We connect the on-board computer to the VAZ-2110 with our own hands

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With the advent of more modern technologies, domestic cars began to be equipped with on-board computers. The VAZ 2110 model was no exception.

Thanks to the on-board computer on the VAZ 2110, you can check for yourself what condition the car is in, what problems have arisen and how to solve them.

What can a bortovik do?

Depending on the model, the functionality of the on-board devices may vary significantly. The simplest ones display information about the outside temperature, driving speed, current and average fuel consumption, the distance that can be driven with the fuel remaining in the tank and some other data. In addition, the on-board computer displays the voltage in the on-board network and the vehicle’s engine operating parameters, namely crankshaft speed, air flow and throttle opening angle. This data helps identify problems earlier.

Perhaps one of the most important functions that an on-board computer performs is that it recognizes engine control unit error codes and translates them into human language.

Thus, there is no need to go to diagnostics and connect an error scanner every time the “Check Engine” indicator lights up on the dashboard. In addition, it can reset errors stored in the electronic engine control unit and completely erase its memory. This is necessary in cases where, even after troubleshooting, the motor continues to operate incorrectly due to errors.

Another equally useful function that not all on-board vehicles have is warming up the spark plugs. This procedure takes about a minute and in severe frost makes it much easier to start the engine, because in addition to heating up the spark plugs, it starts a chemical reaction in the battery, which also “warms up” in this way.

There are other functions that the on-board computer can perform, which are not so necessary, but sometimes useful. Thus, some models remind you that it is necessary to carry out vehicle maintenance or renew your insurance. Many on-board devices can work as an alarm clock.

Installing an on-board computer allows you to solve another problem that is inherent not only to VAZ-2110 cars, but also to many other models of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, namely, a fuel level sensor that often fails or simply gives incorrect readings. The on-board computer is usually configured in such a way that either it transmits information about the amount of fuel in the tank from the fuel level sensor, or it is calibrated manually, then the device independently calculates the remaining fuel. The only thing that is required from the driver in the future is to manually set the amount of gasoline after each refueling.

Onboard Device Options

The modern market offers consumers a huge range of computerized devices.

Only the most popular models are listed:

  • Multitronics UX7;
  • State X1 Universal;

  • X1 G;
  • State Kalina XD;
  • Multitronics C900;
  • Multitronics MPC800;
  • Multitronics RC700;
  • UniComp 600;
  • Multitronics GL550;
  • Multitronics VC 731;
  • Multitronics VC 730;
  • Multitronics TC750.

Why do you need an on-board computer?

In previous articles we have already talked about what an on-board computer is. what is it for and what types are they? But let me repeat myself so that you clearly understand all the advantages of having an on-board computer, and there are probably no disadvantages, except perhaps spending money on the purchase and that’s all.

Let's take, for example, the on-board computer STATE 115×24. With this model in your possession, you can:

  • set the radiator fan start temperature; this function is very useful, for example, in winter, when you can control the temperature of the coolant, thereby monitoring the temperature of the heater radiator.
  • The function of drying and warming up the spark plugs before starting the engine is very useful.
  • The function of resetting settings and ECU adjustments is needed to switch to gasoline with a higher or lower octane number (from 92 to 95 and vice versa), and this function is also needed to reset settings after a long trip with increased load on the engine.
  • The ability to read errors allows you to monitor the condition of the car and change non-working sensors and elements in a timely manner.

Pros of bookmaker

Installing a computer on a VAZ 2110 will open up a lot of good options and has a huge number of advantages:

  • the presence of a trip computer allows you to find out about the power reserve;
  • the ability to combine a computer and a navigator;
  • option for heating the spark plugs of a disabled vehicle;
  • the ability to check errors and eliminate them immediately. Replacing the bearing that caused the malfunction significantly
  • cheaper than subsequent extensive repairs.

Connecting Orion bk 16

I got some brotherly encouragement

, I’m not happy anymore, I’ve been scratching my head on how to connect it.

What is this anyway? Can anyone tell by appearance? Or how can I understand whether it is BC 16, BC 17 or BC 46

his mother?! His name is 2115-3857010 Or just connect it to the power supply and at the beginning of its switching on it should tell you who he is?

In general, on the Internet you will find a lot of comprehensive information on connection - I agree! But there is one thing! Now I will try to describe this to you But. The photo of the connection was taken from the Internet.

And if you connect a K line to it, then what? Will it be connected to ground or something?

Who can tell me what kind of stray thing I have? Maybe this is for a carb engine, I have an injector.

From the photo you will hopefully see what I want to say. There are no more wires, except for those that come out of the BC itself and I have a 9-pin block there. I don’t really know what to do, help people out.

Not long ago on Sunday, a few thoughts appeared: 1.

It’s a pity to give away money for identifying the reasons for the Check Engine light (suddenly you’ll have to buy something else with it) 2. Somewhere in Styopka’s friend there’s a bookmaker in his four that “blocks the hole in the wall”—it’s not working. 3. It’s not for nothing that I received a radio tower)

I call Styopka, explain the situation, like, let me try to revive him, give him a ride, test him, then we’ll give you a B, etc. Since my friend is a little far from electrical (though I’m not a genius myself, but I’m trying to figure it out), and there is a desire to fix the thing, the go-ahead was received almost immediately.

So, a visual inspection showed that this is an Orion BC, model #16. He came to me in the following form.

I started looking for information on it on the Internet and sorted it out along the way. As it turned out, there are new and old BK-16 models. The difference is in the firmware, in the types of screens, and in the presence of a mini-USB port inside the case.

Also, there must be a special adapter from the block located on the BC (13pin) to the block, which is hidden under the panel (9pin). The difference is in the photo.

What does the VAZ 2110 on-board computer show?

The VAZ 2110 on-board computer exists in several versions. The most basic option is a small seven-segment liquid crystal display consisting of just two numeric lines. It occupies a very modest position under the speedometer on the dashboard. Displays a minimum of information for the driver, if not almost nothing. Since such a VAZ 2110 on-board computer can hardly be considered a full-fledged one, motorists often replace it with more serious models installed instead of a plug next to the ACS unit.

An on-board computer on a VAZ 2110 is not a definite luxury today. A full-fledged electronic device capable of performing a huge number of useful information and diagnostic functions in your car will cost you no more than 500-900 rubles for the simplest option. More “sophisticated” copies can cost from 1,500 to 12,000 rubles.

Installation of on-board computer VAZ 2110

Let's turn to the information that the on-board standard computer of the VAZ 2110 can give us. Conveniently, using push-button navigation, you can switch a number of modes, allowing you to keep your finger on the “pulse” of our iron horse. Here is a short list of the main features that the on-board computer on the VAZ 2110 is capable of:

  • displaying the current time and setting an alarm;
  • reports the temperature outside the car;
  • counts kilometers traveled;
  • determines the time of movement;
  • will tell you what the average fuel consumption is per 100 km;
  • You can also find out instantaneous fuel consumption;
  • preliminary calculation of the amount of fuel in the car in kilometers;
  • average movement speed;
  • fuel consumption in liters.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the capabilities that the on-board computer on the VAZ 2110 is capable of. There are countless different models, the potential of which may well be expanded and updated with improvements in the firmware supplied with them. For example, the standard on-board computer of the VAZ 2110 (the same MK-10, AMK-2110 with firmware 211000) by default has specific shortcomings that do not allow receiving information through the diagnostic interface of the electronic control unit (ECU), but all this is perfectly “treated” with updated firmware .

Disadvantages of the BC injector

Some VAZ 2110 models are equipped with a standard on-board computer. This model has a certain number of disadvantages and limitations. For example, the model interacts poorly with the electronic control unit (ECU) and does not allow receiving data through a special diagnostic connector. However, only motorists with on-board computers in the state face this problem. In addition, this can be treated with a standard flashing of factory settings.

If the BC is installed separately on the VAZ 2110, then it can be easily customized for yourself. If connected correctly, the device will not cause problems. If there are still difficulties, for example, the Check light comes on, but the diagnostics shows that such an error code does not exist.

This means that the contacts of the on-board computer may come loose or the electronic system may fail. You need to restart the bookmaker or turn it off for a few minutes. Next, we reconnect and configure the device according to the operating instructions.

  • some models of on-board aircraft do not allow reading errors;
  • incorrect connection of the computer to the VAZ 2110 can cause errors in the ignition system;
  • shows incorrect fuel consumption values ​​due to a faulty mass air flow sensor.

Standard on-board computer VAZ 2110 – instructions, installation

Almost all modern cars are equipped with an on-board unit. This device provides the machine with many useful functions. With its help, you can find out the car’s daily mileage, instantaneous fuel consumption, air temperature, and fuel reserves in the tank. Other functions include additional operating parameters - air flow, crankshaft and damper position, and other data.

However, the most useful function of an on-board or trip computer is the provision of error information. The device can find out the error number that occurs during engine operation and display it on the screen without additional diagnostics. This allows you to troubleshoot problems without having to pay for diagnostics or unexpected repairs.

Some car models released from the factory do not have this useful device, which makes servicing the car difficult. Therefore, owners strive to carry out their own tuning of vases. Installing an on-board computer on a VAZ 2110 with your own hands will not pose any special problems. If connected correctly, operating time will not take more than an hour. The article will show you how to install and configure the device on a VAZ 2110-2111, and will also tell you about the models and prices of on-board computers.

On-board devices are divided into several types. Injection or carburetor devices are suitable for the VAZ 2110, depending on the type of power system for the car. Additionally, devices are divided into stationary, installed only in specially designated places, or universal, of any size, which can be placed in any convenient place.

Among other things, there are devices that are suitable only for one model. For example, VAZ 20199, but it does not work on VAZ 2110. This may cause the device to display data incorrectly. It’s worth remembering this when purchasing and purchasing an on-board computer that can be installed specifically on these models.

The most common and convenient devices for the VAZ 2110 are simple State 110-X5 devices, the price of which starts from 2-3 thousand rubles. The bortovik is compatible with the old panel and has a number of simple functions, such as information on fuel consumption, coolant temperature in the tank, estimated power reserve and mileage until the upcoming maintenance, coupled with decoding engine errors.

It is best to give preference to more expensive devices such as Omega 168, Orion or Mutltronics. Such devices have an expanded range of useful functions that will significantly simplify the operation of the car. And you won’t be scared by how much such an on-board computer costs. The maximum cost of advanced BCs, which come with a dashboard that simplifies installation, reaches 10-12 thousand rubles.

The main differences between a BC injector and a carburetor

The main differences between the bk, depending on the type of power supply, are the on-board capabilities for the VAZ 2110. The carburetor type is the simplest. The main reason is that carburetors are largely controlled mechanically, and electronics play a secondary role. Therefore, its standard set of functions is extremely small. You can find out about:

  • time of day or set an alarm;
  • current and average fuel consumption, as well as power reserve;
  • average speed and driving mode;
  • engine or outside air temperature;
  • diagnostic information that allows you to find out about an engine operation error and decode it.

Malfunctions and settings of the on-board computer on the VAZ-2114.

Often no additional manipulations are required - just enter the parameters according to the manufacturer's instructions. If the BC does not function, check the fuse and wires for integrity. If there are glitches in the system, try to reset it. To do this, press the reset button, disconnect the connector or battery terminals.

If it is necessary to reset errors, warm up the engine, disconnect the battery for 15 minutes and connect it back. The key in the ignition switch is turned, stopping it in the pre-start position. After turning on all the lights and indicators on the dashboard, leave the key for a couple of minutes, then return it back.

After completing the steps described above, start the internal combustion engine and let the car idle without pressing the gas pedal. Repeat the procedure several times to reset the system. If the method does not work, use the “software” analogue. When a signal appears on the display, understand the situation.

Description of the standard on-board computer BAZ 2110

  • how much time has passed since the start of the trip
  • what is the fuel consumption
  • At what average speed are you moving?
  • Approximately how long can you drive on the remaining fuel?
  • outside air temperature (we said above that for this you need to install a corresponding sensor)

Bottom right

How to disable the speed signal on a regular computer? I bought a car 2110, it has a standard on-board warning system, I was able to signal more than 60 km/h. Please tell me how to turn this off?

It seems that in the current speed indicators you need to press the right middle button and change the indicators.

Tell me, brothers, my main computer has burned down, and now it won’t start, it’s already been six months. It’s worth it, what do you advise?

I have something with time on my bank account, it used to always work, now it doesn’t, I haven’t touched it or changed it. It's worth the staff. What should I do? I tried to set a new time, but they still didn’t work.

Tell me, I have COMFORT X11, it notifies me (including by voice) when the voltage of the on-board network is below 11 Volt, how to turn it off or lower the level at which it is issued forbearance? Thank you!

If the time stops, you need to replace the lithium battery, it is the same as in any home computer

Worried about the instrument panel? Is any pointer not working? Do you want to change the backlight? Then read this article. And you will learn how to remove it correctly, what malfunctions occur most often, and how to fix them.

What breakdowns often occur with the Gazelle steering gearbox, how to fix them and how to remove the gearbox if there is no hole or viewing platform. Everything is written simply and clearly.

Installing an on-board computer on a VAZ 2110 with detailed instructions

Each standard on-board computer on the VAZ 2110 comes with instructions, according to which you can dismantle the old computer and put a new one in its place. Therefore, first of all, arm yourself with this guide.

It’s not difficult to figure out for yourself how to connect an on-board computer to a domestically produced VAZ 2110 car. It is necessary to act consistently and follow stages.

  • First, remove the terminal that comes from the battery.
  • Find the alarm block and remove it. The on-board computer is connected to it.
  • The orange wire should be removed from the seventh contact.
  • In its place, a red and white wiring is attached, which is pulled from the on-board computer harness.
  • Disconnect the orange wire and install it in the connector from which you previously removed the wire.
  • The red wire with black stripes will be disconnected from the tenth contact. The red wire from the BC harness is attached here. Instead of red, connect red-black. Essentially, you are swapping wires.
  • Disconnect the black wire from the fifth contact. A wire of the same black color from the on-board computer harness is connected to it. This is a very important point, don't miss it.
  • The black wire from the block is connected here.
  • Now it’s the turn of the eighth contact. The white wire is removed from it, and the white wire from the harness is connected in its place. That is, a change of places occurs again.
  • Make sure there is contact between the wires.
  • Check the quality of fixation of each disconnected and connected wiring. Use insulating tape in areas where they are curled.
  • The harness is pulled through the internal section of the console to the site for subsequent installation of the on-board computer.
  • Next, you should carefully and firmly connect it to the sensor, which is responsible for adjusting the fuel level in the car.
  • Remove the instrument panel to give yourself access to the gray block.
  • Disconnect the fuse box. It is located to the left of the driver.
  • From the gray block, remove the pink wire that transmits the signal to the fuel level sensor. The pink wire from the harness of your on-board computer is connected to it.
  • Install the sideboard in its rightful place.
  • Reconnect the battery terminal to turn the ignition on. Start the engine and check if everything works on the installed on-board computer.

By following fairly simple instructions, you should be able to connect the VAZ 2110 BK to your car without any problems. Carefully study each point, think about whether you can really do everything yourself.

As we have already noted, the approximate cost of a new on-board computer intended for installation on a VAZ 2110 car is 2 thousand rubles. There is no need to purchase additional tools or materials for self-installation, that is, the whole process will cost you 2 thousand.

When you contact a service station, you will be asked for about 2 thousand rubles more to connect the on-board computer. This is the best case scenario.

Considering the relative simplicity of the work, there is no need to trust it to car mechanics. By consistently performing each step and following the instructions, you will be able to equip your VAZ 2110 with an on-board computer with your own hands.

Features of the Clock

The mode includes a clock, date, alarm clock with 7 polyphonic melodies, control of external contacts of the Omega 115 system. In addition, if you wish, you can go through key control points in demo mode. In this menu you can adjust the screen brightness and see the temperature sensor data.

By installing an electronic device, you won’t worry about how much gasoline is left in the tank and whether you can get to the desired location without refueling. Taking into account your driving style, the BC will predict how many kilometers you can drive on the remaining amount of fuel.

Attention! The maximum adaptation of the on-board device of the Omega 115 system to the VAZ 2109i-15 makes it possible when monitoring the gasoline level not to calibrate the tank; it is enough to select the appropriate type of panel. The system includes the ability to determine the ambient temperature using a temperature sensor manufactured by Philips

For the convenience of working with the on-board computer, in the “Information about bookmaker” section there is a section in which, in the demonstration mode, you can get information about all the available functions of the computer (Demo mode). In this mode, the Omega 115 on-board computer supplements the operating instructions. By launching the “Multi-display” section, you can simultaneously monitor the readings of several of the parameters you most need (three modes of this function are available)

The system includes the ability to determine the ambient temperature using a temperature sensor manufactured by Philips. For the convenience of working with the on-board computer, in the “Information about bookmaker” section there is a section in which, in the demonstration mode, you can get information about all the available functions of the computer (Demo mode). In this mode, the Omega 115 on-board computer supplements the operating instructions. By launching the “Multi-Display” section, you can simultaneously monitor the readings of several of the parameters you most need (three modes of this function are available).

Functional purpose of the device

The development of the technical component of vehicles has led to an abundance of electronic and mechanical devices that control the operation of the car. Each of them reflects one or another indicator, which a person does not always have time to analyze. This is where the VAZ on-board computer will help, taking control of what is happening. In addition to monitoring the operation of vehicle systems, it will promptly inform the owner about a failure.

Another advantage is that the standard on-board computer analyzes the technical condition of the car within the specified parameters. In practice, this means that the driver can ask a question regarding the presence of components or assemblies whose performance exceeds the technical norm. Preventative analysis reduces the likelihood of downtime due to technical failure. The VAZ trip computer differs in the available options depending on the configuration:

  1. Carburetor is a budget option that does not have sufficiently wide functionality. Installation does not take much time, and operation is simple. It is difficult to find it on the market due to low demand among VAZ-2110 owners.
  2. Injection - there are various options on the market that take into account the needs of drivers. Among the main advantages is the ability to conduct in-depth diagnostics. For example, if the car does not start because the injector has failed, the system will notify you in advance. The cost of the on-board computer depends on the configuration.
  3. Universal - installation is carried out on a VAZ-2111, 10 or 12 without taking into account technical specifications. Installation is carried out behind the rear view mirror or windshield.
  4. Adapted - selected taking into account the make and model of the vehicle. Installation is carried out in a strictly designated place, which the instructions will help you find.

Rules for driving a car with an injector

A car equipped with an injector is less susceptible to ambient temperatures. However, in severe frost, the injection Lada also experiences difficulty starting. Here it is worth using the on-board computer with the function of heating spark plugs. Every time the temperature drops below a certain value and the car is turned off, a special heating of the tips is carried out to ensure a stable engine start.

Also, the VAZ engine sometimes overheats, which can cause valve burnout and costly overhauls. However, this is possible if the cooling system is faulty. If necessary, you can activate the Tropic function for the on-board computer of the VAZ 2110. When the temperature reaches more than the value set by the owner, the forced cooling fan turns on.

Installing an on-board computer on a VAZ 2110 with detailed instructions

Each standard on-board computer on the VAZ 2110 comes with instructions. according to which you can dismantle the old BC and put a new one in its place. Therefore, first of all, arm yourself with this guide.

It’s not difficult to figure out for yourself how to connect an on-board computer to a domestically produced VAZ 2110 car. It is necessary to act consistently and follow stages.

  • First, remove the terminal that comes from the battery.
  • Find the alarm block and remove it. The on-board computer is connected to it.
  • The orange wire should be removed from the seventh contact.
  • In its place, a red and white wiring is attached, which is pulled from the on-board computer harness.
  • Disconnect the orange wire and install it in the connector from which you previously removed the wire.
  • The red wire with black stripes will be disconnected from the tenth contact. The red wire from the BC harness is attached here. Instead of red, connect red-black. Essentially, you are swapping wires.
  • Disconnect the black wire from the fifth contact. A wire of the same black color from the on-board computer harness is connected to it. This is a very important point, don't miss it.
  • The black wire from the block is connected here.
  • Now it’s the turn of the eighth contact. The white wire is removed from it, and the white wire from the harness is connected in its place. That is, a change of places occurs again.
  • Make sure there is contact between the wires.
  • Check the quality of fixation of each disconnected and connected wiring. Use insulating tape in areas where they are curled.
  • The harness is pulled through the internal section of the console to the site for subsequent installation of the on-board computer.
  • Next, you should carefully and firmly connect it to the sensor, which is responsible for adjusting the fuel level in the car.
  • Remove the instrument panel to give yourself access to the gray block.
  • Disconnect the fuse box. It is located to the left of the driver.
  • From the gray block, remove the pink wire that transmits the signal to the fuel level sensor. The pink wire from the harness of your on-board computer is connected to it.
  • Install the sideboard in its rightful place.
  • Reconnect the battery terminal to turn the ignition on. Start the engine and check if everything works on the installed on-board computer.

By following fairly simple instructions, you should be able to connect the VAZ 2110 BK to your car without any problems. Carefully study each point, think about whether you can really do everything yourself.

As we have already noted, the approximate cost of a new on-board computer intended for installation on a VAZ 2110 car is 2 thousand rubles. There is no need to purchase additional tools or materials for self-installation, that is, the whole process will cost you 2 thousand.

When you contact a service station, you will be asked for about 2 thousand rubles more to connect the on-board computer. This is the best case scenario.

Considering the relative simplicity of the work, there is no need to trust it to car mechanics. By consistently performing each step and following the instructions, you will be able to equip your VAZ 2110 with an on-board computer with your own hands.

The price at which the product is sold in a retail store at the address: Samara, st. Partizanskaya, 56a, shopping center "Cascade", office 206.

This is the status of the product, displaying information about the availability of the product in the warehouse.

This product is in stock at the store and will be sent to you as soon as possible without pre-ordering.

This item is currently out of stock, but we are awaiting availability from the manufacturer. Once the item arrives in the store, it will be shipped to you.

The operator will inform you when the goods arrive at the store.

This product is not in stock at the store, but we can bring it especially for you if you place an order.

Products supplied “to order” are shipped only with 100% prepayment.

The operator will inform you about the delivery time.

The Orion BK-16 route on-board computer is designed for installation on cars with a carburetor engine.


The connection diagram for the on-board computer on the VAZ 2114 is simple - it does not require special training or special qualifications. Therefore, you can connect the on-board computer to the VAZ 2114 with your own hands; detailed instructions are always attached to each device.

The connection principle is the same for all BCs, so let’s take a closer look at how to install an on-board computer on a VAZ 2114:

  1. De-energize the car (disconnect the battery terminals).
  2. We remove the standard plug from the instrument panel.
  3. We find the 9-pin connector.
  4. Remove the plug for the diagnostic connector.
  5. Remove the lower left side of the center console on the instrument panel.
  6. We take a piece of wire (about 1 m long) and connect it according to the following diagram. This wire in the diagram is designated as K-line white. That is, we connect terminal “7” (Euro-3) or terminal “M” (Euro-2) in the diagnostic connector with terminal “2” in the BC block with a wire.

Read more: Spark plugs for Lanos

The top right shows the Euro-3 type diagnostic connector (newer version), the bottom right shows the Euro-2 connector. The wire connection to the connectors is shown below.

Connecting the on-board computer wire to the connectors We connect the BC connectors.

Connection of BC connectors on VAZ 2114

We install the BC in its regular place.

Installation of BC for injector

Connecting the on-board computer is quite simple. The VAZ 2110 offers several models - a standard one, which takes the place of a standard clock, or universal ones, which can be positioned at your discretion.

  1. You need to find a standard connector for connection. Remove the trim from the VAZ 2110 at the bottom of the torpedoes, as a rule, it is located there.
  2. Next, you should find the K-line wire and connect it to the car's ECU. The location of the wire is indicated on the on-board computer connection diagram (see photo).
  3. You can connect an air temperature sensor (it is better to install it in the rear bumper or near the steering tips), fuel consumption or car speed to separate connectors. The pinout of the block is shown above.

If necessary, you can install an on-board computer in addition to the standard one. This will save space on the panel. For example, a Sigma or Staff computer is installed on a VAZ 2112 instead of the standard plug for the SAUO unit and there is no need to wire the contacts. It is necessary to connect three contacts - 12 volt, K-line and ground.

Installation instructions for on-board computer

In this article we will look at the process of installing the Prestige on-board computer with diagnostic and error reading functions.

For work we will need:

Screwdrivers, on-board computer, 1m long wire.

We remove the plug on the central dashboard and look for a 9-pin wiring block in it. This block must be present on all cars of our model. All that remains is to connect the block to the computer and that’s it, but we need to draw a K-line.

How to draw a K-line?

  1. We take our wire and install it in the second contact of our block.
  2. We throw the opposite end of the wire under the instrument panel down to the diagnostic block (for convenience, you can unscrew the right side panel).
  3. Having stretched the wire to the diagnostic block, we connect it to the “M” socket if you have a EURO-2 block or to the 7th socket if you have a EURO-3 block (it is very common that the diagnostic block for Euro-3 is installed upwards on the car feet, keep this in mind)
  4. Now we connect the on-board computer, insert it into its normal place and check it.

For a more complete and clear idea of ​​the work, a diagram is presented.

What to do if there is no socket for the on-board computer under the instrument panel?

In this case, all that remains is to assemble a new block: buy a 9-pin block and run wires to it according to the following diagram:

fuel consumption signal (green wire) ignition (orange wire) + 12 volts (red/white wire) red wire with white stripe ground (black) speed sensor (brown wire) 6k line (most often gray or black wire) mute (green /red wire)green wire with red stripe

backlight (white wire, or can be taken from the size button)

fuel level sensor(pink)

Stories from our readers

Digital errors on the on-board computer are easy to decipher. To fully launch the BC, all that remains is to connect the K-line.

By the way, a similar model has now gone on sale, but with a color display. The best solution would be to install it in the central part of the console, if space allows. In installing an on-board computer, in principle, there is no hassle with wires and nuts unless, of course, no one tried or changed anything in the car before you. After removing it, you need to find a bunch of wires with a 9-pin connector; it is available on all VAZ model cars. The readings should reset to zero.

Check the wire according to the diagram described above. Let's start removing the on-board computer: First, you need to remove the radio, but first disconnect the negative terminal from the battery. The wire with the sensor can be taken out from the passenger compartment through a hole in the engine shield under the speedometer cable, next to it. The preliminary stage of installing an on-board computer on a car is to select the appropriate tools that will be needed during the installation process: a classic set of automotive screwdrivers; directly the on-board computer of the car; standard wire is about 1 meter. BK10 on VAZ2110

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