.

If there are problems with the operation of the electronic system, for example, the on-board computer of the VAZ 2114 does not work. Most likely, the problem lies in incorrectly connected contacts or incorrect settings. To solve this issue, just check all connections and correct them, or check the existing settings according to the instructions.

How to install an on-board computer on a VAZ 2114?

9 - and pin connector

Diagnostic block VAZ 2114

First you need to remove the plug on the panel. After removing it, you need to find a bunch of wires with a 9-pin connector; it is available on all VAZ model cars. Connect the connector to the on-board computer, be sure to draw a K-line, for this:

Connect a 1 m long wire to the second contact of the connector block. Run the other end of the wire to the diagnostic block under the dashboard, so that the process does not cause inconvenience, you can unfasten the panel on the right. Connect the wire to the diagnostic block, through the M-socket if there is a EURO 2 block, or to socket 7 if there is a EURO 3 block (there are cases where the EURO 3 block is installed upside down, be sure to pay attention to this!).

Connect the on-board computer, install it in the designated place and test it.

The presented connection diagram for the on-board computer on the VAZ 2114 shows in detail the procedure.

Connection diagram for on-board computer on VAZ 2114

Preliminary preparation

Preparing for installation

There are several activities that you should think about and implement before you begin installing the BC.

  1. Determine the set of functions that you want from your bookmaker. For this purpose, standard instructions are attached to each device. Plus a lot of information can be found on the Internet.
  2. It makes no sense to buy a highly sophisticated system for the VAZ 2114. But budget bookmaker models are not the best solution.
  3. The optimal package includes a monitor, a set of wires and a processor.
  4. Decide where the BC will be installed. The center console is best suited for this. But there must be adequate free space for it.
  5. If the center console doesn't fit, try the dash. Although in this case you will need an external housing.

Remember right away that after installing the on-board computer, you will also have to install the software and make the appropriate settings. Therefore, do not think that by connecting all the wires, the work can be considered completed and the BC will miraculously begin to give you objective and adequate information.

Instrument panel VAZ 2114 - designation of icons, buttons

The instrument panel of the VAZ 2114 is considered the main element of the information presented, which reflects the entire technical condition of the car. The instrument panel on the VAZ 2114 is located in front of the driver’s eyes. After all, it is through the control panel that the driver can understand that there is a malfunction in the car; this is the so-called communication device between the driver and the car. Since car production does not stand still, new sensors, buttons and icons are added all the time.

There are several types of elements here:

  • An indicator light, it will signal certain consumable systems, such as fuel, brake fluid, oil and many others.
  • Tachometer and speedometer.
  • As well as the speedometer switching unit.

Exactly the same control systems include levers for switching turn signals, low and high beams, and much more.

Now it’s worth examining all the symbols presented on the control panel in more detail. And also what this or that indicator means, and what needs to be done if they light up. But there are times when buttons and light bulbs fail, and they should definitely be repaired, since these are the main links that will indicate a malfunction.

What's the result?

Taking into account the above information, it becomes clear that the VAZ 2114 BC (VAZ route computer) allows you to fully control the car in real time. In fact, the device connects to all sensors and units that the vehicle's ECM has.

Moreover, the computer processes the received data and displays them in the simplest and most understandable form for the driver. Otherwise, the BC collects, corrects, analyzes and then provides accurate information, so that the driver can immediately read such data without any difficulties or additional decoding.

You can also identify problems in a timely manner due to the fact that the computer notifies you of critical failures and errors. Thanks to this feature, it is often possible to avoid serious consequences and expensive repairs. Even if errors occur, there is no need to go to a service station for diagnostics; decoding is available right on the spot.


  • https://ladafakt.ru/nastrojka-bortovogo-kompyutera-vaz-2114.html
  • https://carfrance.ru/instrukciya-dlya-bortovogo-kompyutera-vaz-2114/
  • https://remontvazov.com/bortovoy-kompyuter-vaz-2114-2
  • https://vaz-2114-lada.ru/2013/02/podklyuchenie-bortovogo-kompyutera/
  • https://NaDomkrat.ru/ustroistvo-avtomobiley/elektrooborudovaniye/podklyuchenie-bortovogo-kompyutera-na-vaz-2114
  • https://carfrance.ru/kak-podklyuchit-bortovoj-kompyuter-na-vaz-2114/
  • https://nadouchest.ru/kompjuter-marshrutnyj-2114-3857010-instrukcija/
  • https://autovaz-2114.ru/electrical-equipment-in-the-car/kak-ustanovit-bortovoj-kompyuter-na-vaz-2114/
  • https://KrutiMotor.ru/bortovoj-kompyuter-vaz-2114/

How to choose a quality bookmaker

The main rule when choosing a computer for a car is that the device must support collaboration with the computer. And secondly, you need to be guided by personal preferences. You should clearly understand what functionality the device should have.

The Multitronics on-board computer fits best into the VAZ 2114 car. Among the devices from this company, you can choose the best option for your car.

Today there are a huge number of automotive gadgets with different purposes. An on-board computer can be universal - monitor vehicle systems and access the Internet. It can also be highly specialized. Particularly popular today are route BCs, which allow you to build a route using an interactive LCD display, download various maps of the area from the Internet and perform a number of other useful actions.

The price range is quite wide - you can buy a device for 1000 rubles, or for 5000 rubles. Of course, more expensive models are endowed with enormous functionality. They are capable of starting the engine to warm up at a certain time, signaling low tire pressure, and turning on a GPS navigation system.

If these functions are not paramount for you, then you should choose an on-board computer from the budget segment and not overpay for functions that will never be useful.


If the on-board computer is a VAZ 2114, you need to check:

  • Correct and reliable connection of wires and plugs;
  • The integrity of fuse F3, which is responsible for the operation of the BC (there is not always a fuse on the device itself, but in any case you need to look at the instructions);
  • The settings are correct according to the instructions supplied with the bookmaker.

Sometimes it is necessary to reset all data (fuel consumption, travel time, etc.). As a rule, the instructions contain instructions for this (usually a reset button). But if there is no instruction or it doesn’t say anything about it, then you can reset the indicators like this:

  • Remove the BC and remove the connector for a while;
  • Disconnect the battery terminals for a certain period of time.

The readings should reset to zero.


On the on-board computer you can read all the errors that occur in the ECM. Deciphering the VAZ 2114 error code follows certain codes. If there are no errors, the message “No errors” lights up on the display. The list of errors is large, so we will list only the most common error codes for the VAZ 2114:

  • 0134 – no oxygen sensor activity;
  • 0116 – coolant temperature sensor error;
  • 0172 – enriched fuel mixture;
  • 0300 - presence of misfires;
  • 0340 – phase sensor is faulty;
  • 0505 – failures in the XX regulator.

Errors on the VAZ 2114 on-board computer are reset according to the instructions for each specific model by pressing a button combination, but a general reset can be done by temporarily disconnecting one of the battery terminals.

Let's start with the fact that installing an on-board computer in a regular place on a VAZ 2114 and other Samar models is not so difficult. In principle, there is no hassle with the installation with wires and nuts (unless, of course, no one tried or changed anything in the car before you).

A knowledgeable person will install it in about 2 minutes, so don’t be afraid, put your hands on your feet and sing along.

The principle of operation of the BC on the VAZ-2114

Not a standard on-board computer

The operating principle of the on-board computer will seem primitive at first glance, however, in fact, it is a technically complex device that simultaneously receives, processes and, if necessary, notifies about the presence of faults. The notification function occurs by displaying a special icon on the screen and giving a certain sound signal.

Brief user instructions

All on-board computers supplied to the VAZ-2114 have their own user manual, and if it is not in paper form, you can easily find it on the Internet; all you need to do is know the make and model of the device. Despite the fact that there are many options and models, their basic functionality is basically the same.

On-board computer readings.

If you are just going to purchase a BC, then you should know whether a specific model is suitable for your car's ECU

As a rule, the seller already has all the information, and this should not be difficult. It is better, first of all, when familiarizing yourself with the on-board computer, to devote time to the emergency command symbols and visual icons that appear on the display. Pay attention to the location of the buttons, and the rules for working with them, in order to quickly respond to changes in parameters while driving (on some BC models, the keys can be blocked at a certain vehicle speed - approx.).

Error codes for VAZ-2114

Since the ECU on all VAZ-2114 is similar or at least similar, it makes no sense to write them down in advance, much less remember them, fortunately some models are able to not only display it on the screen, but also voice all the problems present in the car .

The best option for identifying and clarifying faults is a printed version of the error codes for the VAZ-2114. You can get them on the official websites of manufacturers of BCs for the VAZ-2114, and below we will present to you the most common errors that occur on the “fourteeners”:

0102, 0103Incorrect signal level of the mass air flow control indicator.
0112, 0113Incorrect signal from the intake air temperature indicator - the element needs to be replaced.
0115 — 0118Incorrect signal from the coolant temperature measurement element - the sensor needs to be replaced.
0122, 0123Interference or incorrect signal from the throttle position control indicator - it is advisable to replace the element.
0300The on-board computer (BC) has detected random or multiple misfires - in this case, the car may not start immediately.
0201 — 0204An open circuit was detected in the injector control circuit.
0325The on-board computer detected an open circuit in the detonation device.
0327, 0328The knock sensor is malfunctioning—the device needs to be replaced.
0480The cooling fan has failed - the element needs to be replaced.
0505 — 0507There are malfunctions in the functioning of the idle speed controller, which affect the number of revolutions (lower or higher). If this code occurs, the regulators must be replaced.
0615 — 0617During the diagnostic process, breaks or short circuits in the starter relay circuit were identified.
230This error code means the fuel pump relay is broken - the device needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
1602It is one of the most common codes when diagnosing fault codes. Indicates a loss of on-board power supply voltage to the electronic control unit.

What to do if the bookmaker stops working

It happens that the bookmaker stops working or the information that it should transmit and analyze is not transmitted

First of all, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the electrical circuit. Namely, fuse F3, which is responsible for its operation, then you should check the integrity of the wires that go to the diagnostic block and provide its power

You can find out how to properly connect the on-board computer to the VAZ-2114 system in this article.

For VAZ 2114, 2115, 2113, 2109, 21099 Samara, Samara-2 | RGB display | In a regular place | Voice | ECU diagnostics | Reset errors | Route parameters.

Main settings

The VAZ 2114 computer of most models displays the following parameters:

  • vehicle speed;
  • the amount of fuel remaining in the tank;
  • travel time;
  • engine speed;
  • fuel consumption;
  • the amount of engine heating;
  • cabin temperature;
  • the distance that the car can travel on the remaining fuel;
  • the distance traveled by the car;
  • voltage in the on-board electrical network;
  • the amount of heating of the coolant;
  • throttle position;
  • total air flow;
  • error codes and their interpretation;
  • average vehicle fuel consumption;
  • how much fuel was consumed during the current trip;
  • distance traveled during the trip in kilometers;
  • average speed;
  • other useful data.

The on-board computer hazard warning light has very useful functions. From the name it is already clear that it gives a signal, notifying the car owner about errors and malfunctions, such as:

  • engine overheating;
  • overcharging or undercharging of the battery;
  • low fuel level;
  • and some others.

The price of on-board computers for VAZ depends on their functionality, brand and model. The most common, economical option does not cost more than 700 rubles, and remote models can reach prices of 4,000 rubles. There are on-board computers included in the instrument layout, but the cost of such options starts from 5,000 rubles. Currently, the main and well-known models are produced by State, Gamma, and Multitronics.

When choosing a model, pay special attention, in addition to appearance and functionality, to the compatibility of the on-board computer with the type of electronic engine control system of your car. Manufacturers' information that a computer is compatible with all electronic control systems is not always accurate.

Connection diagram for Board Computer on VAZ 2114

Installing the on-board unit does not take much time and effort; a specialist will spend less than three minutes on this work. If you wish, you can install the computer yourself. Any computer on the VAZ 2114 includes instructions.

A description of all the positive capabilities of the device in question has already been given above, but it is worth identifying them in more detail. For example, let's analyze the on-board computer of the VAZ 2114 state 115*24 and consider its advantages.

  1. Setting the fan start temperature. This function is indispensable in winter to monitor the heating of the stove radiator. For this, monitoring the coolant temperature is simply necessary.
  2. Drying and warming up the spark plugs before starting the engine.
  3. If desired, you can change the type of gasoline, for example, from 95 to 92 or vice versa; the ability to reset settings and adjust the electronic control unit will come to the rescue. In addition, this feature will be useful after traveling long distances when the engine has been under heavy load.
  4. The error reading function provides timely information about the technical condition of the vehicle, any malfunctions of sensors or other elements.
  5. And many other important and useful functions.

On-board computer Multitronics Comfort X15 for VAZ

Multitronics Comfort X15 is a multi-color trip computer designed for VAZ 2108, 2109, 2199,2114, 2115. Designed for installation in a standard location on the instrument panel.

Supports the following ECU types:

  • January 5.1. (after 05.2000)
  • Bosch M1.5.4.
  • Bosch M1.5.4N
  • VS 5.1 Itelma
  • January 7.2 Itelma
  • Bosch MP 7.0
  • Bosch M7.9.7, M73
  • Itelma M74
  • Bosch ME17.9

Distinctive features of the Multitronics COMFORT X15 on-board computer

  • Equipped with an RGB backlit display, and you can choose the backlight color to your taste from 512 proposed options!
  • The car computer uses an algorithm to automatically determine the K-line communication protocol. You can independently determine the exchange protocol, you just need to correctly indicate the type of ECU. Using this protocol gives you great opportunities. So, you can monitor engine temperature, throttle position, mass air flow, oxygen sensor voltage, etc. You also get the opportunity to dry the spark plugs before driving in frosty weather.
  • To use the car computer with maximum comfort, you can choose at your discretion which parameters will be displayed on USER DISPLAYS 1,2,3. Only the appearance of the User Display 4 (Day), Maintenance Display and Settings Displays does not change.
  • User display 4 “Days” allows you to observe the average travel parameters for 1 day, regardless of the general travel parameters. In this case, you can even find out the cost of the trip.
  • The mode for testing the charging system and assessing the capacity and quality of the battery allows you to easily assess the health of the battery charging system and determine the quality of the battery itself.
  • The radiator fan temperature correction mode ensures gentle operation of the engine and reduces the likelihood of coolant boiling. Thanks to this mode, you can turn on the radiator cooling fan in the range of 95°C and above in hot weather. You can also force the fan to turn on, regardless of the engine temperature.
  • To control an external device, the device has 2 independent programmable timers. Timers can be used to control the operation of preheaters, air conditioning, etc. You can connect the “Mute” input of the radio to the control output of an external device so that its sound is turned off and does not drown out the computer’s audio messages.

There is no voice guidance in this on-board computer model

If the presence of this function is important to you, then you better pay attention to the Multitronics COMFORT X14 model - it is equipped with a voice informant and a set of polyphonic melodies. In all other respects the devices are identical

Warranty: 1 year

Warranty: 1 year.

Key Features:

  • RGB display of arbitrary color (512 colors)
  • 8 parameters on display simultaneously
  • 3 programmable multi-user displays
  • Battery capacity test and evaluation
  • Candle drying mode “Hot start”
  • Automatic/manual protocol setting
  • External device control output
  • Two universal programmable timers
  • Change 8 parameters with one touch
  • Fan start temperature correction
  • Fuel level in the tank from the fuel level sensor or from the ECU
  • Multi-display “Day” with trip cost calculation

How does a bookmaker differ from a control panel?

Many car owners are sure that there is no need for an on-board computer; all data is displayed on the dashboard, and that’s enough.

But let's take the speedometer as an example. As you know, it reads the engine speed, converting from to speed. But if you install wheels of larger diameter, the speed will increase, but the dashboard will work according to the old scheme, that is, you will exceed the speed limit, although everything on the speedometer is “within the limits of the law.”

Universal model

Simple clamps do not cope with their tasks as well as BC is capable of it. In theory, it is possible to calculate only from the dashboard the amount of fuel used, current and average fuel consumption, the number of kilometers traveled, and so on. But why sit behind the wheel and calculate something, be distracted, if you can just get an on-board vehicle and look at its screen, receiving the necessary information based on changing parameters.

So there is a significant difference between the BC and the dashboard.

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