Technological procedure for bleeding the clutch in a VAZ 2106 car

Due to the fact that the VAZ 2106 is equipped with a clutch, which has hydraulics in its design, from time to time it is necessary to carry out not only routine maintenance and repairs, but also bleeding of the clutch hydraulic drive. This is due to the fact that air may enter the system during operation. The air, of course, depressurizes the entire system, which leads to adverse consequences, be it an accident or even an accident.

Among other things, air can enter the system during repair work, after replacing brake fluid, etc. That is why it is imperative to take measures to eliminate defects. After all, defects in this system that are not eliminated can contribute to the breakdown of interfaces, components and parts of the transmission.

How to properly bleed the clutch on a VAZ-2106

The VAZ-2106 car is equipped with a clutch, the design of which has hydraulics, and therefore it should be periodically pumped.
This happens due to the fact that during operation of the machine air can enter the system. This, in turn, leads to its depressurization, malfunctions and unnecessary consequences, which can be avoided with timely repairs. Other reasons why air enters the system may include replacing certain components or carrying out repair work. After such activities, it is imperative to carry out an inspection and eliminate any identified defects. Otherwise, this leads to transmission failure. To properly bleed the clutch, you must have the following materials available:

  • brake fluid;
  • rubber hose;
  • a set of locksmith tools;
  • clean plastic container;
  • rags.

It is recommended to carry out such work in a pit or on an overpass.

It should also be noted that if the clutch is pumped immediately after changing the brake fluid, then it is imperative to clean the drain fitting of the clutch master cylinder.

Tooling of the workplace

Don’t know how to properly bleed the clutch on a VAZ 2106 with your own hands? Fortunately, there is a way out! To do this, you just need to use a practical guide, taking into account some recommendations. Naturally, to perform this operation you will need to have the necessary set of plumbing tools, hollow clean containers, an auxiliary hose, rags

If it is necessary to bleed the clutch hydraulic drive after replacing the used brake fluid with a new one, then, alas, it is impossible to do without cleaning the main fluid drain fitting. Therefore, you will definitely need a special brush with a steel working surface in the form of wire.

Instructions for bleeding the VAZ-2106 clutch

  1. To begin with, put a hose on the fitting hole (they must have the same diameter), having previously cleaned it of dust and dirt.
  2. Next, the opposite side of the hose must be installed in a tank into which the already used brake fluid will be poured.

Note: the rubber hose must be put on the pipe with a reserve so that it does not fly off.

  1. At the next stage, the owner of a VAZ-2106 car will need the help of a partner, since it is necessary to depress the clutch pedal several times, with some time interval.
  2. Once the pedal movement begins to become difficult, you need to stop and hold it in this position.
  3. The car owner, in turn, must at this time loosen the pipe until the brake fluid begins to flow down the hose (if bubbles are noticed in it, this indicates that there is air in the system).
  4. When moisture begins to come out, you may notice that the clutch begins to fail. After it is deepened all the way, you can screw the fitting back.
  5. At this time, the assistant should begin to squeeze the clutch again.
  6. The steps must be repeated until all bubbles have disappeared from the exiting brake fluid.
  7. While pumping, you may notice that the fluid level decreases. There is nothing wrong with this, it just needs to be topped up as needed.

Note: you need to ensure that the TJ does not drop below 10 millimeters from the bottom. Otherwise, air will appear in the system again, which means that all the work will have to be repeated again.

  1. Next, you will need to check the brake fluid level and, if necessary, top it up to the filler neck.
  2. Then tighten the cap of the VAZ-2106 tank, unfasten the hose and screw in the fitting.

At this stage, bleeding the clutch can be considered complete, but you should not immediately drive onto a busy highway. You should drive a little on the road without other cars.

During such a check, you need to pay attention: so that while the reverse gear is engaged and the pedal is pressed all the way, there is no grinding of gears or other unnecessary noise. A situation where such sounds, noises or creaks occur indicates that the work was not carried out entirely correctly, and there is air left in the system. Accordingly, the entire procedure will have to be repeated.

In conclusion, it must be said that bleeding the clutch, like all other necessary checks and repairs, must be carried out efficiently and on time. All this affects the proper functioning of the car, and the safety of not only the driver, but also those around him depends on it.

How to bleed the clutch correctly bleed the clutch correctly

The need to pump the clutch among motorists does not arise so often, so it can even be called rare. But this is not a reason to ignore this procedure altogether, therefore in this article we will talk about the features of bleeding the clutch.

What you should know

Device diagram
Despite the fact that this problem is not encountered so often, no particular difficulties arise. It’s enough just to stick to one algorithm.

Preparing for work

How it works
You should know that the cause of this problem is air getting into the clutch system. Because of this, some malfunctions appear, and the system itself stops working correctly. In this case, you just need to know how to properly bleed the clutch to remove air.

Let's first get acquainted with the pumping algorithm.

  • We prepare the system for operation;

Connects the rubber hose to the fitting;

Press the clutch and drain the fluid until all the air comes out.

To put it briefly, everything is exactly like this. There are no particular difficulties in the work, but if something happens, you should simply act according to the circumstances. In fact, the operation of removing air from the hydraulic system of a vehicle control mechanism only sounds complicated. But in reality everything is quite clear and simple.

What tools will be needed to complete the task? What must be observed? This is quite important, because the result directly depends on it. After all, it’s always unpleasant when in the process you suddenly discover the absence of the necessary tool

  • A regular set of tools that can be found in any garage or car trunk;

How can you bleed the clutch on a VAZ-2106 alone?

The need to bleed the hydraulic clutch on a VAZ-2106 does not arise very often. Nevertheless, sometimes owners of “sixes” still need to go through this procedure. It should be noted right away that there is nothing particularly complicated here. The clutch must be pumped according to the same algorithm as the brakes. Surely all car enthusiasts have done this at least once in their lives. Therefore, in this case there is definitely no need to visit a car service center. It won’t take you much time, and you don’t need any special skills.

How to bleed the clutch of VAZ 2107 and 2106

To carry out the procedure, you will need another person - he must press the brake pedal. All hoses and connections must be intact. Cracks and other defects are not allowed. You can only add brake fluid that is poured into the system. Regardless of what is located under the hood of the car - an injector or a carburetor - the sequence of actions will be the same.

“Sixes” and “sevens” are equipped with hydraulic drives. The hydraulic drive requires special attention. Before bleeding the VAZ 2107 clutch, it is worth inspecting the entire brake system to determine whether there is any fluid leakage. You can start the procedure only if there are no leaks. If pumping is carried out after replacing the working fluid, you will have to clean the main fluid pump drain from the dirt accumulated there with a metal brush.

  • We put the prepared hose on the outlet of the fitting, which we first clean from dirt deposits. The hose must be pressed onto the fitting with force. We take its other end into the liquid collector. Now your partner needs to depress the clutch 5-6 times. The interval between presses should be 2-3 seconds. If after this the pedal does not return to its original position, it must be returned manually.
  • Your partner pushes the clutch pedal to the floor and holds it in that position. At this time, it is necessary to unscrew the fitting to drain the working fluid. The brake fluid will come out along with air bubbles. After this, we tighten the fitting again, and give the command to the partner to depress the pedal. Then the procedure of unscrewing and tightening the fitting is repeated.
  • After these actions, the pedal should “harden” and its movement will become elastic. These steps must be performed several times until air bubbles stop coming out of the hose.

Finally, we tighten the fitting until it stops, and remove the hose from it. Add working fluid to the required level. Screw on the tank cap. All that remains is to wipe off any fluid stains, test the hydraulic drive for leaks, and check the operation of the unit with the engine turned on.

Is there a difference between a "six" and a "seven"?

Here we talked about carrying out the procedure on the “Seven”, but we did not tell you how to bleed the clutch on a VAZ 2106. In fact, there is no difference - the procedure is carried out exactly the same. There are no fundamental differences between the models at all - they have the same engines and chassis. It is believed that the “six” is a little more reliable, and the “seven” has a more comfortable interior.

No special knowledge or skills are required to upgrade. But this simple procedure is very important to maintain good controllability of the car. All you need is a set of standard tools and one assistant.

Why does the brake pedal sink but the brake fluid does not drain?

There are many possible causes of pedal failure. True, as a rule, diagnosing the cause and eliminating the breakdown yourself is not difficult.

Changing antifreeze on Lada 2109: technology and frequency of work

Technological replacement of antifreeze on a VAZ 2109 car: preparation, action plan, pitfalls.

How to change brake fluid on cars with anti-lock braking systems?

Replacing brake fluid on cars with different ABS designs: recommendations, sequence of actions, comments.

Learning to repair Lada Priora: dismantling and installing the main brake cylinder

In the current Lada Priora model, AvtoVAZ engineers were able to eliminate some errors that occurred in the tenth series.

Technology for repairing elements of the brake system of a VAZ 2110 car. Main and working brake cylinders

The main elements of the brake system of a modern car. Hydraulic drive is the main type of design used to install a service brake system

How to properly bleed the clutch on a VAZ-2106 car

Before starting any work, you need to know the sequence of actions. In other words, you need to understand what is being done and in what sequence. The clutch on the “six” should also be pumped in accordance with a certain algorithm of actions. However, as mentioned above, there is really nothing complicated here.

First, let's remind you exactly when it is necessary to carry out such a procedure as bleeding the clutch. This must be done if there is air in the system. It is precisely this that should be removed from there. Air enters the hydraulic system of the mechanism due to loose tightening of threaded connections, or due to problems with the pipelines themselves.

In order to bleed the clutch on a VAZ-2106, you will need a minimum set:

  • spanners;
  • brake fluid and a container for draining it;
  • a hose whose diameter matches the drain fitting;
  • stop for fixing the clutch pedal.

About brake fluid for VAZ 2106

As mentioned above, the “six” clutch is actuated by a hydraulic drive running on conventional brake fluid. This fluid is poured into the brake reservoir, located in the engine compartment, to the right of the engine. The operating instructions for the “six” indicate the exact volume of brake fluid in the system: 0.55 liters. But experienced owners of “sixes” recommend filling in a little more - 0.6 liters, since they remember that sooner or later the clutch will have to be pumped, and a small leak of fluid is inevitable.

The optimal choice for the owner of a “classic” is DOT4 class liquid

Brake fluid is divided into several classes. In our country, DOT4 class fluid is most popular among 6 drivers. The basis of the liquid is ethylene glycol, which includes a set of additives that significantly increases the boiling point of the liquid and lowers its viscosity.

Video: adding brake fluid to the “classic”

Technological procedure for bleeding the clutch in a VAZ 2106 car

The VAZ “six” is equipped with a clutch drive, which uses hydraulics in its design. Such hydromechanical systems require increased attention and maintenance, which includes bleeding the hydraulic clutch of the VAZ 2106, carried out as necessary. The essence of such an operation as bleeding the clutch is to remove from this system a certain volume of air masses that has entered during operation.

Air may also end up in the hydraulic system after repair work has been carried out due to depressurization or after replacing the working fluid used in it. Accordingly, before you start bleeding the clutch, it is imperative to eliminate the causative defects, otherwise all the work carried out will be in vain. Indeed, due to defects in this system, breakdowns in the associated units and transmission elements are possible.

When is it necessary to bleed the clutch?

As noted above, the clutch bleeding procedure is necessary when the hydraulic system is depressurized, which is most often caused by repair or diagnostic work. At the same time, air can also enter the hydraulic system over time when the machine is used if the connections of the clutch mechanism units have not been tightened properly. In addition, cracks in the pipeline or other malfunctions can cause air to enter the clutch.

There are several symptoms that indicate that the clutch needs to be pumped:

  • The car jerks when driving;
  • The clutch pedal “beats”;
  • The required result is not achieved when squeezing the clutch, only after one and a half or double squeeze.

Driving a car with a faulty clutch is extremely dangerous, both for the driver and for the units. You can bleed the clutch without contacting a service center by following the instructions below.

Bleeding the hydraulic clutch of a VAZ 2106

If the question arises of how to bleed the clutch of a VAZ 2106, you should prepare the necessary plumbing tools and auxiliary material in the form of a container with brake fluid, an auxiliary hose and a reservoir for filling the drained waste.

If the hydraulic clutch of a VAZ 2106 is pumped after replacing the brake fluid, then it is first necessary to clean the drain fitting of the main clutch cylinder (clutch master cylinder) from dirt and dust deposits. This work is carried out using a special brush with a working surface made of steel wire.

To gain solid knowledge of how to bleed the clutch, you need to follow the following algorithms:

  1. We put the pre-stored rubber hose onto the fitting outlet, which has been treated and cleaned of dirt and dust deposits. This connecting element must be pulled onto the fitting with some force. We direct the other outlet of the hose to the tank to receive used brake fluid.
  2. To carry out the operation of bleeding the clutch, the help of another person is required, who will help carry out subsequent actions while inside the vehicle.
  3. The assistant must depress the pedal of the device 5-6 times, and the time interval between pumping should be 3-4 seconds. If, after pressing the pedal device, the product does not restore its original position, then it should be returned to the starting position.
  4. After recessing, the clutch pedal is held in the recessed position by an assistant in the cabin. At the same time, a car enthusiast working on a hydraulic drive must slightly unscrew the fitting to drain the working fluid using a wrench. At this time, the “brake fluid” with air bubbles begins to come out.
  5. After the leak from the rubber hose has stopped, tighten the drain fitting and give the command to your partner in the cabin to release the pedal so that it assumes a free position.
  6. We repeat the previous technological cycle with unscrewing and tightening the fitting element. A logical continuation of these actions should be a gradual “hardening” of the clutch pedal, i.e. it should acquire elasticity.
  7. The frequency of these successive operations must be repeated 3 to 5 times or until the end of the release of air bubbles from the rubber hose directed into the reservoir for draining the used brake fluid. In this case, it is important to control the volume of brake fluid in the standard clutch reservoir. The brake fluid level must not be allowed to decrease less than 10 mm from the lower edge of the hydraulic drive reservoir!
  8. After creating a vacuum in the clutch hydraulic drive, it is necessary to tighten the fitting device completely and remove the hose from the rubber base. The other end of the hose must be kept in a tank with a “brake seal”, because it contains used liquid, after which it is necessary to drain this liquid.
  9. Add working fluid to the standard tank to the specified amount and tighten the tank cap with a little force.
  10. We wipe off excess leaked fluid with a dry rag and test the clutch hydraulic drive unit for possible leaks. Next, we try the operation of the hydraulic drive with the engine turned on and then switching on the speeds. During normal operation the vehicle can be driven.


Important! If you bleed the hydraulic clutch drive after changing the fluid, you first need to clean the drain fitting of the main clutch cylinder from dirt and dust.

This is done using a brush that uses steel wire instead of bristles.

The stand shows the principle of bleeding the clutch.

Everything you need for the operation

Work on pumping the clutch on a VAZ 2106 must be carried out on an overpass or pit. You will also need the help of a partner.

The tools we need are:

  • brake fluid;
  • rubber hose;
  • capacity;
  • key to 8.

The best option for VAZ 2106 is Neva M

Algorithm of actions

Filling tank

  1. First of all, pour fresh liquid into the VAZ 2106 tank to the bottom mark of the neck.
  2. Now you need to slightly loosen the fitting located on the working cylinder.
  3. Next you need to put a hose on it.
  4. We lower the other end into a container (preferably transparent) in which the remaining wateriness is located.
  5. At this stage you will need the participation of your partner. It is necessary that he press the pedal until its movement begins to become difficult.
  6. Next, he must hold the pedal in this position.
  7. You need to loosen the fitting little by little. At this time, liquid will begin to flow through the hose.
  8. If you see bubbles in the outlet, this means there is air in the system.
  9. When moisture starts to come out, you may notice that the clutch is failing.
  10. Wait until it falls completely and tighten the fitting.
  11. At this time, your partner should start pumping again.
  12. Repeat this until there are no bubbles in the outlet.
  13. During operation, the liquid level will naturally drop. Therefore it needs to be topped up.
  14. Make sure that the liquid does not fall below ten millimeters from the bottom. If the level drops too low, air will return to the system and the job will have to be repeated again.
  15. After completing the work, you need to check the level.
  16. If necessary, top up to the lower neck line.
  17. We tighten the cap of the VAZ 2106 tank.
  18. Disconnect the hose.
  19. We tighten the fitting.

The request returned an empty result.
At this point the work can be considered complete and you need to drive a little to make sure everything is done correctly.

First of all, make sure that there is no grinding of gears when the pedal is fully depressed and reverse gear is engaged. If this is still heard, it means that air remains in the system and all work will have to be repeated.

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Tuned sports clutch

In motor sports, which is a kind of testing ground for the development and implementation of innovations in vehicle components and mechanisms, an increased load is applied to the special clutch. After all, this unit is operated when rotating at an angular speed of 6-10 thousand rpm and at the maximum power values ​​of the power unit. The standard clutch cannot withstand such force, so install a basket with an increased value of the clamping force from 30 to 100 percent.

At the same time, the impact on the drive pedal increases, which creates some problems in the speed of gearbox shifting. Therefore, components such as Kevlar alloy, ceramics or polymer carbon are used as friction linings for the drive type disc. Each type of such friction compounds has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Ceramics does not heat up and withstands large impacts, but it requires the creation of high clamping force and has a reduced friction force. Carbon has high resistance to the mating surface, low material density and high heat resistance. Kevlar alloy has increased wear resistance, heat resistance and at the same time has a reduced friction index. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to cool down after heating. For a driven type disk, it is advisable to use a springless damper that can withstand increased loads.

Bleeding the clutch on VAZ 2106, 2107 cars

On cars with a manual transmission, the most common type is a dry single-plate clutch. On cars of the VAZ family, just such a clutch is used - consisting of a driven and driven disk, a release bearing, and a drive.

Structurally, the clutch elements are almost the same, but the drives on VAZs can be of several types - on cars belonging to the “Classic” family (VAZ-2101 - VAZ-2107) a hydraulic drive is used, and starting with the VAZ-2108 model they began to install a cable drive.

And if the cable drive is structurally very simple - there is only a cable connecting the clutch pedal in the cabin with the fork, which acts on the release bearing, then with a hydraulic drive everything is somewhat more complicated.

Why bleed the clutch on VAZ cars and when to do it?

Bleeding alone will not eliminate all car breakdowns. But if during diagnostics it is determined that liquid or dirt has entered the system, the problem must be solved immediately.

The “seven” clutch drive consists of:

Without going into technical details, we can say that bleeding the clutch of VAZ 2106 and 2107 is necessary to remove air from the system, since there should not be any there at all.

The procedure must be carried out if the clutch stops turning off. For example, the car is in first gear, the pedal is depressed, and movement begins even before the pedal is released. If the pedal is released very easily, this is also a reason to remove air bubbles from the system.

Design and principle of operation of the clutch

The clutch pedal is connected to the clutch master cylinder through a rod. The same rod acts as a piston in this cylinder. There is also a working cylinder - it is installed on the clutch housing. The piston of this cylinder is connected to the release fork.

The force from the driver's foot is transmitted through fluid, so the clutch cylinders are connected to each other by a pipeline.

Fluid is supplied to the master cylinder from the reservoir. The working element is ordinary brake fluid.

It all works like this: the driver presses the clutch pedal, the rod enters the master cylinder and pushes the fluid out of it.

To prevent the liquid from flowing back into the tank, the piston closes the supply fitting from the tank.

Since the fluid is not compressed, it moves through the pipeline and begins to press on the piston in the working cylinder. This piston comes out and pushes the fork, which acts on the release bearing.

About the clutch master and slave cylinders

To move the levers in the VAZ 2106 clutch system, hydraulics, rather than cables, are used. This is a feature of all classic VAZ models, from the “kopek” to the “seven” inclusive. The hydraulics of the clutch system on the “six” consists of three main elements: the master cylinder, the slave cylinder and hoses. Let's look at each element in more detail.

About the clutch master cylinder

The clutch master cylinder is located directly under the brake fluid reservoir, so it's easy to get to if necessary. It is the master cylinder that creates excess pressure in the entire hydraulic system of the car after the driver presses the pedal. Due to the increase in pressure, the slave cylinder is activated, transmitting force directly to the clutch discs.

The clutch master cylinder of the “six” is not large in size

About the clutch slave cylinder

The slave cylinder is the second most important element of the hydraulic clutch system on the VAZ 2106. As soon as the driver presses the pedal and the master cylinder increases the overall pressure level in the hydraulics, the pressure in the slave cylinder also changes abruptly.

The working cylinder of the “six” is the second important element of the clutch hydraulics

Its piston extends and presses on the clutch fork. After this, the mechanism starts the sequence of processes mentioned above.

Clutch hydraulic hoses

The third most important element of the clutch hydraulic drive is the high-pressure hoses, without which the operation of the system is simply impossible. On early six models, these hoses were completely metal. On later models, reinforced hoses made of high-strength rubber began to be installed. These hoses had the advantage of withstanding high pressure and being flexible, which greatly simplified the procedure for replacing them.

Reinforced hoses are very flexible, but not very durable

But there was also a serious drawback: despite their high reliability, reinforced hoses still wore out faster than metal ones. Neither reinforced nor metal clutch hoses can be repaired. And if there is a brake fluid leak, the driver will have to change them.

Symptoms and causes of malfunction

There are not so many symptoms of air in the clutch hydraulic drive - difficult gear shifting, crunching of gear teeth when shifting, especially when engaging reverse gear, weakening of the effort to depress the clutch pedal.

Often the cause of airing is a drop in the working fluid level below the minimum value; in this case, air enters the main cylinder through the fitting.

It is possible that liquid began to leak from the system due to loose connections of the pipelines, or their damage; a leak may appear from under the cylinder sealing rings due to wear.

There may even be an option when the hole in the tank lid is clogged. This hole is needed to equalize the pressure in the tank.

And if it becomes clogged inside the system, a vacuum occurs during operation, causing air to penetrate through the sealing rings.

Well, of course, after repair work related to the clutch and its drive, the system will be aired.

To restore the drive's functionality and remove air bubbles, the system should be bled.

This operation is in many ways similar to bleeding the brake system. But before starting work, the cause of airing should be identified.

Therefore, before starting work, you should carefully inspect all drive elements for leaks. If any are found, they must first be eliminated.

How to replace clutch fluid on a VAZ 2101-VAZ 2107?

Draining: 1) First, before you start working, use a clean or slightly dirty rag to wipe the clutch reservoir, or just its cover, to make it more pleasant to work with.

2) Next, grab the tank cap with your hand, and thereby completely unscrew it and put it aside so as not to lose it.

3) Next, if the crankcase protection installed on your car bothers you, let’s say it’s too big, then remove it to gain access to the clutch slave cylinder. (For information on how to remove the protection, see the article: “Replacing the crankcase protection”)

Necessary tool

Then you can proceed directly to the pumping process. To do this you will need:

  • Open-end wrench or socket wrench 8;
  • Container for draining (with a small amount of liquid);
  • New fluid;
  • Silicone transparent tube;
  • Rags.

This is all the required equipment.

An interesting fact is that with identically used drives on different “Classic” models, the bleeding process is different, so methods for pumping a hydraulic drive on VAZ-2106 and VAZ-2107 vehicles will be described below.

What is needed to bleed the brake system?

The procedure must be carried out through a fitting located under the bottom of the working cylinder. This work does not require special training, but must be carried out with a partner. High-quality repairs can be carried out with standard parts and tools. By the way, you will definitely need to replace the old fittings, since the edges on them will probably soon be erased.

For pumping you will need the following components:

  • brake fluid and a container for transferring it;
  • balloon wrench, jack;
  • wheel chock (2 pcs.);
  • wooden supports;
  • rubber hose, minimum length - 50 cm;
  • wrenches “8” and “10”.

In addition, you will need penetrating lubricant, a liquid container and a tube made of transparent material. The diameter of the tube must match the diameter of the bleeder fitting.

Bleeding the clutch on a VAZ-2106

First, let's bleed the clutch on the VAZ-2106.

For ease of work, it is better to drive the car into a pit or overpass. Additionally, outside assistance will be required.

Before starting work, you need to clean the reservoir from dust, check the fluid level and add it if necessary.

The clutch bleeder located on the slave cylinder should be cleaned. Then the protective cap is removed from this fitting and the tube is put on it. The other end must be lowered into the drain container.

Before starting pumping, it is advisable to immediately check the possibility of unscrewing the fitting; often it becomes very sour in its seat, and it is quite difficult to tear it out of place.

If you manage to tear the fitting out of place, you need to tighten it back. After this, the assistant inflates the system by sharply pressing the pedal 4-5 times, after which he holds it.

The fitting is unscrewed half a turn, after which liquid with air bubbles will flow down the tube. As soon as the fluid stops flowing, the fitting must be tightened.

Afterwards, you need to repeat the process of pumping and draining the liquid several times, periodically checking the level in the tank.

It is important to ensure that liquid begins to flow through the tube without bubbles, after which the fitting is finally tightened and the cap is put on it.

Replacing clutch fluid on a VAZ 2101-VAZ 2107

Welcome! Clutch fluid - over time it becomes unusable like any other fluid, and therefore over time it needs to be changed, but not everyone knows how to do this, so especially for these people we have prepared this article, which describes in detail the replacement of fluid in the clutch hydraulic drive .

Note! To change the fluid in the hydraulic drive, you will need to stock up on: New brake fluid, and you will also need to take an assistant with you, so changing the fluid with him will be much easier, and you will also need any container into which the used fluid will be drained, and You will also need to stock up on a small hose about 0.5 meters long, with the help of which the fluid will be drained from the clutch hydraulic drive!

And also, to replace the fluid in the clutch, you need to stock up on: A clean or slightly dirty rag, and you will also need to take a basic set of wrenches, which will include small “8” and “10” wrenches!

What should be poured into the clutch hydraulic drive? We are often asked this question, and the answer is very simple. Only brake fluid should be poured into the clutch drive, because it does not compress, thereby not creating depressurization in the system, which in turn can lead to complete failure of the clutch.

Where is the clutch reservoir located? Many people very often confuse the clutch reservoir with the brake reservoir, and therefore, so that you never get confused in these nuances, we will explain it right away. The clutch reservoir has always been and is currently located on classics closer to the fender, so that you understand in more detail, in this case, look just below the photo in which the hydraulic reservoir is clearly visible and indicated by an arrow.

When do you need to change the fluid in the clutch reservoir? As was said a little earlier, over time, any fluid loses its properties and thus can no longer normally perform the function for which it was created, therefore it is recommended to change the fluid in the hydraulic drive after five years of operation of the car, or if it gets into the system air that should not be in the system, and thus you have to bleed the clutch system of the car and thereby also have to replace the brake fluid in the clutch tank with a new one. (For information on how to bleed the system, see the very bottom of the article in the “Important!” section, there will be a link to bleeding the clutch on a VAZ)

Bleeding the clutch on a VAZ-2107

On the VAZ-2107, the preparatory work is identical - the system is checked for leaks, the tank and fitting are cleaned.

It may be necessary to remove the dust shield to access the working cylinder fitting (on injection VAZ-2107 models).

Next, the tube is put on the fitting; first it must be “torn” out of place.

The bleeding process on this car is carried out as follows: the fitting is unscrewed half a turn, the assistant sharply presses the pedal, and then gradually releases it, while the fitting does not need to be tightened back.

The assistant must press the pedal sharply until liquid without air begins to flow through the tube, after which the pedal must be pressed and held, and the fitting must be tightened.

↑ Bleeding the hydraulic clutch

We pump the hydraulic drive when air gets into the system for one reason or another. The presence of air in the hydraulic drive leads to incomplete disengagement of the clutch (the clutch “drives”) and, as a result, difficult gear shifting.

We carry out the work together on an inspection ditch or lift in the following sequence:

  • We clean the bleeder fitting of the clutch slave cylinder from dirt and, if necessary, add fluid to the reservoir.
  • We remove the protective cap and put a rubber hose on the head of the fitting, the end of which is lowered into a container with a small amount of liquid. A transparent hose is convenient - the bubbles of the air being removed are clearly visible in it.
  • An assistant presses the clutch pedal 3–5 times at press intervals of 2–3 s and holds the pedal depressed.
  • Unscrew the fitting 1/4–1/3 turn. The pedal will move forward. When the flow of liquid with air bubbles from the hose stops, tighten the fitting, after which the assistant releases the pedal.

We repeat this operation until air bubbles stop coming out of the system, monitoring the liquid level in the tank and adding it as necessary.

When replacing the fluid, pump the system until fresh, lighter fluid comes out of the hose.

Checking the quality of clutch bleeding

Regarding the pumping itself, it should be noted that the process itself should not be long: on a VAZ-2106 - 4-5 pumps followed by draining and 5-7 sharp presses on the pedal with a leisurely release - on a VAZ-2107.

If the process takes more steps, you need to look for where air got into the system, fix the problem, and then pump it again.

You can check the operation of the drive after bleeding while driving.

Start the car, move slowly and change gears. If there are no signs of hydraulic drive malfunction, we can assume that the pumping was done correctly.

How to bleed the clutch of a VAZ 2107

Clutch bleeding is necessary after air enters the system and due to mechanical wear of the units. It is also necessary if, during system adjustment, it was not possible to achieve a good connection between the components.

Some time after the start of operation of the car, bleeding the VAZ 2107 clutch must be carried out. The point here is not in the features of the parts used, but in the principle of operation of the mechanism.

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