On-board computer VAZ 2114 (review, compatible models, tips, functions and description)

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Just a few years ago, electronics in a car were a real luxury item, available only in the most expensive models.

But time flies, technologies change. Now even the simplest, most affordable cars have in their arsenal an impressive number of electronic devices that ensure the operation of literally every system, monitoring the condition of the car and its individual components.

From this point of view, VAZ models are not distinguished by sophistication and a wide range of electronics. That’s why many people decide to install their own on-board computer.

Purpose and main functions of the on-board computer

The main purpose of the device is to promptly inform the driver about the status of various systems.
Modern systems are capable of solving dozens of different problems. The operation of the automotive device is possible by connecting it to the standard VAZ-2114 control unit via a diagnostic line. Due to the encoded pulses, the following information appears on the computer display:

  • volume of fuel in the tank.
  • fuel and air consumption;
  • vehicle speed;

All functions are displayed right in front of the driver. At first glance, it may seem that the VAZ-2114 on-board computer shows everything that was previously available on the dashboard. But in reality this is not entirely true.

Most on-board computers installed at the factory in cars have a fairly narrow range of functions and do not have the ability to read errors. It is for this reason that many car owners eventually resort to replacing the standard BC.

The software on any computer is many times greater than the capabilities of the control panel. These features particularly affect the accuracy of the display of various functions. This is far from the only difference between the BC and the dashboard. Next we will look at all the fundamental differences.

The on-board computer of the VAZ 2114 is the “brain” of the car. Thanks to this device, the operation of the main systems and components of the car is controlled, and in the event of a breakdown, the driver may encounter some difficulties.

What to choose?

The range of on-board computers for the VAZ 2114 is quite extensive. But you shouldn’t take the first one you come across.

First, make sure that the computer you choose supports programs designed for the electronic control unit of the “fourteenth” model.

Model Gamma GF 415T

We do not recommend purchasing cheap models under any circumstances. Once you decide to install a sideboard, make sure that there is no doubt about its quality and reliability. You'll have to pay a pretty penny for it, but believe me, it's worth it.

How to use the VAZ 2114 on-board computer

  • On the dashboard, you need to master the procedure for working with the buttons that control the main BC modes.
  • The greatest attention should be paid to studying the icons and commands given in critical situations that threaten the operation of the machine.
  • The on-board computer of a car is a complex computer device that performs more than 500 functions, and therefore, in order to competently and fully use all its capabilities, you must carefully study the operating instructions. The instructions are best read in the vehicle with the display turned on to ensure maximum clarity.

There may be a different number of buttons for each model, but functionally they are divided into the following groups:

  1. “Trip computer”: displays parameters such as remaining fuel; current and total fuel consumption; Average speed; black box;
  2. “Diagnostic computer” - in this mode you can monitor the operating parameters of all sensors, devices and systems with which the BC has feedback; Typically this group may contain commands such as "preheat the spark plugs when they are turned on in the cold season", this function is also briefly called "Plasmer" and "Winter start", in which after pressing the key to start, the Plasmer mode is activated automatically. » And the fan in the cooling system turns on for a short time to heat the electrolyte in the battery, making it easier to start in cold weather;
  3. “Maintenance” - commands are programmed in this group, starting from the next stage of maintenance, until changing the oil or filter;
  4. “Diagnostics, system errors” is a separate group that displays error codes when the engine is running. When such codes are highlighted, you need to check according to the instructions of the BC installed on the machine what this code means. The instructions provide decoding of all codes programmed into a particular computer. After decryption, take steps to reset the error or reprogram the BC.
  • If you have an external control panel, familiarize yourself with the operation and, if necessary, set the necessary parameters. If you do not have your own knowledge and skills, then you need to contact the service center that installed this option when purchasing a car at an auto center or providing support for this on-board computer model.

How to draw a K-line?

  1. We take our wire and install it in the second contact of our block.
  2. We throw the opposite end of the wire under the instrument panel down to the diagnostic block (for convenience, you can unscrew the right side panel).
  3. Having stretched the wire to the diagnostic block, we connect it to the “M” socket if you have a EURO-2 block or to the 7th socket if you have a EURO-3 block (it is very common that the diagnostic block for Euro-3 is installed upwards on the car feet, keep this in mind)
  4. Now we connect the on-board computer, insert it into its normal place and check it.

For a more complete and clear idea of ​​the work, a diagram is presented.

What parameters does the BC screen display?

By connecting the on-board vehicle, you can access a large amount of information and data about the operation of your car.

Display options

Most computers suitable for the VAZ 2114 display the following data:

  • Average speed;
  • Average car fuel consumption;
  • Motor heating level;
  • Error codes and their designation in simple language;
  • The distance that the car can travel with remaining fuel;
  • On-board voltage;
  • The amount of fuel remaining in the tank;
  • Distance traveled by car;
  • The amount of heating of the coolant;
  • Vehicle speed;
  • Internal temperature;
  • Travel time;
  • Motor speed;
  • Fuel consumption indicators;
  • The amount of fuel consumed for the current trip;
  • Throttle position;
  • Distance traveled during the trip in kilometers;
  • Total air flow;

Which on-board computer to install on a VAZ 2114

The main point from which you need to be guided when choosing an on-board computer for a VAZ 2114 is support for the VAZ2114 ECU program. In addition, there is no need to save money; more expensive electronics will be able to check the condition of the machine and promptly report a malfunction.

Errors on-board computer VAZ 2114

To check the ECU, you need to reset the daily mileage on the dashboard and turn on the ignition at the same time. Then, by pressing the button on the windshield wiper arm, you will see the computer firmware version on the display with error codes, if any.

Main error codes:

  • 9 - battery is low.
  • 8 - defects in the brake system.
  • 7 - critically low oil pressure.
  • 3 - fuel level sensor malfunction.
  • 6 - the motor is overheating.
  • 4 — liquid cooling temperature sensor.
  • 5 - malfunction of the outside temperature sensor.
  • 2- The mains voltage of the machine is too high.

The most common on-board system errors:

  1. Code 4 is mainly displayed when the engine is not warm enough or when the sensor indicating the amount of fuel is triggered.
  2. Code 6 indicates an overheated engine.
  3. Code 8, if there is a lack of brake fluid in the system.

Once existing errors have been identified, they can be restored by simply holding down the car’s daily mileage button for a while.

Before you make a deal to buy a car, be sure to check the on-board system. Make sure there are no system errors.

How to connect an on-board computer to a VAZ 2114

Before you begin installation, you need to decide for what functions you need the VAZ 2114 on-board computer. Before choosing an electronic system, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the car.

Of course, it is not recommended to buy a very complex system for a regular car or one that is too expensive for an economy car.

It is enough to purchase a system that includes a monitor, the necessary set of cables and, as a result, a processor.

Determine where to install the electronic system monitor. The best solution would be to install it in the center of the console, if space allows. If there is no free space, the monitor can be installed on a dashboard, which requires an external housing.

The next step is to place the processor itself. Remember that all vents on the processor must be freely accessible and that the case must be secured in a specific location. You also need to pass the wires through a special tube that protects them from external negative influences.

How does a bookmaker differ from a control panel?

Many car owners are sure that there is no need for an on-board computer; all data is displayed on the dashboard, and that’s enough.

But let's take the speedometer as an example. As you know, it reads the engine speed, converting from to speed. But if you install wheels of larger diameter, the speed will increase, but the dashboard will work according to the old scheme, that is, you will exceed the speed limit, although everything on the speedometer is “within the limits of the law.”

Universal model

Simple clamps do not cope with their tasks as well as BC is capable of it. In theory, it is possible to calculate only from the dashboard the amount of fuel used, current and average fuel consumption, the number of kilometers traveled, and so on. But why sit behind the wheel and calculate something, be distracted, if you can just get an on-board vehicle and look at its screen, receiving the necessary information based on changing parameters.

So there is a significant difference between the BC and the dashboard.

How to install an on-board computer on a VAZ 2114?

Diagnostic unit VAZ 2114

First you need to remove the cover from the panel. After removing it, you need to find a bunch of wires with a 9-pin connector; all VAZ cars have it. Insert the plug into the on-board computer, be sure to draw line K, for this:

  1. Connect a 1 m cable to the second pin of the terminal block.
  2. Bring the other end of the cable to the diagnostic unit under the instrument panel, so that the process does not cause inconvenience, you can disconnect the panel on the right.
  3. Connect the cable to the diagnostic unit, through socket M if there is a EURO 2 unit, or to socket 7 if there is a EURO 3 unit (there are cases where the EURO 3 unit is mounted upside down, be sure to pay attention to this!).
  4. We connect the on-board computer, install it in the designated place and check it.

The presented connection diagram for the on-board computer on the VAZ 2114 shows in detail the procedure.

Connection diagram for on-board computer on VAZ 2114

How to remove the on-board computer on a VAZ 2114

Unfortunately, many drivers are not satisfied with the operation of the car's electronic system installed during the assembly of the VAZ. This gadget can be removed without any problems.

The first thing you need to do is study the instructions for the car; it involves the process of dismantling the on-board system.

Be sure to check with the car dealership where the car was purchased about the warranty period. Most dealerships can void the warranty if you tamper with the vehicle yourself.

Let's start removing the on-board computer:

  1. First you need to get the radio, but first disconnect the negative terminal from the battery.
  2. Remove the outer cover of the radio.
  3. Then remove the entire body of the radio, making sure to loosen the wires attached to it.
  4. Reach through the open hole and carefully open the clasps on the computer unit.
  5. We remove the on-board computer, having first untied all the wires connected to it. If you are not planning to install a new electronic system, you will need to connect the wiring.
  6. Carefully disconnect all devices connected to the computer.
  7. We connect the radio and install it in place.

Why is it needed?

By installing an on-board computer, you can get a device that informs you about the operation of all systems, and with enviable accuracy. The computer reads parameters, reports potential malfunctions, and allows you to prevent breakdowns before they lead to serious repairs.

New device

It is incredibly difficult to overestimate the benefits of an on-board vehicle, which is why many decide to install it on their VAZ 2114. This way, car owners, without the help of expensive equipment at a service station, will be able to independently monitor the condition of the car and promptly respond to messages from the computer, which carries out regular diagnostics.

What settings are important during operation?

The standard on-board computer of the VAZ 2114 has quite decent functionality, but the lack of error notification in the sensor system makes it not very suitable for use. Since you need to know where and what has stopped working, it is better to install a more informative device. How to use my new purchase?

In all cases, a small instruction manual is included, which indicates the basic conditions for installing the computer, as well as its initial settings. The device interface is quite simple, and the VAZ 2114 on-board computer is controlled and configured using buttons. There's nothing complicated.

Now it’s worth talking about the functions that need to be enabled to conveniently monitor the operating conditions of the car. These are the following options:

  • read error codes and decipher them.
  • air consumption for the fuel mixture;
  • information about the operation of the cooling system - usually shows the temperature of the coolant;
  • the amount of fuel in the tank, its consumption, how the nozzle works;
  • voltage value in the electronic network;
  • automatic speed;
  • data on engine operation: the option shows the speed, gasoline consumption, temperature in the engine block;

All other functions of the on-board computer are considered secondary and are turned on at will. The VAZ 2114 on-board computer, whose instructions contain a description of all settings, can work in conjunction with sound and light alarms. The selected signal will indicate a malfunction so that the driver does not miss a breakdown or error.


If the on-board computer is a VAZ 2114, you need to check:

  • Correct and reliable connection of wires and plugs;
  • The integrity of fuse F3, which is responsible for the operation of the BC (there is not always a fuse on the device itself, but in any case you need to look at the instructions);
  • The settings are correct according to the instructions supplied with the bookmaker.

Sometimes it is necessary to reset all data (fuel consumption, travel time, etc.). As a rule, the instructions contain instructions for this (usually a reset button). But if there is no instruction or it doesn’t say anything about it, then you can reset the indicators like this:

  • Remove the BC and remove the connector for a while;
  • Disconnect the battery terminals for a certain period of time.

The readings should reset to zero.

How to choose a quality bookmaker

The main rule when choosing a computer for a car is that the device must support collaboration with the computer. And secondly, you need to be guided by personal preferences. You must clearly understand for yourself what functionality the device should have.

The on-board computer from Multitronics fits perfectly into the VAZ 2114 car. Among the devices of this company, you can choose the best option for your car.

If BC is required to represent a limited number of parameters, economic models should be preferred.

Today there are a huge number of automotive gadgets for various purposes. The on-board computer can be universal - for monitoring car systems and accessing the Internet. It can also be highly specialized. Particularly popular today are route BCs, which allow you to build a route using an interactive LCD display, download various maps of the area from the Internet and perform a number of other useful actions.

The price range is quite wide - you can buy a device for 1000 rubles, or you can buy it for 5000 rubles. Of course, more expensive models have enormous capabilities. They can start the engine to warm up at a specific time, alert you to low tire pressure, and turn on the GPS navigation system.

If these functions are not critical for you, then you should choose an on-board computer from the budget segment and not overpay for functions that will never be useful.

Preliminary preparation

Preparing for installation

There are several activities that you should think about and implement before you begin installing the BC.

  1. Determine the set of functions that you want from your bookmaker. For this purpose, standard instructions are attached to each device. Plus a lot of information can be found on the Internet.
  2. It makes no sense to buy a highly sophisticated system for the VAZ 2114. But budget bookmaker models are not the best solution.
  3. The optimal package includes a monitor, a set of wires and a processor.
  4. Decide where the BC will be installed. The center console is best suited for this. But there must be adequate free space for it.
  5. If the center console doesn't fit, try the dash. Although in this case you will need an external housing.

Remember right away that after installing the on-board computer, you will also have to install the software and make the appropriate settings. Therefore, do not think that by connecting all the wires, the work can be considered completed and the BC will miraculously begin to give you objective and adequate information.

The principle of operation of the BC on the VAZ-2114

Non-standard on-board computer

The operating principle of the on-board computer may seem primitive at first glance, but in fact it is a technically complex device that receives, processes and, if necessary, simultaneously notifies about the presence of faults. The notification function is carried out by displaying a special icon on the screen and giving a certain sound signal.

Brief user instructions

All on-board computers supplied to the VAZ-2114 have their own user manual, and if it is not in paper form, it can be easily found on the Internet, just know the make and model of the device. Although there are many options and models, their basic functionality is largely the same.

On-board computer readings.

  • Pay attention to the location of the buttons and the rules for working with them in order to quickly respond to changes in parameters on the go (on some BC models, the keys can be blocked at a certain vehicle speed - approx.).
  • It is best to spend time familiarizing yourself with the on-board computer with the emergency control symbols and visual icons displayed on the display.
  • If you are going to buy a BC, you should know whether a particular model will fit your car's ECU. As a rule, the seller already has all the information and there should be no difficulties in this.

BC cost

The price range varies quite widely - from one thousand to five thousand rubles. Expensive models, accordingly, are distinguished by greater functionality compared to budget devices.

If the BC does not require a wide range of functions, including automatic engine start, tire pressure level monitoring and other options, it is best to choose budget models and not overpay.


  • https://AccBook.ru/to-avto/bk-vaz-2114-instrukciya-shtat.html
  • https://moto13.ru/avtoremont-drugoe/kak-nastroit-bortovoj.html
  • https://delis-avto.ru/avto-ts/bortovoj-kompyuter-na-vaz-2114-shtat-instrukciya.html
  • https://akb-bu.ru/kuzov/kak-polzovatsya-bortovym-kompyuterom-vaz-2114.html
  • https://FokSevmash.ru/elektronika/bortovoj-kompyuter-vaz-2114-instrukciya.html
  • https://autovaz-2114.ru/electrical-equipment-in-the-car/shtatnyj-bk-na-vaz-2114-zachem-on-nuzhen-i-kak-im-polzovatsya/
  • https://logan-50.ru/otechestvennyj-avtoprom/bortovoy-komp-yuter-na-vaz-2114-shtat-instrukciya.html
  • https://AvtoSotka.ru/to/bortovoj-kompyuter-shtat-vaz-2114.html
  • https://ladafakt.ru/nastrojka-bortovogo-kompyutera-vaz-2114.html
  • https://ProAutoMarki.ru/bortovoi-komputer-vaz-2114-fynkcional-ystanovka-i-obzor-2-modelei-ystroistva/
  • https://avtonomnaya-gazifikaciya.ru/obsluzhivanie/bk-na-vaz-2114.html
  • https://bolt-taxi.com/instruktsiya-po-ekspluatatsii-bortovogo-kompyutera-vaz-2114/
  • https://moto163.ru/tyuning-i-servis/funkcii-bortovogo-kompyutera-vaz-2114.html
  • https://carfrance.ru/instrukciya-dlya-bortovogo-kompyutera-vaz-2114/


Carburetor VAZ 2109 cars were equipped with devices with router functions. Installation of injection power plants VAZ 2114, VAZ 2115 and other models required the use of a completely different type of device. Most of its functional activities are devoted to diagnosing and controlling the operation of almost all devices and systems of vehicles.

The operation of the VAZ 2114 BC is based on and has the following operating principle:

  1. Receiving signals from sensors through the control unit, processing them and issuing messages on the display, as well as the ability to make adjustments for other systems;
  2. Processing signals from systems that are not controlled by the controller. In the event of an emergency, the corresponding icon is displayed on the information board, and a sound signal is also given.

What standard trip computers exist?

Option 1. In the instrument cluster.

Option 2. Installed instead of a small plug next to the ACS unit

These were installed on “luxury” dozens. There are models AMK 211000 without diagnostics, and AMK 211001, AMK 211002 with diagnostics. You can find out which one you have by looking at the numbers on the back cover. To do this, naturally, the MK must be removed. If on the back there are the inscriptions AMK-211001 or AMK 211002, and in clock mode, when you press the “clock” button, the inscriptions Err appear and then two more - great. You have a full-fledged bookmaker.

If these are the inscriptions:

Unfortunately, this is a BC that either lacks diagnostic capabilities or has “cut-off” firmware.” Craftsmen resolder and reflash such models, but in my opinion they are not worth it.

It is very easy to remove such a MK. We disconnect the terminal of the “negative” wire from the battery terminal. We pry it off with a screwdriver...

remove the MK from its seat.

. disconnect the wire block from it.

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